format-version: 1.2 date: 31:07:2010 13:22 auto-generated-by: OBO-Edit 2.1-beta3 default-namespace: rice-gene-ids [Term] id: GR:X111111 name: Oryza sativa gene def: "description" [] [Term] id: GR:0060141 name: GR:0060141 def: "Clustered spikelets. Clumped arrangement on the primary or secondary branches with 2-6 spikelets per cluster" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060141" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CL" RELATED [] synonym: "CLUSTERED SPIKELETS" RELATED [] synonym: "Cl" RELATED [] synonym: "Clustered spikelets" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060146 name: GR:0060146 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility. Fertility is restored by Rf1 and the restoration is gametophytically determined. A chimeric atp6 gene (urf-rmc) is found unique in cms-bo cytoplasm. Introduction of the restorer fertility gene alters the urf-rmc gene transcription, indicating the participation of the chimeric gene in the expression of CMS" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060146" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00370" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450195" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950762" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q37807" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F976" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:O21786" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q36986" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q35294" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S1Q3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCP2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PJ36" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-BO" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY BO" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-bo" RELATED [] synonym: "`Chinsurah boro 2' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-bo" RELATED [] synonym: "'Chinsurah boro II' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060148 name: GR:0060148 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility. Pollen abortion at the uninucleate stage, which is the same as in sporophytic type male sterility system.Restorers and maintainers are different from those of WA cytoplasmic male sterile stock" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060148" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-DRW21018" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY DRW21018" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-DRW21018" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-DRW21018" RELATED [] synonym: "'DRW21018' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060149 name: GR:0060149 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility. With stained pollen but sterile spikelets; similar to MS577A. Restorers and maintainers are the same as WA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060149" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-DRW21030" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY DRW21030" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-DRW21030" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-DRW21030" RELATED [] synonym: "'DRW21030' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060150 name: GR:0060150 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility. Pollen abortion at the binucleate stage, the same as in gametophytic type of male sterility system. Some restorers of WA are maintainers of these mutant phenotypes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060150" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-DRW21039" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY DRW21039" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-DRW21039" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-DRW21039" RELATED [] synonym: "'DRW21039' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060153 name: GR:0060153 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility. Resembles 'IR 66707B' (maintainer line) in morphological characters. Being free of the traits of the donor (O. perennis)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060153" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-IR66707A" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY IR66707A" RELATED [] synonym: "Oryza perennis Acc. 104823 cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-IR66707A" RELATED [] synonym: "Oryza perennis Acc104823 cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060154 name: GR:0060154 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility. Besides male sterility, tolerance for low temperatures during germination in 'Krishna-A' was also inherited from the cytoplasm of cv. 'Dunghansali' through 'Kalinga-I'" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060154" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-KALINGA-I" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY KALINGA" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-Kalinga-I" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-Kalinga-I" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytoplasmic controlled cold tolerance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060155 name: GR:0060155 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility. Some of the Japanese upland varieties and many of the Indica varieties can restore fertility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060155" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-KHIABORO" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY KHIABORO" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-Khiaboro" RELATED [] synonym: "`Khiaboro' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-Khiaboro" RELATED [] synonym: "'Khiaboro' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060156 name: GR:0060156 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility. Pollen grains did not function at all although meiotic processes were regular. They germinated neither on the stigmas nor on the artificial medium" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060156" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-ID" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY ID" RELATED [] synonym: "`Lead rice' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-ld" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-ld" RELATED [] synonym: "'Lead rice' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060157 name: GR:0060157 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility. WA type---Pollen abortion at uninucleate stage. Restorer and maintainer reactions are the same as those of the WA cytoplasmic male sterile stock" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060157" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-RPW21111" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY RPW21111" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-DPW21111" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-RPW21111" RELATED [] synonym: "'RPW21111' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060159 name: GR:0060159 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility. Seed sterility is associated with the difficulty in anther dehiscence" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060159" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-TA" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY TA" RELATED [] synonym: "`TA820' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-TA" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-TA" RELATED [] synonym: "'TA820' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060160 name: GR:0060160 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060160" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-UR27" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY UR27" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-UR27" RELATED [] synonym: "`UR27F' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-UR27" RELATED [] synonym: "'UR27F' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060161 name: GR:0060161 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060161" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-UR89" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY UR89" RELATED [] synonym: "`UR89F' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-UR89" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-UR89" RELATED [] synonym: "'UR89F' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060162 name: GR:0060162 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060162" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-UR102" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY UR102" RELATED [] synonym: "`UR102F' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-UR102" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-UR102" RELATED [] synonym: "'UR102F' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060163 name: GR:0060163 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060163" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-UR104" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY UR104" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-UR104" RELATED [] synonym: "`UR104F' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-UR104" RELATED [] synonym: "'UR104F' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060164 name: GR:0060164 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060164" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-UR106" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY UR106" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-UR106" RELATED [] synonym: "`UR106F' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-UR106" RELATED [] synonym: "'UR106F' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060165 name: GR:0060165 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility. Pollen abortion at the binucleate stage is the same as in the gametophytic type of the male sterility system. Some restorers of WA are maintainers of this phenotype" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060165" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-VN1" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY VN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-VN1" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-VN1" RELATED [] synonym: "'VN1' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060168 name: GR:0060168 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility. Semi-tall in stature, photosensitive, of late duration in flowering with easy fertility restoration ability, and could be useful for developing hybrid rice suitable for shallow lowland areas" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060168" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-Miz4" RELATED [] synonym: "'Miz4' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "`Miz 4' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-Miz4]" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060169 name: GR:0060169 def: "Cytoplasm induced sterility. Intermediate to semi-tall stature, late flowering duration, good grain quality and easy fertility restoration ability, and could be useful for developing hybrid rice suitable for lowland areas" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060169" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-Miz21" RELATED [] synonym: "'Miz21' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "`Miz 21' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-Miz21]" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060170 name: GR:0060170 def: "Both NADH-and NADPH-dependent activities of nitrate reductase (NR) were considerably reduced, compared to the wild type. Xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) activities and molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis abilities (Moco activities) were deficient. NADH-NR activity was recovered by adding 0.5 mM molybdate to the growth medium. However, nitrate reductase activities increased, compared to the wild type" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060170" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CNX1" RELATED [] synonym: "MOLYBDEN COFACTOR 1" RELATED [] synonym: "cnx1" RELATED [] synonym: "molybdenum cofactor for nitrate reductase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060171 name: GR:0060171 def: "Both NADH-and NADPH-dependent activities of nitrate reductase (NR) were considerably reduced compared to the wild type. Xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) activities and molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis abilities (Moco activities) were deficient. Nitrate reductase activities increased, compared to the wild type. Similar to cnx1. However, compared to cnx1, NADH-NR activity was not recovered while adding 0.5 mM molybdate to the growth medium" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060171" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CNX2" RELATED [] synonym: "MOLYBDEN COFACTOR 2" RELATED [] synonym: "cnx2" RELATED [] synonym: "molybdenum cofactor for nitrate reductase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060172 name: GR:0060172 def: "Both NADH-and NADPH-dependent activities of nitrate reductase (NR) were considerably reduced, compared to the wild type. Xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) activities and molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis abilities (Moco activities) were deficient. Nitrate reductase activities increased compared to the wild type. Similar to cnx1. Compared with cnx1, NADH-NR activity was not recovered while adding 0.5 mM molybdate to the growth medium" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060172" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CNX3" RELATED [] synonym: "MOLYBDEN COFACTOR 3" RELATED [] synonym: "cnx3" RELATED [] synonym: "molybdenum cofactor for nitrate reductase-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060174 name: GR:0060174 def: "High seed sterility due to various types of aberrant spikelets, with deformation and excessive development of the floral organs, such as palea and lemma, pistils, anthers, lodicules, and ovules" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060174" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CPS" RELATED [] synonym: "COMPACT PANICLE STERILE" RELATED [] synonym: "cps" RELATED [] synonym: "compact panicle sterile" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060175 name: GR:0060175 def: "The number of crown roots of seedlings was significantly reduced. Only the initiation of crown root primordia was impaired, and the mutant grew normally until maturity" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060175" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CRL1" RELATED [] synonym: "CROWN ROOTLESS 1" RELATED [] synonym: "crl1" RELATED [] synonym: "crown rootless-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060176 name: GR:0060176 def: "The number of crown roots of seedlings significantly was reduced. Similar to crl1.Compared to crl1, both the initiation and subsequent growth of crown root primordia were impaired, and the gene was involved in the radicle and lateral root initiation or shoot development. Also, the root length of seedlings was reduced compared to the wild type" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060176" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CRL2" RELATED [] synonym: "CROWN ROOTLESS 2" RELATED [] synonym: "crl2" RELATED [] synonym: "crown rootless-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060179 name: GR:0060179 def: "Tolerance to chilling injury of young seedling (12 days old) expressed at 5 degC for 4 days" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060179" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CTS2" RELATED [] synonym: "COLD TOLERANCE AT SEEDLING STAGE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Cts2" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at seedling stage-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060182 name: GR:0060182 def: "Dominant lethal gene obtained from O. longistaminata. Occasionally, embryonic ovules deteriorate immediately after fertilization. This inviability causes degradation of the endosperm and growth suspension of the plant, called cross sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060182" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "D1" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF DAIKOKU " RELATED [] synonym: "Dominant lethal from O. longistaminata" RELATED [] synonym: "Da" RELATED [] synonym: "Dhl1" RELATED [] synonym: "Dominant hybrid lethal-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060183 name: GR:0060183 def: "Dominant lethal gene obtained from O. sativa. Occasionally, embryonic ovules deteriorate immediately after fertilization. This inviability causes degradation of the endosperm and growth suspension of the plant, called cross sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060183" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "D2" RELATED [] synonym: "DOMINANT LETHAL 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Dominant lethal from O. sativa" RELATED [] synonym: "Db" RELATED [] synonym: "Dhl2" RELATED [] synonym: "Dominant hybrid lethal-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060235 name: GR:0060235 def: "A dense panicle type characterized by a Japanese barnyard grass-like panicle. The number of secondary branches per primary branch and the number of spikelets per panicle increased, whereas the lengths of panicle, primary branch and secondary branch decreased" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060235" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "DN1" RELATED [] synonym: "DENSE PANICLE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Dn1" RELATED [] synonym: "Dense panicle-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060236 name: GR:0060236 def: "Compact, spike-like panicle variant with plumper seeds. Short, stiff, relatively thick culms" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060236" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "DN2" RELATED [] synonym: "DENSE PANICLE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Dn2" RELATED [] synonym: "Dense panicle-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060719 name: GR:0060719 def: "One rice R gene. An active homologue with extensive homology with other R genes. Located at a position on chromosome 4 previously shown to be in synteny with regions of maize chromosomes 2 and 10 that contain the B and R loci, respectively. Ra gene can activate the anthocyanin pathway" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060719" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g47080" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0557800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336636" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FV83" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B2KQN3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XPS3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ASW5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q40643" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q948Y3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B2KQN4" RELATED [] synonym: "RA" RELATED [] synonym: "TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATOR A" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh13" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 13" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH013" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH13" RELATED [] synonym: "Ra" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice R gene (Anthocyanin biosynthesis)-a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060720 name: GR:0060720 def: "One rice R gene. Located on chromosome 1. Rb cDNA can induce pigmentation in maize suspension cells. Be present only in rice species with AA genomes. [liya check]This gene has also been predicted to be a member of the bHLH family:Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060720" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g39580" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0577300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4323850" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2ZUN5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q657A4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WRP9" RELATED [] synonym: "RB" RELATED [] synonym: "TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVATOR B" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh165" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 165" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 165" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH165" RELATED [] synonym: "Rb" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice R gene-b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060724 name: GR:0060724 def: "The gene is responsible for the production of pigment in the so-called brown pericarp rice, which has dark-brown irregular speckles on a reddish brown background. When Rc co-exists with Rd (red pericarp and seed coat; GR:0060733), the color of Rc develops over the entire surface, giving a dark red color to the pericarp and seed coat. Rc is regarded to have an effect of accumulating the pigment in the pigment layers. It encodes for a Basic Helix-Loop-Helix protein that is a positive regulator of proanthocyanidin. Rc is an ortholog of maize INTENSIFIER1 (GR:0200268), a negative regulator of anthocyanin production" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060724" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g11020" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0211500" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A7J5V3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BHR6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A7YF21" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A7J5V2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1IH58" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1IHC8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A7YF12" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YJE3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A7J5V0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A7J5U7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A7J5V1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A7J5U6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2I7J3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A7YF18" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A7YF11" RELATED [] synonym: "RC" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN PERICARP AND SEED COAT" RELATED [] synonym: "Basic Helix-Loop-Helix protein" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 17" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 17" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH017" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH17" RELATED [] synonym: "Rc" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown pericarp and seed coat" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060733 name: GR:0060733 def: "So-called red rice. Dark red pericarp and seed coat are expressed when Rd coexists with Rc" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060733" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "RD" RELATED [] synonym: "RED PERICARP AND SEED COAT" RELATED [] synonym: "Rd" RELATED [] synonym: "Red pericarp and seed coat" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060753 name: GR:0060753 def: "Leaf blade margins are incurved forming a half cylinder, and fine stripes are expressed in leaf blades during the growing season" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060753" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "RFS" RELATED [] synonym: "ROLLED FINE STRIPED LEAF" RELATED [] synonym: "rfs" RELATED [] synonym: "rolled fine striped leaf" RELATED [] synonym: "cul7" RELATED [] synonym: "curl leaf-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060860 name: GR:0060860 def: "Photoperiod sensitivity. Related to heading date and maturity in rice. Strong photoperiodic sensitivity is dominant over insensitivity" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060860" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g16370" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0275000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE021466" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4340746" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B0I346" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9FDX8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FSQ4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9FE92" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q30DN4" RELATED [] synonym: "SE1" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOSENSITIVITY 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl" RELATED [] synonym: "Lm" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd1" RELATED [] synonym: "Se1" RELATED [] synonym: "K" RELATED [] synonym: "Photoperiod-sensitivity-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rs" RELATED [] synonym: "Lf" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl1" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060862 name: GR:0060862 def: "Photoperiod sensitivity. Related to heading date and maturity in rice. Strong photoperiodic sensitivity is dominant over insensitivity" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060862" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "SE3" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOSENSITIVITY 