GR_gene 0060141 CL PO:0007010 GR_ref:1793 TAS G CLUSTERED SPIKELETS Cl|Clustered spikelets gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060141 CL PO:0007038 GR_ref:1793 TAS G CLUSTERED SPIKELETS Cl|Clustered spikelets gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060141 CL PO:0007041 GR_ref:1793 TAS G CLUSTERED SPIKELETS Cl|Clustered spikelets gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060141 CL PO:0007042 GR_ref:1793 TAS G CLUSTERED SPIKELETS Cl|Clustered spikelets gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060146 [CMS-BO] PO:0007014 GR_ref:6006 IC Q35294 G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY BO [cms-bo]|`Chinsurah boro 2' cytoplasm|[cms-bo]|'Chinsurah boro II' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060148 [CMS-DRW21018] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5604 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY DRW21018 [cms-DRW21018]|[cms-DRW21018]|'DRW21018' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060149 [CMS-DRW21030] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5604 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY DRW21030 [cms-DRW21030]|[cms-DRW21030]|'DRW21030' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060150 [CMS-DRW21039] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5604 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY DRW21039 [cms-DRW21039]|[cms-DRW21039]|'DRW21039' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060153 [CMS-IR66707A] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5552 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY IR66707A Oryza perennis Acc. 104823 cytoplasm|[cms-IR66707A]|Oryza perennis Acc104823 cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060154 [CMS-KALINGA-I] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5870 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY KALINGA [cms-Kalinga-I]|[cms-Kalinga-I]|Cytoplasmic controlled cold tolerance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060154 [CMS-KALINGA-I] PO:0007133 GR_ref:5870 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY KALINGA [cms-Kalinga-I]|[cms-Kalinga-I]|Cytoplasmic controlled cold tolerance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060155 [CMS-KHIABORO] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5552 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY KHIABORO [cms-Khiaboro]|`Khiaboro' cytoplasm|[cms-Khiaboro]|'Khiaboro' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060156 [CMS-ID] PO:0007014 GR_ref:6419 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY ID `Lead rice' cytoplasm|[cms-ld]|[cms-ld]|'Lead rice' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060157 [CMS-RPW21111] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5604 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY RPW21111 [cms-DPW21111]|[cms-RPW21111]|'RPW21111' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060159 [CMS-TA] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5713 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY TA `TA820' cytoplasm|[cms-TA]|[cms-TA]|'TA820' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060160 [CMS-UR27] PO:0007014 GR_ref:6358 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY UR27 [cms-UR27]|`UR27F' cytoplasm|[cms-UR27]|'UR27F' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060161 [CMS-UR89] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5671 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY UR89 `UR89F' cytoplasm|[cms-UR89]|[cms-UR89]|'UR89F' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060162 [CMS-UR102] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5671 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY UR102 `UR102F' cytoplasm|[cms-UR102]|[cms-UR102]|'UR102F' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060163 [CMS-UR104] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5671 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY UR104 [cms-UR104]|`UR104F' cytoplasm|[cms-UR104]|'UR104F' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060164 [CMS-UR106] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5671 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY UR106 [cms-UR106]|`UR106F' cytoplasm|[cms-UR106]|'UR106F' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060165 [CMS-VN1] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5604 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY VN 1 [cms-VN1]|[cms-VN1]|'VN1' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060168 [cms-Miz4] PO:0007014 GR_ref:6086 TAS G 'Miz4' cytoplasm `Miz 4' cytoplasm|[cms-Miz4] gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060169 [cms-Miz21] PO:0007014 GR_ref:6087 TAS G 'Miz21' cytoplasm `Miz 21' cytoplasm|[cms-Miz21] gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060170 CNX1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5898 TAS G MOLYBDEN COFACTOR 1 cnx1|molybdenum cofactor for nitrate reductase-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060171 CNX2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6084 TAS G MOLYBDEN COFACTOR 2 cnx2|molybdenum cofactor for nitrate reductase-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060172 CNX3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5898 TAS G MOLYBDEN COFACTOR 3 cnx3|molybdenum cofactor for nitrate reductase-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060174 CPS PO:0007041 GR_ref:3024 TAS G COMPACT PANICLE STERILE cps|compact panicle sterile gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060175 CRL1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6082 TAS G CROWN ROOTLESS 1 crl1|crown rootless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060176 CRL2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6082 TAS G CROWN ROOTLESS 2 crl2|crown rootless-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060179 CTS2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5806 TAS G COLD TOLERANCE AT SEEDLING STAGE 2 Cts2|Cold tolerance at seedling stage-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060182 D1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5546 TAS G DWARF DAIKOKU Dominant lethal from O. longistaminata|Da|Dhl1|Dominant hybrid lethal-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060182 D1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5546 TAS G DWARF DAIKOKU Dominant lethal from O. longistaminata|Da|Dhl1|Dominant hybrid lethal-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060182 D1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5546 TAS G DWARF DAIKOKU Dominant lethal from O. longistaminata|Da|Dhl1|Dominant hybrid lethal-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060183 D2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5546 TAS G DOMINANT LETHAL 2 Dominant lethal from O. sativa|Db|Dhl2|Dominant hybrid lethal-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060183 D2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5546 TAS G DOMINANT LETHAL 2 Dominant lethal from O. sativa|Db|Dhl2|Dominant hybrid lethal-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060183 D2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5546 TAS G DOMINANT LETHAL 2 Dominant lethal from O. sativa|Db|Dhl2|Dominant hybrid lethal-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060235 DN1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5797 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 1 Dn1|Dense panicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060235 DN1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5797 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 1 Dn1|Dense panicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060235 DN1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5797 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 1 Dn1|Dense panicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060235 DN1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5797 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 1 Dn1|Dense panicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060236 DN2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1801 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 2 Dn2|Dense panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060236 DN2 PO:0007014 GR_ref:1801 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 2 Dn2|Dense panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060236 DN2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1801 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 2 Dn2|Dense panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060236 DN2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1801 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 2 Dn2|Dense panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060236 DN2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1801 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 2 Dn2|Dense panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060236 DN2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:1801 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 2 Dn2|Dense panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060719 RA PO:0007010 GR_ref:1512|PMID:10809440 IC Q40614 G TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATOR A bhlh13|basic helix loop helix 13|OsbHLH013|OsbHLH13|Ra|Rice R gene (Anthocyanin biosynthesis)-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060719 RA PO:0007038 GR_ref:1512|PMID:10809440 IC Q40614 G TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATOR A bhlh13|basic helix loop helix 13|OsbHLH013|OsbHLH13|Ra|Rice R gene (Anthocyanin biosynthesis)-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060719 RA PO:0007041 GR_ref:1512|PMID:10809440 IC Q40614 G TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATOR A bhlh13|basic helix loop helix 13|OsbHLH013|OsbHLH13|Ra|Rice R gene (Anthocyanin biosynthesis)-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060719 RA PO:0007042 GR_ref:1512|PMID:10809440 IC Q40614 G TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATOR A bhlh13|basic helix loop helix 13|OsbHLH013|OsbHLH13|Ra|Rice R gene (Anthocyanin biosynthesis)-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060720 RB PO:0007010 GR_ref:5348|PMID:8849907 IC Q657A4 G TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATOR B Rice R gene-b|Rb|bhlh165|basic/helix-loop-helix 165|basic helix loop helix 165|OsbHLH165 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060720 RB PO:0007038 GR_ref:5348|PMID:8849907 IC Q657A4 G TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATOR B Rice R gene-b|Rb|bhlh165|basic/helix-loop-helix 165|basic helix loop helix 165|OsbHLH165 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060720 RB PO:0007041 GR_ref:5348|PMID:8849907 IC Q657A4 G TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATOR B Rice R gene-b|Rb|bhlh165|basic/helix-loop-helix 165|basic helix loop helix 165|OsbHLH165 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060720 RB PO:0007042 GR_ref:5348|PMID:8849907 IC Q657A4 G TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATOR B Rice R gene-b|Rb|bhlh165|basic/helix-loop-helix 165|basic helix loop helix 165|OsbHLH165 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060724 RC PO:0007010 GR_ref:5666 TAS G BROWN PERICARP AND SEED COAT Basic Helix-Loop-Helix protein|basic/helix-loop-helix 17|basic helix loop helix 17|OsbHLH017|OsbHLH17|Rc|Brown pericarp and seed coat gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060724 RC PO:0007038 GR_ref:5666 TAS G BROWN PERICARP AND SEED COAT Basic Helix-Loop-Helix protein|basic/helix-loop-helix 17|basic helix loop helix 17|OsbHLH017|OsbHLH17|Rc|Brown pericarp and seed coat gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060724 RC PO:0007041 GR_ref:5666 TAS G BROWN PERICARP AND SEED COAT Basic Helix-Loop-Helix protein|basic/helix-loop-helix 17|basic helix loop helix 17|OsbHLH017|OsbHLH17|Rc|Brown pericarp and seed coat gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060724 RC PO:0007042 GR_ref:5666 TAS G BROWN PERICARP AND SEED COAT Basic Helix-Loop-Helix protein|basic/helix-loop-helix 17|basic helix loop helix 17|OsbHLH017|OsbHLH17|Rc|Brown pericarp and seed coat gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060733 RD PO:0007010 GR_ref:6242 TAS G RED PERICARP AND SEED COAT Rd|Red pericarp and seed coat gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060733 RD PO:0007038 GR_ref:6242 TAS G RED PERICARP AND SEED COAT Rd|Red pericarp and seed coat gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060733 RD PO:0007041 GR_ref:6242 TAS G RED PERICARP AND SEED COAT Rd|Red pericarp and seed coat gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060733 RD PO:0007042 GR_ref:6242 TAS G RED PERICARP AND SEED COAT Rd|Red pericarp and seed coat gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060753 RFS PO:0007010 GR_ref:5907 TAS G ROLLED FINE STRIPED LEAF rfs|rolled fine striped leaf|cul7|curl leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060753 RFS PO:0007014 GR_ref:5907 TAS G ROLLED FINE STRIPED LEAF rfs|rolled fine striped leaf|cul7|curl leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060753 RFS PO:0007041 GR_ref:5907 TAS G ROLLED FINE STRIPED LEAF rfs|rolled fine striped leaf|cul7|curl leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060753 RFS PO:0007042 GR_ref:5907 TAS G ROLLED FINE STRIPED LEAF rfs|rolled fine striped leaf|cul7|curl leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060753 RFS PO:0007065 GR_ref:5907 TAS G ROLLED FINE STRIPED LEAF rfs|rolled fine striped leaf|cul7|curl leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060753 RFS PO:0007073 GR_ref:5907 TAS G ROLLED FINE STRIPED LEAF rfs|rolled fine striped leaf|cul7|curl leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060753 RFS PO:0007089 GR_ref:5907 TAS G ROLLED FINE STRIPED LEAF rfs|rolled fine striped leaf|cul7|curl leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060753 RFS PO:0007123 GR_ref:5907 TAS G ROLLED FINE STRIPED LEAF rfs|rolled fine striped leaf|cul7|curl leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060753 RFS PO:0007133 GR_ref:5907 TAS G ROLLED FINE STRIPED LEAF rfs|rolled fine striped leaf|cul7|curl leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060860 SE1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2258 IC Q9FE92 G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 1 Fl|Lm|Hd1|Se1|K|Photoperiod-sensitivity-1|Rs|Lf|Fl1|Flowering date-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060860 SE1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:2258 IMP Q9FE92 G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 1 Fl|Lm|Hd1|Se1|K|Photoperiod-sensitivity-1|Rs|Lf|Fl1|Flowering date-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060860 SE1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:2258 IC Q9FE92 G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 1 Fl|Lm|Hd1|Se1|K|Photoperiod-sensitivity-1|Rs|Lf|Fl1|Flowering date-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060862 SE3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5858 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 3 Photoperiod-sensitivity-3|Se3(t)|Fl6|Flowering date-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060862 SE3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5858 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 3 Photoperiod-sensitivity-3|Se3(t)|Fl6|Flowering date-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060862 SE3 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5858 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 3 Photoperiod-sensitivity-3|Se3(t)|Fl6|Flowering date-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060863 SE4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3264 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 4 Photoperiod-sensitivity-4|Se4(t)|Fl7|Flowering date-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060863 SE4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:3264 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 4 Photoperiod-sensitivity-4|Se4(t)|Fl7|Flowering date-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060863 SE4 PO:0007089 GR_ref:3264 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 4 Photoperiod-sensitivity-4|Se4(t)|Fl7|Flowering date-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060864 SE5 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5164 IMP Q69XJ4 G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 5 Photoperiod-sensitivity-5|Se5|Fl8|Flowering date-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060864 SE5 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5164 IMP Q69XJ4 G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 5 Photoperiod-sensitivity-5|Se5|Fl8|Flowering date-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060864 SE5 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5164 IMP Q69XJ4 G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 5 Photoperiod-sensitivity-5|Se5|Fl8|Flowering date-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060867 SE8 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6033 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 8 Heading date-2|Hd2|Photoperiod-sensitivity-8|Se8(t)*|Fl11|Flowering date-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060867 SE8 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6033 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 8 Heading date-2|Hd2|Photoperiod-sensitivity-8|Se8(t)*|Fl11|Flowering date-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060867 SE8 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6033 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 8 Heading date-2|Hd2|Photoperiod-sensitivity-8|Se8(t)*|Fl11|Flowering date-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061082 fl16 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6157 TAS G flowering date-16 photoperiod-sensitivity from Patpaku|sepat(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061082 fl16 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6157 TAS G flowering date-16 photoperiod-sensitivity from Patpaku|sepat(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061082 fl16 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6157 TAS G flowering date-16 photoperiod-sensitivity from Patpaku|sepat(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060927 SSV PO:0007014 GR_ref:850 TAS G SHORT STATURE ONLY IN THE VEGETATIVE PHASE Ssv*|Dwf44|Ssv|Short stature (vegetative type) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060927 SSV PO:0007089 GR_ref:850 TAS G SHORT STATURE ONLY IN THE VEGETATIVE PHASE Ssv*|Dwf44|Ssv|Short stature (vegetative type) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060928 ST1 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 1 ws1|st1|stripe-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060928 ST1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 1 ws1|st1|stripe-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060928 ST1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 1 ws1|st1|stripe-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060928 ST1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 1 ws1|st1|stripe-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060928 ST1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 1 ws1|st1|stripe-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060928 ST1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 1 ws1|st1|stripe-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060929 ST2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:3024 TAS G STRIPE 2 gw|st2|stripe-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060929 ST2 PO:0007014 GR_ref:3024 TAS G STRIPE 2 gw|st2|stripe-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060929 ST2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:3024 TAS G STRIPE 2 gw|st2|stripe-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060929 ST2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:3024 TAS G STRIPE 2 gw|st2|stripe-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060929 ST2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:3024 TAS G STRIPE 2 gw|st2|stripe-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060929 ST2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:3024 TAS G STRIPE 2 gw|st2|stripe-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060929 ST2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:3024 TAS G STRIPE 2 gw|st2|stripe-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060929 ST2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:3024 TAS G STRIPE 2 gw|st2|stripe-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060929 ST2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:3024 TAS G STRIPE 2 gw|st2|stripe-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060930 ST3 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5658 TAS G STRIPE 3 stl|st|st3|stripe-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060930 ST3 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5658 TAS G STRIPE 3 stl|st|st3|stripe-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060930 ST3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5658 TAS G STRIPE 3 stl|st|st3|stripe-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060930 ST3 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5658 TAS G STRIPE 3 stl|st|st3|stripe-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060930 ST3 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5658 TAS G STRIPE 3 stl|st|st3|stripe-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060930 ST3 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5658 TAS G STRIPE 3 stl|st|st3|stripe-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060930 ST3 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5658 TAS G STRIPE 3 stl|st|st3|stripe-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060930 ST3 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5658 TAS G STRIPE 3 stl|st|st3|stripe-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060930 ST3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5658 TAS G STRIPE 3 stl|st|st3|stripe-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060931 ST4 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 4 ws2|st4|stripe-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060931 ST4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 4 ws2|st4|stripe-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060931 ST4 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 4 ws2|st4|stripe-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060931 ST4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 4 ws2|st4|stripe-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060931 ST4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 4 ws2|st4|stripe-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060931 ST4 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 4 ws2|st4|stripe-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060931 ST4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 4 ws2|st4|stripe-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060931 ST4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 4 ws2|st4|stripe-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060933 ST6 PO:0007010 GR_ref:2587 TAS G STRIPE 6 st6|stripe-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060933 ST6 PO:0007014 GR_ref:2587 TAS G STRIPE 6 st6|stripe-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060933 ST6 PO:0007041 GR_ref:2587 TAS G STRIPE 6 st6|stripe-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060933 ST6 PO:0007042 GR_ref:2587 TAS G STRIPE 6 st6|stripe-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060933 ST6 PO:0007065 GR_ref:2587 TAS G STRIPE 6 st6|stripe-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060933 ST6 PO:0007073 GR_ref:2587 TAS G STRIPE 6 st6|stripe-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060933 ST6 PO:0007089 GR_ref:2587 TAS G STRIPE 6 st6|stripe-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060933 ST6 PO:0007123 GR_ref:2587 TAS G STRIPE 6 st6|stripe-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060933 ST6 PO:0007133 GR_ref:2587 TAS G STRIPE 6 st6|stripe-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060935 ST8 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G STRIPE 8 st8|stripe-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060936 SL1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6472 TAS G STAMENLESS 1 sl1|stl1|stamenless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060940 SUCINF PO:0007041 GR_ref:6248 TAS G SUPPRESSOR FOR CROSS-INCOMPATIBILITY CINF Su Cinf|Suppressor for cross-incompatibility (Cinf) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060965 TRI PO:0007010 GR_ref:1725 TAS G TRIANGULAR HULL tri|triangular hull gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060965 TRI PO:0007038 GR_ref:1725 TAS G TRIANGULAR HULL tri|triangular hull gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060965 TRI PO:0007041 GR_ref:1725 TAS G TRIANGULAR HULL tri|triangular hull gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060965 TRI PO:0007042 GR_ref:1725 TAS G TRIANGULAR HULL tri|triangular hull gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060987 V8 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5187 TAS G VIRESCENT 8 v8|virescent-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060987 V8 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5187 TAS G VIRESCENT 8 v8|virescent-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060987 V8 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5187 TAS G VIRESCENT 8 v8|virescent-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060987 V8 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5187 TAS G VIRESCENT 8 v8|virescent-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060987 V8 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5187 TAS G VIRESCENT 8 v8|virescent-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061001 WH PO:0007010 GR_ref:5666 TAS G WHITE HULL Hw|Wh|White hull gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061001 WH PO:0007038 GR_ref:5666 TAS G WHITE HULL Hw|Wh|White hull gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061001 WH PO:0007041 GR_ref:5666 TAS G WHITE HULL Hw|Wh|White hull gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061001 WH PO:0007042 GR_ref:5666 TAS G WHITE HULL Hw|Wh|White hull gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061043 YLB PO:0007010 GR_ref:6193 TAS G YELLOW BANDED LEAF BLADE yellow banded leaf blade|ylb|z14|zebra-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061043 YLB PO:0007038 GR_ref:6193 TAS G YELLOW BANDED LEAF BLADE yellow banded leaf blade|ylb|z14|zebra-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061043 YLB PO:0007041 GR_ref:6193 TAS G YELLOW BANDED LEAF BLADE yellow banded leaf blade|ylb|z14|zebra-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061043 YLB PO:0007042 GR_ref:6193 TAS G YELLOW BANDED LEAF BLADE yellow banded leaf blade|ylb|z14|zebra-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061043 YLB PO:0007065 GR_ref:6193 TAS G YELLOW BANDED LEAF BLADE yellow banded leaf blade|ylb|z14|zebra-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061043 YLB PO:0007073 GR_ref:6193 TAS G YELLOW BANDED LEAF BLADE yellow banded leaf blade|ylb|z14|zebra-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061043 YLB PO:0007089 GR_ref:6193 TAS G YELLOW BANDED LEAF BLADE yellow banded leaf blade|ylb|z14|zebra-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061043 YLB PO:0007123 GR_ref:6193 TAS G YELLOW BANDED LEAF BLADE yellow banded leaf blade|ylb|z14|zebra-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061043 YLB PO:0007133 GR_ref:6193 TAS G YELLOW BANDED LEAF BLADE yellow banded leaf blade|ylb|z14|zebra-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061044 YLM PO:0007041 GR_ref:5653 TAS G YELLOW LEAF MARGIN ylm|yellow leaf margin gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061049 Z3 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5658 TAS G ZEBRA 3 z3|zebra-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061049 Z3 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5658 TAS G ZEBRA 3 z3|zebra-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061049 Z3 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5658 TAS G ZEBRA 3 z3|zebra-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061049 Z3 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5658 TAS G ZEBRA 3 z3|zebra-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061049 Z3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5658 TAS G ZEBRA 3 z3|zebra-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061050 Z4 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 4 z4|zebra-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061050 Z4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 4 z4|zebra-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061050 Z4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 4 z4|zebra-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061050 Z4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 4 z4|zebra-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061050 Z4 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 4 z4|zebra-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061050 Z4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 4 z4|zebra-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061050 Z4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 4 z4|zebra-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061051 Z5 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 5 z5|zebra-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061051 Z5 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 5 z5|zebra-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061051 Z5 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 5 z5|zebra-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061051 Z5 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 5 z5|zebra-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061051 Z5 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 5 z5|zebra-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061051 Z5 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 5 z5|zebra-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061051 Z5 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 5 z5|zebra-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061238 Fl41 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6429 TAS G Flowering date-41 Hd7|Heading date-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061238 Fl41 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6429 TAS G Flowering date-41 Hd7|Heading date-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060842 SD1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:6269 IC Q8RVF5 G SEMIDWARF 1 dee-geo-woo-gen dwarf|d49|d47|green revolution gene|sd1|semidwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060842 SD1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6269 IC Q8RVF5 G SEMIDWARF 1 dee-geo-woo-gen dwarf|d49|d47|green revolution gene|sd1|semidwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060842 SD1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6269 IC Q8RVF5 G SEMIDWARF 1 dee-geo-woo-gen dwarf|d49|d47|green revolution gene|sd1|semidwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060842 SD1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6269 IC Q8RVF5 G SEMIDWARF 1 dee-geo-woo-gen dwarf|d49|d47|green revolution gene|sd1|semidwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060842 SD1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6269 IC Q8RVF5 G SEMIDWARF 1 dee-geo-woo-gen dwarf|d49|d47|green revolution gene|sd1|semidwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060842 SD1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6269 IC Q8RVF5 G SEMIDWARF 1 dee-geo-woo-gen dwarf|d49|d47|green revolution gene|sd1|semidwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060130 CHS2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:594 TAS G CHLOROSIS CAUSED BY LOW TEMPERATURE 2 chs2|chlorosis caused by low temperature-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060131 CHS3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:594 TAS G CHLOROSIS CAUSED BY LOW TEMPERATURE 3 chs3|chlorosis caused by low temperature-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060132 CHS4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:594 TAS G CHLOROSIS CAUSED BY LOW TEMPERATURE 4 chs4|chlorosis caused by low temperature-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060530 MORI1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6552|PMID:11782419 TAS G MORI 1 mori1|juvenile-adult phase change gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060530 MORI1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6552|PMID:11782419 TAS G MORI 1 mori1|juvenile-adult phase change gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060530 MORI1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6552|PMID:11782419 TAS G MORI 1 mori1|juvenile-adult phase change gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060001 A PO:0007010 GR_ref:5663 TAS G ANTHOCYANIN ACTIVATOR Anthocyanin activator|Sp|Ap|Activator for anthocyanin pigmentation gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060001 A PO:0007038 GR_ref:5663 TAS G ANTHOCYANIN ACTIVATOR Anthocyanin activator|Sp|Ap|Activator for anthocyanin pigmentation gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060001 A PO:0007041 GR_ref:5663 TAS G ANTHOCYANIN ACTIVATOR Anthocyanin activator|Sp|Ap|Activator for anthocyanin pigmentation gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060001 A PO:0007042 GR_ref:5663 TAS G ANTHOCYANIN ACTIVATOR Anthocyanin activator|Sp|Ap|Activator for anthocyanin pigmentation gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060030 ALV PO:0007133 GR_ref:6272 TAS G VARIEGATED ALBINO yl|variegated albino|alv(t)*|al11|albino-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060034 ALK PO:0007038 GR_ref:6036 TAS G ALKALI DEGENERATION alk|alkali degeneration gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060078 BGL PO:0007133 GR_ref:5661 TAS G BRIGHT GREEN LEAF bgl|bright green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060119 CHL2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5654 TAS G CHLORINA 2 chl2|chlorina-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060119 CHL2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5654 TAS G CHLORINA 2 chl2|chlorina-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060119 CHL2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5654 TAS G CHLORINA 2 chl2|chlorina-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060119 CHL2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5654 TAS G CHLORINA 2 chl2|chlorina-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060120 CHL3 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 3 chl3|chlorina-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060120 CHL3 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 3 chl3|chlorina-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060120 CHL3 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 3 chl3|chlorina-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060120 CHL3 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 3 chl3|chlorina-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060120 CHL3 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 3 chl3|chlorina-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060120 CHL3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 3 chl3|chlorina-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060121 CHL4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5653 TAS G CHLORINA 4 chl4|chlorina-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060121 CHL4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5653 TAS G CHLORINA 4 chl4|chlorina-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060121 CHL4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5653 TAS G CHLORINA 4 chl4|chlorina-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060122 CHL5 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5663 TAS G CHLORINA 5 chl5|chlorina-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060122 CHL5 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5663 TAS G CHLORINA 5 chl5|chlorina-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060122 CHL5 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5663 TAS G CHLORINA 5 chl5|chlorina-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060123 CHL6 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 6 chl6|chlorina-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060123 CHL6 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 6 chl6|chlorina-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060123 CHL6 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 6 chl6|chlorina-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060124 CHL7 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6091 TAS G CHLORINA 7 chl7|chlorina-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060124 CHL7 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6091 TAS G CHLORINA 7 chl7|chlorina-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060124 CHL7 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6091 TAS G CHLORINA 7 chl7|chlorina-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060124 CHL7 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6091 TAS G CHLORINA 7 chl7|chlorina-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060124 CHL7 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6091 TAS G CHLORINA 7 chl7|chlorina-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060124 CHL7 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6091 TAS G CHLORINA 7 chl7|chlorina-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060124 CHL7 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6091 TAS G CHLORINA 7 chl7|chlorina-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060124 CHL7 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6091 TAS G CHLORINA 7 chl7|chlorina-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060124 CHL7 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6091 TAS G CHLORINA 7 chl7|chlorina-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060124 CHL7 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6091 TAS G CHLORINA 7 chl7|chlorina-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060125 CHL8 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 8 chl8|chlorina-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060125 CHL8 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 8 chl8|chlorina-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060125 CHL8 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 8 chl8|chlorina-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060125 CHL8 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 8 chl8|chlorina-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060125 CHL8 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 8 chl8|chlorina-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060125 CHL8 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 8 chl8|chlorina-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060125 CHL8 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 8 chl8|chlorina-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060125 CHL8 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 8 chl8|chlorina-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060125 CHL8 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 8 chl8|chlorina-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060125 CHL8 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G CHLORINA 8 chl8|chlorina-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060126 CHL9 PO:0007065 GR_ref:2015 TAS G CHLORINA 9 chl9|chlorina-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060126 CHL9 PO:0007073 GR_ref:2015 TAS G CHLORINA 9 chl9|chlorina-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060126 CHL9 PO:0007123 GR_ref:2015 TAS G CHLORINA 9 chl9|chlorina-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060126 CHL9 PO:0007133 GR_ref:2015 TAS G CHLORINA 9 chl9|chlorina-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060127 CHL10 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1725 TAS G CHLORINA 10 chl10|chlorina-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060127 CHL10 PO:0007014 GR_ref:1725 TAS G CHLORINA 10 chl10|chlorina-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060127 CHL10 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1725 TAS G CHLORINA 10 chl10|chlorina-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060127 CHL10 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1725 TAS G CHLORINA 10 chl10|chlorina-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060127 CHL10 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1725 TAS G CHLORINA 10 chl10|chlorina-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060127 CHL10 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1725 TAS G CHLORINA 10 chl10|chlorina-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060127 CHL10 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1725 TAS G CHLORINA 10 chl10|chlorina-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060127 CHL10 PO:0007089 GR_ref:1725 TAS G CHLORINA 10 chl10|chlorina-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060127 CHL10 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1725 TAS G CHLORINA 10 chl10|chlorina-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060127 CHL10 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1725 TAS G CHLORINA 10 chl10|chlorina-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060139 CINF PO:0007041 GR_ref:6248 TAS G CROSS-INCOMPATIBILITY IN THE FEMALE REACTION Lcr|Cinf|Cross-incompatibility in the female reaction gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060140 CINM PO:0007041 GR_ref:2152 TAS G CROSS-INCOMPATIBILITY CARRIED BY T65WX cross-incompatibility carried by T65wx|cinm|cross-incompatibility carried by T65wx gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060184 XA7 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6145 IC P49083 G XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 7 dwf1|daikoku dwarf|G-protein alpha subunit|GA1|GP-alpha-1|Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit|RGA1|d1|dwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060184 XA7 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6145 IC P49083 G XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 7 dwf1|daikoku dwarf|G-protein alpha subunit|GA1|GP-alpha-1|Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit|RGA1|d1|dwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060184 XA7 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6145 IC P49083 G XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 7 dwf1|daikoku dwarf|G-protein alpha subunit|GA1|GP-alpha-1|Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit|RGA1|d1|dwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060184 XA7 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6145 IC P49083 G XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 7 dwf1|daikoku dwarf|G-protein alpha subunit|GA1|GP-alpha-1|Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit|RGA1|d1|dwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060184 XA7 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6145 IC P49083 G XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 7 dwf1|daikoku dwarf|G-protein alpha subunit|GA1|GP-alpha-1|Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit|RGA1|d1|dwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060184 XA7 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6145 IC P49083 G XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 7 dwf1|daikoku dwarf|G-protein alpha subunit|GA1|GP-alpha-1|Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit|RGA1|d1|dwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060184 XA7 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6145 IC P49083 G XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 7 dwf1|daikoku dwarf|G-protein alpha subunit|GA1|GP-alpha-1|Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit|RGA1|d1|dwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060184 XA7 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6145 IC P49083 G XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 7 dwf1|daikoku dwarf|G-protein alpha subunit|GA1|GP-alpha-1|Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit|RGA1|d1|dwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060184 XA7 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6145 IC P49083 G XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 7 dwf1|daikoku dwarf|G-protein alpha subunit|GA1|GP-alpha-1|Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit|RGA1|d1|dwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060184 XA7 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6145 IC P49083 G XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 7 dwf1|daikoku dwarf|G-protein alpha subunit|GA1|GP-alpha-1|Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit|RGA1|d1|dwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060186 D3 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6242 IC Q5VMP0 G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf3|d3|dwarf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060186 D3 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6242 IC Q5VMP0 G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf3|d3|dwarf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060186 D3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6242 IMP Q5VMP0 G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf3|d3|dwarf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060186 D3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6242 IC Q5VMP0 G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf3|d3|dwarf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060186 D3 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6242 IMP Q5VMP0 G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf3|d3|dwarf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060186 D3 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6242 IC Q5VMP0 G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf3|d3|dwarf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060186 D3 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6242 IMP Q5VMP0 G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf3|d3|dwarf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060186 D3 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6242 IMP Q5VMP0 G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf3|d3|dwarf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060186 D3 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6242 IC Q5VMP0 G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf3|d3|dwarf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060186 D3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6242 IC Q5VMP0 G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf3|d3|dwarf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060187 D4 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf4|d4|dwarf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060187 D4 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf4|d4|dwarf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060187 D4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf4|d4|dwarf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060187 D4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf4|d4|dwarf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060187 D4 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf4|d4|dwarf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060187 D4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf4|d4|dwarf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060187 D4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf4|d4|dwarf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060187 D4 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf4|d4|dwarf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060187 D4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf4|d4|dwarf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060187 D4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf4|d4|dwarf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060188 D5 PO:0007010 GR_ref:3024 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf5|d5|dwarf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060188 D5 PO:0007014 GR_ref:3024 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf5|d5|dwarf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060188 D5 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3024 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf5|d5|dwarf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060188 D5 PO:0007041 GR_ref:3024 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf5|d5|dwarf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060188 D5 PO:0007042 GR_ref:3024 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf5|d5|dwarf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060188 D5 PO:0007065 GR_ref:3024 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf5|d5|dwarf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060188 D5 PO:0007073 GR_ref:3024 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf5|d5|dwarf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060188 D5 PO:0007089 GR_ref:3024 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf5|d5|dwarf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060188 D5 PO:0007123 GR_ref:3024 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf5|d5|dwarf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060188 D5 PO:0007133 GR_ref:3024 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf|dwf5|d5|dwarf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060190 D7 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF HEIEIDAIKOKU OR CLEISTOGAMOUS dwf7|heieidaikoku or cleistogamous dwarf|d7|dwarf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060190 D7 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF HEIEIDAIKOKU OR CLEISTOGAMOUS dwf7|heieidaikoku or cleistogamous dwarf|d7|dwarf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060190 D7 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF HEIEIDAIKOKU OR CLEISTOGAMOUS dwf7|heieidaikoku or cleistogamous dwarf|d7|dwarf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060190 D7 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF HEIEIDAIKOKU OR CLEISTOGAMOUS dwf7|heieidaikoku or cleistogamous dwarf|d7|dwarf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060190 D7 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF HEIEIDAIKOKU OR CLEISTOGAMOUS dwf7|heieidaikoku or cleistogamous dwarf|d7|dwarf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060190 D7 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF HEIEIDAIKOKU OR CLEISTOGAMOUS dwf7|heieidaikoku or cleistogamous dwarf|d7|dwarf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060191 D9 PO:0007014 GR_ref:2100 TAS G DWARF CHINESE dwf8|d9|Chinese dwarf|d9|dwarf-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060191 D9 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2100 TAS G DWARF CHINESE dwf8|d9|Chinese dwarf|d9|dwarf-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060191 D9 PO:0007041 GR_ref:2100 TAS G DWARF CHINESE dwf8|d9|Chinese dwarf|d9|dwarf-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060191 D9 PO:0007089 GR_ref:2100 TAS G DWARF CHINESE dwf8|d9|Chinese dwarf|d9|dwarf-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060196 D14 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5953 TAS G DWARF KAMIKAWABUNWAI TILLERING dwf13|kamikawabunwai tillering dwarf|d10|d14|dwarf-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060196 D14 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5953 TAS G DWARF KAMIKAWABUNWAI TILLERING dwf13|kamikawabunwai tillering dwarf|d10|d14|dwarf-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060196 D14 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5953 TAS G DWARF KAMIKAWABUNWAI TILLERING dwf13|kamikawabunwai tillering dwarf|d10|d14|dwarf-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060196 D14 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5953 TAS G DWARF KAMIKAWABUNWAI TILLERING dwf13|kamikawabunwai tillering dwarf|d10|d14|dwarf-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060196 D14 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5953 TAS G DWARF KAMIKAWABUNWAI TILLERING dwf13|kamikawabunwai tillering dwarf|d10|d14|dwarf-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060196 D14 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5953 TAS G DWARF KAMIKAWABUNWAI TILLERING dwf13|kamikawabunwai tillering dwarf|d10|d14|dwarf-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060196 D14 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5953 TAS G DWARF KAMIKAWABUNWAI TILLERING dwf13|kamikawabunwai tillering dwarf|d10|d14|dwarf-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060200 D20 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5965 TAS G DWARF HAYAYUKI dwf17|hayayuki dwarf|d20|dwarf-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060200 D20 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5965 TAS G DWARF HAYAYUKI dwf17|hayayuki dwarf|d20|dwarf-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060200 D20 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5965 TAS G DWARF HAYAYUKI dwf17|hayayuki dwarf|d20|dwarf-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060200 D20 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5965 TAS G DWARF HAYAYUKI dwf17|hayayuki dwarf|d20|dwarf-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060200 D20 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5965 TAS G DWARF HAYAYUKI dwf17|hayayuki dwarf|d20|dwarf-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060200 D20 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5965 TAS G DWARF HAYAYUKI dwf17|hayayuki dwarf|d20|dwarf-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060201 D21 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5703 TAS G DWARF AOMORIMOCHI 14 aomorimochi-14 dwarf|dwf18|d21|dwarf-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060201 D21 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5703 TAS G DWARF AOMORIMOCHI 14 aomorimochi-14 dwarf|dwf18|d21|dwarf-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060201 D21 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5703 TAS G DWARF AOMORIMOCHI 14 aomorimochi-14 dwarf|dwf18|d21|dwarf-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060201 D21 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5703 TAS G DWARF AOMORIMOCHI 14 aomorimochi-14 dwarf|dwf18|d21|dwarf-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060201 D21 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5703 TAS G DWARF AOMORIMOCHI 14 aomorimochi-14 dwarf|dwf18|d21|dwarf-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060201 D21 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5703 TAS G DWARF AOMORIMOCHI 14 aomorimochi-14 dwarf|dwf18|d21|dwarf-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060201 D21 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5703 TAS G DWARF AOMORIMOCHI 14 aomorimochi-14 dwarf|dwf18|d21|dwarf-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060201 D21 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5703 TAS G DWARF AOMORIMOCHI 14 aomorimochi-14 dwarf|dwf18|d21|dwarf-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060201 D21 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5703 TAS G DWARF AOMORIMOCHI 14 aomorimochi-14 dwarf|dwf18|d21|dwarf-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060201 D21 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5703 TAS G DWARF AOMORIMOCHI 14 aomorimochi-14 dwarf|dwf18|d21|dwarf-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060205 D26 PO:0007014 GR_ref:1508 TAS G DWARF 7237 dwf22|7237 dwarf|d26|dwarf-26 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060205 D26 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1508 TAS G DWARF 7237 dwf22|7237 dwarf|d26|dwarf-26 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060205 D26 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1508 TAS G DWARF 7237 dwf22|7237 dwarf|d26|dwarf-26 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060205 D26 PO:0007089 GR_ref:1508 TAS G DWARF 7237 dwf22|7237 dwarf|d26|dwarf-26 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060206 D27 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUTO TILLERING dt|bungetsuto tillering dwarf|dwf23|d27|dwarf-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060206 D27 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUTO TILLERING dt|bungetsuto tillering dwarf|dwf23|d27|dwarf-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060206 D27 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUTO TILLERING dt|bungetsuto tillering dwarf|dwf23|d27|dwarf-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060206 D27 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUTO TILLERING dt|bungetsuto tillering dwarf|dwf23|d27|dwarf-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060206 D27 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUTO TILLERING dt|bungetsuto tillering dwarf|dwf23|d27|dwarf-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060206 D27 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUTO TILLERING dt|bungetsuto tillering dwarf|dwf23|d27|dwarf-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060206 D27 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUTO TILLERING dt|bungetsuto tillering dwarf|dwf23|d27|dwarf-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060206 D27 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUTO TILLERING dt|bungetsuto tillering dwarf|dwf23|d27|dwarf-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060206 D27 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUTO TILLERING dt|bungetsuto tillering dwarf|dwf23|d27|dwarf-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060206 D27 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF BUNKETSUTO TILLERING dt|bungetsuto tillering dwarf|dwf23|d27|dwarf-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060207 D28 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5654 TAS G DWARF CHOKEIDAIKOKU OR LONG STEMMED dwf24|chokeidaikoku or long stemmed dwarf|dC|d28|dwarf-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060207 D28 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5654 TAS G DWARF CHOKEIDAIKOKU OR LONG STEMMED dwf24|chokeidaikoku or long stemmed dwarf|dC|d28|dwarf-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060207 D28 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5654 TAS G DWARF CHOKEIDAIKOKU OR LONG STEMMED dwf24|chokeidaikoku or long stemmed dwarf|dC|d28|dwarf-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060207 D28 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5654 TAS G DWARF CHOKEIDAIKOKU OR LONG STEMMED dwf24|chokeidaikoku or long stemmed dwarf|dC|d28|dwarf-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060207 D28 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5654 TAS G DWARF CHOKEIDAIKOKU OR LONG STEMMED dwf24|chokeidaikoku or long stemmed dwarf|dC|d28|dwarf-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060207 D28 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5654 TAS G DWARF CHOKEIDAIKOKU OR LONG STEMMED dwf24|chokeidaikoku or long stemmed dwarf|dC|d28|dwarf-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060207 D28 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5654 TAS G DWARF CHOKEIDAIKOKU OR LONG STEMMED dwf24|chokeidaikoku or long stemmed dwarf|dC|d28|dwarf-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060207 D28 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5654 TAS G DWARF CHOKEIDAIKOKU OR LONG STEMMED dwf24|chokeidaikoku or long stemmed dwarf|dC|d28|dwarf-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060207 D28 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5654 TAS G DWARF CHOKEIDAIKOKU OR LONG STEMMED dwf24|chokeidaikoku or long stemmed dwarf|dC|d28|dwarf-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060207 D28 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5654 TAS G DWARF CHOKEIDAIKOKU OR LONG STEMMED dwf24|chokeidaikoku or long stemmed dwarf|dC|d28|dwarf-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060209 D30 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF WAISEISHIRASASA dW|waiseishirazasa dwarf|dwf26|d30|dwarf-30 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060209 D30 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF WAISEISHIRASASA dW|waiseishirazasa dwarf|dwf26|d30|dwarf-30 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060209 D30 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF WAISEISHIRASASA dW|waiseishirazasa dwarf|dwf26|d30|dwarf-30 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060209 D30 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6056 TAS G DWARF WAISEISHIRASASA dW|waiseishirazasa dwarf|dwf26|d30|dwarf-30 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060211 D32 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5647 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 4 d12|dwf28|dK4|dwarf Kyushu-4|d32|dwarf-32 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060211 D32 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5647 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 4 d12|dwf28|dK4|dwarf Kyushu-4|d32|dwarf-32 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060211 D32 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5647 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 4 d12|dwf28|dK4|dwarf Kyushu-4|d32|dwarf-32 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060211 D32 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5647 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 4 d12|dwf28|dK4|dwarf Kyushu-4|d32|dwarf-32 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060211 D32 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5647 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 4 d12|dwf28|dK4|dwarf Kyushu-4|d32|dwarf-32 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060211 D32 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5647 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 4 d12|dwf28|dK4|dwarf Kyushu-4|d32|dwarf-32 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060211 D32 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5647 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 4 d12|dwf28|dK4|dwarf Kyushu-4|d32|dwarf-32 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060214 D42 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1507 TAS G DWARF LIGULELESS liguleless dwarf|d42|dwf31|d42|dwarf-42 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060214 D42 PO:0007014 GR_ref:1507 TAS G DWARF LIGULELESS liguleless dwarf|d42|dwf31|d42|dwarf-42 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060214 D42 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1507 TAS G DWARF LIGULELESS liguleless dwarf|d42|dwf31|d42|dwarf-42 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060214 D42 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1507 TAS G DWARF LIGULELESS liguleless dwarf|d42|dwf31|d42|dwarf-42 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060214 D42 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1507 TAS G DWARF LIGULELESS liguleless dwarf|d42|dwf31|d42|dwarf-42 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060214 D42 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1507 TAS G DWARF LIGULELESS liguleless dwarf|d42|dwf31|d42|dwarf-42 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060214 D42 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1507 TAS G DWARF