!version: $Revision: 1.10 $ !date: Thu May 01 15:05:22 PDT 2003 !saved-by: lreiser !autogenerated-by: DAG-Edit version 1.316 ! !Gene Ontology definitions ! term: 10 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000413 definition: stage at which the first 10 leaves have reached > 1mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 11 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000414 definition: stage at which the first 11 leaves have reached > 1 mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 12 rosette stage goid: TAIR:0000415 definition: stage at which the first 12 leaves have reached > 1mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 13 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000416 definition: stage at which the first 13 leaves have reached > 1mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 14 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000417 definition: stage at which the first 14 leaves have reached > 1mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 16 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000036 definition: stage at which the plant has made 16 rosette leaves. definition_reference: TAIR:mg ; sm term: 2 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000398 definition: stage at which the first two rosette leaves have reached > 1 mm in length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 3 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000407 definition: stage at which the first 3 rosette leaves have reached > 1 mm in length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 4 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000399 definition: stage at which the first 4 rosette leaves have reached > 1mm in length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 5 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000408 definition: stage at which the first 5 leaves have reached > 1 mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 6 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000409 definition: stage at which the first 6 leaves have reached > 1 mm in length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 7 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000410 definition: stage at which the first 7 leaves have reached > 1 mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 8 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000411 definition: stage at which the first 8 leaves have reached > 1 mm length. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: 9 rosette leaf goid: TAIR:0000412 definition: stage at which the first 9 leaves have reached > 1 mm length. definition_reference: PMID:1 term: Arabidopsis growth goid: TAIR:0000205 definition: Stages of growth and development of Arabidopsis definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: body part developmental stages goid: TAIR:0000022 definition: stages of development of a part or parts of a plant defined by characteristic morphological, structural, histological or other visible features. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: complete rosette goid: TAIR:0000418 definition: stage at whichleaf growth has ceased and the rosette no longer increases in size. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: curled cotyledon stage goid: TAIR:0000320 definition: The stage at which the cotyledons curvedown towards the suspensor. At this time protein deposition in the cotyledons begins. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: dermatogen stage goid: TAIR:0000369 definition: The stage at which the embryo has undergone three mitotic divisions and contains sixteen cells. The outer protodermal cells will give rise to the epidermis through a series of anticlinal divisions. Development of the suspensor is complete at this stage. definition_reference: ISBN:0387094898 term: early rosette growth goid: TAIR:0000043 definition: Rosette is 20% of final size definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: eight-celled stage goid: TAIR:0000180 definition: An embryo comprised of eight cell. The mitotic divisions leading to this stage do not cause a significant increase in size. definition_reference: ISBN:0387094898 term: embryonic goid: TAIR:0000374 definition: stages of development that occur after fertilization and before germination. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: first open flower goid: TAIR:0000421 definition: whole plant stage at which the first flower has reached stage 13 (fully open, pollen dehiscence). definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: flower development goid: TAIR:0000004 definition: stages of flower development in Arabidopsis definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: globular stage goid: TAIR:0000028 definition: A collective term referring to the stages of embryo development spanning the early globular stage when the protoderm is formed to the late globular stage before the initial divisions of the cotyledon primordia are observable. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: heart stage goid: TAIR:0000186 definition: Embryonic stage at which the cotyledon primordia have enlarged enough to form two mounds on either side of the apical meristem. definition_reference: ISBN:03870940898 definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: late globular stage goid: TAIR:0000185 definition: At this stage the protoderm, procambium, hyposeal cell are present and the endosperm begins to cellularize. definition_reference: ISBN:03870940898 term: late reproductive goid: TAIR:0000026 definition: reproductive stages that occur after the midpoint and before senescense or the end of reproductive growth. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: late rosette growth goid: TAIR:0000045 definition: Rosette is 70% of final size. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: mature goid: TAIR:0000368 definition: Stage at which the embryo has ceased to divide. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: mid reproductive goid: TAIR:0000025 definition: middle stages of reproductive phase definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: mid rosette growth goid: TAIR:0000044 definition: Rosette is 50% of final size. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: mid-globular stage goid: TAIR:0000184 definition: Stage at which the embryo under goes mitotic divisions to produce a 32 then 64- celled embryo. definition_reference: ISBN:03870940898 term: ovule development goid: TAIR:0000005 definition: stages of ovule and megagametophyte development definition_reference: PMID:9118807 term: ovule stage 1-I goid: TAIR:0000006 definition: ovule primordia arise definition_reference: TAIR:publicaton 11808 term: ovule stage 1-II goid: TAIR:0000007 definition: ovule primordium elongate definition_reference: TAIR:publicaton 11808 term: ovule stage 2-I goid: TAIR:0000008 definition: megaspore mother cell enlarges definition_reference: TAIR:publicaton 11808 term: ovule stage 2-II goid: TAIR:0000009 definition: inner integument initiates definition_reference: TAIR:publicaton 11808 term: ovule stage 2-III goid: TAIR:0000010 definition: outer integument intitiates, chalazal nucellus divides definition_reference: TAIR:publicaton 11808 term: ovule stage 2-IV goid: TAIR:0000011 definition: megaspore meiosis occurs definition_reference: TAIR:publicaton 11808 term: ovule stage 2-V goid: TAIR:0000012 definition: tetrad of