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Photoperiod-sensitivity-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Se3(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl6" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060863 name: GR:0060863 def: "Photoperiod sensitivity. Related to heading date and maturity in rice" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060863" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "SE4" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOSENSITIVITY 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Photoperiod-sensitivity-4" RELATED [] synonym: "Se4(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl7" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060864 name: GR:0060864 def: "Earliness due to the loss of photoperiod sensitivity. Earlier than the original cultivar Norin 8 under natural long-day by 15 days" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060864" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g40080" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0603000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE022524" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4341462" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q69XJ4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B4C9" RELATED [] synonym: "SE5" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOSENSITIVITY 5" RELATED [] synonym: "Photoperiod-sensitivity-5" RELATED [] synonym: "Se5" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl8" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060867 name: GR:0060867 def: "Photoperiod sensitivity. Related to heading date and maturity in rice. Strong photoperiodic sensitivity is dominant over insensitivity. Refer to Fl1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060867" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "SE8" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOSENSITIVITY 8" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd2" RELATED [] synonym: "Photoperiod-sensitivity-8" RELATED [] synonym: "Se8(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl11" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061082 name: GR:0061082 def: "Photoperiod sensitivity. Related to heading date and maturity in rice. Plants homozygous for fl16 (sepat) showed no heading until 170 days after germination under any short-day treatments (9 h, 10 h and 12 h day length) in the growth chamber (37°C, about 20,000 lux)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061082" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "fl16" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering date-16" RELATED [] synonym: "photoperiod-sensitivity from Patpaku" RELATED [] synonym: "sepat(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060927 name: GR:0060927 def: "Short stature while in the vegetative phase only" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060927" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "SSV" RELATED [] synonym: "SHORT STATURE ONLY IN THE VEGETATIVE PHASE" RELATED [] synonym: "Ssv*" RELATED [] synonym: "Dwf44" RELATED [] synonym: "Ssv" RELATED [] synonym: "Short stature (vegetative type)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060928 name: GR:0060928 def: "White stripe appears at the seedling stage, but the manifestation of this character is remarkably clear in the tillering stage and mostly disappears by heading time" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060928" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "ST1" RELATED [] synonym: "STRIPE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "ws1" RELATED [] synonym: "st1" RELATED [] synonym: "stripe-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060929 name: GR:0060929 def: "White streaks appear in leaf blade, leaf sheath, stem, and spikelet throughout the entire green stage" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060929" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "ST2" RELATED [] synonym: "STRIPE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "gw" RELATED [] synonym: "st2" RELATED [] synonym: "stripe-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060930 name: GR:0060930 def: "Although leaf width is normal, leaf blade curls inside and streaks with pale green region between veins appear" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060930" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "ST3" RELATED [] synonym: "STRIPE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "stl" RELATED [] synonym: "st" RELATED [] synonym: "st3" RELATED [] synonym: "stripe-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060931 name: GR:0060931 def: "White streaks appear in mid-vein of leaf blade. White leaf tips appear at the seedling stage. White stripes also appear on panicle" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060931" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "ST4" RELATED [] synonym: "STRIPE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "ws2" RELATED [] synonym: "st4" RELATED [] synonym: "stripe-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060933 name: GR:0060933 def: "Fine white stripes in the leaf blades and leaf sheaths throughout the growing period. Fine white stripes also in lemma and palea" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060933" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "ST6" RELATED [] synonym: "STRIPE 6" RELATED [] synonym: "st6" RELATED [] synonym: "stripe-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060935 name: GR:0060935 def: "White stripes on older leaves at the seedling stage" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060935" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "ST8" RELATED [] synonym: "STRIPE 8" RELATED [] synonym: "st8" RELATED [] synonym: "stripe-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060936 name: GR:0060936 def: "In a wild type floret the overlapping lemma and palea form glumes with six stamens and a pistil inside. In contrast, a mutant floret has degenerated lemma and palea, so that they fail to enclose the stamens and pistil. The mutant does not produce normal stamens and is thus male sterile. Usually, one floret forms one caryopsis. Although mutant is male sterile, it can produce seeds when pollinated with pollen from wild type plants. In that case one or two naked seeds can be formed in a single floret. So, the mutant is female fertile. In general, a mutant floret contains many pistils but no stamens, indicating that the stamens are transformed to pistils. In some mutant florets, pistilloid stamens containing a filament tipped by malformed tissue and deformed stigma or one to three stigmas were observed. In the cross section of a wild type floret six filaments representing the six stamens and an ovary representing the pistil in the middle can be seen clearly, while in a mutant floret, some filaments and some pistilloid tissues, e.g., the ovary-like or malformed tissues are observed. The pistilloid tissues are counterparts of the wild type stamens. In the longitudinal section of a mutant floret, three ovaries can be seen clearly" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060936" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "SL1" RELATED [] synonym: "STAMENLESS 1" RELATED [] synonym: "sl1" RELATED [] synonym: "stl1" RELATED [] synonym: "stamenless-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060940 name: GR:0060940 def: "Unidirectional cross-incompatibility was detected when a segment of chromosome 6 was introduced from a common wild rice into a Japonica type (T65wx). Besides the dominant gene Cinf(t), cinm, a recessive gene controlling incompatibility in the male parent, and SuCinf(t), a dominant gene suppressing the expression of Cinf(t), were involved in unidirectional cross-incompatibility. This unidirectional cross-incompatibility is due to the interaction between cinm, carried by 'T65wx', and Cinf(t), carried by 'W593A'. Furthermore, SuCinf(t) from the variety, 'Patpaku', is also involved in this interaction. These three genes form a gene complex, whose expressions occur before meiosis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060940" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "SUCINF" RELATED [] synonym: "SUPPRESSOR FOR CROSS-INCOMPATIBILITY CINF" RELATED [] synonym: "Su Cinf" RELATED [] synonym: "Suppressor for cross-incompatibility (Cinf)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060965 name: GR:0060965 def: "Tip of lemma recurved over palea, causing the spikelet to appear triangular because of deformation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060965" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "TRI" RELATED [] synonym: "TRIANGULAR HULL" RELATED [] synonym: "tri" RELATED [] synonym: "triangular hull" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060987 name: GR:0060987 def: "Young seedlings almost totally white, leaves emerging at or after transplanting are pale green with white midrib. Emerging panicles are also white. Similar to v1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060987" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "V8" RELATED [] synonym: "VIRESCENT 8" RELATED [] synonym: "v8" RELATED [] synonym: "virescent-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061001 name: GR:0061001 def: "The mutant hull appears dull chalky white in contrast to normal straw color" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061001" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "WH" RELATED [] synonym: "WHITE HULL" RELATED [] synonym: "Hw" RELATED [] synonym: "Wh" RELATED [] synonym: "White hull" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061043 name: GR:0061043 def: "Yellowish bands across the leaf veins are about 1 cm wide and appear as if being wiped up by a brush. The apical part of leaves appears like white tip disease. Enclosed panicle" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061043" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "YLB" RELATED [] synonym: "YELLOW BANDED LEAF BLADE" RELATED [] synonym: "yellow banded leaf blade" RELATED [] synonym: "ylb" RELATED [] synonym: "z14" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061044 name: GR:0061044 def: "Yellowish leaf margin manifesting at the heading stage" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061044" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "YLM" RELATED [] synonym: "YELLOW LEAF MARGIN" RELATED [] synonym: "ylm" RELATED [] synonym: "yellow leaf margin" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061049 name: GR:0061049 def: "Yellowish pale green zebra leaves, fine culm and inferior growth. Similar to z2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061049" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "Z3" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA 3" RELATED [] synonym: "z3" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061050 name: GR:0061050 def: "Yellowish pale green zebra leaves, fine culm and inferior growth. Brittle culm. Similar to z2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061050" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "Z4" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA 4" RELATED [] synonym: "z4" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061051 name: GR:0061051 def: "Zebra chlorosis occurs at the seedling stage and turns into cross-bands around the fourth leaf stage. Green color is recovered at later stages of maturity. However, spikelets and anthers turn whitish in color at heading time" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061051" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "Z5" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA 5" RELATED [] synonym: "z5" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061238 name: GR:0061238 def: "Related to flowering, heading date and maturity in rice. Allele from "Kasalath" delayed the heading date" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061238" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl41" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-41" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd7" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060842 name: GR:0060842 def: "Semidwarf, resistant to lodging especially at high fertilizer level, high yielding. Elongation of lower internodes less than that of upper internodes from inhibition of cell division during elongation. Defective in biosynthetic enzyme GA20ox-2 that catalyzed the conversion of GA53 to GA20" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060842" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g66100" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0883800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE004511" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325003" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2Z294" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6F2D9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6F2D7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JH50" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C5H5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B5UA56" RELATED [] synonym: "SD1" RELATED [] synonym: "SEMIDWARF 1" RELATED [] synonym: "dee-geo-woo-gen dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d49" RELATED [] synonym: "d47" RELATED [] synonym: "green revolution gene" RELATED [] synonym: "sd1" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060130 name: GR:0060130 def: "Chlorosis on leaves of young seedlings expressed at 17°C" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060130" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CHS2" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLOROSIS CAUSED BY LOW TEMPERATURE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "chs2" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorosis caused by low temperature-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060131 name: GR:0060131 def: "Chlorosis on leaves of young seedlings expressed at 17°C" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060131" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CHS3" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLOROSIS CAUSED BY LOW TEMPERATURE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "chs3" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorosis caused by low temperature-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060132 name: GR:0060132 def: "Chlorosis on leaves of young seedlings expressed at 15°C" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060132" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CHS4" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLOROSIS CAUSED BY LOW TEMPERATURE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "chs4" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorosis caused by low temperature-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060530 name: GR:0060530 def: "Rapid production of small leaves and short branches. Plants are about 5 cm in height with no differentiated nodes or internodes at 7 months after sowing. No reproductive growth even with inductive short-day treatment. mori1. Maintains 2nd-leaf stage (juvenile phase) of wild type (wt) throughout development: leaves at any position are very small and shaped like 2nd leaf wt, vascular bundles in stem are randomly oriented as in basal part of wt stem where 2nd and 3rd leaves are inserted, shoot apical meristem remains size of that in mature embryo, short plastochron and high rate of cell division of 2nd-leaf stage of wt embryo, apparent low photosynthetic rate of 2nd leaf of wt. Viable only on nutrient medium with sucrose, become etiolated in soil" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060530" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "MORI1" RELATED [] synonym: "MORI 1" RELATED [] synonym: "mori1" RELATED [] synonym: "juvenile-adult phase change" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060001 name: GR:0060001 def: "Occurrence of the anthocyanin color depends on the complementary action of the genes Cp (C) and Ap (A); Cp is the basic gene for the production of chromogen, and Ap exerts its activation effect on Cp and turns the chromogen into anthocyanin. A third gene, Pa (P) is necessary for the distribution of color in apiculus" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060001" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "A" RELATED [] synonym: "ANTHOCYANIN ACTIVATOR" RELATED [] synonym: "Anthocyanin activator" RELATED [] synonym: "Sp" RELATED [] synonym: "Ap" RELATED [] synonym: "Activator for anthocyanin pigmentation" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060030 name: GR:0060030 def: "Variegated albino characters; governed by a single recessive gene, al11" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060030" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "ALV" RELATED [] synonym: "VARIEGATED ALBINO" RELATED [] synonym: "yl" RELATED [] synonym: "variegated albino" RELATED [] synonym: "alv(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "al11" RELATED [] synonym: "albino-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060034 name: GR:0060034 def: "The reaction of the grain for the treatment with the solution of caustic potash (KOH) was determined by Warth and Darabsett. Jones distinguished three types of reaction in rice varieties: clear, opaque, and intermediate degeneration. Oka used this character for discriminating the ecological groups. Kudo treated the grains with a dilute solution (1.7%) for 24 hr and recognized that japonica strains indicate the strongest reaction" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060034" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "ALK" RELATED [] synonym: "ALKALI DEGENERATION" RELATED [] synonym: "alk" RELATED [] synonym: "alkali degeneration" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060078 name: GR:0060078 def: "Bright green leaves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060078" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "BGL" RELATED [] synonym: "BRIGHT GREEN LEAF" RELATED [] synonym: "bgl" RELATED [] synonym: "bright green leaf" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060119 name: GR:0060119 def: "Leaves of young seedling exhibit an orange in color but leaves emerging there after are yellowish pale green and finally green" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060119" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CHL2" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLORINA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "chl2" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorina-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060120 name: GR:0060120 def: "Yellowish pale green leaves at just before heading" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060120" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CHL3" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLORINA 3" RELATED [] synonym: "chl3" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorina-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060121 name: GR:0060121 def: "Yellowish green leaves at tillering stage; fewer culms, slightly lower viability than the normal" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060121" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CHL4" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLORINA 4" RELATED [] synonym: "chl4" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorina-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060122 name: GR:0060122 def: "Yellowish green leaves with fewer culms" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060122" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CHL5" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLORINA 5" RELATED [] synonym: "chl5" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorina-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060123 name: GR:0060123 def: "Yellowish green leaf color" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060123" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CHL6" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLORINA 6" RELATED [] synonym: "chl6" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorina-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060124 name: GR:0060124 def: "Distinct yellowish leaves from seedling to maturity; early maturing" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060124" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CHL7" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLORINA 7" RELATED [] synonym: "chl7" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorina-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060125 name: GR:0060125 def: "Yellowish green leaves from seedling stage to maturity" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060125" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CHL8" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLORINA 8" RELATED [] synonym: "chl8" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorina-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060126 name: GR:0060126 def: "Yellowish green leaves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060126" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CHL9" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLORINA 9" RELATED [] synonym: "chl9" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorina-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060127 name: GR:0060127 def: "Yellowish leaves throughout the growing period" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060127" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CHL10" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLORINA 10" RELATED [] synonym: "chl10" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorina-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060139 name: GR:0060139 def: "Unidirectional cross-incompatibility was detected when a segment of chromosome 6 was introduced from a common wild rice (W593A) into a Japonica type (T65wx). Besides the dominant gene Cinf(t), cinm, a recessive gene controlling incompatibility in the male parent, and SuCinf(t), a dominant gene suppressing the expression of Cinf(t), were involved in the unidirectional cross-incompatibility. This unidirectional cross-incompatibility is due to the interaction between cinm, carried by 'T65wx' and Cinf(t), carried by 'W593A'. Furthermore, SuCinf(t) from the variety, 'Patpaku', is also involved in this interaction. These three genes form a gene complex, whose expressions occur before meiosis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060139" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CINF" RELATED [] synonym: "CROSS-INCOMPATIBILITY IN THE FEMALE REACTION" RELATED [] synonym: "Lcr" RELATED [] synonym: "Cinf" RELATED [] synonym: "Cross-incompatibility in the female reaction" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060140 name: GR:0060140 def: "Unidirectional cross-incompatibility was detected when a segment of chromosome 6 was introduced from a common wild rice (W593A) into a Japonica type (T65wx). Besides the dominant gene Cinf(t), cinm, a recessive gene controlling incompatibility in the male parent, and SuCinf(t), a dominant gene suppressing the expression of Cinf(t), were involved in unidirectional cross-incompatibility. This unidirectional cross-incompatibility is due to the interaction between cinm, carried by 'T65wx', and Cinf(t), carried by 'W593A'. Furthermore, SuCinf(t) from the variety, 'Patpaku', is also involved in this interaction. These three genes form a gene complex, whose expressions occur before meiosis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060140" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "CINM" RELATED [] synonym: "CROSS-INCOMPATIBILITY CARRIED BY T65WX" RELATED [] synonym: "cross-incompatibility carried by T65wx" RELATED [] synonym: "cinm" RELATED [] synonym: "cross-incompatibility carried by T65wx" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060184 name: GR:0060184 def: "A typical small grain dwarf type with short and stout stems, short, sinuate but broad leaves with dark green color, erect and compact panicles and small, round floral glumes. Internodes are thick and sometimes the second internode does not elongate" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060184" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g26890" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0333200" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4338448" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Y3B5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DJ33" RELATED [] synonym: "d1" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-1" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf1" RELATED [] synonym: "daikoku dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "G-protein alpha subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "GA1" RELATED [] synonym: "GP-alpha-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Guanine nucleotide-binding protein alpha-1 subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "RGA1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060186 name: GR:0060186 def: "Dwarf with many fine tillers and slender leaves. Map-based cloning of the D3 gene revealed that it encodes an F-box leucne-rich region (LRR) protein orthologous to Arabidopsis MAX2/ORE9" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060186" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g06050" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0154200" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5VMP0" RELATED [] synonym: "D3" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING" RELATED [] synonym: "bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf3" RELATED [] synonym: "d3" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060187 name: GR:0060187 def: "Dwarf with many fine tillers and slender leaves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060187" RELATED [] synonym: "D4" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING" RELATED [] synonym: "bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf4" RELATED [] synonym: "d4" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060188 name: GR:0060188 def: "Dwarf with many fine tillers and slender leaves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060188" RELATED [] synonym: "D5" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF BUNKETSUWAITO TILLERING" RELATED [] synonym: "bungetsuwaito tillering dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf5" RELATED [] synonym: "d5" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060190 name: GR:0060190 def: "Dwarf; compact and cleistogamous panicles; small spikelets. Spikelets have abnormal glumes in which the lower parts cannot be differentiated and the lemma and palea are united. As a result, the spikelets are tightly held in at flowering time, however the lodicules are normal and can swell" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060190" RELATED [] synonym: "D7" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF HEIEIDAIKOKU OR CLEISTOGAMOUS" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf7" RELATED [] synonym: "heieidaikoku or cleistogamous dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d7" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060191 name: GR:0060191 def: "Semi-dwarf with normal grains. The gene does not exhibit deleterious effects and could be used for breeding of the short culm variety" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060191" RELATED [] synonym: "D9" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF CHINESE" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf8" RELATED [] synonym: "d9" RELATED [] synonym: "Chinese dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d9" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060196 name: GR:0060196 def: "High tillering dwarf with fine culms" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060196" RELATED [] synonym: "D14" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF KAMIKAWABUNWAI TILLERING" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf13" RELATED [] synonym: "kamikawabunwai tillering dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d10" RELATED [] synonym: "d14" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060200 name: GR:0060200 def: "Dwarf; sinuous culm; short panicles with undulating rachises" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060200" RELATED [] synonym: "D20" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF HAYAYUKI" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf17" RELATED [] synonym: "hayayuki dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d20" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-20" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060201 name: GR:0060201 def: "Short culms; narrow leaves; short panicles; nearly normal grains" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060201" RELATED [] synonym: "D21" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF AOMORIMOCHI 14" RELATED [] synonym: "aomorimochi-14 dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf18" RELATED [] synonym: "d21" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-21" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060205 name: GR:0060205 def: "Plant height is about two thirds of normal type" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060205" RELATED [] synonym: "D26" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF 7237" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf22" RELATED [] synonym: "7237 dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d26" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-26" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060206 name: GR:0060206 def: "Dwarf, with about 40-50 cm in height; profuse tillering; slender leaves. Similar to dwf9 (d10) and dwf13 (d14)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060206" RELATED [] synonym: "D27" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF BUNKETSUTO TILLERING" RELATED [] synonym: "dt" RELATED [] synonym: "bungetsuto tillering dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf23" RELATED [] synonym: "d27" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-27" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060207 name: GR:0060207 def: "A small grain dwarf type with short and stout stems, short, sinuate but broad leaves with dark green color, erect and compact panicles and small, round floral glumes. Internodes are thick and sometimes the second internode does not elongate. Similar to dwf1 (d1), but culms are longer" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060207" RELATED [] synonym: "D28" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF CHOKEIDAIKOKU OR LONG STEMMED" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf24" RELATED [] synonym: "chokeidaikoku or long stemmed dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dC" RELATED [] synonym: "d28" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-28" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060209 name: GR:0060209 def: "Dwarf. Slightly thick culm. The twisted flag leaf and easy threshing with small, round, and glabrous grains" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060209" RELATED [] synonym: "D30" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF WAISEISHIRASASA" RELATED [] synonym: "dW" RELATED [] synonym: "waiseishirazasa dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf26" RELATED [] synonym: "d30" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-30" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060211 name: GR:0060211 def: "Dwarf; weakly spreading tillers; nearly normal grains" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060211" RELATED [] synonym: "D32" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF KYUSHU 4" RELATED [] synonym: "d12" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf28" RELATED [] synonym: "dK4" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf Kyushu-4" RELATED [] synonym: "d32" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-32" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060214 name: GR:0060214 def: "Dwarf, plant height is about 25 cm; liguleless, narrow and dark green leaves; increased grain size" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060214" RELATED [] synonym: "D42" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF LIGULELESS" RELATED [] synonym: "liguleless dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d42" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf31" RELATED [] synonym: "d42" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-42" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060216 name: GR:0060216 def: "Dwarf; many tillers; inferior emergence of panicle" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060216" RELATED [] synonym: "D51" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF KYUSHU 8" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf32" RELATED [] synonym: "dK8" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf Kyushu-8" RELATED [] synonym: "d51" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-51" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060275 name: GR:0060275 def: "Photoperiod sensitivity, related to heading date and maturity in rice. Fl18 (E1) controls the photoperiodic sensitivity without affecting the basic vegetative growth" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060275" RELATED [] synonym: "E1" RELATED [] synonym: "HEADING DATE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "mEf1+" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd4(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl18" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060277 name: GR:0060277 def: "Photoperiod sensitivity, related with heading date and maturity in rice. Fl20 (E3) controls photoperiodic sensitivity without affecting the basic vegetative growth. Refer to Fl18 (E1)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060277" RELATED [] synonym: "E3" RELATED [] synonym: "HEADING DATE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl20" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-20" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060278 name: GR:0060278 def: "Related with flowering and heading date and maturity in rice. Fl21 (Ef1) controls basic vegetative phase, and can shorten the time to floral initiation and the period from floral initiation to heading. It also increases the growth rate of leaves, internodes and panicles, and shortens the period of elongation of these organs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060278" RELATED [] synonym: "EF1" RELATED [] synonym: "EARLINESS 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ef2" RELATED [] synonym: "Earliness-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ef1" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl21" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-21" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060237 name: GR:0060237 def: "Dense panicle. Greater numbers of spikelets and panicle branches, with shorter panicle and fewer primary branches. Various kinds of malformed floral organs, such as the laminated palea and/or lemma, depressed palea and/or lemma, and long, empty glumes and spikelets with an adventitious root frequently occurred even under normal conditions" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060237" RELATED [] synonym: "DN3" RELATED [] synonym: "DENSE PANICLE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "dn3" RELATED [] synonym: "dense panicle-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060241 name: GR:0060241 def: "Entire leaf surface appears wet; its reduced epicuticular wax makes it so hydrophilic that it does not shed water" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060241" RELATED [] synonym: "DRP1" RELATED [] synonym: "DRIPPING-WET LEAF 1" RELATED [] synonym: "drp1" RELATED [] synonym: "dripping-wet leaf-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060243 name: GR:0060243 def: "Entire leaf surface appears wet; its reduced epicuticular wax makes it so hydrophilic that it does not shed water. Unlike drp2 that moistens the whole leaf surface, drp3 gene produces unmoistened parts on the leaf surface in the form of horizontal speckles (drp3 type)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060243" RELATED [] synonym: "DRP3" RELATED [] synonym: "DRIPPING-WET LEAF 3" RELATED [] synonym: "drp3" RELATED [] synonym: "dripping-wet leaf-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060244 name: GR:0060244 def: "Entire leaf surface appears wet; its reduced epicuticular wax makes it so hydrophilic that it does not shed water. Wet and dry parts of the leaf surface form longitudinal stripes. Similar to drp3" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060244" RELATED [] synonym: "DRP4" RELATED [] synonym: "DRIPPING-WET LEAF 4" RELATED [] synonym: "drp4" RELATED [] synonym: "dripping-wet leaf-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060245 name: GR:0060245 def: "Entire leaf surface appears wet; its reduced epicuticular wax makes it so hydrophilic that it does not shed water. Similar to drp2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060245" RELATED [] synonym: "DRP5" RELATED [] synonym: "DRIPPING-WET LEAF 5" RELATED [] synonym: "drp5" RELATED [] synonym: "dripping-wet leaf-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060246 name: GR:0060246 def: "Entire leaf surface appears wet; its reduced epicuticular wax makes it so hydrophilic that it does not shed water. Unlike drp2 that moistens the whole leaf surface, drp3 gene produces unmoistened parts on the leaf surface in the form of horizontal speckles (drp3 type). Similar to drp3" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060246" RELATED [] synonym: "DRP6" RELATED [] synonym: "DRIPPING-WET LEAF 6" RELATED [] synonym: "drp6" RELATED [] synonym: "dripping-wet leaf-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060247 name: GR:0060247 def: "Entire leaf surface appears wet; its reduced epicuticular wax makes it so hydrophilic that it does not shed water. Similar to drp2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060247" RELATED [] synonym: "DRP7" RELATED [] synonym: "DRIPPING-WET LEAF 7" RELATED [] synonym: "drp7" RELATED [] synonym: "dripping-wet leaf-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060248 name: GR:0060248 def: "Entire leaf surface appears wet; its reduced epicuticular wax makes it so hydrophilic that it does not shed water" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060248" RELATED [] synonym: "DRP8" RELATED [] synonym: "DRIPPING-WET LEAF 8" RELATED [] synonym: "drp8" RELATED [] synonym: "dripping-wet leaf-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060565 name: GR:0060565 def: "Narrow leaves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060565" RELATED [] synonym: "NAL1" RELATED [] synonym: "NARROW LEAF 1" RELATED [] synonym: "nal1" RELATED [] synonym: "narrow leaf-1" RELATED [] synonym: "cul1" RELATED [] synonym: "curl leaf-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060568 name: GR:0060568 def: "Narrow leaves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060568" RELATED [] synonym: "NAL4" RELATED [] synonym: "NARROW LEAF 4" RELATED [] synonym: "nal4" RELATED [] synonym: "narrow leaf-4" RELATED [] synonym: "nal" RELATED [] synonym: "cul4" RELATED [] synonym: "curl leaf-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060612 name: GR:0060612 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease. Gene from variety 'Aichi Asahi'" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060612" RELATED [] synonym: "PI A" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE A" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg1" RELATED [] synonym: "Pia" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060613 name: GR:0060613 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease. Gene from variety 'BL1'" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060613" RELATED [] synonym: "PIB" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE-B" RELATED [] synonym: "Pis" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg2" RELATED [] synonym: "Pib" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060614 name: GR:0060614 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060614" RELATED [] synonym: "PIF" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE F" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg3" RELATED [] synonym: "Pif" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060615 name: GR:0060615 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060615" RELATED [] synonym: "PI I" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE I" RELATED [] synonym: "Pii" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg4" RELATED [] synonym: "Pii1" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060616 name: GR:0060616 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060616" RELATED [] synonym: "Pii2" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-i2" RELATED [] synonym: "Pii2*" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060617 name: GR:0060617 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060617" RELATED [] synonym: "PIIS1" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE IS1" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg6" RELATED [] synonym: "Rb4" RELATED [] synonym: "Piis1" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-is1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060618 name: GR:0060618 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060618" RELATED [] synonym: "PI IS2" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE IS2" RELATED [] synonym: "Rb5" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg7" RELATED [] synonym: "Piis2" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-is2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060619 name: GR:0060619 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060619" RELATED [] synonym: "PIK" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE K" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg8" RELATED [] synonym: "Pik" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-k" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060620 name: GR:0060620 def: "High field resistance to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060620" RELATED [] synonym: "PIKUR1" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR1" RELATED [] synonym: "Pikur1*" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg9" RELATED [] synonym: "Pikur1" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060621 name: GR:0060621 def: "High field resistance to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060621" RELATED [] synonym: "PIKUR2" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE KUR2" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg10" RELATED [] synonym: "Pikur2*" RELATED [] synonym: "Pikur2" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-kur2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060622 name: GR:0060622 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060622" RELATED [] synonym: "PISE1" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE1" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg11" RELATED [] synonym: "Rb1" RELATED [] synonym: "Pise1" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060623 name: GR:0060623 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060623" RELATED [] synonym: "PI SE2" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE2" RELATED [] synonym: "Rb2" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg12" RELATED [] synonym: "Pise2" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060624 name: GR:0060624 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060624" RELATED [] synonym: "PI SE3" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SE3" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg13" RELATED [] synonym: "Rb3" RELATED [] synonym: "Pise3" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-se3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060625 name: GR:0060625 def: "Resistance to rice blast disease. Accounting for moderate resistance to Kyu 77-07A in 'Shin-2'" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060625" RELATED [] synonym: "PI SH" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE SH" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg14" RELATED [] synonym: "Pish" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-sh" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060626 name: GR:0060626 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060626" RELATED [] synonym: "PIT" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE T" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg15" RELATED [] synonym: "Pit" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-t" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060627 name: GR:0060627 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060627" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g18360" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0281300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE036248" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4351983" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9AY26" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PI73" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BP45" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A8R5K9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:C1ITJ1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A8R5L0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A8R5L2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:C1ITI1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0SGS2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0SGR7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PI77" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A4ZVV3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A5HJA5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2QTV7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PI71" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:C1ITI6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2QTV8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A5HJA4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PI64" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0SGS1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:C1ITI0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:C1ITI5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:C1ITJ2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84UB1" RELATED [] synonym: "PITA" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE TA" RELATED [] synonym: "Pita2" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi4a" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg16" RELATED [] synonym: "Pita" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-ta" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060628 name: GR:0060628 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060628" RELATED [] synonym: "PIZ" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Z" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg17" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi2" RELATED [] synonym: "Piz" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-z" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060629 name: GR:0060629 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060629" RELATED [] synonym: "PI" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg19" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061067 name: GR:0061067 def: "Strong resistance to biotypes 1, 2 and to BPH insects collected from rice fields in Zhejiang Province, China. One resistance gene from 'B5', which is the progeny line from a wide cross between an accession of O. officinalis and `Zhenshan 97B'. Refer to Bph1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061067" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph15" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance-15" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance introduced from Oryza australiensis" RELATED [] synonym: "Qbp2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061068 name: GR:0061068 def: "The root length of seedlings was significantly reduced, compared to the wild type. Only the mature cortical cell length was significantly shorter than that of the wild type" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061068" RELATED [] synonym: "rrl1" RELATED [] synonym: "reduced root length-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061069 name: GR:0061069 def: "The root length of seedlings was significantly reduced, compared to the wild type. Similar to rrl1. Compared to rrl1, the values of the mature corical cell length, apical meiristem size and cell flux of root were considerably reduced" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061069" RELATED [] synonym: "rrl2" RELATED [] synonym: "reduced root length-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060147 name: GR:0060147 def: "Cytoplasm-induced complete male sterility. Pollen grains of these male sterile did not differ in stain ability with I2-KI solution from normal plants, but the former did not germinate on either the normal stigma or on culture media" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060147" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-CW" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY CW" RELATED [] synonym: "Chinese wild rice cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-CW" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-CW" RELATED [] synonym: "Chinese wild rice cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060016 name: GR:0060016 def: "High amylose content (29.4%, to 35.4%), about twice as high as that of wild-type counterparts (17.9%), also has floury endosperm" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060016" RELATED [] synonym: "AE1" RELATED [] synonym: "AMYLOSE EXTENDER 1" RELATED [] synonym: "High amylose mutant" RELATED [] synonym: "ae1" RELATED [] synonym: "amylose extender-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060017 name: GR:0060017 def: "High amylose content (over 30%) in white-cored endosperm" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060017" RELATED [] synonym: "AE2" RELATED [] synonym: "AMYLOSE EXTENDER 2" RELATED [] synonym: "High amylose mutant" RELATED [] synonym: "ae2" RELATED [] synonym: "amylose extender-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060019 name: GR:0060019 def: "Abnormal germination, embryo with shrunken shoot and root. Seedlings have various morphological and histological abnormalities of leaves and roots, loss of gravitropism" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060019" RELATED [] synonym: "AGR1" RELATED [] synonym: "AGRAVITROPISM 1" RELATED [] synonym: "agr1" RELATED [] synonym: "agravitropism-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060057 name: GR:0060057 def: "Shoot and root are formed at positions more apical than those of wild type. Shoot is at apex, and radicle is in the center. Late embryonic regionalization abnormal, apical region (scutellum, coleoptile) underdeveloped, basal region enlarged with reduced shoot at apex. In about 70% of embryos, two radicles were produced in middle and basal regions. Germination reduced about 50%, several narrow, white leaves first produced, followed by narrow, green leaves. Mature plants slender, dwarfed. Panicle small (10-20 flowers). Seed fertility low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060057" RELATED [] synonym: "APD1" RELATED [] synonym: "APICAL DISPLACEMENT 1" RELATED [] synonym: "apd1" RELATED [] synonym: "apical displacement-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060142 name: GR:0060142 def: "Club-shaped embryos (500-800 micron long), no organ primordia produced so organs do not differentiate, but vascular elements visible. No germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060142" RELATED [] synonym: "CLE1" RELATED [] synonym: "CLUB-SHAPED EMBRYO 1" RELATED [] synonym: "cle1" RELATED [] synonym: "cle1" RELATED [] synonym: "club-shaped embryo-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060194 name: GR:0060194 def: "Semidwarf with shortened stem, 15 cm shorter than 'Yukara' in ordinary paddy field conditions. Both Yukara and Fukei 71 dwarfs are controlled by gene, d12. Fukei 71 dwarf is sensitive to high temperature (grows to c. 46 cm at 25~30°); number of parenchyma cells tends to decrease longitudinally, thereby broadening culm diameter" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060194" RELATED [] synonym: "D12" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-12" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf11" RELATED [] synonym: "yukara dwarf or fukei 71 dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d50" RELATED [] synonym: "d12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060198 name: GR:0060198 def: "'Hosetsuwaisei' dwarf (d18-h) mutation confers miniature size (about 15 cm tall) with short, thick, stiff leaves, nearly normal grains. 