!version: $Revision: $ !date: Tue Jul 22 11:58:25 EDT 2003 !saved-by: pj37 !autogenerated-by: DAG-Edit version 1.306-beta-1 ! !Plant Anatomy Ontology definitions ! term: abscission zone goid: GRO:0000146 definition: Zone at base of leaf, flower, fruit, or other plant part that contains an abscission (or separation) layer and a protective layer, both involved in the abscission of the plant part. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: achenium goid: GRO:0006015 definition: A one-seeded, dry, indehiscent fruit with seed attached to fruit wall at one point only, derived from a one-loculed superior ovary definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: As found in Ranunculus (NCBI Tax ID: 3445) term: aerenchyma goid: GRO:0005702 definition: Parenchyma tissue containing particularly large intercellular spaces of schizogenous, lysigenous, or rhexigenous origin. definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: As applied to an intercellular space, originating by a combination of two processes, separation and degradation of cell walls. term: aerenchyma cell goid: GRO:0005600 definition: Cells of aerenchyma definition_reference: GR:pj term: aggregate goid: GRO:0006011 definition: Fruits obtained when the carpels of an apocarpous gynoecium ripen individually but in the course of ripening the individual fruits of a flower aggregate to form a single unit. definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 comment: As found in Rubus (NCBI Tax ID: 23216), strawberry (NCBI Tax ID: 3747) term: albuminous cell goid: GRO:0005688 definition: certain cells in the phloem rays or in the parenchyma of gymnospermae, which are connected morphologically and physiologically to the sieve elements. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 comment: Unlike the companion cells of the Angiospermae, these cells do not usually arise from the same cell as the sieve element. term: androecium goid: GRO:0005439 definition: One or more whorls or groups of stamens; all stamens in flower. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html term: androgynophore goid: GRO:0005729 definition: The stipe or column on which stamens and carpels are borne. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: angular collenchyma goid: GRO:0005621 definition: A form of collenchyma in which the primary wall thickening is most prominent in the angles where several cells are joined. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: anther goid: GRO:0005596 definition: Pollen-bearing portion of stamen. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_ix.html term: anther lobe goid: GRO:0005680 definition: One half of anther containing two pollen sacs or male sporangia. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_ix.html term: anther locule goid: GRO:0005393 definition: Compartment of an anther. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_ix.html term: antipodal cell goid: GRO:0000192 definition: cells located at the chalazal end of the mature embryo sac in angiosperms definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: aperture goid: GRO:0000299 definition: A depressed region in the pollen wall in which thick intine is covered by thin exine; the pollen grain emerges through the aperture. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: aril goid: GRO:0005386 definition: Outgrowth of funiculus, raphe, or integuments; or fleshy integuments or seed coat, a sarcotesta. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xii.html term: atactostele goid: GRO:0005284 definition: A stele consisting of vascular bundles scattered throughout the ground tissue as in the Monocots definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: atrichoblast goid: GRO:0000263 definition: Cell formed after asymmetric division of root epidermal cell that does not give rise to a root hair definition_reference: ISBN:0387987819 term: auricle goid: GRO:0005321 definition: Outgrowths at the base of a grass leaf blade that may wrap around the stem. Also, have hairy outgrowths definition_reference: GR:pj term: axillary shoot goid: GRO:0005304 definition: Shoot formed axillary to the primary shoot meristem. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: basal cell goid: GRO:0000179 definition: the lowermost cell formed after the first division of the zygote. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: berry goid: GRO:0006021 definition: Fleshy fruit, with succulent pericarp. definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: As found in Vitis (NCBI Tax ID: 3603) and Lycopersicon (NCBI Tax ID: 49274) term: bract goid: GRO:0005651 definition: Modified leaf found in the inflorescence. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html term: bracteole goid: GRO:0005177 definition: Small leaf, usually on a pedicel. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html term: bundle sheath goid: GRO:0005726 definition: A layer or layers of cells surrounding the vascular bundles of leaves. definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: It may consist of parenchyma or sclerenchyma term: bundle sheath cell-C3 goid: GRO:0050004 definition: Non-photosynthetic in C3 plants definition_reference: GR:pj term: bundle sheath cell-C4 goid: GRO:0050003 definition: Bundle sheath cell participate in carbon dioxide fixation by ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase definition_reference: GR:pj comment: Different from the C3 plants by presence of Rubisco. Site of Calvin cycle term: callus goid: GRO:0005052 definition: Undifferentiated mass of parenchymatous cells generated in in-vitro culture definition_reference: GR:pj term: calyx limb goid: GRO:0005010 definition: Expanded portion of calyx above the tube, throat or claw. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: calyx lip goid: GRO:0005009 definition: Either of two variously shaped parts into which a calyx is divided, usually into an upper and lower lip, as in the Lamiaceae and Orchidaceae. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html term: calyx pappus goid: GRO:0005749 definition: Bristly or scaly calyx in the Asteraceae. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: cambial initial goid: GRO:0000295 definition: Cells so localized in the vascular cambium or phellogen that their periclinal divisions can contribute cells either to the outside or to the inside of the axis; in vascular cambium, classified into fusiform initials (source of axial cells of xylem and phloem) and ray initials (source of the ray cells). definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: capsule goid: GRO:0006023 definition: Dry dehiscent fruit derived from a compound ovary of 2 or more carpels and dehiscing in different ways that are of taxonomic importance. definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: Dehiscence can be of different ways such as loculicidal, septicidal, septifragal, circumscissle or valvate. term: caryopsis goid: GRO:0006016 definition: A one-seeded fruit in which the seed wall is adnated to the pericarp. Derived from a one-loculed superior ovary. definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 comment: As found in members of Poaceae (NCBI Tax ID:4479) term: casparian strip goid: GRO:0000257 definition: A band like wall formation within primary walls that contains suberin and lignin; typical of endodermal cells, in which it occurs in radial and transverse anticlinal walls. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: central cell goid: GRO:0000194 definition: cell type containing the two polar nuclei, which, after double fertilization, will develop into the endosperm. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: central root cap goid: GRO:0000254 definition: The central part of a root cap in which the cells are arranged in longitudinal files. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: central zone goid: GRO:0000224 definition: An area of densely cytoplasmic cells that divide infrequently. Functions as a population of stem cells that replenishes the meristem. definition_reference: TAIR:lr definition_reference: ISBN:0521288959 term: chaff goid: GRO:0005531 definition: Scale or bract at base of tubular flower in composites. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: chalaza goid: GRO:0005264 definition: End of ovule opposite micropyle. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_x.