LIGULELESS liguleless dwarf|d42|dwf31|d42|dwarf-42 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060214 D42 PO:0007089 GR_ref:1507 TAS G DWARF LIGULELESS liguleless dwarf|d42|dwf31|d42|dwarf-42 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060214 D42 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1507 TAS G DWARF LIGULELESS liguleless dwarf|d42|dwf31|d42|dwarf-42 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060214 D42 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1507 TAS G DWARF LIGULELESS liguleless dwarf|d42|dwf31|d42|dwarf-42 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060216 D51 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5653 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 8 dwf32|dK8|dwarf Kyushu-8|d51|dwarf-51 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060216 D51 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5653 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 8 dwf32|dK8|dwarf Kyushu-8|d51|dwarf-51 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060216 D51 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5653 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 8 dwf32|dK8|dwarf Kyushu-8|d51|dwarf-51 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060216 D51 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5653 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 8 dwf32|dK8|dwarf Kyushu-8|d51|dwarf-51 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060216 D51 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5653 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 8 dwf32|dK8|dwarf Kyushu-8|d51|dwarf-51 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060216 D51 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5653 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 8 dwf32|dK8|dwarf Kyushu-8|d51|dwarf-51 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060216 D51 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5653 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 8 dwf32|dK8|dwarf Kyushu-8|d51|dwarf-51 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060275 E1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5848 TAS G HEADING DATE 1 mEf1+|Hd4(t)|Heading date-1|Fl18|Flowering date-18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060275 E1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5848 TAS G HEADING DATE 1 mEf1+|Hd4(t)|Heading date-1|Fl18|Flowering date-18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060275 E1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5848 TAS G HEADING DATE 1 mEf1+|Hd4(t)|Heading date-1|Fl18|Flowering date-18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060277 E3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5848 TAS G HEADING DATE 3 Heading date-3|Fl20|Flowering date-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060277 E3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5848 TAS G HEADING DATE 3 Heading date-3|Fl20|Flowering date-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060277 E3 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5848 TAS G HEADING DATE 3 Heading date-3|Fl20|Flowering date-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060278 EF1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:4598 TAS G EARLINESS 1 Ef2|Earliness-1|Ef1|Fl21|Flowering date-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060278 EF1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:4598 TAS G EARLINESS 1 Ef2|Earliness-1|Ef1|Fl21|Flowering date-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060278 EF1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:4598 TAS G EARLINESS 1 Ef2|Earliness-1|Ef1|Fl21|Flowering date-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060237 DN3 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5586 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 3 dn3|dense panicle-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060237 DN3 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5586 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 3 dn3|dense panicle-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060237 DN3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5586 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 3 dn3|dense panicle-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060237 DN3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5586 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 3 dn3|dense panicle-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060237 DN3 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5586 TAS G DENSE PANICLE 3 dn3|dense panicle-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060241 DRP1 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5815 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 1 drp1|dripping-wet leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060241 DRP1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5815 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 1 drp1|dripping-wet leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060241 DRP1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5815 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 1 drp1|dripping-wet leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060241 DRP1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5815 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 1 drp1|dripping-wet leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060241 DRP1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5815 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 1 drp1|dripping-wet leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060241 DRP1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5815 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 1 drp1|dripping-wet leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060241 DRP1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5815 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 1 drp1|dripping-wet leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060243 DRP3 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 3 drp3|dripping-wet leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060243 DRP3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 3 drp3|dripping-wet leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060243 DRP3 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 3 drp3|dripping-wet leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060243 DRP3 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 3 drp3|dripping-wet leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060243 DRP3 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 3 drp3|dripping-wet leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060243 DRP3 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 3 drp3|dripping-wet leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060243 DRP3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 3 drp3|dripping-wet leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060244 DRP4 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 4 drp4|dripping-wet leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060244 DRP4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 4 drp4|dripping-wet leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060244 DRP4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 4 drp4|dripping-wet leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060244 DRP4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 4 drp4|dripping-wet leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060244 DRP4 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 4 drp4|dripping-wet leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060244 DRP4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 4 drp4|dripping-wet leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060244 DRP4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5658 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 4 drp4|dripping-wet leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060245 DRP5 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 5 drp5|dripping-wet leaf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060245 DRP5 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 5 drp5|dripping-wet leaf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060245 DRP5 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 5 drp5|dripping-wet leaf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060245 DRP5 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 5 drp5|dripping-wet leaf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060245 DRP5 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 5 drp5|dripping-wet leaf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060245 DRP5 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 5 drp5|dripping-wet leaf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060245 DRP5 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 5 drp5|dripping-wet leaf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060246 DRP6 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 6 drp6|dripping-wet leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060246 DRP6 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 6 drp6|dripping-wet leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060246 DRP6 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 6 drp6|dripping-wet leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060246 DRP6 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 6 drp6|dripping-wet leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060246 DRP6 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 6 drp6|dripping-wet leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060246 DRP6 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 6 drp6|dripping-wet leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060246 DRP6 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 6 drp6|dripping-wet leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060247 DRP7 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 7 drp7|dripping-wet leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060247 DRP7 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 7 drp7|dripping-wet leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060247 DRP7 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 7 drp7|dripping-wet leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060247 DRP7 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 7 drp7|dripping-wet leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060247 DRP7 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 7 drp7|dripping-wet leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060247 DRP7 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 7 drp7|dripping-wet leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060247 DRP7 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5908 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 7 drp7|dripping-wet leaf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060248 DRP8 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5910 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 8 drp8|dripping-wet leaf-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060248 DRP8 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5910 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 8 drp8|dripping-wet leaf-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060248 DRP8 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5910 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 8 drp8|dripping-wet leaf-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060248 DRP8 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5910 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 8 drp8|dripping-wet leaf-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060248 DRP8 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5910 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 8 drp8|dripping-wet leaf-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060248 DRP8 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5910 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 8 drp8|dripping-wet leaf-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060248 DRP8 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5910 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 8 drp8|dripping-wet leaf-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060565 NAL1 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 1 nal1|narrow leaf-1|cul1|curl leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060565 NAL1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 1 nal1|narrow leaf-1|cul1|curl leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060565 NAL1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 1 nal1|narrow leaf-1|cul1|curl leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060565 NAL1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 1 nal1|narrow leaf-1|cul1|curl leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060565 NAL1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 1 nal1|narrow leaf-1|cul1|curl leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060565 NAL1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 1 nal1|narrow leaf-1|cul1|curl leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060565 NAL1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 1 nal1|narrow leaf-1|cul1|curl leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060565 NAL1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 1 nal1|narrow leaf-1|cul1|curl leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060568 NAL4 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5149 TAS G NARROW LEAF 4 nal4|narrow leaf-4|nal|cul4|curl leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060568 NAL4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5149 TAS G NARROW LEAF 4 nal4|narrow leaf-4|nal|cul4|curl leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060568 NAL4 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5149 TAS G NARROW LEAF 4 nal4|narrow leaf-4|nal|cul4|curl leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060568 NAL4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5149 TAS G NARROW LEAF 4 nal4|narrow leaf-4|nal|cul4|curl leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060568 NAL4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5149 TAS G NARROW LEAF 4 nal4|narrow leaf-4|nal|cul4|curl leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060568 NAL4 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5149 TAS G NARROW LEAF 4 nal4|narrow leaf-4|nal|cul4|curl leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060568 NAL4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5149 TAS G NARROW LEAF 4 nal4|narrow leaf-4|nal|cul4|curl leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060568 NAL4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5149 TAS G NARROW LEAF 4 nal4|narrow leaf-4|nal|cul4|curl leaf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060612 PI A PO:0007010 GR_ref:6247 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE A RMg1|Pia|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060612 PI A PO:0007014 GR_ref:6247 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE A RMg1|Pia|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060612 PI A PO:0007038 GR_ref:6247 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE A RMg1|Pia|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060612 PI A PO:0007041 GR_ref:6247 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE A RMg1|Pia|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060612 PI A PO:0007042 GR_ref:6247 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE A RMg1|Pia|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060612 PI A PO:0007065 GR_ref:6247 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE A RMg1|Pia|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060612 PI A PO:0007073 GR_ref:6247 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE A RMg1|Pia|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060612 PI A PO:0007089 GR_ref:6247 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE A RMg1|Pia|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060612 PI A PO:0007123 GR_ref:6247 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE A RMg1|Pia|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060612 PI A PO:0007133 GR_ref:6247 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE A RMg1|Pia|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060613 PIB PO:0007010 GR_ref:6301 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE-B Pis|RMg2|Pib|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060613 PIB PO:0007014 GR_ref:6301 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE-B Pis|RMg2|Pib|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060613 PIB PO:0007038 GR_ref:6301 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE-B Pis|RMg2|Pib|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060613 PIB PO:0007041 GR_ref:6301 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE-B Pis|RMg2|Pib|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060613 PIB PO:0007042 GR_ref:6301 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE-B Pis|RMg2|Pib|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060613 PIB PO:0007065 GR_ref:6301 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE-B Pis|RMg2|Pib|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060613 PIB PO:0007073 GR_ref:6301 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE-B Pis|RMg2|Pib|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060613 PIB PO:0007089 GR_ref:6301 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE-B Pis|RMg2|Pib|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060613 PIB PO:0007123 GR_ref:6301 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE-B Pis|RMg2|Pib|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060613 PIB PO:0007133 GR_ref:6301 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE-B Pis|RMg2|Pib|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060614 PIF PO:0007010 GR_ref:6059 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE F RMg3|Pif|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-f gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060614 PIF PO:0007014 GR_ref:6059 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE F RMg3|Pif|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-f gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060614 PIF PO:0007038 GR_ref:6059 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE F RMg3|Pif|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-f gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060614 PIF PO:0007041 GR_ref:6059 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE F RMg3|Pif|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-f gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060614 PIF PO:0007042 GR_ref:6059 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE F RMg3|Pif|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-f gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060614 PIF PO:0007065 GR_ref:6059 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE F RMg3|Pif|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-f gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060614 PIF PO:0007073 GR_ref:6059 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE F RMg3|Pif|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-f gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060614 PIF PO:0007089 GR_ref:6059 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE F RMg3|Pif|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-f gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060614 PIF PO:0007123 GR_ref:6059 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE F RMg3|Pif|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-f gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060614 PIF PO:0007133 GR_ref:6059 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE F RMg3|Pif|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-f gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060615 PI I PO:0007010 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE I Pii|RMg4|Pii1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060615 PI I PO:0007014 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE I Pii|RMg4|Pii1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060615 PI I PO:0007038 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE I Pii|RMg4|Pii1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060615 PI I PO:0007041 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE I Pii|RMg4|Pii1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060615 PI I PO:0007042 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE I Pii|RMg4|Pii1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060615 PI I PO:0007065 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE I Pii|RMg4|Pii1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060615 PI I PO:0007073 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE I Pii|RMg4|Pii1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060615 PI I PO:0007089 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE I Pii|RMg4|Pii1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060615 PI I PO:0007123 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE I Pii|RMg4|Pii1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060615 PI I PO:0007133 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE I Pii|RMg4|Pii1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060616 Pii2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:2103 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i2 Pii2*|RMg5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060616 Pii2 PO:0007014 GR_ref:2103 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i2 Pii2*|RMg5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060616 Pii2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2103 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i2 Pii2*|RMg5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060616 Pii2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:2103 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i2 Pii2*|RMg5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060616 Pii2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:2103 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i2 Pii2*|RMg5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060616 Pii2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:2103 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i2 Pii2*|RMg5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060616 Pii2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:2103 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i2 Pii2*|RMg5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060616 Pii2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:2103 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i2 Pii2*|RMg5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060616 Pii2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:2103 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i2 Pii2*|RMg5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060616 Pii2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:2103 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i2 Pii2*|RMg5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060617 PIIS1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE IS1 RMg6|Rb4|Piis1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-is1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060617 PIIS1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE IS1 RMg6|Rb4|Piis1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-is1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060617 PIIS1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE IS1 RMg6|Rb4|Piis1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-is1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060617 PIIS1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE IS1 RMg6|Rb4|Piis1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-is1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060618 PI IS2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE IS2 Rb5|RMg7|Piis2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-is2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060618 PI IS2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE IS2 Rb5|RMg7|Piis2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-is2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060618 PI IS2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE IS2 Rb5|RMg7|Piis2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-is2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060618 PI IS2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE IS2 Rb5|RMg7|Piis2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-is2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060619 PIK PO:0007010 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE K RMg8|Pik|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-k gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060619 PIK PO:0007014 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE K RMg8|Pik|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-k gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060619 PIK PO:0007038 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE K RMg8|Pik|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-k gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060619 PIK PO:0007041 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE K RMg8|Pik|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-k gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060619 PIK PO:0007042 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE K RMg8|Pik|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-k gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060619 PIK PO:0007065 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE K RMg8|Pik|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-k gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060619 PIK PO:0007073 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE K RMg8|Pik|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-k gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060619 PIK PO:0007089 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE K RMg8|Pik|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-k gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060619 PIK PO:0007123 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE K RMg8|Pik|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-k gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060619 PIK PO:0007133 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE K RMg8|Pik|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-k gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060620 PIKUR1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR1 Pikur1*|RMg9|Pikur1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060620 PIKUR1 PO:0007014 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR1 Pikur1*|RMg9|Pikur1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060620 PIKUR1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR1 Pikur1*|RMg9|Pikur1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060620 PIKUR1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR1 Pikur1*|RMg9|Pikur1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060620 PIKUR1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR1 Pikur1*|RMg9|Pikur1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060620 PIKUR1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR1 Pikur1*|RMg9|Pikur1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060620 PIKUR1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR1 Pikur1*|RMg9|Pikur1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060620 PIKUR1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR1 Pikur1*|RMg9|Pikur1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060620 PIKUR1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR1 Pikur1*|RMg9|Pikur1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060620 PIKUR1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR1 Pikur1*|RMg9|Pikur1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060621 PIKUR2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR2 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur2|Pikur2|RMg10|Pikur2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060621 PIKUR2 PO:0007014 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR2 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur2|Pikur2|RMg10|Pikur2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060621 PIKUR2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR2 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur2|Pikur2|RMg10|Pikur2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060621 PIKUR2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR2 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur2|Pikur2|RMg10|Pikur2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060621 PIKUR2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR2 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur2|Pikur2|RMg10|Pikur2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060621 PIKUR2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR2 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur2|Pikur2|RMg10|Pikur2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060621 PIKUR2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR2 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur2|Pikur2|RMg10|Pikur2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060621 PIKUR2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR2 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur2|Pikur2|RMg10|Pikur2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060621 PIKUR2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR2 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur2|Pikur2|RMg10|Pikur2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060621 PIKUR2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1181 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR2 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur2|Pikur2|RMg10|Pikur2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060622 PISE1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE1 RMg11|Rb1|Pise1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060622 PISE1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE1 RMg11|Rb1|Pise1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060622 PISE1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE1 RMg11|Rb1|Pise1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060622 PISE1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE1 RMg11|Rb1|Pise1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060623 PI SE2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE2 Rb2|RMg12|Pise2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060623 PI SE2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE2 Rb2|RMg12|Pise2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060623 PI SE2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE2 Rb2|RMg12|Pise2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060623 PI SE2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1176 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE2 Rb2|RMg12|Pise2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060624 PI SE3 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5590 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE3 RMg13|Rb3|Pise3|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060624 PI SE3 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5590 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE3 RMg13|Rb3|Pise3|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060624 PI SE3 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5590 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE3 RMg13|Rb3|Pise3|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060624 PI SE3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5590 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE3 RMg13|Rb3|Pise3|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060625 PI SH PO:0007133 GR_ref:5629 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SH RMg14|Pish|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-sh gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060626 PIT PO:0007010 GR_ref:6230 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE T RMg15|Pit|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-t gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060626 PIT PO:0007014 GR_ref:6230 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE T RMg15|Pit|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-t gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060626 PIT PO:0007038 GR_ref:6230 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE T RMg15|Pit|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-t gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060626 PIT PO:0007041 GR_ref:6230 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE T RMg15|Pit|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-t gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060626 PIT PO:0007042 GR_ref:6230 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE T RMg15|Pit|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-t gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060626 PIT PO:0007065 GR_ref:6230 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE T RMg15|Pit|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-t gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060626 PIT PO:0007073 GR_ref:6230 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE T RMg15|Pit|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-t gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060626 PIT PO:0007089 GR_ref:6230 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE T RMg15|Pit|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-t gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060626 PIT PO:0007123 GR_ref:6230 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE T RMg15|Pit|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-t gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060626 PIT PO:0007133 GR_ref:6230 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE T RMg15|Pit|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-t gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060627 PITA PO:0007010 GR_ref:6331 IC Q9AY26 G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE TA Pita2|Pi4a|RMg16|Pita|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-ta gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060627 PITA PO:0007014 GR_ref:6331 IC Q9AY26 G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE TA Pita2|Pi4a|RMg16|Pita|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-ta gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060627 PITA PO:0007038 GR_ref:6331 IC Q9AY26 G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE TA Pita2|Pi4a|RMg16|Pita|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-ta gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060627 PITA PO:0007041 GR_ref:6331 IC Q9AY26 G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE TA Pita2|Pi4a|RMg16|Pita|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-ta gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060627 PITA PO:0007042 GR_ref:6331 IC Q9AY26 G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE TA Pita2|Pi4a|RMg16|Pita|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-ta gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060627 PITA PO:0007065 GR_ref:6331 IC Q9AY26 G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE TA Pita2|Pi4a|RMg16|Pita|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-ta gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060627 PITA PO:0007073 GR_ref:6331 IC Q9AY26 G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE TA Pita2|Pi4a|RMg16|Pita|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-ta gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060627 PITA PO:0007089 GR_ref:6331 IC Q9AY26 G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE TA Pita2|Pi4a|RMg16|Pita|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-ta gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060627 PITA PO:0007123 GR_ref:6331 IC Q9AY26 G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE TA Pita2|Pi4a|RMg16|Pita|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-ta gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060627 PITA PO:0007133 GR_ref:6331 IC Q9AY26 G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE TA Pita2|Pi4a|RMg16|Pita|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-ta gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060628 PIZ PO:0007010 GR_ref:5221 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Z RMg17|Pi2|Piz|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-z gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060628 PIZ PO:0007014 GR_ref:5221 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Z RMg17|Pi2|Piz|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-z gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060628 PIZ PO:0007038 GR_ref:5221 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Z RMg17|Pi2|Piz|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-z gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060628 PIZ PO:0007041 GR_ref:5221 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Z RMg17|Pi2|Piz|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-z gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060628 PIZ PO:0007042 GR_ref:5221 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Z RMg17|Pi2|Piz|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-z gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060628 PIZ PO:0007065 GR_ref:5221 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Z RMg17|Pi2|Piz|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-z gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060628 PIZ PO:0007073 GR_ref:5221 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Z RMg17|Pi2|Piz|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-z gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060628 PIZ PO:0007089 GR_ref:5221 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Z RMg17|Pi2|Piz|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-z gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060628 PIZ PO:0007123 GR_ref:5221 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Z RMg17|Pi2|Piz|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-z gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060628 PIZ PO:0007133 GR_ref:5221 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Z RMg17|Pi2|Piz|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-z gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060629 PI PO:0007010 GR_ref:1508 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Pi(t)*|RMg19|Pi(t)|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060629 PI PO:0007014 GR_ref:1508 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Pi(t)*|RMg19|Pi(t)|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060629 PI PO:0007038 GR_ref:1508 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Pi(t)*|RMg19|Pi(t)|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060629 PI PO:0007041 GR_ref:1508 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Pi(t)*|RMg19|Pi(t)|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060629 PI PO:0007042 GR_ref:1508 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Pi(t)*|RMg19|Pi(t)|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060629 PI PO:0007065 GR_ref:1508 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Pi(t)*|RMg19|Pi(t)|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060629 PI PO:0007073 GR_ref:1508 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Pi(t)*|RMg19|Pi(t)|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060629 PI PO:0007089 GR_ref:1508 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Pi(t)*|RMg19|Pi(t)|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060629 PI PO:0007123 GR_ref:1508 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Pi(t)*|RMg19|Pi(t)|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060629 PI PO:0007133 GR_ref:1508 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Pi(t)*|RMg19|Pi(t)|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061067 Bph15 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6090 TAS G Brown planthopper resistance-15 Brown planthopper resistance introduced from Oryza australiensis|Qbp2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061068 rrl1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6870 TAS G reduced root length-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061069 rrl2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6870 TAS G reduced root length-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060147 [CMS-CW] PO:0007014 GR_ref:5681 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY CW Chinese wild rice cytoplasm|[cms-CW]|[cms-CW]|Chinese wild rice cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060016 AE1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5683 TAS G AMYLOSE EXTENDER 1 High amylose mutant|ae1|amylose extender-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060017 AE2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5694 TAS G AMYLOSE EXTENDER 2 High amylose mutant|ae2|amylose extender-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060019 AGR1 PO:0007057 GR_ref:1477 TAS G AGRAVITROPISM 1 agr1|agravitropism-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060019 AGR1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1477 TAS G AGRAVITROPISM 1 agr1|agravitropism-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060057 APD1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6103 TAS G APICAL DISPLACEMENT 1 apd1|apical displacement-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060057 APD1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6103 TAS G APICAL DISPLACEMENT 1 apd1|apical displacement-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060057 APD1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6103 TAS G APICAL DISPLACEMENT 1 apd1|apical displacement-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060142 CLE1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6096 TAS G CLUB-SHAPED EMBRYO 1 cle1|cle1|club-shaped embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060142 CLE1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6096 TAS G CLUB-SHAPED EMBRYO 1 cle1|cle1|club-shaped embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060142 CLE1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6096 TAS G CLUB-SHAPED EMBRYO 1 cle1|cle1|club-shaped embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060142 CLE1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6096 TAS G CLUB-SHAPED EMBRYO 1 cle1|cle1|club-shaped embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060194 D12 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5800 TAS G dwarf-12 dwf11|yukara dwarf or fukei 71 dwarf|d50|d12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060194 D12 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5800 TAS G dwarf-12 dwf11|yukara dwarf or fukei 71 dwarf|d50|d12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060198 D18 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5800 TAS G DWARF HOSETSU dwf15|hosetsuwaisei or akibare dwarf and kotaketamanishiki dwarf|d25|d18|dwarf-18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060198 D18 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5800 TAS G DWARF HOSETSU dwf15|hosetsuwaisei or akibare dwarf and kotaketamanishiki dwarf|d25|d18|dwarf-18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060198 D18 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5800 TAS G DWARF HOSETSU dwf15|hosetsuwaisei or akibare dwarf and kotaketamanishiki dwarf|d25|d18|dwarf-18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060292 EML1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6368 TAS G EMBRYOLESS 1 eml1|embryoless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060292 EML1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6368 TAS G EMBRYOLESS 1 eml1|embryoless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060292 EML1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6368 TAS G EMBRYOLESS 1 eml1|embryoless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060292 EML1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6368 TAS G EMBRYOLESS 1 eml1|embryoless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060336 FS1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:3024 TAS G FINE STRIPE 1 fs1|fine stripe-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060336 FS1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:3024 TAS G FINE STRIPE 1 fs1|fine stripe-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060336 FS1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:3024 TAS G FINE STRIPE 1 fs1|fine stripe-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060336 FS1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:3024 TAS G FINE STRIPE 1 fs1|fine stripe-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060362 ge PO:0007010 GR_ref:3899 TAS G giant embryo ge1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060362 ge PO:0007038 GR_ref:3899 TAS G giant embryo ge1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060362 ge PO:0007041 GR_ref:3899 TAS G giant embryo ge1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060362 ge PO:0007042 GR_ref:3899 TAS G giant embryo ge1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060282 EFX PO:0007038 GR_ref:6363 TAS G EARLINESS X Efx|Earliness-x|Ef5(t)*|Fl27|Flowering date-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060282 EFX PO:0007041 GR_ref:6363 TAS G EARLINESS X Efx|Earliness-x|Ef5(t)*|Fl27|Flowering date-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060282 EFX PO:0007089 GR_ref:6363 TAS G EARLINESS X Efx|Earliness-x|Ef5(t)*|Fl27|Flowering date-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060283 EFY PO:0007038 GR_ref:3883 TAS G EARLINESS Y Ef6(t)*|Earliness-y|Efy|Fl28|Flowering date-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060283 EFY PO:0007041 GR_ref:3883 TAS G EARLINESS Y Ef6(t)*|Earliness-y|Efy|Fl28|Flowering date-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060283 EFY PO:0007089 GR_ref:3883 TAS G EARLINESS Y Ef6(t)*|Earliness-y|Efy|Fl28|Flowering date-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060284 EF PO:0007038 GR_ref:365|PMID:9291958 TAS G EARLINESS INTRODUCED FROM ORYZA AUSTRALIENSIS ef(t)*|earliness introduced from Oryza australiensis or O. glaberrima|fl29|flowering date-29 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060284 EF PO:0007041 GR_ref:365|PMID:9291958 TAS G EARLINESS INTRODUCED FROM ORYZA AUSTRALIENSIS ef(t)*|earliness introduced from Oryza australiensis or O. glaberrima|fl29|flowering date-29 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060284 EF PO:0007089 GR_ref:365|PMID:9291958 TAS G EARLINESS INTRODUCED FROM ORYZA AUSTRALIENSIS ef(t)*|earliness introduced from Oryza australiensis or O. glaberrima|fl29|flowering date-29 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060329 FGL PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G FADED GREEN LEAF fl|faded green leaf|fgl|lrd24|lesion resembling disease-24 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060329 FGL PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G FADED GREEN LEAF fl|faded green leaf|fgl|lrd24|lesion resembling disease-24 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060329 FGL PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G FADED GREEN LEAF fl|faded green leaf|fgl|lrd24|lesion resembling disease-24 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060329 FGL PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G FADED GREEN LEAF fl|faded green leaf|fgl|lrd24|lesion resembling disease-24 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060337 FS2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G FINE STRIPE 2 fs2|fine stripe-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060337 FS2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G FINE STRIPE 2 fs2|fine stripe-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060337 FS2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G FINE STRIPE 2 fs2|fine stripe-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060337 FS2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G FINE STRIPE 2 fs2|fine stripe-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060340 G1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5883 TAS G LONG STERILE LEMMAS 1 lng|g1|long sterile lemmas-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060340 G1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5883 TAS G LONG STERILE LEMMAS 1 lng|g1|long sterile lemmas-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060340 G1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G LONG STERILE LEMMAS 1 lng|g1|long sterile lemmas-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060340 G1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G LONG STERILE LEMMAS 1 lng|g1|long sterile lemmas-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060363 GF1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1794 TAS G GOLD FURROWS OF HULL 1 gf1|gold furrows of hull-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060363 GF1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1794 TAS G GOLD FURROWS OF HULL 1 gf1|gold furrows of hull-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060363 GF1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1794 TAS G GOLD FURROWS OF HULL 1 gf1|gold furrows of hull-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060363 GF1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1794 TAS G GOLD FURROWS OF HULL 1 gf1|gold furrows of hull-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060442 HD3A PO:0007038 GR_ref:5126 IC Q93WI9 G HEADING DATE 3A Hd3a|Heading date-3a|Fl32a|Flowering date-32a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060442 HD3A PO:0007041 GR_ref:5126 IMP Q93WI9 G HEADING DATE 3A Hd3a|Heading date-3a|Fl32a|Flowering date-32a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060442 HD3A PO:0007089 GR_ref:5126 IC Q93WI9 G HEADING DATE 3A Hd3a|Heading date-3a|Fl32a|Flowering date-32a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060443 HD5 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5126 TAS G Heading date (QTL)-5(t) Heading date-5|Hd5(t)*|Fl33|Flowering date-33 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060443 HD5 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5126 TAS G Heading date (QTL)-5(t) Heading date-5|Hd5(t)*|Fl33|Flowering date-33 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060443 HD5 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5126 TAS G Heading date (QTL)-5(t) Heading date-5|Hd5(t)*|Fl33|Flowering date-33 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060444 HD6 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6371 IC Q9AQU1 G Heading date 6 Heading date-6|Hd6(t)*|Fl34|Flowering date-34 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060444 HD6 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6371 IMP Q9AQU1 G Heading date 6 Heading date-6|Hd6(t)*|Fl34|Flowering date-34 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060444 HD6 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6371 IMP Q9AQU1 G Heading date 6 Heading date-6|Hd6(t)*|Fl34|Flowering date-34 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060474 IPL1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 1 IPl1|Inhibitor for purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060474 IPL1 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 1 IPl1|Inhibitor for purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060474 IPL1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 1 IPl1|Inhibitor for purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060474 IPL1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 1 IPl1|Inhibitor for purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060474 IPL1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 1 IPl1|Inhibitor for purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060474 IPL1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 1 IPl1|Inhibitor for purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060474 IPL1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 1 IPl1|Inhibitor for purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060474 IPL1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 1 IPl1|Inhibitor for purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060474 IPL1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 1 IPl1|Inhibitor for purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060474 IPL1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 1 IPl1|Inhibitor for purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060475 IPL2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:2100 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 2 IPl2|Inhibitor for purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060475 IPL2 PO:0007014 GR_ref:2100 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 2 IPl2|Inhibitor for purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060475 IPL2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2100 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 2 IPl2|Inhibitor for purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060475 IPL2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:2100 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 2 IPl2|Inhibitor for purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060475 IPL2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:2100 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 2 IPl2|Inhibitor for purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060475 IPL2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:2100 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 2 IPl2|Inhibitor for purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060475 IPL2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:2100 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 2 IPl2|Inhibitor for purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060475 IPL2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:2100 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 2 IPl2|Inhibitor for purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060475 IPL2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:2100 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 2 IPl2|Inhibitor for purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060475 IPL2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:2100 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 2 IPl2|Inhibitor for purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060477 IPL4 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE PERICARP 4 Inhibitor for purple pericarp|IPl4|Inhibitor for purple pericarp-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060477 IPL4 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE PERICARP 4 Inhibitor for purple pericarp|IPl4|Inhibitor for purple pericarp-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060477 IPL4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE PERICARP 4 Inhibitor for purple pericarp|IPl4|Inhibitor for purple pericarp-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060477 IPL4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE PERICARP 4 Inhibitor for purple pericarp|IPl4|Inhibitor for purple pericarp-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060477 IPL4 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE PERICARP 4 Inhibitor for purple pericarp|IPl4|Inhibitor for purple pericarp-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060477 IPL4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE PERICARP 4 Inhibitor for purple pericarp|IPl4|Inhibitor for purple pericarp-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060477 IPL4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE PERICARP 4 Inhibitor for purple pericarp|IPl4|Inhibitor for purple pericarp-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060477 IPL4 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE PERICARP 4 Inhibitor for purple pericarp|IPl4|Inhibitor for purple pericarp-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060477 IPL4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE PERICARP 4 Inhibitor for purple pericarp|IPl4|Inhibitor for purple pericarp-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060477 IPL4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6242 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE PERICARP 4 Inhibitor for purple pericarp|IPl4|Inhibitor for purple pericarp-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060484 ISE1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6312 TAS G recessive inhibitor for photoperiod-sensitivity (Se1) iSe1|fl3|flowering date-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060484 ISE1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6312 TAS G recessive inhibitor for photoperiod-sensitivity (Se1) iSe1|fl3|flowering date-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060484 ISE1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6312 TAS G recessive inhibitor for photoperiod-sensitivity (Se1) iSe1|fl3|flowering date-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060498 LGP PO:0007041 GR_ref:6122 TAS G LIGHT GREEN PANICLE AND LEAF lgp|light green panicle and leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060498 LGP PO:0007042 GR_ref:6122 TAS G LIGHT GREEN PANICLE AND LEAF lgp|light green panicle and leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060500 LH PO:0007038 GR_ref:850 TAS G LATE HEADING Late heading|Lh(t)*|Fl36|Flowering date-36 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060500 LH PO:0007041 GR_ref:850 TAS G LATE HEADING Late heading|Lh(t)*|Fl36|Flowering date-36 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060585 OPS PO:0007014 GR_ref:3024 TAS G OPEN HULL STERILE ops|open hull sterile gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060585 OPS PO:0007041 GR_ref:3024 TAS G OPEN HULL STERILE ops|open hull sterile gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060592 P PO:0007010 GR_ref:6369 TAS G COLORED APICULUS A|Pa|Colored apiculus gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060592 P PO:0007038 GR_ref:6369 TAS G COLORED APICULUS A|Pa|Colored apiculus gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060592 P PO:0007041 GR_ref:6369 TAS G COLORED APICULUS A|Pa|Colored apiculus gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060592 P PO:0007042 GR_ref:6369 TAS G COLORED APICULUS A|Pa|Colored apiculus gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060595 PAU PO:0007010 GR_ref:5777 TAS G PURPLE AURICLE Pau|Purple auricle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060595 PAU PO:0007014 GR_ref:5777 TAS G PURPLE AURICLE Pau|Purple auricle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060595 PAU PO:0007038 GR_ref:5777 TAS G PURPLE AURICLE Pau|Purple auricle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060595 PAU PO:0007041 GR_ref:5777 TAS G PURPLE AURICLE Pau|Purple auricle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060595 PAU PO:0007042 GR_ref:5777 TAS G PURPLE AURICLE Pau|Purple auricle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060595 PAU PO:0007065 GR_ref:5777 TAS G PURPLE AURICLE Pau|Purple auricle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060595 PAU PO:0007073 GR_ref:5777 TAS G PURPLE AURICLE Pau|Purple auricle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060595 PAU PO:0007089 GR_ref:5777 TAS G PURPLE AURICLE Pau|Purple auricle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060595 PAU PO:0007123 GR_ref:5777 TAS G PURPLE AURICLE Pau|Purple auricle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060595 PAU PO:0007133 GR_ref:5777 TAS G PURPLE AURICLE Pau|Purple auricle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060630 PI1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:2564 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 1 RMg20|Pi1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060630 PI1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:2564 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 1 RMg20|Pi1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060630 PI1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:2564 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 1 RMg20|Pi1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060630 PI1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:2564 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 1 RMg20|Pi1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060631 PI3 PO:0007065 GR_ref:2564 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 3 RMg21|Pi3|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060631 PI3 PO:0007073 GR_ref:2564 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 3 RMg21|Pi3|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060631 PI3 PO:0007123 GR_ref:2564 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 3 RMg21|Pi3|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060631 PI3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:2564 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 3 RMg21|Pi3|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060632 PI5 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1619 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 5 RMg22|Pi5(t)|Pi5|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060632 PI5 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1619 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 5 RMg22|Pi5(t)|Pi5|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060632 PI5 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1619 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 5 RMg22|Pi5(t)|Pi5|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060632 PI5 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1619 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 5 RMg22|Pi5(t)|Pi5|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060633 PI6 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6279 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 6 RMg23|Pi6(t)*|Pi6|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060633 PI6 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6279 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 6 RMg23|Pi6(t)*|Pi6|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060633 PI6 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6279 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 6 RMg23|Pi6(t)*|Pi6|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060633 PI6 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6279 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 6 RMg23|Pi6(t)*|Pi6|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060634 PI7 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6008|PMID:7912216 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 7 Pi7(t)|RMg24|Pi7|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060635 PI8 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6321 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 8 RMg25|Pi8|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060635 PI8 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6321 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 8 RMg25|Pi8|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060635 PI8 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6321 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 