'Kotaketamanishiki' dwarf has (d18-k) allele and semidwarf phenotype with short culm and panicle. Multiple alleles; + > d18-k > d18-h. Responsive to gibberellin (0.01, 0.1 ppm GA3) with moderate to substantial elongation of leaf sheaths and internodes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060198" RELATED [] synonym: "D18" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF HOSETSU" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf15" RELATED [] synonym: "hosetsuwaisei or akibare dwarf and kotaketamanishiki dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d25" RELATED [] synonym: "d18" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060292 name: GR:0060292 def: "No embryo in mature seed. Small globular embryo (100-200 cells) develops in immature seed, later degenerates. Negative correlation in size between embryo and endosperm suggests developmental interaction in early stages of seed formation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060292" RELATED [] synonym: "EML1" RELATED [] synonym: "EMBRYOLESS 1" RELATED [] synonym: "eml1" RELATED [] synonym: "embryoless-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060336 name: GR:0060336 def: "Fine, greenish white stripes at tip and margin of leaf blades of seedlings. Stripes disappear in tillering stage" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060336" RELATED [] synonym: "FS1" RELATED [] synonym: "FINE STRIPE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "fs1" RELATED [] synonym: "fine stripe-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060362 name: GR:0060362 def: "Embryo is 2-3 times larger than that of wild type because of enlarged scutellum (endosperm degenerates). Seeds germinate, mature plants reach size similar to wild type" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060362" RELATED [] synonym: "ge" RELATED [] synonym: "giant embryo" RELATED [] synonym: "ge1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060282 name: GR:0060282 def: "Related to flowering, heading date and maturity in rice. Earliness caused by by Fl27 (Efx) was accelerated at high temperatures; but this effect will not show under the existence of the Fl21 (Ef1) allele. Complementary with Fl28 (Efy)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060282" RELATED [] synonym: "EFX" RELATED [] synonym: "EARLINESS X" RELATED [] synonym: "Efx" RELATED [] synonym: "Earliness-x" RELATED [] synonym: "Ef5(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl27" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-27" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060283 name: GR:0060283 def: "Related to flowering, heading date and maturity in rice. Earliness gene from 'Kokusyokuto-2.' Different but complementary with Fl27 (Efx)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060283" RELATED [] synonym: "EFY" RELATED [] synonym: "EARLINESS Y" RELATED [] synonym: "Ef6(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Earliness-y" RELATED [] synonym: "Efy" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl28" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-28" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060284 name: GR:0060284 def: "Related to flowering, heading date and maturity in rice. Earliness introgressed from a wild species Oryza australiensis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060284" RELATED [] synonym: "EF" RELATED [] synonym: "EARLINESS INTRODUCED FROM ORYZA AUSTRALIENSIS" RELATED [] synonym: "ef(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "earliness introduced from Oryza australiensis or O. glaberrima" RELATED [] synonym: "fl29" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering date-29" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060329 name: GR:0060329 def: "Whitish yellow margin of leaves in the seedling stage and turn to faded green leaves with dirty spots after the tillering stage" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060329" RELATED [] synonym: "FGL" RELATED [] synonym: "FADED GREEN LEAF" RELATED [] synonym: "fl" RELATED [] synonym: "faded green leaf" RELATED [] synonym: "fgl" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd24" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-24" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060337 name: GR:0060337 def: "White and fine speckles in leaves, caused by a chlorophyll deficiency. Unlike fs1 gene, the expression of this gene is constant" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060337" RELATED [] synonym: "FS2" RELATED [] synonym: "FINE STRIPE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "fs2" RELATED [] synonym: "fine stripe-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060340 name: GR:0060340 def: "Empty glumes are nearly as long as the lemma and palea" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060340" RELATED [] synonym: "G1" RELATED [] synonym: "LONG STERILE LEMMAS 1" RELATED [] synonym: "lng" RELATED [] synonym: "g1" RELATED [] synonym: "long sterile lemmas-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060363 name: GR:0060363 def: "Very intense golden furrows on lemma and palea, golden hull from heading to maturity" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060363" RELATED [] synonym: "GF1" RELATED [] synonym: "GOLD FURROWS OF HULL 1" RELATED [] synonym: "gf1" RELATED [] synonym: "gold furrows of hull-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060442 name: GR:0060442 def: "Related to flowering, heading date and maturity in rice. The Kasalath allele of Hd3 does not affect photoperiod sensitivity by itself, but is involved in the enhancement of the expression of the Nipponbare alleles, Fl1 (Se1, Hd1) and Fl11 (Se8(t), Hd2)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060442" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g06320" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0157700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE020743" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4340185" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Y9K3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q93WI9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B5UA64" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q93WM7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B5UA60" RELATED [] synonym: "HD3A" RELATED [] synonym: "HEADING DATE 3A" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd3a" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-3a" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl32a" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-32a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060443 name: GR:0060443 def: "Related to flowering, heading date and maturity in rice" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060443" RELATED [] synonym: "HD5" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date (QTL)-5(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-5" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd5(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl33" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-33" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060444 name: GR:0060444 def: "Related to flowering, heading date and maturity in rice. The allele from "Kasalath" delays the heading date" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060444" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g02350" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0114400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342248" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4334197" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: O49177" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YHJ1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BFZ0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8H386" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AK92" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DNB8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9AR27" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6F107" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9AQU1" RELATED [] synonym: "HD6" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date 6" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-6" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd6(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl34" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-34" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060474 name: GR:0060474 def: "Inhibitor for Pl alleles---Pl.1 (Pl) or Pl.2 (Plw). Plw is inhibited by IPl1 together with IPl2 or IPl3 in duplicate or triplicate action" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060474" RELATED [] synonym: "IPL1" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 1" RELATED [] synonym: "IPl1" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple leaf-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060475 name: GR:0060475 def: "Inhibitor for Pl allele---Pl.2 (Plw). Plw is inhibited by IPl1 together with IPl2 or IPl3 in duplicate or triplicate action" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060475" RELATED [] synonym: "IPL2" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 2" RELATED [] synonym: "IPl2" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple leaf-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060477 name: GR:0060477 def: "Inhibitor for purple pericarp. IPl4 take effect together with IPl5 in duplicate action" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060477" RELATED [] synonym: "IPL4" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE PERICARP 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple pericarp" RELATED [] synonym: "IPl4" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple pericarp-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060484 name: GR:0060484 def: "Recessive inhibitor to photoperiod-sensitivity --- Fl1 (Se1)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060484" RELATED [] synonym: "ISE1" RELATED [] synonym: "recessive inhibitor for photoperiod-sensitivity (Se1)" RELATED [] synonym: "iSe1" RELATED [] synonym: "fl3" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering date-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060498 name: GR:0060498 def: "The light green panicle; light green leaves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060498" RELATED [] synonym: "LGP" RELATED [] synonym: "LIGHT GREEN PANICLE AND LEAF" RELATED [] synonym: "lgp" RELATED [] synonym: "light green panicle and leaf" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060500 name: GR:0060500 def: "Related to flowering, heading date and maturity in rice. Delayed the heading date of "W 107", an annual type of wild rice from India" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060500" RELATED [] synonym: "LH" RELATED [] synonym: "LATE HEADING" RELATED [] synonym: "Late heading" RELATED [] synonym: "Lh(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl36" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-36" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060585 name: GR:0060585 def: "Incomplete closing of spikelets caused by the deformity of palea and lemma prior to flowering. Various deformations, especially excessive development of palea, are observed in some spikelets. The palea and lemma are unable to close again after blooming and cause the seed sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060585" RELATED [] synonym: "OPS" RELATED [] synonym: "OPEN HULL STERILE" RELATED [] synonym: "ops" RELATED [] synonym: "open hull sterile" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060592 name: GR:0060592 def: "The expression of anthocyanin in the apiculus is dependent on the complementary action of the color-producing genes (Cp and Ap). However, with these genes alone, coloration is so limited and appears so thinly scattered at the very tip of the apiculus that plants of this genotype are usually considered to be colorless in ordinary outdoor observation. For distinct coloration in the apiculus, the presence of the Pa gene is necessary. Pa is responsible for the spreading of chromogenic substances over the entirety of the apiculus. The majority of Japanese varieties or strains possess Pa" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060592" RELATED [] synonym: "P" RELATED [] synonym: "COLORED APICULUS" RELATED [] synonym: "A" RELATED [] synonym: "Pa" RELATED [] synonym: "Colored apiculus" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060595 name: GR:0060595 def: "Make auricle purple" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060595" RELATED [] synonym: "PAU" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE AURICLE" RELATED [] synonym: "Pau" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple auricle" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060630 name: GR:0060630 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060630" RELATED [] synonym: "PI1" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg20" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi1" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060631 name: GR:0060631 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060631" RELATED [] synonym: "PI3" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg21" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi3" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060632 name: GR:0060632 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060632" RELATED [] synonym: "PI5" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg22" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi5(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi5" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060633 name: GR:0060633 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060633" RELATED [] synonym: "PI6" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 6" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg23" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi6(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi6" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060634 name: GR:0060634 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060634" RELATED [] synonym: "PI7" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 7" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi7(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg24" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi7" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060635 name: GR:0060635 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060635" RELATED [] synonym: "PI8" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 8" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg25" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi8" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060636 name: GR:0060636 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060636" RELATED [] synonym: "PI9" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 9" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg26" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi9(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi9" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060637 name: GR:0060637 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060637" RELATED [] synonym: "PI10" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 10" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg27" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi10(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi10" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060638 name: GR:0060638 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060638" RELATED [] synonym: "PI11" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 11" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi11(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg28" RELATED [] synonym: "Pizh" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-zh" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060640 name: GR:0060640 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060640" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi12" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-12 (Hong-jiao-zhan)" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg30" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi12*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060641 name: GR:0060641 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060641" RELATED [] synonym: "PI13" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 13" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg31" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi13(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi13" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-13 (Maowangu)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060642 name: GR:0060642 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060642" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi13" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-13 (Kasalath)" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg32" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi13*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060643 name: GR:0060643 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060643" RELATED [] synonym: "PI14" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 14" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg33" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi14(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi14" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060644 name: GR:0060644 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060644" RELATED [] synonym: "PI15" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 15" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi15(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi14" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg34" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi15" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060645 name: GR:0060645 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060645" RELATED [] synonym: "PI16" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 16" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg35" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi16(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi16" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060646 name: GR:0060646 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060646" RELATED [] synonym: "PI17" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 17" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi17(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg36" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi17" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-17" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060647 name: GR:0060647 def: "Resistance to the race KI-313 of Magnaporthe grisea, isolated from Korea" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060647" RELATED [] synonym: "PI18" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 18" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi18(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg37" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi18" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060648 name: GR:0060648 def: "Resistant to the race CHNO58-3-1 of Magnaporthe grisea" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060648" RELATED [] synonym: "PI19" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 19" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg38" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi19(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi14" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi19" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060649 name: GR:0060649 def: "Resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060649" RELATED [] synonym: "PI20" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 20" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi20" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg39" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi20" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-20" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060650 name: GR:0060650 def: "Field resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060650" RELATED [] synonym: "PI21" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 21" RELATED [] synonym: "rMg40" RELATED [] synonym: "pi21" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-21 (field resistance)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060651 name: GR:0060651 def: "Field resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060651" RELATED [] synonym: "PI21" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 21" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi21(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg41" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi21" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-21" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060652 name: GR:0060652 def: "Field resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060652" RELATED [] synonym: "PI22" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 22" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg42" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi22(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi22" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-22" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060653 name: GR:0060653 def: "Field resistant to rice blast disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060653" RELATED [] synonym: "PI23" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 23" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi23(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg43" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi23" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-23" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060666 name: GR:0060666 def: "Purple on entire surface of internode. Stem nodes, leaf sheath, auricle and a part of leaf collar also purple" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060666" RELATED [] synonym: "PIN1" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE INTERNODE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Pin1" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple internode-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060671 name: GR:0060671 def: "Make leaf blade, leaf sheath, leaf collar, auricles, ligule, node and internode purple. In the presence of the high potency alleles of the basic genes, Cp and Ap, four alleles at the Pl locus are responsible for coloration of the following parts--- Pl.1 (Pl)...Leaf blade, leaf sheath, collar, auricle, ligule, node and internode. Pl.2 (Pl-w)...Leaf blade, leaf sheath, auricle, ligule, a part of collar and node, internode and pericarp. Pl.3 (Pl-i)...Leaf blade, leaf sheath, ligule, and internode except collar, node and auricle. Pl.0 (Pl+)...null allele resulting in colorless phenotype" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060671" RELATED [] synonym: "PL" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE LEAF" RELATED [] synonym: "Pl1" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple leaf-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060683 name: GR:0060683 def: "Purple entire surface of stem node. Also connected with the distribution of color in leaf apex, leaf margin and collar, auricle and ligule" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060683" RELATED [] synonym: "PN" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE NODE" RELATED [] synonym: "Pn" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple node" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060691 name: GR:0060691 def: "Pr is responsible for distribution of purple and tawny colors over the entire surface of floral glumes, viz. lemma and palea, and in some cases the rachilla" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060691" RELATED [] synonym: "PR" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE HULL" RELATED [] synonym: "Rp" RELATED [] synonym: "Pr" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple hull" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060698 name: GR:0060698 def: "Purple pericarp" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060698" RELATED [] synonym: "PRPA" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE PERICARP A" RELATED [] synonym: "Pp" RELATED [] synonym: "Prpa" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple pericarp" RELATED [] synonym: "Prp1" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple pericarp-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060699 name: GR:0060699 def: "Purple pericarp. Complementary with Prpa. Pericarp brown if only Prpb exists. Prpa is epistatic to Prpb" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060699" RELATED [] synonym: "PRPB" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE PERICARP B" RELATED [] synonym: "Pb" RELATED [] synonym: "Prpb" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple pericarp" RELATED [] synonym: "Prp2" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple pericarp-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060703 name: GR:0060703 def: "Stigma coloration due to anthocyanin pigment. Ps1 localizes the pigment in stigma in plants containing the Cp (C) and Ap (A) mutations. This mutant is expressed even in plants lacking the Pa (P) allele" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060703" RELATED [] synonym: "PS1" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE STIGMA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ps1" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple stigma-1(Gaisenmochi)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060704 name: GR:0060704 def: "Stigma coloration due to anthocyanin pigment under the presence of Cp, Ap, and Pa. Ps2 takes part in stigma coloration when Cp and Ap loci contain alleles of high potency (see description of alleles for Cp and Ap)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060704" RELATED [] synonym: "PS2" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE STIGMA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Ps1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ps2" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple stigma-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060103 name: GR:0060103 def: "Resistance to Black streaked dwarf, derived from Indica variety 'Te-tep.' Modifying genes may be present that may influence the degree of resistance" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060103" RELATED [] synonym: "BS" RELATED [] synonym: "BLACK STREAKED DWARF RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "Bs" RELATED [] synonym: "Bsv" RELATED [] synonym: "Black streaked dwarf resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060104 name: GR:0060104 def: "Uppermost internode with large diameter" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060104" RELATED [] synonym: "BUC" RELATED [] synonym: "BIG UPPERMOST CULM" RELATED [] synonym: "Buc" RELATED [] synonym: "Big uppermost culm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060105 name: GR:0060105 def: "Susceptibility to bentazon" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060105" RELATED [] synonym: "BOL" RELATED [] synonym: "BENTAZON SUSCEPTIBILITY" RELATED [] synonym: "bol" RELATED [] synonym: "bzs" RELATED [] synonym: "bentazon susceptibility" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060112 name: GR:0060112 def: "Many small brownish lesions develop over entire leaf 20-50 days after sowing. Two defense-related genes, PBZ1 and PR1, activated in leaves; high expression of PBZ1 correlated with lesion formation. Levels of momilactone A, a major phytoalexin of rice, increased approximately 100- to 400-fold relative to wild type levels. Suspension-culture cells of cdr1 produced higher levels of H2O2 than those of wild type when treated with calyculin A, an inhibitor of protein phosphatase 1. Thus, biochemical lesions of cdr1 may exist in early signaling steps that lead to activation of NADPH oxidase, and type-1 protein phostphatase may be operative in protein dephosphorylation involved in NADPH oxidase activation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060112" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd18" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-18" RELATED [] synonym: "cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-1" RELATED [] synonym: "cdr1*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060113 name: GR:0060113 def: "Many small brownish lesions develop over entire leaf 20-50 days after sowing. Two defense-related genes, PBZ1 and PR1, activated in leaves; high expression of PBZ1 correlated with lesion formation. Levels of momilactone A, a major phytoalexin of rice, increased approximately 100- to 400-fold relative to wild type levels. Suspension-culture cells of cdr1 produced higher levels of H2O2 than those of wild type when treated with calyculin A, an inhibitor of protein phosphatase 1. Thus, biochemical lesions of cdr1 may exist in early signaling steps that lead to activation of NADPH oxidase, and type-1 protein phostphatase may be operative in protein dephosphorylation involved in NADPH oxidase activation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060113" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd19" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-19" RELATED [] synonym: "cdr2*" RELATED [] synonym: "cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060114 name: GR:0060114 def: "Many small brownish lesions developed over the entire leaf of the mutants 20-50 days after sowing. Activation of two defense-related genes, PBZ1 and PR1, was observed in the leaves of the mutant; high expression of PBZ1 was correlated with the lesion formation in the mutants, whereas PR1 was constitutively expressed irrespective of the lesion formation. Levels of momilactone A, a major phytoalexin of rice, were increased approximately 100-400-fold relative to the wild type levels" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060114" RELATED [] synonym: "Lrd20" RELATED [] synonym: "Lesion resembling disease-20" RELATED [] synonym: "Cell death and resistance to the blast fungus-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Cdr3*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060115 name: GR:0060115 def: "Resistance to various physiologic races of Cercospora janseana, cause of narrow brown leaf spot (NBLS), a fungus disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060115" RELATED [] synonym: "CE1" RELATED [] synonym: "CERCOSPORA RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "Ce1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cercospora resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060116 name: GR:0060116 def: "Resistance to various physiologic races of Cercospora janseana, cause of narrow brown leaf spot (NBLS), a fungus disease" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060116" RELATED [] synonym: "Ce2" RELATED [] synonym: "Cercospora resistance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060129 name: GR:0060129 def: "Chlorosis on leaves of young seedlings expressed at 17°C" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060129" RELATED [] synonym: "CHS1" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLOROSIS CAUSED BY LOW TEMPERATURE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "chs1" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorosis caused by low temperature-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060143 name: GR:0060143 def: "Lemma curves over undergrown palea, to form claw-shaped spikelet" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060143" RELATED [] synonym: "CLW" RELATED [] synonym: "CLAW SHAPED SPIKELET" RELATED [] synonym: "clw" RELATED [] synonym: "claw shaped spikelet" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060145 name: GR:0060145 def: "Cytoplasm-induced sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060145" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-ARC" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY ARC" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-ARC] [mt" RELATED [] synonym: "`ARC13829-26' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-ARC" RELATED [] synonym: "ARC13829-26 cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060151 name: GR:0060151 def: "Cytoplasm-induced sterility. Cytoplasm was introduced from African Indica cultivar 'Gambiaca Kokum.'" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060151" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-GAM" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY GAM" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-GAM" RELATED [] synonym: "Gambiaca cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-GAM" RELATED [] synonym: "Gambiaca cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060152 name: GR:0060152 def: "Cytoplasm-induced sterility. Fertility-restoring gene is a gametophytic type. Pollen degeneration commences at dinuclear stage, resulting in a mixture of spherical, sterile pollen and those lightly stained with I2-KI solution" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060152" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-HL" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY HL" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-HL" RELATED [] synonym: "HL-group cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-HL" RELATED [] synonym: "HL-group cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060158 name: GR:0060158 def: "Cytoplasm-induced sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060158" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-SP" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY SP" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-sp" RELATED [] synonym: "`MS577A' cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-sp" RELATED [] synonym: "MS577A cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060166 name: GR:0060166 def: "'Wild Abortive' cytoplasm-induced sterility. Because almost all pollen grains appear as unstained, withered sterile or unstained, spherical sterile pollen, pollen abortion takes place early (uni-nucleate) stage" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060166" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-WA" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY WA" RELATED [] synonym: "WA-group cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-WA" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-WA" RELATED [] synonym: "WA-group cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060185 name: GR:0060185 def: "Short, stout stems; short, sinuate but board leaves; erect, compact panicles; small, round grains. Refer to dwf1. Compared to dwf1, has taller stem and near normal grains. The pleiotropic abnormal phenotype is similar to that of the rice brassinosteroid (BR)-insensitive mutant, d61. That dwarf phenotype can be rescued by exogenous brassinolide treatment. The accumulation profile of BR intermediates in the d2 (dwf2) mutants confirms that these plants are deficient in late BR biosynthesis. The results show that the D2 gene encoded a novel cytochrome P450 classified in CYP90D that is highly similar to the reported BR synthesis enzymes. Introduction of the wild D2 gene into d2-1 rescued the abnormal phenotype of the mutants. D2/CYP90D2 catalyzes the steps from 6-deoxoteasterone to 3-dehydro-6-deoxoteasterone and from teasterone to 3-dehydroteasterone in the late BR biosynthesis pathway" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060185" RELATED [] synonym: "D2" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF EBISU" RELATED [] synonym: "ebisu dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf2" RELATED [] synonym: "d2" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060189 name: GR:0060189 def: "Dwarf, with sinuous panicle neck, lopped leaf blades and shortened sheaths" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060189" RELATED [] synonym: "D6" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF EBISUMOCHI DWARF" RELATED [] synonym: "d34" RELATED [] synonym: "ebisumochi dwarf or tankanshirazasa dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf6" RELATED [] synonym: "d6" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060210 name: GR:0060210 def: "Dwarf, about 70 cm in height at maturity; narrow, dark-green leaves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060210" RELATED [] synonym: "D31" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF TAICHUNG 155 IRRADIATED" RELATED [] synonym: "taichung-155-irradiated dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf27" RELATED [] synonym: "d31" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-31" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060238 name: GR:0060238 def: "The palea of this mutant is undergrown, causing abnormal shapes of spikelets and kernels" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060238" RELATED [] synonym: "DP1" RELATED [] synonym: "DEPRESSED PALEA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "pa" RELATED [] synonym: "dp1" RELATED [] synonym: "depressed palea-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060240 name: GR:0060240 def: "The palea is undergrown, causing abnormally shaped spikelets and kernels. Sterile spikelets with depressed paleas of dp3 are distinguishable from dp2. Both malformed, completely sterile spikelets and normal, fertile spikelets are present on a single panicle" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060240" RELATED [] synonym: "DP" RELATED [] synonym: "DEPRESSED PALEA" RELATED [] synonym: "dp(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "depressed palea" RELATED [] synonym: "dp3" RELATED [] synonym: "depressed palea-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060496 name: GR:0060496 def: "Complete absence of ligule, collar, and auricle. There is another allele (lg-a) which is responsible for short ligule, underdeveloped auricle and narrow leaf collar" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060496" RELATED [] synonym: "LG" RELATED [] synonym: "LIGULELESS" RELATED [] synonym: "lg" RELATED [] synonym: "liguleless" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060570 name: GR:0060570 def: "Narrow leaves. Refer to nal1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060570" RELATED [] synonym: "NAL6" RELATED [] synonym: "NARROW LEAF 6" RELATED [] synonym: "Narrow leaf-6" RELATED [] synonym: "Nal6" RELATED [] synonym: "Cul6" RELATED [] synonym: "Curl leaf-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060581 name: GR:0060581 def: "Male sterility; small white anthers without viable pollen, lower seed fertility, smaller caryopsis, darker leaf color, and remarkable ratooning. Florets remain open after flowering" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060581" RELATED [] synonym: "OMS" RELATED [] synonym: "OPEN HULL MALE STERILE" RELATED [] synonym: "oms" RELATED [] synonym: "open hull male sterile" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060726 name: GR:0060726 def: "Culms decreased to one or two tillers in paddy conditions. A pleiotropic effect results in dwarfness without affecting seed fertility. Trait expression is strongly affected by temperature during growth. Plant height and culm number recover to nearly normal with growth in plastic house with nitrogen" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060726" RELATED [] synonym: "RCN1" RELATED [] synonym: "REDUCED CULM NUMBER 1" RELATED [] synonym: "rcn1" RELATED [] synonym: "reduced culm number-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060727 name: GR:0060727 def: "Decreased number of culms, but rate not as striking as that in rcn1. Phenotype expressed under both high and low temperature conditions" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060727" RELATED [] synonym: "RCN2" RELATED [] synonym: "REDUCED CULM NUMBER 2" RELATED [] synonym: "rcn2" RELATED [] synonym: "reduced culm number-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060728 name: GR:0060728 def: "Number of culms decreases in paddy conditions. A pleiotropic effect results in dwarfness without affecting seed fertility. Trait expression is strongly affected by temperature conditions during growth. Plant height and culm number recover to nearly normal with growth in plastic house (high temperature) with nitrogen. Similar to rcn1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060728" RELATED [] synonym: "RCN3" RELATED [] synonym: "REDUCED CULM NUMBER 3" RELATED [] synonym: "rcn3" RELATED [] synonym: "reduced culm number-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060729 name: GR:0060729 def: "Culms decrease to one or two in paddy conditions. A pleiotropic effect results in dwarfness without affecting seed fertility. Trait expression is strongly affected by temperature during growth. Plant height and culm number recover to nearly normal with growth in plastic house (high temperature) with nitrogen. Similar to rcn1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060729" RELATED [] synonym: "RCN4" RELATED [] synonym: "REDUCED CULM NUMBER 4" RELATED [] synonym: "rcn4" RELATED [] synonym: "reduced culm number-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060730 name: GR:0060730 def: "Number of culms decreases in paddy conditions. A pleiotropic effect results in dwarfness without affecting seed fertility. Trait expression is strongly affected by temperature during growth. Plant height and culm number recover to nearly normal with growth in plastic house (high temperature) with nitrogen. Similar to rcn1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060730" RELATED [] synonym: "RCN5" RELATED [] synonym: "REDUCED CULM NUMBER 5" RELATED [] synonym: "rcn5" RELATED [] synonym: "reduced culm number-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060731 name: GR:0060731 def: "Reduced culm number expressed under both high and low temperatures. Similar to rcn2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060731" RELATED [] synonym: "RCN6" RELATED [] synonym: "RECEPTOR GENE FOR PEROXIDASE" RELATED [] synonym: "rcn6" RELATED [] synonym: "reduced culm number-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060885 name: GR:0060885 def: "Panicle is enclosed by sheaths of flag leaf and second leaf because of shortening of first and second internodes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060885" RELATED [] synonym: "SHP1" RELATED [] synonym: "SHEATHED PANICLE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ex" RELATED [] synonym: "Shp1" RELATED [] synonym: "Sheathed panicle-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060886 name: GR:0060886 def: "Panicle is enclosed by sheaths of flag leaf and second leaf because of shortening of first and second internodes. Similar to Shp1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060886" RELATED [] synonym: "SHP2" RELATED [] synonym: "SHEATHED PANICLE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "shp2" RELATED [] synonym: "sheathed panicle-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060887 name: GR:0060887 def: "Panicle is enclosed by sheaths of flag leaf and second leaf because of shortening of first and second internodes. Similar to Shp1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060887" RELATED [] synonym: "SHP3" RELATED [] synonym: "SHEATHED PANICLE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Ga" RELATED [] synonym: "Shp3" RELATED [] synonym: "Sheathed panicle-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060062 name: GR:0060062 def: "Chromosomes fail to pair in zygotene and pachytene stages of meiosis. Varying number of chromosomes usually lag in anaphase-I. Univalent chromosomes have various irregular behaviors, resulting in complete abortion of pollen grains and embryo sacs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060062" RELATED [] synonym: "AS" RELATED [] synonym: "ASYNAPSIS 1" RELATED [] synonym: "as" RELATED [] synonym: "asynapsis" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060068 name: GR:0060068 def: "Leaves, culms, and panicles are so brittle in both green and mature stages that they break off at the slightest pressure. Comparatively lower content of alpha-cellulose in its cell wall. No noticeable differences in water, crude protein, crude fiber, silica and pentosan content from normal" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060068" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g30250" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0416200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE011560" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333114" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A1KZI9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XHZ9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZJ4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZI7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZJ6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10JL1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EGM8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZJ3" RELATED [] synonym: "BC1" RELATED [] synonym: "BRITTLE CULM 1" RELATED [] synonym: "bc1" RELATED [] synonym: "brittle culm-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060071 name: GR:0060071 def: "Culms and leaves break very easily at all growth stages" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060071" RELATED [] synonym: "BC4" RELATED [] synonym: "BRITTLE CULM 4" RELATED [] synonym: "bc4" RELATED [] synonym: "brittle culm-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060077 name: GR:0060077 def: "Interveins (furrows) of floral glumes are brown. Co-existence of Bf and its inhibitor IBf or deficiency of Bf give normal straw color" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060077" RELATED [] synonym: "BF" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN FURROWS OF HULL" RELATED [] synonym: "Bf" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown furrows of hull" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060079 name: GR:0060079 def: "Hulls of mature grains are black from pigment in hypodermal cells and trichomes. "Ripening black" is occasionally in glumes in F1 plants and later generations derived from crosses between japonica and indica strains with normal straw-color glumes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060079" RELATED [] synonym: "BHA" RELATED [] synonym: "BLACK HULL A" RELATED [] synonym: "Bha" RELATED [] synonym: "Black hull-a" RELATED [] synonym: "Bh1" RELATED [] synonym: "Black hull-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060080 name: GR:0060080 def: "Hulls of mature grains are black from pigment in hypodermal cells and trichomes. "Ripening black" is occasionally in glumes in F1 plants and later generations derived from crosses between japonica and indica strains with normal straw-color glumes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060080" RELATED [] synonym: "BHB" RELATED [] synonym: "BLACK HULL B" RELATED [] synonym: "Black hull-b" RELATED [] synonym: "Bhb" RELATED [] synonym: "Bh2" RELATED [] synonym: "Black hull-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060081 name: GR:0060081 def: "Hulls of mature grains are black from pigment in hypodermal cells and trichomes. "Ripening black" is occasionally in glumes in F1 plants and later generations derived from crosses between japonica and indica strains with normal straw-color glumes. The Bh3 (Ph) gene is probably related to phenolase" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060081" RELATED [] synonym: "BHC" RELATED [] synonym: "BLACK HULL C" RELATED [] synonym: "Black hull-c" RELATED [] synonym: "Bhc" RELATED [] synonym: "Ph" RELATED [] synonym: "Bh3" RELATED [] synonym: "Black hull-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060082 name: GR:0060082 def: "Dark-brown mottling. Brown spots (discolored chlorophyll), resembling fungus lesions, begin to develop on leaves shortly after panicle emergence, by maturity extend into panicles, so that entire plant is dirty brown" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060082" RELATED [] synonym: "BL1" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN LEAF SPOT 1" RELATED [] synonym: "bl1" RELATED [] synonym: "brown leaf spot-1" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd1" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060083 name: GR:0060083 def: "Large brown spots from discoloration of chlorophyll first appear on leaves and sheaths after middle stage of growth, and later on the entire plant. Similar to lrd1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060083" RELATED [] synonym: "BL2" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN LEAF SPOT 2" RELATED [] synonym: "brown leaf spot-2" RELATED [] synonym: "blm" RELATED [] synonym: "lk" RELATED [] synonym: "bl2" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd2" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060084 name: GR:0060084 def: "Brown spots on leaves begin to develop after panicle emergence, by maturity extend to surface of glumes. Similar to bl1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060084" RELATED [] synonym: "BL3" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN LEAF SPOT 3" RELATED [] synonym: "brown leaf spot-3" RELATED [] synonym: "bl3" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd3" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060085 name: GR:0060085 def: "Relatively large brown spots on leaves. Similar to bl1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060085" RELATED [] synonym: "BL4" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN LEAF SPOT 4" RELATED [] synonym: "brown leaf spot-4" RELATED [] synonym: "bl4" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd4" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060086 name: GR:0060086 def: "Small brown speckles, size of sesame seed on leaf blades" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060086" RELATED [] synonym: "BL5" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN LEAF SPOT 5" RELATED [] synonym: "brown leaf spot-5" RELATED [] synonym: "bl5" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd5" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060087 name: GR:0060087 def: "Relatively large brown spots on leaves. Similar to lrd4" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060087" RELATED [] synonym: "BL6" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN LEAF SPOT 6" RELATED [] synonym: "bl6" RELATED [] synonym: "brown leaf spot-6" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd6" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060089 name: GR:0060089 def: "Resistance to brown planthopper (BPH). Gene from varieties Mudgo, CO22, MTU15, MGL2. 