!version: $Revision: $ !date: Thu Jun 26 16:47:13 EDT 2003 !saved-by: pj37 !autogenerated-by: DAG-Edit version 1.306-beta-1 ! !Trait Ontology definitions ! term: 100-dehulled grain weight goid: TO:0000591 definition: Weight of the 100-dehulled grain having pericarp (seed coat) definition_reference: GR:pj term: 100-grain weight goid: TO:0000518 definition: Average weights of 100-full grain with the hull (seeds) obtained from a grass plant, representing the overall yield or produce from the field. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: 100-polished grain weight goid: TO:0000594 definition: Weight of the 100-polished grain (without hull and pericarp) weight. definition_reference: GR:pj term: 100-seed weight goid: TO:0000269 definition: Measurements in grams of 100 well-developed whole grains (seeds with the hull), dried to 13% moisture content, weight on a precision balance. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: 1000-dehulled grain weight goid: TO:0000592 definition: Weight of the 1000-dehulled grains having pericarp (seed coat). definition_reference: GR:pj term: 1000-grain weight goid: TO:0000533 definition: Average weights of 1000-full grain with the hull (seeds) obtained from a grass plant, representing the overall yield or produce from the field. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: 1000-polished grain weight goid: TO:0000595 definition: Weight of the 1000 polished grain (without hull and pericarp) weight. definition_reference: GR:pj term: 1000-seed weight goid: TO:0000382 definition: Measurements in grams of 1000 well-developed whole grains (seeds with the hull), dried to 13% moisture content, weight on a precision balance. definition_reference: GR:pj term: abaxial stomatal frequency goid: TO:0000529 definition: Number of stomata present on the abaxial surface of leaf definition_reference: GR:pj term: abiotic stress related trait goid: TO:0000168 definition: Response by the plant in terms of resistivity or sensitivity to abiotic stress. definition_reference: GR:pj term: aborted at pollen maturity stage goid: TO:0000353 definition: Abortion at later stage of microspore development, the pollen looks like fertile pollen. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: aborted bi-nucleate stage goid: TO:0000415 definition: Abortion at bi-nucleate stage of microspore development definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj comment: An example is CMS-HL in rice term: aborted tri-nucleate stage goid: TO:0000026 definition: Abortion at tri-nucleate stage of microspore development definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj comment: An example is CMS-boro in rice term: aborted uni-nucleate stage goid: TO:0000060 definition: Abortion at uni-nucleate stage of microspore development definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj comment: An example is CMS-WA in rice term: acid sensitivity goid: TO:0000479 definition: Sensitivity to acidic pH of the growth conditions . definition_reference: GR:pj term: acid soil sensitivity goid: TO:0000178 definition: When the soil pH is on acidic side definition_reference: GR:pj term: adaxial stomatal frequency goid: TO:0000530 definition: Number of stomata present on the adaxial surface of leaf. definition_reference: GR:pj term: ADP glucose pyrophosphorylase activity goid: TO:0000284 definition: Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate = diphosphate + ADP-glucose. definition_reference: EC: definition_reference: GO:0008878 term: alkali digestion goid: TO:0000134 definition: Is an indirect measure of gelatinization temperature. Observed by placing six milled-rice kernels in 10ml 1.7% KOH in a shallow container and arrange them so that they do not touch. Let them stand for 23hrs at 30degC temperature and score for spreading. Measure for Alkali digestion is inversely proportional to the gelatinization temperature, e.g. if alkali digestion is low, the gelatinization temperature is high. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: alkali sensitivity goid: TO:0000481 definition: Sensitivity to alkaline or basic pH of the growth conditions . definition_reference: GR:pj term: alkali soil sensitivity goid: TO:0000003 definition: Observed by general growth conditions in relation to standard resistant and susceptible checks. Since some soil problems are very heterogeneous in the field, several replications may be needed to obtain precise reading. Leaf is counted as discolored or dead if more than half of its area is discolored or dead. definition_reference: ICIS:1202 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: alpha-amylase activity goid: TO:0000288 definition: Catalysis of the endohydrolysis of 1,4-a-D-glucosidic linkages in polysaccharides containing three or more 1,4-a-linked D-glucose units. definition_reference: EC: definition_reference: GO:0004556 term: aluminum sensitivity goid: TO:0000354 definition: Sensitivity to aluminum content in the growth media. definition_reference: GR:pj term: amylopectin content goid: TO:0000097 definition: Measures the amylopectin content in a plant or plant part. It is a polysaccharide present in starch. Amylopectin is a polymer of alpha(1,4)-linked glucose units, as is amylose (see amylose). Unlike amylose, amylopectin contains branches of 24–30 glucose units connected to the main chain by an alpha(1,6) linkage. definition_reference: ISBN:198506732 term: amylose content goid: TO:0000196 definition: Amylose content in actual percentage. It is a water-dispersible component of starch and is a polymer of alpha(1,4)-linked glucose units. definition_reference: ICIS:1251 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: ISBN:198506732 term: amylose to amylopectin ratio goid: TO:0000372 definition: Ratio of amount of amylose to amylopectin content. definition_reference: GR:pj term: anther color goid: TO:0000187 definition: Variation in color of the anther. definition_reference: GR:pj term: anther length goid: TO:0000531 definition: Variation in the length of the anther. definition_reference: GR:pj term: anther number goid: TO:0000210 definition: Variation in the number of anthers in androecium.. definition_reference: GR:pj term: anther shape goid: TO:0000214 definition: Variation in the shape of anthers compared to the normal or reference type. definition_reference: GR:pj term: anthocyanin content goid: TO:0000071 definition: Anthocyanin is the red to purple pigments composed of soluble glycosides of anthocyanidins, present in leaves and floral tissue. Usually the pigment is produced under stress conditions. Amounts of anthocyanin produced depend on stored sugar and sunlight. The more stored sugar in the leaf and brighter the autumn days, the more intense red. Anthocyanin production also increases as phosphates move out of the leaves; the lack of phosphates in young leaves can also lead to the production of anthocyanin. definition_reference: ISBN:198506732 term: apiculus color goid: TO:0000140 definition: Defines the change in color of apiculus. definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: armyworm resistance goid: TO:0000273 definition: Causal agent is Pseudaletia unipuncta, Spodoptera mauritia and Spodoptera praefica. The swarming caterpillars cause severe damage to rice plants in nursery beds. definition_reference: web:http //pne.gsnu.ac.kr/riceipm/spodopte.htm definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r682300411.html comment: The worms appear suddenly in masses and move like an army from field to field so that seedbeds or the direct seeded fields look as if grazed by cattles. Generally, a transplanted crop is not severely affected. Damage by armyworms is most serious during periods of stem elongation and grain formation. Larvae defoliate plants, typically by chewing angular pieces off leaves. They may also feed on the panicle near the developing kernels causing these kernels to dry before filling. This feeding causes all or parts of the panicle to turn white. If the entire panicle is white, the damage may also be due to stem rot or feeding by rats. The seriousness of armyworm injury depends on the maturity of the plant and the amount of tissue consumed. Significant yield reduction can occur if defoliation is greater than 25% at 2 to 3 weeks before heading. They migrate from field to field and extensive losses are often caused within a week. Their migration is facilitated by the absence of standing water in the field. term: auricle color (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000294 definition: The changes in the color of auricle definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: auxin sensitivity goid: TO:0000163 definition: Response with respect to application of auxin. definition_reference: GR:pj term: awn color goid: TO:0000141 definition: Describes the change in color of the awn. definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: awn length goid: TO:0000072 definition: Defines the length of awn. definition_reference: ICIS:1063 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: bacterial blight disease resistance goid: TO:0000175 definition: Causal agent: Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. symptoms: lesions usually start near the leaf tips or leaf margins or both, and extend down the outer edge(s). young lesions are pale to grayish green, later turning yellow to grey (dead) with time. In very susceptible varieties, lesions may extend to the entire leaf length into the leaf sheath. definition_reference: ICIS:1101 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj comment: Young leaves should not be inoculated for assay. Old or leaves with symptoms of nutrient deficiency or other diseases should also be avoided for inoculation term: bacterial leaf streak disease resistance goid: TO:0000203 definition: Causal agent: Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola. Symptoms: linear lesions with small bacterial exudates evident. This scale may also be used for leaf smut caused by Entyloma oryzae. definition_reference: ICIS:1102 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: bakanae disease resistance goid: TO:0000418 definition: Causal agent: Gibberella fujikuroi. Symptoms: the plant elongates abnormally, has few tillers and usually dies before producing grains. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: basal internode diameter goid: TO:0000132 definition: Actual measurements in millimeters from the outer diameter of the culms at the basal portion of the main culm. Sample size = 3 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: basal leaf sheath color (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000367 definition: The changes in the color of basal leaf sheath color. definition_reference: ICIS:1306 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: basal root thickness goid: TO:0000094 definition: The thickness of the root present 2cm below the soil surface. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: beta-amylase activity goid: TO:0000338 definition: Catalysis of the hydrolysis of 1,4-alpha-glucosidic linkages in polysaccharides to remove successive maltose units from the non-reducing ends of the chains. definition_reference: EC: definition_reference: GO:0016161 term: biochemical trait goid: TO:0000277 definition: The traits associated with assay of either of the effected metabolite profile or enzymatic activity or biological processes. definition_reference: GR:pj term: biological process related trait goid: TO:0000283 definition: The trait associated with assay to determine the effected biological process. definition_reference: GR:pj term: biomass yield goid: TO:0000327 definition: The material produced by the growth of plants, especially as a product of farming. definition_reference: ICIS:1301 definition_reference: ISBN:0198506732 term: biotic stress related trait goid: TO:0000179 definition: Response by the plant in terms of resistivity or sensitivity to biotic stress. definition_reference: GR:pj term: bird damage resistance goid: TO:0000260 definition: Since there is no genetic resistance to birds, the damage can be quantified as it does represent resistance. Factors as flag leaf angle or panicle exsertion are important. definition_reference: ICIS:1169 definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: blue light sensitivity goid: TO:0000159 definition: Sensitivity response observed in an environment illuminated with blue light. definition_reference: GR:pj term: boron sensitivity goid: TO:0000018 definition: Sensitivity to the boron content in the growth medium. It plays an important role in cell division definition_reference: GR:pj term: broad-leaved weed goid: TO:0000101 definition: a common sedge weed Monochoria vaginalis (monochoria) , California arrowhead Sagittaria montevidensis, Gregg arrowhead Sagittaria longiloba, Ducksalad Heteranthera limosa, Echinodorus berteroi and E. cordifolius (Burhead), Ammannia spp (Redstems), Bacopa spp. (Waterhyssops), Alisma plantago-aquatica (Common waterplantain) . Grows as a weed in the rice field. Can be distinguished from rice plant by the leaf shape, venation, stem cross-section and plant shape leaf shape. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:9712200299 definition_reference: web:http //www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r682700999.html term: brown planthopper resistance goid: TO:0000424 definition: Causal agent: Nilparvata lugens (also Nilaparvata lugens). Symptoms: partial to pronounced yellowing and increasing severity of stunting. Extreme signs are wilting to death of plants. Infested areas in the field may be patchy. definition_reference: ICIS:1152 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: brown rice length goid: TO:0000041 definition: Length of the grain monitored after dehulling but before polishing. The grain should contain pericarp. definition_reference: ICIS:1259 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: brown rice protein goid: TO:0000138 definition: Total protein content of the brown rice. definition_reference: ICIS:1260 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: brown rice shape goid: TO:0000287 definition: Shape of the brown rice. Measure after harvesting, cleaning, and dehulling. definition_reference: ICIS:1258 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: brown spot disease resistance goid: TO:0000356 definition: Causal agent: Cochliobolus miyabeanus (Bipolaris oryzae, Drechslera oryzae).Symptom: typical leaf spots are small, oval or circular and dark brown. Larger lesions usually have same color on the edges but have a pale (usually grayish) center. Most spots have a light yellow halo around the outer edge. definition_reference: ICIS:1105 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: calcium sensitivity goid: TO:0000006 definition: Sensitivity to the calcium content in the growth medium. Plays an important role in cell wall synthesis and enzyme activities. definition_reference: GR:pj term: canopy temperature goid: TO:0000157 definition: Assay determines temperature of the leaf canopy. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: carbohydrate content goid: TO:0000291 definition: Measures the carbohydrate content in a plant or plant part. definition_reference: GR:pj term: carbon content goid: TO:0000466 definition: Amount of carbon present in the dry mass. definition_reference: GR:pj term: carbon sensitivity goid: TO:0000001 definition: Synthesis of carbohydrates for strengthening and storage definition_reference: GR:pj term: carotene content goid: TO:0000289 definition: Measures the carotene content in a plant or plant part. These are any group of naturally occurring tetraterpenes (carotenoids) that are synthesized only in plants. definition_reference: ISBN:198506732 term: carotenoid content goid: TO:0000496 definition: Measures the carotenoid content in a plant or plant part. These are any group of naturally occurring tetraterpenes that are synthesized only in plants. definition_reference: ISBN:198506732 term: caseworm resistance goid: TO:0000405 definition: Causal agent: Nymphula depunctalis. Symptoms: Larvae feed on leaf tissue, leaving only the papery upper epidermis. definition_reference: ICIS:1153 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: chalky endosperm goid: TO:0000266 definition: Defines a representative milled sample for the degree (extent) of chalkiness that will best describe the sample with respect to (a) white belly, (b) white center, (c) white back. definition_reference: ICIS:1253 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: chemical stress sensitivity goid: TO:0000482 definition: Response by the plant in terms of resistivity or senility to chemical stress. definition_reference: GR:pj term: chinsurah boro CMS goid: TO:0000169 definition: Abortion of microspore development at trinucleate stage definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: chlorine sensitivity goid: TO:0000029 definition: Sensitivity to the chlorine content in the growth medium. Chloride helps regulate the correct pH (acid/alkaline) balance. This is a major electrolyte in the living cell besides sodium and potassium. It is available to the cell mainly in the form of NaCl and KCl salts. definition_reference: GR:pj term: chlorophyll content goid: TO:0000495 definition: Measures the chlorophyll content in a green tissue. Includes both chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b. Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in plants. definition_reference: GR:pj comment: Chlorophyll is the principal photoreceptor in photosynthesis, the light-driven process in which carbon dioxide is fixed to yield carbohydrates and oxygen. Chlorophyll is a cyclic tetrapyrolle, similar in structure to the heme group of globins (hemoglobin, myoglobin) and cytochromes. Chlorophyll differs from heme in a few major respects, most notably that the central metal ion in chlorophyll is magnesium while that in heme is iron. term: chlorophyll ratio goid: TO:0000298 definition: Measures the a-a to chlorophyll-b content ratio in a green tissue. Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in plants. definition_reference: ISBN:198506732 comment: The average ratio of chl-a to chl-b is about 3:1. term: chlorophyll-a content goid: TO:0000293 definition: Measures the a-a content in a green tissue. It is a type of chlorophyll present as green pigment in plants. definition_reference: GR:pj term: chlorophyll-b content goid: TO:0000295 definition: Measures the-b content in a green tissue. It is a type of chlorophyll present as green pigment in plants. definition_reference: GR:pj term: chromium sensitivity goid: TO:0000034 definition: Sensitivity to the chromium content in the growth medium. definition_reference: GR:pj term: cms-hl type goid: TO:0000350 definition: Abortion of microspore development at bi-nucleate stage definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: cobalt sensitivity goid: TO:0000016 definition: Sensitivity to the cobalt content in the growth medium. definition_reference: GR:pj term: cold tolerance goid: TO:0000303 definition: Tolerance to cold temperatures if plant is exposed to below permissive temperature limits. Observe differences in vigor along with subtle changes in leaf color. The optimum time to make observations would be the seedling, tillering (sensu Poaceae), flowering and mature stages. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: coleoptile color goid: TO:0000244 definition: Measure of color of the coleoptile in the germinating seedling definition_reference: GR:pj term: copper sensitivity goid: TO:0000021 definition: Sensitivity to the copper ion content in the growth medium. Plays a role as cofactor in synthesis of some enzymes important in photosynthesis definition_reference: GR:pj term: crown rootless goid: TO:0000230 definition: Absence of crown roots in the plant definition_reference: GR:pj term: culm angle (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000427 definition: The angle of the culm with respect to the ground surface. definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: culm color (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000534 definition: Variation in the color of the culm of a grass plant. definition_reference: GR:pj term: culm length (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000309 definition: Measure from soil surface to highest point on grass stem. definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: culm number goid: TO:0000027 definition: Actual count of the total number of tillers after full heading, Specify if per plant, hill or area definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: culm thickness (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000535 definition: Measure of the thickness of culm of a grass plant. definition_reference: GR:pj term: cytokinin sensitivity goid: TO:0000167 definition: Sensitivity to the cytokinin content in the growth medium or external application. definition_reference: GR:pj term: cytoplasmic male sterility (sensu Oryza) goid: TO:0000232 definition: Caused by the interaction of cytoplasmic (mitochondrial) and nuclear genomes. The trait shows non-mendelian inheritance or maternal inheritance definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: days to flower goid: TO:0000344 definition: Number of days required to 50 percent blooming or flowering in a field. definition_reference: GR:pj term: days to heading (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000137 definition: Number of days required to 50 percent panicles/tassel exsertion from the flag leaf in a field or study. definition_reference: GR:pj comment: Number of days is calculated from either the day of sowing of seeds or from the day of transplanting the seedlings depending on type of study. term: days to maturity goid: TO:0000469 definition: Number of days required from seeding to seed/grain ripening . definition_reference: ICIS:1012 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: deep root dry weight goid: TO:0000081 definition: The average dry weight of the root, (for the root part 30cm below the soil surface) determined per tiller in a green house study. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: deepwater stress goid: TO:0000103 definition: The sensitivity response shown by the plant growing in a stagnant water for a long period of time (not unlike deepwater presence during flash flooding of the fields). definition_reference: GR:pj term: dehulled grain weight (sensu Oryza) goid: TO:0000590 definition: Weight of the dehulled grain from rice definition_reference: GR:pj term: drought recovery goid: TO:0000458 definition: Scores are taken after 10 days following soaking rain or watering- Indicate the degree of stress before recovery, definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: drought sensitivity goid: TO:0000188 definition: Drought sensitivity is highly interactive with crop phenology, plant growth prior to stress, and timing, duration, and intensity of drought stress. For many soils, it takes at least 2 rainless weeks to cause marked differences in drought sensitivity during the vegetative stage and at least 7 rainless days during the reproductive stage to cause severe drought injury. Leaf rolling precedes leaf drying during drought. Repeated ratings are recommended through progress of the drought. definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: drought susceptibility index goid: TO:0000155 definition: definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: drought tolerance goid: TO:0000276 definition: Becoming tolerant to drought like conditions of minimal or no water content in environment or high salt stress due to flash flooding in coastal areas definition_reference: GR:pj term: dull endosperm goid: TO:0000105 definition: Glassy and tarnished endosperm, low amylose content definition_reference: GR:pj term: ear diameter goid: TO:0000433 definition: Diameter mearuremnt of a corn ear. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: ear number goid: TO:0000443 definition: Number of ears found in a plant or and average number present in population. definition_reference: GR:pj comment: To be used only for traits from maize. term: elongation ability goid: TO:0000170 definition: Some plants can elongate and grow in areas annually flooded to varying depths. The scale is based on the performance of check varieties. Specify water depth under which the data was recorded. definition_reference: ICIS:1209 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: embryoless goid: TO:0000189 definition: Absence of embryo in the developing seed definition_reference: GR:pj term: embryosac abortion goid: TO:0000416 definition: Abortion of the embryosac leading to female sterility. definition_reference: GR:pj term: endosperm color goid: TO:0000487 definition: The color of the endosperm. definition_reference: GR:pj term: endosperm quality (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000150 definition: Classification is based on the staining reaction of the cut surface of endosperm to weaken KI-I solution. definition_reference: ICIS:1304 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: endosperm storage protein-1 content goid: TO:0000107 definition: Decreased amount of 13kD-b seed storage protein in endosperm definition_reference: GR:pj term: endosperm storage protein-2 content goid: TO:0000109 definition: Increased amounts of 57kD seed storage protein in endosperm definition_reference: GR:pj term: endospermless goid: TO:0000231 definition: Absence of endosperm in the seed or grain. definition_reference: GR:pj term: enzymatic activity/protein content related trait goid: TO:0000282 definition: The trait associated with an assay to determine the effected enzymatic activity. definition_reference: GR:pj term: epigenetic trait goid: TO:0000002 definition: An epigenetic trait is a distinguishable feature or a characteristic or a quality of character or a phenotypic feature of a developing or developed individual but have arisen as a result of mechanisms regulating the expression of the genes rather than differences in the gene sequence. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0198506732 term: ethylene sensitivity goid: TO:0000173 definition: Sensitivity to ethylene (C2H2) content in the growth medium or the environment. definition_reference: GR:pj term: false smut disease resistance goid: TO:0000129 definition: Causal agent: Ustilaginoidea virens. Symptoms: infected grains are transformed into yellow-greenish or greenish-black velvety-looking spore balls. definition_reference: ICIS:1106 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: far red light sensitivity goid: TO:0000130 definition: Sensitivity to the far red light content in the growth environment. definition_reference: GR:pj term: female fertility restoration trait goid: TO:0000498 definition: Describes the extent of female fertility restoration in terms of percent seed set definition_reference: GR:pj term: filled grain number goid: TO:0000447 definition: Determined by counting the number of spikelets filled with grain in one panicle. definition_reference: GR:pj term: filled grain percentage goid: TO:0000448 definition: Determined by counting the percent spikelets filled with grain in one panicle or plant. definition_reference: GR:pj term: flag leaf angle (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000124 definition: Leaf angle is measured near the collar as the angle of attachment between the flag leaf blade and the main panicle axis definition_reference: ICIS:1065 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: floret color goid: TO:0000536 definition: The color of the floret. definition_reference: GR:pj term: floury endosperm goid: TO:0000104 definition: Opaque and soft endosperm definition_reference: GR:pj term: flower color goid: TO:0000537 definition: The color of the flower. definition_reference: GR:pj term: forage yield goid: TO:0000388 definition: Yield of forage matter upon harvest. definition_reference: GR:pj term: fungal related grain discoloration goid: TO:0000023 definition: Causal agent: species of Sarocladium, Bipolaris, Alternaria, Gerlachia, Fusarium, Phoma, Curvularia, Trichoconiella and Psaudomonas etc. Symptoms: darkening of glumes of spikelets, brown color to black including rotten glumes caused by one or more pathogens. Intensity ranges from sporadic discoloration to discoloration of the whole glume. Severity of grain discoloration can be estimated by counting of grains with more than 25% of glume surface affected. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: gall midge resistance goid: TO:0000423 definition: Causal agent: Orseolia oryzae. For the field test to be valid more than 60% of the plants should be affected with not less than 15% silver shoot in the susceptible check. Similarly, 60% of the plants in susceptible check should show silver shoots under green house tests. If any of the test entry in the field evaluation exhibits damage less than 10%, on plant basis, rate it on scale-0, since such a damage could be due to other reasons. Monitor at growth stage 2-5 definition_reference: ICIS:1155 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: gel consistency goid: TO:0000211 definition: Scored by gel consistency type in mm. definition_reference: ICIS:1255 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: gelatinization temperature goid: TO:0000462 definition: Is an indication of gelatinization temperature. Observed by placing six milled-grains/kernels in 10ml 1.7% KOH in a shallow container and arrange them so that they do not touch. Let them stand for 23hrs at 30C temperature and score for spreading. Measure for Alkali digestion is inversely proportional to the gelatinization temperature, e.g. if alkali digestion is low, the gelatinization temperature is high. definition_reference: ICIS:1256 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: genetic trait goid: TO:0000256 definition: A genetic trait is a distinguishable feature or a characteristic or a quality of character or a phenotypic feature of a developing or developed individual that is linked to a physical or genetic marker definition_reference: GR:pj term: genetically engineered male sterility goid: TO:0000111 definition: The sterility induced by transgenes expressing cytotoxic component definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: genic-photoperiod sensitive goid: TO:0000009 definition: Male sterility affected by photoperiod definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: genic-thermo sensitive goid: TO:0000067 definition: Temperature sensitive male sterility, affected by environment definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: genic-thermo-photoperiod sensitive goid: TO:0000217 definition: Male sterility affected by both temperature and photoperiod definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: germinability at low temperature goid: TO:0000483 definition: Measure of the seed's germination ability at sub-permissive temperature levels. definition_reference: GR:pj term: germination ratio goid: TO:0000202 definition: Ratio of germinated to non-germinated seeds. definition_reference: GR:pj term: giant embryo goid: TO:0000113 definition: Large size of embryo definition_reference: GR:pj term: gibberellic acid sensitivity goid: TO:0000166 definition: Sensitivity to the gibberellic acid content in the growth medium or on external application. definition_reference: GR:pj term: glucosamine content goid: TO:0000297 definition: Measures the glucosamine content. It is one of the most abundant natural polysaccharide. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:198506732 term: glucose content goid: TO:0000300 definition: Measures the content of glucose in a plant or a plant part. It is a common monosaccharide that is a component of disaccharides (sucrose, lactose, and maltose) and various complex carbohydrates definition_reference: GR:pj term: glume opening goid: TO:0000474 definition: Angle of opening of glumes is measured on each floret, assessment based on mean angle of glume opening. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: glutamine synthetase content goid: TO:0000305 definition: Catalysis of the reaction: ATP + L-glutamate + ammonia = ADP + phosphate + L-glutamine. definition_reference: EC: definition_reference: GO:0004356 term: glutinous endosperm goid: TO:0000098 definition: Opaque and hard endosperm with low or no amylose content definition_reference: GR:pj comment: If the endosperm has high amount of amylose it is called as non-glutinous endosperm term: grain belly percent white goid: TO:0000383 definition: Percentage opaque white area in the kernel belly. definition_reference: GR:pj term: grain color (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000385 definition: Color of the dehulled, milled grain, which does not have pericarp. definition_reference: GR:pj term: grain core percent white goid: TO:0000390 definition: Percentage opaque white area in the kernel core. definition_reference: GR:pj term: grain length goid: TO:0000395 definition: Length of the dehulled, milled grain without pericarp. definition_reference: GR:pj term: grain number (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000139 definition: Determined by counting the number of grains. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: grain number per panicle (sensu Oryza) goid: TO:0000438 definition: Number of grains (full grain with hull) present in one rice panicle. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: grain number per plant goid: TO:0000440 definition: Number of grains (full grain with hull) present in one plant. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: grain shattering goid: TO:0000473 definition: measurement of extent of grain shattering, which depends on development of abscission zone. definition_reference: GR:pj term: grain size goid: TO:0000397 definition: Size of the dehulled, milled grain without pericarp. definition_reference: GR:pj term: grain thickness goid: TO:0000399 definition: Thickness of the dehulled, milled grain without pericarp. definition_reference: GR:pj term: grain weight (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000509 definition: Average weights of full grain with the hull (seeds) obtained from a grass plant, representing the overall yield or produce from the field. definition_reference: GR:pj37 comment: This definition of the grain weight is the same as that of the seed weight (sensu Poaceae). The term was created to annotate the traits/phenpotypes, when the author does not mention about whether it is the grain or the seed, then by default the object gets annotated for this term. term: grain width goid: TO:0000402 definition: Width of the dehulled, milled grain without pericarp. definition_reference: GR:pj term: grain yield (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000396 definition: The grain yield, measured in kilograms per hectare at 14 percent moisture. definition_reference: ICIS:1003 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: grass weed goid: TO:0000343 definition: a common grass weed Echinochloa glabbrescens or Echinochloa crus-galli (Barnyard grass), Typha spp. (Cattails), Leptochloa fascicularis (Bearded sprangletop) grows as a weed in the rice field. Can be distinguished from rice plant by the leaf shape, venation, stem cross-section and plant shape leaf shape. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:9712200299 definition_reference: www:http //www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r682700999.html term: green leafhopper resistance goid: TO:0000212 definition: Causal agent: Nephotettix spp.(Nephotettix virescens and Nephotettix cincticeps). It is the major vector for transmitting the tungro virus disease. Symptoms: Partial to pronounced yellowing and increasing severity of stunting. Extreme signs are wilting to death of plants. Infected areas in the field may be patchy. definition_reference: ICIS:1156 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: growth media pH sensitivity goid: TO:0000254 definition: Defines the pH of the growth media (soil/culture media), whether it is acidic or alkaline. definition_reference: GR:pj term: harvest index goid: TO:0000128 definition: Proportion of usable (economically significant) biomass over total (biological) biomass, expressed as a percentage. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: heat tolerance goid: TO:0000259 definition: tolerance to warm temperatures if plant is exposed to above than permissive temperature limits. Observe differences in vigor along with subtle changes in leaf color. The optimum time to make observations would be the seedling, tillering (sensu Poaceae), flowering and mature stages. Mainly scored in terms of spikelet fertility in grasses. definition_reference: ICIS:1210 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: heterosis goid: TO:0000355 definition: Exceptional vigor of growth etc. in plants or in animal, resulting from cross breeding among inter or intra species. definition_reference: ICIS:1011 definition_reference: GR:pj term: hexose content goid: TO:0000307 definition: Measures the hexose content in a plant or plant part. Hexose is any aldose having a chain of six carbon atoms in a molecule. definition_reference: ISBN:198506732 term: hydrogen sensitivity goid: TO:0000012 definition: Synthesis of carbohydrates for strengthening and storage, lipids, proteins, energy metabolism, osmolarity, etc. definition_reference: GR:pj term: inflorescence feature goid: TO:0000076 definition: The instances define various distinguishing trait features associated with inflorescence and its instances. definition_reference: GR:pj term: insect damage resistance goid: TO:0000261 definition: represents the damage done by the insects to the crop. The damage is a direct measure of resistance to the particular insect variety. The test evaluation is valid if insect population is uniformly distributed at a high level across the screening box or the field. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: internode color goid: TO:0000426 definition: The color on outer surface of the internodes on the culm is recorded. definition_reference: ICIS:1064 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: internode length goid: TO:0000145 definition: Measurement of length of the internode. definition_reference: GR:pj term: invertase activity goid: TO:0000311 definition: Catalysis of the hydrolysis of terminal non-reducing beta-D-fructofuranoside residues in beta-D-fructofuranosides. definition_reference: EC: definition_reference: GO:0004564 term: invitro regeneration ability goid: TO:0000243 definition: Measured as number of calli capable of differentiating into roots and(or) shoots under invitro tissue culture condition. definition_reference: GR:pj term: iron sensitivity goid: TO:0000224 definition: Sensitivity to the iron ion content in the growth medium. It is important for synthesis of chlorophyll and some enzyme activities. definition_reference: ICIS:1211 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: jasmonic acid sensitivity goid: TO:0000172 definition: Sensitivity to the jasmonic acid content in the growth medium or on external application. definition_reference: GR:pj term: kernel smut disease resistance goid: TO:0000048 definition: Causal agent: Tilletia barclayana. Symptoms: infected grains show minute black pustules or streaks bursting through the glumes. In severe infection, the rupturing glumes produce short beak-like or spur-like outgrowths. definition_reference: ICIS:1109 definition_reference: GR:pj term: kneeing ability goid: TO:0000337 definition: Represents the angle of the tiller in the submerged water fields (flash flooding). Less is the tiller angle compared to water surface the least is the chance of survivability definition_reference: ICIS:1212 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: large vascular bundle number goid: TO:0000539 definition: Number of the large sized vascular bundles. definition_reference: GR:pj term: large vascular bundle number to leaf area ratio goid: TO:0000538 definition: A ratio of the large sized vascular bundles to the leaf surface area. definition_reference: GR:pj term: large vascular bundle number to spikelet number ratio (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000451 definition: A ratio of number of large vascular bundles present in the spikelets to the number of spikelets in a panicle. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf angle goid: TO:0000206 definition: The angle of openness of the blade tip is measured against the stem. definition_reference: IRRI:SES comment: In rice it is measured against the culm on the leaf below the flag leaf. term: leaf area goid: TO:0000540 definition: Measurement of the total area of a leaf. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf area to spikelet number ratio (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000452 definition: A ratio of flag leaf area to the number of spikelets in a panicle. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf blast disease resistance goid: TO:0000468 definition: Causal agent: Magnaporthe grisea (Pyricularia oryzae - the imperfect/anamorphic stage name). definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf collar color (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000364 definition: Changes monitored in leaf collar color definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: leaf color goid: TO:0000326 definition: Changes observed in the color of leaf. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf elongation rate goid: TO:0000360 definition: Measure of growth or elongation rate of the leaf in a plant. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf height goid: TO:0000541 definition: Height of the leaf measured as described in various studies. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf lamina color goid: TO:0000299 definition: Change observed in leaf blade color definition_reference: ICIS:1054 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: leaf lamina pubescence goid: TO:0000055 definition: Extent of presence (presence of hairs) on the leaf blade surface. definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: leaf length goid: TO:0000135 definition: Actual measurements, in centimeters of the leaf. definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: leaf length to width ratio goid: TO:0000542 definition: A ratio of the leaf length to its width. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf nitrogen content goid: TO:0000543 definition: Amount of nitrogen present in the leaf tissue in the form of minerals and metabolites. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf number goid: TO:0000241 definition: Number of leaves in a plant at a particular growth stage definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf rolling goid: TO:0000085 definition: Leaf rolling is a feature observed in response to drought or water stress. It precedes leaf drying stage. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: leaf rolling time goid: TO:0000503 definition: Measure time taken by the leaf to roll completely under drought or water stress. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf scald disease resistance goid: TO:0000378 definition: Causal agent: Monographella albescens (Microdochium oryzae). Symptoms: the lesions occurs mostly near leaf tips, but sometimes start at the margin of the blade and develops into large ellipsoid areas encircled by dark-brown, narrow bands accompanied by a light-brown halo. definition_reference: ICIS:1110 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf senescence goid: TO:0000249 definition: A measure of ageing of leaf. Rapid senescence of leaves can be detrimental to yield. definition_reference: ICIS:1015 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: leaf shape goid: TO:0000492 definition: Variation in shapes and forms of leaf. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf shattering goid: TO:0000108 definition: Extent of leaf shattering based on the development of abscission zone. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf temperature goid: TO:0000504 definition: Measure of the leaf surface temperature. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf weight goid: TO:0000505 definition: Measure of the leaf weight. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf width goid: TO:0000370 definition: Actual measurements, in centimeters of the widest portion of the leaf blade. definition_reference: ICIS:1308 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: leaf-folder resistance goid: TO:0000403 definition: Causal agent: Cnaphalocrosis medinalis, Marasmia patnalis. Symptoms: larvae consume the leaf tissue except the epidermis, causing typical white streaks. They create a leaf tube during later stages of feeding. Plant is susceptible and resistant check (if available) after every 10-test entries. Replicate the test three times, if seed is available. Determined by percentage of damaged and folded leaves. definition_reference: ICIS:1157 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: lemma and palea color goid: TO:0000264 definition: At growth stage: 9, definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: lemma and palea pubescence goid: TO:0000417 definition: Describes the extent of pubescence (hairs) on the lemma and palea definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: light sensitivity goid: TO:0000075 definition: Response by the plant in terms of sensitivity to light stress (quality and quantity of light). definition_reference: GR:pj term: ligule color (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000197 definition: Changes observed in ligule color definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: ligule length goid: TO:0000024 definition: The actual measurement of ligules measured in millimeters from the base of the collar to the tip. definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: ligule shape (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000335 definition: Defines the actual shape of the ligule definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: liguleless (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000235 definition: Absence of ligule. definition_reference: GR:pj term: lodging incidence goid: TO:0000068 definition: Measure of percentage of plants that lodged. definition_reference: ICIS:1010 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: macronutrient sensitivity goid: TO:0000176 definition: Sensitivity response shown by the plant grown in either the excess or deficient amount of the macronutrient in the growth medium definition_reference: GR:pj term: magnesium sensitivity goid: TO:0000010 definition: Sensitivity to the magnesium content in the growth medium. It is important for chlorophyll biosynthesis and metal ion homeostasis. definition_reference: GR:pj term: male fertility restoration trait goid: TO:0000308 definition: Describes the extent of fertile pollen percentage. Also refers to male sterility-measure (extent of sterility) definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: male sterility goid: TO:0000437 definition: In plants, it represents the incompetence of the pollen to fertilize the ovum. Reasons could be non-viable pollen, incompatibility, pollen abortion, toxicity, genetic etc. Usually determined by either the pollen sterility or spikelet fertility (percent seed set). definition_reference: GR:pj term: male sterility extent goid: TO:0000037 definition: Determines the extent of male sterility of a male sterile line. Can be determined by either pollen sterility or spikelet fertility definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: male sterility type goid: TO:0000106 definition: Represents the different types of male sterility found in plants definition_reference: GR:pj term: manganese sensitivity goid: TO:0000073 definition: Sensitivity to the manganese content in the growth medium. It is important for activation of some enzymes and role in metal ion homeostasis. definition_reference: GR:pj term: metabolite content related trait goid: TO:0000281 definition: The trait associated with an assay to determine the effected metabolite's profile. definition_reference: GR:pj term: micronutrient sensitivity goid: TO:0000080 definition: Sensitivity response shown by the plant grown in either the excess or deficient amount of the micronutrient in the growth medium (soil) definition_reference: GR:pj term: molybdenum sensitivity goid: TO:0000025 definition: Important for nitrate fixation definition_reference: GR:pj term: NADH glutamate synthase content goid: TO:0000312 definition: Catalysis of the reaction: 2 L-glutamate + NAD+ = L-glutamine + 2-oxoglutarate + NADH + H+. definition_reference: EC: definition_reference: GO:0016040 term: narrow brown leaf spot disease resistance goid: TO:0000422 definition: Causal agent: Sphaerulina oryzina (Cercospora janseana) definition_reference: ICIS:1111 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: nematode damage resistance goid: TO:0000384 definition: crop damage done by nematode infection definition_reference: GR:pj term: nitrogen sensitivity goid: TO:0000011 definition: Sensitivity to the nitrogen content in the growth medium. It is important for protein synthesis, chlorophyll etc. definition_reference: GR:pj term: node color goid: TO:0000059 definition: The color on outer surface of the nodes on the culm is recorded. definition_reference: GR:pj term: nuclear mediated male sterility goid: TO:0000389 definition: Shows mendelian inheritance, caused by genetic modifications or mutations in the nuclear genome definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: nutrient sensitivity goid: TO:0000480 definition: Sensitivity response shown by the plant grown in either the excess or the deficient amount of the macro or micronutrient in the growth medium (soil/culture media) definition_reference: GR:pj term: obsolete goid: TO:0000005 definition: This contains the children terms that are no more in use definition_reference: GR:pj term: osmotic response sensitivity goid: TO:0000095 definition: Sensitivity to the osmoticum in the growth medium. definition_reference: GR:pj term: outcrossing potential goid: TO:0000330 definition: It is a measure of percent seed set on the out-pollinated primary panicle. definition_reference: ICIS:1061 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj comment: . term: oxygen sensitivity goid: TO:0000015 definition: Synthesis of carbohydrates for strengthening and storage definition_reference: GR:pj term: palea number goid: TO:0000209 definition: Number of palea in the floret. definition_reference: GR:pj term: panicle axis angle goid: TO:0000342 definition: Represents the angle of panicle axis. definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: panicle base to lowest branch goid: TO:0000545 definition: Length of the region between the panicle base to the lowest (the first) primary panicle branch. definition_reference: GR:pj term: panicle blast disease resistance goid: TO:0000477 definition: Causal agent: Magnaporthe grisea (Pyricularia oryzae). Symptoms are dark necrotic lesions covering partially or completely around the panicle base (node) or the uppermost internode or the lower part. definition_reference: ICIS:1119 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: panicle color goid: TO:0000201 definition: Variation in color of the panicle inflorescence. definition_reference: GR:pj term: panicle exsertion goid: TO:0000165 definition: Trait monitored by observing the extent of coverage of panicle by the flag leaf sheath. definition_reference: ICIS:1004 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: panicle length goid: TO:0000040 definition: Is the actual measurement in centimeters from panicle base to tip. definition_reference: IRRI:SES comment: Evaluated at growth stage:8 in rice term: panicle number (sensu Oryza) goid: TO:0000152 definition: Average number of panicles per plant in a study. definition_reference: ICIS:1057 definition_reference: GR:pj term: panicle threshability goid: TO:0000406 definition: Percentage of shattered grains, determined by firmly grasping and pulling the hand over the panicle, definition_reference: ICIS:1008 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: panicle to tiller ratio (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000453 definition: A ratio of number of tiller bearing the panicles to the total number of tillers. definition_reference: GR:pj comment: Not all the tillers bear panicle. term: panicle type goid: TO:0000089 definition: Panicle types are classified according to their mode of branching, angle of primary branches, and spikelet density. definition_reference: ICIS:1066 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: panicle weight goid: TO:0000014 definition: Average weight of the panicle from the plants or tillers in a given study. definition_reference: GR:pj term: peduncle top diameter goid: TO:0000546 definition: Measurement of the diameter at the tip of the peduncle. definition_reference: GR:pj term: penetrated root dry weight goid: TO:0000156 definition: At 50 days after sowing (DAS), the dry weight of roots penetrated through the wax-petrolatum layer is measured. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: penetrated root number goid: TO:0000083 definition: Its the total number of roots penetrating the hard pans of the soil or the number of roots penetrated through the wax-petrolatum layer measured at 50 days after sowing (DAS), definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: penetrated root thickness goid: TO:0000090 definition: At 50 days after sowing (DAS), the thickness of roots penetrated through the wax-petrolatum layer is measured. Penetrated root thickness is measured on penetrated roots immediately below the wax layer definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: penetrated to total root ratio goid: TO:0000510 definition: A ratio of penetrated to total number of roots in a plant. definition_reference: GR:pj term: percent root mass density 0-15 goid: TO:0000122 definition: Calculated as percent of root mass density in this section over the total root mass density. Both scored at the 0-15cm depth. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: percent root mass density 15-30 goid: TO:0000123 definition: Calculated as percent of root mass density in this section over the total root mass density. Both scored at the 15-30cm depth. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: percent root mass density 30-45 goid: TO:0000125 definition: Calculated as percent of root mass density in this section over the total root mass density. Both scored at the 30-45cm depth. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: perodidase-71 content goid: TO:0000313 definition: Catalysis of the reaction: donor + hydrogen peroxide = oxidized donor + 2 H2O. definition_reference: EC: definition_reference: GO:0004601 term: phenotypic acceptability goid: TO:0000322 definition: Breeding objectives for each location varies. The evaluation should reflect the overall acceptability of the variety in the location where it is being grown. definition_reference: ICIS:1005 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: phosphoglycerate mutase content goid: TO:0000314 definition: Catalysis of the reaction: 2-phospho-D-glycerate = 3-phospho-D-glycerate. definition_reference: EC: definition_reference: GO:0004619 term: phosphorus sensitivity goid: TO:0000102 definition: Sensitivity to the phosphorous content in the growth medium. It is important in various biochemical pathways and storage of energy. definition_reference: ICIS:1213 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: photoperiod sensitivity goid: TO:0000229 definition: Sensitivity response on the plant development and the related growth stages by the duration of light, to which the plant has been exposed. definition_reference: GR:pj term: physiological process related trait goid: TO:0000349 definition: Trait to assay the physiological processes in a plant definition_reference: GR:pj term: plant anatomy and morphology related trait goid: TO:0000017 definition: This category belongs to traits associated with changes in the anatomy or structure of the plant at organ, tissue or cellular level. definition_reference: GR:pj term: plant development related trait goid: TO:0000357 definition: Traits associated with observing effects on the development of the plant or plant parts. definition_reference: GR:pj term: plant dry weight goid: TO:0000352 definition: The dry weight of the whole plant. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: plant fresh weight goid: TO:0000442 definition: Fresh weight of the plant. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: plant genetic trait goid: TO:0000341 definition: A plant genetic trait is a distinguishable feature or a characteristic or a quality of character or a phenotypic feature of a developing or developed plant species which is genetically linked to a physical or genetic marker definition_reference: GR:pj term: plant height goid: TO:0000207 definition: actual measurement of plant height from soil surface to the the highest point in plant as identified in the study. definition_reference: ICIS:1006 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: Plant survival percentage under submergence goid: TO:0000512 definition: Percent of plants survived under submerged conditions. definition_reference: GR:pj term: plant volume goid: TO:0000559 definition: Space occupied by the plant. definition_reference: GR:pj term: polished grain weight (sensu Oryza) goid: TO:0000593 definition: Weight of the polished grain (without hull and pericarp) weight. definition_reference: GR:pj term: polished rice protein content goid: TO:0000410 definition: Total protein content of the polished rice. definition_reference: GR:pj term: pollen abortion type goid: TO:0000218 definition: Observations are made on staining behavior and number of nuclei in most of the pollens definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: pollen free goid: TO:0000245 definition: no pollen development, definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj comment: An example is rice TGMS line Norin PL12 term: pollen sterility goid: TO:0000053 definition: Observed under a microscope at magnification 10x10 after staining with 1% iodine potassium iodide (IKI) solution. Samples for pollen are collected from anthers and fixed in 70% alcohol. two-three anthers are extracted from each floret and pollens are squeezed out into the IKI solution drop. at least three fields are used to count the sterile pollens viz. unstained withered, unstained spherical and partially stained round and fertile pollens from stained round. percentage sterility is calculated as = (unstained withered+unstained spherical+partially stained) x 100/total number of pollens in the field including the fertile. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: potassium chlorate resistance goid: TO:0000502 definition: resistance to the KClO3 salt content in the growth medium. definition_reference: GR:pj term: potassium sensitivity goid: TO:0000008 definition: Sensitivity to the potassium ion content in the growth medium. It plays an important role in controlling water by osmosis and also in the metal ion homeostasis. definition_reference: GR:pj term: primary branch number goid: TO:0000547 definition: Number of primary branches present in the inflorescence definition_reference: GR:pj term: primary branching of panicle goid: TO:0000052 definition: The extent of primary branching usually sets the tone for shape and compactness of the inflorescence (panicle) definition_reference: GR:pj term: protein content goid: TO:0000598 definition: The total protein content measured in a plant or a plant part. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: quality related trait goid: TO:0000597 definition: Any trait contributing to the improvement of overall improvement of the product economical and or commercial importance. definition_reference: GR:pj term: rat damage resistance goid: TO:0000117 definition: since there is no genetic resistance to rats, the damage can be quantified as it does not represent resistance. definition_reference: ICIS:1170 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: ratooning ability (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000096 definition: Regeneration of the main stem and tillers after harvesting. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jn term: red light sensitivity goid: TO:0000158 definition: Sensitivity to the red light content in the growth environment. definition_reference: GR:pj term: relative biomass goid: TO:0000143 definition: Relative yield was calculated as the ratio of biomass in stress to that of control. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: relative water content goid: TO:0000136 definition: Leaf relative water content is determined at midday (12.00 noon), definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: relative yield goid: TO:0000153 definition: Relative yield is calculated as a ratio of yield in stress to that of control. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: reproductive growth time goid: TO:0000366 definition: Measure of time taken by the reproductive growth phase in a plant's life cycle. definition_reference: GR:pj term: resistance to disease by mycoplasma-like organism goid: TO:0000013 definition: the reaction of a certain genotype to infection can be assessed by a skilled worker based on visible symptoms after inoculation under natural conditions (infield) or under controlled conditions (in green house or growth chamber). definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj comment: The factors needed for successful test are the presence of sources and vectors, inoculation at the susceptible growth stage of the test plants and favorable environmental conditions. term: reversible male sterility goid: TO:0000004 definition: Trait of a plant in which the action of the cytotoxic gene used to introduce male sterility is suppressed by the application of a chemical to the plant. Reversion of the sterility allows the RMS parent to be self-fertilized, a step that overcomes the need to remove fertile sib plants prior to making the hybrid cross definition_reference: PMID:10645437 term: rhizome number goid: TO:0000548 definition: Number of rhizomes present in a plant. definition_reference: GR:pj term: rice bug resistance goid: TO:0000220 definition: Causal agent: Leptocorisa oratorius. monitored at growth stage 7-9, resistance is a measure of damaged grains per panicle definition_reference: ICIS:1159 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: rice delphacid resistance goid: TO:0000246 definition: Causal agent: Tagosodes orizicolus. Symptoms: partial to pronounced yellowing and increasing severity of stunting. Extreme signs are wilting and death of plants. Infested areas in the field may be patchy. (similar to the symptoms of whitebacked planthopper). definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj comment: The evaluation scales are based on symptoms. Incidence of dead plants could be considered for final evaluation term: rice grassy stunt 1 and 2 virus resistance goid: TO:0000213 definition: Causal agent: rice grassy stunt virus 1 (RGSV1) and rice grassy stunt virus 2 (RGSV2). symptoms: RGSV1 causes severe stunting, excessive tillering, pale green to yellow and narrow leaves with small rusty spots. RGSV2 causes severe stunting, excessive tillering, yellow to orange and narrow leaves with small rusty spots definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: rice grassy stunt virus-1 resistance goid: TO:0000127 definition: Causal agent: rice grassy stunt virus 1 (RGSV1). Symptoms: RGSV1 causes severe stunting, excessive tillering, pale green to yellow and narrow leaves with small rusty spots. definition_reference: GR:pj term: rice grassy stunt virus-2 resistance goid: TO:0000126 definition: Causal agent: rice grassy stunt virus 2 (RGSV2). symptoms: RGSV2 causes severe stunting, excessive tillering, yellow to orange and narrow leaves with small rusty spots definition_reference: GR:pj term: rice hoja blanca disease resistance goid: TO:0000147 definition: Causal agent: rice hoja blanca virus (RHBV). Symptoms: cream colored to yellow spots, elongating and coalescing to form longitudinal yellowish green to pale green striations. Streaks may coalesce to cover the whole leaf. Brown and sterile glumes with typical "parrot beak" shape of deformation. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: rice ragged stunt virus resistance goid: TO:0000386 definition: Causal agent: rice ragged stunt virus (RRSV). Symptoms: plants are stunted but remain dark green. Leaves are ragged and twisted. Vein swelling on leaf collar, leaf blades and leaf sheaths. definition_reference: ICIS:1112 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: rice tungro virus resistance goid: TO:0000413 definition: Causal agent: Rice tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV) and rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV). The disease is transmitted by the green leafhopper Nephotettix spp. Symptoms: Yellow-to-yellow orange leaves, stunting and slightly reduced tillering. definition_reference: ICIS:1113 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.fao.org/inpho/vlibrary/t0567e/T0567E03.htm term: rice whorl maggot resistance goid: TO:0000332 definition: Causal agent: Hydrellia philippina. Symptoms: Leaf margin feeding causes conspicuous damage and sometimes stunting of plants. definition_reference: ICIS:1162 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: rice yellow mottle virus resistance goid: TO:0000088 definition: Causal agent: rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV). Symptoms: stunting, reduced tillering, mottling and yellowish streaking of the leaves, delayed flowering or incomplete emergence of the panicle; in extreme cases, death of plants. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: root dry weight goid: TO:0000078 definition: The average dry weight of the root determined per tiller from a green house study definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: root dry weight to tiller number ratio goid: TO:0000579 definition: The trait is an indirect measure of the balance between water absorption and transpiration. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: root epidermis cell length goid: TO:0000459 definition: Length of the root epidermal cell length. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: root fresh weight goid: TO:0000578 definition: The average fresh weight of the root determined per tiller from a green house study definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: root length goid: TO:0000227 definition: Average maximum length of the root of a plant in a study. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: root mass density 0-15 goid: TO:0000116 definition: Root mass density 0-15 cm was calculated as the dry mass of roots per unit soil volume at 0-15 cm soil section. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: root mass density 15-30 goid: TO:0000118 definition: Root mass density 15-30 cm was calculated as the dry mass of roots per unit soil volume at 15-30 cm soil section. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: root mass density 30-45 goid: TO:0000119 definition: Root mass density 30-45 cm was calculated as the dry mass of roots per unit soil volume at 30-45 cm soil section. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: root number goid: TO:0000084 definition: Average sum of number of roots in a plant derived per experiment. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: root penetration index goid: TO:0000471 definition: It’s the fraction of number of penetrated roots over the total number of roots. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: root thickness goid: TO:0000306 definition: The average thickness of roots. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR:jcl term: root volume goid: TO:0000233 definition: Is an indirect measure of root mass or density. Quantified in terms of cubic centimeters by water displacement method. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GR_REF:6917 term: rootless goid: TO:0000198 definition: Absence of roots in the seedling or plant definition_reference: GR:pj term: rubisco content goid: TO:0000319 definition: Amount of Rubisco enzyme or protein present in a given plant or the plant part. definition_reference: GR:pj term: rubisco to chlorophyll ratio goid: TO:0000320 definition: A ratio of the amount of rubisco protein to that of the chlorophyll content in a plant or plant part. definition_reference: GR:pj term: rubisco to nitrogen content ratio goid: TO:0000321 definition: A ratio of the amount of rubisco protein to that of the total nitrogen content in a plant or plant part. definition_reference: GR:pj term: rubisco to soluble protein ratio goid: TO:0000324 definition: A ratio of the amount of rubisco protein to that of the soluble protein content in a plant or plant part. definition_reference: GR:pj term: salt sensitivity goid: TO:0000429 definition: Plant sensitivity observed in response to different concentrations of salt in the growth medium. definition_reference: ICIS:1214 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: scent goid: TO:0000087 definition: Represents the aroma of the grains. code 0-2 is assigned for the aroma at flowering or at maturity by cooking test. definition_reference: ICIS:1252 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: secondary branch number goid: TO:0000557 definition: Number of secondary branches in an inflorescence definition_reference: GR:pj term: secondary branching of panicle goid: TO:0000142 definition: The extent of secondary branching usually determines the shape and compactness of the inflorescence (panicle) definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: sedge weed goid: TO:0000030 definition: a common sedge weed Cyperus iria (rice flatsedge), Cyperus difformis (Small flower umbrella sedge), Rice field bulrush Scirpus mucronatus, River bulrush Scirpus fluviatilis. Grows as a weed in the rice field. Can be distinguished from grass plant by the leaf shape, venation, stem cross-section and plant shape leaf shape. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:9712200299 definition_reference: web:http //www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/r682700999.html term: seed coat color goid: TO:0000190 definition: The color of the seed coat definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: seed color goid: TO:0000486 definition: The color of the seed or the fruit caryopsis in cereals, which has not been dehulled. definition_reference: GR:pj term: seed length goid: TO:0000146 definition: Is the average length of the seed or caryopsis fruit in a cereal (with hull). definition_reference: ICIS:1051 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: seed length to width ratio goid: TO:0000411 definition: ratio of length to width of the seed or fruit caryopsis with hull. definition_reference: GR:pj term: seed number goid: TO:0000445 definition: Number of seeds in the fruit or in a grass inflorescence. definition_reference: GR:pj term: seed shape goid: TO:0000484 definition: Defines shape of the seed or fruit caryopsis. definition_reference: GR:pj term: seed size goid: TO:0000391 definition: seed size is determined by its length to width ratio definition_reference: ICIS:1302 definition_reference: GR:pj term: seed thickness goid: TO:0000304 definition: Thickness of the seed or fruit caryopsis with the hull. definition_reference: GR:pj term: seed weight goid: TO:0000181 definition: Average weight of seeds obtained from a plant, representing the overall yields or produce from the field. definition_reference: ICIS:1058 definition_reference: GR:pj term: seed weight (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000589 definition: Average weights of full grain with the hull (seeds) obtained from a grass plant, representing the overall yield or produce from the field. definition_reference: GR:pj term: seed width goid: TO:0000149 definition: Determined by the actual measurement of width in millimeters as the distance across the seed. definition_reference: ICIS:1052 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: seedling blight disease resistance goid: TO:0000204 definition: Causal agent: Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. symptoms: lesions usually start near the leaf tips or leaf margins or both, and extend down the outer edge(s). young lesions are pale to grayish green, later turning yellow to grey (dead) with time. In very susceptible varieties, lesions may extend to the entire leaf length into the leaf sheath. Kresek or seedling blight causes wilting and death of plant. definition_reference: ICIS:1117 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: seedling height goid: TO:0000019 definition: Average height measurements of 10 seedlings, in centimeters from the base of the shoot to the tip of the tallest leaf blade. definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: seedling vigor goid: TO:0000280 definition: Represents the seedling growth of the plant. definition_reference: ICIS:1007 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: self-incompatibility goid: TO:0000310 definition: Self-incompatibility allows plants to recognize and reject pollen from the same plant, thereby reducing inbreeding. definition_reference: PubMed:PMID 10066554 comment: In most cases self-incompatibility is controlled by a single genetic locus, recent results show that complex signal transduction pathways and many players are involved in pollen recognition and rejection term: seminal root length goid: TO:0000586 definition: Length of the seminal root. definition_reference: GR:pj37 comment: Seminal root is the primary root originating in a plant after germination. term: setback viscosity goid: TO:0000412 definition: Determined by deducting teh peak viscosity from teh cool paste viscosity. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: sheath rot disease resistance goid: TO:0000086 definition: Causal agent: Sarocladium oryzae. Symptoms: oblong or irregular brown to grey lesions on the leaf sheath near panicle; sometimes coalescing to prevent emergence of panicle. definition_reference: ICIS:1114 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: shoot dry weight goid: TO:0000552 definition: The dry weight of the shoot without inflorescence. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: shoot fresh weight goid: TO:0000571 definition: Fresh weight of the shoot without inflorescence. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: shoot weight goid: TO:0000568 definition: Weight of the shoot without inflorescence. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: shootless goid: TO:0000195 definition: The germinating seed does not produce shoot. definition_reference: GR:pj term: shrunken endosperm goid: TO:0000100 definition: Shrunken and opaque to translucent endosperm. Rich in sugars definition_reference: GR:pj term: small vascular bundle number goid: TO:0000558 definition: Number of small sized vascular bundles present in a plant part. definition_reference: GR:pj term: soluble protein content goid: TO:0000325 definition: Amount of the soluble protein present in the plant or the plant part. definition_reference: GR:pj term: space per culm goid: TO:0000560 definition: Space occupied by each culm or the tiller in a plant. definition_reference: GR:pj term: space to culm ratio goid: TO:0000561 definition: A ratio of total space or volume occupied by the whole plant to the total number of culms or tiller in the plant. definition_reference: GR:pj term: spikelet fertility goid: TO:0000180 definition: Determined by percent of spikelets with grains identified by pressing the spikelets with the fingers and counting those that have no grains or the percent seed setting. definition_reference: ICIS:1001 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ICIS:1059 definition_reference: ICIS:1062 term: spikelet length to width ratio goid: TO:0000563 definition: A ratio of length to the width of the spikelet. definition_reference: GR:pj term: spikelet number (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000456 definition: Number of spikelets in an inflorescence (e.g. rice panicle) definition_reference: GR:pj term: spikelet sterility (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000436 definition: Determined by counting the filled and unfilled spikelets of the bagged grass inflorescence. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: spikelet width goid: TO:0000564 definition: Width of the spikelets present in a grass inflorescence. definition_reference: GR:pj term: spikelets per panicle length goid: TO:0000565 definition: Number of spikelets present in the rice panicle per unit length. definition_reference: GR:pj term: stamen number goid: TO:0000225 definition: Number of stamens present in the flower. definition_reference: GR:pj term: stem borer resistance goid: TO:0000454 definition: causal agents: Chilo suppressalis (striped), C. polychrysus (dark headed), Rupela albinella (South American white), Scirpophaga incertulas (yellow), S innotata (white), Sesamia inferens (pink), Maliarpha separatella (african whiteheads), Diopsis macrophthalma (stalked-eyed fly), and several other species. definition_reference: ICIS:1164 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: stem length goid: TO:0000576 definition: Measure from soil surface to highest point on stem. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: stem rot disease resistance goid: TO:0000323 definition: Causal agent: Magnaporthe salvinii (Nakataea sigmoidea, Sclerotium oryzae), and Helminthosporium sigmoideum var. irregulare. Symptoms: dark lesions develop on the stems near the water line. Small, dark bodies (sclerotia) develop, weaken the stem and cause lodging. definition_reference: ICIS:1115 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: stem strength trait goid: TO:0000051 definition: The test gives indication of culm stiffness and resilience definition_reference: ICIS:1014 definition_reference: IRRI:Rice SES (1996) definition_reference: GR:pj term: sterile lemma color goid: TO:0000400 definition: Describes color of the sterile lemma definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: sterile lemma length goid: TO:0000240 definition: Describes the length of the sterile lemma. The measurement is made on each of the two sterile lemmas. definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: stigma color goid: TO:0000185 definition: Stigma color is determined from blooming flowers or florets. definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: stigma exsertion goid: TO:0000044 definition: Trait is monitored by counting number of flowers or florets that have completed anthesis on a given day and showing exserted stigma. Trait expressed as percent stigma exsertion. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj comment: Scale, (%), Stigma exsertion; 1- Above 70, Well exserted; 3- 41-70, Moderately well exserted; 5- 21-40, Just exserted; 7- 11-20, Partly exserted; 9- 0-10, Enclosed. Evaluated at growth stage:6 and 7 in rice term: submergence sensitivity goid: TO:0000286 definition: Measure of sensitivity of a plant if placed under submergence condition. definition_reference: ICIS:1215 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: sucrose content goid: TO:0000328 definition: The amount of sucrose present in the plant or the plant part. definition_reference: GR:pj term: sucrose phosphate synthase activity goid: TO:0000331 definition: Catalysis of the reaction: UDP-glucose + D-fructose 6-phosphate = UDP + sucrose 6-phosphate. definition_reference: EC: definition_reference: GO:0046524 term: sugar content goid: TO:0000333 definition: Amount of sugar present in the plant or the plant part. definition_reference: GR:pj term: sugary endosperm goid: TO:0000099 definition: Endosperm is wrinkled and glassy when dry. definition_reference: GR:pj term: sulfur sensitivity goid: TO:0000007 definition: Response by the plant in terms of sensitivity to sulfur content in the growth medium. It is important for synthesis of some amino acid residues definition_reference: GR:pj term: temperature response related trait goid: TO:0000432 definition: Response by the plant in terms of sensitivity to temperature stress. definition_reference: GR:pj term: thrips resistance goid: TO:0000154 definition: Causal agent: Stenchaetothrips biformis. monitored at growth stage 2-3 definition_reference: ICIS:1166 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: tiller number (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000346 definition: Number of tillers per plant, should represent most plants within a study. definition_reference: ICIS:1068 definition_reference: IRRI:SES term: tillering ability (sensu Poaceae) goid: TO:0000329 definition: Degree of tillering is affected by variety, spacing of plants in the field, season of planting, and environmental conditions e.g. nitrogen levels. definition_reference: ICIS:1009 definition_reference: ISBN:9712200299 definition_reference: GR:pj term: total amylase activity goid: TO:0000336 definition: A combined activity of both the alpha and beta amylase enzymes. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: GO:0016160 definition_reference: EC:3.2.1.- term: total soluble sugar content goid: TO:0000340 definition: Total amount of soluble sugar present in the plant or plant part. definition_reference: GR:pj term: udbatta disease resistance goid: TO:0000045 definition: Causal agent: Balanasia oryzae-sativae (Ephelis oryzae). Symptoms: a white mycelial mat ties the panicle branches together so that they emerge as single, small, cylindrical rods. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: ufra damage goid: TO:0000121 definition: Causal agent: the stem nematode Dictylenchus angustus. Symptoms: leaf mottling or chlorotic discoloration in a splash pattern at base of young leaves in stem elongation or mid-tillering stage; brown stains may develop on leaves and sheaths which later intensify to a dark brown color. A characteristic distortion consisting of twisting and withering of young leaves. A distortion of panicle which either remains enclosed with in a swollen sheath, partially emerge but are twisted and with unfilled grains or emerge completely but with unfilled grains and resembling a whitehead. definition_reference: ICIS:1116 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj comment: Evaluated at growth stage:6-7 in rice term: unassigned goid: TO:0000183 definition: The term has the instances, which are yet to be assigned a lineage definition_reference: GR:pj term: vascular bundle number goid: TO:0000472 definition: Number of vascular bundles present in a plant part. definition_reference: GR:pj term: vegetative growth time goid: TO:0000369 definition: Measure of the vegetative growth phase time in a plant's life cycle. definition_reference: GR:pj term: vegetative vigor goid: TO:0000296 definition: Represents the growth of plant. Used to evaluate genetic material under stress and non-stress conditions, several factors may interact, influencing the seedling vigor (e.g. tillering ability, plant height, etc), definition_reference: GR:pj term: viral disease resistance goid: TO:0000148 definition: The assessment of the response to a virus infection based on visible symptoms after inoculation under natural conditions (infield) or under controlled conditions (in green house). definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: water stress related trait goid: TO:0000237 definition: Response by the plant in terms of sensitivity to water stress (quality and quantity of water). definition_reference: GR:pj term: weed damage goid: TO:0000347 definition: Weeds reduce the yield regardless of planting season. They compete for sunlight, nutrients and water. If any of these is lacking, the others cannot be used effectively, even if a lot are present. Thus, the competition results in poor plant growth and less yield. definition_reference: ISBN:9712200299 definition_reference: GR:pj term: white-backed planthopper resistance goid: TO:0000205 definition: Causal agent: Sagotella furcifera. Symptoms: partial to pronounced yellowing and increasing severity of stunting. Extreme signs are wilting and death of plants. Infested areas in the field may be patchy. (similar to the symptoms of whitebacked planthopper). definition_reference: ICIS:1167 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: wild abortive CMS goid: TO:0000110 definition: Abortion of microspore development at uni-nucleate stage definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: xanthophyll content goid: TO:0000301 definition: Measures the xanthophyll content in a plant or plant part. These are any group of naturally occurring tetraterpenes (carotenoids) that are synthesized only in plants and contain oxygen in various forms. definition_reference: ISBN:198506732 term: yellow dwarf disease resistance goid: TO:0000292 definition: Causal agent: Mycoplasma. Symptoms: pale yellow, droopy leaves, excessive tillering and stunting. definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj term: yield component goid: TO:0000039 definition: defines the components that determine the over all yield from a plant definition_reference: GR:pj term: zinc sensitivity goid: TO:0000351 definition: Sensitivity to the zinc content in the growth medium. It acts as cofactor for certain enzymes like Class II Aldolases , Metalloproteases, alkaline phosphatase, etc.. definition_reference: ICIS:1217 definition_reference: IRRI:SES definition_reference: GR:pj