8 RMg25|Pi8|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060635 PI8 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6321 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 8 RMg25|Pi8|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060636 PI9 PO:0007065 GR_ref:365|PMID:9291958 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 9 RMg26|Pi9(t)*|Pi9|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060636 PI9 PO:0007073 GR_ref:365|PMID:9291958 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 9 RMg26|Pi9(t)*|Pi9|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060636 PI9 PO:0007123 GR_ref:365|PMID:9291958 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 9 RMg26|Pi9(t)*|Pi9|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060636 PI9 PO:0007133 GR_ref:365|PMID:9291958 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 9 RMg26|Pi9(t)*|Pi9|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060637 PI10 PO:0007065 GR_ref:3121|PMID:8851795 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 10 RMg27|Pi10(t)*|Pi10|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060637 PI10 PO:0007073 GR_ref:3121|PMID:8851795 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 10 RMg27|Pi10(t)*|Pi10|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060637 PI10 PO:0007123 GR_ref:3121|PMID:8851795 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 10 RMg27|Pi10(t)*|Pi10|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060637 PI10 PO:0007133 GR_ref:3121|PMID:8851795 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 10 RMg27|Pi10(t)*|Pi10|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060638 PI11 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6008|PMID:7912216 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 11 Pi11(t)*|RMg28|Pizh|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-zh gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060638 PI11 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6008|PMID:7912216 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 11 Pi11(t)*|RMg28|Pizh|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-zh gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060638 PI11 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6008|PMID:7912216 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 11 Pi11(t)*|RMg28|Pizh|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-zh gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060638 PI11 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6008|PMID:7912216 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 11 Pi11(t)*|RMg28|Pizh|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-zh gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060640 Pi12 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5298 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-12 (Hong-jiao-zhan) RMg30|Pi12* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060640 Pi12 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5298 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-12 (Hong-jiao-zhan) RMg30|Pi12* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060640 Pi12 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5298 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-12 (Hong-jiao-zhan) RMg30|Pi12* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060640 Pi12 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5298 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-12 (Hong-jiao-zhan) RMg30|Pi12* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060641 PI13 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6321 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 13 RMg31|Pi13(t)|Pi13|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-13 (Maowangu) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060641 PI13 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6321 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 13 RMg31|Pi13(t)|Pi13|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-13 (Maowangu) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060641 PI13 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6321 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 13 RMg31|Pi13(t)|Pi13|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-13 (Maowangu) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060641 PI13 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6321 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 13 RMg31|Pi13(t)|Pi13|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-13 (Maowangu) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060642 Pi13 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6180 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-13 (Kasalath) RMg32|Pi13* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060642 Pi13 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6180 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-13 (Kasalath) RMg32|Pi13* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060642 Pi13 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6180 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-13 (Kasalath) RMg32|Pi13* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060642 Pi13 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6180 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-13 (Kasalath) RMg32|Pi13* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060643 PI14 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6321 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 14 RMg33|Pi14(t)|Pi14|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060643 PI14 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6321 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 14 RMg33|Pi14(t)|Pi14|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060643 PI14 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6321 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 14 RMg33|Pi14(t)|Pi14|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060643 PI14 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6321 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 14 RMg33|Pi14(t)|Pi14|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060644 PI15 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 15 Pi15(t)|Pi14|RMg34|Pi15|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060644 PI15 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 15 Pi15(t)|Pi14|RMg34|Pi15|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060644 PI15 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 15 Pi15(t)|Pi14|RMg34|Pi15|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060644 PI15 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 15 Pi15(t)|Pi14|RMg34|Pi15|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060645 PI16 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6324 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 16 RMg35|Pi16(t)|Pi16|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060645 PI16 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6324 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 16 RMg35|Pi16(t)|Pi16|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060645 PI16 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6324 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 16 RMg35|Pi16(t)|Pi16|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060645 PI16 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6324 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 16 RMg35|Pi16(t)|Pi16|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060646 PI17 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 17 Pi17(t)|RMg36|Pi17|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060646 PI17 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 17 Pi17(t)|RMg36|Pi17|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060646 PI17 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 17 Pi17(t)|RMg36|Pi17|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060646 PI17 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6323 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 17 Pi17(t)|RMg36|Pi17|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060647 PI18 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 18 Pi18(t)|RMg37|Pi18|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060647 PI18 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 18 Pi18(t)|RMg37|Pi18|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060647 PI18 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 18 Pi18(t)|RMg37|Pi18|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060647 PI18 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 18 Pi18(t)|RMg37|Pi18|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060648 PI19 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6184 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 19 RMg38|Pi19(t)|Pi14|Pi19|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-19 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060648 PI19 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6184 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 19 RMg38|Pi19(t)|Pi14|Pi19|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-19 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060648 PI19 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6184 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 19 RMg38|Pi19(t)|Pi14|Pi19|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-19 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060648 PI19 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6184 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 19 RMg38|Pi19(t)|Pi14|Pi19|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-19 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060649 PI20 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1607 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 20 Pi20|RMg39|Pi20|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060649 PI20 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1607 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 20 Pi20|RMg39|Pi20|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060649 PI20 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1607 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 20 Pi20|RMg39|Pi20|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060649 PI20 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1607 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 20 Pi20|RMg39|Pi20|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060650 PI21 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6884 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 21 rMg40|pi21|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-21 (field resistance) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060650 PI21 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6884 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 21 rMg40|pi21|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-21 (field resistance) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060650 PI21 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6884 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 21 rMg40|pi21|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-21 (field resistance) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060650 PI21 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6884 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 21 rMg40|pi21|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-21 (field resistance) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060651 PI21 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 21 Pi21(t)*|RMg41|Pi21|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060651 PI21 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 21 Pi21(t)*|RMg41|Pi21|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060651 PI21 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 21 Pi21(t)*|RMg41|Pi21|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060651 PI21 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 21 Pi21(t)*|RMg41|Pi21|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060652 PI22 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 22 RMg42|Pi22(t)*|Pi22|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-22 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060652 PI22 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 22 RMg42|Pi22(t)*|Pi22|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-22 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060652 PI22 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 22 RMg42|Pi22(t)*|Pi22|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-22 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060652 PI22 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 22 RMg42|Pi22(t)*|Pi22|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-22 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060653 PI23 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 23 Pi23(t)*|RMg43|Pi23|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-23 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060653 PI23 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 23 Pi23(t)*|RMg43|Pi23|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-23 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060653 PI23 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 23 Pi23(t)*|RMg43|Pi23|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-23 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060653 PI23 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6137 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 23 Pi23(t)*|RMg43|Pi23|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-23 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060666 PIN1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5558 TAS G PURPLE INTERNODE 1 Pin1|Purple internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060666 PIN1 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5558 TAS G PURPLE INTERNODE 1 Pin1|Purple internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060666 PIN1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5558 TAS G PURPLE INTERNODE 1 Pin1|Purple internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060666 PIN1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5558 TAS G PURPLE INTERNODE 1 Pin1|Purple internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060666 PIN1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5558 TAS G PURPLE INTERNODE 1 Pin1|Purple internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060666 PIN1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5558 TAS G PURPLE INTERNODE 1 Pin1|Purple internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060666 PIN1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5558 TAS G PURPLE INTERNODE 1 Pin1|Purple internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060666 PIN1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5558 TAS G PURPLE INTERNODE 1 Pin1|Purple internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060666 PIN1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5558 TAS G PURPLE INTERNODE 1 Pin1|Purple internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060666 PIN1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5558 TAS G PURPLE INTERNODE 1 Pin1|Purple internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060671 PL PO:0007010 GR_ref:3816 TAS G PURPLE LEAF Pl1|Purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060671 PL PO:0007014 GR_ref:3816 TAS G PURPLE LEAF Pl1|Purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060671 PL PO:0007038 GR_ref:3816 TAS G PURPLE LEAF Pl1|Purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060671 PL PO:0007041 GR_ref:3816 TAS G PURPLE LEAF Pl1|Purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060671 PL PO:0007042 GR_ref:3816 TAS G PURPLE LEAF Pl1|Purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060671 PL PO:0007065 GR_ref:3816 TAS G PURPLE LEAF Pl1|Purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060671 PL PO:0007073 GR_ref:3816 TAS G PURPLE LEAF Pl1|Purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060671 PL PO:0007089 GR_ref:3816 TAS G PURPLE LEAF Pl1|Purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060671 PL PO:0007123 GR_ref:3816 TAS G PURPLE LEAF Pl1|Purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060671 PL PO:0007133 GR_ref:3816 TAS G PURPLE LEAF Pl1|Purple leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060683 PN PO:0007010 GR_ref:5562 TAS G PURPLE NODE Pn|Purple node gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060683 PN PO:0007014 GR_ref:5562 TAS G PURPLE NODE Pn|Purple node gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060683 PN PO:0007038 GR_ref:5562 TAS G PURPLE NODE Pn|Purple node gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060683 PN PO:0007041 GR_ref:5562 TAS G PURPLE NODE Pn|Purple node gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060683 PN PO:0007042 GR_ref:5562 TAS G PURPLE NODE Pn|Purple node gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060683 PN PO:0007065 GR_ref:5562 TAS G PURPLE NODE Pn|Purple node gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060683 PN PO:0007073 GR_ref:5562 TAS G PURPLE NODE Pn|Purple node gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060683 PN PO:0007089 GR_ref:5562 TAS G PURPLE NODE Pn|Purple node gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060683 PN PO:0007123 GR_ref:5562 TAS G PURPLE NODE Pn|Purple node gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060683 PN PO:0007133 GR_ref:5562 TAS G PURPLE NODE Pn|Purple node gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060691 PR PO:0007010 GR_ref:6056 TAS G PURPLE HULL Rp|Pr|Purple hull gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060691 PR PO:0007038 GR_ref:6056 TAS G PURPLE HULL Rp|Pr|Purple hull gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060691 PR PO:0007041 GR_ref:6056 TAS G PURPLE HULL Rp|Pr|Purple hull gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060691 PR PO:0007042 GR_ref:6056 TAS G PURPLE HULL Rp|Pr|Purple hull gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060698 PRPA PO:0007010 GR_ref:5814 TAS G PURPLE PERICARP A Pp|Prpa|Purple pericarp|Prp1|Purple pericarp-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060698 PRPA PO:0007038 GR_ref:5814 TAS G PURPLE PERICARP A Pp|Prpa|Purple pericarp|Prp1|Purple pericarp-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060698 PRPA PO:0007041 GR_ref:5814 TAS G PURPLE PERICARP A Pp|Prpa|Purple pericarp|Prp1|Purple pericarp-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060698 PRPA PO:0007042 GR_ref:5814 TAS G PURPLE PERICARP A Pp|Prpa|Purple pericarp|Prp1|Purple pericarp-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060699 PRPB PO:0007010 GR_ref:5328 TAS G PURPLE PERICARP B Pb|Prpb|Purple pericarp|Prp2|Purple pericarp-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060699 PRPB PO:0007038 GR_ref:5328 TAS G PURPLE PERICARP B Pb|Prpb|Purple pericarp|Prp2|Purple pericarp-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060699 PRPB PO:0007041 GR_ref:5328 TAS G PURPLE PERICARP B Pb|Prpb|Purple pericarp|Prp2|Purple pericarp-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060699 PRPB PO:0007042 GR_ref:5328 TAS G PURPLE PERICARP B Pb|Prpb|Purple pericarp|Prp2|Purple pericarp-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060703 PS1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5949 TAS G PURPLE STIGMA 1 Ps1|Purple stigma-1(Gaisenmochi) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060703 PS1 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5949 TAS G PURPLE STIGMA 1 Ps1|Purple stigma-1(Gaisenmochi) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060703 PS1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5949 TAS G PURPLE STIGMA 1 Ps1|Purple stigma-1(Gaisenmochi) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060703 PS1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5949 TAS G PURPLE STIGMA 1 Ps1|Purple stigma-1(Gaisenmochi) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060703 PS1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5949 TAS G PURPLE STIGMA 1 Ps1|Purple stigma-1(Gaisenmochi) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060704 PS2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6193 TAS G PURPLE STIGMA 2 Ps1|Ps2|Purple stigma-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060704 PS2 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6193 TAS G PURPLE STIGMA 2 Ps1|Ps2|Purple stigma-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060704 PS2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6193 TAS G PURPLE STIGMA 2 Ps1|Ps2|Purple stigma-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060704 PS2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6193 TAS G PURPLE STIGMA 2 Ps1|Ps2|Purple stigma-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060704 PS2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6193 TAS G PURPLE STIGMA 2 Ps1|Ps2|Purple stigma-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060103 BS PO:0007065 GR_ref:5793 TAS G BLACK STREAKED DWARF RESISTANCE Bs|Bsv|Black streaked dwarf resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060103 BS PO:0007073 GR_ref:5793 TAS G BLACK STREAKED DWARF RESISTANCE Bs|Bsv|Black streaked dwarf resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060103 BS PO:0007123 GR_ref:5793 TAS G BLACK STREAKED DWARF RESISTANCE Bs|Bsv|Black streaked dwarf resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060103 BS PO:0007133 GR_ref:5793 TAS G BLACK STREAKED DWARF RESISTANCE Bs|Bsv|Black streaked dwarf resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060104 BUC PO:0007089 GR_ref:6389 TAS G BIG UPPERMOST CULM Buc|Big uppermost culm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060105 BOL PO:0007065 GR_ref:5786 TAS G BENTAZON SUSCEPTIBILITY bol|bzs|bentazon susceptibility gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060105 BOL PO:0007073 GR_ref:5786 TAS G BENTAZON SUSCEPTIBILITY bol|bzs|bentazon susceptibility gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060105 BOL PO:0007123 GR_ref:5786 TAS G BENTAZON SUSCEPTIBILITY bol|bzs|bentazon susceptibility gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060105 BOL PO:0007133 GR_ref:5786 TAS G BENTAZON SUSCEPTIBILITY bol|bzs|bentazon susceptibility gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060112 lrd18 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6088 TAS G lesion resembling disease-18 cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-1|cdr1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060112 lrd18 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6088 TAS G lesion resembling disease-18 cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-1|cdr1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060112 lrd18 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6088 TAS G lesion resembling disease-18 cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-1|cdr1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060112 lrd18 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6088 TAS G lesion resembling disease-18 cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-1|cdr1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060113 lrd19 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6088 TAS G lesion resembling disease-19 cdr2*|cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060113 lrd19 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6088 TAS G lesion resembling disease-19 cdr2*|cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060113 lrd19 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6088 TAS G lesion resembling disease-19 cdr2*|cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060113 lrd19 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6088 TAS G lesion resembling disease-19 cdr2*|cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060114 Lrd20 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6088 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-20 Cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-3|Cdr3* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060114 Lrd20 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6088 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-20 Cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-3|Cdr3* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060114 Lrd20 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6088 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-20 Cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-3|Cdr3* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060114 Lrd20 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6088 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-20 Cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-3|Cdr3* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060115 CE1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5666 TAS G CERCOSPORA RESISTANCE Ce1|Cercospora resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060115 CE1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5666 TAS G CERCOSPORA RESISTANCE Ce1|Cercospora resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060115 CE1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5666 TAS G CERCOSPORA RESISTANCE Ce1|Cercospora resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060115 CE1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5666 TAS G CERCOSPORA RESISTANCE Ce1|Cercospora resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060116 Ce2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5666 TAS G Cercospora resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060116 Ce2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5666 TAS G Cercospora resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060116 Ce2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5666 TAS G Cercospora resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060116 Ce2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5666 TAS G Cercospora resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060129 CHS1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:594 TAS G CHLOROSIS CAUSED BY LOW TEMPERATURE 1 chs1|chlorosis caused by low temperature-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060143 CLW PO:0007010 GR_ref:3024 TAS G CLAW SHAPED SPIKELET clw|claw shaped spikelet gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060143 CLW PO:0007038 GR_ref:3024 TAS G CLAW SHAPED SPIKELET clw|claw shaped spikelet gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060143 CLW PO:0007041 GR_ref:3024 TAS G CLAW SHAPED SPIKELET clw|claw shaped spikelet gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060143 CLW PO:0007042 GR_ref:3024 TAS G CLAW SHAPED SPIKELET clw|claw shaped spikelet gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060145 [CMS-ARC] PO:0007014 GR_ref:6006 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY ARC [cms-ARC] [mt]|`ARC13829-26' cytoplasm|[cms-ARC]|ARC13829-26 cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060151 [CMS-GAM] PO:0007014 GR_ref:6006 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY GAM [cms-GAM]|Gambiaca cytoplasm|[cms-GAM]|Gambiaca cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060152 [CMS-HL] PO:0007014 GR_ref:6007 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY HL [cms-HL]|HL-group cytoplasm|[cms-HL]|HL-group cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060158 [CMS-SP] PO:0007014 GR_ref:6006 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY SP [cms-sp]|`MS577A' cytoplasm|[cms-sp]|MS577A cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060166 [CMS-WA] PO:0007014 GR_ref:6006 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY WA WA-group cytoplasm|[cms-WA]|[cms-WA]|WA-group cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060189 D6 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF EBISUMOCHI DWARF d34|ebisumochi dwarf or tankanshirazasa dwarf|dwf6|d6|dwarf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060189 D6 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF EBISUMOCHI DWARF d34|ebisumochi dwarf or tankanshirazasa dwarf|dwf6|d6|dwarf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060189 D6 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF EBISUMOCHI DWARF d34|ebisumochi dwarf or tankanshirazasa dwarf|dwf6|d6|dwarf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060189 D6 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6242 TAS G DWARF EBISUMOCHI DWARF d34|ebisumochi dwarf or tankanshirazasa dwarf|dwf6|d6|dwarf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060210 D31 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5149 TAS G DWARF TAICHUNG 155 IRRADIATED taichung-155-irradiated dwarf|dwf27|d31|dwarf-31 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060210 D31 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5149 TAS G DWARF TAICHUNG 155 IRRADIATED taichung-155-irradiated dwarf|dwf27|d31|dwarf-31 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060210 D31 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5149 TAS G DWARF TAICHUNG 155 IRRADIATED taichung-155-irradiated dwarf|dwf27|d31|dwarf-31 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060210 D31 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5149 TAS G DWARF TAICHUNG 155 IRRADIATED taichung-155-irradiated dwarf|dwf27|d31|dwarf-31 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060238 DP1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5883 TAS G DEPRESSED PALEA 1 pa|dp1|depressed palea-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060238 DP1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5883 TAS G DEPRESSED PALEA 1 pa|dp1|depressed palea-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060238 DP1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G DEPRESSED PALEA 1 pa|dp1|depressed palea-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060238 DP1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G DEPRESSED PALEA 1 pa|dp1|depressed palea-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060240 DP PO:0007010 GR_ref:2588 TAS G DEPRESSED PALEA dp(t)*|depressed palea|dp3|depressed palea-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060240 DP PO:0007038 GR_ref:2588 TAS G DEPRESSED PALEA dp(t)*|depressed palea|dp3|depressed palea-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060240 DP PO:0007041 GR_ref:2588 TAS G DEPRESSED PALEA dp(t)*|depressed palea|dp3|depressed palea-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060240 DP PO:0007042 GR_ref:2588 TAS G DEPRESSED PALEA dp(t)*|depressed palea|dp3|depressed palea-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060496 LG PO:0007010 GR_ref:2585 TAS G LIGULELESS lg|liguleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060496 LG PO:0007014 GR_ref:2585 TAS G LIGULELESS lg|liguleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060496 LG PO:0007038 GR_ref:2585 TAS G LIGULELESS lg|liguleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060496 LG PO:0007041 GR_ref:2585 TAS G LIGULELESS lg|liguleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060496 LG PO:0007042 GR_ref:2585 TAS G LIGULELESS lg|liguleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060496 LG PO:0007065 GR_ref:2585 TAS G LIGULELESS lg|liguleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060496 LG PO:0007073 GR_ref:2585 TAS G LIGULELESS lg|liguleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060496 LG PO:0007089 GR_ref:2585 TAS G LIGULELESS lg|liguleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060496 LG PO:0007123 GR_ref:2585 TAS G LIGULELESS lg|liguleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060496 LG PO:0007133 GR_ref:2585 TAS G LIGULELESS lg|liguleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060570 NAL6 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5662 TAS G NARROW LEAF 6 Narrow leaf-6|Nal6|Cul6|Curl leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060570 NAL6 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5662 TAS G NARROW LEAF 6 Narrow leaf-6|Nal6|Cul6|Curl leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060570 NAL6 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5662 TAS G NARROW LEAF 6 Narrow leaf-6|Nal6|Cul6|Curl leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060570 NAL6 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5662 TAS G NARROW LEAF 6 Narrow leaf-6|Nal6|Cul6|Curl leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060570 NAL6 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5662 TAS G NARROW LEAF 6 Narrow leaf-6|Nal6|Cul6|Curl leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060570 NAL6 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5662 TAS G NARROW LEAF 6 Narrow leaf-6|Nal6|Cul6|Curl leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060570 NAL6 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5662 TAS G NARROW LEAF 6 Narrow leaf-6|Nal6|Cul6|Curl leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060570 NAL6 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5662 TAS G NARROW LEAF 6 Narrow leaf-6|Nal6|Cul6|Curl leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060581 OMS PO:0007014 GR_ref:5968 TAS G OPEN HULL MALE STERILE oms|open hull male sterile gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060581 OMS PO:0007041 GR_ref:5968 TAS G OPEN HULL MALE STERILE oms|open hull male sterile gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060726 RCN1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6374 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 1 rcn1|reduced culm number-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060726 RCN1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6374 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 1 rcn1|reduced culm number-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060726 RCN1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6374 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 1 rcn1|reduced culm number-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060726 RCN1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6374 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 1 rcn1|reduced culm number-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060727 RCN2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:4402 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 2 rcn2|reduced culm number-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060727 RCN2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:4402 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 2 rcn2|reduced culm number-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060727 RCN2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:4402 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 2 rcn2|reduced culm number-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060727 RCN2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:4402 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 2 rcn2|reduced culm number-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060728 RCN3 PO:0007065 GR_ref:4396 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 3 rcn3|reduced culm number-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060728 RCN3 PO:0007073 GR_ref:4396 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 3 rcn3|reduced culm number-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060728 RCN3 PO:0007089 GR_ref:4396 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 3 rcn3|reduced culm number-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060728 RCN3 PO:0007123 GR_ref:4396 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 3 rcn3|reduced culm number-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060729 RCN4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:4402 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 4 rcn4|reduced culm number-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060729 RCN4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:4402 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 4 rcn4|reduced culm number-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060729 RCN4 PO:0007089 GR_ref:4402 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 4 rcn4|reduced culm number-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060729 RCN4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:4402 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 4 rcn4|reduced culm number-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060730 RCN5 PO:0007065 GR_ref:4402 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 5 rcn5|reduced culm number-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060730 RCN5 PO:0007073 GR_ref:4402 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 5 rcn5|reduced culm number-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060730 RCN5 PO:0007089 GR_ref:4402 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 5 rcn5|reduced culm number-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060730 RCN5 PO:0007123 GR_ref:4402 TAS G REDUCED CULM NUMBER 5 rcn5|reduced culm number-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060731 RCN6 PO:0007065 GR_ref:4402 TAS G RECEPTOR GENE FOR PEROXIDASE rcn6|reduced culm number-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060731 RCN6 PO:0007073 GR_ref:4402 TAS G RECEPTOR GENE FOR PEROXIDASE rcn6|reduced culm number-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060731 RCN6 PO:0007089 GR_ref:4402 TAS G RECEPTOR GENE FOR PEROXIDASE rcn6|reduced culm number-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060731 RCN6 PO:0007123 GR_ref:4402 TAS G RECEPTOR GENE FOR PEROXIDASE rcn6|reduced culm number-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060885 SHP1 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5666 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 1 Ex|Shp1|Sheathed panicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060885 SHP1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5666 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 1 Ex|Shp1|Sheathed panicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060885 SHP1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5666 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 1 Ex|Shp1|Sheathed panicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060886 SHP2 PO:0007014 GR_ref:2588 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 2 shp2|sheathed panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060886 SHP2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:2588 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 2 shp2|sheathed panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060886 SHP2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:2588 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 2 shp2|sheathed panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060887 SHP3 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6185 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 3 Ga|Shp3|Sheathed panicle-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060887 SHP3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6185 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 3 Ga|Shp3|Sheathed panicle-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060887 SHP3 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6185 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 3 Ga|Shp3|Sheathed panicle-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060068 BC1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5654 IC Q6VSV1 G BRITTLE CULM 1 bc1|brittle culm-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060068 BC1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5654 IC Q6VSV1 G BRITTLE CULM 1 bc1|brittle culm-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060068 BC1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5654 IC Q6VSV1 G BRITTLE CULM 1 bc1|brittle culm-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060068 BC1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5654 IC Q6VSV1 G BRITTLE CULM 1 bc1|brittle culm-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060071 BC4 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 4 bc4|brittle culm-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060071 BC4 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 4 bc4|brittle culm-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060071 BC4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 4 bc4|brittle culm-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060071 BC4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 4 bc4|brittle culm-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060071 BC4 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 4 bc4|brittle culm-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060071 BC4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 4 bc4|brittle culm-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060071 BC4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 4 bc4|brittle culm-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060071 BC4 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 4 bc4|brittle culm-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060071 BC4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 4 bc4|brittle culm-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060071 BC4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 4 bc4|brittle culm-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060077 BF PO:0007038 GR_ref:3872 TAS G BROWN FURROWS OF HULL Bf|Brown furrows of hull gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060079 BHA PO:0007038 GR_ref:2298 TAS G BLACK HULL A Bha|Black hull-a|Bh1|Black hull-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060080 BHB PO:0007038 GR_ref:2298 TAS G BLACK HULL B Black hull-b|Bhb|Bh2|Black hull-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060081 BHC PO:0007038 GR_ref:2298 TAS G BLACK HULL C Black hull-c|Bhc|Ph|Bh3|Black hull-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060082 BL1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:3024 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 1 bl1|brown leaf spot-1|lrd1|lesion resembling disease-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060082 BL1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:3024 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 1 bl1|brown leaf spot-1|lrd1|lesion resembling disease-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060082 BL1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:3024 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 1 bl1|brown leaf spot-1|lrd1|lesion resembling disease-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060083 BL2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1793 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 2 brown leaf spot-2|blm|lk|bl2|lrd2|lesion resembling disease-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060083 BL2 PO:0007014 GR_ref:1793 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 2 brown leaf spot-2|blm|lk|bl2|lrd2|lesion resembling disease-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060083 BL2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1793 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 2 brown leaf spot-2|blm|lk|bl2|lrd2|lesion resembling disease-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060083 BL2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1793 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 2 brown leaf spot-2|blm|lk|bl2|lrd2|lesion resembling disease-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060083 BL2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:1793 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 2 brown leaf spot-2|blm|lk|bl2|lrd2|lesion resembling disease-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060084 BL3 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 3 brown leaf spot-3|bl3|lrd3|lesion resembling disease-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060084 BL3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 3 brown leaf spot-3|bl3|lrd3|lesion resembling disease-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060084 BL3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 3 brown leaf spot-3|bl3|lrd3|lesion resembling disease-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060084 BL3 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 3 brown leaf spot-3|bl3|lrd3|lesion resembling disease-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060085 BL4 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 4 brown leaf spot-4|bl4|lrd4|lesion resembling disease-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060085 BL4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 4 brown leaf spot-4|bl4|lrd4|lesion resembling disease-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060085 BL4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 4 brown leaf spot-4|bl4|lrd4|lesion resembling disease-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060085 BL4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 4 brown leaf spot-4|bl4|lrd4|lesion resembling disease-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060085 BL4 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 4 brown leaf spot-4|bl4|lrd4|lesion resembling disease-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060085 BL4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 4 brown leaf spot-4|bl4|lrd4|lesion resembling disease-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060085 BL4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 4 brown leaf spot-4|bl4|lrd4|lesion resembling disease-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060086 BL5 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 5 brown leaf spot-5|bl5|lrd5|lesion resembling disease-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060086 BL5 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 5 brown leaf spot-5|bl5|lrd5|lesion resembling disease-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060086 BL5 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 5 brown leaf spot-5|bl5|lrd5|lesion resembling disease-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060086 BL5 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 5 brown leaf spot-5|bl5|lrd5|lesion resembling disease-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060086 BL5 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 5 brown leaf spot-5|bl5|lrd5|lesion resembling disease-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060086 BL5 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 5 brown leaf spot-5|bl5|lrd5|lesion resembling disease-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060086 BL5 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 5 brown leaf spot-5|bl5|lrd5|lesion resembling disease-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060087 BL6 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 6 bl6|brown leaf spot-6|lrd6|lesion resembling disease-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060087 BL6 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 6 bl6|brown leaf spot-6|lrd6|lesion resembling disease-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060087 BL6 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 6 bl6|brown leaf spot-6|lrd6|lesion resembling disease-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060087 BL6 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 6 bl6|brown leaf spot-6|lrd6|lesion resembling disease-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060087 BL6 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 6 bl6|brown leaf spot-6|lrd6|lesion resembling disease-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060087 BL6 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 6 bl6|brown leaf spot-6|lrd6|lesion resembling disease-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060087 BL6 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6242 TAS G BROWN LEAF SPOT 6 bl6|brown leaf spot-6|lrd6|lesion resembling disease-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060089 BPH1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 1 Bph1|Brown planthopper resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060089 BPH1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 1 Bph1|Brown planthopper resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060089 BPH1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 1 Bph1|Brown planthopper resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060089 BPH1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 1 Bph1|Brown planthopper resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060090 BPH2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 2 bph2|brown planthopper resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060090 BPH2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 2 bph2|brown planthopper resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060090 BPH2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 2 bph2|brown planthopper resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060090 BPH2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 2 bph2|brown planthopper resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060091 BPH3 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 3 Bph3|Brown planthopper resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060091 BPH3 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 3 Bph3|Brown planthopper resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060091 BPH3 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 3 Bph3|Brown planthopper resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060091 BPH3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 3 Bph3|Brown planthopper resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060092 BPH4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 4 bph4|brown planthopper resistance-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060092 BPH4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 4 bph4|brown planthopper resistance-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060092 BPH4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 4 bph4|brown planthopper resistance-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060092 BPH4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:1591 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 4 bph4|brown planthopper resistance-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060093 BPH5 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5691 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 5 bph5|brown planthopper resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060093 BPH5 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5691 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 5 bph5|brown planthopper resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060093 BPH5 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5691 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 5 bph5|brown planthopper resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060093 BPH5 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5691 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 5 bph5|brown planthopper resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060117 CG PO:0007010 GR_ref:3965 TAS G CIGER SHAPED PANICLE cg|cigar shaped panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060117 CG PO:0007014 GR_ref:3965 TAS G CIGER SHAPED PANICLE cg|cigar shaped panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060117 CG PO:0007038 GR_ref:3965 TAS G CIGER SHAPED PANICLE cg|cigar shaped panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060117 CG PO:0007041 GR_ref:3965 TAS G CIGER SHAPED PANICLE cg|cigar shaped panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060117 CG PO:0007042 GR_ref:3965 TAS G CIGER SHAPED PANICLE cg|cigar shaped panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060117 CG PO:0007089 GR_ref:3965 TAS G CIGER SHAPED PANICLE cg|cigar shaped panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060192 D10 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5792 TAS G DWARF KIKEIBANSHINRIKI kikeibanshinriki or toyohikaribunwai tillering dwarf|d16|d15|dwf9|d10|dwarf-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060192 D10 PO:0007057 GR_ref:5792 TAS G DWARF KIKEIBANSHINRIKI kikeibanshinriki or toyohikaribunwai tillering dwarf|d16|d15|dwf9|d10|dwarf-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060192 D10 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5792 TAS G DWARF KIKEIBANSHINRIKI kikeibanshinriki or toyohikaribunwai tillering dwarf|d16|d15|dwf9|d10|dwarf-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060192 D10 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5792 TAS G DWARF KIKEIBANSHINRIKI kikeibanshinriki or toyohikaribunwai tillering dwarf|d16|d15|dwf9|d10|dwarf-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060192 D10 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5792 TAS G DWARF KIKEIBANSHINRIKI kikeibanshinriki or toyohikaribunwai tillering dwarf|d16|d15|dwf9|d10|dwarf-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060192 D10 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5792 TAS G DWARF KIKEIBANSHINRIKI kikeibanshinriki or toyohikaribunwai tillering dwarf|d16|d15|dwf9|d10|dwarf-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060193 D11 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5792 IC Q6F4F5 G DWARF SHINKANEAIKOKU OR NOHRIN 28 shinkaneaikoku or nohrin 28 dwarf|dwf10|d8|D11/CYP724B1|OsDWARF11|d11|dwarf-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060193 D11 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5792 IC Q6F4F5 G DWARF SHINKANEAIKOKU OR NOHRIN 28 shinkaneaikoku or nohrin 28 dwarf|dwf10|d8|D11/CYP724B1|OsDWARF11|d11|dwarf-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060193 D11 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5792 IC Q6F4F5 G DWARF SHINKANEAIKOKU OR NOHRIN 28 shinkaneaikoku or nohrin 28 dwarf|dwf10|d8|D11/CYP724B1|OsDWARF11|d11|dwarf-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060193 D11 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5792 IC Q6F4F5 G DWARF SHINKANEAIKOKU OR NOHRIN 28 shinkaneaikoku or nohrin 28 dwarf|dwf10|d8|D11/CYP724B1|OsDWARF11|d11|dwarf-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060193 D11 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5792 IC Q6F4F5 G DWARF SHINKANEAIKOKU OR NOHRIN 28 shinkaneaikoku or nohrin 28 dwarf|dwf10|d8|D11/CYP724B1|OsDWARF11|d11|dwarf-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060193 D11 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5792 IMP Q6F4F5 G DWARF SHINKANEAIKOKU OR NOHRIN 28 shinkaneaikoku or nohrin 28 dwarf|dwf10|d8|D11/CYP724B1|OsDWARF11|d11|dwarf-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060239 DP2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5789 TAS G DEPRESSED PALEA 2 dp2|depressed palea-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060239 DP2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5789 TAS G DEPRESSED PALEA 2 dp2|depressed palea-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060239 DP2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5789 TAS G DEPRESSED PALEA 2 dp2|depressed palea-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060239 DP2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5789 TAS G DEPRESSED PALEA 2 dp2|depressed palea-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060242 DRP2 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5824 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 2 drp2|dripping-wet leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060242 DRP2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5824 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 2 drp2|dripping-wet leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060242 DRP2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5824 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 2 drp2|dripping-wet leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060242 DRP2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5824 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 2 drp2|dripping-wet leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060242 DRP2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5824 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 2 drp2|dripping-wet leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060242 DRP2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5824 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 2 drp2|dripping-wet leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060242 DRP2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5824 TAS G DRIPPING-WET LEAF 2 drp2|dripping-wet leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060287 EG1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5655 TAS G EXTRA GLUME 1 eg1|extra glume-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060287 EG1 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5655 TAS G EXTRA GLUME 1 eg1|extra glume-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060287 EG1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5655 TAS G EXTRA GLUME 1 eg1|extra glume-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060287 EG1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5655 TAS G EXTRA GLUME 1 eg1|extra glume-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060287 EG1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5655 TAS G EXTRA GLUME 1 eg1|extra glume-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060288 eg2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6092 TAS G extra glume-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060288 eg2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6092 TAS G extra glume-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060288 eg2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6092 TAS G extra glume-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060288 eg2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6092 TAS G extra glume-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060294 ENSE1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:3838 TAS G ENHANCER FOR PHOTOSENSITIVITY Enhancer for photoperiod-sensitivity (Se1)|EnSe1(t)|Fl2|Flowering date-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060294 ENSE1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:3838 TAS G ENHANCER FOR PHOTOSENSITIVITY Enhancer for photoperiod-sensitivity (Se1)|EnSe1(t)|Fl2|Flowering date-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060320 EUI1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6122 IC Q5KQH7 G ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE eui1|elongated uppermost internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060320 EUI1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6122 IC Q5KQH7 G ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE eui1|elongated uppermost internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060320 EUI1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6122 IC Q5KQH7 G ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE eui1|elongated uppermost internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060320 EUI1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6122 IC Q5KQH7 G ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE eui1|elongated uppermost internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060320 EUI1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6122 IC Q5KQH7 G ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE eui1|elongated uppermost internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060321 eui2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6470 TAS G elongated uppermost internode-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060322 FC1 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5883 TAS G FINE CULM 1 OsTB1|fc1|fine culm-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060322 FC1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G FINE CULM 1 OsTB1|fc1|fine culm-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060322 FC1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G FINE CULM 1 OsTB1|fc1|fine culm-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060322 FC1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G FINE CULM 1 OsTB1|fc1|fine culm-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060322 FC1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G FINE CULM 1 OsTB1|fc1|fine culm-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060364 GF2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5883 TAS G GOLD FURROWS OF HULL 2 gf2|gold furrows of hull-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060364 GF2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5883 TAS G GOLD FURROWS OF HULL 2 gf2|gold furrows of hull-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060364 GF2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G GOLD FURROWS OF HULL 2 gf2|gold furrows of hull-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060364 GF2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G GOLD FURROWS OF HULL 2 gf2|gold furrows of hull-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060437 GT PO:0007038 GR_ref:6194 TAS G HIGH GELATINIZATION TEMPERATURE Gt|High gelatinization temperature gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060438 H PO:0007038 GR_ref:6194 TAS G HARDNESS OF COOKED RICE Hardness of cooked rice|H(t)*|Hcr|Hardness of cooked rice gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060446 HG PO:0007010 GR_ref:2434 TAS G HAIRY GLUME Fg|Hg|Hairy glume gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060446 HG PO:0007038 GR_ref:2434 TAS G HAIRY GLUME Fg|Hg|Hairy glume gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060446 HG PO:0007042 GR_ref:2434 TAS G HAIRY GLUME Fg|Hg|Hairy glume gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060464 IANA PO:0007010 GR_ref:5666 TAS G SUPPRESSOR FOR AWN A IAna*|Suppressor for awn-a|An8|Awn-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060464 IANA PO:0007038 GR_ref:5666 TAS G SUPPRESSOR FOR AWN A IAna*|Suppressor for awn-a|An8|Awn-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060464 IANA PO:0007041 GR_ref:5666 TAS G SUPPRESSOR FOR AWN A IAna*|Suppressor for awn-a|An8|Awn-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060464 IANA PO:0007042 GR_ref:5666 TAS G SUPPRESSOR FOR AWN A IAna*|Suppressor for awn-a|An8|Awn-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060118 CHL1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5655 TAS G CHLORINA 1 ch1|chl1|chlorina-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060118 CHL1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5655 TAS G CHLORINA 1 ch1|chl1|chlorina-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060118 CHL1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5655 TAS G CHLORINA 1 ch1|chl1|chlorina-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060118 CHL1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5655 TAS G CHLORINA 1 ch1|chl1|chlorina-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060212 D33 PO:0007065 GR_ref:1648 TAS G DWARF BONSAITO dB|bonsaito dwarf|dwf29|d33|dwarf-33 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060212 D33 PO:0007073 GR_ref:1648 TAS G DWARF BONSAITO dB|bonsaito dwarf|dwf29|d33|dwarf-33 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060212 D33 PO:0007089 GR_ref:1648 TAS G DWARF BONSAITO dB|bonsaito dwarf|dwf29|d33|dwarf-33 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060212 D33 PO:0007123 GR_ref:1648 TAS G DWARF BONSAITO dB|bonsaito dwarf|dwf29|d33|dwarf-33 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060301 ESP1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5737 TAS G ENDOSPERM STORAGE PROTEIN 1 rsp1|esp1|endosperm storage protein-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060302 ESP2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6110 TAS G ENDOSPERM STORAGE PROTEIN 2 rsp2|esp2|endosperm storage protein-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060303 ESP3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5737 TAS G ENDOSPERM STORAGE PROTEIN 3 rsp3|esp3|endosperm storage protein-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060304 ESP4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5737 TAS G ENDOSPERM STORAGE PROTEIN 4 regulatory gene for PB-I.