]> 1.2 16:05:2012 14:42 Glycine max "Terms used for soybean" OBO-Edit 2.1.1-beta9 Solanaceae spp "Terms used for the Solanaceae" Triticum aestivum "Terms used for wheat" Zea mays "Terms used for maize or corn" moorel causal agent of plant_trait_ontology has_part plant bacterial disease moorel true "A plant disease [0000001] caused by bacteria" [] 2012-04-05T10:11:59Z plant disease "A disease of a plant structure (PO:0009011)." [PDO:curators] 2012-03-30T03:04:19Z cooperl plant bacterial disease 2012-03-30T03:13:24Z "A plant disease (PDO:0000001) that is caused by bacteria." [PDO:curators] cooperl rice bacterial disease "A plant bacterial (PDO:0000002) that affects rice (Oryza sativa)." [PDO:curators] cooperl 2012-03-30T03:32:12Z plant fungal disease 2012-03-30T03:50:49Z "A plant disease (PDO:0000001) that is caused by a fungus." [PDO:curators] cooperl plant viral disease 2012-04-05T10:23:07Z "A plant disease (PDO:0000001) caused by a virus." [PDO:curators] moorel rice fungal disease moorel 2012-04-05T10:24:14Z "A plant fungal disease (PDO:0000004) that affects rice." [PDO:curators] rice viral disease 2012-04-05T10:26:18Z "A plant viral disease (PDO:0000005) that affects rice." [PDO:curators] moorel wheat bacterial disease moorel "A plant bacterial disease (PDO:0000002) that affects wheat." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-05T10:29:00Z wheat fungal disease 2012-04-05T10:30:50Z "A plant fungal disease (PDO:0000004) that affects wheat." [PDO:curators] moorel wheat viral disease 2012-04-05T10:31:58Z moorel "A plant viral disease (PDO:0000005) that affects wheat." [PDO:curators] corn/maize bacterial disease 2012-04-05T10:33:27Z "A bacterial plant disease (PDO:0000002) that affects corn or maize." [PDO:curators] moorel corn/maize fungal disease moorel "A fungal plant disease (PDO:0000004) that affects corn or maize." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-05T10:34:55Z corn/maize viral disease 2012-04-05T10:36:00Z moorel "A plant viral disease (PDO:0000005) that affects corn or maize." [PDO:curators] rice bacterial blight 2012-04-05T10:37:53Z "A rice bacterial disease (PDO:0000003) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (PDO:0000017)." [PDO:curators] moorel causal agent "An agent that causes a plant disease (PDO:0000001)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-06T02:20:47Z moorel bacteria "A biotic causal agent (PDO:0000067) which is a bacteria." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-06T02:21:57Z moorel Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae 2012-04-06T02:30:34Z moorel "A bacteria (PDO:0000016) that causes rice bacterial blight (PDO:0000014)." [PDO:curators] Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola 2012-04-09T01:35:20Z moorel "A bacteria (PDO:0000016) that causes rice bacterial leaf streak (PDO:0000018)." [PDO:curators] rice bacterial leaf streak 2012-04-09T01:37:41Z "A rice bacterial disease (PDO:0000003) cause by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola (PDO:0000018)." [PDO:curators] moorel rice foot rot "A rice bacterial disease (PDO:0000003) caused by Erwinia chrysanthemi (PDO:0000021)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-09T01:41:32Z moorel Erwinia chrysanthemi "A bacteria (PDO:0000016) that causes rice foot rot (PDO:0000020)." [PDO:curators] moorel 2012-04-09T01:43:12Z Pseudomonas glumae 2012-04-09T01:48:50Z moorel "A bacteria (PDO:0000016) that causes rice grain rot (PDO:0000023)." [PDO:curators] rice grain rot 2012-04-09T01:51:43Z "A rice bacterial disease (PDO:0000003) caused by Pseudomonas glumae (PDO:0000022)." [PDO:curators] moorel rice sheath brown rot moorel 2012-04-09T01:59:01Z "A rice bacterial disease (PDO:0000003) caused by Pseudomonas fuscovaginae (PDO:0000025)." [PDO:curators] Pseudomonas fuscovaginae moorel "A bacteria (PDO:0000016) that causes rice sheath brown rot (PDO:0000024)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-09T02:00:45Z fungal biotic causal agent moorel 2012-04-09T02:06:26Z "A biotic causal agent (PDO:0000067) that is one or more fungal species." [PDO:curators] rice aggregate sheath spot "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Ceratobasidium oryzae-sativae (PDO:0000028)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-09T02:12:07Z moorel Ceratobasidium oryzae-sativae "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice aggregate sheath spot (PDO:0000027)." [PDO:curators] moorel 2012-04-09T02:14:30Z rice black kernel 2012-04-09T02:18:03Z moorel "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Curvularia lunata (PDO:0000030)." [PDO:curators] Curvularia lunata 2012-04-09T02:19:53Z "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice black kernel (PDO:0000029)." [PDO:curators] moorel rice blast (leaf, neck [rotten neck], nodal and collar) 2012-04-09T02:23:26Z "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Pyricularia grisea (PDO:0000032)." [PDO:curators] moorel Pyricularia grisea 2012-04-09T02:25:01Z "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice blast (PDO:0000031)." [PDO:curators] moorel rice brown spot "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Cochliobolus