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: chalazal region goid: GRO:0000201 definition: The part of the endosperm located nearest the chalazal region of the ovule. definition_reference: TAIR:lr definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: chlorenchyma cell goid: GRO:0005701 definition: Parenchymatous cells containing chloroplast definition_reference: GR:pj term: cloeorhiza goid: GRO:0005381 definition: Protective sheath around radicle in grasses. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xii.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: coleoptile goid: GRO:0005373 definition: Protective sheath around epicotyl in grasses. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xii.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: collenchyma goid: GRO:0005423 definition: The collenchyma is the typical supporting tissue of the primary plant body and growing plant parts. Its prosenchymatous cells are living at maturity and are always kept in a primary state, that they are never lignified. definition_reference: GR:pj comment: Collenchyma walls are interspersed with groups of pits that tend to be organized in special areas. The name collenchyma derives from the Greek word "kolla", meaning "glue", which refers to the thick, glistening appearance of the walls in fresh tissues due to pectin deposition. term: collenchyma cell goid: GRO:0005618 definition: primary cell walls are thickened, especially at the cell corners. Lignin and secondary walls are absent; the cells are living and able to grow. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: companion cell goid: GRO:0005721 definition: companion cell of phloem is a specialized parenchyma cell characterized by a dense cytoplasm and conspicuous nucleus, associated with an adjacent sieve-tube element definition_reference: GR:pj term: connective goid: GRO:0005595 definition: Filament extension between thecae. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_ix.html term: cork cell (sensu Poaceae) goid: GRO:0005034 definition: Cells with suberized cell walls. definition_reference: ISSN:0669014893 comment: A special sense of the word, which is used for phellem. term: corolla limb goid: GRO:0005008 definition: Expanded portion of corolla above the tube, throat or claw. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html term: corolla lip goid: GRO:0005007 definition: Either of two variously shaped parts into which a corolla is divided, usually into an upper and lower lip, as in the Lamiaceae and Orchidaceae. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: corolla palate goid: GRO:0005004 definition: The raised area in the throat of a sympetalous corolla. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html term: corolla tube goid: GRO:0005031 definition: The hollow cylinder formed by coalescence of petals definition_reference: ISSN:0669014893 term: cortex goid: GRO:0005708 definition: The primary ground tissue region between the vascular system and the epidermis in stem and root. definition_reference: GR:pj comment: Term also used with reference to peripheral region of a cell protoplast. term: cotyledon goid: GRO:0005358 definition: Embryonic leaf or leaves in seed. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xii.html term: cotyledon primordium goid: GRO:0000365 definition: the earliest differentiated state of a cotyledon. definition_reference: TAIR:lr definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: cuticle goid: GRO:0005686 definition: It is a continuous layer of cutin secreted by the epidermis, it prevents plant desiccation by being impervious to water and gas exchange and covers the aerial parts of the plant body, broken only by stomata and lenticels. definition_reference: GR:pj term: cypsela goid: GRO:0006013 definition: A single-seeded fruit that develops from an inferior ovary thus surrounded by other floral tissues in addition to the ovary wall. definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 comment: As found in Asteraceae (NCBI Tax ID: 4210). This is also an example of false fruit term: degenerate megaspore goid: GRO:0000245 definition: in monosporic and bisporic megasporogenesis: the megaspore(s) that do not participate in megagametogenesis. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: differentiation zone goid: GRO:0000348 definition: The portion of the root located behind the elongation zone containing cells that are differentiating into their final form and function. definition_reference: ISBN:0879694289 term: drupe goid: GRO:0006020 definition: Has a fleshy mesocarp, thick and hard endocarp. definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: As found in Mangifera (NCBI Tax ID: 23461) and Prunus (NCBI Tax ID: 3754). Nut of Cocos (NCBI Tax ID: 13893) is a drupe, in which the mesocarp is fibrous. term: ear (sensu Zea) goid: GRO:0005076 definition: The female inflorescence of Zea mays. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: ectocarp goid: GRO:0005242 definition: Outermost layer of pericarp. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xi.html term: egg apparatus goid: GRO:0000189 definition: The egg cell and two synergids located at the micropylar end of the female gametophyte, or the embryo sac, in angiosperms. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: egg cell goid: GRO:0000190 definition: the female gamete definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: ektexine goid: GRO:0005024 definition: Outer exine wall of the pollen definition_reference: GR:pj term: elongation zone goid: GRO:0000324 definition: the portion of the root that includes small, densely cytoplasmic cells that are dividing and expanding in size. definition_reference: ISBN:0879694289 term: embryo goid: GRO:0005343 definition: Young sporophyte consisting of epicotyl, hypocotyl, radicle, and one or more cotyledons. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xii.html term: embryo sac goid: GRO:0000188 definition: Haploid generation that produces the gametes in higher plants, Female gametophyte in heterosporous plants; embryo sac within the ovule in angiosperms. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: embryonic axis goid: GRO:0000387 definition: the stem component of the embryo. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: embryonic ground tissue goid: GRO:0000367 definition: ground tissue (parenchymatous) layers found in the embryo. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: endexine goid: GRO:0005025 definition: Inner exine wall of pollen definition_reference: GR:pj term: endocarp goid: GRO:0005240 definition: Innermost differentiated layer of pericarp. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xi.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: endodermal cell goid: GRO:0005353 definition: Cells of endodermis surrounding the central stele (vascular tissue) in roots. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 comment: The radial and transverse walls contain the hydrophobic Casparian band that prevents water flow in or out of the stele through the apoplast. Also, present in some stems. term: endodermis goid: GRO:0000252 definition: The layer of ground tissue forming a sheath around the vascular region and having the casparian strip in its anticlinal walls; may have secondary walls later. It is the innermost layer of the cortex in roots and stems of seed plants. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: endosperm goid: GRO:0005361 definition: Food reserve tissue in seed derived from fertilized polar nuclei; or food reserve derived from megametophyte in gymnosperms. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xii.html term: epicalyx goid: GRO:0005511 definition: Whorl of leaves resembling sepals below the true calyx. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html term: epicotyl goid: GRO:0005383 definition: Apical end of embryo axis that gives rise to shoot system. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xii.html term: epidermal cell goid: GRO:0005389 definition: Plant cells present in the epidermal tissue layer. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: epidermal initial goid: GRO:0000349 definition: a relatively unspecialized cell that will give rise to specialized cell types of the epidermis definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: epidermis goid: GRO:0005679 definition: An outer layer of most of the plant tissues consisting of a series of tightly packed parenchyma cells. Often interrupted by stomata and other cell types. definition_reference: GR:pj term: exine goid: GRO:0005005 definition: Dermal layer under the outer epidermis (exine) of pollen definition_reference: GR:pj term: exodermal cell goid: GRO:0005354 definition: Cells of exodermis (hypodermis) surrounding root cortex definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: exodermis goid: GRO:0005772 definition: The sub epidermal layers of cells of the root cortex. It is similar in structure and cytochemical characteristics of the endodermis. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 comment: The cell walls are thickened and contain suberin. Absent in pteridophytes, fibrous in Phoenix and accompanied by sclerenchyma in Ananas. term: extrafloral nectary goid: GRO:0005579 definition: Nectary occurring on vegetative plant parts definition_reference: GR:pj term: filliform apparatus goid: GRO:0000193 definition: A complex of cell wall invaginations in a synergid cell similar to those in transfer cells. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: floral nectary goid: GRO:0005580 definition: nectary occurring in flower definition_reference: GR:pj term: floral primordium goid: GRO:0005279 definition: Primordial tissue giving rise to the floral whorls definition_reference: GR:pj term: floret (sensu poaceae) goid: GRO:0005733 definition: A small flower. The term floret is most often used for the flowers of grasses or the sessile flowers on a capitulum definition_reference: GR:pj term: flower goid: GRO:0005367 definition: Reproductive shoot of plant formed of perianth segments, the sepals and petals (where present), stamens and/or carpels. definition_reference: GR:pj term: follicle goid: GRO:0006001 definition: A pod like dry dehiscent fruit, derived from single carpel that splits down the ventral suture. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 comment: As found in Delphinium (NCBI Tax ID: 46246) and Brachychiton (NCBI Tax ID: 93744) term: functional megaspore goid: GRO:0000244 definition: in monosporic and bisporic megasporogenesis: the megaspore(s) that will undergo megagametogenesis. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: funiculus goid: GRO:0005265 definition: Stalk by which ovule is attached to placenta. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_x.html term: gametophyte goid: GRO:0000427 definition: The haploid organism (or phase), which bears (forms)the gametes, definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: gametophytic cell goid: GRO:0005826 definition: A haploid (1n) cell developing into a male or female gametophyte in heterosporous plants. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: generative cell goid: GRO:0000168 definition: The cell that will give rise to the generative nuclei, which will participate in fertilization definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: glume goid: GRO:0005652 definition: Bract, usually occurring in pairs, at the base of the grass spikelet. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html term: ground meristem goid: GRO:0005755 definition: Ground tissues of plant such as parenchyma and sclerenchyma of cortex and pit and the collenchyma of the cortex develop. definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: ground tissue goid: GRO:0005419 definition: Tissues other than the vascular tissues, epidermis and the periderm definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: guard cell goid: GRO:0000293 definition: A modified chlorenchymatous cell. The main function is to perform gaseous exchange. It exists in a pair as part of stomata flanking each stoma, on the epidermis of a leaf or photosynthetic tissue definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: May or may not contain chloroplast and starch grains. In dorsiventral leaves the stomata are often more abundant on the lower leaf surface. In isobilateral leaves stomata are usually equally distributed. term: guard mother cell goid: GRO:0000351 definition: epidermal cell that that divides to produce the guard cells. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: gynophore goid: GRO:0005723 definition: The stipe of a pistil or carpel. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html term: hesperidium goid: GRO:0006018 definition: Berry with tough leathery rind and juice sacs definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 comment: As found in Citrus (NCBI Tax ID: 2706) term: hilum goid: GRO:0005413 definition: Funicular scar on seed coat. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xii.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: hydathode goid: GRO:0005660 definition: A structural modification of vascular and ground tissues, usually in a leaf, that permits the release of water through a pore in the epidermis; may be secretory in function. definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: hypanthium goid: GRO:0005015 definition: The fused or coalesced basal portion of floral parts (sepals, petals, stamens) around the ovary. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html term: hypanthium base goid: GRO:0005014 definition: Bottom or lower portion of the hypanthium. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html term: hypanthium limb goid: GRO:0005012 definition: Free, flared portion of the hypanthium. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: hypanthium neck goid: GRO:0005011 definition: Narrowed portion of hypanthium, between the base and a flared limb. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html term: hypanthium tube goid: GRO:0005013 definition: Cylindrical part of the hypanthium. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: hypocotyl goid: GRO:0005342 definition: Embryonic stem in seed, located below cotyledons. Alternatively, the axial part of the embryo or seedling located between the cotyledon or cotyledons and the radicle. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xii.html definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: TAIR:lr definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: hypophysis goid: GRO:0000181 definition: The uppermost cell of suspensor from which part of the root and root cap in the embryo of angiosperms are derived. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: idioblast goid: GRO:0000283 definition: A cell in a tissue that markedly differs in form, size, or contents from other cells in the same tissue. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: inflorescence goid: GRO:0005317 definition: Flower bearing stem axis. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.biologie.uni-hamburg.de/b-online/e02/02e.htm comment: Inflorescences are arrangements of more than one flower, like bostryx, head, cyme etc. They are modified parts of the shoot with leaves typically reduced to leaf like bracts. term: inflorescence raceme goid: GRO:0005445 definition: Unbranched, indeterminate inflorescence with pedicelate flowers. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vi.html term: initial cell goid: GRO:0005825 definition: Actively dividing plant cell in a meristem. At each division one daughter cell remains in the meristem as a new initial cell, and the other is added to the growing plant body definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: integument goid: GRO:0005259 definition: Outer covering of ovule; embryonic seed coat. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_x.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: interfascicular region goid: GRO:0005042 definition: Ground tissue between the vascular bundles definition_reference: GR:DJP term: internode goid: GRO:0005303 definition: The part of the stem, culm, branch, or rhizome between two nodes definition_reference: GR:pj term: intine goid: GRO:0005003 definition: The outer epidermis of pollen definition_reference: GR:pj term: lacunar collenchyma goid: GRO:0005632 definition: A collenchyma characterized by intercellular spaces and cell wall thickenings facing the spaces. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: lamellar collenchyma goid: GRO:0005633 definition: A collenchyma in which cell wall thickenings are deposited mainly on tangential walls. definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf goid: GRO:0005306 definition: The photosynthetic organ of the plant definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf attachment goid: GRO:0005142 definition: The mode of attachment of leaf to the stem definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf base goid: GRO:0005326 definition: Base of the leaf definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf epidermis goid: GRO:0005036 definition: Epidermis of a leaf definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf lamina goid: GRO:0005323 definition: The blade or flat part of a leaf definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf lower epidermis goid: GRO:0005682 definition: The epidermal layer directed away or outwards from the axis definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: The term used mainly for the leaf epidermis term: leaf margin goid: GRO:0005578 definition: The margin of the leaf. Also determines shape of the leaf. definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf meristem goid: GRO:0005278 definition: In each layer of cells, only a few cells divide continually producing other cells which then differentiate into functional tissues such as leaf primordia (new tiny leaves) and bud primordia (new tiny lateral buds in axils of new leaves) definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf midrib goid: GRO:0005337 definition: The central conducting and supporting structure of the blade of a simple leaf. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf rachilla goid: GRO:0005087 definition: Secondary axis of compound leaf. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html term: leaf rachis goid: GRO:0005082 definition: The main axis of a pinnately compound leaf definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html term: leaf sheath goid: GRO:0005322 definition: Any tubular portion of the leaf surrounding the stem or culm, as in the Poaceae. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: leaf upper epidermis goid: GRO:0005683 definition: The epidermal layer directed towards the axis. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 comment: Term used mostly for leaf epidermis term: leaf veinlet goid: GRO:0005777 definition: Branched secondary veins conducting and supporting structure of the blade of a simple leaf. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: leaflet goid: GRO:0005078 definition: A distinct and separate segment of a leaf definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html term: leaflet midvein goid: GRO:0005099 definition: The central conducting and supporting structure of the blade of a leaflet of a compound leaf definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html term: leaflet veinlet goid: GRO:0005102 definition: Branched secondary veinlets conducting and supporting structure of the blade of a leaflet. definition_reference: GR:pj term: legume goid: GRO:0006025 definition: A usually dry, dehiscent fruit derived from one carpel that splits into two along a suture, which surrounds the fruit. definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: As found in Fabaceae or Leguminoseae (NCBI Tax ID: 3803). The synonym:pod is used as a generic term for legume. term: lemma goid: GRO:0005406 definition: Lower of a pair of bracts enclosing the florets of grasses, frequently bearing an awn. Alternatively, outer scale subtending grass floret. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html term: ligule goid: GRO:0005320 definition: Vertical membranous appendage that grows where the leaf blade meets the stem on some grasses. definition_reference: GR:pj comment: derived from the word tongue because in many species it looks like a little tongue sticking out. Also an outgrowth or projection from the top of the sheath, as in the Poaceae term: lodicule goid: GRO:0005673 definition: Abortive perianth part in the Poaceae; hyaline scales at base of ovary in the Poaceae. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_viii.html term: loment goid: GRO:0006022 definition: A legume that separates transversely between seed sections. Evolutionarily, a legume with constrictions between the seeds. definition_reference: GR:pj term: lower glume goid: GRO:0005075 definition: The glume bract placed below the upper glume bract in a glume. definition_reference: GR:pj term: lysigenous aerenchyma goid: GRO:0005706 definition: Aerenchyma originating by dissolution of cells. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: medine goid: GRO:0005027 definition: layer between the exine and intine definition_reference: ISSN:0471245208 term: megaspore goid: GRO:0000243 definition: A haploid (1n) spore developing into a female gametophyte in heterosporous plants. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: megaspore mother cell goid: GRO:0005829 definition: The meristematic cell that has its fate changes to enter macrogametogenesis or ovule formation. definition_reference: GR:pj term: megasporocyte goid: GRO:0000431 definition: A diploid (2n) cell that undergoes meiosis and produces four haploid (1n) megaspores; also called megaspore mother cell. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: meristem apical goid: GRO:0000231 definition: Located at the apices or tips of root and shoot. Directly involved in their elongation. They create derivatives which form primary growth. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: meristem intercalary goid: GRO:0005751 definition: Occurs between mature tissue sections near the nodes or leaf attachment. definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: Common in grasses (occur at bases of nodes). Helps in regenerating parts removed injury. term: meristem lateral goid: GRO:0005615 definition: Tissues responsible for horizontal expansion definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: meristem primary goid: GRO:0005613 definition: Tissue whose cells develop directly from the embryonic cells, thus constituting a direct continuation of the embryo definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: meristem secondary goid: GRO:0005614 definition: Those that develop from mature tissues, which have already gone differentiation. definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: meristematic tissue goid: GRO:0005601 definition: Tissues responsible for the division of new cells. Present in the zones of actively dividing cells definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: mesocarp goid: GRO:0005238 definition: Middle layer of pericarp. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xi.html term: mesophyll goid: GRO:0005645 definition: The photosynthetic parenchymatous tissue situated between the two epidermal layers of the leaf definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: mesophyll cell goid: GRO:0005690 definition: Chlorenchymatous cells packed in the region between abaxial and adaxial epidermis of a leaf. definition_reference: GR:pj term: metaxylem goid: GRO:0000372 definition: Part of the primary xylem that differentiates after the protoxylem and before the secondary xylem, if any of the latter is formed in a given taxon. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: micropylar region goid: GRO:0000200 definition: The region of the endosperm closest to the micropylar region of the ovule. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: micropyle goid: GRO:0005263 definition: Hole through integument(s). definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_x.html term: microspore goid: GRO:0000297 definition: A haploid (1n) spore developing into a male gametophyte in heterosporous plants; the uninucleate pollen grain in seed plants. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: microspore mother cell goid: GRO:0006107 definition: The meristematic cell that has its fate changes to enter microgametogenesis. definition_reference: GR:pj term: microsporocyte goid: GRO:0000160 definition: A diploid (2n) cell that undergoes meiosis and forms four haploid (1n) microspores; also called microspore mother cell and, in seed plants, pollen mother cell. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: monocarpous fruit goid: GRO:0006002 definition: Fruits derived from a single carpel definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 term: mucilage cell goid: GRO:0000373 definition: Cell containing mucilages or gums or similar carbohydrate material characterized by the property of swelling in water. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: myrosin cell goid: GRO:0000352 definition: Cell containing glucosinolates ("mustard oil glucosides") and myrosinases, enzymes hydrolyzing the glucosinolates. Occur in eleven dicotyledon families, the two largest of which are the Brassicaceae and Euphorbiaceae. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: nectary goid: GRO:0005659 definition: A multicellular glandular structure secreting a liquid containing organic substances (essential oils) including sugar. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: nectary epidermis goid: GRO:0000207 definition: the epidermal layer of the nectary. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: nectary parenchyma goid: GRO:0000309 definition: the ground tissue of the nectary. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: node goid: GRO:0005302 definition: The point at which the branches spring from the stem, culm, or the fibrous root from the rhizome; set at regular intervals definition_reference: GR:pj term: nucellar cells goid: GRO:0006105 definition: Crushed nucellar cells present in multiple layers definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 term: nucellus goid: GRO:0005261 definition: Female sporangium within ovule. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_x.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: nut goid: GRO:0006014 definition: A single seeded fruit that develops from an ovary that originally consists of a few carpels of which all but one, in which a single ovule develops, degenerate. definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 comment: As found in Valerianella (NCBI Tax ID: 59165) and Tilia (NCBI Tax ID: 64580). The acorn of Quercus (NCBI Tax ID: 3511) together with involucre, is a false nut as it develops from an inferior ovary. term: ovary ground tissue goid: GRO:0000163 definition: the ground tissue layer of the ovary. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: ovary inner epidermis goid: GRO:0000137 definition: inner epidermal layer of the ovary wall. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: ovary locule goid: GRO:0005678 definition: Ovary cavity. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_x.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: ovary outer epidermis goid: GRO:0000139 definition: outer epidermal layer of the ovary wall. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: ovary parenchyma goid: GRO:0000242 definition: parenchyma layer of the ovary wall. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: ovary vascular system goid: GRO:0000129 definition: vascular system of the ovary definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: ovule goid: GRO:0005267 definition: Immature seed consisting of integument(s) and nucellus. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_x.html term: palea goid: GRO:0005403 definition: One of the upper, scale like, membranous bracts enclosing a grass flower. Alternatively, inner scale subtending grass floret. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html term: palisade parenchyma goid: GRO:0005648 definition: Leaf mesophyll parenchyma characterized by elongated form of cells and their arrangement with their long axes perpendicular to the surface of the leaf. definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: palisade parenchyma cell goid: GRO:0005282 definition: Regularly-shaped, elongated chlorenchymatous cells, and orientated perpendicular to the leaf surface, which are active in photosynthesis. Usually found in the upper part of the leaf mesophyll. definition_reference: GR:pj term: panicle goid: GRO:0005442 definition: Branched inflorescence with pedicelate flowers. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vi.html term: parenchyma goid: GRO:0005421 definition: Relatively unspecialized ground tissue composed of polyhedral cells with thin non-lignified cellulose cell walls and living protoplasts definition_reference: GR:pj term: parenchyma cell goid: GRO:0005698 definition: Type of unspecialized cell making up the ground tissue of plants. The cells are large, usually highly vacuolated, with thin and unlignified walls. definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: parenchyma spongy lower goid: GRO:0005836 definition: Present towards the leaf abaxial epidermis definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 definition_reference: GR:pj term: parenchyma spongy upper goid: GRO:0005837 definition: Present below the palisade parenchyma in dorsiventral leaves definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 term: pavement cell goid: GRO:0000332 definition: epidermal cells with a characteristic convoluted anticlinal cell walls that give a jigsaw like appearance to the lamina. definition_reference: ISBN:087694289 term: pedicel goid: GRO:0005394 definition: Individual flower stalk definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vi.html term: peduncle goid: GRO:0005400 definition: Main stalk for entire inflorescence. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vi.html term: pepo goid: GRO:0006019 definition: Derived from an inferior ovary with a single locule and parietal placentation; fleshy portion the placenta; hard outer covering may be present. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 comment: This is a false fruits since it develops from an inferior ovary, though it differs from a typical false fruit in that the extra-carpellary parts contribute only a small part in the construction of their pericarp. As found in Cucurbitaceae (NCBI Tax ID: 3650) and Musaceae (NCBI Tax ID: 4637) term: perianth goid: GRO:0005401 definition: The set of structures enveloping the pistils and stamens, including the outer calyx of sepals and pistils or the inner corolla of petals. definition_reference: GR:pj term: pericarp goid: GRO:0005247 definition: Fruit wall. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xi.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: pericycle goid: GRO:0000260 definition: Part of ground tissue (with layers of parenchymatous cells) of the stele located between the phloem and the endodermis. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 comment: Retains meristematic properties and gives rise to lateral roots. In seed plants, regularly present in roots, absent in most stems. In monocots (Gramineae, Palmae, Agave and Smilax), few dicots (Celtis, Morus and Salix) and most gymnosperms it is multiseriate. Absent in parasitic and certain water plants. term: periderm goid: GRO:0005046 definition: Secondary protective tissue that replaces the epidermis in stems and root, rarely in other organs. definition_reference: ISSN:0669014893 term: perigynium goid: GRO:0005392 definition: Sac-like bract subtending the pistillate flower, as in Carex. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vi.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: peripheral zone goid: GRO:0000225 definition: organogenic region of the meristem. characterized by higher rates of cell division. definition_reference: TAIR:lr definition_reference: ISBN:0521288959 term: petiole goid: GRO:0005085 definition: Leaf stalk. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: petiolule goid: GRO:0005084 definition: Leaflet stalk definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html term: phloem goid: GRO:0005417 definition: Food-conducting tissue that is found in vascular plants, composed mainly of sieve elements, parenchyma cells, fibers, and sclereids. definition_reference: GR:pj term: phloem initial goid: GRO:0000400 definition: A cambial cell on the phloem side of the cambial zone that is the source of one or more cells arising by periclinal divisions and differentiating into phloem elements with or without additional divisions in various planes. Sometimes called phloem mother cell. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: phyllary goid: GRO:0005504 definition: One of the involucral leaves subtending a capitulum, as in composites. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: pistil goid: GRO:0005019 definition: Equivalent to the whole syncarpous gynoecium (compound pistil) or to a single carpel in apocarpous gynoecium. definition_reference: ISSN:0471245208 term: pith goid: GRO:0006109 definition: Ground tissue in the center of stem or root definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 term: placenta goid: GRO:0005266 definition: Ovule-bearing region of ovary wall. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_x.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: plant anatomy ontology goid: GRO:0005297 definition: Ontology of the plant anatomical and morphological (gross anatomy) organization of a cereal plant. definition_reference: GR:pj comment: In order to clarify the term to term relationships and orthology in this ontology, some of the generic (non cereal plant ) terms have been used. term: plant cell goid: GRO:0005692 definition: Represents the various types and sub-types of cells in a plant definition_reference: GR:pj term: plant tissue goid: GRO:0005298 definition: Represents the tissue and its sub-types in a plant definition_reference: GR:pj term: polar nucleus goid: GRO:0000196 definition: One of two nuclei in the central cell of a mature embryo sac. The two nuclei are derived from groups of nuclei at the two opposite poles of the eight-nucleate embryo sac. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: pollen goid: GRO:0005650 definition: Young male gametophyte. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_ix.html term: pollen cuticle goid: GRO:0005018 definition: Cuticle layer of the pollen definition_reference: GR:pj term: pollen pore goid: GRO:0005006 definition: The pore present in the pollen, through which it imports the nutrition during its development. At the time of pollen germination, pollen tube emerges from it. definition_reference: GR:pj term: pollen sac goid: GRO:0005391 definition: Male sporangium. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_ix.html term: pollen tetrad goid: GRO:0005684 definition: Grains occurring in groups of four. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_ix.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: polyphore goid: GRO:0005725 definition: A receptacle or torus bearing many distinct carpels, as in Rosa. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: primary endosperm nucleus goid: GRO:0000195 definition: Nucleus resulting from the fusion of the male gamete and two polar nuclei in the central cell of the embryo sac. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: primary meristematic tissues goid: GRO:0005753 definition: Found below the promeristem and contains the cells that have undergone certain degree of differentiation. definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: primary thickening meristem goid: GRO:0005039 definition: A meristem derived from the apical meristem and responsible for the primary increase in thickness of the shoot axis. definition_reference: ISSN:0669014893 comment: May appear as a distinct mantle like zone. Often found in monocotyledons term: procambium goid: GRO:0000345 definition: Primary meristem or meristematic tissue, which differentiates into the primary vascular tissue. Also called provascular tissue. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: promeristem goid: GRO:0005752 definition: Consists of apical initials, together with cells derived from them and which are still close to the initial. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: protoderm goid: GRO:0000182 definition: Primary meristem or meristematic tissue giving rise to the epidermis; also epidermis in meristematic state. May or may not arise from independent initials in the apical meristem. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: protophloem goid: GRO:0000346 definition: the first-formed elements of the phloem in a plant organ. First part of the primary phloem. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: protoxylem goid: GRO:0000272 definition: The first formed elements of the xylem in a plant organ. First part of the primary xylem. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: ptyxis goid: GRO:0005108 definition: Leaves in an embryo definition_reference: GR:pj term: quiescent center goid: GRO:0000259 definition: The initial region in the apical meristem that has reached a state of relative inactivity; common in roots. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: rachilla (sensu inflorescence) goid: GRO:0005399 definition: Secondary axis of a panicle and spikelet in grasses definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vi.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: rachis (sensu inflorescence) goid: GRO:0005398 definition: Major axis within a compound inflorescence. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vi.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: radicle goid: GRO:0005357 definition: Basal end of embryo axis that gives rise to root system. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xii.html term: raphe goid: GRO:0005260 definition: Longitudinal ridge on outer integument. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_x.html term: ray (sensu Umbelliferae) goid: GRO:0005396 definition: The pedicel within in an umbel definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISSN:0669014893 term: receptacle goid: GRO:0005727 definition: The region at end of pedicel or on axis to which flower is attached. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vii.html term: replum goid: GRO:0005248 definition: Persistent septum after dehiscence of fruits, as in the Brassicaceae definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xi.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: reproductive shoot goid: GRO:0005017 definition: The aerial portion of a plant, bearing the flowers and associated parts. definition_reference: GR:DJP term: resin canal goid: GRO:0005665 definition: A duct of schizogenous origin lined with resin-secreting cells (epithelial cells) and containing resin definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: rhexigenous aerenchyma goid: GRO:0005704 definition: Applied to an aerenchyma originating by rupture of cells. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: rib zone goid: GRO:0000226 definition: region of the meristem that lies below the central zone and within the peripheral zone definition_reference: ISBN:0521288959 definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: root cap goid: GRO:0005429 definition: A thimble like mass of cells covering the apical meristem of the root. Protects the root promeristem and helps in penetration of root into the soil definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: root cortex goid: GRO:0000258 definition: The primary tissue located between the vascular system and the epidermis. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: In dicots and gymnosperms, the cortex consists of mainly parenchyma cells. In monocots sclerenchyma develops in addition to parenchyma. term: root epidermis goid: GRO:0000361 definition: epidermal layer of the root definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: root hair goid: GRO:0000256 definition: A type of trichome on root epidermis that is a simple extension of an epidermal cell and is concerned with absorption of soil solution. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: root pith goid: GRO:0005040 definition: Ground tissue in the center of root definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 term: root primordium goid: GRO:0005281 definition: The primordial tissue of the root definition_reference: GR:pj term: salt gland goid: GRO:0005661 definition: Storage sites for the excess salt absorbed in water from the soil; help plants adapt to life in saline environments definition_reference: GR:pj comment: A crust of salt forms on leaves which tastes bad and the white surfaces act to reflect light. Example, as is Mangrove vegetation term: samara goid: GRO:0006012 definition: A winged one-seeded fruit. definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 comment: As found in Ulmus (NCBI Tax ID: 24735) and Fraxinus (NCBI Tax ID: 38871) term: schiziocarpic fruit goid: GRO:0006006 definition: Fruits derived from a simple, two- or more-locular compound ovary in which the locules separate at fruit maturity simulating fruits derived from the ovaries of simple pistils definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: As found in genera Malva (NCBI Tax ID:96479) and Lavatera (NCBI Tax ID:61659) term: schizo-lysigenous aerenchyma goid: GRO:0005349 definition: Aerenchyma, originating by a combination of two processes, separation and degradation of cell walls. definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: sclerenchyma goid: GRO:0005427 definition: A supporting tissue composed of fibers and/or sclereids definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: sclerenchyma cell goid: GRO:0005620 definition: Plant cell type with thick lignified walls, normally dead at maturity and specialized for structural strength. Includes fiber cells, that are greatly elongated, and sclereids, that are more isodiametric. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: sclerenchyma fiber cell goid: GRO:0005634 definition: Greatly elongated type of plant cell with very thick lignified wall. Usually dead at maturity. The cell type is specialized for providing mechanical strength to a vascular plant definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: sclerenchyma perivascular goid: GRO:0005443 definition: Sclerenchyma located along the outer periphery of the vascular cylinder and not originating in the phloem. definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: sclerenchyma sclereid cell goid: GRO:0005635 definition: Type of sclerenchyma cell that differs from the fiber cell by not being greatly elongated. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 comment: Often occurs singly (an idioblast) or in small groups, giving rise to a gritty texture in, for instance, the pear fruit, where it is known as a "stone cell". May also occur in layers, e.g. in hard seed coats. term: scutellum goid: GRO:0005344 definition: Embryonic leaf or cotyledon of a monocot definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xii.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: secretory cell goid: GRO:0005348 definition: definition_reference: GR:pj term: secretory tissue external goid: GRO:0005657 definition: A multicellular secretory structure definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj term: seed goid: GRO:0005339 definition: The mature ovule of a flowering plant containing a mature embryo. definition_reference: GR:pj term: seed coat goid: GRO:0005359 definition: Outer protective covering of seed. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xii.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: seed coat inner layer goid: GRO:0006106 definition: Inner layer of the seed coat definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 term: septum goid: GRO:0005236 definition: Partition in the ovule or ovary or fruit definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_xi.html term: shoot goid: GRO:0005300 definition: The aerial portion of a plant definition_reference: GR:pj term: sieve cell goid: GRO:0000285 definition: A type of sieve element that has relatively undifferentiated sieve areas (with narrow pores), rather uniform in structure on all walls; that is there are no sieve plates. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 comment: Typical of gymnosperms and lower vascular plants. term: sieve element goid: GRO:0000286 definition: The cell in the phloem tissue concerned with mainly longitudinal conduction of food materials. Classified into sieve cell and sieve tube member. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: sieve plate goid: GRO:0005640 definition: Sieve plates of sieve tubes, are perforated modification of the end walls between adjacent elongated sieve tube elements definition_reference: GR:GRpj37 definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: sieve tube goid: GRO:0005638 definition: Sieve tubes of phloem, is continuous longitudinal tube characterized by sieve plates, non-lignified secondary cell wall and a living protoplast definition_reference: GR:pj term: sieve tube member goid: GRO:0000289 definition: One of the series of cellular components of a sieve tube. It shows a more or less pronounced differentiation between sieve plates (wide pores) and lateral sieve areas (narrow pores). definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: silica cell goid: GRO:0005033 definition: Cell filled with silica as in epidermis of grasses definition_reference: ISSN:0669014893 term: silique goid: GRO:0006024 definition: A pod-like dry dehiscent fruit, derived from two or more carpels that dehisce along two sutures. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 comment: As found in Brassicaceae or Cruciferae (NCBI Tax ID:3700). term: silk (sensu Zea) goid: GRO:0005030 definition: The hair-like styles in maize. definition_reference: GR:pj term: spike goid: GRO:0005452 definition: Unbranched, indeterminate, elongate inflorescence with sessile flowers. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vi.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: spikelet goid: GRO:0005436 definition: A small spike; the basic inflorescence unit in grasses and sedges. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_vi.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: spongy parenchyma goid: GRO:0005647 definition: Parenchyma of the leaf mesophyll with conspicuous intercellular spaces. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: spongy parenchyma cell goid: GRO:0005283 definition: Irregularly-shaped, chlorenchymatous cells, separated by large air spaces. Usually found in the lower part of the leaf mesophyll. definition_reference: GR:pj term: sporocytic cell goid: GRO:0005001 definition: Cells giving rise to gametophytic cells definition_reference: GR:pj term: sporoderm goid: GRO:0005026 definition: Wall of the microspore definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISSN:0471245208 term: stamen filament goid: GRO:0005594 definition: Stamen stalk definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_ix.html term: staminal disc goid: GRO:0005365 definition: A fleshy, elevated cushion formed from coalesced staminodia or nectaries. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_ix.html term: staminodium goid: GRO:0005364 definition: Sterile stamen, may be modified as a nectary or petaloid structure. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_ix.html term: statolith goid: GRO:0005002 definition: Solid cell inclusion of starch containing plastids occurring in root cap cells. definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: Transmit gravitational stimuli to plasmalemma of the statolith-containing cell (statocysts or statocytes) term: stele goid: GRO:0000314 definition: a morphologic unit of the plant body comprising the vascular system and associated ground tissue (e.g. pericycle, interfascicular regions and pith). definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: stem goid: GRO:0005301 definition: the main ascending axis of a vascular plant, usually located above the ground and bearing leaves, buds, and flowers. definition_reference: GR:pj term: stem epidermis goid: GRO:0000112 definition: epidermal layer of the stem definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: stem pith goid: GRO:0005041 definition: Ground tissue in the center of stem. definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 term: stigmatic papillae goid: GRO:0000141 definition: A soft protuberance on an epidermal cell of the stigma. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: stipe (sensu flower) goid: GRO:0005676 definition: Pistillate stalk. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_x.html term: stipel goid: GRO:0005080 definition: Paired scales, spines, or glands at the base of petiolule. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html definition_reference: GR:pj term: stipule goid: GRO:0005081 definition: Paired scales, spines, glands, or blade-like structures at the base of a petiole. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_v.html term: stomatal complex goid: GRO:0005350 definition: An opening in the epidermis of leaves and stems bordered by two guard cells and serving in gas exchange. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: stomatal pore goid: GRO:0005696 definition: The pore in the epidermis, surrounded by two guard cells. Meant for gaseous exchange definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 definition_reference: GR:pj term: stomium goid: GRO:0000157 definition: A fissure or pore in the anther lobe through which the pollen is released. Its formation is a type of dehiscence. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: style goid: GRO:0005435 definition: Attenuated, non-ovule-bearing portion of pistil between stigma and ovary. definition_reference: web:http //www.ibiblio.org/botnet/glossary/a_x.html definition_reference: GR:pj comment: The style serves to bring the stigma into a favorable position for pollination. term: sub-stomatal chamber goid: GRO:0005835 definition: definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 term: subsidiary cell goid: GRO:0000284 definition: an epidermal cell associated with a stoma and at least morphologically distinguishable from the epidermal cells composing the groundmass of the tissue. definition_reference: ISBN:047124520 term: suspensor goid: GRO:0000175 definition: An extension at the base of the embryo that anchors the embryo in the embryo sac and pushes it into the endosperm. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: syncarpous fruit goid: GRO:0006017 definition: Fruits derived from an ovary consisting of two or more carpels definition_reference: ISBN:0080280307 term: synergid goid: GRO:0000191 definition: cells in the micropylar end of the embryo sac associated with the egg in the egg apparatus of angiosperms. Play a vital role in fertilization. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: tassel goid: GRO:0005073 definition: The male inflorescence of Zea mays. definition_reference: GR:pj37 term: transmitting tract goid: GRO:0000134 definition: The tissue in the style of a flower through which the pollen tube grows between the stigma and the ovarian cavity. Also called pollen conducting tissue. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: traumatic resin duct goid: GRO:0005581 definition: A resin duct developing in response to injury definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: trichoblast goid: GRO:0000262 definition: Commonly used for a cell in root epidermis that gives rise to a root hair. The daughter cell produced by the asymmetric division of a root epidermal cell that gives rise to a root hair. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: trichome goid: GRO:0005035 definition: An outgrowth from an epidermis definition_reference: ISSN:0669014893 term: unique apical cell goid: GRO:0005066 definition: The most distal and morphologically distinct (by size) cell, present within the meristem of a shoot or a root definition_reference: ISSN:0669014893 term: upper glume goid: GRO:0005074 definition: The glume bract placed above in a glume. definition_reference: GR:pj term: upper tier goid: GRO:0000354 definition: In an eight celled embryo, the upper four cells formed by mitotic division of the apical cell. These cells will give rise to the apical meristem and cotyledons. definition_reference: ISBN:089694269 term: vascular bundle goid: GRO:0005860 definition: A strand of conducting tissue comprising of phloem, xylem, and cambium. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0080374913 term: vascular cambium goid: GRO:0005598 definition: a secondary meristem, the cells of which give rise to secondary xylem and phloem, leading to an increase in stem girth definition_reference: GR:pj term: vascular tissue goid: GRO:0005369 definition: A general term referring to either or both vascular tissues, xylem and phloem. The function is movement of fluids/food and physical support definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: vegetative cell goid: GRO:0000169 definition: Cell type formed after the first mitotic division of the microgametophyte, The nucleus of this cell migrates to the tip of the pollen tube after germination and disintegrates when the pollen tube penetrates the nucellus. definition_reference: TAIR:lr definition_reference: ISBN:0140514031 term: vegetative shoot goid: GRO:0005016 definition: The aerial portion of a plant, composing the stem and leaves; new or young growth that arises from some portion of a plant. definition_reference: GR:DJP term: whole plant goid: GRO:0005000 definition: A plant represented by a plant body comprises of various organs, tissues and cell types. Together these components provide an anatomical and morphological (gross anatomy) organization of a plant. definition_reference: GR:pj term: xylem goid: GRO:0005352 definition: vascular tissue whose principal function is the upward translocation of water and solutes; see also primary xylem or secondary xylem definition_reference: GR:pj term: xylem fiber goid: GRO:0005642 definition: Function is providing support and sometimes storage definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 term: xylem fiber libriform goid: GRO:0005840 definition: Longer than fiber tracheid, with less number of pits. The pits have no borders. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 definition_reference: GR:pj term: xylem fiber tracheid goid: GRO:0005839 definition: Cells longer than libriform fibers and have more or less unlignified inner wall with a gelatinous appearance. Have bordered pits with cavities smaller than pit cavities of tracheids or vessel. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: Common components of reaction wood in dicots. term: xylem initial goid: GRO:0000357 definition: A cambial cell on the xylem side of the cambial zone that is the source of one or more cells arising by periclinal divisions and differentiating into xylem elements either with or without additional divisions in various planes. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: xylem parenchyma goid: GRO:0000358 definition: parenchyma tissue of the xylem definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: xylem parenchyma axial goid: GRO:0005843 definition: Derived from elongated fusiform cambial cells definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 term: xylem parenchyma radial goid: GRO:0005644 definition: Almost alike axial parenchyma cells of xylem definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 definition_reference: GR:pj term: xylem parenchyma radial heterocellular goid: GRO:0005846 definition: Xylem ray containing procumbent and upright cells. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 definition_reference: GR:pj term: xylem parenchyma radial homocellular goid: GRO:0005847 definition: Xylem ray composed of one type of cell definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 term: xylem parenchyma radial procumbent goid: GRO:0005844 definition: The ray cell with longest diameter arranged radially definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 term: xylem parenchyma radial upright goid: GRO:0005845 definition: The axially elongated cell in radial xylem parenchyma. Appear generally at the upper and lower margins of the ray. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 definition_reference: GR:pj term: xylem primary goid: GRO:0005849 definition: Derived from the primary meristem of the embryonic stage. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 definition_reference: GR:pj term: xylem secondary goid: GRO:0005848 definition: Derived from the vascular cambium because of secondary growth. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 comment: Absent in small dicot annuals and most monocots. term: xylem tracheary element goid: GRO:0005838 definition: Function is conducting water definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 term: xylem tracheary element wall annular goid: GRO:0005712 definition: definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 definition_reference: GR:pj term: xylem tracheary element wall helical goid: GRO:0005714 definition: definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 term: xylem tracheary element wall scalariform goid: GRO:0005716 definition: definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 definition_reference: GR:pj term: xylem tracheids goid: GRO:0005646 definition: It is an imperforated cells. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 definition_reference: GR:pj comment: The mode of passage of water from cell to cell is facilitated by presence of pit pairs, with thin primary pit membranes, in walls between superimposed or adjacent tracheids term: xylem vessel goid: GRO:0005641 definition: Have perforations in wall, sometimes one or more at the end on a side wall. Further types are classified based on the shape of vessel and number of perforations. definition_reference: GR:pj definition_reference: ISBN:0471245194 comment: The mode of passage of water from cell to cell is via perforations