|10/16-H|Esp4|Endosperm storage protein-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060332 FLO PO:0007038 GR_ref:5830 TAS G FLOURY ENDOSPERM flo(t)*|floury endosperm|flo3|floury endosperm-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060365 GH1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5666 TAS G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 1 hg|gh1|gold hull and internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060365 GH1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5666 TAS G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 1 hg|gh1|gold hull and internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060365 GH1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5666 TAS G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 1 hg|gh1|gold hull and internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060365 GH1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5666 TAS G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 1 hg|gh1|gold hull and internode-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060366 GH2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5652 IC Q38G74 G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 2 OsCAD2|CAD2|Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase|Sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase|gh2|gold hull and internode-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060366 GH2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5652 IC Q38G74 G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 2 OsCAD2|CAD2|Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase|Sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase|gh2|gold hull and internode-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060366 GH2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5652 IDA Q6ZHS4 G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 2 OsCAD2|CAD2|Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase|Sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase|gh2|gold hull and internode-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060366 GH2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5652 IC Q38G74 G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 2 OsCAD2|CAD2|Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase|Sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase|gh2|gold hull and internode-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060366 GH2 PO:0007094 GR_ref:5652 IEP Q6ZHS4 G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 2 OsCAD2|CAD2|Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase|Sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase|gh2|gold hull and internode-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060366 GH2 PO:0007098 GR_ref:5652 IEP Q6ZHS4 G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 2 OsCAD2|CAD2|Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase|Sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase|gh2|gold hull and internode-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060366 GH2 PO:0007106 GR_ref:5652 IEP Q6ZHS4 G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 2 OsCAD2|CAD2|Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase|Sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase|gh2|gold hull and internode-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060366 GH2 PO:0007115 GR_ref:5652 IEP Q6ZHS4 G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 2 OsCAD2|CAD2|Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase|Sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase|gh2|gold hull and internode-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060367 GH3 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1725 TAS G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 3 gh3|gold hull and internode-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060367 GH3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1725 TAS G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 3 gh3|gold hull and internode-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060367 GH3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1725 TAS G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 3 gh3|gold hull and internode-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060367 GH3 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1725 TAS G GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 3 gh3|gold hull and internode-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060411 GLUP1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3906 TAS G GLUTELIN PRECURSOR 1 Gup1|Esp5|Glup1|Glutelin precursor-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060412 GLUP2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3906 TAS G GLUTELIN PRECURSOR 2 esp6|gup2|glup2|glutelin precursor-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060413 GLUP3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5912 TAS G GLUTELIN PRECURSOR 3 esp7|glup3|glutelin precursor-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060487 ITH PO:0007038 GR_ref:5861 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR DIFFICULT Ith|Inhibitor for difficult threshing (easy threshing) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060489 KR2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5859 TAS G LONG GRAIN Kr2|Long grain gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060492 LAM PO:0007038 GR_ref:5694 TAS G LOW AMYLOSE ENDOSPERM low allergenic protein|lam|low amylose endosperm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060499 LGT PO:0007038 GR_ref:1504 TAS G LONG TWISTED GRAIN lgt|long twisted grain gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060526 MIK PO:0007010 GR_ref:6375 TAS G MICROSATELLITE-TARGETING TRANSPOSABLE ELEMENT 'Kitaake mutant' minute grain|mik|mi2|minute grain-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060526 MIK PO:0007038 GR_ref:6375 TAS G MICROSATELLITE-TARGETING TRANSPOSABLE ELEMENT 'Kitaake mutant' minute grain|mik|mi2|minute grain-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060526 MIK PO:0007041 GR_ref:6375 TAS G MICROSATELLITE-TARGETING TRANSPOSABLE ELEMENT 'Kitaake mutant' minute grain|mik|mi2|minute grain-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060526 MIK PO:0007042 GR_ref:6375 TAS G MICROSATELLITE-TARGETING TRANSPOSABLE ELEMENT 'Kitaake mutant' minute grain|mik|mi2|minute grain-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060566 NAL2 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 2 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-2|cul2|curl leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060566 NAL2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 2 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-2|cul2|curl leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060566 NAL2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 2 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-2|cul2|curl leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060566 NAL2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 2 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-2|cul2|curl leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060566 NAL2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 2 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-2|cul2|curl leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060566 NAL2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 2 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-2|cul2|curl leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060566 NAL2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 2 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-2|cul2|curl leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060566 NAL2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 2 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-2|cul2|curl leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060567 NAL3 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 3 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-3|cul3|curl leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060567 NAL3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 3 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-3|cul3|curl leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060567 NAL3 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 3 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-3|cul3|curl leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060567 NAL3 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 3 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-3|cul3|curl leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060567 NAL3 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 3 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-3|cul3|curl leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060567 NAL3 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 3 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-3|cul3|curl leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060567 NAL3 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 3 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-3|cul3|curl leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060567 NAL3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5789 TAS G NARROW LEAF 3 nal2|nal3|narrow leaf-3|cul3|curl leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060605 PGL PO:0007014 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PALE GREEN LEAF pgl|pale green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060605 PGL PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PALE GREEN LEAF pgl|pale green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060605 PGL PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PALE GREEN LEAF pgl|pale green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060605 PGL PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PALE GREEN LEAF pgl|pale green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060605 PGL PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PALE GREEN LEAF pgl|pale green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060605 PGL PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PALE GREEN LEAF pgl|pale green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060465 IANB PO:0007010 GR_ref:5859 TAS G SUPPRESSOR FOR AWN B IAnb*|Suppressor for awn-b|An9|Awn-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060465 IANB PO:0007038 GR_ref:5859 TAS G SUPPRESSOR FOR AWN B IAnb*|Suppressor for awn-b|An9|Awn-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060465 IANB PO:0007041 GR_ref:5859 TAS G SUPPRESSOR FOR AWN B IAnb*|Suppressor for awn-b|An9|Awn-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060465 IANB PO:0007042 GR_ref:5859 TAS G SUPPRESSOR FOR AWN B IAnb*|Suppressor for awn-b|An9|Awn-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060466 IBF PO:0007038 GR_ref:3872 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR BROWN FURROWS IBf|Inhibitor for brown furrows gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060467 IBPH1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5766 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR BPH 1 IBph1|Inhibitor for Bph1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060467 IBPH1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5766 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR BPH 1 IBph1|Inhibitor for Bph1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060467 IBPH1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5766 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR BPH 1 IBph1|Inhibitor for Bph1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060467 IBPH1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5766 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR BPH 1 IBph1|Inhibitor for Bph1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060569 NAL5 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5653 TAS G NARROW LEAF 5 nal5|narrow leaf-5|nal1|cul5|curl leaf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060569 NAL5 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5653 TAS G NARROW LEAF 5 nal5|narrow leaf-5|nal1|cul5|curl leaf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060569 NAL5 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5653 TAS G NARROW LEAF 5 nal5|narrow leaf-5|nal1|cul5|curl leaf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060574 NL2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5907 TAS G NECK LEAF 2 nl2|neck leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060574 NL2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5907 TAS G NECK LEAF 2 nl2|neck leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060574 NL2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5907 TAS G NECK LEAF 2 nl2|neck leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060672 PL2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PURPLE LEAF 2 pl2|purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060672 PL2 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PURPLE LEAF 2 pl2|purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060672 PL2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PURPLE LEAF 2 pl2|purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060672 PL2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PURPLE LEAF 2 pl2|purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060672 PL2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PURPLE LEAF 2 pl2|purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060672 PL2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PURPLE LEAF 2 pl2|purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060672 PL2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PURPLE LEAF 2 pl2|purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060672 PL2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PURPLE LEAF 2 pl2|purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060672 PL2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PURPLE LEAF 2 pl2|purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060672 PL2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G PURPLE LEAF 2 pl2|purple leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060767 RL4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:2693 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 4 rolled leaf-4|rl2|rl4|cul11|curl leaf-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060767 RL4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:2693 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 4 rolled leaf-4|rl2|rl4|cul11|curl leaf-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060767 RL4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:2693 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 4 rolled leaf-4|rl2|rl4|cul11|curl leaf-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060767 RL4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:2693 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 4 rolled leaf-4|rl2|rl4|cul11|curl leaf-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060910 SPL9 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5883 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 9 spotted leaf-9|spl9|lrd15|lesion resembling disease-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060910 SPL9 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 9 spotted leaf-9|spl9|lrd15|lesion resembling disease-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060910 SPL9 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 9 spotted leaf-9|spl9|lrd15|lesion resembling disease-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060911 SPL10 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5619 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 10 spotted leaf-10|spl10|lrd16|lesion resembling disease-16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060911 SPL10 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5619 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 10 spotted leaf-10|spl10|lrd16|lesion resembling disease-16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060911 SPL10 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5619 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 10 spotted leaf-10|spl10|lrd16|lesion resembling disease-16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060911 SPL10 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5619 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 10 spotted leaf-10|spl10|lrd16|lesion resembling disease-16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060911 SPL10 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5619 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 10 spotted leaf-10|spl10|lrd16|lesion resembling disease-16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060912 SPL11 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6092 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 11 spl11*|spotted leaf-11|lrd17|lesion resembling disease-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060912 SPL11 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6092 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 11 spl11*|spotted leaf-11|lrd17|lesion resembling disease-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060912 SPL11 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6092 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 11 spl11*|spotted leaf-11|lrd17|lesion resembling disease-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060912 SPL11 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6092 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 11 spl11*|spotted leaf-11|lrd17|lesion resembling disease-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060912 SPL11 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6092 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 11 spl11*|spotted leaf-11|lrd17|lesion resembling disease-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060912 SPL11 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6092 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 11 spl11*|spotted leaf-11|lrd17|lesion resembling disease-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060912 SPL11 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6092 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 11 spl11*|spotted leaf-11|lrd17|lesion resembling disease-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060912 SPL11 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6092 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 11 spl11*|spotted leaf-11|lrd17|lesion resembling disease-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060912 SPL11 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6092 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 11 spl11*|spotted leaf-11|lrd17|lesion resembling disease-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060934 ST7 PO:0007010 GR_ref:3816 TAS G STRIPE 7 st7|stripe-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060934 ST7 PO:0007014 GR_ref:3816 TAS G STRIPE 7 st7|stripe-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060934 ST7 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3816 TAS G STRIPE 7 st7|stripe-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060934 ST7 PO:0007041 GR_ref:3816 TAS G STRIPE 7 st7|stripe-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060934 ST7 PO:0007042 GR_ref:3816 TAS G STRIPE 7 st7|stripe-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060934 ST7 PO:0007065 GR_ref:3816 TAS G STRIPE 7 st7|stripe-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060934 ST7 PO:0007073 GR_ref:3816 TAS G STRIPE 7 st7|stripe-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060934 ST7 PO:0007089 GR_ref:3816 TAS G STRIPE 7 st7|stripe-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060934 ST7 PO:0007123 GR_ref:3816 TAS G STRIPE 7 st7|stripe-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060934 ST7 PO:0007133 GR_ref:3816 TAS G STRIPE 7 st7|stripe-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060969 TS3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6099 TAS G TWISTED STEM-3 ts3|twisted stem-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060969 TS3 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6099 TAS G TWISTED STEM-3 ts3|twisted stem-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060981 V2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5658 TAS G VIRESCENT 2 v2|virescent-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060981 V2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5658 TAS G VIRESCENT 2 v2|virescent-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060981 V2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5658 TAS G VIRESCENT 2 v2|virescent-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060981 V2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5658 TAS G VIRESCENT 2 v2|virescent-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060982 V3 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 3 v3|virescent-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060982 V3 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 3 v3|virescent-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060982 V3 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 3 v3|virescent-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060982 V3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 3 v3|virescent-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060984 V5 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5658 TAS G VIRESCENT 5 v5|virescent-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060984 V5 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5658 TAS G VIRESCENT 5 v5|virescent-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060984 V5 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5658 TAS G VIRESCENT 5 v5|virescent-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060984 V5 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5658 TAS G VIRESCENT 5 v5|virescent-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060985 V6 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6051 TAS G VIRESCENT 6 v6|virescent-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060985 V6 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6051 TAS G VIRESCENT 6 v6|virescent-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060985 V6 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6051 TAS G VIRESCENT 6 v6|virescent-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060985 V6 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6051 TAS G VIRESCENT 6 v6|virescent-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060985 V6 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6051 TAS G VIRESCENT 6 v6|virescent-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060986 V7 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5658 TAS G VIRESCENT 7 v7|virescent-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060986 V7 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5658 TAS G VIRESCENT 7 v7|virescent-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060986 V7 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5658 TAS G VIRESCENT 7 v7|virescent-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060986 V7 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5658 TAS G VIRESCENT 7 v7|virescent-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060986 V7 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5658 TAS G VIRESCENT 7 v7|virescent-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060988 V9 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5187 TAS G VIRESCENT 9 v9|virescent-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060988 V9 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5187 TAS G VIRESCENT 9 v9|virescent-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060988 V9 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5187 TAS G VIRESCENT 9 v9|virescent-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060988 V9 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5187 TAS G VIRESCENT 9 v9|virescent-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060988 V9 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5187 TAS G VIRESCENT 9 v9|virescent-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060989 V10 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 10 v10|virescent-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060989 V10 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 10 v10|virescent-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060989 V10 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 10 v10|virescent-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060989 V10 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 10 v10|virescent-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060989 V10 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 10 v10|virescent-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060990 V11 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5620 TAS G VIRESCENT 11 v11|virescent-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060990 V11 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5620 TAS G VIRESCENT 11 v11|virescent-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060990 V11 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5620 TAS G VIRESCENT 11 v11|virescent-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060990 V11 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5620 TAS G VIRESCENT 11 v11|virescent-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060990 V11 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5620 TAS G VIRESCENT 11 v11|virescent-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060991 V12 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 12 v12|virescent-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060991 V12 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 12 v12|virescent-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060991 V12 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 12 v12|virescent-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060991 V12 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 12 v12|virescent-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060991 V12 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G VIRESCENT 12 v12|virescent-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061002 WP1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G WHITE PANICLE 1 wp1|white panicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061002 WP1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G WHITE PANICLE 1 wp1|white panicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061003 WP2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6092 TAS G WHITE PANICLE 2 wp2|white panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061003 WP2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6092 TAS G WHITE PANICLE 2 wp2|white panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061003 WP2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6092 TAS G WHITE PANICLE 2 wp2|white panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061041 YGL PO:0007010 GR_ref:2434 TAS G YELLOW GREEN LEAF ygl|yellow green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061041 YGL PO:0007014 GR_ref:2434 TAS G YELLOW GREEN LEAF ygl|yellow green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061041 YGL PO:0007038 GR_ref:2434 TAS G YELLOW GREEN LEAF ygl|yellow green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061041 YGL PO:0007041 GR_ref:2434 TAS G YELLOW GREEN LEAF ygl|yellow green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061041 YGL PO:0007042 GR_ref:2434 TAS G YELLOW GREEN LEAF ygl|yellow green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061041 YGL PO:0007065 GR_ref:2434 TAS G YELLOW GREEN LEAF ygl|yellow green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061041 YGL PO:0007073 GR_ref:2434 TAS G YELLOW GREEN LEAF ygl|yellow green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061041 YGL PO:0007089 GR_ref:2434 TAS G YELLOW GREEN LEAF ygl|yellow green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061041 YGL PO:0007123 GR_ref:2434 TAS G YELLOW GREEN LEAF ygl|yellow green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061041 YGL PO:0007133 GR_ref:2434 TAS G YELLOW GREEN LEAF ygl|yellow green leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061053 Z7 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 7 z7|zebra-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061053 Z7 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 7 z7|zebra-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061053 Z7 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 7 z7|zebra-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061053 Z7 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 7 z7|zebra-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061054 Z8 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 8 z8|zebra-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061054 Z8 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 8 z8|zebra-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061054 Z8 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 8 z8|zebra-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061054 Z8 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 8 z8|zebra-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061055 Z9 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 9 z9|zebra-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061055 Z9 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 9 z9|zebra-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061055 Z9 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 9 z9|zebra-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061055 Z9 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 9 z9|zebra-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061056 Z10 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 10 z10|zebra-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061056 Z10 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 10 z10|zebra-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061056 Z10 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 10 z10|zebra-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061056 Z10 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 10 z10|zebra-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061057 Z11 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 11 z11|zebra-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061057 Z11 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 11 z11|zebra-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061057 Z11 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 11 z11|zebra-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061057 Z11 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 11 z11|zebra-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061057 Z11 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 11 z11|zebra-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061057 Z11 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 11 z11|zebra-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061057 Z11 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 11 z11|zebra-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061057 Z11 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 11 z11|zebra-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061057 Z11 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 11 z11|zebra-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061057 Z11 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 11 z11|zebra-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061058 Z12 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 12 z12|zebra-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061058 Z12 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 12 z12|zebra-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061058 Z12 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 12 z12|zebra-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061058 Z12 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 12 z12|zebra-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061059 Z13 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 13 z13|zebra-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061059 Z13 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 13 z13|zebra-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061059 Z13 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 13 z13|zebra-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061059 Z13 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 13 z13|zebra-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061066 ES1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6099 TAS G EXTRUDING STIGMA 1 Es1|Extruding stigma-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060094 BPH6 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5668 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 6 Bph6|Brown planthopper resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060094 BPH6 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5668 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 6 Bph6|Brown planthopper resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060094 BPH6 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5668 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 6 Bph6|Brown planthopper resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060094 BPH6 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5668 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 6 Bph6|Brown planthopper resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060095 BPH7 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5668 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 7 bph7|brown planthopper resistance-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060095 BPH7 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5668 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 7 bph7|brown planthopper resistance-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060095 BPH7 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5668 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 7 bph7|brown planthopper resistance-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060095 BPH7 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5668 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 7 bph7|brown planthopper resistance-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060096 BPH8 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5828 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 8 bph8|brown planthopper resistance-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060097 BPH9 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5828 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 9 Bph9|Brown planthopper resistance-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060098 BPH10 PO:0007133 GR_ref:365|PMID:9291958 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 10 Brown planthopper resistance introduced from Oryza australiensis|Bph10|Brown planthopper resistance-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060102 Bph14 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5664 TAS G Brown planthopper resistance-14 Brown planthopper resistance introduced from Oryza australiensis|Qbp1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060372 GLE1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6368 TAS G GLOBULAR EMBRYO 1 gle1|globular embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060372 GLE1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6368 TAS G GLOBULAR EMBRYO 1 gle1|globular embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060372 GLE1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6368 TAS G GLOBULAR EMBRYO 1 gle1|globular embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060372 GLE1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6368 TAS G GLOBULAR EMBRYO 1 gle1|globular embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060373 GLE2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6368 TAS G GLOBULAR EMBRYO 2 gle2|globular embryo-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060373 GLE2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6368 TAS G GLOBULAR EMBRYO 2 gle2|globular embryo-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060373 GLE2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6368 TAS G GLOBULAR EMBRYO 2 gle2|globular embryo-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060373 GLE2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6368 TAS G GLOBULAR EMBRYO 2 gle2|globular embryo-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060374 GLE3 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6368 TAS G GLOBULAR EMBRYO 3 gle3|globular embryo-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060374 GLE3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6368 TAS G GLOBULAR EMBRYO 3 gle3|globular embryo-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060374 GLE3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6368 TAS G GLOBULAR EMBRYO 3 gle3|globular embryo-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060374 GLE3 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6368 TAS G GLOBULAR EMBRYO 3 gle3|globular embryo-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060586 orl1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1477 TAS G organless embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060586 orl1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1477 TAS G organless embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060586 orl1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1477 TAS G organless embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060586 orl1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1477 TAS G organless embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060722 RAL1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1477 TAS G RADICLELESS 1 ral1|radicleless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060722 RAL1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1477 TAS G RADICLELESS 1 ral1|radicleless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060722 RAL1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1477 TAS G RADICLELESS 1 ral1|radicleless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060722 RAL1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1477 TAS G RADICLELESS 1 ral1|radicleless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060734 RE1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6103 TAS G REDUCED EMBRYO 1. re1|reduced embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060734 RE1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6103 TAS G REDUCED EMBRYO 1. re1|reduced embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060734 RE1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6103 TAS G REDUCED EMBRYO 1. re1|reduced embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060734 RE1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6103 TAS G REDUCED EMBRYO 1. re1|reduced embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060735 re2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1478|PMID:8681786 TAS G reduced embryo-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060735 re2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1478|PMID:8681786 TAS G reduced embryo-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060735 re2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1478|PMID:8681786 TAS G reduced embryo-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060735 re2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1478|PMID:8681786 TAS G reduced embryo-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060736 re3 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5607 TAS G reduced embryo-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060736 re3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5607 TAS G reduced embryo-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060736 re3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5607 TAS G reduced embryo-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060736 re3 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5607 TAS G reduced embryo-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060879 SHL1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5914 TAS G SHOOTLESS 1 sh1|shl1|shootless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060879 SHL1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5914 TAS G SHOOTLESS 1 sh1|shl1|shootless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060879 SHL1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5914 TAS G SHOOTLESS 1 sh1|shl1|shootless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060879 SHL1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5914 TAS G SHOOTLESS 1 sh1|shl1|shootless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060880 SHL2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5914 TAS G SHOOTLESS 2 sh2|shl2|shootless-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060880 SHL2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5914 TAS G SHOOTLESS 2 sh2|shl2|shootless-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060880 SHL2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5914 TAS G SHOOTLESS 2 sh2|shl2|shootless-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060880 SHL2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5914 TAS G SHOOTLESS 2 sh2|shl2|shootless-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060881 SHL3 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6079|PMID:10409508 TAS G SHOOTLESS 3 sh3|shl3|shootless-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060881 SHL3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6079|PMID:10409508 TAS G SHOOTLESS 3 sh3|shl3|shootless-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060881 SHL3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6079|PMID:10409508 TAS G SHOOTLESS 3 sh3|shl3|shootless-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060881 SHL3 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6079|PMID:10409508 TAS G SHOOTLESS 3 sh3|shl3|shootless-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060882 SHL4 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5914 TAS G SHOOTLESS 4 sh4|shl4|shootless-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060882 SHL4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5914 TAS G SHOOTLESS 4 sh4|shl4|shootless-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060882 SHL4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5914 TAS G SHOOTLESS 4 sh4|shl4|shootless-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060882 SHL4 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5914 TAS G SHOOTLESS 4 sh4|shl4|shootless-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060883 SHO1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 1 sho1|shoot organization-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060883 SHO1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 1 sho1|shoot organization-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060883 SHO1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 1 sho1|shoot organization-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060883 SHO1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 1 sho1|shoot organization-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060883 SHO1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 1 sho1|shoot organization-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060884 SHO2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 2 sho2|shoot organization-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060884 SHO2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 2 sho2|shoot organization-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060884 SHO2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 2 sho2|shoot organization-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060884 SHO2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 2 sho2|shoot organization-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060884 SHO2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 2 sho2|shoot organization-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060890 SPO1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5607 TAS G SHOOT POSITION 1 shp1|shoot position-1|spt1|shoot position-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060890 SPO1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5607 TAS G SHOOT POSITION 1 shp1|shoot position-1|spt1|shoot position-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060890 SPO1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5607 TAS G SHOOT POSITION 1 shp1|shoot position-1|spt1|shoot position-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060890 SPO1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5607 TAS G SHOOT POSITION 1 shp1|shoot position-1|spt1|shoot position-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060992 VEP1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1477 TAS G VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 1 vep1|variable embryo phenotypes-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060992 VEP1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1477 TAS G VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 1 vep1|variable embryo phenotypes-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060992 VEP1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1477 TAS G VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 1 vep1|variable embryo phenotypes-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060992 VEP1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1477 TAS G VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 1 vep1|variable embryo phenotypes-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060993 VEP2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1477 TAS G VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 2 vep2|variable embryo phenotypes-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060993 VEP2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1477 TAS G VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 2 vep2|variable embryo phenotypes-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060993 VEP2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1477 TAS G VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 2 vep2|variable embryo phenotypes-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060993 VEP2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1477 TAS G VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 2 vep2|variable embryo phenotypes-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060994 VEP3 PO:0007010 GR_ref:1477 TAS G VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 3 vep3|variable embryo phenotypes-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060994 VEP3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1477 TAS G VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 3 vep3|variable embryo phenotypes-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060994 VEP3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1477 TAS G VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 3 vep3|variable embryo phenotypes-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060994 VEP3 PO:0007042 GR_ref:1477 TAS G VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 3 vep3|variable embryo phenotypes-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061064 ZN PO:0007010 GR_ref:5699 TAS G ZEBRA NECROSIS zn|zebra necrosis|lrd25|lesion resembling disease-25 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061064 ZN PO:0007014 GR_ref:5699 TAS G ZEBRA NECROSIS zn|zebra necrosis|lrd25|lesion resembling disease-25 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061064 ZN PO:0007041 GR_ref:5699 TAS G ZEBRA NECROSIS zn|zebra necrosis|lrd25|lesion resembling disease-25 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061064 ZN PO:0007042 GR_ref:5699 TAS G ZEBRA NECROSIS zn|zebra necrosis|lrd25|lesion resembling disease-25 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061064 ZN PO:0007065 GR_ref:5699 TAS G ZEBRA NECROSIS zn|zebra necrosis|lrd25|lesion resembling disease-25 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061064 ZN PO:0007073 GR_ref:5699 TAS G ZEBRA NECROSIS zn|zebra necrosis|lrd25|lesion resembling disease-25 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061064 ZN PO:0007089 GR_ref:5699 TAS G ZEBRA NECROSIS zn|zebra necrosis|lrd25|lesion resembling disease-25 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061064 ZN PO:0007123 GR_ref:5699 TAS G ZEBRA NECROSIS zn|zebra necrosis|lrd25|lesion resembling disease-25 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061064 ZN PO:0007133 GR_ref:5699 TAS G ZEBRA NECROSIS zn|zebra necrosis|lrd25|lesion resembling disease-25 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061065 SHO3 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 3 sho3|shoot organization-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061065 SHO3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 3 sho3|shoot organization-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061065 SHO3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 3 sho3|shoot organization-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061065 SHO3 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 3 sho3|shoot organization-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061065 SHO3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6102 TAS G SHOOT ORGANIZATION 3 sho3|shoot organization-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060018 AE3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5683 TAS G AMYLOSE EXTENDER 3 High amylose mutant|ae3|amylose extender-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060020 AL1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5652 TAS G ALBINO 1 alK1|al1|albino-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060021 AL2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5652 TAS G ALBINO 2 alK2|al2|albino-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060022 AL3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5652 TAS G ALBINO 3 alK3|al3|albino-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060023 AL4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5652 TAS G ALBINO 4 alK4|al4|albino-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060024 AL5 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5652 TAS G ALBINO 5 alK5|al5|albino-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060025 AL6 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5652 TAS G ALBINO 6 alK6|al6|albino-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060026 AL7 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5652 TAS G ALBINO 7 alK7|al7|albino-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060027 AL8 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5652 TAS G ALBINO 8 alK8|al8|albino-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060028 AL9 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5659 TAS G ALBINO 9 al9|albino-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060029 AL10 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5658 TAS G ALBINO 10 al10|albino-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060070 BC3 PO:0007014 GR_ref:1725 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 3 bc3|brittle culm-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060070 BC3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1725 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 3 bc3|brittle culm-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060070 BC3 PO:0007089 GR_ref:1725 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 3 bc3|brittle culm-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060088 BP PO:0007010 GR_ref:5653 TAS G BURLUSH-LIKE PANICLE Bp|Bulrush-like panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060088 BP PO:0007038 GR_ref:5653 TAS G BURLUSH-LIKE PANICLE Bp|Bulrush-like panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060088 BP PO:0007041 GR_ref:5653 TAS G BURLUSH-LIKE PANICLE Bp|Bulrush-like panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060088 BP PO:0007042 GR_ref:5653 TAS G BURLUSH-LIKE PANICLE Bp|Bulrush-like panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060761 RK1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5653 TAS G ROUND KERNEL 1 rk1|round kernel-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060762 RK2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6091 TAS G ROUND KERNEL 2 rk2|round kernel-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060763 RK3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3816 TAS G ROUND KERNEL 3 Rk3|Round kernel-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060807 skr PO:0007038 GR_ref:5859 TAS G "suppressor for grain size (Kr1, Kr2)" gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060838 SBE1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3076 TAS G STARCH BRANCHING ENZYME 1 QEI|sbe1|starch branching enzyme-1(Q enzyme 1) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060839 SBEIII* PO:0007038 GR_ref:1311 TAS G STARCH BRANCHING ENZYME III Starch branching enzyme III|SBEIII|Sbe3|Starch branching enzyme-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060896 SLG PO:0007010 GR_ref:6396 TAS G SLENDER GLUME mutator|slg|slender glume gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060896 SLG PO:0007038 GR_ref:6396 TAS G SLENDER GLUME mutator|slg|slender glume gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060896 SLG PO:0007041 GR_ref:6396 TAS G SLENDER GLUME mutator|slg|slender glume gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060896 SLG PO:0007042 GR_ref:6396 TAS G SLENDER GLUME mutator|slg|slender glume gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060896 SLG PO:0007089 GR_ref:6396 TAS G SLENDER GLUME mutator|slg|slender glume gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060902 SPL1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 1 sl|spotted leaf-1|bl2|spl1|lrd7|lesion resembling disease-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060903 SPL2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 2 spl2|spotted leaf-2|bl3|lrd8|lesion resembling disease-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060903 SPL2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 2 spl2|spotted leaf-2|bl3|lrd8|lesion resembling disease-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060903 SPL2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 2 spl2|spotted leaf-2|bl3|lrd8|lesion resembling disease-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060903 SPL2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 2 spl2|spotted leaf-2|bl3|lrd8|lesion resembling disease-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060904 SPL3 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 3 spl3|spotted leaf-3|bl4|lrd9|lesion resembling disease-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060904 SPL3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 3 spl3|spotted leaf-3|bl4|lrd9|lesion resembling disease-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060904 SPL3 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 3 spl3|spotted leaf-3|bl4|lrd9|lesion resembling disease-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060904 SPL3 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 3 spl3|spotted leaf-3|bl4|lrd9|lesion resembling disease-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060904 SPL3 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 3 spl3|spotted leaf-3|bl4|lrd9|lesion resembling disease-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060904 SPL3 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 3 spl3|spotted leaf-3|bl4|lrd9|lesion resembling disease-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060905 SPL4 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5653 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 4 spotted leaf-4|spl4|bl5|lrd10|lesion resembling disease-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060905 SPL4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5653 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 4 spotted leaf-4|spl4|bl5|lrd10|lesion resembling disease-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060905 SPL4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5653 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 4 spotted leaf-4|spl4|bl5|lrd10|lesion resembling disease-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060905 SPL4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5653 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 4 spotted leaf-4|spl4|bl5|lrd10|lesion resembling disease-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060905 SPL4 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5653 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 4 spotted leaf-4|spl4|bl5|lrd10|lesion resembling disease-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060905 SPL4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5653 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 4 spotted leaf-4|spl4|bl5|lrd10|lesion resembling disease-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060906 SPL5 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5883 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 5 bl6|spl5|spotted leaf-5|lrd11|lesion resembling disease-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060906 SPL5 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 5 bl6|spl5|spotted leaf-5|lrd11|lesion resembling disease-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060906 SPL5 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 5 bl6|spl5|spotted leaf-5|lrd11|lesion resembling disease-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060906 SPL5 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 5 bl6|spl5|spotted leaf-5|lrd11|lesion resembling disease-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060906 SPL5 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 5 bl6|spl5|spotted leaf-5|lrd11|lesion resembling disease-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060906 SPL5 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 5 bl6|spl5|spotted leaf-5|lrd11|lesion resembling disease-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060907 SPL6 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 6 spotted leaf-6|spl6|lrd12|lesion resembling disease-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060907 SPL6 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 6 spotted leaf-6|spl6|lrd12|lesion resembling disease-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060907 SPL6 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 6 spotted leaf-6|spl6|lrd12|lesion resembling disease-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060907 SPL6 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 6 spotted leaf-6|spl6|lrd12|lesion resembling disease-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060907 SPL6 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 6 spotted leaf-6|spl6|lrd12|lesion resembling disease-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060907 SPL6 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 6 spotted leaf-6|spl6|lrd12|lesion resembling disease-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060908 SPL7 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5883 IC Q93WD1 G SPOTTED LEAF 7 spotted leaf-7|spl7|lrd13|lesion resembling disease-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060908 SPL7 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 IC Q93WD1 G SPOTTED LEAF 7 spotted leaf-7|spl7|lrd13|lesion resembling disease-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060908 SPL7 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 IC Q93WD1 G SPOTTED LEAF 7 spotted leaf-7|spl7|lrd13|lesion resembling disease-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060908 SPL7 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 IC Q93WD1 G SPOTTED LEAF 7 spotted leaf-7|spl7|lrd13|lesion resembling disease-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060908 SPL7 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 IC Q93WD1 G SPOTTED LEAF 7 spotted leaf-7|spl7|lrd13|lesion resembling disease-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060908 SPL7 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 IC Q93WD1 G SPOTTED LEAF 7 spotted leaf-7|spl7|lrd13|lesion resembling disease-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060948 sug2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5730 TAS G sugary endosperm-2 su2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061143 TH PO:0007038 GR_ref:5739 TAS G HARD THRESHABILITY Th|Hard threshability gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060976 UNA PO:0007038 GR_ref:4517 TAS G UNEVEN GRAIN Uneven grain-a|Una|Un1|Uneven grain-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060977 UNB PO:0007038 GR_ref:4517 TAS G UNEVEN GRAIN Unb|Uneven grain-b|Un2|Uneven grain-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061000 wgl PO:0007010 GR_ref:5673 TAS G spikelet width spikelet width gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061000 wgl PO:0007038 GR_ref:5673 TAS G spikelet width spikelet width gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061000 wgl PO:0007041 GR_ref:5673 TAS G spikelet width spikelet width gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061000 wgl PO:0007042 GR_ref:5673 TAS G spikelet width spikelet width gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061045 YP PO:0007041 GR_ref:6122 TAS G YELLOW PANICLE yellow panicle|yp*|gh4|gold hull and internode-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061045 YP PO:0007042 GR_ref:6122 TAS G YELLOW PANICLE yellow panicle|yp*|gh4|gold hull and internode-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061047 Z1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5653 TAS G ZEBRA 1 z1|zebra-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061047 Z1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5653 TAS G ZEBRA 1 z1|zebra-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061047 Z1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5653 TAS G ZEBRA 1 z1|zebra-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061047 Z1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5653 TAS G ZEBRA 1 z1|zebra-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060261 DU1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3313 IC A2Z903 G DULL ENDOSPERM 1 low amylose content mutant|du1|dull endosperm-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060262 DU2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6213 TAS G DULL ENDOSPERM 2 low amylose content mutant|du2|dull endosperm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060263 DU3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6213 TAS G DULL ENDOSPERM 3 low amylose content mutant|du3|dull endosperm-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060264 DU4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6213 TAS G DULL ENDOSPERM 4 low amylose content mutant|du4|dull