miyabeanus (PDO:0000034)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-09T02:27:33Z moorel Cochliobolus miyabeanus 2012-04-09T02:28:59Z moorel "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice brown spot (PDO:0000033), Cochliobolus miyabeanus pecky rice (PDO:0000078) and rice Cochliobolus miyabeanus seedling blight (PDO:0000084)." [PDO:curators] rice crown sheath rot "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis (PDO:0000036)." [PDO:curators] moorel 2012-04-09T02:31:07Z Gaeumannomyces graminis "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice crown sheath rot (PDO:0000035)." [PDO:curators] moorel 2012-04-09T02:32:53Z rice downy mildew "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Sclerophthora macrospora (PDO:0000038)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-09T02:35:27Z moorel Sclerophthora macrospora 2012-04-09T02:39:34Z "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice downy mildew (PDO:0000037)." [PDO:curators] moorel rice eyespot "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Drechslera gigantea (PDO:0000040)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-09T02:43:16Z moorel Drechslera gigantea "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice eyespot (PDO:0000039)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-09T02:44:40Z moorel rice false smut moorel 2012-04-09T02:47:43Z "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Ustilaginoidea virens (PDO:0000042)." [PDO:curators] Ustilaginoidea virens 2012-04-09T02:49:19Z moorel "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice false smut (PDO:0000041)." [PDO:curators] rice kernel smut "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Tilletia barclayana (PDO:0000044)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-09T02:52:18Z moorel Tilletia barclayana "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice kernel smut (PDO:0000043)." [PDO:curators] moorel 2012-04-09T02:53:56Z rice leaf smut moorel "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Entyloma oryzae (PDO:0000046)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-09T02:56:24Z Entyloma oryzae moorel "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice leaf smut (PDO:0000045)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-09T02:57:42Z rice leaf scald moorel "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Microdochium oryzae (PDO:0000048)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-09T03:01:46Z Microdochium oryzae "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice leaf scald (PDO:0000047) and Microdochium oryzae pecky rice (PDO:0000079)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-09T03:04:07Z moorel rice narrow brown leaf spot "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Cercospora janseana (PDO:0000050)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-12T10:19:40Z moorel Cercospora janseana 2012-04-12T10:22:56Z "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice narrow brown leaf spot (PDO:0000049)." [PDO:curators] moorel rice sheath blight moorel "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Thanatephorus cucumeris (PDO:0000052)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-12T10:28:54Z Thanatephorus cucumeris moorel 2012-04-12T10:34:25Z "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice sheath blight (PDO:0000051)." [PDO:curators] rice sheath rot 2012-04-12T10:36:53Z "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Sarocladium oryzae (PDO:0000054)." [PDO:curators] moorel Sarocladium oryzae 2012-04-12T10:38:45Z moorel "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice sheath rot (PDO:0000053)." [PDO:curators] rice sheath spot 2012-04-12T10:41:34Z moorel "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Rhizoctonia oryzae (PDO:0000056)." [PDO:curators] Rhizoctonia oryzae "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice sheath spot (PDO:0000055)." [PDO:curators] moorel 2012-04-12T10:44:51Z rice stackburn (alternaria leaf spot) moorel "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Alternaria padwickii (PDO:0000058)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-12T10:49:10Z Alternaria padwickii "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice stackburn (alternaria leaf spot) (PDO:0000057)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-12T10:51:24Z moorel rice stem rot 2012-04-12T10:55:03Z moorel "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Magnaporthe salvinii (PDO:0000060)." [PDO:curators] Magnaporthe salvinii 2012-04-12T10:56:31Z "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice stem rot (PDO:0000059)." [PDO:curators] moorel wheat bacterial leaf blight "A wheat bacterial disease (PDO:0000008) caused by Pseudomonas syringae (PDO:0000062)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-13T01:10:09Z moorel Pseudomonas syringae 2012-04-13T01:13:06Z moorel "A bacteria (PDO:0000016) that causes wheat bacterial leaf blight (PDO:0000061)." [PDO:curators] rice pythium root rot moorel "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Pythium spp. (PDO:0000064)." [PDO:curators] rice kernel spotting 