megaspores formed, integuments elongate towards apex of the nucellus definition_reference: TAIR:publicaton 11808 term: ovule stage 3-I goid: TAIR:0000013 definition: non-functional megaspores degenerate, outer integument envelops the nucellus and inner integument, funiculus and nucellus begin to curve definition_reference: TAIR:publicaton 11808 term: ovule stage 3-II goid: TAIR:0000014 definition: two nucleate megagametophyte stage, outer integument surrounds nucellus, micropylar end points > 90 degrees away from funiculus, differential growth of integuments definition_reference: TAIR:publicaton 11808 term: ovule stage 3-III goid: TAIR:0000015 definition: megagametophyte develops large central vacuole, micropylar end of ovule at 90 degree angle from funiculus definition_reference: TAIR:publicaton 11808 term: ovule stage 3-IV goid: TAIR:0000016 definition: four-nucleate megagametophyte , inner integument surrounds nucellus, endothelium differentiates definition_reference: TAIR:publicaton 11808 term: ovule stage 3-V goid: TAIR:0000017 definition: eight nucleate megagametophyte definition_reference: TAIR:publicaton 11808 term: ovule stage 3-VI goid: TAIR:0000018 definition: central cell nuclei fuse, antipodal cells degenerate, additional cell layer forms in inner integument definition_reference: TAIR:publicaton 11808 term: reproductive goid: TAIR:0000306 definition: In annual plants the stages that commence when the the plant is capapble of sexual reproduction (e.g. flowering) and continues until sexual reproduction ceases. definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: rosette growth goid: TAIR:0000042 definition: Stages of growth based on expansion of the rosette. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: seedling goid: TAIR:0000027 definition: A young plant that is partly dependent on substances of the maternal plant stored in the seed (especially the first leaves, called cotyledons). The plant always has embryological structures, including cotyledons, a primary root (the embryological root), and a primary shoot (the embryological stem) definition_reference: URL:http //www.bbg.org/gar2/topics/botany/parts_grouping.html term: senescence goid: TAIR:0000035 definition: Stages of senescence for the whole plant. Characteristics include loss of pigmentation, leaves start to brown. definition_reference: TAIR:lr , lm term: senescence complete goid: TAIR:0000041 definition: Senescence complete, ready for harvest. definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: silique ripening goid: TAIR:0000034 definition: The stage at which the mature siliques on a plant begin to brown and shatter. definition_reference: PMID:10375566 term: stage 1 flower goid: TAIR:0000375 definition: stage of flower development marked by the emergence of the floral meristem on the flank of the inflorescene meristem. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 10 flower goid: TAIR:0000384 definition: stage of flower development that begins when the petal height is level with the stamens. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 11 flower goid: TAIR:0000385 definition: stage of flower development that begins when the stigmatic papillae appear. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 12 flower goid: TAIR:0000386 definition: stage of flower development that begins when the petals are level with the long stamens. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 13 flower goid: TAIR:0000388 definition: stage of flower development that begins when the floral bud opens and the petals are visible to the naked eye. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 14 flower goid: TAIR:0000389 definition: Stage of floral development when long anthers extend above the stigma. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 15 flower goid: TAIR:0000390 definition: Stage of floral developement that begins when the stigma extends above the long anthers. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 16 flower goid: TAIR:0000391 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the petals and sepals begin to wither. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 17 flower goid: TAIR:0000392 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when all of the floral organs have abscised and only the green silique remains. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 18 flower goid: TAIR:0000422 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the silique color changes from green to yellow. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 2 flower goid: TAIR:0000376 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the floral meristem becomes demarcated from the inflorescence meristem by a slight indentation. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 3 flower goid: TAIR:0000377 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the sepal primordia arise. definition_reference: ISBN:038794898 term: stage 4 flower goid: TAIR:0000378 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the developing sepals overlie the floral meristem. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 5 flower goid: TAIR:0000379 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the petal and stamen primordia arise. definition_reference: ISBN:038790898 term: stage 6 flower goid: TAIR:0000380 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the sepals enclose the floral bud. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 7 flower goid: TAIR:0000381 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the ling stamen primordia are stalked at the base. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 8 flower goid: TAIR:0000382 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when thelocules appear on the long stamens. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: stage 9 flower goid: TAIR:0000383 definition: Stage of floral development that begins when the petal primordia are stalked at the base. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: torpedo stage goid: TAIR:0000187 definition: During this stage the embryo elongates into the cellular endosperm and the internal layers of the hypocotyl and radicle differentiate to form the vascular tissue. Lipid deposition into the cotyledons begins at this stage. Organelle differentiation occurs leading to greening of the embryo. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: triangle stage goid: TAIR:0000029 definition: A transient stage between the late globular and heart stage when the first cell divisions of the cotyledon primordia begin and cell elongation starts in the procambium. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: two-celled stage goid: TAIR:0000177 definition: The embryo after the first mitotic division that produces a smaller apical cell and larger basal cell. The basal cell gives rise to the radicle and the suspensor. The apical cell gives rise all of the embryo except the root. definition_reference: ISBN:0387940898 term: vegetative goid: TAIR:0000305 definition: stages of development that occur from seed germination up to flowering definition_reference: TAIR:lr term: visible flower buds goid: TAIR:0000420 definition: Whole plant developmental stage at which the first flower buds become visible to the naked eye definition_reference: PMID:11449047 term: zygote goid: TAIR:0000423 definition: The product of fusion of two gametes before mitosis or meiosis. definition_reference: ISBN:0140514031