endosperm-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060265 DU5 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6213 TAS G DULL ENDOSPERM 5 low amylose content mutant|du5|dull endosperm-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060268 DU7 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6249 TAS G DULL ENDOSPERM 7 Dull endosperm-7|Du7(t)*|Du8|Dull endosperm-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060268 DU7 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6249 TAS G DULL ENDOSPERM 7 Dull endosperm-7|Du7(t)*|Du8|Dull endosperm-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060269 DU2035 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5682 TAS G DULL ENDOSPERM 2035 dull endoaperm (2035)|du2035*|du9|dull endosperm-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060331 FLO2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2581 TAS G FLOURY ENDOSPERM 2 flo3(t)|flo2|floury endosperm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060488 KR1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5859 TAS G SHORT GRAIN Kr1|Short grain gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060503 LK1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6375 TAS G LONG GRAIN 1 'Nagayama 77402a (N179)' long grain|lkna|lk1|long kernel-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060504 LK2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6375 TAS G LONG GRAIN 2 'Nagayama 77402b (N182)' long grain|Lknb|Lk2|Long kernel-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060505 LKF PO:0007038 GR_ref:5679 TAS G LONG KERNEL FUSAYOSHI Lkf|'Fusayoshi' long grain|Lk3|Long kernel-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060506 LKI1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5966 TAS G LONG KERNEL IRAT 13 'IRAT 13' long grain-1|lki1|lk4|long kernel-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060507 LKI2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:4414 TAS G LONG GRAIN 2 'IRAT 13' long grain-2|lki2|lk5|long kernel-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060525 MI PO:0007038 GR_ref:4413 TAS G MINUTE GRAIN Minute grain|Mi|Mi1|Minute grain-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060892 SHR2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5120 TAS G SHRUNKEN ENDOSPERM 2 sh2|shr2|shrunken endosperm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060947 SUG PO:0007038 GR_ref:5120 TAS G SUGARY ENDOSPERM su|sug1|sugary endosperm-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060266 DU6A PO:0007038 GR_ref:6249 TAS G DULL ENDOSPERM 6A du6a(t)*|dull endosperm-6a|du6|dull endosperm-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060267 DU6B PO:0007038 GR_ref:6249 TAS G DULL ENDOSPERM 6B dull endosperm-6b|du6b(t)*|du7|dull endosperm-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060270 DU2120 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5682 TAS G DULL ENDOSPERM 2120 du2120*|dull endoaperm (2120)|du10|dull endosperm-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060271 DUEM47 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5682 TAS G DULL ENDOAPERM EM47 dull endoaperm (EM47)|duEM47*|du11|dull endosperm-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060330 FLO1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5683 TAS G FLOURY ENDOSPERM 1 opaque|o|flo1|floury endosperm-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060891 SHR1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5120 TAS G SHRUNKEN ENDOSPERM 1 sh1|shr1|shrunken eudosperm-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060014 ADL1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ADAXIALIZED LEAF 1 adl1|adaxialized leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060014 ADL1 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ADAXIALIZED LEAF 1 adl1|adaxialized leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060014 ADL1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ADAXIALIZED LEAF 1 adl1|adaxialized leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060014 ADL1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ADAXIALIZED LEAF 1 adl1|adaxialized leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060014 ADL1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ADAXIALIZED LEAF 1 adl1|adaxialized leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060014 ADL1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ADAXIALIZED LEAF 1 adl1|adaxialized leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060014 ADL1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ADAXIALIZED LEAF 1 adl1|adaxialized leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060014 ADL1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ADAXIALIZED LEAF 1 adl1|adaxialized leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060014 ADL1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ADAXIALIZED LEAF 1 adl1|adaxialized leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060015 ADL2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ALDOLASE 2 adl2|adaxialized leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060015 ADL2 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ALDOLASE 2 adl2|adaxialized leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060015 ADL2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ALDOLASE 2 adl2|adaxialized leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060015 ADL2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ALDOLASE 2 adl2|adaxialized leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060015 ADL2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ALDOLASE 2 adl2|adaxialized leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060015 ADL2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ALDOLASE 2 adl2|adaxialized leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060015 ADL2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ALDOLASE 2 adl2|adaxialized leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060015 ADL2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ALDOLASE 2 adl2|adaxialized leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060015 ADL2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6473 TAS G ALDOLASE 2 adl2|adaxialized leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060058 APO1 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6474 TAS G ABERRANT PANICLE ORGANIZATION 1 apo1|aberrant panicle organization-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060058 APO1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6474 TAS G ABERRANT PANICLE ORGANIZATION 1 apo1|aberrant panicle organization-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060058 APO1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6474 TAS G ABERRANT PANICLE ORGANIZATION 1 apo1|aberrant panicle organization-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060003 ACEF1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5992 TAS G ACCELERATION OF HEADING EF 1 Acceleration of heading (fl21)|Acef1|Fl22|Flowering date-22 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060048 AN1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6369 TAS G AWN 1 An1|Awn-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060048 AN1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6369 TAS G AWN 1 An1|Awn-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060048 AN1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6369 TAS G AWN 1 An1|Awn-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060048 AN1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6369 TAS G AWN 1 An1|Awn-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060049 AN2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6369 TAS G AWN 2 An2|Awn-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060049 AN2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6369 TAS G AWN 2 An2|Awn-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060049 AN2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6369 TAS G AWN 2 An2|Awn-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060049 AN2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6369 TAS G AWN 2 An2|Awn-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060050 AN3 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5967 TAS G AWN 3 An5(t)|An3|Awn-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060050 AN3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5967 TAS G AWN 3 An5(t)|An3|Awn-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060050 AN3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5967 TAS G AWN 3 An5(t)|An3|Awn-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060050 AN3 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5967 TAS G AWN 3 An5(t)|An3|Awn-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060233 DL PO:0001019 GR_ref:6295 IDA Q76EJ0 G DROOPING LEAF lop|dl|drooping leaf|dl1|drooping leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060233 DL PO:0001020 GR_ref:6295 IDA Q76EJ0 G DROOPING LEAF lop|dl|drooping leaf|dl1|drooping leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060233 DL PO:0001023 GR_ref:6295 IDA Q76EJ0 G DROOPING LEAF lop|dl|drooping leaf|dl1|drooping leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060233 DL PO:0001083 GR_ref:6295 IDA Q76EJ0 G DROOPING LEAF lop|dl|drooping leaf|dl1|drooping leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060233 DL PO:0007014 GR_ref:6295 IC Q76EJ0 G DROOPING LEAF lop|dl|drooping leaf|dl1|drooping leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060233 DL PO:0007016 GR_ref:6295 IDA Q76EJ0 G DROOPING LEAF lop|dl|drooping leaf|dl1|drooping leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060233 DL PO:0007041 GR_ref:6295 IC Q76EJ0 G DROOPING LEAF lop|dl|drooping leaf|dl1|drooping leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060233 DL PO:0007065 GR_ref:6295 IC Q76EJ0 G DROOPING LEAF lop|dl|drooping leaf|dl1|drooping leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060233 DL PO:0007073 GR_ref:6295 IC Q76EJ0 G DROOPING LEAF lop|dl|drooping leaf|dl1|drooping leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060233 DL PO:0007089 GR_ref:6295 IC Q76EJ0 G DROOPING LEAF lop|dl|drooping leaf|dl1|drooping leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060233 DL PO:0007123 GR_ref:6295 IC Q76EJ0 G DROOPING LEAF lop|dl|drooping leaf|dl1|drooping leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060233 DL PO:0007133 GR_ref:6295 IC Q76EJ0 G DROOPING LEAF lop|dl|drooping leaf|dl1|drooping leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060532 MP2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:2434 TAS G MULTIPLE PISTIL 2 mp2|multiple pistil-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060606 PH PO:0007038 GR_ref:3024 TAS G PHENOL STAINING Bhc|Po|Ph|Phenol staining gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060909 SPL8 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 8 spl8|spotted leaf-8|bl8|lrd14|lesion resembling disease-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060909 SPL8 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 8 spl8|spotted leaf-8|bl8|lrd14|lesion resembling disease-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060909 SPL8 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 8 spl8|spotted leaf-8|bl8|lrd14|lesion resembling disease-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060909 SPL8 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 8 spl8|spotted leaf-8|bl8|lrd14|lesion resembling disease-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060909 SPL8 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 8 spl8|spotted leaf-8|bl8|lrd14|lesion resembling disease-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060909 SPL8 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5655 TAS G SPOTTED LEAF 8 spl8|spotted leaf-8|bl8|lrd14|lesion resembling disease-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060980 V1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5666 TAS G VIRESCENT 1 v1|virescent-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060980 V1 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5666 TAS G VIRESCENT 1 v1|virescent-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060980 V1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5666 TAS G VIRESCENT 1 v1|virescent-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060980 V1 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5666 TAS G VIRESCENT 1 v1|virescent-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060980 V1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5666 TAS G VIRESCENT 1 v1|virescent-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060983 V4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5651 TAS G VIRESCENT 4 v4|virescent-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060983 V4 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5651 TAS G VIRESCENT 4 v4|virescent-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060983 V4 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5651 TAS G VIRESCENT 4 v4|virescent-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060983 V4 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5651 TAS G VIRESCENT 4 v4|virescent-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060983 V4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5651 TAS G VIRESCENT 4 v4|virescent-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060052 AN5 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6099 TAS G AWN 5 an5|awn-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060052 AN5 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6099 TAS G AWN 5 an5|awn-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060052 AN5 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6099 TAS G AWN 5 an5|awn-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060052 AN5 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6099 TAS G AWN 5 an5|awn-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060073 BC6 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6092 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 6 Bc6|Brittle culm-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060073 BC6 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6092 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 6 Bc6|Brittle culm-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060073 BC6 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6092 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 6 Bc6|Brittle culm-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060073 BC6 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6092 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 6 Bc6|Brittle culm-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060073 BC6 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6092 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 6 Bc6|Brittle culm-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060073 BC6 PO:0007065 GR_ref:6092 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 6 Bc6|Brittle culm-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060073 BC6 PO:0007073 GR_ref:6092 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 6 Bc6|Brittle culm-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060073 BC6 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6092 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 6 Bc6|Brittle culm-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060073 BC6 PO:0007123 GR_ref:6092 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 6 Bc6|Brittle culm-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060073 BC6 PO:0007133 GR_ref:6092 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 6 Bc6|Brittle culm-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060069 BC2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 2 bc2|brittle culm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060069 BC2 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 2 bc2|brittle culm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060069 BC2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 2 bc2|brittle culm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060069 BC2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 2 bc2|brittle culm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060069 BC2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 2 bc2|brittle culm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060069 BC2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 2 bc2|brittle culm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060069 BC2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 2 bc2|brittle culm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060069 BC2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 2 bc2|brittle culm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060069 BC2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 2 bc2|brittle culm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060069 BC2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 2 bc2|brittle culm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060072 BC5 PO:0007065 GR_ref:3816 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 5 brittle node|bn|bc5|brittle culm-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060072 BC5 PO:0007073 GR_ref:3816 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 5 brittle node|bn|bc5|brittle culm-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060072 BC5 PO:0007123 GR_ref:3816 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 5 brittle node|bn|bc5|brittle culm-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060072 BC5 PO:0007133 GR_ref:3816 TAS G BRITTLE CULM 5 brittle node|bn|bc5|brittle culm-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060208 D29 PO:0007014 GR_ref:1725 TAS G DWARF SHORT UPPERMOST INTERNODE dwf25|short uppermost internode dwarf|dK1|d29|dwarf-29 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060208 D29 PO:0007041 GR_ref:1725 TAS G DWARF SHORT UPPERMOST INTERNODE dwf25|short uppermost internode dwarf|dK1|d29|dwarf-29 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060208 D29 PO:0007089 GR_ref:1725 TAS G DWARF SHORT UPPERMOST INTERNODE dwf25|short uppermost internode dwarf|dK1|d29|dwarf-29 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060234 Dl2 PO:0007010 GR_ref:6099 TAS G Drooping leaf-2 dl1(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060234 Dl2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6099 TAS G Drooping leaf-2 dl1(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060234 Dl2 PO:0007042 GR_ref:6099 TAS G Drooping leaf-2 dl1(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060573 NL1 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5883 TAS G NECK LEAF 1 nl1|neck leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060573 NL1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G NECK LEAF 1 nl1|neck leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060573 NL1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G NECK LEAF 1 nl1|neck leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061048 Z2 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5661 TAS G ZEBRA 2 z2|zebra-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061048 Z2 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5661 TAS G ZEBRA 2 z2|zebra-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061048 Z2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5661 TAS G ZEBRA 2 z2|zebra-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061048 Z2 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5661 TAS G ZEBRA 2 z2|zebra-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061048 Z2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5661 TAS G ZEBRA 2 z2|zebra-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060035 AM PO:0007038 GR_ref:6194 TAS G HIGH AMYLOSE Am|High amylose gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060051 AN4 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5901 TAS G AWN 4 An6(t)|An4|Awn-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060051 AN4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5901 TAS G AWN 4 An6(t)|An4|Awn-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060051 AN4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5901 TAS G AWN 4 An6(t)|An4|Awn-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060051 AN4 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5901 TAS G AWN 4 An6(t)|An4|Awn-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060053 ANA PO:0007010 GR_ref:5859 TAS G AWN DEVELOPMENT Ana*|Awn development-a|An6|Awn-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060053 ANA PO:0007038 GR_ref:5859 TAS G AWN DEVELOPMENT Ana*|Awn development-a|An6|Awn-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060053 ANA PO:0007041 GR_ref:5859 TAS G AWN DEVELOPMENT Ana*|Awn development-a|An6|Awn-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060053 ANA PO:0007042 GR_ref:5859 TAS G AWN DEVELOPMENT Ana*|Awn development-a|An6|Awn-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060054 ANB PO:0007010 GR_ref:5859 TAS G AWN DEVELOPMENT Awn development-b|Anb*|An7|Awn-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060054 ANB PO:0007038 GR_ref:5859 TAS G AWN DEVELOPMENT Awn development-b|Anb*|An7|Awn-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060054 ANB PO:0007041 GR_ref:5859 TAS G AWN DEVELOPMENT Awn development-b|Anb*|An7|Awn-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060054 ANB PO:0007042 GR_ref:5859 TAS G AWN DEVELOPMENT Awn development-b|Anb*|An7|Awn-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060056 AO PO:0007014 GR_ref:6140 TAS G ACCERELATED INTERNODE OVERGROWTH ao|accerelated overgrowth of internode gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060056 AO PO:0007133 GR_ref:6140 TAS G ACCERELATED INTERNODE OVERGROWTH ao|accerelated overgrowth of internode gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060059 APH PO:0007038 GR_ref:3898 TAS G APICULUS HAIRS aph|apiculus hairs gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060932 ST5 PO:0007010 GR_ref:2584 TAS G STRIPE 5 st5|stripe-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060932 ST5 PO:0007014 GR_ref:2584 TAS G STRIPE 5 st5|stripe-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060932 ST5 PO:0007041 GR_ref:2584 TAS G STRIPE 5 st5|stripe-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060932 ST5 PO:0007042 GR_ref:2584 TAS G STRIPE 5 st5|stripe-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060932 ST5 PO:0007065 GR_ref:2584 TAS G STRIPE 5 st5|stripe-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060932 ST5 PO:0007073 GR_ref:2584 TAS G STRIPE 5 st5|stripe-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060932 ST5 PO:0007089 GR_ref:2584 TAS G STRIPE 5 st5|stripe-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060932 ST5 PO:0007123 GR_ref:2584 TAS G STRIPE 5 st5|stripe-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060932 ST5 PO:0007133 GR_ref:2584 TAS G STRIPE 5 st5|stripe-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061052 Z6 PO:0007010 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 6 z6|zebra-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061052 Z6 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 6 z6|zebra-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061052 Z6 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 6 z6|zebra-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061052 Z6 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 6 z6|zebra-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061052 Z6 PO:0007042 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 6 z6|zebra-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061052 Z6 PO:0007065 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 6 z6|zebra-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061052 Z6 PO:0007073 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 6 z6|zebra-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061052 Z6 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 6 z6|zebra-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061052 Z6 PO:0007123 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 6 z6|zebra-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061052 Z6 PO:0007133 GR_ref:5883 TAS G ZEBRA 6 z6|zebra-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060065 AUL PO:0007010 GR_ref:2434 TAS G AURICLELESS aul|auricleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060065 AUL PO:0007014 GR_ref:2434 TAS G AURICLELESS aul|auricleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060065 AUL PO:0007038 GR_ref:2434 TAS G AURICLELESS aul|auricleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060065 AUL PO:0007041 GR_ref:2434 TAS G AURICLELESS aul|auricleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060065 AUL PO:0007042 GR_ref:2434 TAS G AURICLELESS aul|auricleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060065 AUL PO:0007065 GR_ref:2434 TAS G AURICLELESS aul|auricleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060065 AUL PO:0007073 GR_ref:2434 TAS G AURICLELESS aul|auricleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060065 AUL PO:0007089 GR_ref:2434 TAS G AURICLELESS aul|auricleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060065 AUL PO:0007123 GR_ref:2434 TAS G AURICLELESS aul|auricleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060065 AUL PO:0007133 GR_ref:2434 TAS G AURICLELESS aul|auricleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060066 BAMY1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10441 TAS G BETA AMYLASE 1 Beaded grain arrangement|Ba*|Bga1|Beaded grain arrangement-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060067 Bga2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10441 TAS G Beaded grain arrangement-2 Bb*|Beaded grain arrangement gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060074 BD1 PO:0007600 GR_ref:5774 TAS G BEAKED LEMMA 1 bd1|beaked lemma-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060075 BD2 PO:0007600 GR_ref:5774 TAS G BEAKED LEMMA 2 bd2|beaked lemma-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060099 BPH PO:0007134 GR_ref:2485|PMID:11081978 TAS G BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE Brown planthopper resistance|Bph(t)*|Bph11|Brown planthopper resistance-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060100 bph12 PO:0007134 GR_ref:1417 TAS G Brown planthopper resistance-12 brown planthopper resistance-11|bph|bph11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060101 Bph13 PO:0007134 GR_ref:1417 TAS G Brown planthopper resistance-13 Brown planthopper resistance derived from Oryza eichingeri|Bph11(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060106 C PO:0007038 GR_ref:487 TAS G CHROMOGEN FOR ANTHOCYANIN Chromogen for anthocyanin|Cp|Chromogen gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060106 C PO:0007130 GR_ref:487 TAS G CHROMOGEN FOR ANTHOCYANIN Chromogen for anthocyanin|Cp|Chromogen gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060106 C PO:0007134 GR_ref:487 TAS G CHROMOGEN FOR ANTHOCYANIN Chromogen for anthocyanin|Cp|Chromogen gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060106 C PO:0007600 GR_ref:487 TAS G CHROMOGEN FOR ANTHOCYANIN Chromogen for anthocyanin|Cp|Chromogen gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060144 [CMS-AK] PO:0007016 GR_ref:5881 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY AK [cms-jp]|[cms-ak]|'Akebono' cytoplasm gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060167 [CMS-54257] PO:0007016 GR_ref:10928 TAS G CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY 54257 [cms-54257]|Cytoplasmic mutant induced by somaclonal variation gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060173 COL PO:0007130 GR_ref:6959 TAS G COLLARLESS col|collarless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060173 COL PO:0007134 GR_ref:6959 TAS G COLLARLESS col|collarless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060177 CTB PO:0007033 GR_ref:6113 TAS G COLD TOLERANCE AT THE BOOTING STAGE Cold tolerance at booting stage|Ctb|Ctb1|Cold tolerance at booting stage-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060177 CTB PO:0009012 GR_ref:6113 TAS G COLD TOLERANCE AT THE BOOTING STAGE Cold tolerance at booting stage|Ctb|Ctb1|Cold tolerance at booting stage-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060178 CTS1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:5742 TAS G COLD TOLERANCE AT SEEDLING STAGE 1 Cts1|Cts1|Cold tolerance at seedling stage-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060178 CTS1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:5742 TAS G COLD TOLERANCE AT SEEDLING STAGE 1 Cts1|Cts1|Cold tolerance at seedling stage-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060195 D13 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2096 TAS G dwarf-13 short grained dwarf|dwf12|d13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060195 D13 PO:0007130 GR_ref:2096 TAS G dwarf-13 short grained dwarf|dwf12|d13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060195 D13 PO:0007134 GR_ref:2096 TAS G dwarf-13 short grained dwarf|dwf12|d13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060197 D17 PO:0007073 GR_ref:2096 TAS G dwarf-17 slender dwarf|d17(t)|dwf14|d17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060197 D17 PO:0007130 GR_ref:2096 TAS G dwarf-17 slender dwarf|d17(t)|dwf14|d17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060197 D17 PO:0007134 GR_ref:2096 TAS G dwarf-17 slender dwarf|d17(t)|dwf14|d17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060199 D19 PO:0007130 GR_ref:2096 TAS G dwarf-19 kamikawa dwarf|dwf16|d19(t)|d19 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060199 D19 PO:0007134 GR_ref:2096 TAS G dwarf-19 kamikawa dwarf|dwf16|d19(t)|d19 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060202 D22 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2096 TAS G dwarf-22 dwf19|jokei 6549 dwarf|d22(t)|d22 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060202 D22 PO:0007130 GR_ref:2096 TAS G dwarf-22 dwf19|jokei 6549 dwarf|d22(t)|d22 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060202 D22 PO:0007134 GR_ref:2096 TAS G dwarf-22 dwf19|jokei 6549 dwarf|d22(t)|d22 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060203 D23 PO:0007130 GR_ref:2096 TAS G dwarf-23 dwf20|ah7 dwarf|d23(t)|d23 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060203 D23 PO:0007134 GR_ref:2096 TAS G dwarf-23 dwf20|ah7 dwarf|d23(t)|d23 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060204 D24 PO:0007130 GR_ref:2095 TAS G dwarf-24 m-7 dwarf|dwf21|d24(t)|d24 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060204 D24 PO:0007134 GR_ref:2095 TAS G dwarf-24 m-7 dwarf|dwf21|d24(t)|d24 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060213 D35 PO:0007016 GR_ref:8302|PMID:15316288 IC Q5Z5S0 G dwarf-35 tanginbozu dwarf|d35(t)|dwf30|Tan-Ginbozu|ent-kaurene oxidase|KO|OsKOL2|KOL2|d35 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060213 D35 PO:0007134 GR_ref:8302|PMID:15316288 IC Q5Z5S0 G dwarf-35 tanginbozu dwarf|d35(t)|dwf30|Tan-Ginbozu|ent-kaurene oxidase|KO|OsKOL2|KOL2|d35 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060218 D53 PO:0007130 GR_ref:1721 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 3 DK3|Dwarf Kyushu-3|Dwf34|dwarf-53 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060218 D53 PO:0007134 GR_ref:1721 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 3 DK3|Dwarf Kyushu-3|Dwf34|dwarf-53 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060220 D55 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1718 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 6 dK6|dwf36|dwarf Kyushu-6|d55|dwarf-55 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060220 D55 PO:0007130 GR_ref:1718 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 6 dK6|dwf36|dwarf Kyushu-6|d55|dwarf-55 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060220 D55 PO:0007134 GR_ref:1718 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 6 dK6|dwf36|dwarf Kyushu-6|d55|dwarf-55 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060221 D56 PO:0007130 GR_ref:1718 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 7 dwf37|dK7|dwarf Kyushu-7|d56|dwarf-56 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060221 D56 PO:0007134 GR_ref:1718 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 7 dwf37|dK7|dwarf Kyushu-7|d56|dwarf-56 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060222 D57 PO:0007033 GR_ref:1508 TAS G DWARF dwf38|d(x)|dwarf|d57|dwarf-57 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060222 D57 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1508 TAS G DWARF dwf38|d(x)|dwarf|d57|dwarf-57 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060222 D57 PO:0007130 GR_ref:1508 TAS G DWARF dwf38|d(x)|dwarf|d57|dwarf-57 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060222 D57 PO:0007134 GR_ref:1508 TAS G DWARF dwf38|d(x)|dwarf|d57|dwarf-57 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060222 D57 PO:0009012 GR_ref:1508 TAS G DWARF dwf38|d(x)|dwarf|d57|dwarf-57 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060224 D59 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6147 TAS G dwarf-59 dwf40|dwarf (DM107-4)|d59(t)|d59 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060224 D59 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6147 TAS G dwarf-59 dwf40|dwarf (DM107-4)|d59(t)|d59 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060227 DH PO:0007130 GR_ref:5725 TAS G DOMINANT DWARF Dwf43|D-h(t)*|D-h|Dominant dwarf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060227 DH PO:0007134 GR_ref:5725 TAS G DOMINANT DWARF Dwf43|D-h(t)*|D-h|Dominant dwarf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060228 DA PO:0007016 GR_ref:5546 TAS G DOMINANT LETHAL Da|D1|Dominant lethal-a|Dhl3|Dominant hybrid lethal-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060229 DB PO:0007016 GR_ref:5546 TAS G DWARFBAMBOO SHOOT 1 D2|Dominant lethal-b|Db|Dhl4|Dominant hybrid lethal-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060230 DEC PO:0007130 GR_ref:9998 TAS G DECUSSATE dec|decussate gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060230 DEC PO:0007134 GR_ref:9998 TAS G DECUSSATE dec|decussate gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060260 DSE PO:0007130 GR_ref:4810 TAS G DIAMETER OF SEMINAL ROOT Dse|Diameter of seminal root gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060260 DSE PO:0007134 GR_ref:4810 TAS G DIAMETER OF SEMINAL ROOT Dse|Diameter of seminal root gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060273 DW2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:3585 TAS G DEEP WATER TOLERANCE 2 fh2|dw2|deep water tolerance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060273 DW2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:3585 TAS G DEEP WATER TOLERANCE 2 fh2|dw2|deep water tolerance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060274 DW3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:849 TAS G DEEP WATER TOLERANCE 3 dw3|deep water tolerance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060274 DW3 PO:0007134 GR_ref:849 TAS G DEEP WATER TOLERANCE 3 dw3|deep water tolerance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060276 E2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5848 TAS G HEADING DATE 2 Heading date-2|Fl19|Flowering date-19 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060279 EF2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5990 TAS G LATE HEADING 2 lf1|late heading-2|ef2(t)|fl24|flowering date-24 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060280 EF3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5990 TAS G LATE HEADING 3 lf2|ef3(t)|late heading-3|fl25|flowering date-25 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060281 EF4 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5990 TAS G LATE HEADING 4 late heading-4|ef4(t)|fl26|flowering date-26 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060285 Fl30 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10747 TAS G Flowering date-30 Ef7(t)*|Efcd|Completely dominant earliness gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060286 Fl31 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10782 TAS G Flowering date-31 SuEf7(t)*|SuEfcd|Suppressor for dominant earliness gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060289 EL PO:0007033 GR_ref:10728 TAS G FLOATING HABIT El|Floating habit (elongation ability) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060289 EL PO:0007130 GR_ref:10728 TAS G FLOATING HABIT El|Floating habit (elongation ability) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060289 EL PO:0007134 GR_ref:10728 TAS G FLOATING HABIT El|Floating habit (elongation ability) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060289 EL PO:0009012 GR_ref:10728 TAS G FLOATING HABIT El|Floating habit (elongation ability) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060293 EML2 PO:0007631 GR_ref:6368 TAS G EMBRYOLESS 2 eml2|embryoless-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060295 ENL1 PO:0007631 GR_ref:1478|PMID:8681786 TAS G ENDOSPERMLESS 1 enl1|endospermless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060295 ENL1 PO:0007633 GR_ref:1478|PMID:8681786 TAS G ENDOSPERMLESS 1 enl1|endospermless-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060298 ER PO:0007130 GR_ref:2096 TAS G ERECT GROWTH HABIT o|er|erect growth habit gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060298 ER PO:0007134 GR_ref:2096 TAS G ERECT GROWTH HABIT o|er|erect growth habit gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060299 ESBA PO:0007130 GR_ref:6354 TAS G EXTRA SCHLENCHYMATOUS BAND IN STEM A Esba*|Extra schlenchymatous band in stem|Esb1|Extra schlenchymatous band in stem-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060299 ESBA PO:0007134 GR_ref:6354 TAS G EXTRA SCHLENCHYMATOUS BAND IN STEM A Esba*|Extra schlenchymatous band in stem|Esb1|Extra schlenchymatous band in stem-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060300 ESBB PO:0007130 GR_ref:6354 TAS G EXTRA SCHLENCHYMATOUS BAND IN STEM B Esbb*|Extra schlenchymatous band in stem|Esb2|Extra schlenchymatous band in stem-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060300 ESBB PO:0007134 GR_ref:6354 TAS G EXTRA SCHLENCHYMATOUS BAND IN STEM B Esbb*|Extra schlenchymatous band in stem|Esb2|Extra schlenchymatous band in stem-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060323 FC2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G FINE CULM 2 fc2|fine culm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060323 FC2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G FINE CULM 2 fc2|fine culm-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060325 FES1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10289 TAS G FEMALE STERILE 1 fes1|female sterile-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060848 SD7 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5675 TAS G SEMIDWARF 7 sd7(t)|semidwarf-7(D65-31)|sd7|semidwarf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060848 SD7 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5675 TAS G SEMIDWARF 7 sd7(t)|semidwarf-7(D65-31)|sd7|semidwarf-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060849 SD8 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5675 TAS G SEMIDWARF 8 semidwarf-8(AB-60e'-3)|sd8(t)|sd8|semidwarf-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060849 SD8 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5675 TAS G SEMIDWARF 8 semidwarf-8(AB-60e'-3)|sd8(t)|sd8|semidwarf-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060850 SD9 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5675 TAS G SEMIDWARF 9 semidwarf-9(Gimbozu)|sd9(t)|sd9|semidwarf-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060850 SD9 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5675 TAS G SEMIDWARF 9 semidwarf-9(Gimbozu)|sd9(t)|sd9|semidwarf-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060851 SD10 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6256 TAS G SEMIDWARF 10 semidwarf-10(Kinmaze)|sd10(t)|sd10|semidwarf-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060851 SD10 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6256 TAS G SEMIDWARF 10 semidwarf-10(Kinmaze)|sd10(t)|sd10|semidwarf-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060852 SDG PO:0007130 GR_ref:5675 TAS G SEMIDWARF sdg*|semidwarf (BRGPC)|sd11|semidwarf-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060852 SDG PO:0007134 GR_ref:5675 TAS G SEMIDWARF sdg*|semidwarf (BRGPC)|sd11|semidwarf-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060853 sd12 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5973 TAS G semidwarf-12 semidwarf|sd* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060853 sd12 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5973 TAS G semidwarf-12 semidwarf|sd* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060854 sd13 PO:0007130 GR_ref:3605 TAS G semidwarf-13 semidwarf|sd* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060854 sd13 PO:0007134 GR_ref:3605 TAS G semidwarf-13 semidwarf|sd* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060856 SDRA PO:0007038 GR_ref:681 TAS G SEED DORMANCY A Sdra|Sdua|Seed dormancy-a|Seed dormancy-6|Sdr6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060856 SDRA PO:0007132 GR_ref:681 TAS G SEED DORMANCY A Sdra|Sdua|Seed dormancy-a|Seed dormancy-6|Sdr6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060857 SDRB PO:0007038 GR_ref:5958 TAS G SEED DORMANCY B Seed dormancy-b|Sdub|Sdrb|Sdr7|Seed dormancy-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060857 SDRB PO:0007132 GR_ref:5958 TAS G SEED DORMANCY B Seed dormancy-b|Sdub|Sdrb|Sdr7|Seed dormancy-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060858 SDR1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6969 TAS G SEED DORMANCY 1 Sdr1|Seed dormancy-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060858 SDR1 PO:0007132 GR_ref:6969 TAS G SEED DORMANCY 1 Sdr1|Seed dormancy-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060859 SDR2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6380 TAS G SEED DORMANCY 2 Sdr2|Seed dormancy-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060859 SDR2 PO:0007132 GR_ref:6380 TAS G SEED DORMANCY 2 Sdr2|Seed dormancy-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060861 SE2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:0 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY E 2 photoperiod-sensitivity-2|se2|fl5|flowering date-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060861 SE2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY E 2 photoperiod-sensitivity-2|se2|fl5|flowering date-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060861 SE2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:0 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY E 2 photoperiod-sensitivity-2|se2|fl5|flowering date-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060865 SE6 PO:0007033 GR_ref:4598 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 6 se6(t)|photoperiod-sensitivity-6(W1623)|fl9|flowering date-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060865 SE6 PO:0007130 GR_ref:4598 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 6 se6(t)|photoperiod-sensitivity-6(W1623)|fl9|flowering date-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060865 SE6 PO:0009012 GR_ref:4598 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 6 se6(t)|photoperiod-sensitivity-6(W1623)|fl9|flowering date-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060866 SE7 PO:0007033 GR_ref:4598 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 7 se7(t)|photoperiod-sensitivity-7(W593)|fl10|flowering date-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060866 SE7 PO:0007130 GR_ref:4598 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 7 se7(t)|photoperiod-sensitivity-7(W593)|fl10|flowering date-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060866 SE7 PO:0009012 GR_ref:4598 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 7 se7(t)|photoperiod-sensitivity-7(W593)|fl10|flowering date-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060868 SE9 PO:0007033 GR_ref:1559 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 9 Photoperiod-sensitivity-9|Se9|Fl12|Flowering date-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060868 SE9 PO:0007130 GR_ref:1559 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 9 Photoperiod-sensitivity-9|Se9|Fl12|Flowering date-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060868 SE9 PO:0009012 GR_ref:1559 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 9 Photoperiod-sensitivity-9|Se9|Fl12|Flowering date-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060869 SE10 PO:0007033 GR_ref:5995 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 10 photoperiod-sensitivity-10|se10(t)*|fl13|flowering date-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060869 SE10 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5995 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 10 photoperiod-sensitivity-10|se10(t)*|fl13|flowering date-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060869 SE10 PO:0009012 GR_ref:5995 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 10 photoperiod-sensitivity-10|se10(t)*|fl13|flowering date-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060870 SE11 PO:0007033 GR_ref:5995 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 11 se11(t)*|photoperiod-sensitivity-11|fl14|flowering date-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060870 SE11 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5995 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 11 se11(t)*|photoperiod-sensitivity-11|fl14|flowering date-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060870 SE11 PO:0009012 GR_ref:5995 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 11 se11(t)*|photoperiod-sensitivity-11|fl14|flowering date-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060871 SE12 PO:0007033 GR_ref:4590 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 12 Se12|Photoperiod-sensitivity-12|Fl15|Flowering date-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060871 SE12 PO:0007130 GR_ref:4590 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 12 Se12|Photoperiod-sensitivity-12|Fl15|Flowering date-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060871 SE12 PO:0009012 GR_ref:4590 TAS G PHOTOSENSITIVITY 12 Se12|Photoperiod-sensitivity-12|Fl15|Flowering date-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060872 SG PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G PERMEABILITY OF TESTA TO WATER Sg|Permeability of testa to water gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060872 SG PO:0007132 GR_ref:0 TAS G PERMEABILITY OF TESTA TO WATER Sg|Permeability of testa to water gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060873 SH1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1059 TAS G SHATTERING 1 sh1|shattering-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060874 SH2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1058 TAS G SHATTERING 2 sh2|shattering-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060875 SH3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:848 TAS G SHATTERING 3 Sh3|Shattering-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060876 SH4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1058 TAS G SHATTERING sh3|sh4|shattering-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060877 Sh5 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2209 TAS G Shattering-5 Shattering|Sh(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060878 Shd PO:0007033 GR_ref:10435 TAS G Shoot differentiation from seed callus Shd(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060878 Shd PO:0009012 GR_ref:10435 TAS G Shoot differentiation from seed callus Shd(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060893 SK1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:5537 TAS G SCENTED KERNEL 1 Fgr|Sk1|Scented kernel-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060893 SK1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5537 TAS G SCENTED KERNEL 1 Fgr|Sk1|Scented kernel-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060893 SK1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:5537 TAS G SCENTED KERNEL 1 Fgr|Sk1|Scented kernel-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060894 SK2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:49 TAS G SCENTED KERNEL 2 fgr|scl|fragrance|BAD2|betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase 2|BADH2|sk2|scented kernel-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060894 SK2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:49 TAS G SCENTED KERNEL 2 fgr|scl|fragrance|BAD2|betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase 2|BADH2|sk2|scented kernel-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060894 SK2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:49 TAS G SCENTED KERNEL 2 fgr|scl|fragrance|BAD2|betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase 2|BADH2|sk2|scented kernel-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060895 SL PO:0007033 GR_ref:5719 TAS G SEKIGUCHI LESION Sekiguchi lesion|sl*|lrd21|lesion resembling disease-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060895 SL PO:0007130 GR_ref:5719 TAS G SEKIGUCHI LESION Sekiguchi lesion|sl*|lrd21|lesion resembling disease-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060895 SL PO:0007134 GR_ref:5719 TAS G SEKIGUCHI LESION Sekiguchi lesion|sl*|lrd21|lesion resembling disease-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060895 SL PO:0009012 GR_ref:5719 TAS G SEKIGUCHI LESION Sekiguchi lesion|sl*|lrd21|lesion resembling disease-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060897 SLR PO:0007133 GR_ref:7060|PMID:11340177 IC Q9MB96 G SLENDER RICE slr|OsGAI|slr|slender rice gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060898 SM PO:0007033 GR_ref:6146 TAS G STEM MAGGOT RESISTANCE Sm|Stem maggot resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060898 SM PO:0009012 GR_ref:6146 TAS G STEM MAGGOT RESISTANCE Sm|Stem maggot resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060901 SPK PO:0007130 GR_ref:5073 TAS G SPREADING STUB Spk(t)|Spk|Spreading stub gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060901 SPK PO:0007134 GR_ref:5073 TAS G SPREADING STUB Spk(t)|Spk|Spreading stub gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060914 SPR2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5776 TAS G SPREADING PANICLE 2 Spr2a|Spreading panicle-2a|Spr2|Spreading panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060915 SPR3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5776 TAS G SPREADING PANICLE 3 Spr2b|Spreading panicle-2b|Spr3|Spreading panicle-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060917 Spr5 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5882 TAS G Spreading panicle-5 Spr4(t)*|Spreading panicle-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060918 SPRA PO:0007130 GR_ref:5804 TAS G SPREADING PANICLE A Spreading panicle-a|Spra*|Spr6|Spreading panicle-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060919 SPRB PO:0007130 GR_ref:5804 TAS G SPREADING PANICLE B Spreading panicle-b|Sprb*|Spr7|Spreading panicle-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060920 SRT1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5605 TAS G SHORT ROOT 1 srt1|short root-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060920 SRT1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5605 TAS G SHORT ROOT 1 srt1|short root-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060921 SRT2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5747 TAS G SHORT ROOT 2 srt2|short root-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060921 SRT2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5747 TAS G SHORT ROOT 2 srt2|short root-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060922 SRT3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5747 TAS G SHORT ROOT 3 srt3|short root-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060922 SRT3 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5747 TAS G SHORT ROOT 3 srt3|short root-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060923 SRT4 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5614 TAS G SHORT ROOT 4 srt4|short root-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060923 SRT4 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5614 TAS G SHORT ROOT 4 srt4|short root-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060926 SSK PO:0007016 GR_ref:1293 TAS G SPIKELET SEMI-STERILE sk|ssk|malformed semisterile gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060926 SSK PO:0007600 GR_ref:1293 TAS G SPIKELET SEMI-STERILE sk|ssk|malformed semisterile gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060938 STVA PO:0007033 GR_ref:9923 TAS G STRIPE DISEASE RESISTANCE St1|Stripe disease resistance-a|Stva|Stv1|Stripe disease resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060938 STVA PO:0009012 GR_ref:9923 TAS G STRIPE DISEASE RESISTANCE St1|Stripe disease resistance-a|Stva|Stv1|Stripe disease resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060939 STVB PO:0007033 GR_ref:1343 TAS G STRIPE DISEASE RESISTANCE St2|Stvb|Stripe disease resistance-b|Stv2|Stripe disease resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060939 STVB PO:0009012 GR_ref:1343 TAS G STRIPE DISEASE RESISTANCE St2|Stvb|Stripe disease resistance-b|Stv2|Stripe disease resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060941 SUG1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:2096 TAS G SUPPRESSOR FOR LONG STERILE LEMMAS G1 Su g1|Suppressor for long sterile lemmas (g1) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060942 SUSE1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:3834 TAS G SUPPRESSOR FOR PHOTOSENSITIVITY SE 1 Suppressor for photoperiod-sensitivity (Se1)|Su Se1(t)*|Fl4|Flowering date-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060942 SUSE1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:3834 TAS G SUPPRESSOR FOR PHOTOSENSITIVITY SE 1 Suppressor for photoperiod-sensitivity (Se1)|Su Se1(t)*|Fl4|Flowering date-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060942 SUSE1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:3834 TAS G SUPPRESSOR FOR PHOTOSENSITIVITY SE 1 Suppressor for photoperiod-sensitivity (Se1)|Su Se1(t)*|Fl4|Flowering date-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060943 SUB1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:2567 TAS G SUBMERGENCE TOLERANCE 1 Sub1A|Sub1B|Sub1C|Sub1|Submergence tolerance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060943 SUB1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:2567 TAS G SUBMERGENCE TOLERANCE 1 Sub1A|Sub1B|Sub1C|Sub1|Submergence tolerance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060949 SV PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G SEED VIABILITY SV(t)*|Seed viability gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060956 TMS2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10499 TAS G THERMOSENSITIVE MALE STERILITY 2 thermosensitive male sterility-2|tms2|ms81|male sterile-81 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060957 TMS3 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5342 TAS G THERMOSENSITIVE MALE STERILITY 3 thermosensitive male sterility-3|tms3(t)*|ms82|male sterile-82 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060958 TMS PO:0007016 GR_ref:9748 TAS G THERMOSENSITIVE MALE STERILITY tms(t)*|thermosensitive male sterility|ms83|male sterile-83 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060960 ms87 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10783 TAS G male sterile-87 thermosensitive male sterility-7|tms7|tms6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060995 VP1 PO:0007132 GR_ref:6978 IC P37398 G VIVIPAROUS 1 OsVp1|Vp1|Viviparous-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060996 W1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5547 TAS G DOMINANT F1 WEAKNESS W1*|Dominant F1 weakness|Hwg1|Hybrid weakness-g1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060997 W2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5547 TAS G DOMINANT F1 WEAKNESS W2*|Dominant F1 weakness|Hwg2|hybrid weakness-g2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060999 WEF1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5995 TAS G WEAKENING EARLY HEADING OF EF 1 wEf1|weakening effect for Fl21.2|fl23|flowering date-23 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061015 XA5 PO:0007110 GR_ref:330 ISS Q94HL5 G XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 5 rXa5|xa5|Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-5|xa5|Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061021 XA13 PO:0001007 GR_ref:1527 IMP Q19VE8 G XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 13 Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-13|rXa11|xa13|xa13|Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060326 FES2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10289 TAS G FEMALE STERILE 2 fes2|female sterile-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060327 FES3 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5872 TAS G FEMALE STERILE 3 Fs|Fes3|Female sterile-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060328 FES4 PO:0007016 GR_ref:0 TAS G PHOTOPERIOD AND TEMPERATURE SENSITIVE FEMALE STERILITY photoperiod and temperature sensitive female sterility|fes4|female sterile-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060328 FES4 PO:0007033 GR_ref:0 TAS G PHOTOPERIOD AND TEMPERATURE SENSITIVE FEMALE STERILITY photoperiod and temperature sensitive female sterility|fes4|female sterile-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060328 FES4 PO:0009012 GR_ref:0 TAS G PHOTOPERIOD AND TEMPERATURE SENSITIVE FEMALE STERILITY photoperiod and temperature sensitive female sterility|fes4|female sterile-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060333 FON1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3031 TAS G FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER 1 floral organ number-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060333 FON1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:3031 IMP Q5Z9N5 G FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER 1 floral organ number-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060333 FON1 PO:0007600 GR_ref:3031 IMP Q5Z9N5 G FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER 1 floral organ number-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060333 FON1 PO:0021004 GR_ref:3031 IMP Q5Z9N5 G FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER 1 floral organ number-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060334 FON2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3031 TAS G FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER 2 fon2|floral organ number-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060335 FOR1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:6297 TAS G FLOWER ORGANIZATION 1 for1|flower organization-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060338 FSC PO:0007130 GR_ref:6354 TAS G FUSCOID CELLS ATTACHED TO VASCULAR BUNDLES Fc|Fsc|Fuscoid cells attached to vascular bundles gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060338 FSC PO:0007134 GR_ref:6354 TAS G FUSCOID CELLS ATTACHED TO VASCULAR BUNDLES Fc|Fsc|Fuscoid cells attached to vascular bundles gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060339 FZP PO:0007016 GR_ref:5757 TAS G FRIZZY PANICLE OsBD1|BD1|BRANCHED SILKLESS 1 homolog|fzp|frizzy panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060339 FZP PO:0007041 GR_ref:5757 TAS G FRIZZY PANICLE OsBD1|BD1|BRANCHED SILKLESS 1 homolog|fzp|frizzy panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060341 G2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:1793 TAS G LONG STERILE LEMMAS 2 Gl|Gm|Long sterile lemmas-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060369 GL2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5844 TAS G GLABROUS LEAF AND HULL 2 gl2|glabrous leaf and hull-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060369 GL2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5844 TAS G GLABROUS LEAF AND HULL 2 gl2|glabrous leaf and hull-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060369 GL2 PO:0007600 GR_ref:5844 TAS G GLABROUS LEAF AND HULL 2 gl2|glabrous leaf and hull-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060370 GLB1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1573 TAS G LACK OF ALPHA-GLOBULIN 1 glb1(t)|glb1|lack of alpha-globulin gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060371 GLC PO:0007038 GR_ref:1363 TAS G GEL CONSISTENCY glc|gel consistency gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060375 GLE4 PO:0007631 GR_ref:6368 TAS G GLOBULAR EMBRYO 4 gle4|globular embryo-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060376 GLH1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:172 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 1 Glh1|Green leafhopper resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060376 GLH1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:172 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 1 Glh1|Green leafhopper resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060377 GLH2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:172 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 2 Glh2|Green leafhopper resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060377 GLH2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:172 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 2 Glh2|Green leafhopper resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060378 GLH3 PO:0007033 GR_ref:172 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 3 Glh3|Green leafhopper resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060378 GLH3 PO:0009012 GR_ref:172 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 3 Glh3|Green leafhopper resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060379 GLH4 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10344 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 4 glh4|green leafhopper resistance-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060379 GLH4 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10344 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 4 glh4|green leafhopper resistance-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060380 GLH5 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10664 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 5 Glh5|Green leafhopper resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060380 GLH5 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10664 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 5 Glh5|Green leafhopper resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060381 GLH6 PO:0007033 GR_ref:4549 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 6 Glh6|Green leafhopper resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060381 GLH6 PO:0009012 GR_ref:4549 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 6 Glh6|Green leafhopper resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060382 GLH7 PO:0007033 GR_ref:4549 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 7 Glh7|Green leafhopper resistance-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060382 GLH7 PO:0009012 GR_ref:4549 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 7 Glh7|Green leafhopper resistance-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060383 glh8 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10688 TAS G green leafhopper resistance-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060383 glh8 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10688 TAS G green leafhopper resistance-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060384 