2012-04-13T02:04:43Z EXACT rice kernel spotting Pythium spp. "A Pythium fungal spp. (PDO:0000070) that is more than one Pythium species and causes rice Pythium root rot (PDO:0000063)." [PDO:curtors] moorel 2012-04-13T02:11:59Z rice Pythium dissotocum root rot moorel 2012-04-13T02:15:43Z "A rice Pythium root rot (PDO:0000063) caused by Pythium dissotocum (PDO:0000066)." [PDO:curators] Pythium dissotocum moorel "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice Pythium dissotocum root rot (PDO:0000065)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-13T02:18:59Z biotic causal agent moorel 2012-04-13T02:26:01Z "A causal agent (PDO:0000015) that is one or more living organisms." [PDO:curators] abiotic causal agent 2012-04-13T02:28:25Z "A causal agent (PDO:0000015) that is abiotic." [PDO:curators] moorel fungal species moorel "A fungal biotic causal agent (0000026) that is a single fungal species." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-13T02:50:13Z fungal spp. 2012-04-13T02:51:36Z moorel "A fungal biotic causal agent (PDO:0000026) that is more than one fungal species." [PDO:curators] host plant cooperl "An plant species that is affected a plant disease (PDO:0000001)." [PDO:curator] 2012-04-16T01:12:08Z Pythium spinosum moorel 2012-04-27T13:35:14Z "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice Pythium spinosum root rot (PDO:0000073)." [PDO:curators] rice Pythium spinosum root rot "A rice Pythium root rot (PDO:0000063) caused by Pythium spinosum (PDO:0000072)." [PDO:curators] moorel 2012-04-27T13:37:47Z Curvularia spp. moorel "A Curvularia fungal spp. (PDO:0000070) that is more than one Curvularia species and causes Curvularia pecky rice (PDO:0000075) and rice Curvularia seedling blight (PDO:0000085)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-27T13:39:46Z curvularia pecky rice "A pecky rice (PDO:0000092) caused by Curvularia spp. (PDO:0000074)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-27T13:41:18Z moorel kernel spotting RELATED kernel spotting Fusarium spp. "A Fusarium fungal spp. (PDO:0000070) that is more than one Fusarium species and causes rice Fusarium root rot (PDO:0000080), Fusarium pecky rice (PDO:0000081) and rice Fusarium seedling blight (PDO:0000086)." [PDO:curators] moorel 2012-04-27T13:43:12Z Fusarium pecky rice moorel kernel spotting 2012-04-27T13:44:52Z "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Fusarium spp. (PDO:0000076)." [PDO:curators] RELATED kernel spotting cochliobolus miyabeanus pecky rice 2012-04-27T13:48:26Z moorel kernel spotting "A pecky rice (PDO:0000092) caused by Cochliobolus miyabeanus." [PDO:curators] RELATED kernel spotting microdochium oryzae pecky rice kernel spotting 2012-04-27T13:50:51Z moorel "A pecky rice (PDO:0000092) caused by Microdochium oryzae." [PDO:curators] RELATED kernel spotting rice fusarium root rot 2012-04-27T14:00:25Z "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) caused by Fusarium spp. (PDO:0000076)." [PDO:curators] moorel fusarium pecky rice kernel spotting "A pecky rice (PDO:0000092) caused by Fusarium spp. (PDO:0000076)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-27T14:02:03Z moorel RELATED kernel spotting sarocladium oryzae pecky rice 2012-04-27T14:05:28Z moorel kernel spotting "A pecky rice (PDO:0000092) caused by Sarocladium oryzae (PDO:0000083)." [PDO:curators] RELATED kernel spotting Sarocladium oryzae moorel "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes Sarocladium oryzae pecky rice (PDO:0000082)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-27T14:07:05Z rice cochliobolus miyabeanus seedling blight moorel 2012-04-27T14:11:12Z "A rice seedling blight (PDO:0000093) caused by Cochliobolus miyabeanus (PDO:0000034)." [PDO:curators] rice curvularia seedling blight 2012-04-27T14:15:08Z "A rice seedling blight (PDO:0000093) caused by Curvularia spp. (PDO:0000074)." [PDO:curators] moorel rice fusarium seedling blight "A rice seedling blight (PDO:0000093) caused by Fusarium spp. (PDO:0000076)." [PDO:curators] moorel 2012-04-27T14:17:44Z rice rhizoctonia solani seedling blight 2012-04-27T14:21:31Z moorel "A rice seedling blight (PDO:0000092) caused by Rhizoctonia solani (PDO:0000088)." [PDO:curators] Rhizoctonia solani moorel "A fungal species (PDO:0000069) that causes rice Rhizoctonia solani seedling blight (PDO:0000087)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-27T14:22:42Z rice sclerotium rolfsii seedling blight moorel "A rice seedling blight (PDO:0000092) caused by Sclerotium rolfsii (PDO:0000090)." [PDO:curators] 2012-04-27T14:26:03Z fungal pecky rice "A plant fungal disease (PDO:0000004) which results in a rice kernel that has brown spots." [PDO:curators] cooperl 2012-05-14T14:45:43Z rice disease 2012-05-14T16:30:47Z "A plant disease (PDO:0000001) that affects rice." [PDO:curators] cooperl pecky rice "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) that can be caused by one or more fungal species." [PDO:curators] moorel 2012-05-16T13:14:55Z rice seedling blight 2012-05-16T13:46:51Z moorel "A rice fungal disease (PDO:0000006) that can be caused by one or more fungal species." [PDO:curators] Pythium sp. part of primary host of