]> The relation has_infectious_agent is temporary, until it gets implemented in the IDO. has_infectious_agent For example, "rice bacterial leaf blight disease has_infectious_agent Xanthamonas oryzae" means that the infectious disorder associated with Xanthamonas oryzae is the material basis of the infectious disease rice bacterial blight disease. This relation is used to indicate the organism that is linked to the infectiuos disorder that is the material basis of an infectious disease. At the instance level: d has_infectious_agent a at t =def there exists some i and some o such that d instance_of IDO:infectious disease at t a instance_of IDO:infectious agent at t i instance_of IDO:infectious disorder at t o instance_of OGMS:extended organism at t d inheres_in o at t d has_material_basis i at t implies i has_part a at t d has_material_basis i at t =def (d instance_of BFO:disposition at t and i instance_of BFO:material entity at t and o instance_of BFO:material entity at t and o has_disposition d at t) implies o has_part i at t At the class level: D has_infectious_agent A =def for all d and all times t, if d instance_of D at t, then there exists some a such that a instance_of A at t and d has_infectious_agent a at t has_plant_disease_symptom For example, “rice bacterial leaf blight disease has_plant_disease_ symptom leaf color pale yellow” means that pale yellow leaf color is a plant disease symptom of rice bacterial leaf blight disease, but it does not mean that every instance of rice bacterial leaf blight disease has pale yellow leaves. This relation is used to indicate a phenotype, process, or independent continuant that is evaluated to diagnose a disease. process of establishing a plant infection A process by which an infectious agent, established in a plant host, becomes part of an infection in the plant host. process of establishing a plant bacterial infection A process by which a bacterial infectious agent, established in a plant host, becomes part of an infection in the plant host. process of establishing a plant viral infection A process by which a viral infectious agent, established in a plant host, becomes part of an infection in the plant host. process of establishing a plant fungal infection A process by which a fungal infectious agent, established in a plant host, becomes part of an infection in the plant host. bacterial infectious agent A bacterium that has an infectious disposition. viral infectious agent A virus that has an infectious disposition. fungal infectious agent A fungus that has an infectious disposition. rice sheath rot A plant fungal disease that inheres in Oryza sativa and has as infectious agent some Sarocladium oryzae. http://www.knowledgebank.irri.org/RiceDoctor/information-sheets-mainmenu-2730/diseases-mainmenu-2735/sheath-rot-mainmenu-2771.html plant infectious disease An infectious disease that inheres in a plant (Viridiplantae). plant bacterial disease A plant infectious disease that has as infectious agent some Bacteria (organisms of some subclass of Bacteria). plant fungal disease A plant infectious disease that has as infectious agent some Fungus (organisms of some subclass of Fungi/Metazoan group - need to be more specific). plant viral disease A plant infectious disease that has as infectious agent some Virus (organisms of some subclass of Virus). rice infectious disease A plant infectious disease that inheres in some Oryza sativa (rice). maize infectious disease A plant infectious disease that inheres in some Zea mays (maize or corn). rice bacterial leaf blight disease A plant bacterial disease that inheres in Oryza sativa and has as infectious agent some Xanthomonas oryzae. Add more about the symptoms in the comment.