GLH9 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10052 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 9 Glh9(t)|Glh9|Green leafhopper resistance-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060384 GLH9 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10052 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 9 Glh9(t)|Glh9|Green leafhopper resistance-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060385 Glh10 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10052 TAS G Green leafhopper resistance-10 Glh10(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060385 Glh10 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10052 TAS G Green leafhopper resistance-10 Glh10(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060386 Glh11 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10052 TAS G Green leafhopper resistance-11 Glh11(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060386 Glh11 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10052 TAS G Green leafhopper resistance-11 Glh11(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060387 Glh12 PO:0007033 GR_ref:9880 TAS G Green leafhopper resistance-12 Glh12(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060387 Glh12 PO:0009012 GR_ref:9880 TAS G Green leafhopper resistance-12 Glh12(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060388 Glh13 PO:0007033 GR_ref:9880 TAS G Green leafhopper resistance-13 Glh13(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060388 Glh13 PO:0009012 GR_ref:9880 TAS G Green leafhopper resistance-13 Glh13(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060389 GLH PO:0007033 GR_ref:456|PMID:7896104 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE Green leafhopper resistance|Glh(t)*|Glh14|Green leafhopper resistance-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060389 GLH PO:0009012 GR_ref:456|PMID:7896104 TAS G GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE Green leafhopper resistance|Glh(t)*|Glh14|Green leafhopper resistance-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060390 LGLU1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1571 TAS G GLUTELIN 1 glu1(t)*|lack of glutelin subunit-1|glu8|rice glutelin-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060391 LGLU2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1571 TAS G GLUTELIN 2 glu2(t)*|lack of glutelin subunit-2|glu9|rice glutelin-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060392 LGLU3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1571 TAS G GLUTELIN 3 lack of glutelin subunit-3|glu3(t)*|glu10|rice glutelin-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060393 GLU4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3523 TAS G GLUTELIN 4 lack of glutelin subunit(alpha-2)-4|glu4(t)*|glu11|rice glutelin-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060395 GLU2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3298|PMID:2745459 TAS G GLUTELIN 2 Gt1|Glu2|Rice glutelin-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060396 GLU3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3298|PMID:2745459 TAS G GLUTELIN 3 Gt3|Glu3|Rice glutelin-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060397 GLU4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:7945|PMID:12835929 TAS G GLUTELIN 4 Glu4|Rice glutelin-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060398 GLU5 PO:0007038 GR_ref:5767 TAS G GLUTELIN 5 Glu5|Rice glutelin-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060399 Glu6 PO:0007038 GR_ref:4382|PMID:1888896 TAS G Rice glutelin-6 GluA4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060400 Glu7 PO:0007038 GR_ref:4382|PMID:1888896 TAS G Rice glutelin-7 GluB2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060401 GLU1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3907 TAS G GLUTELIN 1 Glutelin subunit-1|Glu1t*|Glu1|Glu12|Rice glutelin-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060402 GLU2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3907 TAS G GLUTELIN 2 Glutelin subunit-2|Glu2t*|Glu2|Glu13|Rice glutelin-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060403 GLU3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3907 TAS G GLUTELIN 3 Glu3t*|Glutelin subunit-3|Glu3|Glu14|Rice glutelin-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060404 GLU4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3907 TAS G GLUTELIN 4 Glu4|Glutelin subunit-4|Glu4t*|Glu15|Rice glutelin-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060405 GLU5 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3907 TAS G GLUTELIN 5 Glu5|Glu5t*|Glutelin subunit-5|Glu16|Rice glutelin-16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060406 GLU6 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3907 TAS G GLUTELIN 6 Glutelin subunit-6|E|GluB|Glu6t*|C|Glu6|Glu17|Rice glutelin-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060407 GLU7 PO:0007038 GR_ref:3907 TAS G GLUTELIN 7 GluA|Glutelin subunit-7|Glu7t*|Glu7|Glu18|Rice glutelin-18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060408 GLUA1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6131 TAS G GLUTELIN SUBFAMILY A1 FROM WILD RICE SPECIES Glutelin subfamily A-1 from wild rice species|Glua1*|Glu19|Rice glutelin-19 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060409 GLUA2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6131 TAS G GLUTELIN SUBFAMILY A2 FROM WILD RICE SPECIES Glua2*|Glutelin subfamily A-2 from wild rice species|Glu20|Rice glutelin-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060410 GLUA3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6131 TAS G GLUTELIN SUBFAMILY A3 FROM WILD RICE SPECIES Glutelin subfamily A-3 from wild rice species|Glua3*|Glu21|Rice glutelin-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060414 GLUP4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1689 TAS G GLUTELIN PRECURSOR 4 esp8|glup4|glutelin precursor-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060415 GLUP5 PO:0007038 GR_ref:4194 TAS G GLUTELIN PRECURSOR 5 Glup5(t)|Glup5|Glutelin precursor-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060416 GLUP6 PO:0007038 GR_ref:10215 TAS G GLUTELIN PRECURSOR 6 Glup6(t)|Glup6|Glutelin precursor-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060417 GM1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:6146 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 1 Gm1|Gall midge resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060417 GM1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:6146 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 1 Gm1|Gall midge resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060418 GM2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10296 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 2 Gm2|Gall midge resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060418 GM2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10296 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 2 Gm2|Gall midge resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060419 GM3 PO:0007033 GR_ref:9961 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 3 gm3|gall midge resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060419 GM3 PO:0009012 GR_ref:9961 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 3 gm3|gall midge resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060420 GM4 PO:0007033 GR_ref:2871 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 4 Gm4(t)|Gm4|Gall midge resistance-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060420 GM4 PO:0009012 GR_ref:2871 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 4 Gm4(t)|Gm4|Gall midge resistance-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060421 GM5 PO:0007033 GR_ref:9961 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 5 Gm5|Gall midge resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060421 GM5 PO:0009012 GR_ref:9961 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 5 Gm5|Gall midge resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060422 GM6 PO:0007033 GR_ref:5113 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 6 Gm6(t)|Gm6|Gall midge resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060422 GM6 PO:0009012 GR_ref:5113 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 6 Gm6(t)|Gm6|Gall midge resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060423 Gm12 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10907 TAS G Gall midge resistance-12 Gm6|Gm(t)*|Gall midge resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060423 Gm12 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10907 TAS G Gall midge resistance-12 Gm6|Gm(t)*|Gall midge resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060424 GM PO:0007033 GR_ref:3872 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE gall midge resistance|pd|gm1|gm13|gall midge resistance-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060424 GM PO:0009012 GR_ref:3872 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE gall midge resistance|pd|gm1|gm13|gall midge resistance-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060425 gm14 PO:0007033 GR_ref:3872 TAS G gall midge resistance-14 gall midge resistance|gm2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060425 gm14 PO:0009012 GR_ref:3872 TAS G gall midge resistance-14 gall midge resistance|gm2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060426 gm15 PO:0007033 GR_ref:3872 TAS G gall midge resistance-15 gall midge resistance|gm3* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060426 gm15 PO:0009012 GR_ref:3872 TAS G gall midge resistance-15 gall midge resistance|gm3* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060432 GRH1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10909 TAS G GREEN RICE LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 1 Grh1|Grh1|Green rice leafhopper resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060432 GRH1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10909 TAS G GREEN RICE LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 1 Grh1|Grh1|Green rice leafhopper resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060433 GRHA PO:0007033 GR_ref:1061 TAS G GREEN RICE LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE A Grha|Grh2|Green rice leafhopper resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060433 GRHA PO:0009012 GR_ref:1061 TAS G GREEN RICE LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE A Grha|Grh2|Green rice leafhopper resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060434 Grh3 PO:0007033 GR_ref:3774 TAS G Green rice leafhopper resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060434 Grh3 PO:0009012 GR_ref:3774 TAS G Green rice leafhopper resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060435 GRHB PO:0007033 GR_ref:1061 TAS G GREEN RICE LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE B Grhb|Grh4|Green rice leafhopper resistance-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060435 GRHB PO:0009012 GR_ref:1061 TAS G GREEN RICE LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE B Grhb|Grh4|Green rice leafhopper resistance-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060436 GS PO:0007033 GR_ref:5689 TAS G GRASSY STUNT RESISTANCE Gs|Gsv|Grassy stunt resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060436 GS PO:0009012 GR_ref:5689 TAS G GRASSY STUNT RESISTANCE Gs|Gsv|Grassy stunt resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060439 HBV PO:0007033 GR_ref:10886 TAS G HOJA BLANCA RESISTANCE Hbv|Hoja blanca resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060439 HBV PO:0009012 GR_ref:10886 TAS G HOJA BLANCA RESISTANCE Hbv|Hoja blanca resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060440 HCA1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5905 TAS G HYBRID CHLOROSIS A1 hca1|hybrid chlorosis gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060441 HCA2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5905 TAS G HYBRID CHLOROSIS A2 hca2|hybrid chlorosis gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060445 HE PO:0007033 GR_ref:10813 TAS G HELMINTHOSPORIUM ORYZAE RESISTANCE He|Helminthosporium oryzae resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060445 HE PO:0009012 GR_ref:10813 TAS G HELMINTHOSPORIUM ORYZAE RESISTANCE He|Helminthosporium oryzae resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060447 HLA PO:0007130 GR_ref:2091 TAS G HAIRY LEAF A Hairy leaf-a|Hla|Hl1|Hairy leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060447 HLA PO:0007134 GR_ref:2091 TAS G HAIRY LEAF A Hairy leaf-a|Hla|Hl1|Hairy leaf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060448 HLB PO:0007130 GR_ref:2091 TAS G HAIRY LEAF-B Hairy leaf-b|Hlb|Hl2|Hairy leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060448 HLB PO:0007134 GR_ref:2091 TAS G HAIRY LEAF-B Hairy leaf-b|Hlb|Hl2|Hairy leaf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060449 HPG1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1569 TAS G HIGH PREPROGLUTELIN1 hpg1|high preproglutelin-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060450 HPR1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:5594 TAS G HYDROXYPROLINE RESISTANCE 1 hpr1|hydroxyproline resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060450 HPR1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:5594 TAS G HYDROXYPROLINE RESISTANCE 1 hpr1|hydroxyproline resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060451 HPR2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:5594 TAS G HYDROXYPROLINE RESISTANCE 2 hpr2(t)|hpr2|hydroxyproline resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060451 HPR2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:5594 TAS G HYDROXYPROLINE RESISTANCE 2 hpr2(t)|hpr2|hydroxyproline resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060452 HPR3 PO:0007033 GR_ref:5594 TAS G HYDROXYPROLINE RESISTANCE 3 hpr3(t)|hpr3|hydroxyproline resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060452 HPR3 PO:0009012 GR_ref:5594 TAS G HYDROXYPROLINE RESISTANCE 3 hpr3(t)|hpr3|hydroxyproline resistance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060453 HSP2* PO:0007033 GR_ref:2293|PMID:7894488 TAS G HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN2 hsp2|heat shock protein-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060453 HSP2* PO:0009012 GR_ref:2293|PMID:7894488 TAS G HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN2 hsp2|heat shock protein-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060454 HSP4* PO:0007033 GR_ref:2293|PMID:7894488 TAS G HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN4 hsp4|heat shock protein-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060454 HSP4* PO:0009012 GR_ref:2293|PMID:7894488 TAS G HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN4 hsp4|heat shock protein-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060455 HWA1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5547 TAS G HYBRID WEAKNESS LETHAL A1 L1a|Hwa1|Hybrid weakness (lethal)-a1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060456 HWA2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5547 TAS G HYBRID WEAKNESS LETHAL A2 L1b|Hwa2|Hybrid weakness (lethal)-a2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060457 HWB1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5547 TAS G F1 WEAKNESS B1 w'a|hwb1|f2 weakness-b1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060458 HWB2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5547 TAS G F1 WEAKNESS B2 w'b|hwb2|f2 weakness-b2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060459 HWC1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10359 TAS G HYBRID WEAKNESS LETHAL C1 L2a|Hwc1|Hybrid weakness (lethal)-c1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060460 HWC2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5534 TAS G HYBRID WEAKNESS LETHAL C2 L2b|Hwc2|Hybrid weakness (lethal)-c2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060461 HWD1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:1051 TAS G HYBRID WEAKNESS D1 hwd1|hybrid weakness-d1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060462 HWD2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:1051 TAS G HYBRID WEAKNESS D2 hwd2|hybrid weakness-d2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060463 HWE1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2256 TAS G HYBRID WEAKNESS E1 hwe1(t)|hwe1|hybrid weakness-e1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060468 IC PO:0007033 GR_ref:5873 TAS G IRON DEFICIENCY CHLOROSIS Ic|Iron deficiency chlorosis tolerance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060468 IC PO:0009012 GR_ref:5873 TAS G IRON DEFICIENCY CHLOROSIS Ic|Iron deficiency chlorosis tolerance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060470 IFR PO:0007016 GR_ref:3837 TAS G INDUCTION OF FERTILITY RESTORATION Induction of fertility restoration|Ifr|Rf16|Pollen fertility restore-16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060471 ILB PO:0007130 GR_ref:3638 TAS G INHIBITOR OF LEAF BLADE COLOR Ilb|Inhibitor for purple leaf blade gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060471 ILB PO:0007134 GR_ref:3638 TAS G INHIBITOR OF LEAF BLADE COLOR Ilb|Inhibitor for purple leaf blade gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060472 IPI PO:0007130 GR_ref:456|PMID:7896104 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Rmg56|IPi(t)*|IPi|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060472 IPI PO:0007134 GR_ref:456|PMID:7896104 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Rmg56|IPi(t)*|IPi|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060473 IPI3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:456|PMID:7896104 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Rmg57|IPi3(t)*|IPi3|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060473 IPI3 PO:0007134 GR_ref:456|PMID:7896104 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Rmg57|IPi3(t)*|IPi3|Magnaporthe grisea resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060476 IPL3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:2096 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 3 IPl3|Inhibitor for purple leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060476 IPL3 PO:0007134 GR_ref:2096 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 3 IPl3|Inhibitor for purple leaf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060478 IPL5 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2096 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE PERICARP 5 Inhibitor for purple pericarp|IPl5|Inhibitor for purple pericarp-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060479 IPL6 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5700 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 6 Inhibitor for purple leaf (Pl.2(Pl-i))|IPl6|Inhibitor for purple leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060479 IPL6 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5700 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 6 Inhibitor for purple leaf (Pl.2(Pl-i))|IPl6|Inhibitor for purple leaf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060480 IPS1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:6119 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE STIGMA 1 Inhibitor for purple stigma (Ps1)|IPs1|Inhibitor for purple stigma-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060481 IPS3 PO:0007016 GR_ref:6119 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE STIGMA 3 IPs3*|Inhibitor for purple stigma (Ps3)|IPs2|Inhibitor for purple stigma-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060482 IPSA PO:0007016 GR_ref:1504 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE STIGMA A Inhibitor for purple stigma-a|IPsa|IPs1|Ips3|Inhibitor for purple stigma-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061161 An12 PO:0007132 GR_ref:9674 TAS G Awn-12 An8(t)*|Awn-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061162 are1 PO:0007631 GR_ref:10129 TAS G aberrant regionalization of embryo-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061163 bph16 PO:0007134 GR_ref:9707 TAS G brown planthopper resistance-16 brown planthopper resistance-12|bph12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061164 fib PO:0007073 GR_ref:10122 TAS G fish bone gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061164 fib PO:0007130 GR_ref:10122 TAS G fish bone gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061164 fib PO:0007134 GR_ref:10122 TAS G fish bone gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061164 fib PO:0007600 GR_ref:10122 TAS G fish bone gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061165 Fl32b PO:0007130 GR_ref:6250 TAS G Flowering date-32b Hd3b|Heading date-3b gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061166 fl39 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10137 TAS G flowering date-39 lhd3|late heading-3|lh3(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061167 Fl40 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10137 TAS G Flowering date-40 Early heading-1|Eh1(t)*|Ehd1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061168 gem PO:0007631 GR_ref:10125 TAS G gypsy embryo gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061169 Glu22 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6081 TAS G Rice glutelin-22 GluB1|Seed storage protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061170 glup7 PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G glutelin precursor-7 glutelin precursor-6|glup6* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061171 Hst51 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10134 TAS G Hybrid sterility-51 F1 pollen semi-sterility-25|S25(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061172 Hst52 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10134 TAS G Hybrid sterility-52 F1 sterility-26|S26(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061173 Hst53 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10138 TAS G Hybrid sterility-53 Pollen semi-sterility-27|S27(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061174 hwf1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10139 TAS G Hybrid weakness-f1 hwf1(t)*|hybrid weakness-f1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061175 lk6 PO:0007038 GR_ref:9674 TAS G long kernel-6 lk3(t)*|long kernel-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061176 lrd26 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10136 TAS G lesion resembling disease-26 spotted leaf-12|spl12(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061176 lrd26 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10136 TAS G lesion resembling disease-26 spotted leaf-12|spl12(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061178 MSP1 PO:0001005 GR_ref:10120 IEP Q8RZV7 G MULTIPLE SPOROCYTE 1 multiple sporocyte|Putative leucin-rich repeat protein kinase|Putative extra sporogenous cells|Msp1|multiple sporogeneous cells-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061178 MSP1 PO:0001009 GR_ref:10120 IEP Q8RZV7 G MULTIPLE SPOROCYTE 1 multiple sporocyte|Putative leucin-rich repeat protein kinase|Putative extra sporogenous cells|Msp1|multiple sporogeneous cells-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061178 MSP1 PO:0001018 GR_ref:10120 IEP Q8RZV7 G MULTIPLE SPOROCYTE 1 multiple sporocyte|Putative leucin-rich repeat protein kinase|Putative extra sporogenous cells|Msp1|multiple sporogeneous cells-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061178 MSP1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10120 IMP Q8RZV7 G MULTIPLE SPOROCYTE 1 multiple sporocyte|Putative leucin-rich repeat protein kinase|Putative extra sporogenous cells|Msp1|multiple sporogeneous cells-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061178 MSP1 PO:0007613 GR_ref:10120 IEP Q8RZV7 G MULTIPLE SPOROCYTE 1 multiple sporocyte|Putative leucin-rich repeat protein kinase|Putative extra sporogenous cells|Msp1|multiple sporogeneous cells-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061178 MSP1 PO:0007622 GR_ref:10120 IEP Q8RZV7 G MULTIPLE SPOROCYTE 1 multiple sporocyte|Putative leucin-rich repeat protein kinase|Putative extra sporogenous cells|Msp1|multiple sporogeneous cells-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061178 MSP1 PO:0007623 GR_ref:10120 IEP Q8RZV7 G MULTIPLE SPOROCYTE 1 multiple sporocyte|Putative leucin-rich repeat protein kinase|Putative extra sporogenous cells|Msp1|multiple sporogeneous cells-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061179 OSH1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:3892|PMID:8628242 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061179 OSH1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:3892|PMID:8628242 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061180 OsH3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6584|PMID:11922107 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061180 OsH3 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6584|PMID:11922107 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061181 OsH15 PO:0007130 GR_ref:3894|PMID:9869405 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061181 OsH15 PO:0007134 GR_ref:3894|PMID:9869405 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061182 PLA2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:11136|PMID:16461585 TAS G PLASTOCHRON2 plt2|pla2|LHD2|LEAFY HEAD2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061182 PLA2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:11136|PMID:16461585 TAS G PLASTOCHRON2 plt2|pla2|LHD2|LEAFY HEAD2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061182 PLA2 PO:0021004 GR_ref:11136|PMID:16461585 IMP Q27K34 G PLASTOCHRON2 plt2|pla2|LHD2|LEAFY HEAD2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061183 Rhz2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:9675 TAS G Rhizomatous from O. longistaminata-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061183 Rhz2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:9675 TAS G Rhizomatous from O. longistaminata-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061184 Rhz3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:9675 TAS G Rhizomatous from O. longistaminata-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061184 Rhz3 PO:0007134 GR_ref:9675 TAS G Rhizomatous from O. longistaminata-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061185 Pi24 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10051 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-24 Pi24(t)|RMg59 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061185 Pi24 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10051 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-24 Pi24(t)|RMg59 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061186 Pi25 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10051 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-25 Pi25(t)|RMg60 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061186 Pi25 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10051 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-25 Pi25(t)|RMg60 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061189 Sdb1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:988|PMID:9748665 TAS G Starch debranding enzyme-1 Starch debranching (R-enzyme)|Re gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061189 Sdb1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:988|PMID:9748665 TAS G Starch debranding enzyme-1 Starch debranching (R-enzyme)|Re gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061190 Sdb2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:1031|PMID:10333591 TAS G Starch debranding enzyme-2 Starch debranching-2|ISA gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061190 Sdb2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:1031|PMID:10333591 TAS G Starch debranding enzyme-2 Starch debranching-2|ISA gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061191 sgr PO:0001054 GR_ref:9779 IC Q652K1 G stay green sgr(t)|OsSGR|staying green during senescence gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061191 sgr PO:0007017 GR_ref:9779 IC Q652K1 G stay green sgr(t)|OsSGR|staying green during senescence gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061193 MS19 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 19 ms19(t)|ms19|male sterile-19 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061194 MS20 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 20 ms20(t)|ms20|male sterile-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061195 MS21 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 21 ms21(t)|ms21|male sterile-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061196 MS22 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 22 ms22(t)|ms22|male sterile-22 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061197 MS23 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 23 ms23(t)|ms23|male sterile-23 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061198 MS24 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 24 ms24(t)|ms24|male sterile-24 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061199 MS25 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 25 ms25(t)|ms25|male sterile-25 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061200 MS26 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 26 ms26(t)|ms26|male sterile-26 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061201 MS27 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 27 ms27(t)|ms27|male sterile-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061202 MS28 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 28 ms28(t)|ms28|male sterile-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061203 MS29 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 29 male sterile-30|ms29|male sterile-29 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061204 MS30 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 30 male sterile-31|ms30|male sterile-30 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061205 MS31 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 31 male sterile-32|ms31|male sterile-31 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061206 MS32 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 32 male sterile-33|ms32|male sterile-32 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061207 MS33 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 33 male sterile-34|ms33|male sterile-33 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061208 MS34 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 34 male sterile-35|ms34|male sterile-34 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061209 MS35 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 35 male sterile-36|ms35|male sterile-35 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061210 MS36 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 36 male sterile-37|ms36|male sterile-36 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061211 MS37 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 37 male sterile-38|ms37|male sterile-37 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061212 MS38 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 38 male sterile-39|ms38|male sterile-38 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061213 MS39 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 39 male sterile-40|ms39|male sterile-39 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061214 MS40 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 40 male sterile-41|ms40|male sterile-40 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061215 MS41 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 41 male sterile-42|ms41|male sterile-41 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061216 MS42 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 42 male sterile-43|ms42|male sterile-42 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061217 MS43 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 43 male sterile-44|ms43|male sterile-43 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061218 MS44 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 44 male sterile-45|ms44|male sterile-44 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061219 MS45 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 45 male sterile-46|ms45|male sterile-45 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061220 MS47 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 47 male sterile-48|ms47|male sterile-47 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061221 MS48 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 48 male sterile-49|ms48|male sterile-48 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061222 MS49 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 49 male sterile-50|ms49|male sterile-49 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061223 MS50 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 50 male sterile-51|ms50|male sterile-50 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061224 MS51 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 51 male sterile-52|ms51|male sterile-51 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061225 MS52 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 52 male sterile-53|ms52|male sterile-52 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061226 MS53 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 53 male sterile-54|ms53|male sterile-53 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061227 MS54 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 54 male sterile-55|ms54|male sterile-54 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061228 MS55 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 55 male sterile-56|ms55|male sterile-55 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061229 MS56 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 56 male sterile-57|ms56|male sterile-56 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061230 MS57 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 57 male sterile-58|ms57|male sterile-57 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061231 MS58 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 58 male sterile-59|ms58|male sterile-58 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061232 MS59 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 59 male sterile-60|ms59|male sterile-59 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061233 MS60 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 60 male sterile-61|ms60|male sterile-60 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061234 MS61 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 61 male sterile-62|ms61|male sterile-61 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061235 MS62 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 62 male sterile-63|ms62|male sterile-62 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061236 MS63 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 63 oms|open hull male sterile|ms63|male sterile-63 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061237 Sdr5 PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G Seed dormancy-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061237 Sdr5 PO:0007132 GR_ref:0 TAS G Seed dormancy-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061240 Ctb2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:0 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-2 Cold tolerance at booting stage|pCT1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061240 Ctb2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:0 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-2 Cold tolerance at booting stage|pCT1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061241 Ctb3 PO:0007033 GR_ref:0 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-3 Cold tolerance at booting stage|pCT2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061241 Ctb3 PO:0009012 GR_ref:0 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-3 Cold tolerance at booting stage|pCT2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061242 Ctb4 PO:0007033 GR_ref:0 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-4 pCT3*|Cold tolerance at booting stage gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061242 Ctb4 PO:0009012 GR_ref:0 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-4 pCT3*|Cold tolerance at booting stage gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060483 IPSB PO:0007016 GR_ref:1504 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE STIGMA B IPsb|Inhibitor for purple stigma-b|IPs2|Ips4|Inhibitor for purple stigma-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060485 ISPR1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5804 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR SPREADING PANICLE 1 ISpr1|Inhibitor for spreading panicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060486 ISPR2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5804 TAS G INHIBITOR FOR SPREADING PANICLE 2 ISpr2|Inhibitor for spreading panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060490 Dhl5 PO:0007016 GR_ref:6155 TAS G Dominant hybrid lethal-5 Lethal factor|L* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060491 LA PO:0007130 GR_ref:7734 TAS G LAZY GROWTH HABIT la|lazy growth habit gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060491 LA PO:0007134 GR_ref:7734 TAS G LAZY GROWTH HABIT la|lazy growth habit gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060493 LAX PO:0007130 GR_ref:456|PMID:7896104 TAS G LAX PANICLE lx|lax|lax panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060497 Lgc1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1569 TAS G Low glutelin content gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060501 LHD PO:0021004 GR_ref:5529 TAS G LEAFY HEAD lhd|leafy head gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060502 lhs PO:0007016 GR_ref:55 TAS G leafy hull sterile lhs2|op gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060502 lhs PO:0007130 GR_ref:55 TAS G leafy hull sterile lhs2|op gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060502 lhs PO:0007600 GR_ref:55 TAS G leafy hull sterile lhs2|op gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060508 LMX PO:0007600 GR_ref:1792 TAS G LONG LEMMA lmx|long lemma gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060509 LOX3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6120 TAS G LIPOXYGENASE 3 Lox3|Lipoxygenase-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060510 LP1 PO:0007600 GR_ref:4517 TAS G LONG PALEA 1 lp1|long palea-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060511 LP2 PO:0007600 GR_ref:4517 TAS G LONG PALEA 2 lp2|long palea-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060512 LR PO:0007130 GR_ref:5931 TAS G LEAF ROLLING UNDER DROUGHT STRESS lr|leaf unrolling under drought stress gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060512 LR PO:0007134 GR_ref:5931 TAS G LEAF ROLLING UNDER DROUGHT STRESS lr|leaf unrolling under drought stress gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060513 LRT1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6175 TAS G DEFICIENCY OF LATERAL ROOTS Deficiency of lateral roots|Lrt1|Lateral root-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060513 LRT1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6175 TAS G DEFICIENCY OF LATERAL ROOTS Deficiency of lateral roots|Lrt1|Lateral root-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060514 LRT2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6175 TAS G REDUCED GROWTH OF LATERAL ROOTS reduced growth of lateral roots|lrt2|lateral root-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060514 LRT2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6175 TAS G REDUCED GROWTH OF LATERAL ROOTS reduced growth of lateral roots|lrt2|lateral root-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060519 MAN PO:0007033 GR_ref:6044 TAS G MANNAN IN ENDOSPERM CELL WALL Man|Mannan in endosperm cell wall gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060519 MAN PO:0009012 GR_ref:6044 TAS G MANNAN IN ENDOSPERM CELL WALL Man|Mannan in endosperm cell wall gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060527 MLS1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2096 TAS G MALFORMED LEMMA 1 mls1|malformed lemma-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060527 MLS1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:2096 TAS G MALFORMED LEMMA 1 mls1|malformed lemma-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060527 MLS1 PO:0007600 GR_ref:2096 TAS G MALFORMED LEMMA 1 mls1|malformed lemma-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060528 MLS2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2096 TAS G MALFORMED LEMMA 2 mls2|malformed lemma-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060528 MLS2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:2096 TAS G MALFORMED LEMMA 2 mls2|malformed lemma-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060528 MLS2 PO:0007600 GR_ref:2096 TAS G MALFORMED LEMMA 2 mls2|malformed lemma-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060529 MLS3 PO:0007033 GR_ref:4400 TAS G MALFORMED LEMMA 3 mls3|malformed spikelet-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060529 MLS3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:4400 TAS G MALFORMED LEMMA 3 mls3|malformed spikelet-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060529 MLS3 PO:0007600 GR_ref:4400 TAS G MALFORMED LEMMA 3 mls3|malformed spikelet-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060529 MLS3 PO:0009012 GR_ref:4400 TAS G MALFORMED LEMMA 3 mls3|malformed spikelet-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060531 MP1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:1792 TAS G MULTIPLE PISTIL 1 mp1|multiple pistil-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060533 MPI PO:0007130 GR_ref:1177 TAS G MODIFIER FOR BLAST RESISTANCE RMg18|Rb6|MPiz|Modifier for blast resistance (Piz) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060533 MPI PO:0007134 GR_ref:1177 TAS G MODIFIER FOR BLAST RESISTANCE RMg18|Rb6|MPiz|Modifier for blast resistance (Piz) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060535 MR1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:9968 TAS G MULTIPLE RADICLE 1 mr1|multiple radicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060535 MR1 PO:0007131 GR_ref:9968 TAS G MULTIPLE RADICLE 1 mr1|multiple radicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060535 MR1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:9968 TAS G MULTIPLE RADICLE 1 mr1|multiple radicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060536 MS1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:6233 TAS G MALE STERILE 1 male sterile|ms1(t)*|ms64|male sterile-64 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060537 MS2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:6233 TAS G MALE STERILE 2 male sterile|ms2(t)*|ms65|male sterile-65 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060538 ms1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:1293 TAS G male sterile-1 sf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060539 ms2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5921 TAS G male sterile-2 msd gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060540 MS3 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5921 TAS G MALE STERILE 3 ms1|ms3|male sterile-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060541 MS4 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5921 TAS G MALE STERILE 4 ms2|ms4|male sterile-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060542 MS5 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5921 TAS G MALE STERILE 5 ms3|ms5|male sterile-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060543 ms6 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5921 TAS G male sterile-6 ms4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060544 MS7 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2142 TAS G MALE STERILE 7 ms7|male sterile-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060545 MS8 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2142 TAS G MALE STERILE 8 ms8|male sterile-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060546 MS9 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2142 TAS G MALE STERILE 9 ms9|male sterile-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060547 MS10 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2141 TAS G MALE STERILE 10 ms10|male sterile-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060548 MS11 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2142 TAS G MALE STERILE 11 ms11|male sterile-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060549 MS12 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2142 TAS G MALE STERILE 12 ms12|male sterile-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060550 MS13 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2142 TAS G MALE STERILE 13 ms13|male sterile-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060551 MS14 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2141 TAS G MALE STERILE 14 ms14|male sterile-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060552 MS15 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2142 TAS G MALE STERILE 15 ms15|male sterile-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060553 MS16 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2142 TAS G MALE STERILE 16 ms16|male sterile-16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060554 MS17 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2142 TAS G MALE STERILE 17 ms17|male sterile-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060555 MS18 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5572 TAS G MALE STERILE 18 ms18(t)|ms18|male sterile-18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060556 MS46 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5610 TAS G MALE STERILE 46 male sterile-47|ms46|male sterile-46 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060557 MS IR36 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5936 TAS G MALE STERILE (IR36MS) male sterile (IR36ms or Milyang 54ms)|msIR36(t)*|ms66|male sterile-66 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060558 MS M55 PO:0007016 GR_ref:4276 TAS G MALE STERILE (MILYANG 55MS) male sterile (Milyang 55ms)|msm55(t)*|ms67|male sterile-67 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060559 ms68 PO:0007016 GR_ref:4276 TAS G male sterile-68 male sterile (Milyang 67ms)|msm67(t)*|ms18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060560 MS M77 PO:0007016 GR_ref:4276 TAS G MALE STERILE MILYANG 77MS ms69|msm77(t)*|male sterile (Milyang 77ms)|male sterile-69 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060561 MS-H PO:0007016 GR_ref:5731 TAS G MALE STERILE-H ms-h(t)*|male sterile-h|ms70|male sterile-70 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060561 MS-H PO:0007633 GR_ref:5731 TAS G MALE STERILE-H ms-h(t)*|male sterile-h|ms70|male sterile-70 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060562 ms71 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10928 TAS G male sterile-71 rf1|msa|male sterile (somaclonal mutant) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060563 Ms72 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10928 TAS G male sterile-72 msb|rf2|male sterile (somaclonal mutant) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060571 ND PO:0007073 GR_ref:5988 TAS G EARLY NODAL DIFFERENTIATION Nd|Early nodal differentiation gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060571 ND PO:0007130 GR_ref:5988 TAS G EARLY NODAL DIFFERENTIATION Nd|Early nodal differentiation gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060571 ND PO:0007134 GR_ref:5988 TAS G EARLY NODAL DIFFERENTIATION Nd|Early nodal differentiation gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060572 nia PO:0007033 GR_ref:6982 TAS G nitrate reductase-deficient gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060572 nia PO:0009012 GR_ref:6982 TAS G nitrate reductase-deficient gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060575 NP PO:0007130 GR_ref:6325 TAS G NUDE PANICLE np|nude panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060576 NR1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5988 TAS G NODAL ROOTING 1 Nr1|Nodal rooting-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060576 NR1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5988 TAS G NODAL ROOTING 1 Nr1|Nodal rooting-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060577 NR2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5988 TAS G NODAL ROOTING 2 Nr2|Nodal rooting-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060577 NR2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5988 TAS G NODAL ROOTING 2 Nr2|Nodal rooting-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060591 OVC PO:0007033 GR_ref:10785 TAS G OVICIDAL Ovc|Ovicidal effect to whitebacked planthopper gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060591 OVC PO:0009012 GR_ref:10785 TAS G OVICIDAL Ovc|Ovicidal effect to whitebacked planthopper gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060594 PAP1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5956 TAS G PANICLE PHYTOMER 1 pap1|panicle phytomer-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060594 PAP1 PO:0007600 GR_ref:5956 TAS G PANICLE PHYTOMER 1 pap1|panicle phytomer-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060596 PB1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:1013 TAS G PANICLE BLAST RESISTANCE 1 RMg58|Pbst|Pb1|Panicle blast resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060597 PC PO:0007130 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE COLEOPTILE Pc|Purple coleoptile gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060597 PC PO:0007134 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE COLEOPTILE Pc|Purple coleoptile gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060598 PCS PO:0007033 GR_ref:5916 TAS G PENTACHLOROBENZYL ALCOHOL SUSCEPTIBILITY pcs|pentachlorobenzyl alcohol susceptibility gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060598 PCS PO:0009012 GR_ref:5916 TAS G PENTACHLOROBENZYL ALCOHOL SUSCEPTIBILITY pcs|pentachlorobenzyl alcohol susceptibility gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060599 PD PO:0007130 GR_ref:5774 TAS G PENDANT PANICLE Pd|Pendant panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060610 Pho PO:0007033 GR_ref:3147 TAS G Phosphorus deficiency tolerance PHO gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060610 Pho PO:0009012 GR_ref:3147 TAS G Phosphorus deficiency tolerance PHO gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060639 PI12 PO:0007130 GR_ref:1619 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 12 Pi12(t)|RMg29|Pi12|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060639 PI12 PO:0007134 GR_ref:1619 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 12 Pi12(t)|RMg29|Pi12|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060654 PI44 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6074 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 44 RMg44|Pi44(t)*|Pi44|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-44 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060654 PI44 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6074 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 44 RMg44|Pi44(t)*|Pi44|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-44 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060655 PI62 PO:0007130 GR_ref:4977 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 62 RMg45|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Yashiro-mochi|Pi62(t)*|Pi62|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-62 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060655 PI62 PO:0007134 GR_ref:4977 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 62 RMg45|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Yashiro-mochi|Pi62(t)*|Pi62|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-62 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060656 PI67 PO:0007130 GR_ref:4977 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 67 Pi67(t)*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Tsuyuake|RMg46|Pi67|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-67 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060656 PI67 PO:0007134 GR_ref:4977 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 67 Pi67(t)*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Tsuyuake|RMg46|Pi67|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-67 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060657 Pi157 PO:0007130 GR_ref:3121|PMID:8851795 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-157 Pi157*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Moroberekan|RMg47 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060657 Pi157 PO:0007134 GR_ref:3121|PMID:8851795 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-157 Pi157*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Moroberekan|RMg47 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060658 PIB1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10868 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE B1 rMg48|pib1*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Lemont|Pib1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060658 PIB1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10868 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE B1 rMg48|pib1*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Lemont|Pib1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060659 PIB2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10966 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE B2 RMg49|Pilm2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Lemont|Pib2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060659 PIB2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10966 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE B2 RMg49|Pilm2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Lemont|Pib2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060660 PIQ1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10966 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Q1 Pitq1*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing|Piq1*|RMg50|Pitq1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060660 PIQ1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10966 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Q1 Pitq1*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing|Piq1*|RMg50|Pitq1|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060661 PIQ2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10966 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Q2 Piq2*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing|RMg51|Pitq2*|Pitq2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060661 PIQ2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10966 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Q2 Piq2*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing|RMg51|Pitq2*|Pitq2|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060662 PIQ3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10966 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Q3 Pitq3*|RMg52|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing|Piq3*|Pitq3|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060662 PIQ3 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10966 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Q3 Pitq3*|RMg52|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing|Piq3*|Pitq3|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060663 PIQ4 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6125 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Q4 RMg53|Pitq4*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing|Piq4*|Pitq4|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060663 PIQ4 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6125 TAS G PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Q4 RMg53|Pitq4*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing|Piq4*|Pitq4|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060664 Pitq5 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6885 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq5 Pitq5*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing|RMg54 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060664 Pitq5 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6885 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq5 Pitq5*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing|RMg54 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060665 Pitq6 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6885 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq6 RMg55|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing|Pitq6* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060665 Pitq6 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6885 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq6 RMg55|Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing|Pitq6* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060667 PJ PO:0007130 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE JUNCTURA Pj|Purple junctura gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060667 PJ PO:0007134 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE JUNCTURA Pj|Purple junctura gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060668 PJB PO:0007130 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE JUNCTURA BACK Pjb|Purple junctura back gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060668 PJB PO:0007134 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE JUNCTURA BACK Pjb|Purple junctura back gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060673 Pla PO:0007130 GR_ref:5560 TAS G Purple leaf apex gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060673 Pla PO:0007134 GR_ref:5560 TAS G Purple leaf apex gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060675 PLG PO:0007130 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE LIGULE Plg|Purple ligule gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060675 PLG PO:0007134 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE LIGULE Plg|Purple ligule gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060676 PLM PO:0007130 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE LEAF MARGIN Pla|Plm|Purple leaf margin gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060676 PLM PO:0007134 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE LEAF MARGIN Pla|Plm|Purple leaf margin gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060677 PM PO:0007130 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE SEPTUM Sp|Pm|Purple septum gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060677 PM PO:0007134 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE SEPTUM Sp|Pm|Purple septum gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060678 PMS1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:317 TAS G PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVE GENIC MALE STERILITY 1 pms1*|Pms1|photoperiod-sensitive male sterility-1|pgms|ms1-P|ms73|male sterile-73 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060679 PMS2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:7960 TAS G PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVE GENIC MALE STERILITY 2 photoperiod-sensitive male sterility-2|Pms2|ms2-P|pgms|pms2*|ms74|male sterile-74 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060681 ms76 PO:0007016 GR_ref:6942|PMID:11683269 TAS G male sterile-76 photoperiod-sensitive male sterility|pms1(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060682 Ms77 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10956 TAS G Male sterile-77 Photoperiod-sensitive male sterility (Orion1783)|Pms2(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060684 PNR PO:0007130 GR_ref:5559 TAS G PURPLE NODAL RING Pnr|Purple nodal ring gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060684 PNR PO:0007134 GR_ref:5559 TAS G PURPLE NODAL RING Pnr|Purple nodal ring gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060692 PRO1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2790 TAS G PROLAMIN 1 Pro1|Prolamin-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060693 PRO2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2790 TAS G PROLAMIN 2 Pro2|Prolamin-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060694 PRO3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2790 TAS G PROLAMIN 3 Pro3|Prolamin-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060695 PRO4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2790 TAS G PROLAMIN 4 Pro4|Prolamin-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060696 PRO5 PO:0007038 GR_ref:2790 TAS G PROLAMIN 5 Pro5|Prolamin-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060697 PROL PO:0007038 GR_ref:2068|PMID:3360138 TAS G PROLAMIN Prolamin|Prol*|Pro6|Prolamin-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060700 PRS PO:0007033 GR_ref:5768 TAS G PROPANIL SUSCEPTIBILITY prs|propanil susceptibility gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060700 PRS PO:0009012 GR_ref:5768 TAS G PROPANIL SUSCEPTIBILITY prs|propanil susceptibility gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060701 PRT PO:0007130 GR_ref:6260 TAS G PURPLE ROOT Prt|Purple root gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060701 PRT PO:0007134 GR_ref:6260 TAS G PURPLE ROOT Prt|Purple root gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060702 PS PO:0007033 GR_ref:1035 TAS G PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVITY Photoperiod sensitivity|PS*|Fl17|Flowering date-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060702 PS PO:0007130 GR_ref:1035 TAS G PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVITY Photoperiod sensitivity|PS*|Fl17|Flowering date-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060702 PS PO:0009012 GR_ref:1035 TAS G PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVITY Photoperiod sensitivity|PS*|Fl17|Flowering date-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060705 PS3 PO:0007016 GR_ref:1504 TAS G PURPLE STIGMA 3 Ps2|Ps3|Purple stigma-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060706 Hst48 PO:0007016 GR_ref:6264 TAS G Hybrid sterility-48 Pst1(t)*|Pollen sterility-1|Ps1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060707 PSH PO:0007130 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE LEAF SHEATH Psh|Purple leaf sheath gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060707 PSH PO:0007134 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE LEAF SHEATH Psh|Purple leaf sheath gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060709 PU PO:0007130 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE PULVINUS Pu|Purple pulvinus gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060709 PU PO:0007134 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE PULVINUS Pu|Purple pulvinus gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060710 PX PO:0007130 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE LEAF AXIL Px|Purple leaf axil gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060710 PX PO:0007134 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE LEAF AXIL Px|Purple leaf axil gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060711 R5MT PO:0007033 GR_ref:10061 TAS G RESISTANCE TO 5METHYLTRYPTOPHAN Resistance to 5 methyltryptophan gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060711 R5MT PO:0009012 GR_ref:10061 TAS G RESISTANCE TO 5METHYLTRYPTOPHAN Resistance to 5 methyltryptophan gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060721 RAD PO:0007033 GR_ref:7009 TAS G REDUCED ADH ACTIVITY rad|reduced ADH activity gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060721 RAD PO:0009012 GR_ref:7009 TAS G REDUCED ADH ACTIVITY rad|reduced ADH activity gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060723 