About the project Provides an overview of the PO project. NSF award The project is funded by the NSF plant genome research award #0822201. POC charter Describes the Consortium's responsibilities and how can you participate in its activities. Citing POC How to cite POC in your article. Developers style guide Key concepts and stylistic aspects of PO. Principles and rationales of PO
- Objectives and organizing principles of the Plant Ontology.
- Objectives and organizing principles the plant structure development stage branch of the PO.
- Objectives and organizing principles of the whole plant development stage branch of the PO.
- Frequently asked questions about the whole plant development stage branch of the PO.
AmiGO help How to use the AmiGO browser to browse and search the PO for terms and annotation data. Ontology Accessions Guide to unique accessions/ids associated to each PO term. DBXrefs A list of the database cross reference abbreviations used in the ontology files and the database. Ontology file formats The Plant Ontology uses the OBO flat file format. The older GO flat file format is now deprecated. Annotation file formats If your database/project would like to submit the annotations to the PO database, please consult the suggested file format. Release notes Find the most recent information on the database and website changes by visiting the release notes page. Evidence codes Describes the various evidence codes explaining how they are used for annotation of genes/gene products/phenotypes. SVN repository The SVN repository lists all the ontology and definition files. Web Services Developer's guide to the PO "term search" and "term detail" web services. Ontology Resources The Internet resources, links to the projects working on ontologies, publications. Publications References and citations of interest on ontology, published by consortium members and collaborators. Presentations Presentations on Plant Ontology by consortium members
- Introduction to the project (Slide show)
- POC Outreach Activities
POC curators List of current and former Plant Ontology curators.
POC meetings Plant Ontology Consortium Meetings