PO Web Services

Plant Ontology terms and synonyms are available for use in mobile and desktop applications via RESTful web services. These services, fully accessible to software developers, are encoded in JSON format, a widely-used standard for providing data over the internet (learn more about RESTful web services and the JSON specification).

There are two services available at this time:

A word about JSON parsers...     

Although these services are intended for use by software and not humans, if you would like to view the JSON output of these services directly in your browser, you will probably need to install a JSON-parsing plug-in:


Searching for terms in web and desktop applications

The term search method may be called from web and desktop applications to provide the user with a means of selecting appropriate PO terminology...and to provide the application with the proper Accession IDs.
Displaying term details

The term detail method provides additional data for display or computation. The specific graphical layout is up to the developer.