RAL2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:9997 TAS G RADICLELESS 2 ral2|radicleless-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060723 RAL2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:9997 TAS G RADICLELESS 2 ral2|radicleless-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060723 RAL2 PO:0007631 GR_ref:9997 TAS G RADICLELESS 2 ral2|radicleless-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060739 Rf7 PO:0007016 GR_ref:6025 TAS G Pollen fertility restoration-7 Pollen fertility restoration-ak|Rfak|Rfj gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060740 RF1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:63|PMID:8983188 TAS G RESTORATION OF FERTILITY 1 Rf1|Pollen fertility restoration-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060741 RF2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:4081 TAS G RESTORATION OF FERTILITY 2 Rfx|Rf2|Pollen fertility restoration-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060742 RF3 PO:0007016 GR_ref:293 TAS G RESTORATION OF FERTILITY 3 Rf2|Pollen fertility restoration for WA cytoplasm|R2|Rf3|Pollen fertility restoration-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060743 RF4 PO:0007016 GR_ref:293 TAS G RESTORATION OF FERTILITY 4 R1|Rf1|Pollen fertility restoration for WA cytoplasm|RfWA1|Rf4|Pollen fertility restoration-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060744 RF5 PO:0007016 GR_ref:1526 TAS G RESTORATION OF FERTILITY 5 Fertile revertant fromII-32A|WA type CMS|Rf5|Pollen fertility restoration-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060745 RF6 PO:0007016 GR_ref:294 TAS G RESTORATION OF FERTILITY 6 Rf5|Pollen fertility restoration for WA and HL cytoplasms|Rf6|Pollen fertility restoration-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060746 RFWA2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:294 TAS G SMALL GTP-BINDING PROTEIN 1 RfWA2*|Rf(u)|Pollen fertility restoration for WA cytoplasm|Rf8|Pollen fertility restoration-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060747 Rf9 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2579 TAS G Pollen fertility restoration-9 Pollen fertility restoration-a|Rfa gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060748 Rf12 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2579 TAS G Pollen fertility restoration-12 Rfa|Pollen fertility restoration-a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060754 RHW PO:0007016 GR_ref:10042 TAS G HYBRID WEAKNESS RESTORATION Rhw|Hybrid weakness restoration gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060755 RHZ PO:0007130 GR_ref:6271 TAS G RHIZOME GENE Rhizomatous from O. longistaminata|Rhz(t)|Rhz1|Rhizomatous from O. longistaminata-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060755 RHZ PO:0007134 GR_ref:6271 TAS G RHIZOME GENE Rhizomatous from O. longistaminata|Rhz(t)|Rhz1|Rhizomatous from O. longistaminata-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060756 RI PO:0007130 GR_ref:1712 TAS G VERTICILLATE RACHIS ri|verticillate rachis gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060759 RIV1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6285 TAS G RICE VIVIPARY 1 riv1|rice vivipary-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060759 RIV1 PO:0007132 GR_ref:6285 TAS G RICE VIVIPARY 1 riv1|rice vivipary-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060760 RIV2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:6975 TAS G RICE VIVIPARY 2 riv2|rice vivipary-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060760 RIV2 PO:0007132 GR_ref:6975 TAS G RICE VIVIPARY 2 riv2|rice vivipary-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060764 RL1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:1801 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 1 rolled leaf-1|rl1|cul8|curl leaf-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060764 RL1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:1801 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 1 rolled leaf-1|rl1|cul8|curl leaf-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060765 RL2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5789 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 2 rl2|rolled leaf-2|cul9|curl leaf-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060765 RL2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5789 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 2 rl2|rolled leaf-2|cul9|curl leaf-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060766 RL3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5620 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 3 rolled leaf-3|rl1|rl3|cul10|curl leaf-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060766 RL3 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5620 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 3 rolled leaf-3|rl1|rl3|cul10|curl leaf-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060768 RL5 PO:0007130 GR_ref:1718 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 5 rolled leaf-5|rl5|rl3|cul12|curl leaf-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060768 RL5 PO:0007134 GR_ref:1718 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 5 rolled leaf-5|rl5|rl3|cul12|curl leaf-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060769 RL6 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 6 rolled leaf-6|rl6(t)|cul13|curl leaf-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060769 RL6 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G ROLLED LEAF 6 rolled leaf-6|rl6(t)|cul13|curl leaf-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060782 RP PO:0007016 GR_ref:10032 TAS G RETARDED PANICLE DEVELOPMENT rtp|rp|retarded panicle development gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060782 RP PO:0007130 GR_ref:10032 TAS G RETARDED PANICLE DEVELOPMENT rtp|rp|retarded panicle development gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060784 RT PO:0007130 GR_ref:5585 TAS G ROOT GROWTH INHIBITION rt|root growth inhibition gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060784 RT PO:0007134 GR_ref:5585 TAS G ROOT GROWTH INHIBITION rt|root growth inhibition gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060785 SA PO:0007016 GR_ref:5632 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY DUE TO ANTHER S A(t)*|Hybrid sterility due to anther indehiscence-A|Hst9|Hybrid sterility-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060786 SA1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3288 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY A1 A1|Sporophytic F2 sterility A|S A1|Hst10|Hybrid sterility-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060787 SA2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3288 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY A2 S A2|A2|Sporophytic F2 sterility|Hst11|Hybrid sterility-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060788 SB PO:0007016 GR_ref:5632 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY DUE TO ANTHER S B(t)*|Hybrid sterility due to anther indehiscence-B|Hst12|Hybrid sterility-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060789 SB1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3288 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY B1 Sporophytic F2 sterility B|B1|S B1|Hst13|Hybrid sterility-13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060790 SB2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3288 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY B2 Sporophytic F2 sterility B|S B2|B2|Hst14|Hybrid sterility-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060791 SC PO:0007016 GR_ref:6270 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY DUE TO ANTHER S C(t)*|Hybrid sterility due to anther indehiscence-C|Hst15|Hybrid sterility-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060792 SA PO:0007016 GR_ref:5255 TAS G F1 POLLEN STERILITY A Sa*|F1 pollen sterility-a|Hst16|Hybrid sterility-16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060793 SB PO:0007016 GR_ref:5255 TAS G F1 POLLEN STERILITY B F1 pollen sterility-b|Sb*|Hst17|Hybrid sterility-17 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060794 SC PO:0007016 GR_ref:5255 TAS G F1 POLLEN STERILITY C F1 pollen sterility-c|Sc*|Hst18|Hybrid sterility-18 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060795 SD PO:0007016 GR_ref:5255 TAS G F1 POLLEN STERILITY D Sd*|F1 pollen sterility-d|Hst19|Hybrid sterility-19 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060796 SE PO:0007016 GR_ref:5255 TAS G F1 POLLEN STERILITY E F1 pollen sterility-e|Se*|Hst20|Hybrid sterility-20 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060797 SF PO:0007016 GR_ref:5255 TAS G F1 POLLEN STERILITY F F1 pollen sterility-f|Sf*|Hst21|Hybrid sterility-21 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060798 SA1A PO:0007016 GR_ref:3286 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY A1a hybrid sterility-a1|s1|s a1|x1|hst1|hybrid sterility-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060799 hst2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3286 TAS G hybrid sterility-2 x2|hybrid sterility-a2|s2|s a2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060800 SC1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3287 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY C1 s c1|hybrid sterility-c1|hst3|hybrid sterility-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060801 SC2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3287 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY C2 hybrid sterility-c2|s c2|hst4|hybrid sterility-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060802 S D1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3289 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY D1 hybrid sterility-d1|s d1|hst5|hybrid sterility-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060803 SD2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3289 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY D2 s d2|hybrid sterility-d2|hst6|hybrid sterility-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060804 S E1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3289 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY E1 s e1|hybrid sterility-e1|hst7|hybrid sterility-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060805 S E2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3289 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY E2 s e2|hybrid sterility-e2|hst8|hybrid sterility-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060806 HSA2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10012 TAS G F2 STERILITY-2(T) f2 sterility in Japonica|hsa2(t)|hst50|hybrid sterility-50 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060808 S1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3830 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 1 Hybrid sterility-1|Hst22|Hybrid sterility-22 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060809 S2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3830 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 2 Hybrid sterility-2|Hst23|Hybrid sterility-23 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060810 S3 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3831 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 3 Hybrid sterility-3|Hst24|Hybrid sterility-24 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060811 S4 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3831 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 4 Hybrid sterility-4|Hst25|Hybrid sterility-25 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060812 S5 PO:0007016 GR_ref:456|PMID:7896104 IC Q69YD9 G HYBRID STERILITY 5 S5-i|S5-j|S5-n|Hybrid sterility-26|Hst26|Hybrid sterility-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060813 S6 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3833 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 6 Hybrid sterility-6|Hst27|Hybrid sterility-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060814 S7 PO:0007016 GR_ref:7023 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 7 Hybrid sterility-7|Hst28|Hybrid sterility-28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060815 S8 PO:0007016 GR_ref:7023 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 8 Hybrid sterility-8|Hst29|Hybrid sterility-29 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060816 S9 PO:0007016 GR_ref:1596 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 9 Hybrid sterility-9|Hst30|Hybrid sterility-30 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060817 S10 PO:0007016 GR_ref:5892 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 10 Hybrid sterility-10|Hst31|Hybrid sterility-31 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060818 S11 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3839 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 11 Hybrid sterility-11|S11(t)|Hst32|Hybrid sterility-32 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060819 S12 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3841 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 12 Hybrid sterility-12|S12(t)|Hst33|Hybrid sterility-33 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060820 S13 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3841 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 13 Hybrid sterility-13|Hst34|Hybrid sterility-34 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060821 S14 PO:0007016 GR_ref:3841 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 14 Hybrid sterility-14|S14(t)|Hst35|Hybrid sterility-35 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060822 S15 PO:0007016 GR_ref:7023 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 15 S10|Hybrid sterility-15|Hst36|Hybrid sterility-36 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060823 S16 PO:0007016 GR_ref:1596 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 16 Hybrid sterility-16|Hst37|Hybrid sterility-37 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060824 S17 PO:0007016 GR_ref:4808 TAS G HYBRID STERILITY 17 Hybrid sterility-17|S17(t)*|Hst38|Hybrid sterility-38 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060825 S18 PO:0007016 GR_ref:7023 TAS G F1 POLLEN STERILITY 18 S18*|F1 pollen sterility|Hst39|Hybrid sterility-39 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060826 S19 PO:0007016 GR_ref:7023 TAS G F2 POLLEN SEMI-STERILITY 19 Hybrid sterility-18|S18(t)*|Hst40|Hybrid sterility-40 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060827 Hst41 PO:0007016 GR_ref:6156 TAS G Hybrid sterility-41 S19(t)*|Hybrid sterility-19 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060828 Hst42 PO:0007016 GR_ref:6156 TAS G Hybrid sterility-42 F1 pollen semi-sterility-19|S19* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060829 S20 PO:0007016 GR_ref:6156 TAS G F2 POLLEN SEMI-STERILITY 20 F1 pollen semi-sterility-20|S20*|Hst43|Hybrid sterility-43 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060830 S21 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10043 TAS G F2 POLLEN SEMI-STERILITY 21 F1 pollen semi-sterility-21|S21*|Hst44|Hybrid sterility-44 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060831 Hst45 PO:0007016 GR_ref:0 TAS G Hybrid sterility-45 F1 pollen semi-sterility-22|S22(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060832 Hst46 PO:0007016 GR_ref:0 TAS G Hybrid sterility-46 F1 pollen semi-sterility-23|S23(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060833 Hst47 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10099 TAS G Hybrid sterility-47 F1 pollen sterility-24|S24(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060834 SAL2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:2293|PMID:7894488 TAS G SALT PROTEIN salt protein|sal2*|sal3|salt tolerance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060834 SAL2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:2293|PMID:7894488 TAS G SALT PROTEIN salt protein|sal2*|sal3|salt tolerance-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060835 SALT PO:0007033 GR_ref:456|PMID:7896104 TAS G SALT PROTEIN SalT1*|Salt tolerance-1|sal1|Sal1|Salt tolerance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060835 SALT PO:0009012 GR_ref:456|PMID:7896104 TAS G SALT PROTEIN SalT1*|Salt tolerance-1|sal1|Sal1|Salt tolerance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060836 SALT2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:761 TAS G SALT TOLERANCE 2 P|SalT2*|Salt tolerance-2|Sal2|Salt tolerance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060836 SALT2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:761 TAS G SALT TOLERANCE 2 P|SalT2*|Salt tolerance-2|Sal2|Salt tolerance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060837 Sb PO:0007130 GR_ref:6146 TAS G Stem borer resistance TRP1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060837 Sb PO:0007134 GR_ref:6146 TAS G Stem borer resistance TRP1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060843 SD2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5570 TAS G SEMIDWARF 2 sd2|semidwarf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060843 SD2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5570 TAS G SEMIDWARF 2 sd2|semidwarf-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060844 SD3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5570 TAS G SEMIDWARF 3 sd3|semidwarf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060844 SD3 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5570 TAS G SEMIDWARF 3 sd3|semidwarf-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060845 SD4 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5756 TAS G SEMIDWARF 4 sd4|semidwarf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060845 SD4 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5756 TAS G SEMIDWARF 4 sd4|semidwarf-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060846 SD5 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5770 TAS G SEMIDWARF 5 sd5|semidwarf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060846 SD5 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5770 TAS G SEMIDWARF 5 sd5|semidwarf-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060847 SD6 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5609 TAS G SEMIDWARF 6 semidwarf-6(R34)|sd6(t)|sd6|semidwarf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060847 SD6 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5609 TAS G SEMIDWARF 6 semidwarf-6(R34)|sd6(t)|sd6|semidwarf-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061046 YSL PO:0007033 GR_ref:2096 TAS G YELLOW LEAF SPOT yellow leaf spot|ysl|lrd23|lesion resembling disease-23 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061046 YSL PO:0009012 GR_ref:2096 TAS G YELLOW LEAF SPOT yellow leaf spot|ysl|lrd23|lesion resembling disease-23 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061070 acl PO:0007038 GR_ref:9778 TAS G amylopectin chain length acl(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061073 Aox1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:8268 TAS G Alternative oxidase-1 AOX1a*|alternative oxidase-1a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061073 Aox1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:8268 TAS G Alternative oxidase-1 AOX1a*|alternative oxidase-1a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061074 Aox2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:8268 TAS G Alternative oxidase-2 alternative oxidase-1b|AOX1b* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061074 Aox2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:8268 TAS G Alternative oxidase-2 alternative oxidase-1b|AOX1b* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061075 Aox3 PO:0007033 GR_ref:8268 TAS G Alternative oxidase-3 AOX1c*|alternative oxidase-1c gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061075 Aox3 PO:0009012 GR_ref:8268 TAS G Alternative oxidase-3 AOX1c*|alternative oxidase-1c gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061078 chs5 PO:0007033 GR_ref:7019 TAS G chlorosis caused by low temperature-5 tsc1|thermo-sensitive seedling color gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061078 chs5 PO:0007130 GR_ref:7019 TAS G chlorosis caused by low temperature-5 tsc1|thermo-sensitive seedling color gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061078 chs5 PO:0007134 GR_ref:7019 TAS G chlorosis caused by low temperature-5 tsc1|thermo-sensitive seedling color gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061078 chs5 PO:0009012 GR_ref:7019 TAS G chlorosis caused by low temperature-5 tsc1|thermo-sensitive seedling color gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061079 coi PO:0007033 GR_ref:6989 TAS G amylose content insensitive to cool temperature gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061079 coi PO:0007038 GR_ref:6989 TAS G amylose content insensitive to cool temperature gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061079 coi PO:0009012 GR_ref:6989 TAS G amylose content insensitive to cool temperature gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061081 Cul14 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G Curl leaf-14 Rl(t)|Rolled leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061081 Cul14 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G Curl leaf-14 Rl(t)|Rolled leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061083 Fl35 PO:0007130 GR_ref:7774 TAS G Flowering date-35 Heading date-9|Hd9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061084 Fl37 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6092 TAS G Flowering date-37 Late heading-1 from Oryza glumaepatula|Lh1(t)*|Lhd1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061085 Fl38 PO:0007130 GR_ref:1559 TAS G Flowering date-38 Late heading-2 from Oryza glumaepatula|Lh2(t)*|Lhd2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061086 gel PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G gelatinization-behavior gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061087 GM7 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10014 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 7 Gm7|Gall midge resistance-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061087 GM7 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10014 TAS G GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 7 Gm7|Gall midge resistance-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061088 Gm8 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10076 TAS G Gall midge resistance-8 Gm8(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061088 Gm8 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10076 TAS G Gall midge resistance-8 Gm8(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061089 Gm9 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10613 TAS G Gall midge resistance-9 Gm9(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061089 Gm9 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10613 TAS G Gall midge resistance-9 Gm9(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061090 Gm10 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10613 TAS G Gall midge resistance-10 Gm10(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061090 Gm10 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10613 TAS G Gall midge resistance-10 Gm10(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061091 Gm11 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10613 TAS G Gall midge resistance-11 Gm11(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061091 Gm11 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10613 TAS G Gall midge resistance-11 Gm11(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061092 S PO:0007016 GR_ref:9962 TAS G F2 STERILITY hsa1(t)*|f2 sterility in Japonica|s(t)|hst49|hybrid sterility-49 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061093 Kne PO:0007038 GR_ref:50 TAS G Kernel elongation Cooked-kernel elongation|KNE* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061093 Kne PO:0007130 GR_ref:50 TAS G Kernel elongation Cooked-kernel elongation|KNE* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061094 Lrd22 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10518 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-22 Probenazol inducible gene|Pbz1*|RPR1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061094 Lrd22 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10518 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-22 Probenazol inducible gene|Pbz1*|RPR1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061094 Lrd22 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10518 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-22 Probenazol inducible gene|Pbz1*|RPR1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061094 Lrd22 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10518 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-22 Probenazol inducible gene|Pbz1*|RPR1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061095 ms75 PO:0007016 GR_ref:1526 TAS G male sterile-75 pms*|pgms|photoperiod-sensitive male sterility gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061096 Ms78 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10956 TAS G Male sterile-78 Photoperiod-sensitive male sterility (Kaybonneret)|Pms3(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061097 ms79 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10956 TAS G male sterile-79 photoperiod-sensitive male sterility (Cypress 1819)|pms4(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061098 ms84 PO:0007016 GR_ref:9748 TAS G male sterile-84 tms4(t)*|thermosensitive male sterility-4|tgms-vn1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061099 ms85 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10915 TAS G male sterile-85 tms5*|thermosensitive male sterility-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061100 ms86 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10783 TAS G male sterile-86 tms5|thermosensitive male sterility-6|tms6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061101 ms88 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10783 TAS G male sterile-88 tms7|tms8|thermosensitive male sterility-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061102 ms89 PO:0007016 GR_ref:9775 TAS G male sterile-89 reverse thermosensitive male sterility|rtms1*|tms9(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061103 ms90 PO:0007016 GR_ref:9775 TAS G male sterile-90 tgms*|thermosensitive male sterility gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061108 Oskn2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G Class 1 KNOX gene gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061108 Oskn2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G Class 1 KNOX gene gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061109 Oskn3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G Class 1 KNOX gene gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061109 Oskn3 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G Class 1 KNOX gene gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061110 OsRS2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10156 TAS G Rough sheath-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061110 OsRS2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10156 TAS G Rough sheath-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061111 OsSSI PO:0007038 GR_ref:1492|PMID:8806407 TAS G Starch synthase-I gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061112 OsSSIIa PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G Starch synthase-IIa gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061113 OsSSIIb PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G Starch synthase-IIb gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061114 OsSSIII PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G Starch synthase-III gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061116 pla1 PO:0021004 GR_ref:6958 IC Q7Y1V5 G plastochron 1 plastochron1|plt1|plastochron-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061117 PMR PO:0007130 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE MIDRIB Plm|Pmr|Purple midrib gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061117 PMR PO:0007134 GR_ref:5560 TAS G PURPLE MIDRIB Plm|Pmr|Purple midrib gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061119 psy PO:0007038 GR_ref:10149 TAS G plant phytoene synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061120 Rf10 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2579 TAS G Pollen fertility restoration-10 Pollen fertility restoration-b|Rfb gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061121 Rf11 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2579 TAS G Pollen fertility restoration-11 Rfc|Pollen fertility restoration-c gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061122 Rf13 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2579 TAS G Pollen fertility restoration-13 Rfb|Pollen fertility restoration-b gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061123 Rf14 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2579 TAS G Pollen fertility restoration-14 Rfc|Pollen fertility restoration-c gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061124 Rf15 PO:0007016 GR_ref:2579 TAS G Pollen fertility restoration-15 Rfd|Pollen fertility restoration-d gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061127 Sc1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5596 TAS G Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-1 RRs1|Sclerotia disease resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061127 Sc1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5596 TAS G Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-1 RRs1|Sclerotia disease resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061128 Sc2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5596 TAS G Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-2 Sclerotia disease resistance-2|RRs2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061128 Sc2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5596 TAS G Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-2 Sclerotia disease resistance-2|RRs2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061133 RYMV PO:0007033 GR_ref:7803 TAS G Yellow mottle virus resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061133 RYMV PO:0009012 GR_ref:7803 TAS G Yellow mottle virus resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061134 Sal6 PO:0007033 GR_ref:3336|PMID:7697296 TAS G Salt tolerance-6 Plasma membrane H+-ATPase gene (Salt tolerance)|OSA3* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061134 Sal6 PO:0009012 GR_ref:3336|PMID:7697296 TAS G Salt tolerance-6 Plasma membrane H+-ATPase gene (Salt tolerance)|OSA3* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061135 sbe2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10769 TAS G starch branching enzyme-2(Q enzyme 2) QEII gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061135 sbe2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10769 TAS G starch branching enzyme-2(Q enzyme 2) QEII gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061136 Sd14 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G Semidwarf-14 Dominant semidwarf|Sd(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061136 Sd14 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G Semidwarf-14 Dominant semidwarf|Sd(t) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061137 sd15 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G semidwarf-15 sd-t|semidwarf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061137 sd15 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G semidwarf-15 sd-t|semidwarf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061138 sd16 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G semidwarf-16 sd-n|semidwarf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061138 sd16 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G semidwarf-16 sd-n|semidwarf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061139 Sdr3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G Seed dormancy-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061139 Sdr3 PO:0007132 GR_ref:0 TAS G Seed dormancy-3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061140 Sdr4 PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G Seed dormancy-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061140 Sdr4 PO:0007132 GR_ref:0 TAS G Seed dormancy-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061141 SH PO:0007038 GR_ref:10046 TAS G SHATTERING Seed shattering|Sh(t)*|Sh6|Shattering-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061159 An10 PO:0007132 GR_ref:9674 TAS G Awn-10 An5(t)*|Awn-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061160 An11 PO:0007132 GR_ref:9674 TAS G Awn-11 Awn-7|An7(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060888 SHP4 PO:0007014 GR_ref:6185 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 4 Gb|Shp4|Sheathed panicle-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060888 SHP4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:6185 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 4 Gb|Shp4|Sheathed panicle-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060888 SHP4 PO:0007089 GR_ref:6185 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 4 Gb|Shp4|Sheathed panicle-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060889 SHP5 PO:0007014 GR_ref:5762 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 5 shp5|sheathed panicle-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060889 SHP5 PO:0007041 GR_ref:5762 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 5 shp5|sheathed panicle-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060889 SHP5 PO:0007089 GR_ref:5762 TAS G SHEATHED PANICLE 5 shp5|sheathed panicle-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061337 Aox4 PO:0007033 GR_ref:7987|PMID:12669200 TAS G Alternative oxydase-4 OsIMI*|Alternative oxidase (AOX) homolog (salt and dehydration tolerance) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061337 Aox4 PO:0007130 GR_ref:7987|PMID:12669200 TAS G Alternative oxydase-4 OsIMI*|Alternative oxidase (AOX) homolog (salt and dehydration tolerance) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061337 Aox4 PO:0007134 GR_ref:7987|PMID:12669200 TAS G Alternative oxydase-4 OsIMI*|Alternative oxidase (AOX) homolog (salt and dehydration tolerance) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061337 Aox4 PO:0009012 GR_ref:7987|PMID:12669200 TAS G Alternative oxydase-4 OsIMI*|Alternative oxidase (AOX) homolog (salt and dehydration tolerance) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061339 hsp3 PO:0007033 GR_ref:0 TAS G heat-shock protein-3 Class-1 small heat shock protein-A|Oshsp16.9A* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061339 hsp3 PO:0009012 GR_ref:0 TAS G heat-shock protein-3 Class-1 small heat shock protein-A|Oshsp16.9A* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061341 hsp5 PO:0007033 GR_ref:0 TAS G heat-shock protein-5 Oshsp16.9C*|Class-1 small heat shock protein-C gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061341 hsp5 PO:0009012 GR_ref:0 TAS G heat-shock protein-5 Oshsp16.9C*|Class-1 small heat shock protein-C gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061342 Lrd27 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10601 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-27 Spotted leaf-12|Spl12* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061342 Lrd27 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10601 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-27 Spotted leaf-12|Spl12* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061343 lrd28 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10601 TAS G lesion resembling disease-28 spotted leaf-13|spl13* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061343 lrd28 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10601 TAS G lesion resembling disease-28 spotted leaf-13|spl13* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061344 lrd29 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10601 TAS G lesion resembling disease-29 spl4*|spotted leaf-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061344 lrd29 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10601 TAS G lesion resembling disease-29 spl4*|spotted leaf-14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061345 Lrd30 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10601 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-30 Spotted leaf-15|Spl5* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061345 Lrd30 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10601 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-30 Spotted leaf-15|Spl5* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061346 lrd31 PO:0007033 GR_ref:8283 TAS G lesion resembling disease-31 lesion mimic mutant|lrd* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061346 lrd31 PO:0009012 GR_ref:8283 TAS G lesion resembling disease-31 lesion mimic mutant|lrd* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061347 RMg61 PO:0007130 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-61 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-24|Pi24(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061347 RMg61 PO:0007134 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-61 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-24|Pi24(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061348 RMg62 PO:0007130 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-62 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-25|Pi25(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061348 RMg62 PO:0007134 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-62 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-25|Pi25(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061349 RMg63 PO:0007130 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-63 Pi26(t)*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-26 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061349 RMg63 PO:0007134 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-63 Pi26(t)*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-26 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061350 RMg64 PO:0007130 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-64 Pi27(t)*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061350 RMg64 PO:0007134 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-64 Pi27(t)*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061351 RMg65 PO:0007130 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-65 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-28|Pi28(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061351 RMg65 PO:0007134 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-65 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-28|Pi28(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061352 RMg66 PO:0007130 GR_ref:8274|PMID:12838393 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-66 Pi29(t)*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-29 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061352 RMg66 PO:0007134 GR_ref:8274|PMID:12838393 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-66 Pi29(t)*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-29 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061353 RMg67 PO:0007130 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-67 Pi30(t)*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-30 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061353 RMg67 PO:0007134 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-67 Pi30(t)*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance-30 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061354 RMg68 PO:0007130 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-68 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-31|Pi31(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061354 RMg68 PO:0007134 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-68 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-31|Pi31(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061355 RMg69 PO:0007130 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-69 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-32|Pi32(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061355 RMg69 PO:0007134 GR_ref:7970|PMID:12647052 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-69 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-32|Pi32(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061356 RMg70 PO:0007130 GR_ref:8274|PMID:12838393 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-70 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-33|Pi33* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061356 RMg70 PO:0007134 GR_ref:8274|PMID:12838393 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-70 Magnaporthe grisea resistance-33|Pi33* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061357 RXa29 PO:0007033 GR_ref:8288 TAS G Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-29 Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-25|Xa25(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061357 RXa29 PO:0009012 GR_ref:8288 TAS G Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-29 Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-25|Xa25(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061358 RXa30 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10306 TAS G Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-30 Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-26|Xa26(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061358 RXa30 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10306 TAS G Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-30 Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-26|Xa26(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061367 rml1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:8240|PMID:15020705 TAS G GT1-like transcription factor-1B gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061367 rml1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:8240|PMID:15020705 TAS G GT1-like transcription factor-1B gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061367 rml1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:8240|PMID:15020705 TAS G GT1-like transcription factor-1B gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061367 rml1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:8240|PMID:15020705 TAS G GT1-like transcription factor-1B gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061369 COP1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10300 TAS G Constitutively photomorphogenic gene gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061369 COP1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10300 TAS G Constitutively photomorphogenic gene gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061374 Hsa-1Og PO:0007033 GR_ref:9824 TAS G Cyst nematode (Heterodera sacchari) resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061374 Hsa-1Og PO:0009012 GR_ref:9824 TAS G Cyst nematode (Heterodera sacchari) resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061376 lpa1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:7021 TAS G low phytic acid content gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061377 Ltp1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:6909|PMID:12081375 TAS G Lipid transfer protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061377 Ltp1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6909|PMID:12081375 TAS G Lipid transfer protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061377 Ltp1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6909|PMID:12081375 TAS G Lipid transfer protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061377 Ltp1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:6909|PMID:12081375 TAS G Lipid transfer protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061378 MIPS PO:0007038 GR_ref:5173|PMID:9880347 TAS G Myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061378 MIPS PO:0007631 GR_ref:5173|PMID:9880347 TAS G Myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061380 OsEDR1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:8022|PMID:12559953 TAS G Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061380 OsEDR1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:8022|PMID:12559953 TAS G Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061382 OsGA3OX2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:6531|PMID:11438692 TAS G Gibberellin(GA)-3 beta-hydroxylase-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061382 OsGA3OX2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6531|PMID:11438692 TAS G Gibberellin(GA)-3 beta-hydroxylase-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061382 OsGA3OX2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6531|PMID:11438692 TAS G Gibberellin(GA)-3 beta-hydroxylase-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061383 ga20ox1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10625 IC P93771 G Gibberellin C-20 oxidase 1 OsGA20OX1|GA20 oxidase-1|GA 20-oxidase 1|GA20 oxidase|OSJNBa0059G06.22|Os20ox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061383 ga20ox1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:10625 IC P93771 G Gibberellin C-20 oxidase 1 OsGA20OX1|GA20 oxidase-1|GA 20-oxidase 1|GA20 oxidase|OSJNBa0059G06.22|Os20ox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061383 ga20ox1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10625 IC P93771 G Gibberellin C-20 oxidase 1 OsGA20OX1|GA20 oxidase-1|GA 20-oxidase 1|GA20 oxidase|OSJNBa0059G06.22|Os20ox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061384 OsGAI PO:0007130 GR_ref:7060|PMID:11340177 TAS G Giberellin-insensitive gene homolog gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061384 OsGAI PO:0007134 GR_ref:7060|PMID:11340177 TAS G Giberellin-insensitive gene homolog gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061385 Osm PO:0007130 GR_ref:2449 TAS G Osmotic adjustment gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061385 Osm PO:0007134 GR_ref:2449 TAS G Osmotic adjustment gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061386 OsMADS2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:7518|PMID:11179662 TAS G GLOBOSA(GLO)-like MADS-box gene-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061387 OsMADS4 PO:0007016 GR_ref:7518|PMID:11179662 TAS G GLOBOSA(GLO)-like MADS-box gene-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061388 OsRac1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:1983|PMID:10485927 TAS G GTPase Rac homolog gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061388 OsRac1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:1983|PMID:10485927 TAS G GTPase Rac homolog gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061412 rcs1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:3073|PMID:10095115 TAS G "rice cysteine synthase (sulfer, nitrogen and light response)-1" gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061412 rcs1 PO:0009012 GR_ref:3073|PMID:10095115 TAS G "rice cysteine synthase (sulfer, nitrogen and light response)-1" gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061413 rcs2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:3073|PMID:10095115 TAS G "rice cysteine synthase (sulfer, nitrogen and light response)-2" gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061413 rcs2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:3073|PMID:10095115 TAS G "rice cysteine synthase (sulfer, nitrogen and light response)-2" gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061414 rcs3 PO:0007033 GR_ref:3073|PMID:10095115 TAS G "rice cysteine synthase (sulfer, nitrogen and light response)-3" gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061414 rcs3 PO:0009012 GR_ref:3073|PMID:10095115 TAS G "rice cysteine synthase (sulfer, nitrogen and light response)-3" gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061415 rcs4 PO:0007033 GR_ref:3073|PMID:10095115 TAS G "rice cysteine synthase (sulfer, nitrogen and light response)-4" gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061415 rcs4 PO:0009012 GR_ref:3073|PMID:10095115 TAS G "rice cysteine synthase (sulfer, nitrogen and light response)-4" gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061416 Roc1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6685|PMID:11846882 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-1 GLABRA2(Gl2)-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061416 Roc1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6685|PMID:11846882 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-1 GLABRA2(Gl2)-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061416 Roc1 PO:0007631 GR_ref:6685|PMID:11846882 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-1 GLABRA2(Gl2)-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061417 Roc2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-2 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061417 Roc2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-2 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061417 Roc2 PO:0007631 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-2 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061418 Roc3 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-3 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061418 Roc3 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-3 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061418 Roc3 PO:0007631 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-3 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061419 Roc4 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-4 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061419 Roc4 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-4 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061419 Roc4 PO:0007631 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-4 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061420 Roc5 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-5 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061420 Roc5 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-5 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061420 Roc5 PO:0007631 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-5 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061421 Roc6 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-6 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061421 Roc6 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-6 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061421 Roc6 PO:0007631 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-6 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061422 Roc7 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-7 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061422 Roc7 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-7 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061422 Roc7 PO:0007631 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-7 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061423 Roc8 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-8 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061423 Roc8 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-8 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061423 Roc8 PO:0007631 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-8 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061424 Roc9 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-9 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061424 Roc9 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-9 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061424 Roc9 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-9 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061424 Roc9 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10595 TAS G Rice outermost cell-specific gene-9 Gl2-type homeobox gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061290 Sub2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:0 TAS G Submergence tolerance-2 OsGAPPH gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061290 Sub2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:0 TAS G Submergence tolerance-2 OsGAPPH gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061080 crtI PO:0007038 GR_ref:10149 TAS G bacterial phytoene desaturase involved in Beta-carotene gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061295 ADS PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G ADAXIAL SNOWY LEAF ads|adaxial snowy leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061295 ADS PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G ADAXIAL SNOWY LEAF ads|adaxial snowy leaf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061296 Bph17 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G Brown planthopper resistance-17 Brown planthopper resistance|Bph13(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061298 codA PO:0007033 GR_ref:0 TAS G choline oxidase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061298 codA PO:0009012 GR_ref:0 TAS G choline oxidase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061300 cry1Ab PO:0007033 GR_ref:532|PMID:10520450 TAS G crystal insectcydal protein of Bacillus thuringensis gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061300 cry1Ab PO:0009012 GR_ref:532|PMID:10520450 TAS G crystal insectcydal protein of Bacillus thuringensis gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061302 eg3 PO:0007600 GR_ref:10543 TAS G extra glume-3 double lemmas|db(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060394 GT2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1425 TAS G GLUTELIN 1 Srp|Gt2|Glu1|Rice glutelin-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061303 Grh5 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10231 TAS G Green rice leafhopper resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061303 Grh5 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10231 TAS G Green rice leafhopper resistance-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061306 hhg PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G hyper-hardening glutinous rice gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061306 hhg PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G hyper-hardening glutinous rice gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061306 hhg PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G hyper-hardening glutinous rice gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061319 Hst54 PO:0007016 GR_ref:0 TAS G Hybrid sterility-54 Pollen semi-sterility|S28(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061307 hwe2 PO:0007016 GR_ref:0 TAS G hybrid weakness-e2 hybrid breakdown-l gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061308 lcy PO:0007038 GR_ref:10149 TAS G lycopene beta-cyclase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061327 lk7 PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G long kernel-7 slender kernel from Oryza glumaepatula-1|slk1(t)* (sk1) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061328 Lk8 PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G Long kernel-8 Slender kernel from Oryza glumaepatula-2|Slk2(t)* (Sk2) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060955 TMS1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:1526 TAS G THERMOSENSITIVE MALE STERILITY 1 thermosensitive male sterility-1|tms1 (TGMS)|ms80|male sterile-80 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061309 nk PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G notched kernel nk2(t)*|notched kernel gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061310 OsARF PO:0007130 GR_ref:6585|PMID:11922106 TAS G Auxin response factor gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061310 OsARF PO:0007134 GR_ref:6585|PMID:11922106 TAS G Auxin response factor gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061304 SD1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10625 IC Q8RVF5 G SEMIDWARF 1 GA20 oxidase|B1065E10.29|C20OX2|GA C20oxidase2|Gibberellin-20 oxidase|Putative gibberelin 20-oxidase|green revolution gene|OsGA20ox-2|dee-geo-woo-gen dwarf|sd-1|semidwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061304 SD1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:10625 IC Q8RVF5 G SEMIDWARF 1 GA20 oxidase|B1065E10.29|C20OX2|GA C20oxidase2|Gibberellin-20 oxidase|Putative gibberelin 20-oxidase|green revolution gene|OsGA20ox-2|dee-geo-woo-gen dwarf|sd-1|semidwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061304 SD1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10625 IC Q8RVF5 G SEMIDWARF 1 GA20 oxidase|B1065E10.29|C20OX2|GA C20oxidase2|Gibberellin-20 oxidase|Putative gibberelin 20-oxidase|green revolution gene|OsGA20ox-2|dee-geo-woo-gen dwarf|sd-1|semidwarf-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061305 OsGAMYB PO:0007130 GR_ref:8895|PMID:8535141 TAS G Gibberellin myb gene gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061305 OsGAMYB PO:0007134 GR_ref:8895|PMID:8535141 TAS G Gibberellin myb gene gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061311 OsH6 PO:0007130 GR_ref:3982|PMID:10488233 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061311 OsH6 PO:0007134 GR_ref:3982|PMID:10488233 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061312 OsH10 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061312 OsH10 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061313 OsH43 PO:0007130 GR_ref:3982|PMID:10488233 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-43 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061313 OsH43 PO:0007134 GR_ref:3982|PMID:10488233 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-43 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061314 OsH71 PO:0007130 GR_ref:3982|PMID:10488233 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-71 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061314 OsH71 PO:0007134 GR_ref:3982|PMID:10488233 TAS G Rice KNOX gene-71 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061317 OsMST5 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G Monosaccharide transporter-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061317 OsMST5 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G Monosaccharide transporter-5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061315 OsSUT1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G Sucrose transporter-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061315 OsSUT1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G Sucrose transporter-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061316 OsSUT2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G Sucrose transporter-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061316 OsSUT2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G Sucrose transporter-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061318 ovl PO:0007016 GR_ref:0 TAS G ovuleless gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061320 Rcn7 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G Reduced culm number-7 Low tillers|Ltn(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061320 Rcn7 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G Reduced culm number-7 Low tillers|Ltn(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061321 Rsb1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-3 Rsb1*|Sheath blight resistance-3|RRS3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061321 Rsb1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-3 Rsb1*|Sheath blight resistance-3|RRS3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061322 Sal4 PO:0007033 GR_ref:6986 TAS G Salt torerance-4 Plasma membrane H+-ATPase gene-1|OSA1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061322 Sal4 PO:0009012 GR_ref:6986 TAS G Salt torerance-4 Plasma membrane H+-ATPase gene-1|OSA1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061323 Sal5 PO:0007033 GR_ref:3336|PMID:7697296 TAS G Salt tolerance-5 Plasma membrane H+-ATPase gene-2|OSA2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061323 Sal5 PO:0009012 GR_ref:3336|PMID:7697296 TAS G Salt tolerance-5 Plasma membrane H+-ATPase gene-2|OSA2* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061324 Sh7 PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G Shattering-7 Sh5-glum*|Shattering from Oryza glumaepatula gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061325 Sh8 PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G Shattering-8 Sh6-mer*|Shattering from Oryza meridonalis gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061326 sh9 PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G shattering-9 iSh3(t)*|inhibitor for Sh3-gla (shattering-3) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060272 DW1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:6152 TAS G DEEP WATER TOLERANCE 1 fh1|dw1|deep water tolerance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060272 DW1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:6152 TAS G DEEP WATER TOLERANCE 1 fh1|dw1|deep water tolerance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060219 D54 PO:0007038 GR_ref:1718 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 5 dK5|dwarf Kyushu-5|dwf35|d54|dwarf-54 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060219 D54 PO:0007130 GR_ref:1718 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 5 dK5|dwarf Kyushu-5|dwf35|d54|dwarf-54 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060219 D54 PO:0007134 GR_ref:1718 TAS G DWARF KYUSHU 5 dK5|dwarf Kyushu-5|dwf35|d54|dwarf-54 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060223 D58 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5675 TAS G DWARF SMALL GRAINED dwf39|small grained dwarf|d58|dwarf-58 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060223 D58 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5675 TAS G DWARF SMALL GRAINED dwf39|small grained dwarf|d58|dwarf-58 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060225 D60 PO:0007130 GR_ref:5675 TAS G DWARF HOKURIKU 100 sd(t)|dwf41|dwarf (Hokuriku 100)|d60|dwarf-60 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060225 D60 PO:0007134 GR_ref:5675 TAS G DWARF HOKURIKU 100 sd(t)|dwf41|dwarf (Hokuriku 100)|d60|dwarf-60 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060226 D61 PO:0007089 GR_ref:10034 IMP Q942F3 G DWARF 61 dm-type dwarf|dwarf-61|d61*|dwf42|BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1|d61|dwarf-61 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060226 D61 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10034 IC Q942F3 G DWARF 61 dm-type dwarf|dwarf-61|d61*|dwf42|BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1|d61|dwarf-61 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060368 GL1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:456|PMID:7896104 TAS G GLABROUS LEAF AND HULL 1 gl1|glabrous leaf and hull-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060368 GL1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:456|PMID:7896104 TAS G GLABROUS LEAF AND HULL 1 gl1|glabrous leaf and hull-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060368 GL1 PO:0007600 GR_ref:456|PMID:7896104 TAS G GLABROUS LEAF AND HULL 1 gl1|glabrous leaf and hull-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060900 SP PO:0007130 GR_ref:114 TAS G SHORT PANICLE sp|short panicle gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060913 SPR1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10873 TAS G SPREADING PANICLE 1 spreading panicle-1|spr1|Spreading panicle-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060916 SPR4 PO:0007130 GR_ref:848 TAS G SPREADING PANICLE 4 Spreading panicle-3|Spr3(t)|Spr4|Spreading panicle-4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060924 SSI1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:3755 TAS G SHORT SECOND INTERNODE 1 Dm1|Ssi1|Short second