!version: $Revision: $ !date: Fri Aug 01 14:52:40 PDT 2003 !saved-by: tberardi !autogenerated-by: DAG-Edit version 1.320 ! !Gene Ontology definitions ! term: 10 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000413 definition: stage at which the first 10 leaves have reached > 1mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 11 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000414 definition: stage at which the first 11 leaves have reached > 1 mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 12 rosette stage goid: TAIR:0000415 definition: stage at which the first 12 leaves have reached > 1mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 13 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000416 definition: stage at which the first 13 leaves have reached > 1mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 14 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000417 definition: stage at which the first 14 leaves have reached > 1mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 2 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000398 definition: stage at which the first two rosette leaves have reached > 1 mm in length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 3 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000407 definition: stage at which the first 3 rosette leaves have reached > 1 mm in length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 4 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000399 definition: stage at which the first 4 rosette leaves have reached > 1mm in length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 5 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000408 definition: stage at which the first 5 leaves have reached > 1 mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 6 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000409 definition: stage at which the first 6 leaves have reached > 1 mm in length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 7 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000410 definition: stage at which the first 7 leaves have reached > 1 mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 8 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000411 definition: stage at which the first 8 leaves have reached > 1 mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 9 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000412 definition: stage at which the first 9 leaves have reached > 1 mm length. definition_reference: PMID:1 term: abaxial axillary meristem goid: TAIR:0000069 definition: The portion of the axillary meristem that is further away from/directed away from the main shoot axis. definition_reference: TAIR:tb term: abscission zone goid: TAIR:0000146 definition: Zone at base of leaf, flower, fruit, or other plant part that contains an abscission (or separation) layer and a protective layer, both involved in the abscission of the plant part. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: adaxial axillary meristem goid: TAIR:0000068 definition: The region of the axillary meristem that is closer to/directed toward the main shoot axis. definition_reference: TAIR:tb term: adult leaf goid: TAIR:0000118 definition: a leaf with waxes, cell types or other features characteristic of leaves in an adult (reproductive )phase definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: aerenchyma cell goid: TAIR:0000294 definition: Parenchyma tissue containing particularly large intercellular spaces of schizogenous, lysigenous, or rhexigenous origin. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: aleurone layer goid: TAIR:0000308 definition: Outermost layer of endosperm in cereals and many other taxa that contains protein bodies and enzymes concerned with endosperm digestion. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: anther goid: TAIR:0000155 definition: The pollen-bearing part of the stamen. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: antipodal cell goid: TAIR:0000192 definition: cells located at the chalazal end of the mature embryo sac in angiosperms definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: aperture goid: TAIR:0000299 definition: A depressed region in the pollen wall in which thick intine is covered by thin exine; the pollen grain emerges through the aperture. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: apical cell goid: TAIR:0000178 definition: the uppermost cell formed after the first division of the zygote. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: Arabidopsis anatomy goid: TAIR:0000111 definition: The structure of an organism, specifically Arabidopsis thaliana definition_reference: :http //www.academicpress.com/inscight/11261996/anatomy1.htm term: Arabidopsis growth goid: TAIR:0000205 definition: Stages of growth and development of Arabidopsis definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: atrichoblast goid: TAIR:0000263 definition: cell formed after asymmetric division of root epidermal cell that does not give rise to a root hair definition_reference: ISBN:0387987819 term: axillary meristem goid: TAIR:0000232 definition: Meristems formed along the lateral axis of the shoot. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: axillary shoot goid: TAIR:0000338 definition: shoot formed axillary to the primary shoot meristem. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: basal cell goid: TAIR:0000179 definition: the lowermost cell formed after the first division of the zygote. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: basal internode goid: TAIR:0000073 definition: The internode located closest to the base of the stem. definition_reference: TAIR:tb term: body part developmental stages goid: TAIR:0000022 definition: stages of development of a part or parts of a plant defined by characteristic morphological, structural, histological or other visible features. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: bundle sheath goid: TAIR:0000023 definition: Layer or layer of cells enclosing the vascular bundle in a leaf; may consist of parenchyma or sclerenchyma. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: callus tissue goid: TAIR:0000038 definition: A tissue composed of large thin-walled cells developing as a result of injury, as in wound healing or grafting, and in tissue culture. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: cambial initial goid: TAIR:0000295 definition: Cells so localized in the vascular cambium or phellogen that their periclinal divisions can contribute cells either to the outside or to the inside of the axis; in vascular cambium, classified into fusiform initials (source of axial cells of xylem and phloem) and ray initials (source of the ray cells). definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: carpel goid: TAIR:0000126 definition: Leaf like organ in angiosperms producing one or more ovules; a constituent of the gynoecium. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: casparian strip goid: TAIR:0000257 definition: A band like wall formation within primary walls that contains suberin and lignin; typical of endodermal cells in roots, in which it occurs in radial and transverse anticlinal walls. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: cellular endosperm goid: TAIR:0000199 definition: Endosperm in which cell walls have formed around the nuclei of the tissue. definition_reference: TAIR:tb term: central cell goid: TAIR:0000194 definition: cell type containing the two polar nuclei which, after double fertilization, will develop into the endosperm. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: central root cap goid: TAIR:0000254 definition: The central part of a root cap in which the cells are arranged in longitudinal files. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: central zone goid: TAIR:0000224 definition: An area of densely cytoplasmic cells that divide infrequently. Functions as a population of stem cells that replenishes the meristem. definition_reference: TAIR:lr definition_reference: ISBN:0521288959 term: chalaza goid: TAIR:0000237 definition: Region in the ovule opposite the micropyle where the integuments and the nucellus merge with the funiculus. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: chalazal endosperm goid: TAIR:0000201 definition: the portion of the endosperm located nearest the chalazal region of the ovule. definition_reference: TAIR:lr definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: chlorenchyma goid: TAIR:0000241 definition: Parenchyma containing chloroplasts; a component of leaf mesophyll and other green parenchyma. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: collenchyma goid: TAIR:0000209 definition: Elongated living cells with unevenly thickened nonlignified primary walls. Common in regions of primary growth in stems and leaves. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: companion cell goid: TAIR:0000071 definition: A specialized parenchyma cell associated with a sieve-tube member in angiosperm phloem and arising from the same mother cell as the sieve-tube member. definition_reference: ISBN:0879015322 term: complete rosette goid: TAIR:0000418 definition: stage at which leaf growth has ceased and the rosette no longer increases in size. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: cotyledon goid: TAIR:0000138 definition: Leaf or leaf-like organ formed during embryogenesis. Specialization includes accumulation of storage reserves that are mobilized during seed germination. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: cotyledon abaxial epidermis goid: TAIR:0000211 definition: epidermal layer of the cotyledon facing away from the axis. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: cotyledon adaxial epidermis goid: TAIR:0000210 definition: epidermal layer located on the side of the cotyledon facing the axis, definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: cotyledon primordium goid: TAIR:0000365 definition: the earliest differentiated state of a cotyledon. definition_reference: TAIR:lr definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: cotyledon vascular system goid: TAIR:0000119 definition: vascular system formed in cotyledons definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: curled cotyledon stage goid: TAIR:0000320 definition: The stage at which the cotyledons curve down towards the suspensor. At this time protein deposition in the cotyledons begins. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: degenerate megaspore goid: TAIR:0000245 definition: in monosporic and bisporic megasporogenesis: the megaspore(s) that do not participate in megagametogenesis. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: dermatogen stage goid: TAIR:0000369 definition: The stage at which the embryo has undergone three mitotic divisions and contains sixteen cells. The outer protodermal cells will give rise to the epidermis through a series of anticlinal divisions. Development of the suspensor is complete at this stage. definition_reference: ISBN:0387094898 term: egg apparatus goid: TAIR:0000189 definition: The egg cell and two synergids located at the micropylar end of the female gametophyte, or the embryo sac, in angiosperms. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: egg cell goid: TAIR:0000190 definition: the female gamete definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: eight-celled stage goid: TAIR:0000180 definition: An embryo comprised of eight cell. The mitotic divisions leading to this stage do not cause a significant increase in size. definition_reference: ISBN:0387094898 term: elongation zone goid: TAIR:0000324 definition: the portion of the root that includes small, densely cytoplasmic cells that are dividing and expanding in size. definition_reference: ISBN:0879694289 term: elongation zone of the internode goid: TAIR:0000072 definition: The region of the internode that undergoes growth either by cell division or cell expansion. definition_reference: TAIR:tb term: embryo goid: TAIR:0000172 definition: a product of fertilization that represents the next (sporophytic) generation definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: embryonic goid: TAIR:0000374 definition: stages of development that occur after fertilization and before germination. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: embryonic axis goid: TAIR:0000387 definition: the stem component of the embryo. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: embryonic ground tissue goid: TAIR:0000367 definition: ground tissue (parenchymatous) layers found in the embryo. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: endodermis goid: TAIR:0000003 definition: It is the innermost layer of the cortex in roots and stems of seed plants. definition_reference: ISBN:047124520 term: endosperm goid: TAIR:0000197 definition: The nutritive tissue formed within the embryo sac of angiosperms from the central cell containing the primary endosperm nucleus. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: endothecium goid: TAIR:0000158 definition: A wall layer in the anther, usually with secondary wall thickenings. definition_reference: TAIR:047125208 term: epidermal initial goid: TAIR:0000349 definition: a relatively unspecialized cell that will give rise to specialized cell types of the epidermis definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: epidermis goid: TAIR:0000202 definition: the outer layer of cells in the plant body, primary in origin. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: epithem cell goid: TAIR:0000066 definition: Cells located between the xylem endings and the epidermis, proposed to be involved in the retrieval of solutes from the xylem sap. Constitute the mesophyll of a hydathode concerned with secretion of water. definition_reference: PMID:12662305 definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: fascicular cambium goid: TAIR:0000360 definition: Vascular cambium originating from procambium within a vascular bundle, or fascicle. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: fiber tracheid goid: TAIR:0000355 definition: A fiber like tracheid in the secondary xylem; commonly thick walled, with pointed ends and bordered pits that have lenticular to slit like apertures. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: filliform apparatus goid: TAIR:0000193 definition: A complex of cell wall invaginations in a synergid cell similar to those in transfer cells. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: first open flower goid: TAIR:0000421 definition: whole plant stage at which the first flower has reached stage 13 (fully open, pollen dehiscence). definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: floral organ goid: TAIR:0000122 definition: an organ that is part of the flower: the sexual reproductive structure of Angiosperms. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: flower development goid: TAIR:0000004 definition: stages of flower development in Arabidopsis definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: free nuclear endosperm goid: TAIR:0000198 definition: A multinucleate endosperm. definition_reference: TAIR:syr term: fully expanded leaf stage goid: TAIR:0000053 definition: Stage of leaf development stage where the leaf is fully expanded, no longer increases in size by cell division and/or cell expansion and is metabolically active. definition_reference: TAIR:tb term: functional megaspore goid: TAIR:0000244 definition: in monosporic and bisporic megasporogenesis: the megaspore(s) that will undergo megagametogenesis. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: funiculus goid: TAIR:0000239 definition: The stalk of the ovule. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: gametophyte goid: TAIR:0000427 definition: the haploid organism (or phase) which bears (forms)the gametes, definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: generative cell goid: TAIR:0000168 definition: The cell that will give rise to the generative nuclei which will participate in fertilization definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: globular stage goid: TAIR:0000028 definition: A collective term referring to the stages of embryo development spanning the early globular stage when the protoderm is formed to the late globular stage (before the initial divisions of the cotyledon primordia definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: guard cell goid: TAIR:0000293 definition: one of a pair of cells flanking the stomatal pore and causing the opening and closing of the pore by changes in turgor. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: guard mother cell goid: TAIR:0000351 definition: epidermal cell that that divides to produce the guard cells. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: gynoecium goid: TAIR:0000326 definition: Collective term for the carpels in an angiosperm flower; part of the flower in which female gametogenesis occurs. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: heart stage goid: TAIR:0000186 definition: Embryonic stage at which the cotyledon primordia have enlarged enough to form two mounds on either side of the apical meristem. definition_reference: ISBN:03870940898 definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: hydathode goid: TAIR:0000323 definition: A structural modification of vascular and ground tissues, usually in a leaf, that permits the release of water through a pore in the epidermis; may be secretory in function. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: hypocotyl goid: TAIR:0000310 definition: the axial part of the embryo or seedling located between the cotyledon or cotyledons and the radicle. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: hypophysis goid: TAIR:0000181 definition: The uppermost cell of suspensor from which part of the root and root cap in the embryo of angiosperms are derived. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: idioblast goid: TAIR:0000283 definition: A cell in a tissue that markedly differs in form, size, or contents from other cells in the same tissue. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: internode goid: TAIR:0000116 definition: The region betwen nodes of a stem. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: juvenile leaf goid: TAIR:0000216 definition: a leaf with cellular or morphological or anatomical characteristics of a juvenile (non-reproductive) plant. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: lamina goid: TAIR:0000221 definition: Blade, or expanded part of the leaf. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: late globular stage goid: TAIR:0000185 definition: At this stage the protoderm, procambium, hyposeal cell are present and the endosperm begins to cellularize. definition_reference: ISBN:03870940898 term: late reproductive goid: TAIR:0000026 definition: reproductive stages that occur after the midpoint and before senescence or the end of reproductive growth. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: lateral root meristem goid: TAIR:0000031 definition: The meristem found in lateral roots. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: lateral root primordium goid: TAIR:0000032 definition: An organized group of cells derived from the root pericycle that will differentiate into a new root, definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: lateral root tip goid: TAIR:0000067 definition: The portion of the lateral root including the meristem and root cap. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: leaf development goid: TAIR:0000050 definition: stages of leaf development in Arabidopsis definition_reference: TAIR:tb term: leaf expansion stage goid: TAIR:0000052 definition: Stage of leaf development which begins when the leaf primordiumis visible on the shoot apex and continues throughout the time that it increases in size by cell division and/or cell expansion. definition_reference: TAIR:tb term: leaf initiation stage goid: TAIR:0000051 definition: Stage of leaf development that begins when cells are set aside in the meristem to form the leaf primordium and ends right before the leaf primordium is visible on the shoot apex. Cells in the primordium are not yet differentiated. definition_reference: TAIR:tb term: leaf senescence stage goid: TAIR:0000054 definition: the final stage of leaf development where the leaf ceases metabolic activity and senesces definition_reference: TAIR:tb term: lenticel goid: TAIR:0000292 definition: An isolated region in the periderm distinguished from the phellem in having intercellular spaces; the tissue may or may not be suberized. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: lower tier goid: TAIR:0000321 definition: cells formed by division of the embryonic apical cell that are distal to the apex. definition_reference: ISBN:0879694289 definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: mature goid: TAIR:0000368 definition: Stage at which the embryo has ceased to divide. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: megagametophyte goid: TAIR:0000188 definition: Haploid generation that produces the gametes in higher plants, Female gametophyte in heterosporous plants; embryo sac within the ovule in angiosperms. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: megaspore goid: TAIR:0000243 definition: A haploid (1n) spore developing into a female gametophyte in heterosporous plants. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: megasporocyte goid: TAIR:0000431 definition: A diploid (2n) cell that undergoes meiosis and produces four haploid (1n) megaspores; also called megaspore mother cell. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: meristemoid goid: TAIR:0000070 definition: A cell or a group of cells constituting an acitve locus of meristematic activity in a tissue composed of somewhat older, differentiating cells. The cell that gives rise to stomata. definition_reference: TAIR:syr definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: metaphloem goid: TAIR:0000279 definition: Part of the primary phloem that differentiates after the protophloem and before the secondary phloem, if any of the latter is formed in a given taxon. definition_reference: TAIR:047125208 term: metaxylem goid: TAIR:0000372 definition: Part of the primary xylem that differentiates after the protoxylem and before the secondary xylem, if any of the latter is formed in a given taxon. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: micropylar endosperm goid: TAIR:0000200 definition: the region of the endosperm closest to the micropylar region of the ovule. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: micropyle goid: TAIR:0000238 definition: The opening in the integuments of an ovule through which the pollen tube usually enters the embryo sac. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: microspore goid: TAIR:0000297 definition: A haploid (1n) spore developing into a male gametophyte in heterosporous plants; the uninucleate pollen grain in seed plants. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: microsporocyte goid: TAIR:0000160 definition: A diploid (2n) cell that undergoes meiosis and forms four haploid (1n) microspores; also called microspore mother cell and, in seed plants, pollen mother cell. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: mid reproductive goid: TAIR:0000025 definition: middle stages of reproductive phase definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: mid-globular stage goid: TAIR:0000184 definition: Stage at which the embryo under goes mitotic divisions to produce a 32 then 64- celled embryo. definition_reference: ISBN:03870940898 term: midvein goid: TAIR:0000235 definition: the central or usually most prominent vein in a leaf or leaf-like organ. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: mucilage cell goid: TAIR:0000373 definition: Cell containing mucilages or gums or similar carbohydrate material characterized by the property of swelling in water. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: myrosin cell goid: TAIR:0000352 definition: Cell containing glucosinolates ("mustard oil glucosides") and myrosinases, enzymes hydrolyzing the glucosinolates. Occurs in eleven dicotyledon families, the two largest of which are the Brassicaceae and Euphorbiaceae. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: nectary goid: TAIR:0000123 definition: A multicellular glandular structure secreting a liquid containing organic substances including sugar. Occurs in flowers (floral nectary) and on vegetative plant parts (extrafloral nectary). definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: nectary epidermis goid: TAIR:0000207 definition: the epidermal layer of the nectary. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: nectary parenchyma goid: TAIR:0000309 definition: the ground tissue of the nectary. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: node goid: TAIR:0000344 definition: the part of the stem at which one or more leaves are attached; not sharply delimited anatomically. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: nucellus goid: TAIR:0000240 definition: Inner part of an ovule in which the embryo sac develops. Commonly considered to be equivalent to the megasporangium. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: ovary goid: TAIR:0000128 definition: Lower part of a carpel (simple pistil) or of a gynoecium composed of united carpels (compound pistil) containing the ovules and differentiating into the fruit. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: ovary ground tissue goid: TAIR:0000163 definition: the ground tissue layer of the ovary. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: ovary inner epidermis goid: TAIR:0000137 definition: inner epidermal layer of the ovary wall. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: ovary outer epidermis goid: TAIR:0000139 definition: outer epidermal layer of the ovary wall. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: ovary parenchyma goid: TAIR:0000242 definition: parenchyma layer of the ovary wall. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: ovary vascular system goid: TAIR:0000129 definition: vascular system of the ovary definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: ovule goid: TAIR:0000236 definition: A structure in seed plants enclosing the female gametophyte and composed of the nucellus, one or two integuments, and funiculus; differentiates into the seed. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: ovule development goid: TAIR:0000005 definition: stages of ovule and megagametophyte development definition_reference: PMID:9118807 term: ovule stage 1-I goid: TAIR:0000006 definition: ovule primordia arise definition_reference: TAIR:publication 11808 term: ovule stage 1-II goid: TAIR:0000007 definition: ovule primordium elongate definition_reference: TAIR:publication 11808 term: ovule stage 2-I goid: TAIR:0000008 definition: megaspore mother cell enlarges definition_reference: TAIR:publication 11808 term: ovule stage 2-II goid: TAIR:0000009 definition: inner integument initiates definition_reference: TAIR:publication 11808 term: ovule stage 2-III goid: TAIR:0000010 definition: outer integument initiates, chalazal nucellus divides definition_reference: TAIR:publication 11808 term: ovule stage 2-IV goid: TAIR:0000011 definition: megaspore meiosis occurs definition_reference: TAIR:publication 11808 term: ovule stage 2-V goid: TAIR:0000012 definition: tetrad of megaspores formed, integuments elongate towards apex of the nucellus definition_reference: TAIR:publication 11808 term: ovule stage 3-I goid: TAIR:0000013 definition: non-functional megaspores degenerate, outer integument envelops the nucellus and inner integument, funiculus and nucellus begin to curve definition_reference: TAIR:publication 11808 term: ovule stage 3-II goid: TAIR:0000014 definition: two nucleate megagametophyte stage, outer integument surrounds nucellus, micropylar end points > 90 degrees away from funiculus, differential growth of integuments definition_reference: TAIR:publication 11808 term: ovule stage 3-III goid: TAIR:0000015 definition: megagametophyte develops large central vacuole, micropylar end of ovule at 90 degree angle from funiculus definition_reference: TAIR:publication 11808 term: ovule stage 3-IV goid: TAIR:0000016 definition: four-nucleate megagametophyte , inner integument surrounds nucellus, endothelium differentiates definition_reference: TAIR:publication 11808 term: ovule stage 3-V goid: TAIR:0000017 definition: eight nucleate megagametophyte definition_reference: TAIR:publication 11808 term: ovule stage 3-VI goid: TAIR:0000018 definition: central cell nuclei fuse, antipodal cells degenerate, additional cell layer forms in inner integument definition_reference: TAIR:publication 11808 term: palisade parenchyma goid: TAIR:0000342 definition: Leaf mesophyll parenchyma characterized by elongated form of cells and their arrangement with their long axes perpendicular to the surface of the leaf. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: passage cell goid: TAIR:0000353 definition: Cell in exodermis or endodermis that remains thin walled when the associated cells develop thick secondary walls. Has casparian strip in endodermis. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: pavement cell goid: TAIR:0000332 definition: epidermal cells with a characteristic convoluted anticlinal cell walls that give a jigsaw like appearance to the lamina. definition_reference: ISBN:087694289 term: pedicel goid: TAIR:0000220 definition: The stalk of an individual flower. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: pericarp goid: TAIR:0000347 definition: Fruit wall developed from the ovary wall. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: pericycle goid: TAIR:0000260 definition: Part of ground tissue of the stele located between the phloem and the endodermis. In seed plants, regularly present in roots, absent in most stems. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: peripheral zone goid: TAIR:0000225 definition: organogenic region of the meristem. characterized by higher rates of cell division. definition_reference: TAIR:lr definition_reference: ISBN:0521288959 term: petal goid: TAIR:0000124 definition: A unit of the corolla of a flower. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: petal parenchyma goid: TAIR:0000234 definition: the ground tissue of the petal. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: petiole goid: TAIR:0000121 definition: the stalk of a leaf. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: phloem goid: TAIR:0000278 definition: The principal food-conducting tissue of the vascular plant composed mainly of sieve elements, various kinds of parenchyma cells, fibers, and sclereids. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: phloem initial goid: TAIR:0000400 definition: A cambial cell on the phloem side of the cambial zone that is the source of one or more cells arising by periclinal divisions and differentiating into phloem elements with or without additional divisions in various planes. Sometimes called phloem mother cell. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: phloem parenchyma goid: TAIR:0000359 definition: parenchyma tissue found in the phloem. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: polar nucleus goid: TAIR:0000196 definition: One of two nuclei in the central cell of a mature embryo sac. The two nuclei are derived from groups of nuclei at the two opposite poles of the eight-nucleate embryo sac. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: pollen development goid: TAIR:0000055 definition: The stages of pollen development in Arabidopsis. definition_reference: TAIR:tb term: pollen sac goid: TAIR:0000156 definition: Sporangium in which microspores are formed; anther locule and its walls in angiosperms. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: pollen stage 1 goid: TAIR:0000056 definition: Stage of microgametogenesis where the archesporial cells divide to give rise to primary parietal and sporogenous cells. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: pollen stage 10 goid: TAIR:0000065 definition: Stage of microsporogenesis during which the pollen grains mature and dessicate. The tapetal layer disappears just prior to dehiscence of the anther. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 definition_reference: PMID:12354970 term: pollen stage 2 goid: TAIR:0000057 definition: Stage of microsporogenesis where the microsporocytes become conspicuous. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: pollen stage 3 goid: TAIR:0000058 definition: Stage of microsporogenesis where the pollen mother cells become separated from each other and from tapetum by a callose wall. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: pollen stage 4 goid: TAIR:0000059 definition: Stage of microsporogenesis where pollen mother cells undergo meiosis to form isobilateral and tetrahedral tetrads of microspores that are enclosed by the callose wall. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 definition_reference: PMID:12354970 term: pollen stage 5 goid: TAIR:0000060 definition: Stage of microsporogenesis just after pollen mother cell meiosis during which the callose wall between the tetrads breaks down and the microspores are released and lie freely in the pollen sac. definition_reference: PMID:12354970 definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: pollen stage 6 goid: TAIR:0000061 definition: Stage of microsporogenesis where the microspores round up and small vaualoles appear in their cytoplasm. The cell walls also thicken because of the formation of the exine. definition_reference: PMID:12354970 term: pollen stage 7 goid: TAIR:0000062 definition: Stage of microsporogenesis where a large vacuole is formed in each microspore causing a rapid increase in size and a displacement of the nucleus to one side. definition_reference: PMID:12354970 term: pollen stage 8 goid: TAIR:0000063 definition: Stage of microsporogenesis during which the resorption of the prominent vacuole occurs followed by the first mitotic division of th microspores occurs, definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 definition_reference: PMID:12354970 term: pollen stage 9 goid: TAIR:0000064 definition: Stage of microsporogenesis during which the second mitotic division of the microsporocyte occurs. Storage bodies become visible in the microspores. definition_reference: PMID:12354970 definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: primary endosperm nucleus goid: TAIR:0000195 definition: Nucleus resulting from the fusion of the male gamete and two polar nuclei in the central cell of the embryo sac. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: primary phloem goid: TAIR:0000280 definition: Phloem tissue differentiating from procambium during primary growth and differentiation of a vascular plant. Commonly divided into the earlier protophloem and the later metaphloem. Not differentiated into axial and ray systems. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: primary root meristem goid: TAIR:0000030 definition: The region located at the distal end of the root containing actively dividing cells that produce new tissues of the root. The primary root meristem is formed in the embryo (the basal end of the shoot-root axis), in contrast to lateral root meristems. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: procambium goid: TAIR:0000345 definition: Primary meristem or meristematic tissue which differentiates into the primary vascular tissue. Also called provascular tissue. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: protoderm goid: TAIR:0000182 definition: Primary meristem or meristematic tissue giving rise to the epidermis; also epidermis in meristematic state. May or may not arise from independent initials in the apical meristem. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: protophloem goid: TAIR:0000346 definition: the first-formed elements of the phloem in a plant organ. First part of the primary phloem. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: protoxylem goid: TAIR:0000272 definition: The first formed elements of the xylem in a plant organ. First part of the primary xylem. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: quiescent center goid: TAIR:0000259 definition: The initial region in the apical meristem that has reached a state of relative inactivity; common in roots. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: radicle goid: TAIR:0000268 definition: the embryonic root. Forms the basal continuation of the hypocotyl in an embryo. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: raphe goid: TAIR:0000364 definition: A ridge along the body of the seed formed by the part of the funiculus that is adnate to the ovule (in an anatropous ovule). definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: replum goid: TAIR:0000135 definition: in an ovary or fruit, a false septum formed by ingrowth from the placenta rather than from the carpel walls. definition_reference: ISBN:0140514031 term: reproductive goid: TAIR:0000306 definition: In annual plants the stages that commence when the plant is capable of sexual reproduction (e.g. flowering) and continues until sexual reproduction ceases. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: rib zone goid: TAIR:0000226 definition: region of the meristem that lies below the central zone and within the peripheral zone definition_reference: ISBN:0521288959 definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: root cap goid: TAIR:0000253 definition: A thimble like mass of cells covering the apical meristem of the root. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: root cortex goid: TAIR:0000258 definition: the primary tissue located between the vascular system and the epidermis. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: root endodermis goid: TAIR:0000252 definition: The layer of ground tissue forming a sheath around the vascular region and having the casparian strip in its anticlinal walls; may have secondary walls later. It is the innermost layer of the cortex in roots and stems of seed plants. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: root epidermis goid: TAIR:0000361 definition: epidermal layer of the root definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: root hair goid: TAIR:0000256 definition: A type of trichome on root epidermis that is a simple extension of an epidermal cell and is concerned with absorption of soil solution. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: root tip goid: TAIR:0000251 definition: The portion of the root including the meristem and root cap. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: sclerenchyma goid: TAIR:0000300 definition: Cell variable in form and size, being more or less thick, often lignified, secondary walls. Belongs to the category of subcells and may or may not be devoid of protoplast at maturity. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: seed coat goid: TAIR:0000265 definition: The outer coat of the seed derived from the integument or integuments. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: seed coat epidermis goid: TAIR:0000371 definition: the epidermal layer found on the outer surface of an organ definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: seedling goid: TAIR:0000027 definition: A young plant that is partly dependent on substances of the maternal plant stored in the seed (especially the first leaves, called cotyledons). The plant always has embryological structures, including cotyledons, a primary root (the embryological root), and a primary shoot (the embryological stem) definition_reference: URL:http //www.bbg.org/gar2/topics/botany/parts_grouping.html term: sepal goid: TAIR:0000125 definition: A unit of the calyx. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: sepal epidermis goid: TAIR:0000176 definition: the epidermal layer of the sepal. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: septum goid: TAIR:0000131 definition: any partition, whether within a cell, as in a septate fiber, or in an organ such as a fruit. definition_reference: ISBN:0140514031 term: shoot goid: TAIR:0000113 definition: The above ground portions, such as the stem and leaves, of a vascular plant. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: sieve cell goid: TAIR:0000285 definition: A type of sieve element that has relatively undifferentiated sieve areas (with narrow pores), rather uniform in structure on all walls; that is, there are no sieve plates. Typical of gymnosperms and lower vascular plants. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: sieve element goid: TAIR:0000286 definition: The cell in the phloem tissue concerned with mainly longitudinal conduction of food materials. Classified into sieve cell and sieve tube member. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: sieve plate goid: TAIR:0000287 definition: The part of the wall of a sieve element bearing one or more highly differentiated sieve areas. Typical of angiosperms. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: sieve tube member goid: TAIR:0000289 definition: One of the series of cellular components of a sieve tube. It shows a more or less pronounced differentiation between sieve plates (wide pores) and lateral sieve areas (narrow pores). Also sieve tube element and the obsolete sieve tube segment. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: silique goid: TAIR:0000208 definition: a dry dehiscent fruit common in Brassicas. definition_reference: ISBN:0140514031 term: specialization zone goid: TAIR:0000348 definition: the portion of the root located behind the elongation zone containing cells that are differentiating into their final form and function. definition_reference: ISBN:0879694289 term: spongy parenchyma goid: TAIR:0000143 definition: Leaf mesophyll parenchyma with conspicuous intercellular spaces. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: stage 1 flower goid: TAIR:0000375 definition: stage of flower development marked by the emergence of the floral meristem on the flank of the inflorescence meristem. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 10 flower goid: TAIR:0000384 definition: stage of flower development that begins when the petal height is level with the stamens. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 11 flower goid: TAIR:0000385 definition: stage of flower development that begins when the stigmatic papillae appear. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 12 flower goid: TAIR:0000386 definition: stage of flower development that begins when the petals are level with the long stamens. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 13 flower goid: TAIR:0000388 definition: stage of flower development that begins when the floral bud opens and the petals are visible to the naked eye. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 14 flower goid: TAIR:0000389 definition: Stage of floral development when long anthers extend above the stigma. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 15 flower goid: TAIR:0000390 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the stigma extends above the long anthers. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 16 flower goid: TAIR:0000391 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the petals and sepals begin to wither. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 17 flower goid: TAIR:0000392 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when all of the floral organs have abscised and only the green silique remains. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 18 flower goid: TAIR:0000422 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the silique color changes from green to yellow. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 2 flower goid: TAIR:0000376 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the floral meristem becomes demarcated from the inflorescence meristem by a slight indentation. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 3 flower goid: TAIR:0000377 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the sepal primordia arise. definition_reference: ISBN:038794898 term: stage 4 flower goid: TAIR:0000378 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the developing sepals overlie the floral meristem. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 5 flower goid: TAIR:0000379 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the petal and stamen primordia arise. definition_reference: ISBN:038790898 term: stage 6 flower goid: TAIR:0000380 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the sepals enclose the floral bud. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 7 flower goid: TAIR:0000381 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the ling stamen primordia are stalked at the base. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 8 flower goid: TAIR:0000382 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the locules appear on the long stamens. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 9 flower goid: TAIR:0000383 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the petal primordia are stalked at the base. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stamen goid: TAIR:0000152 definition: Floral organ producing the pollen and usually composed of anther and filament. The stamens together constitute the androecium. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: starch sheath goid: TAIR:0000002 definition: applied to the innermost regions (one or more cell layers)of the cortex when this region is characterized by conspicuous and rather stable accumulation of starch. definition_reference: ISBN:047124520 term: starch sheath cell goid: TAIR:0000020 definition: Cells characterized by conspicuous and rather stable accumulation of starch. definition_reference: ISBN:044174520 term: stele goid: TAIR:0000314 definition: a morphologic unit of the plant body comprising the vascular system and associated ground tissue (e.g. pericycle, interfascicular regions and pith). definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: stem epidermis goid: TAIR:0000112 definition: epidermal layer of the stem definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: stigma goid: TAIR:0000132 definition: The region of the carpel, in many taxa at the apex of the style, that serves as a surface upon which the pollen germinates. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: stigma epidermis goid: TAIR:0000164 definition: epidermal layer of the stigma. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: stigmatic papillae goid: TAIR:0000141 definition: ). A soft protuberance on an epidermal cell of the stigma. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: stipule goid: TAIR:0000215 definition: small appendages formed at the base of a leaf. definition_reference: ISBN:0716719460 term: stomatal complex goid: TAIR:0000281 definition: An opening in the epidermis of leaves and stems bordered by two guard cells and serving in gas exchange. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: stomium goid: TAIR:0000157 definition: A fissure or pore in the anther lobe through which the pollen is released. Its formation is a type of dehiscence. definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: style goid: TAIR:0000133 definition: Extension of the top of the ovary, usually columnar, through which the pollen tube grows. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: style epidermis goid: TAIR:0000165 definition: epidermal layer of the style. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: style parenchyma goid: TAIR:0000307 definition: parenchyma tissues of the style. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: subsidiary cell goid: TAIR:0000284 definition: an epidermal cell associated with a stoma and at least morphologically distinguishable from the epidermal cells composing the groundmass of the tissue. definition_reference: ISBN:047124520 term: suspensor goid: TAIR:0000175 definition: An extension at the base of the embryo that anchors the embryo in the embryo sac and pushes it into the endosperm. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: synergid goid: TAIR:0000191 definition: cells in the micropylar end of the embryo sac associated with the egg in the egg apparatus of angiosperms. Play a vital role in fertilization. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: tapetum goid: TAIR:0000159 definition: In anther, a layer of cells lining the locule and absorbed as the pollen grains mature. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: tissues and tissue systems goid: TAIR:0000140 definition: Tissues are a group of cells organized into a structural and functional unit. Component cells may be alike (simple tissue) or varied (complex tissue). Tissue systems are tissue or tissues in a plant or plant organ structurally and functionally organized into a unit. Commonly three tissue systems are recognized, dermal, vascular, and fundamental (ground tissue system). definition_reference: ISBN:0471245208 term: torpedo stage goid: TAIR:0000187 definition: During this stage the embryo elongates into the cellular endosperm and the internal layers of the hypocotyl and radicle differentiate to form the vascular tissue. Lipid deposition into the cotyledons begins at this stage. Organelle differentiation occurs leading to greening of the embryo. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: tracheary element goid: TAIR:0000290 definition: general term for a water conducting cell, tracheid or vessel member. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: tracheid goid: TAIR:0000301 definition: A tracheary element of the xylem that has no perforations, as contrasted with a vessel member. May occur in primary and in secondary xylem. May have any kind of secondary wall thickening found in tracheary elements. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: transmitting tract goid: TAIR:0000134 definition: The tissue in the style of a flower through which the pollen tube grows between the stigma and the ovarian cavity. Also called pollen conducting tissue. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: triangle stage goid: TAIR:0000029 definition: A transient stage between the late globular and heart stage when the first cell divisions of the cotyledon primordia begin and cell elongation starts in the procambium. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: trichoblast goid: TAIR:0000262 definition: Commonly used for a cell in root epidermis that gives rise to a root hair. The daughter cell produced by the asymmetric division of a root epidermal cell that gives rise to a root hair. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: trichome goid: TAIR:0000282 definition: An outgrowth from the epidermis. Trichomes vary in size and complexity and include hairs, scales, and other structures and may be glandular. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: two-celled stage goid: TAIR:0000177 definition: The embryo after the first mitotic division that produces a smaller apical cell and larger basal cell. The basal cell gives rise to the radicle and the suspensor. The apical cell gives rise all of the embryo except the root. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: upper tier goid: TAIR:0000354 definition: In an eight celled embryo, the upper four cells formed by mitotic division of the apical cell. These cells will give rise to the apical meristem and cotyledons. definition_reference: ISBN:089694269 term: vascular bundle goid: TAIR:0000362 definition: A strandline part of the vascular system composed of xylem and phloem. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: vascular cambium goid: TAIR:0000356 definition: Lateral meristem that forms the secondary vascular tissues, secondary phloem and secondary xylem, in stem and root. I located between those two tissues and, by periclinal divisions, gives off cells toward both tissues. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: vascular system goid: TAIR:0000270 definition: The total of the vascular tissues in their specific arrangement in a plant or plant organ. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: vascular tissue goid: TAIR:0000327 definition: A general term referring to either or both vascular tissues, xylem and phloem. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: vegetative goid: TAIR:0000305 definition: stages of development that occur from seed germination up to flowering definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: vegetative cell goid: TAIR:0000169 definition: Cell type formed after the first mitotic division of the microgametophye, The nucleus of this cell migrates to the tip of the pollen tube after germination and disintegrates when the pollen tube penetrates the nucellus. definition_reference: TAIR:lr definition_reference: ISBN:0140514031 term: vegetative meristem goid: TAIR:0000033 definition: A shoot meristem that gives rise to only non-reproductive organs and tissues. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: visible flower buds goid: TAIR:0000420 definition: Whole plant developmental stage at which the first flower buds become visible to the naked eye definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: xylem goid: TAIR:0000271 definition: The principal water-conducting tissue in vascular plants characterized by the presence of tracheary elements. The xylem may also serve as a supporting tissue, especially the secondary xylem (wood). definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: xylem element goid: TAIR:0000273 definition: Cells composing the xylem definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: xylem fiber cell goid: TAIR:0000274 definition: A fiber of the xylem tissue, Two types are recognized in the secondary xylem: fiber tracheids and libriform fibers. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: xylem initial goid: TAIR:0000275 definition: A cambial cell on the xylem side of the cambial zone that is the source of one or more cells arising by periclinal divisions and differentiating into xylem elements either with or without additional divisions in various planes. Sometimes called xylem mother cell. definition_reference: ISBN:047125208 term: xylem initial goid: TAIR:0000357 definition: A cambial cell on the xylem side of the cambial zone that is the source of one or more cells arising by periclinal divisions and differentiating into xylem elements either with or without additional divisions in various planes. definition_reference: ISBN:047124529 term: xylem parenchyma goid: TAIR:0000358 definition: parenchyma tissue of the xylem definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: zygote goid: TAIR:0000423 definition: The product of fusion of two gametes before mitosis or meiosis. definition_reference: ISBN:0140514031