name = OSU Standard description = The Standard theme can be used for any OSU department, institute, program or academic unit. It includes space for rotating feature stories, rotating highlights and space for formatted calendar and news feeds. This theme is a good fit for units investing more time and resources in marketing and communications outreach, and thus requires a higher level of active maintenance. version = 6.x-1.7.0 core = 6.x base theme = osu_drupal_1_11 ; Stylesheets stylesheets[all][] = thickbox.css stylesheets[all][] = feature_stories.css stylesheets[all][] = osu_standard.css stylesheets[all][] = marine.css stylesheets[print][] = print.css conditional-stylesheets[if IE 6][all][] = ie6.css conditional-stylesheets[if IE 7][all][] = ie7.css ; Javascript scripts[] = js/thickbox-compressed.js scripts[] = js/feature_stories.js scripts[] = js/script.js ; Region Definition regions[header] = header (menus only) regions[features] = features regions[pre_content] = pre content regions[content] = content regions[post_content] = post content regions[right] = middle sidebar regions[left] = right sidebar regions[pre_footer_100] = full width above the footer regions[footer] = footer regions[hp_news] = news feed (home page only) regions[hp_events] = events feed (home page only) ; Theme Settings ; ZEN settings[zen_block_editing] = 1 settings[zen_breadcrumb] = yes settings[zen_breadcrumb_separator] = ' › ' settings[zen_breadcrumb_home] = 1 settings[zen_breadcrumb_trailing] = 1 settings[zen_breadcrumb_title] = 0 settings[zen_rebuild_registry] = 1 settings[zen_wireframes] = 0 ; OSU settings[vso_option] = 0 settings[homepage_nav] = 0 settings[hide_utility] = 0 settings[hide_book_nav] = 0 settings[default_variant] = 'standard' ; Notes on adding variants - PL 8-10-2011 ; You can add additional vairants simply by listing them here and supplying the ; needed css and image files. There is no need to further edit the theme-settings.php ; as long as certain conditions are met. ; 1. Add your variant to the variants array below supplying a short name and a title ; 2. Add an include file that contains a function to return a styles array ; 3. Create a stylesheet for your variant named variant-name.css. Each style class ; will be applied to the body tag so this is what you use for selectors. Add your stylesheet ; to the stylesheets array above. ; ; See existing variants for examples. ; Theme variants default_variant = 'standard' variants[standard] = 'OSU Standard' variants[marine] = 'Marine Sciences'