internode-1(dm-type) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060924 SSI1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:3755 TAS G SHORT SECOND INTERNODE 1 Dm1|Ssi1|Short second internode-1(dm-type) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060925 SSI2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:4995 TAS G SHORT SECOND INTERNODE 2 ssi2|short second internode-2(dm-type) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060925 SSI2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:4995 TAS G SHORT SECOND INTERNODE 2 ssi2|short second internode-2(dm-type) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061438 Ctb9 PO:0007033 GR_ref:8357 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-9 qRCT6a*|Cold tolerance at booting stage gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061438 Ctb9 PO:0009012 GR_ref:8357 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-9 qRCT6a*|Cold tolerance at booting stage gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061439 cul15 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10644 TAS G curl leaf-15 narrow and rolled leaves at specific leaf position gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061439 cul15 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10644 TAS G curl leaf-15 narrow and rolled leaves at specific leaf position gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061440 Dwf45 PO:0007073 GR_ref:0 TAS G Dwarf-45 Twisted dwarf 1|Td1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061440 Dwf45 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G Dwarf-45 Twisted dwarf 1|Td1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061440 Dwf45 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G Dwarf-45 Twisted dwarf 1|Td1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061441 dwf46 PO:0007016 GR_ref:0 TAS G dwarf-46 small grain dwarf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061441 dwf46 PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G dwarf-46 small grain dwarf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061441 dwf46 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G dwarf-46 small grain dwarf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061441 dwf46 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G dwarf-46 small grain dwarf gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061442 Fl42 PO:0007130 GR_ref:8183|PMID:12898024 TAS G Flowering date-42 Hd8(t)*|Heading date-8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061443 Fl43 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10605 TAS G Flowering date-43 ef5*|Late heading gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061444 Fl44 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10646 TAS G Flowering date-44 Heading date-7|Hd7* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061445 Fl45 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10646 TAS G Flowering date-45 Hd10*|Heading date-10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061446 Fl46 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10646 TAS G Flowering date-46 Hd11*|Heading date-11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061447 Fl47 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10646 TAS G Flowering date-47 Hd12*|Heading date-12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061448 Fl48 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10646 TAS G Flowering date-48 Heading date-13|Hd13* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061449 Fl49 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10646 TAS G Flowering date-49 Heading date-14|Hd14* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061450 Fl50 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10646 TAS G Flowering date-50 Hd15*|Heading date-15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061451 Glu23 PO:0007038 GR_ref:10216 TAS G Rice glutelin-23 Glutelin subunit-6|Glu6* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061452 glup8 PO:0007038 GR_ref:10638 TAS G glutelin precursor-8 glup7*|glutelin precursor-7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061453 Kr3 PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G Short grain-3 Short grain mutant-1|Sg1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061454 Lrd33 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10628 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-33 OcACT1*|Lesion mimic mutant (homologous with acyltransferase) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061454 Lrd33 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10628 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-33 OcACT1*|Lesion mimic mutant (homologous with acyltransferase) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061454 Lrd33 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10628 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-33 OcACT1*|Lesion mimic mutant (homologous with acyltransferase) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061454 Lrd33 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10628 TAS G Lesion resembling disease-33 OcACT1*|Lesion mimic mutant (homologous with acyltransferase) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061455 ms91 PO:0007016 GR_ref:9913 TAS G male sterile-91 thermosenstfive male sterility|tgms* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061456 Rf17 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10630 TAS G Pollen fertility restoration-17 Pollen fertility restoration for CW cytoplasm|Rfcw* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061457 RMg71 PO:0007130 GR_ref:7746|PMID:12582657 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance 71 Pi34|Partial leaf blast resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061457 RMg71 PO:0007134 GR_ref:7746|PMID:12582657 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance 71 Pi34|Partial leaf blast resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061458 RMg72 PO:0007130 GR_ref:9915 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance 72 Magnaporthe gresia|Pitp(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061458 RMg72 PO:0007134 GR_ref:9915 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance 72 Magnaporthe gresia|Pitp(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061459 RMg73 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10650 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-73 qBRS5*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance (field resistance) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061459 RMg73 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10650 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-73 qBRS5*|Magnaporthe grisea resistance (field resistance) gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061460 RMg74 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10650 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-74 Magnaporthe grisea resistance (field resistance)|qBRS6* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061460 RMg74 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10650 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-74 Magnaporthe grisea resistance (field resistance)|qBRS6* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061461 RMg75 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10650 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-75 Magnaporthe grisea resistance (field resistance)|qBRS11* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061461 RMg75 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10650 TAS G Magnaporthe grisea resistance-75 Magnaporthe grisea resistance (field resistance)|qBRS11* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061462 RRS4 PO:0007130 GR_ref:8358 TAS G Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-4 qSB3*|Sheath blight resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061462 RRS4 PO:0007134 GR_ref:8358 TAS G Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-4 qSB3*|Sheath blight resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061463 RRS5 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-5 qSB12*|Sheath blight resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061463 RRS5 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-5 qSB12*|Sheath blight resistance gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061464 RXa31 PO:0007033 GR_ref:8219|PMID:15118822 TAS G Xanthomonas campesris pv. Oryzae resistance-31 Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-27|Xa27(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061464 RXa31 PO:0009012 GR_ref:8219|PMID:15118822 TAS G Xanthomonas campesris pv. Oryzae resistance-31 Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-27|Xa27(t)* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061465 sd17 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10635 TAS G semidwarf-17 semidwarf gene derived from an annual wild rice gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061465 sd17 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10635 TAS G semidwarf-17 semidwarf gene derived from an annual wild rice gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061466 Sh10 PO:0007038 GR_ref:10647 TAS G Shattering-4 qSHAT11*|Shattering from Oryza glaberrima gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061467 Sh11 PO:0007038 GR_ref:10634 TAS G Shattering-5 qSHFS3*|Shattering from a wild rice gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061469 slk1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G slender kernel-1 slender kernel-1|sk1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061470 Slk2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:0 TAS G Slender kernel-2 Sk2*|Slender kernel-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061471 Apxa PO:0007033 GR_ref:3896|PMID:11181723 TAS G Ascorbate peroxidase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061471 Apxa PO:0009012 GR_ref:3896|PMID:11181723 TAS G Ascorbate peroxidase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061472 bar PO:0007033 GR_ref:0 TAS G glufosinate-resistant rice gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061472 bar PO:0009012 GR_ref:0 TAS G glufosinate-resistant rice gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061476 go1 PO:0007038 GR_ref:10206 TAS G goliath gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061476 go1 PO:0007631 GR_ref:10206 TAS G goliath gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061477 Grh6 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10624 TAS G Green rice leafhopper resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061477 Grh6 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10624 TAS G Green rice leafhopper resistance-6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061478 lsi PO:0007033 GR_ref:9685 TAS G low silica uptake gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061478 lsi PO:0009012 GR_ref:9685 TAS G low silica uptake gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061479 lsy1 PO:0007016 GR_ref:10603 TAS G leaf lateral symmetry-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061479 lsy1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:10603 TAS G leaf lateral symmetry-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061479 lsy1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10603 TAS G leaf lateral symmetry-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061483 OsHAP3D PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G LEC1-type 3 subunit protein-D gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061483 OsHAP3D PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G LEC1-type 3 subunit protein-D gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061483 OsHAP3D PO:0007631 GR_ref:0 TAS G LEC1-type 3 subunit protein-D gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061484 OsHAP3E PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G LEC1-type 3 subunit protein-E gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061484 OsHAP3E PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 TAS G LEC1-type 3 subunit protein-E gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061484 OsHAP3E PO:0007631 GR_ref:0 TAS G LEC1-type 3 subunit protein-E gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061489 sp2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:0 TAS G short panicle-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061490 Sr1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:9662 TAS G Stem rot resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061490 Sr1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:9662 TAS G Stem rot resistance-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061491 Sr2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:9662 TAS G Stem rot resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061491 Sr2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:9662 TAS G Stem rot resistance-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061495 Pho2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10653 TAS G Phosphorus deficiency root elongation gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061495 Pho2 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10653 TAS G Phosphorus deficiency root elongation gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061437 Ctb8 PO:0007033 GR_ref:8357 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-8 Cold tolerance at booting stage|qRCT3* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061437 Ctb8 PO:0009012 GR_ref:8357 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-8 Cold tolerance at booting stage|qRCT3* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061436 Ctb7 PO:0007033 GR_ref:5352 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-7 Low-temperature-sensitive sterility-3|Ste3* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061436 Ctb7 PO:0009012 GR_ref:5352 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-7 Low-temperature-sensitive sterility-3|Ste3* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061435 Ctb6 PO:0007033 GR_ref:5352 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-6 Ste2*|Low-temperature-sensitive sterility-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061435 Ctb6 PO:0009012 GR_ref:5352 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-6 Ste2*|Low-temperature-sensitive sterility-2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061434 Ctb5 PO:0007033 GR_ref:5352 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-5 Low-temperature-sensitive sterility-1|Ste1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061434 Ctb5 PO:0009012 GR_ref:5352 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-5 Low-temperature-sensitive sterility-1|Ste1* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061433 Ctb13 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10649 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-13 Cold tolerance at booting stage|qCT5* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061433 Ctb13 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10649 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-13 Cold tolerance at booting stage|qCT5* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061432 Ctb12 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10658 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-12 qCT4*|Cold tolerance at booting stage gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061432 Ctb12 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10658 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-12 qCT4*|Cold tolerance at booting stage gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061431 Ctb11 PO:0007033 GR_ref:8357 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-11 Cold tolerance at booting stage|qRCT7* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061431 Ctb11 PO:0009012 GR_ref:8357 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-11 Cold tolerance at booting stage|qRCT7* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061430 Ctb10 PO:0007033 GR_ref:8357 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-10 Cold tolerance at booting stage|qRCT6b* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061430 Ctb10 PO:0009012 GR_ref:8357 TAS G Cold tolerance at booting stage-10 Cold tolerance at booting stage|qRCT6b* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061429 Bph18 PO:0007134 GR_ref:10232 TAS G Brown planthopper resistance-18 Brown planthopper resistance (QTL)|Qbph11* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061428 An15 PO:0007132 GR_ref:10201 TAS G Awn-15 Awn-10|An10* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061427 An14 PO:0007132 GR_ref:10201 TAS G Awn-14 An9*|Awn-9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061426 An13 PO:0007132 GR_ref:10201 TAS G Awn-13 Awn-6|An6* gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061496 Pho3 PO:0007033 GR_ref:10653 TAS G Phosphorus deficiency root elongation gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061496 Pho3 PO:0009012 GR_ref:10653 TAS G Phosphorus deficiency root elongation gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0061497 Sv2 PO:0007038 GR_ref:10657 TAS G Seed viability (longevity)-2 qLG9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100111 Sk1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:9472|PMID:15891897 IEP Q5NTH4 G Shikimate kinase-1 OsSK1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100112 Sk2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:9472|PMID:15891897 IEP Q5NTH3 G Shikimate kinase-2 OsSK2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100113 Sk3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:9472|PMID:15891897 IDA Q7X7H9 G Shikimate kinase-3 OsSK3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100114 Gi PO:0007041 GR_ref:7059|PMID:12040096 ISS Q5VR73 G Gigantea OsGI gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100117 Rcn1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:9520|PMID:12148532 IC Q9XGS5 G Putative phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein Putative TFL1/CEN ortholog|Fdr2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100117 Rcn1 PO:0007089 GR_ref:9520|PMID:12148532 IEP Q9XGS5 G Putative phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein Putative TFL1/CEN ortholog|Fdr2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100117 Rcn1 PO:0021004 GR_ref:9520|PMID:12148532 IEP Q9XGS5 G Putative phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein Putative TFL1/CEN ortholog|Fdr2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100118 Rcn2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:9520|PMID:12148532 IC Q6ESF8 G Putative phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein Putative TFL1/CEN ortholog gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100118 Rcn2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:9520|PMID:12148532 IEP Q6ESF8 G Putative phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein Putative TFL1/CEN ortholog gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100118 Rcn2 PO:0021004 GR_ref:9520|PMID:12148532 IEP Q6ESF8 G Putative phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein Putative TFL1/CEN ortholog gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100119 PAIR1 PO:0001009 GR_ref:11025|PMID:15031413 IDA Q75RY2 G HOMOLOGOUS PAIRING ABERRATION IN RICE MEIOSIS 1 Coiled-coil protein|OSJNBa0009C08.13|Pair1|Homologous pairing aberration in rice meiosis 1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100119 PAIR1 PO:0007079 GR_ref:11025|PMID:15031413 IDA Q75RY2 G HOMOLOGOUS PAIRING ABERRATION IN RICE MEIOSIS 1 Coiled-coil protein|OSJNBa0009C08.13|Pair1|Homologous pairing aberration in rice meiosis 1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100119 PAIR1 PO:0007622 GR_ref:11025|PMID:15031413 IDA Q75RY2 G HOMOLOGOUS PAIRING ABERRATION IN RICE MEIOSIS 1 Coiled-coil protein|OSJNBa0009C08.13|Pair1|Homologous pairing aberration in rice meiosis 1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100119 PAIR1 PO:0007623 GR_ref:11025|PMID:15031413 IDA Q75RY2 G HOMOLOGOUS PAIRING ABERRATION IN RICE MEIOSIS 1 Coiled-coil protein|OSJNBa0009C08.13|Pair1|Homologous pairing aberration in rice meiosis 1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100119 PAIR1 PO:0007624 GR_ref:11025|PMID:15031413 IDA Q75RY2 G HOMOLOGOUS PAIRING ABERRATION IN RICE MEIOSIS 1 Coiled-coil protein|OSJNBa0009C08.13|Pair1|Homologous pairing aberration in rice meiosis 1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100119 PAIR1 PO:0007625 GR_ref:11025|PMID:15031413 IDA Q75RY2 G HOMOLOGOUS PAIRING ABERRATION IN RICE MEIOSIS 1 Coiled-coil protein|OSJNBa0009C08.13|Pair1|Homologous pairing aberration in rice meiosis 1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020001 bierf1 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11026|PMID:16436304 IEP Q8VXC3 G BTH-induced ERF transcriptional factor 1 OsBIERF1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020001 bierf1 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11026|PMID:16436304 IEP Q8VXC3 G BTH-induced ERF transcriptional factor 1 OsBIERF1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020001 bierf1 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11026|PMID:16436304 IEP Q8VXC3 G BTH-induced ERF transcriptional factor 1 OsBIERF1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020001 bierf1 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11026|PMID:16436304 IEP Q8VXC3 G BTH-induced ERF transcriptional factor 1 OsBIERF1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020001 bierf1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11026|PMID:16436304 IC Q5MFV3 G BTH-induced ERF transcriptional factor 1 OsBIERF1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020002 bierf2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11026|PMID:16436304 IC Q5MFV2 G BTH-induced ERF transcriptional factor 2 OsBIERF1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020003 bierf3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11026|PMID:16436304 IC Q5MFV1 G BTH-induced ERF transcriptional factor 3 OsBIERF3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100120 Pair2 PO:0007079 GR_ref:11024|PMID:14758540 IEP Q76CY8 G Homologous pairing aberration in rice meiosis 2 OsASY1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020004 bierf4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11026|PMID:16436304 IC Q5MFV0 G BTH-induced ERF transcriptional factor 4 OsBIERF4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020005 iaa1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q5VRD1 G indoleacetic acid 1 Oryza sativa indoleacetic acid 1|Putative Nt-iaa4.1 deduced protein|OsIAA1|P0406H10.6-1|P0509B06.9-1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020006 iaa2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q9LG86 G indoleacetic acid 2 OSIAA2|P0710E05.9|P0710E05.9 protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020007 iaa3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q5NB25 G indoleacetic acid 3 OSIAA3|P0431F01.14|P0485D09.3|Putative aux/IAA protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020008 iaa4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q5NB08 G indoleacetic acid 4 Hypothetical protein P0511C01.24|OsIAA4|P0511C01.24 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020009 iaa5 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q8LQP8 G indoleacetic acid 5 OJ1117_G01.11|OJ1117_G01.11 protein|OsIAA5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020010 iaa6 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q8LQ74 G indoleacetic acid 6 OsIAA6|P0439E07.5|Putative phytochrome-associated protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020011 iaa7 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q6H543 G indoleacetic acid 7 OSJNBb0035N08.7|P0620H05.33|Putative aux/IAA protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020012 iaa8 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 ISS Q6Z5M0 G indoleacetic acid 8 Auxin-responsive protein IAA8|Hypothetical protein P0685G12.16-2|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 8|OsIAA8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020013 iaa9 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q6K846 G indoleacetic acid 9 OJ1548_F12.17|OsIAA9|Proliferating cell nuclear antigen gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020015 iaa11 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 ISS Q75GK0 G indoleacetic acid 11 Auxin-responsive protein IAA11|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 11|OSJNBa0010N03.17|OsIAA11|Putative auxin-responsive protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020017 iaa12 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q75GK1 G indoleacetic acid 12 Auxin-responsive protein IAA12|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 12|OSJNBa0010N03.16|OsIAA12|Putative auxin-induced protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020016 iaa13 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q7Y1Y5 G indoleacetic acid 13 Aux/IAA protein|Auxin-responsive protein IAA13|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 13|OsIAA13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020018 iaa14 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q7Y1H8 G indoleacetic acid 14 Auxin-responsive protein IAA14|indoleacetic acid-induced protein 14|OSJNBA0094F01.9|OsIAA14|Putative auxin-induced protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020019 iaa15 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q6AT10 G indoleacetic acid 15 Auxin-responsive protein IAA15|Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0029B02.19|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 15|OSJNBa0029B02.19|OsIAA15 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020021 iaa17 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q75GB1 G indoleacetic acid 17 Auxin-responsive protein IAA17|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 17|OsIAA17|Putative GH1 protein or auxin regulated protein|OSJNBa0042F15.4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020022 iaa18 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q5W670 G indoleacetic acid 18 OsIAA18|Auxin-responsive protein IAA18|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 18|Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0075A10.11|OSJNBa0075A10.11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020023 iaa19 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q6AT33 G Auxin-responsive protein IAA19 Auxin-responsive protein IAA19|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 19|ypothetical protein OSJNBa0001A14.14|OsIAA19|OSJNBa0001A14.14 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020024 iaa20 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q5VRR0 G indoleacetic acid 20 Auxin-responsive protein IAA20|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 20|Proliferating cell nuclear antigen-like|OsIAA20|OSJNBa0015I14.39|P0680A03.13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020025 iaa21 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q5Z749 G indoleacetic acid 21 Auxin-responsive protein IAA21|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 21|OSJNBa0012F14.28|OsIAA21|Putative auxin-regulated protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020027 iaa23 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q69VE0 G indoleacetic acid 23 Auxin-responsive protein IAA23|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 23|OsIAA23|P0417D05.17-1|Putative iaa4.1 deduced protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020028 iaa28 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 ISS Q6ZL57 G indoleacetic acid 24 Auxin-responsive protein IAA24|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 24|OJ1506_G02.9|OsIAA24|Putative auxin-induced protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020030 iaa26 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q652A1 G Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 26 Auxin-responsive protein IAA26|Putative Auxin-induced protein|OJ1439_F07.27|OsIAA26|indoleacetic acid 26|iaa26 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020026 iaa22 PO:0007133 GR_ref:0 TAS G indoleacetic acid 22 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020029 iaa25 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 TAS G indoleacetic acid 25 Auxin-responsive protein IAA25|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 25|OsIAA25 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020020 iaa16 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC P0C127 G indoleacetic acid 16 Auxin-responsive protein IAA16|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 16|OsIAA16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020031 iaa27 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC P0C129 G indoleacetic acid 27 Auxin-responsive protein IAA27|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 27|OsIAA27 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020032 iaa28 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC P0C130 G indoleacetic acid 28 Putative auxin-responsive protein IAA28|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 28|OsIAA28 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020033 iaa29 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC P0C131 G indoleacetic acid 29 Putative auxin-responsive protein IAA29|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 29|OsIAA29 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020034 iaa30 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC P0C132 G indoleacetic acid 30 Auxin-responsive protein IAA30|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 30|OsIAA30 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020035 iaa31 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC P0C133 G indoleacetic acid 31 Auxin-responsive protein IAA31|Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 31|OsIAA31 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020014 iaa10 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11066|PMID:16200395 IC Q59AA1 G indoleacetic acid 10 Indoleacetic acid-inducible protein homologue|OsIAA10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020037 gh3.1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11077|PMID:16488558 IC Q8LQM5 G gh3.1 Putative auxin-responsive GH3|B1070A12.14 OsGH3.1|OsGH3.1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020038 gh3.2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11077|PMID:16488558 IC P0C0M2 G gh3.2 OsGH3.2|putative auxin-responsive GH3.2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020039 gh3.3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11077|PMID:16488558 IC Q5NAZ7 G gh3.3 OsGH3.3|P0483F08.33-1|Putative Nt-gh3 deduced protein gh3.3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020040 gh3.4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11077|PMID:16488558 IC Q60EJ6 G gh3.4 OsGH3.4|Putative auxin-responsive protein GH3.4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020041 gh3.5 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11077|PMID:16488558 IC Q6I581 G gh3.5 OsGH3.5|Auxin-responsive GH3-like protein 5|OSJNBa0009C07.16 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020042 gh3.6 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11077|PMID:16488558 IC Q60EY1 G gh3.6 OsGH3.6|Hypothetical protein OJ1607_F09.5|OJ1607_F09.5|Auxin-responsive GH3-like protein 6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020043 gh3.7 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11077|PMID:16488558 IC Q654M1 G Putative auxin-responsive GH3.7 OsGH3.7|P0012H03.1-2|P0596H06.21-2|gh3.7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020044 gh3.8 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11077|PMID:16488558 IC Q7XIN9 G Auxin-responsive GH3.8 OsGH3.8|Putative Nt-gh3 deduced protein|OJ1710_H11.110|Auxin-responsive GH3-like protein 8|gh3.8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020045 gh3.9 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11077|PMID:16488558 IC Q6ZLA3 G Auxin-responsive GH3.9 OsGH3.9|Putative Nt-gh3 deduced protein|Auxin-responsive GH3-like protein 9|OJ1065_B06.9|gh3.9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020046 gh3.10 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11077|PMID:16488558 IC Q6ZLA7 G Auxin-responsive gene GH3.10 OsGH3.10|Putative indole-3-acetic acid-amido synthetase GH3.10|Putative Nt-gh3 deduced protein|OJ1065_B06.4|gh3.10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020047 gh3.11 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11077|PMID:16488558 IC P0C0M3 G Auxin-responsive gene GH3.11 OsGH3.11|Auxin-responsive GH3-like protein 11|gh3.11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020048 gh3.12 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11077|PMID:16488558 IC Q53P49 G Auxin-responsive gene GH3.12 OsGH3.12|gh3.12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020049 gh3.13 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11077|PMID:16488558 IC Q2R3B4 G Auxin-responsive gene GH3.13 OsGH3.13|Auxin-regulated protein GH3 homolog F3H9.21|gh3.13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020050 gid1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:11083|PMID:16193045 IC Q6L545 G Gibberellin-insensitive dwarf protein 1 Hypothetical protein OJ1657_H11.10|OsGID1|OJ1657_H11.10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020064 CPS1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q6ET36 G ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase 1 Putative kaurene synthase A|OsCPS1|P0444A09.11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020064 CPS1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q6ET36 G ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase 1 Putative kaurene synthase A|OsCPS1|P0444A09.11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020064 CPS1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q6ET36 G ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase 1 Putative kaurene synthase A|OsCPS1|P0444A09.11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020066 CPS4 PO:0007033 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q0JF02 G ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase 4 Putative kaurene synthase A|OsCPSL3|OsCPS4|cpsl3|ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase like 3|syn-copalyl diphosphate synthase|OsCYC1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020066 CPS4 PO:0007134 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q0JF02 G ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase 4 Putative kaurene synthase A|OsCPSL3|OsCPS4|cpsl3|ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase like 3|syn-copalyl diphosphate synthase|OsCYC1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020065 CPS2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q68CL9 G ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase 2 Putative kaurene synthase A|OsCPSL1|OsCPS2|P0689H05.16|cpsl1|ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase like 1|OsCYC2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020065 CPS2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q68CL9 G ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase 2 Putative kaurene synthase A|OsCPSL1|OsCPS2|P0689H05.16|cpsl1|ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase like 1|OsCYC2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020067 KS1 PO:0007033 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q2PHF3 G Ent-kaurene synthase 1 OsKS1|KSL1|OsKSL1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020067 KS1 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q2PHF3 G Ent-kaurene synthase 1 OsKS1|KSL1|OsKSL1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020067 KS1 PO:0007134 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q2PHF3 G Ent-kaurene synthase 1 OsKS1|KSL1|OsKSL1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020068 KS2 PO:0007033 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q69DS8 G Ent-kaurene synthase 2 OsKS2|Ent-kaurene synthase like-2|KSL2|OsKSL2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020068 KS2 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q69DS8 G Ent-kaurene synthase 2 OsKS2|Ent-kaurene synthase like-2|KSL2|OsKSL2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020068 KS2 PO:0007134 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q69DS8 G Ent-kaurene synthase 2 OsKS2|Ent-kaurene synthase like-2|KSL2|OsKSL2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020069 KS3 PO:0007033 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 TAS G Ent-kaurene synthase 3 OsKS3|kaurene synthase like-3|LOC_Os04g52210|KSL3|OsKSL3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020069 KS3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 TAS G Ent-kaurene synthase 3 OsKS3|kaurene synthase like-3|LOC_Os04g52210|KSL3|OsKSL3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020069 KS3 PO:0007134 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 TAS G Ent-kaurene synthase 3 OsKS3|kaurene synthase like-3|LOC_Os04g52210|KSL3|OsKSL3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020070 KS4 PO:0007033 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q66QH3 G Ent-kaurene synthase 4 Ent-kaurene synthase 4|Ent-kaurene synthase like-4|OsDTS2|syn-pimara-7 15-diene synthase|KSL4|OsKSL4|syn Pimaradiene synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020070 KS4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q66QH3 G Ent-kaurene synthase 4 Ent-kaurene synthase 4|Ent-kaurene synthase like-4|OsDTS2|syn-pimara-7 15-diene synthase|KSL4|OsKSL4|syn Pimaradiene synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020070 KS4 PO:0007134 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q66QH3 G Ent-kaurene synthase 4 Ent-kaurene synthase 4|Ent-kaurene synthase like-4|OsDTS2|syn-pimara-7 15-diene synthase|KSL4|OsKSL4|syn Pimaradiene synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020071 KS5 PO:0007033 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q6Z5J6 G Ent-kaurene synthase 5 OsKS5|KSL5|OsKSL5|KSL5i|OsKSL5i|KSL5j|OsKSL5j|ent-isokaurene synthase|ent-pimara-8(14) 15-diene synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020071 KS5 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q6Z5J6 G Ent-kaurene synthase 5 OsKS5|KSL5|OsKSL5|KSL5i|OsKSL5i|KSL5j|OsKSL5j|ent-isokaurene synthase|ent-pimara-8(14) 15-diene synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020071 KS5 PO:0007134 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q6Z5J6 G Ent-kaurene synthase 5 OsKS5|KSL5|OsKSL5|KSL5i|OsKSL5i|KSL5j|OsKSL5j|ent-isokaurene synthase|ent-pimara-8(14) 15-diene synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020072 KS6 PO:0007033 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC A4KAG8 G Ent-kaurene synthase 6 OsKS6|KSL6|OsKSL6|ent-isokaurene synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020072 KS6 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC A4KAG8 G Ent-kaurene synthase 6 OsKS6|KSL6|OsKSL6|ent-isokaurene synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020072 KS6 PO:0007134 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC A4KAG8 G Ent-kaurene synthase 6 OsKS6|KSL6|OsKSL6|ent-isokaurene synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020073 KS7 PO:0007033 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q0E088 G Ent-kaurene synthase 7 OsKS7|OsDTC1|DTC1|ent-cassa-12 15-diene synthase|KSL7|OsKSL7|ent-Cassadiene|ent-Cassadiene synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020073 KS7 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q0E088 G Ent-kaurene synthase 7 OsKS7|OsDTC1|DTC1|ent-cassa-12 15-diene synthase|KSL7|OsKSL7|ent-Cassadiene|ent-Cassadiene synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020073 KS7 PO:0007134 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q0E088 G Ent-kaurene synthase 7 OsKS7|OsDTC1|DTC1|ent-cassa-12 15-diene synthase|KSL7|OsKSL7|ent-Cassadiene|ent-Cassadiene synthase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020074 kao PO:0007033 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q5VRM7 G ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase OSJNBa0004I20.18|OsKAO|P0514G12.42|Putative cytochrome P450 DWARF3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020074 kao PO:0007133 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q5VRM7 G ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase OSJNBa0004I20.18|OsKAO|P0514G12.42|Putative cytochrome P450 DWARF3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020074 kao PO:0007134 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q5VRM7 G ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase OSJNBa0004I20.18|OsKAO|P0514G12.42|Putative cytochrome P450 DWARF3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100506 rrp PO:0007018 GR_ref:11097|PMID:16636480 IC Q940D3 G RNAse related protein OsRRP|RNase S-like protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100506 rrp PO:0007094 GR_ref:11097|PMID:16636480 IEP Q940D3 G RNAse related protein OsRRP|RNase S-like protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100506 rrp PO:0007098 GR_ref:11097|PMID:16636480 IEP Q940D3 G RNAse related protein OsRRP|RNase S-like protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100506 rrp PO:0007106 GR_ref:11097|PMID:16636480 IEP Q940D3 G RNAse related protein OsRRP|RNase S-like protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100506 rrp PO:0007115 GR_ref:11097|PMID:16636480 IEP Q940D3 G RNAse related protein OsRRP|RNase S-like protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020081 ga20ox3 PO:0007033 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q69LD8 G gibberellin C-20 oxidase 3 Putative gibberellin 20-dioxygenase|OSJNBa0050F10.19|Gibberellin-20 oxidase 3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020081 ga20ox3 PO:0007133 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q69LD8 G gibberellin C-20 oxidase 3 Putative gibberellin 20-dioxygenase|OSJNBa0050F10.19|Gibberellin-20 oxidase 3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020081 ga20ox3 PO:0007134 GR_ref:11073|PMID:15075394 IC Q69LD8 G gibberellin C-20 oxidase 3 Putative gibberellin 20-dioxygenase|OSJNBa0050F10.19|Gibberellin-20 oxidase 3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020082 ga20ox4 PO:0007033 GR_ref:0 IC Q6L4Y3 G gibberellin C-20 oxidase 4 Putative gibberellin 20-dioxygenase|OSJNBb0092E21.11|Putative gibberellin 20-dioxygenase 4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020082 ga20ox4 PO:0007133 GR_ref:0 IC Q6L4Y3 G gibberellin C-20 oxidase 4 Putative gibberellin 20-dioxygenase|OSJNBb0092E21.11|Putative gibberellin 20-dioxygenase 4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0020082 ga20ox4 PO:0007134 GR_ref:0 IC Q6L4Y3 G gibberellin C-20 oxidase 4 Putative gibberellin 20-dioxygenase|OSJNBb0092E21.11|Putative gibberellin 20-dioxygenase 4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100601 Dmc1 PO:0001007 GR_ref:11122|PMID:16689935 IC Q8W2E6 G Disrupted meiotic cDNA 1 OsDmc1|OsDmc1A|OsDmc1B|Dmc1A|Dmc1B gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100601 Dmc1 PO:0007621 GR_ref:11122|PMID:16689935 IC Q8W2E6 G Disrupted meiotic cDNA 1 OsDmc1|OsDmc1A|OsDmc1B|Dmc1A|Dmc1B gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100602 GASR1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:11207|PMID:16905871 IC Q94HA1 G GA-stimulated transcript-related gene 1 OsGASR1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100603 GASR2 PO:0007130 GR_ref:11207|PMID:16905871 IC Q7X885 G GA-stimulated transcript-related gene 2 OsGASR2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080001 ORC2 PO:0007112 GR_ref:11252|PMID:16215849 IEP Q9XFD6 G Origin recognition complex subunit 2 OsORC2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080002 FCA PO:0007048 GR_ref:11175|PMID:16240176 IEP Q6K271 G flowering time control protein OsFCA|OsFCA-1|OsFCA-gamma gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080002 FCA PO:0021004 GR_ref:11175|PMID:16240176 IEP Q6K271 G flowering time control protein OsFCA|OsFCA-1|OsFCA-gamma gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080003 FY PO:0007134 GR_ref:11174|PMID:16820865 ISS Q5JKX0 G FY OsFY|putative FY protein gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080006 RTS PO:0001009 GR_ref:11264|PMID:16897470 IEA Q40629 G rice tapetum-specific RTS2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080006 RTS PO:0001059 GR_ref:11264|PMID:16897470 IMP Q40629 G rice tapetum-specific RTS2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080007 UDT1 PO:0001009 GR_ref:11269|PMID:16141453 IDA Q58GE3 G undeveloped Tapetum1 Udt1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080007 UDT1 PO:0001029 GR_ref:11269|PMID:16141453 IMP Q58GE3 G undeveloped Tapetum1 Udt1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080008 MOC1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:7848|PMID:12687001 IMP Q84MM9 G Monoculm 1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0800010 AID1 PO:0001035 GR_ref:8303|PMID:15247409 IMP Q6T804 G Anther Indehiscence1 OsAID1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080012 TB1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:7850|PMID:12581309 IMP Q9ATR4 G TEOSINTE BRANCHED 1 OsTB1|Fine culm 1|fc1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080013 PNH1 PO:0001003 GR_ref:6833|PMID:12000455 IMP Q69VD5 G PINHEAD1 OsPNH1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080013 PNH1 PO:0001055 GR_ref:6833|PMID:12000455 IEP Q69VD5 G PINHEAD1 OsPNH1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080013 PNH1 PO:0001058 GR_ref:6833|PMID:12000455 IEP Q69VD5 G PINHEAD1 OsPNH1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080013 PNH1 PO:0007613 GR_ref:6833|PMID:12000455 IEP Q69VD5 G PINHEAD1 OsPNH1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080015 MADS1 PO:0007600 GR_ref:1772|PMID:10852934 IC Q3ZES6 G MADS1 OsMADS1|lhs1|nsr|naked seed rice|leafy hull sterile 1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100920 P105-E10 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P105-E10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100920 P105-E10 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P105-E10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100920 P105-E10 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P105-E10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100920 P105-E10 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P105-E10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100920 P105-E10 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P105-E10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100925 P106-F8 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P106-F8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100925 P106-F8 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P106-F8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100925 P106-F8 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P106-F8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100925 P106-F8 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P106-F8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100925 P106-F8 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P106-F8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100932 P107-F10 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P107-F10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100932 P107-F10 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P107-F10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100932 P107-F10 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P107-F10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100932 P107-F10 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P107-F10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100932 P107-F10 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P107-F10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100936 P107-H3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P107-H3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100936 P107-H3 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P107-H3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100936 P107-H3 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P107-H3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100936 P107-H3 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P107-H3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100936 P107-H3 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P107-H3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100938 P108-A7 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P108-A7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100947 P108-H5 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P108-H5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100947 P108-H5 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P108-H5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100947 P108-H5 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P108-H5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100947 P108-H5 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P108-H5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100947 P108-H5 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P108-H5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100955 P15-E7 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P15-E7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100969 P30-G6 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P30-G6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100969 P30-G6 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P30-G6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100969 P30-G6 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P30-G6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100969 P30-G6 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P30-G6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100969 P30-G6 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P30-G6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100979 P40-H12 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P40-H12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100979 P40-H12 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P40-H12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100979 P40-H12 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P40-H12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100979 P40-H12 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P40-H12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100979 P40-H12 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P40-H12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100993 P60-F7 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P60-F7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100993 P60-F7 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P60-F7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100993 P60-F7 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P60-F7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100993 P60-F7 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P60-F7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100993 P60-F7 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P60-F7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100997 P63-G7 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P63-G7 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101030 P79-E1 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P79-E1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101030 P79-E1 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P79-E1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101030 P79-E1 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P79-E1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101030 P79-E1 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P79-E1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101030 P79-E1 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P79-E1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101038 P81-B6 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P81-B6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101038 P81-B6 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P81-B6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101038 P81-B6 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P81-B6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101038 P81-B6 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P81-B6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101038 P81-B6 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P81-B6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101049 P83-D4 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P83-D4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101049 P83-D4 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P83-D4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101049 P83-D4 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P83-D4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101049 P83-D4 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P83-D4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101049 P83-D4 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P83-D4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101076 P87-A3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P87-A3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101079 P87-C5 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P87-C5 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101090 P89-B2 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P89-B2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101090 P89-B2 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P89-B2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101090 P89-B2 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P89-B2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101090 P89-B2 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P89-B2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101090 P89-B2 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P89-B2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101099 P89-G8 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P89-G8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101142 P96-E12 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P96-E12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101142 P96-E12 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P96-E12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101142 P96-E12 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P96-E12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101142 P96-E12 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P96-E12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101142 P96-E12 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P96-E12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101165 P99-F3 PO:0007041 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P99-F3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101165 P99-F3 PO:0007094 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P99-F3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101165 P99-F3 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P99-F3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101165 P99-F3 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P99-F3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101165 P99-F3 PO:0007115 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P99-F3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101171 Atg8 PO:0007050 GR_ref:11433|PMID:17082902 IEP Q2XPP5 G Autophagy 8 OsAtg8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101171 Atg8 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11433|PMID:17082902 IEP Q2XPP5 G Autophagy 8 OsAtg8 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101172 Atg4 PO:0007050 GR_ref:11433|PMID:17082902 IEP Q2XPP4 G Autophagy 4 OsAtg4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101172 Atg4 PO:0007098 GR_ref:11433|PMID:17082902 IEP Q2XPP4 G Autophagy 4 OsAtg4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080017 DWARF PO:0007089 GR_ref:7051|PMID:12445121 IMP Q8GSQ1 G DWARF OsDWARF gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080016 DWARF4 PO:0007089 GR_ref:11409|PMID:16369540 IC Q8H848 G DWARF4 OsDWARF4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080018 BLE3 PO:0007089 GR_ref:11427|PMID:16808934 IMP Q84UT5 G OsBLE3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080019 MDP1 PO:0007131 GR_ref:11197|PMID:16827922 IC Q6VAM2 G MADS-domain-containing protein 1 OsMDP1|OsMADS47 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080020 CKI PO:0007045 GR_ref:8318|PMID:14535884 IMP Q6K9N1 G casein kinase I OsCKI1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080020 CKI PO:0007049 GR_ref:8318|PMID:14535884 IMP Q6K9N1 G casein kinase I OsCKI1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080020 CKI PO:0007057 GR_ref:8318|PMID:14535884 IMP Q6K9N1 G casein kinase I OsCKI1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101181 Raffinose synthase 1 PO:0007106 GR_ref:11447|PMID:17206375 IDA Q5VQG4 G Rfs1 Raffinose synthase|seed imbibition protein 1|Sip1|galactinol-sucrose galactosyltransferase|1-alpha-D-galactosyl-myo-inositol:sucrose 6-alpha-D-galactosyltransferase|alkaline alpha galactosidase I gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101182 Lti6A PO:0007106 GR_ref:11452|PMID:15656983 IEP Q8H5T6 G Low temperature induced 6A OsLti6A|Hydrophobic protein LTI6A gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101183 Lti6B PO:0007106 GR_ref:11450|PMID:17219102 IEP Q6Q7C9 G Low temperature induced 6B OsLti6BA|Hydrophobic protein LTI6B|Low temperature-induced protein 6B|drought-induced hydrophobic|DRR2|early drought induced protein|R1G1B gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080022 WDA1 PO:0001029 GR_ref:11440|PMID:17138699 IMP Q109K1 G Wax-deficient anther1 Wda1|wda1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080024 GID2 PO:0007089 GR_ref:11456|PMID:14756772 IMP Q7XAK4 G GA-insensitive dwarf 2 gid2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080026 RAD PO:0001012 GR_ref:9503|PMID:15792960 IMP Q64MA3 G RAD OsRAD|OsGEN-L|OsGEN-like gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080028 REH1 PO:0007057 GR_ref:11474|PMID:16085936 IC O81215 G rice EIR1-like OsPIN1|PIN-FORMED|PIN1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080030 CPT1 PO:0007049 GR_ref:11489|PMID:15598797 IC Q5KS50 G Coleoptile phototropism1 NPH3-like gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080030 CPT1 PO:0007520 GR_ref:11489|PMID:15598797 IC Q5KS50 G Coleoptile phototropism1 NPH3-like gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080031 SPK PO:0007632 GR_ref:6603|PMID:11910009 IC P53682 G seed-specific protein kinase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080032 Glb PO:0004506 GR_ref:3083|PMID:8666249 IC P29835 G gene encoding alpha-globulin gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080033 SODCC1 PO:0004506 GR_ref:3789|PMID:7724677 IC P28756 G Cytosolic Cu/Zn-siperoxide dismutase rice Cu/Zn-SOD|sodA|SODCC.1|RSODA gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080037 Lsi2 PO:0001002 GR_ref:11633|PMID:17625566 TAS G low silicon 2 SIET1|silicon efflux transporter gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080038 TAC1 PO:0007073 GR_ref:11662|PMID:17908158 IMP Q66V57 G Tiller Angle Control 1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101290 NYC1 PO:0001052 GR_ref:11547|PMID:17416733 IEP Q5N800 G Non-Yellow Coloring 1 Non-Yellow Coloring1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101290 NYC1 PO:0001054 GR_ref:11547|PMID:17416733 IEP Q5N800 G Non-Yellow Coloring 1 Non-Yellow Coloring1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080040 DSH1 PO:0004506 GR_ref:11676|PMID:17609219 IEP Q67WK8 G Dihydrosphingosine C4 hydroxylase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080041 MADS13 PO:0004505 GR_ref:2512|PMID:10528264 IEP Q2QW53 G MADS13 OcMADS13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080041 MADS13 PO:0007620 GR_ref:2512|PMID:10528264 IEP Q2QW53 G MADS13 OcMADS13 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080042 MEL1 PO:0001009 GR_ref:11642|PMID:17675402 IMP Q851R2 G MEL1 OsMEL1|OsMEAL1|MEAL1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080042 MEL1 PO:0007130 GR_ref:11642|PMID:17675402 IEP Q851R2 G MEL1 OsMEL1|OsMEAL1|MEAL1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080042 MEL1 PO:0007624 GR_ref:11642|PMID:17675402 IMP Q851R2 G MEL1 OsMEL1|OsMEAL1|MEAL1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101317 APS1 PO:0007633 GR_ref:25470|PMID:15821022 IC Q69T99 G ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase small subunit 1 OsAPS1|AGPase small subunit 1|AGPS1|Adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase|adenosine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080050 YSL2 PO:0004506 GR_ref:25478|PMID:15255870 IC Q5TM89 G yellow stripe 1-like OsYSL2|YS1-like metal-nicotianamine transporter gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080046 NAAT1 PO:0007057 GR_ref:25479|PMID:18034312 IC Q6K2Y8 G nicotianamine aminotransferase OsNAAT1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080062 GIF1 PO:0007042 GR_ref:25498|PMID:18820698 IC Q0JDC5 G GRAIN INCOMPLETE FILLING 1 OsCIN2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080063 SaM PO:0001012 GR_ref:25509|PMID:19033192 IC B6RRX3 G SaM SaM+|SaM- gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0080064 SaF PO:0001012 GR_ref:25509|PMID:19033192 IC Q9AWX3 G SaF SaF+|SaF- gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0060442 HD3A PO:0028002 GR_ref:5126 IEP Q93WI9 G HEADING DATE 3A Hd3a|Heading date-3a|Fl32a|Flowering date-32a gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100907 P103-B2 PO:0028002 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P103-B2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100929 P107-E1 PO:0028002 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P107-E1 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100957 P16-C3 PO:0028002 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P16-C3 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100976 P35-D10 PO:0028002 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P35-D10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100979 P40-H12 PO:0028002 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P40-H12 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100982 P4-D6 PO:0028002 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P4-D6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100989 P56-H4 PO:0028002 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P56-H4 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101075 P86-H10 PO:0028002 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P86-H10 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101082 P88-A11 PO:0028002 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P88-A11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101083 P88-A6 PO:0028002 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P88-A6 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101104 P8-E2 PO:0028002 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P8-E2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101113 P91-A11 PO:0028002 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P91-A11 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101154 P98-A9 PO:0028002 GR_ref:11276|PMID:16077027 TAS G small interfering RNA P98-A9 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0101328 SAMS2 PO:0028002 GR_ref:2375|PMID:9375784 IC P93438 G S-adenosyl-L-methionine synthetase 2 pOS-SAMS2|AdoMet synthetase 2 gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR GR_gene 0100601 Dmc1 PO:0028003 GR_ref:11122|PMID:16689935 IC Q8W2E6 G Disrupted meiotic cDNA 1 OsDmc1|OsDmc1A|OsDmc1B|Dmc1A|Dmc1B gene taxon:4530 20090923 GR