'TKM6' is homozygous for Bph1 as well as for a dominant inhibitory gene, IBph1, which inhibits Bph1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060089" RELATED [] synonym: "BPH1" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph1" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060090 name: GR:0060090 def: "Resistance to brown planthopper (BPH). Gene from varieties ASD7, IR1154-243, IR4-93. Refer to Bph1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060090" RELATED [] synonym: "BPH2" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "bph2" RELATED [] synonym: "brown planthopper resistance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060091 name: GR:0060091 def: "Resistance to brown planthopper (BPH) in Rathu Heenati. Refer to Bph1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060091" RELATED [] synonym: "BPH3" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph3" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060092 name: GR:0060092 def: "Resistance to brown planthopper (BPH) in variety Babawee. Refer to Bph1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060092" RELATED [] synonym: "BPH4" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "bph4" RELATED [] synonym: "brown planthopper resistance-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060093 name: GR:0060093 def: "Resistance to brown planthopper (BPH, biotype 4 from Bangladesh) in variety 'ARC10550'. Refer to Bph1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060093" RELATED [] synonym: "BPH5" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "bph5" RELATED [] synonym: "brown planthopper resistance-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060117 name: GR:0060117 def: "Cigar-shaped panicle results from extremely shortened main axis, rachis and rachillae of branches. Acute angles at origin of branches. Panicles remain compact even after maturity. Dwarf height is associated with cigar-shaped panicle, which produces short, small grain; indicates pleiotropic gene action" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060117" RELATED [] synonym: "CG" RELATED [] synonym: "CIGER SHAPED PANICLE" RELATED [] synonym: "cg" RELATED [] synonym: "cigar shaped panicle" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060192 name: GR:0060192 def: "Dwarf with profuse slender tillers, small panicles, nearly normal seeds" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060192" RELATED [] synonym: "D10" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF KIKEIBANSHINRIKI" RELATED [] synonym: "kikeibanshinriki or toyohikaribunwai tillering dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d16" RELATED [] synonym: "d15" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf9" RELATED [] synonym: "d10" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060193 name: GR:0060193 def: "Semidwarf (second internode is prominently reduced, dm type), with long panicle and sparse grain set with small, round grains" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060193" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g39430" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0469800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336116" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q01JN4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JCH6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6F4F5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AV52" RELATED [] synonym: "D11" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF SHINKANEAIKOKU OR NOHRIN 28" RELATED [] synonym: "shinkaneaikoku or nohrin 28 dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf10" RELATED [] synonym: "d8" RELATED [] synonym: "D11/CYP724B1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDWARF11" RELATED [] synonym: "d11" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060239 name: GR:0060239 def: "Underdeveloped palea resembles dp1 type and causes spikelet to become crescent shaped. Kernel shape, size also abnormal" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060239" RELATED [] synonym: "DP2" RELATED [] synonym: "DEPRESSED PALEA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "dp2" RELATED [] synonym: "depressed palea-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060242 name: GR:0060242 def: "Entire leaf surface appears wet; its reduced epicuticlar wax makes it so hydrophilic that it does not shed water. Poor viability. Resembles drp1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060242" RELATED [] synonym: "DRP2" RELATED [] synonym: "DRIPPING-WET LEAF 2" RELATED [] synonym: "drp2" RELATED [] synonym: "dripping-wet leaf-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060287 name: GR:0060287 def: "Extra glume between palea and sterile lemma" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060287" RELATED [] synonym: "EG1" RELATED [] synonym: "EXTRA GLUME 1" RELATED [] synonym: "eg1" RELATED [] synonym: "extra glume-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060288 name: GR:0060288 def: "Extra glume between palea and sterile lemma. Spikelets have an extra palea (long and empty, not present in all mutants) and lemma. Similar to eg1. The gene, although completely penetrant, is not 100% expressed" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060288" RELATED [] synonym: "eg2" RELATED [] synonym: "extra glume-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060294 name: GR:0060294 def: "Enhancer to Fl1 (Se1) that dramatically delays heading in the presence of Se1. An additional gene for extremely late maturity" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060294" RELATED [] synonym: "ENSE1" RELATED [] synonym: "ENHANCER FOR PHOTOSENSITIVITY" RELATED [] synonym: "Enhancer for photoperiod-sensitivity (Se1)" RELATED [] synonym: "EnSe1(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl2" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060320 name: GR:0060320 def: "Uppermost internode doubles in length, panicle length increases 12%, with little or no effects on other internodes or traits. This tall paternal plant type would be desirable for windblown pollen dispersal onto semi-dwarf male sterile plants to promote hybridization" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060320" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g40384" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0482400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339131" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5KQH7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KXL0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FJW9" RELATED [] synonym: "EUI1" RELATED [] synonym: "ELONGATED UPPERMOST INTERNODE" RELATED [] synonym: "eui1" RELATED [] synonym: "elongated uppermost internode-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060321 name: GR:0060321 def: "Mutant 'Xieqingzao eB-2' (XQZeB-2) has elongated uppermost internode" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060321" RELATED [] synonym: "eui2" RELATED [] synonym: "elongated uppermost internode-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060322 name: GR:0060322 def: "Many tillers with fine culms, normal height" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060322" RELATED [] synonym: "FC1" RELATED [] synonym: "FINE CULM 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsTB1" RELATED [] synonym: "fc1" RELATED [] synonym: "fine culm-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060364 name: GR:0060364 def: "Very intense golden furrows on lemma and palea give hulls golden color from panicle exsertion until maturity. Resembles gf1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060364" RELATED [] synonym: "GF2" RELATED [] synonym: "GOLD FURROWS OF HULL 2" RELATED [] synonym: "gf2" RELATED [] synonym: "gold furrows of hull-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060437 name: GR:0060437 def: "High temperature for starch gelatinization. Cooking quality of rice is mainly influenced by quality and quantity of starch and gelatinization temperature (range within which starch granules start to swell irreversibly in hot water, simultaneously losing their birefringence and crystallinity; 50 to79 degC for rice starch; low, 55 to 69 degC; intermediate, 70 to 74 degC; high, 75 to 7 degC). Gelatinization temperature is governed by interaction of two pairs of major genes having duplicate gene action with a cumulative effect (9 : 6 : 1). High gelatinization temperature is controlled by a single dominant gene, Gt" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060437" RELATED [] synonym: "GT" RELATED [] synonym: "HIGH GELATINIZATION TEMPERATURE" RELATED [] synonym: "Gt" RELATED [] synonym: "High gelatinization temperature" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060438 name: GR:0060438 def: "High amylose content. Physico-chemical properties (hardness) of cooked rice were measured with a texturometer" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060438" RELATED [] synonym: "H" RELATED [] synonym: "HARDNESS OF COOKED RICE" RELATED [] synonym: "Hardness of cooked rice" RELATED [] synonym: "H(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Hcr" RELATED [] synonym: "Hardness of cooked rice" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060446 name: GR:0060446 def: "Long trichomes on glumes, leaf margins, panicle branches and auricles. This gene exerts a pleiotropic effect on pubescence of leaf margins, auricles and panicle branches. Best expressed after flowering" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060446" RELATED [] synonym: "HG" RELATED [] synonym: "HAIRY GLUME" RELATED [] synonym: "Fg" RELATED [] synonym: "Hg" RELATED [] synonym: "Hairy glume" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060464 name: GR:0060464 def: "Awned indica cultivar Roti was crossed with awnless 'Club mutant' and awnless 'Dwarf mutant'. In Roti X Dwarf mutant, awned F1 and a 9-awned: 7 awnless segregating ratio in F2 indicate the interaction of two pairs of complementary genes, An6 (Ana) and An7 (Anb), which are carried by Roti and necessary for awn development. In the cross of Roti X Club mutant, Awnless F1 and a 9 awned: 247 awnless segregating ratio in F2 show that Club mutant carries two dominant inhibitors, An8 (IAna) and An9 (IAnb), which suppress the expression of An6 (Ana) and An7 (Anb)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060464" RELATED [] synonym: "IANA" RELATED [] synonym: "SUPPRESSOR FOR AWN A" RELATED [] synonym: "IAna*" RELATED [] synonym: "Suppressor for awn-a" RELATED [] synonym: "An8" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060118 name: GR:0060118 def: "Yellowish, pale green leaves at various growth stages (some in seedling stage, others later, or throughout entire growth), clearly manifested after transplanting. Such variations in phenotypes seem to be caused by different genes associated with the mutation. In fact, the chlorina mutation includes a number of other mutant phenotypes, such as the albino and virescent mutants" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060118" RELATED [] synonym: "CHL1" RELATED [] synonym: "CHLORINA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "ch1" RELATED [] synonym: "chl1" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorina-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060212 name: GR:0060212 def: "Dwarf. Many tillers with narrow, rolled leaves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060212" RELATED [] synonym: "D33" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF BONSAITO" RELATED [] synonym: "dB" RELATED [] synonym: "bonsaito dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf29" RELATED [] synonym: "d33" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-33" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060301 name: GR:0060301 def: "Staining intensity of 13b polypeptide in seed storage protein is lower than that of original cultivar. Rice storage proteins accumulate as two types of protein bodies in the starchy endosperm (Tanaka et al. 1980). Rice prolamine is stored in protein body type I (PB-I, spherical proteinaceous particles of lamellar structure). Rice glutelin is deposited in protein body type II (PB-II, a uniformly electron dense structure, 2-3 micron diameter). In SDS-PAGE analysis, PB-I has 10-kDa, 13a (a larger component of 13 kDa), 13b (a smaller component of 13 kDa) and 16-kDa polypeptides; and polypeptides of PB-II are 22-23 kDa, 26 kDa and 37-39 kDa" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060301" RELATED [] synonym: "ESP1" RELATED [] synonym: "ENDOSPERM STORAGE PROTEIN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "rsp1" RELATED [] synonym: "esp1" RELATED [] synonym: "endosperm storage protein-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060302 name: GR:0060302 def: "Staining intensity of 57-kD glutelin precursor polypeptide of seed storage protein is higher than that of original cultivar. Rice storage proteins accumulate as two types of protein bodies in the starchy endosperm. Rice prolamine is stored in protein body type I (PB-I, spherical proteinaceous particles of lamellar structure). Rice glutelin is deposited in protein body type II (PB-II, a uniformly electron dense structure, 2-3 micron diameter). In SDS-PAGE analysis, PB-I has 10-kDa, 13a (a larger component of 13 kDa), 13b (a smaller component of 13 kDa) and 16-kDa polypeptides; and polypeptides of PB-II are 22-23 kDa, 26 kDa and 37-39 kDa. Based on EM observation esp2 mutation is thought to result in deposition of 57-kD glutelin precursor polypeptides in PB-I and that esp2 is a gene for the post-translational processing of glutelin and for directing the glutelin precursors toward the protein vacuole" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060302" RELATED [] synonym: "ESP2" RELATED [] synonym: "ENDOSPERM STORAGE PROTEIN 2" RELATED [] synonym: "rsp2" RELATED [] synonym: "esp2" RELATED [] synonym: "endosperm storage protein-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060303 name: GR:0060303 def: "Staining intensities of 10-kD and 13a polypeptide in seed storage protein are lower than those of the original cultivar. Rice storage proteins accumulate as two types of protein bodies in the starchy endosperm (Tanaka et al. 1980). Rice prolamine is stored in protein body type I (PB-I, spherical proteinaceous particles of lamellar structure). Rice glutelin is deposited in protein body type II (PB-II, a uniformly electron dense structure, 2-3 micron diameter). In SDS-PAGE analysis, PB-I has 10-kDa, 13a (a larger component of 13 kDa), 13b (a smaller component of 13 kDa) and 16-kDa polypeptides; and polypeptides of PB-II are 22-23 kDa, 26 kDa and 37-39 kDa" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060303" RELATED [] synonym: "ESP3" RELATED [] synonym: "ENDOSPERM STORAGE PROTEIN 3" RELATED [] synonym: "rsp3" RELATED [] synonym: "esp3" RELATED [] synonym: "endosperm storage protein-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060304 name: GR:0060304 def: "Rice storage proteins have high content of 10-kDa and 16-kDa polypeptide and low content of 13b polypeptide. Rice storage proteins accumulate as two types of protein bodies in the starchy endosperm. Rice prolamine is stored in protein body type I (PB-I, spherical proteinaceous particles of lamellar structure). Rice glutelin is deposited in protein body type II (PB-II, a uniformly electron dense structure, 2-3 micron diameter). In SDS-PAGE analysis, PB-I has 10-kDa, 13a (a larger component of 13 kDa), 13b (a smaller component of 13 kDa) and 16-kDa polypeptides; and polypeptides of PB-II are 22-23 kDa, 26 kDa and 37-39 kDa. The dominant gene Esp4 appeared to be inherited maternally" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060304" RELATED [] synonym: "ESP4" RELATED [] synonym: "ENDOSPERM STORAGE PROTEIN 4" RELATED [] synonym: "regulatory gene for PB-I." RELATED [] synonym: "10/16-H" RELATED [] synonym: "Esp4" RELATED [] synonym: "Endosperm storage protein-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060332 name: GR:0060332 def: "Low levels of 16-kDa globulin, the main allergen in rice grain. All mutant lines had floury endosperm. Low 16-kDa polypeptide content is controlled by a single recessive gene. Attempts to separate genes for low 16-kDa polypeptide content and floury endosperm by crossing with the original cultivar were unsuccessful, suggesting the tight linkage of these two genes or pleiotropism of a single mutated gene, flo(t)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060332" RELATED [] synonym: "FLO" RELATED [] synonym: "FLOURY ENDOSPERM" RELATED [] synonym: "flo(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "floury endosperm" RELATED [] synonym: "flo3" RELATED [] synonym: "floury endosperm-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060365 name: GR:0060365 def: "Glumes turn from a light green during flowering to yellow, then golden yellow, and finally to golden brown during the ripening stage. Internodes yellow. The gene, gh1 causes pigmentation at epidermal cell walls of glumes and cell walls of hypodermis of internodes. Ripening gold is common especially in Indica cultivars. The white-hull gene Wh prevents formation of golden ground pigment and gives a normal straw color" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060365" RELATED [] synonym: "GH1" RELATED [] synonym: "GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "hg" RELATED [] synonym: "gh1" RELATED [] synonym: "gold hull and internode-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060366 name: GR:0060366 def: "The gene encodes a cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD) enzyme (EC: It is an ortholog of the CAD gene present at the bm1 (brown midrib 1) locus of maize (GR:0200056). The gene is expressed in the vascular tissue of panicles, hull, leaf midribs, leaf sheath, internodes and young roots. It is a key enzyme that regulates lignin content and plays a role in the lignin biosynthesis. In root tissue, it is expressed in the cortical parenchyma adjacent to the exodermis and in vascular tissue. The associated phenotype shows, brownish green lemma and palea at panicle exsertion and deep golden yellow hull at maturity. Golden internode has more intensified color. (Yellow pigment accumulates in cell wall). Reduction in lignin content. Simlar to gh1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060366" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g09490" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0187800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE005925" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4328552" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q75W59" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZHS4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3A3Y3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q38G74" RELATED [] synonym: "GH2" RELATED [] synonym: "GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCAD2" RELATED [] synonym: "CAD2" RELATED [] synonym: "Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase" RELATED [] synonym: "Sinapyl alcohol dehydrogenase" RELATED [] synonym: "gh2" RELATED [] synonym: "gold hull and internode-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060367 name: GR:0060367 def: "Golden yellow hulls and internodes at maturity. Similar to gh1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060367" RELATED [] synonym: "GH3" RELATED [] synonym: "GOLD HULL AND INTERNODE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3" RELATED [] synonym: "gold hull and internode-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060411 name: GR:0060411 def: "Mutants for the 57H character have high level of 57 kD and low level of 40kDa and 20kDa polypeptides of rice storage proteins. Glutelin, a major storage protein in starchy endosperm in rice, is synthesized as a 57 kDa precursor polypeptide and cleaved into two subunits of glutelin alpha (40 kDa) and beta (20 kDa) by post-translational modification" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060411" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUP1" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN PRECURSOR 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Gup1" RELATED [] synonym: "Esp5" RELATED [] synonym: "Glup1" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin precursor-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060412 name: GR:0060412 def: "Mutants for the 57H character have high level of 57 kD and low level of 40kDa and 20kDa polypeptides of rice storage proteins. Glutelin, a major storage protein in starchy endosperm in rice, is synthesized as a 57 kDa precursor polypeptide and cleaved into two subunits of glutelin alpha (40 kDa) and beta (20 kDa) by post-translational modification" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060412" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUP2" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN PRECURSOR 2" RELATED [] synonym: "esp6" RELATED [] synonym: "gup2" RELATED [] synonym: "glup2" RELATED [] synonym: "glutelin precursor-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060413 name: GR:0060413 def: "Mutants for the 57H character have high level of 57 kD and low level of 40kDa and 20kDa polypeptides of rice storage proteins. Glutelin, a major storage protein in starchy endosperm in rice, is synthesized as a 57 kDa precursor polypeptide and cleaved into two subunits of glutelin alpha (40 kDa) and beta (20 kDa) by post-translational modification. A spontaneous 57H mutant strain, `HO.1055', is controlled by a single recessive gene, glup3" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060413" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUP3" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN PRECURSOR 3" RELATED [] synonym: "esp7" RELATED [] synonym: "glup3" RELATED [] synonym: "glutelin precursor-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060487 name: GR:0060487 def: "Grain threshability, which depends on the strength of spikelet attachment to the panicle, is of great economic importance and is a major breeding consideration. The segregation pattern indicated easy threshing character was controlled by a single inhibitory gene (Ith)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060487" RELATED [] synonym: "ITH" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR DIFFICULT" RELATED [] synonym: "Ith" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for difficult threshing (easy threshing)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060489 name: GR:0060489 def: "responsible for the long grain of 'Roti'" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060489" RELATED [] synonym: "KR2" RELATED [] synonym: "LONG GRAIN" RELATED [] synonym: "Kr2" RELATED [] synonym: "Long grain" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060492 name: GR:0060492 def: "Amylose content of the mutant reduced to 80% of the original `Shiokari.'" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060492" RELATED [] synonym: "LAM" RELATED [] synonym: "LOW AMYLOSE ENDOSPERM" RELATED [] synonym: "low allergenic protein" RELATED [] synonym: "lam" RELATED [] synonym: "low amylose endosperm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060499 name: GR:0060499 def: "The grains of Jodon's marker, `7237' are slightly twisted. This character is controlled by a recessive gene, lgt" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060499" RELATED [] synonym: "LGT" RELATED [] synonym: "LONG TWISTED GRAIN" RELATED [] synonym: "lgt" RELATED [] synonym: "long twisted grain" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060526 name: GR:0060526 def: "The `Kitaake' minute grain mutant is characterized by small grains, late heading, and low seed set. The mutant is controlled by a single recessive gene, 'mik'" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060526" RELATED [] synonym: "MIK" RELATED [] synonym: "MICROSATELLITE-TARGETING TRANSPOSABLE ELEMENT" RELATED [] synonym: "Kitaake mutant' minute grain" RELATED [] synonym: "mik" RELATED [] synonym: "mi2" RELATED [] synonym: "minute grain-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060566 name: GR:0060566 def: "Narrow leaves and grain" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060566" RELATED [] synonym: "NAL2" RELATED [] synonym: "NARROW LEAF 2" RELATED [] synonym: "nal2" RELATED [] synonym: "nal3" RELATED [] synonym: "narrow leaf-2" RELATED [] synonym: "cul2" RELATED [] synonym: "curl leaf-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060567 name: GR:0060567 def: "Narrow, long leaf blades and narrow grain" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060567" RELATED [] synonym: "NAL3" RELATED [] synonym: "NARROW LEAF 3" RELATED [] synonym: "nal2" RELATED [] synonym: "nal3" RELATED [] synonym: "narrow leaf-3" RELATED [] synonym: "cul3" RELATED [] synonym: "curl leaf-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060605 name: GR:0060605 def: "Pale green leaves from transplanting to heading" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060605" RELATED [] synonym: "PGL" RELATED [] synonym: "PALE GREEN LEAF" RELATED [] synonym: "pgl" RELATED [] synonym: "pale green leaf" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061026 name: GR:0061026 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061026" RELATED [] synonym: "XA18" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 18" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-18" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa18" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa16" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa18" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060465 name: GR:0060465 def: "Awned indica cultivar Roti was crossed with awnless 'Club mutant' and awnless 'Dwarf mutant'. In Roti X Dwarf mutant, awned F1 and a 9-awned: 7 awnless segregating ratio in F2 indicate the interaction of two pairs of complementary genes, An6 (Ana) and An7 (Anb), which are carried by Roti and necessary for awn development. In the cross of Roti X Club mutant, Awnless F1 and a 9 awned: 247 awnless segregating ratio in F2 show that Club mutant carries two dominant inhibitors, An8 (IAna) and An9 (IAnb), which suppress the expression of An6 (Ana) and An7 (Anb)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060465" RELATED [] synonym: "IANB" RELATED [] synonym: "SUPPRESSOR FOR AWN B" RELATED [] synonym: "IAnb*" RELATED [] synonym: "Suppressor for awn-b" RELATED [] synonym: "An9" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060466 name: GR:0060466 def: "Inhibits brown furrows on the inter-veins of glumes that are caused by dominant gene Bf, resulting in normal straw color. Bf is contained in common japonica rice. Thus, Ibf must be absent for 'brown furrows' to be expressed. Refer to Bf" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060466" RELATED [] synonym: "IBF" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR BROWN FURROWS" RELATED [] synonym: "IBf" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for brown furrows" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060467 name: GR:0060467 def: "Inhibitor for Bph1. 'TKM6' was homozygous for Bph1 as well as for a dominant inhibitory gene IBph1, which inhibits Bph1 (resistance to brown leafhopper)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060467" RELATED [] synonym: "IBPH1" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR BPH 1" RELATED [] synonym: "IBph1" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for Bph1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060569 name: GR:0060569 def: "Semi-dwarf with narrow, long, dark green leaves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060569" RELATED [] synonym: "NAL5" RELATED [] synonym: "NARROW LEAF 5" RELATED [] synonym: "nal5" RELATED [] synonym: "narrow leaf-5" RELATED [] synonym: "nal1" RELATED [] synonym: "cul5" RELATED [] synonym: "curl leaf-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060574 name: GR:0060574 def: "Imperfect degeneration of a bract arising at panicle base, but bract is not as large as that of neck leaf mutant (nl1)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060574" RELATED [] synonym: "NL2" RELATED [] synonym: "NECK LEAF 2" RELATED [] synonym: "nl2" RELATED [] synonym: "neck leaf-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060672 name: GR:0060672 def: "All plant parts, except lemma and palea, are purple. Leaf blades and leaf sheaths are fully purple from seedling to maturity" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060672" RELATED [] synonym: "PL2" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE LEAF 2" RELATED [] synonym: "pl2" RELATED [] synonym: "purple leaf-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060767 name: GR:0060767 def: "Semi-rolled leaf" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060767" RELATED [] synonym: "RL4" RELATED [] synonym: "ROLLED LEAF 4" RELATED [] synonym: "rolled leaf-4" RELATED [] synonym: "rl2" RELATED [] synonym: "rl4" RELATED [] synonym: "cul11" RELATED [] synonym: "curl leaf-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060910 name: GR:0060910 def: "Blackish brown spots on leaves and culms only after flowering" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060910" RELATED [] synonym: "SPL9" RELATED [] synonym: "SPOTTED LEAF 9" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-9" RELATED [] synonym: "spl9" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd15" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060911 name: GR:0060911 def: "Finely striped, yellowish brown spots on entire leaf surface after tillering" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060911" RELATED [] synonym: "SPL10" RELATED [] synonym: "SPOTTED LEAF 10" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-10" RELATED [] synonym: "spl10" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd16" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060912 name: GR:0060912 def: "Rust-colored spots start appearing at late tillering, continue until maturity. Spots distributed over entire leaf blade, most concentrated along midrib" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060912" RELATED [] synonym: "SPL11" RELATED [] synonym: "SPOTTED LEAF 11" RELATED [] synonym: "spl11*" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-11" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd17" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-17" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060934 name: GR:0060934 def: "White stripes on leaves after germination. Stripes become more prominent at tillering and persist until maturity" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060934" RELATED [] synonym: "ST7" RELATED [] synonym: "STRIPE 7" RELATED [] synonym: "st7" RELATED [] synonym: "stripe-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060969 name: GR:0060969 def: "Twisted culm" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060969" RELATED [] synonym: "TS3" RELATED [] synonym: "TWISTED STEM-3" RELATED [] synonym: "ts3" RELATED [] synonym: "twisted stem-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060981 name: GR:0060981 def: "Young seedlings almost totally white, leaves emerging at or after transplanting are pale green. Similar to v1, but midrib and panicles are green, not white" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060981" RELATED [] synonym: "V2" RELATED [] synonym: "VIRESCENT 2" RELATED [] synonym: "v2" RELATED [] synonym: "virescent-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060982 name: GR:0060982 def: "Similar to v1. Three kinds of virescent mutants, v1, v2 and v3, are caused by deficiencies in both chlorophyll and carotenoids, and chloroplasts with abnormal ultrastructure as a result of growth at low temperature. Chloroplasts remain in proplastid stage and contain no ribosomes. Chlorophyll content of mature leaf determined by temperature only at the early elongating stage of the leaf" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060982" RELATED [] synonym: "V3" RELATED [] synonym: "VIRESCENT 3" RELATED [] synonym: "v3" RELATED [] synonym: "virescent-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060984 name: GR:0060984 def: "Deficiencies in both chlorophyll and carotenoids, and chloroplasts with abnormal ultrastructure as a result of growth at low temperature. Resembles v3. Threshold temperature is probably higher than for v3" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060984" RELATED [] synonym: "V5" RELATED [] synonym: "VIRESCENT 5" RELATED [] synonym: "v5" RELATED [] synonym: "virescent-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060985 name: GR:0060985 def: "Young seedlings almost totally white, leaves emerging at or after transplanting are pale green with white midrib. Emerging panicles are also white. Similar to v1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060985" RELATED [] synonym: "V6" RELATED [] synonym: "VIRESCENT 6" RELATED [] synonym: "v6" RELATED [] synonym: "virescent-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060986 name: GR:0060986 def: "Young seedlings almost totally white, leaves emerging at or after transplanting are pale green with white midrib. Emerging panicles are also white. Similar to v1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060986" RELATED [] synonym: "V7" RELATED [] synonym: "VIRESCENT 7" RELATED [] synonym: "v7" RELATED [] synonym: "virescent-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060988 name: GR:0060988 def: "Young seedlings almost totally white, leaves emerging at or after transplanting are pale green with white midrib. Emerging panicles are also white. Similar to v1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060988" RELATED [] synonym: "V9" RELATED [] synonym: "VIRESCENT 9" RELATED [] synonym: "v9" RELATED [] synonym: "virescent-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060989 name: GR:0060989 def: "Young seedlings almost totally white, leaves emerging at or after transplanting are pale green with white midrib. Emerging panicles are also white. Similar to v1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060989" RELATED [] synonym: "V10" RELATED [] synonym: "VIRESCENT 10" RELATED [] synonym: "v10" RELATED [] synonym: "virescent-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060990 name: GR:0060990 def: "Young seedlings almost totally white, leaves emerging at or after transplanting are pale green with white midrib. Emerging panicles are also white. Similar to v1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060990" RELATED [] synonym: "V11" RELATED [] synonym: "VIRESCENT 11" RELATED [] synonym: "v11" RELATED [] synonym: "virescent-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060991 name: GR:0060991 def: "Seedlings develop fine white stripes that disappear before transplanting (21 days after seeding). White stripes appear again on the leaf sheaths of flag leaves at flowering. Uppermost internod, which bears panicle, is milky white" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060991" RELATED [] synonym: "V12" RELATED [] synonym: "VIRESCENT 12" RELATED [] synonym: "v12" RELATED [] synonym: "virescent-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061002 name: GR:0061002 def: "Panicles are white from exsertion until early grain filling. Grains are normal straw colored at maturity" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061002" RELATED [] synonym: "WP1" RELATED [] synonym: "WHITE PANICLE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "wp1" RELATED [] synonym: "white panicle-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061003 name: GR:0061003 def: "Similar to wp1. Seedlings have white-striped leaves, generally only the first three leaves. At flowering, panicles are white, rachis and pedicel are milky white. Grains are normal straw color at maturity" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061003" RELATED [] synonym: "WP2" RELATED [] synonym: "WHITE PANICLE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "wp2" RELATED [] synonym: "white panicle-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061041 name: GR:0061041 def: "Yellow-green leaves at all stages of growth" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061041" RELATED [] synonym: "YGL" RELATED [] synonym: "YELLOW GREEN LEAF" RELATED [] synonym: "ygl" RELATED [] synonym: "yellow green leaf" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061053 name: GR:0061053 def: "Seedlings have distinct yellow bands from emergence to 20 days after seeding. The chlorotic bands appear again at early tillering but do not persist to later growth stages" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061053" RELATED [] synonym: "Z7" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA 7" RELATED [] synonym: "z7" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061054 name: GR:0061054 def: "Distinct yellow bands appear on leaf blades 35-60 days after germination, disappear at later growth stages. Refer to z7" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061054" RELATED [] synonym: "Z8" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA 8" RELATED [] synonym: "z8" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061055 name: GR:0061055 def: "Distinct yellow bands on leaf blades at 35-60 days after seeding. The bands disappear at later growth stages. Very similar to z8" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061055" RELATED [] synonym: "Z9" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA 9" RELATED [] synonym: "z9" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061056 name: GR:0061056 def: "Irregular yellow bands on leaves until 40 days after germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061056" RELATED [] synonym: "Z10" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA 10" RELATED [] synonym: "z10" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061057 name: GR:0061057 def: "Irregular yellow bands on leaves throughout growth, yellowish white panicles. Mature grains have normal straw color. Very similar z10" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061057" RELATED [] synonym: "Z11" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA 11" RELATED [] synonym: "z11" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061058 name: GR:0061058 def: "Irregular yellow bands on the leaves until early tillering. Resembles z10" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061058" RELATED [] synonym: "Z12" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA 12" RELATED [] synonym: "z12" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061059 name: GR:0061059 def: "Irregular horizontal white bands on leaves. Coalescence of white bands on leaves of mature seedlings makes the leaves appear dried" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061059" RELATED [] synonym: "Z13" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA 13" RELATED [] synonym: "z13" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061066 name: GR:0061066 def: "Wild rice (O. rufipogon) accession P16 has extruding stigma, valuable for hybrid rice production. Controlled by single dominant gene, Es1. F2 segregations of extruding stigma deviated significantly from the 3 : 1 ratio. In both cases, phenotypes of the cultivated parent were greatly in excess, those of the wild parent were fewer" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061066" RELATED [] synonym: "ES1" RELATED [] synonym: "EXTRUDING STIGMA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Es1" RELATED [] synonym: "Extruding stigma-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060094 name: GR:0060094 def: "Resistance only to biotype 4 of brown planthopper (refer to Bph1) from Bangladesh. This dominant gene governs resistance in 'Swarnalata.' Not resistant to the East Asian wild biotype" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060094" RELATED [] synonym: "BPH6" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 6" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph6" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060095 name: GR:0060095 def: "Resistance only to biotype 4 of brown plant hopper (refer to Bph1) from Bangladesh. This recessive gene governs resistance in 'T12'. Not resistant to the East Asian wild biotype" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060095" RELATED [] synonym: "BPH7" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 7" RELATED [] synonym: "bph7" RELATED [] synonym: "brown planthopper resistance-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060096 name: GR:0060096 def: "Resistance only to biotype 4 of brown planthopper (refer to Bph1) from Bangladesh. This recessive gene governs resistance in 'Col 5 Thailand,' 'Col 11 Thailand' and 'Chin saba.'" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060096" RELATED [] synonym: "BPH8" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 8" RELATED [] synonym: "bph8" RELATED [] synonym: "brown planthopper resistance-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060097 name: GR:0060097 def: "Resistance only to biotype 4 of brown planthopper (refer to Bph1) from Bangladesh. This dominant gene governs resistance in 'Balamawee,' 'Kaharamana' and 'Pokkali.'" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060097" RELATED [] synonym: "BPH9" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 9" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph9" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060098 name: GR:0060098 def: "Resistance to biotypes 1, 2 and 3 of BPH. Bph10(t) was introgressed from Oryza australiensis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060098" RELATED [] synonym: "BPH10" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 10" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance introduced from Oryza australiensis" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph10" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060102 name: GR:0060102 def: "Strong resistance to biotypes 1, 2 and to BPH insects collected from rice fields in Zhejiang Province, China. One resistance gene from 'B5', which is the progeny line from a wide cross between an accession of O. officinalis and `Zhenshan 97B'. Refer to Bph1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060102" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph14" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance-14" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance introduced from Oryza australiensis" RELATED [] synonym: "Qbp1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060372 name: GR:0060372 def: "Mutant embryos globular, grow slowly until late stage of seed development. No organs differentiate, seeds cannot germinate" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060372" RELATED [] synonym: "GLE1" RELATED [] synonym: "GLOBULAR EMBRYO 1" RELATED [] synonym: "gle1" RELATED [] synonym: "globular embryo-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060373 name: GR:0060373 def: "Globular embryos grow slowly (to c. 200-450 micronS) until late stage of seed development. No organs differentiate, and seeds cannot germinate" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060373" RELATED [] synonym: "GLE2" RELATED [] synonym: "GLOBULAR EMBRYO 2" RELATED [] synonym: "gle2" RELATED [] synonym: "globular embryo-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060374 name: GR:0060374 def: "Globular embryos grow slowly until late stage of seed development. No organs differentiate, and seeds cannot germinate" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060374" RELATED [] synonym: "GLE3" RELATED [] synonym: "GLOBULAR EMBRYO 3" RELATED [] synonym: "gle3" RELATED [] synonym: "globular embryo-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060586 name: GR:0060586 def: "Embryo enlarges, but shoot and radicle do not differentiate. Normal differentiation of scutellum. The embryo length is c. 1000-1500 microns. Expression pattern of rice homeobox gene, OSH1, was the same as that in the wild-type embryo in spite" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060586" RELATED [] synonym: "orl1" RELATED [] synonym: "organless embryo-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060722 name: GR:0060722 def: "Radicles absent in embryos, but seeds germinate and shoot develops normally. Many adventitious roots form, so ability to differentiate roots is not lost. Embryo is shorter, shoot located more toward base than in wild type" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060722" RELATED [] synonym: "RAL1" RELATED [] synonym: "RADICLELESS 1" RELATED [] synonym: "ral1" RELATED [] synonym: "radicleless-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060734 name: GR:0060734 def: "Embryo size reduced to less than half that of wild type because of enlarged endosperm. All embryonic organs reduced in size because of decrease in cell number" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060734" RELATED [] synonym: "RE1" RELATED [] synonym: "REDUCED EMBRYO 1." RELATED [] synonym: "re1" RELATED [] synonym: "reduced embryo-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060735 name: GR:0060735 def: "Embryo size reduced to less than half that of wild type because of enlarged endosperm. All embryonic organs reduced because of decrease in cell number" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060735" RELATED [] synonym: "re2" RELATED [] synonym: "reduced embryo-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060736 name: GR:0060736 def: "Embryo size reduced to less than half that of wild type because of enlarged endosperm. All embryonic organs reduced because of decrease in cell" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060736" RELATED [] synonym: "re3" RELATED [] synonym: "reduced embryo-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060879 name: GR:0060879 def: "Shoot apical meristem not differentiated during embryogenesis. Coleoptile and epiblast absent. Scutellum and radicle normal. Modifies expression domain of homeobox gene" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060879" RELATED [] synonym: "SHL1" RELATED [] synonym: "SHOOTLESS 1" RELATED [] synonym: "sh1" RELATED [] synonym: "shl1" RELATED [] synonym: "shootless-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060880 name: GR:0060880 def: "Shoot fails to form after germination, roots grow normally. shl2 are estimated to function in the upstream of OSH1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060880" RELATED [] synonym: "SHL2" RELATED [] synonym: "SHOOTLESS 2" RELATED [] synonym: "sh2" RELATED [] synonym: "shl2" RELATED [] synonym: "shootless-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060881 name: GR:0060881 def: "Shoot apical meristem not differentiated. Coleoptile and epiblast absent. Shortened embryos have differentiated radicle that is precociously formed during seed maturation and becomes necrotic. Apical portion of embryo is underdeveloped. Embryo is not viable in mature dry seed" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060881" RELATED [] synonym: "SHL3" RELATED [] synonym: "SHOOTLESS 3" RELATED [] synonym: "sh3" RELATED [] synonym: "shl3" RELATED [] synonym: "shootless-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060882 name: GR:0060882 def: "Shoot apical meristem not differentiated, so shoot fails to form after germination. Coleoptile and epiblast absent. Scutellum and radicle normal, roots grow normally after germination. Expression of homeobox gene, OSH1 is normal" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060882" RELATED [] synonym: "SHL4" RELATED [] synonym: "SHOOTLESS 4" RELATED [] synonym: "sh4" RELATED [] synonym: "shl4" RELATED [] synonym: "shootless-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060883 name: GR:0060883 def: "Abnormal shoot organization includes malformed shoot apical meristem, short plastochron, aberrant leaves, and random phyllotaxy with increased leaf production. Leaves are malformed, threadlike, or short and narrow. Shoot apical meristems are relatively low and wide (flat shaped). Rapid, random leaf production in sho mutants is correlated with frequent, disorganized cell division in shoot meristem and with reduced expression domain of rice homeobox gene, OSH1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060883" RELATED [] synonym: "SHO1" RELATED [] synonym: "SHOOT ORGANIZATION 1" RELATED [] synonym: "sho1" RELATED [] synonym: "shoot organization-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060884 name: GR:0060884 def: "Pleiotropic phenotypes in embryogenesis, early vegetative and reproductive phases: In early vegetative, meristem produces threadlike leaves with aberrant phyllotaxis. However, in late vegetative phase, plants relatively normal except for leaf phenotypes, such as threadlike leaves with normal dorsoventrality or partial loss of leaf domains. Marginal domain may be deleted from leaf. Less severe phenotypes have bi- or trifurcated leaf blade. In some leaves, midrib is separated from other tissues in middle of abaxial leaf blade. Wide variation of leaf phenotypes caused by lesion of one or two leaf domains or by nonsynchronous growth of the three domains. With SEM, the central domain is seen to develop earlier than the other two domains. Synchronous initiation and growth of the three domains are severely disrupted. Aberrant proper induction of leaf domains in shoot apical meristem is thought to be caused by sho2 gene" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060884" RELATED [] synonym: "SHO2" RELATED [] synonym: "SHOOT ORGANIZATION 2" RELATED [] synonym: "sho2" RELATED [] synonym: "shoot organization-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060890 name: GR:0060890 def: "Shoot displaced to apex of embryo, which is smaller than wild type; root position unaffected" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060890" RELATED [] synonym: "SPO1" RELATED [] synonym: "SHOOT POSITION 1" RELATED [] synonym: "shp1" RELATED [] synonym: "shoot position-1" RELATED [] synonym: "spt1" RELATED [] synonym: "shoot position-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060992 name: GR:0060992 def: "In vep1 (odm 9), phenotypes include globular embryo, large but organless embryo, shootless embryo, and embryos with various abnormal organ morphologies" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060992" RELATED [] synonym: "VEP1" RELATED [] synonym: "VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 1" RELATED [] synonym: "vep1" RELATED [] synonym: "variable embryo phenotypes-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060993 name: GR:0060993 def: "In vep2 (odm 11), large organless embryos, shootless embryos, and morphologically abnormal embryos, many radicleless embryos are present. Shoot and radicle positions in one mutant embryo are rotated 180°; shoot in basal region, directed toward the endosperm, radicle in apical region" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060993" RELATED [] synonym: "VEP2" RELATED [] synonym: "VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 2" RELATED [] synonym: "vep2" RELATED [] synonym: "variable embryo phenotypes-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060994 name: GR:0060994 def: "A unique phenotype is recognized in vep3 (odm 18) in addition to those observed in vep1 or vep2: embryos with no shoot but with two to four radicles arranged side by side or in oppositedirections frequently identified" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060994" RELATED [] synonym: "VEP3" RELATED [] synonym: "VARIABLE EMBRYO PHENOTYPES 3" RELATED [] synonym: "vep3" RELATED [] synonym: "variable embryo phenotypes-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061064 name: GR:0061064 def: "Necrotic zebra bands of yellow or reddish color on leaf blades, spaced 3 or 4 mm apart. Plant vigor slightly reduced from that of normal plants" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061064" RELATED [] synonym: "ZN" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA NECROSIS" RELATED [] synonym: "zn" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra necrosis" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd25" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-25" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061065 name: GR:0061065 def: "similar to sho1 mutant. Abnormal shoot organization includes malformed shoot apical meristems, short plastochron, aberrant leaves, and random phyllotaxy with increased leaf production. Leaves malformed, threadlike, or short and narrow. Shoot apical meristem relatively low and wide (flat shaped). Rapid, random leaf production in sho mutants is correlated with frequent, disorganized cell division in shoot meristem and with reduced expression domain of rice homeobox gene, osh1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061065" RELATED [] synonym: "SHO3" RELATED [] synonym: "SHOOT ORGANIZATION 3" RELATED [] synonym: "sho3" RELATED [] synonym: "shoot organization-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060018 name: GR:0060018 def: "High amylose content (26% - 31%) in white-cored rice" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060018" RELATED [] synonym: "AE3" RELATED [] synonym: "AMYLOSE EXTENDER 3" RELATED [] synonym: "High amylose mutant" RELATED [] synonym: "ae3" RELATED [] synonym: "amylose extender-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060020 name: GR:0060020 def: "Lethal mutation characterized by entirely white leaves of the seedlings; plants live only for 8-10 days after germination and then wither and die" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060020" RELATED [] synonym: "AL1" RELATED [] synonym: "ALBINO 1" RELATED [] synonym: "alK1" RELATED [] synonym: "al1" RELATED [] synonym: "albino-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060021 name: GR:0060021 def: "No chlorophyll develops, seedling leaves entirely white, lethal 8-10 days after germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060021" RELATED [] synonym: "AL2" RELATED [] synonym: "ALBINO 2" RELATED [] synonym: "alK2" RELATED [] synonym: "al2" RELATED [] synonym: "albino-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060022 name: GR:0060022 def: "No chlorophyll develops, seedling leaves entirely white, lethal 8-10 days after germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060022" RELATED [] synonym: "AL3" RELATED [] synonym: "ALBINO 3" RELATED [] synonym: "alK3" RELATED [] synonym: "al3" RELATED [] synonym: "albino-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060023 name: GR:0060023 def: "No chlorophyll develops, seedling leaves entirely white, lethal 8-10 days after germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060023" RELATED [] synonym: "AL4" RELATED [] synonym: "ALBINO 4" RELATED [] synonym: "alK4" RELATED [] synonym: "al4" RELATED [] synonym: "albino-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060024 name: GR:0060024 def: "No chlorophyll develops, seedling leaves entirely white, lethal 8-10 days after germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060024" RELATED [] synonym: "AL5" RELATED [] synonym: "ALBINO 5" RELATED [] synonym: "alK5" RELATED [] synonym: "al5" RELATED [] synonym: "albino-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060025 name: GR:0060025 def: "No chlorophyll develops, seedling leaves entirely white, lethal 8-10 days after germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060025" RELATED [] synonym: "AL6" RELATED [] synonym: "ALBINO 6" RELATED [] synonym: "alK6" RELATED [] synonym: "al6" RELATED [] synonym: "albino-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060026 name: GR:0060026 def: "No chlorophyll develops, seedling leaves entirely white, lethal 8-10 days after germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060026" RELATED [] synonym: "AL7" RELATED [] synonym: "ALBINO 7" RELATED [] synonym: "alK7" RELATED [] synonym: "al7" RELATED [] synonym: "albino-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060027 name: GR:0060027 def: "No chlorophyll develops, seedling leaves entirely white, lethal 8-10 days after germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060027" RELATED [] synonym: "AL8" RELATED [] synonym: "ALBINO 8" RELATED [] synonym: "alK8" RELATED [] synonym: "al8" RELATED [] synonym: "albino-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060028 name: GR:0060028 def: "No chlorophyll develops, seedling leaves entirely white, lethal 8-10 days after germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060028" RELATED [] synonym: "AL9" RELATED [] synonym: "ALBINO 9" RELATED [] synonym: "al9" RELATED [] synonym: "albino-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060029 name: GR:0060029 def: "No chlorophyll develops, seedling leaves entirely white, lethal 8-10 days after germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060029" RELATED [] synonym: "AL10" RELATED [] synonym: "ALBINO 10" RELATED [] synonym: "al10" RELATED [] synonym: "albino-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060070 name: GR:0060070 def: "Weak, very brittle culm. Rather short, and incomplete emergence of panicles. The brittleness of culm and panicle axis is not as distinct as that of bc1 and bc2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060070" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "BC3" RELATED [] synonym: "BRITTLE CULM 3" RELATED [] synonym: "bc3" RELATED [] synonym: "brittle culm-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060088 name: GR:0060088 def: "Compact panicle resembles the spike of bulrush" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060088" RELATED [] synonym: "BP" RELATED [] synonym: "BURLUSH-LIKE PANICLE" RELATED [] synonym: "Bp" RELATED [] synonym: "Bulrush-like panicle" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060761 name: GR:0060761 def: "Short round grain with slightly flattened shape, showing about 1.40 of a length to breadth ratio of kernel" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060761" RELATED [] synonym: "RK1" RELATED [] synonym: "ROUND KERNEL 1" RELATED [] synonym: "rk1" RELATED [] synonym: "round kernel-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060762 name: GR:0060762 def: "Small, round grain with length to width ratio of 1.41" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060762" RELATED [] synonym: "RK2" RELATED [] synonym: "ROUND KERNEL 2" RELATED [] synonym: "rk2" RELATED [] synonym: "round kernel-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060763 name: GR:0060763 def: "Small, round kernels" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060763" RELATED [] synonym: "RK3" RELATED [] synonym: "ROUND KERNEL 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Rk3" RELATED [] synonym: "Round kernel-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060807 name: GR:0060807 def: "suppressor for grain size in dwarf mutant and club mutant. When it is recessive, it has suppressing effect over Kr1 and Kr2, resulting in short and round grains" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060807" RELATED [] synonym: "skr" RELATED [] synonym: "suppressor for grain size (Kr1, Kr2)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060838 name: GR:0060838 def: "The starch branching enzyme (alpha-1,4-glucan: alpha -1,4-glucan-6-glucosyltransferase, E.C. catalyzes the synthesis of a-1,6 branching linkages characteristic of amylopectin. Two isoforms of SBE (rice starch branching enzyme) have been characterized in rice, as SBEI, and SBEIII. In Nipponbare, the sequence of a rice gene, sbe1, that encodes a starch branching enzyme diverges extremely from that of sbe2 which is homologous to the bacterial glycogen branching enzyme. The gene, sbe1, is expressed abundantly and specifically in developing seeds, maximally in mid stages of seed development. This expression pattern completely coincides with that of the waxy gene. Three G-box motifs and consensus promoter sequences are present in the 5' flanking region of sbe1, which encodes a putative transit peptide that is required for transport into the amyloplast" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060838" RELATED [] synonym: "SBE1" RELATED [] synonym: "STARCH BRANCHING ENZYME 1" RELATED [] synonym: "QEI" RELATED [] synonym: "sbe1" RELATED [] synonym: "starch branching enzyme-1(Q enzyme 1)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060839 name: GR:0060839 def: "The starch branching enzyme (SBE: a-1, 4-glucan:a-1, 4-glucan-6-glucosyltransferase, E.C. catalyzes the synthesis of a-1-6 branching linkages characteristic of amylopectin. Two isoforms of SBE, SBEI, and SBEIII, have been characterized in rice. Rice mutants deficient in SBEIII have the amylose extender (ae) phenotype, characterized by exceptionally high levels (29-35%) of amylose" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060839" RELATED [] synonym: "SBEIII*" RELATED [] synonym: "STARCH BRANCHING ENZYME III" RELATED [] synonym: "Starch branching enzyme III" RELATED [] synonym: "SBEIII" RELATED [] synonym: "Sbe3" RELATED [] synonym: "Starch branching enzyme-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060896 name: GR:0060896 def: "A slender glume mutant is controlled by a single recessive gene. As a pleiotropy of this gene, dwarfness due to the shortening of upper internode and delay of the growth during all growing period are expressed. This mutant often revert to the wild type. The frequency of reversion of slg to its wild-type state was little affected by crossing, back-crossing, genetic background or cytoplasmic factors. Southern analysis indicated that the mutability of slg is caused by none of the known transposable element in rice. Compared with the DNA transposable element such as RAc, however, the element inserted in slg appears to transpose frequently in the genome" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060896" RELATED [] synonym: "SLG" RELATED [] synonym: "SLENDER GLUME" RELATED [] synonym: "mutator" RELATED [] synonym: "slg" RELATED [] synonym: "slender glume" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060902 name: GR:0060902 def: "Relatively large reddish brown spots start to appear on leaves of seedlings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060902" RELATED [] synonym: "SPL1" RELATED [] synonym: "SPOTTED LEAF 1" RELATED [] synonym: "sl" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-1" RELATED [] synonym: "bl2" RELATED [] synonym: "spl1" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd7" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060903 name: GR:0060903 def: "Partial discoloration of leaves and stems develops in the seedling stage, becomes more distinct in the tillering stage" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060903" RELATED [] synonym: "SPL2" RELATED [] synonym: "SPOTTED LEAF 2" RELATED [] synonym: "spl2" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-2" RELATED [] synonym: "bl3" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd8" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060904 name: GR:0060904 def: "Small, reddish brown spots over entire leaf surface from tillering to heading" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060904" RELATED [] synonym: "SPL3" RELATED [] synonym: "SPOTTED LEAF 3" RELATED [] synonym: "spl3" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-3" RELATED [] synonym: "bl4" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd9" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060905 name: GR:0060905 def: "Relatively large reddish brown spots scattered on leaves, not as many spots as lrd9, lrd11 and lrd13" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060905" RELATED [] synonym: "SPL4" RELATED [] synonym: "SPOTTED LEAF 4" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-4" RELATED [] synonym: "spl4" RELATED [] synonym: "bl5" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd10" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060906 name: GR:0060906 def: "Relatively small reddish brown spots scattered extensively on leaves, from tillering to heading" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060906" RELATED [] synonym: "SPL5" RELATED [] synonym: "SPOTTED LEAF 5" RELATED [] synonym: "bl6" RELATED [] synonym: "spl5" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-5" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd11" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060907 name: GR:0060907 def: "Relatively large reddish brown spots appear on leaves, similar to lrd10" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060907" RELATED [] synonym: "SPL6" RELATED [] synonym: "SPOTTED LEAF 6" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-6" RELATED [] synonym: "spl6" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd12" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060908 name: GR:0060908 def: "Relatively small reddish brown spots over entire surface of leaves, from tillering to heading. Phenotypes of lrd9, lrd11 and lrd13 are similar and difficult to distinguish each other" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060908" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g45410" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0530400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE019779" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339409" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B0JD73" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y6S9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q93VB5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0SH81" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PIQ8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0SH80" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PIQ2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EQE5" RELATED [] synonym: "SPL7" RELATED [] synonym: "SPOTTED LEAF 7" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-7" RELATED [] synonym: "spl7" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd13" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060948 name: GR:0060948 def: "Sugary mutant contains high total sugar 7.5%, as compared with that of the normal, 1.4% in mature grains. Since grains of the sug2 mutant are less wrinkled, this might be more useful for practical breeding than the sug1 mutant. Sucrose and total sugar content varied within sugary lines carrying the same sugary gene, and were significantly lower in Hwachung sug2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060948" RELATED [] synonym: "sug2" RELATED [] synonym: "sugary endosperm-2" RELATED [] synonym: "su2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061143 name: GR:0061143 def: "Grain threshability, which depends on the strength of spikelet attachment to the panicle, is of great economic importance and is a major breeding consideration. Hard threshability was found to be completely dominant over easy threshability. The segregation pattern indicated threshability to be monogenically controlled" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061143" RELATED [] synonym: "TH" RELATED [] synonym: "HARD THRESHABILITY" RELATED [] synonym: "Th" RELATED [] synonym: "Hard threshability" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060976 name: GR:0060976 def: "For the mutant, the tip of the palea side of the kernel out-grows the tip of the lemma side. This has been named as uneven kernel. Uneven kernel is caused by the activity of two dominant complementary genes, Una and Unb" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060976" RELATED [] synonym: "UNA" RELATED [] synonym: "UNEVEN GRAIN" RELATED [] synonym: "Uneven grain-a" RELATED [] synonym: "Una" RELATED [] synonym: "Un1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uneven grain-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060977 name: GR:0060977 def: "For the mutant, the tip of the palea side of the kernel out-grows the tip of the lemma side. This has been named as uneven kernel. uneven kernel is caused by the activity of two dominant complementary genes, Una and Unb" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060977" RELATED [] synonym: "UNB" RELATED [] synonym: "UNEVEN GRAIN" RELATED [] synonym: "Unb" RELATED [] synonym: "Uneven grain-b" RELATED [] synonym: "Un2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uneven grain-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061000 name: GR:0061000 def: "Nipponbare has wide glume with wide spikelets. The character was controlled by a major gene, wide glume gene. Comparing with Nipponbare, Kasalath has narrow glume with narrow spikelets" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061000" RELATED [] synonym: "wgl" RELATED [] synonym: "spikelet width" RELATED [] synonym: "spikelet width" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061045 name: GR:0061045 def: "Yellow panicle, yellow-green leaves, early maturity. Yellow panicle conditioned by single recessive gene yp, which has a pleiotropic effect for early maturity (at 86 d instead of 102 d)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061045" RELATED [] synonym: "YP" RELATED [] synonym: "YELLOW PANICLE" RELATED [] synonym: "yellow panicle" RELATED [] synonym: "yp*" RELATED [] synonym: "gh4" RELATED [] synonym: "gold hull and internode-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061047 name: GR:0061047 def: "Chlorophyll mutants having zebra leaves. White cross-bands appear more clearly from seedling stage to tillering" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061047" RELATED [] synonym: "Z1" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "z1" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060261 name: GR:0060261 def: "Dull mutation lowers amylose content in endosperm (2.0-5.7% in mutant lines, 15.7% in original cv. Kinmaze). Grains have intermediate degree of translucence but character is expressed only when grains are dry (unlike floury mutants). I2-KI staining is intermediate between Kinmaze (blue) and waxy (brown). Dull endosperm mutants have closely packed squarish endosperm cells that are compactly filled with compound starch granules like those of waxy mutants. Endosperm cell surface is more uneven than Kinmaze but less than that of waxy mutants. Du1, encodes for Prp1, a member of the pre-mRNA processing protein family. It is expressed mainly in panicles and affects the starch biosynthesis by regulating the pre-mRNA splicing of Waxy gene (Wx, GR:0061010) and expression of other key genes involved in starch biosynthesis. It acts upstream of Wx gene in starch biosynthesis process. As reported by Zeng et al. (2007), the non-synonymous SNP mutation (G/A) in du1 at position 1742b in the first exon of cDNA results in the substitution of Serine (S) by Asparagine (N) at amino acid position position 581. This substitution was found to be present in the TPR7 (tetratric peptide repeat) domain at the C-terminal and may affect its interaction with other proteins leading to functional inefficiency (not a total loss of function). Du1 has about 73% identity with the Du1L (Dull 1 like; GR:0101268) gene located on chromosome-1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060261" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os10g35550" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os10g0498600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE032633" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4349020" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8W3F7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8LNH9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0IWN2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z903" RELATED [] synonym: "DU1" RELATED [] synonym: "DULL ENDOSPERM 1" RELATED [] synonym: "low amylose content mutant" RELATED [] synonym: "du1" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endosperm-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060262 name: GR:0060262 def: "Grain appears almost waxy-like or chalky. Amylose content low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060262" RELATED [] synonym: "DU2" RELATED [] synonym: "DULL ENDOSPERM 2" RELATED [] synonym: "low amylose content mutant" RELATED [] synonym: "du2" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endosperm-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060263 name: GR:0060263 def: "Endosperm translucence is intermediate between waxy and non-waxy rice in and staining with I2-KI solution, expressed only when grains are completely dry (unlike floury character), correlates with amylose content (ranging from 2.0-5.7% in mutant lines, 15.7% in original cv. Kinmaze). Endosperm with closely packed squarish endosperm cells that are compactly filled with compound starch granules like those of Kinmaze and waxy mutants. Compound starch granules are similar to those of waxy mutants rather than to those of Kinmaze, however, the degree of unevenness of the surface of endosperm cells is less than that of waxy mutants. The phenotype of du3 is similar to du1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060263" RELATED [] synonym: "DU3" RELATED [] synonym: "DULL ENDOSPERM 3" RELATED [] synonym: "low amylose content mutant" RELATED [] synonym: "du3" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endosperm-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060264 name: GR:0060264 def: "Dull endosperm with low amylose content. Refer to du1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060264" RELATED [] synonym: "DU4" RELATED [] synonym: "DULL ENDOSPERM 4" RELATED [] synonym: "low amylose content mutant" RELATED [] synonym: "du4" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endosperm-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060265 name: GR:0060265 def: "Dull endosperm with low amylose content. Refer to du1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060265" RELATED [] synonym: "DU5" RELATED [] synonym: "DULL ENDOSPERM 5" RELATED [] synonym: "low amylose content mutant" RELATED [] synonym: "du5" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endosperm-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060314 name: GR:0060314 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060314" RELATED [] synonym: "EST10" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 10" RELATED [] synonym: "Est10" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060315 name: GR:0060315 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060315" RELATED [] synonym: "EST11" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 11" RELATED [] synonym: "Est11" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060316 name: GR:0060316 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060316" RELATED [] synonym: "EST12" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 12" RELATED [] synonym: "Est12" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060317 name: GR:0060317 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060317" RELATED [] synonym: "EST13" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 13" RELATED [] synonym: "Est13" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060318 name: GR:0060318 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060318" RELATED [] synonym: "Est14" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060319 name: GR:0060319 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060319" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTL2" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-I2" RELATED [] synonym: "EstI2*" RELATED [] synonym: "Est15" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060268 name: GR:0060268 def: "Dull endosperm from dominant gene, transmitted only through female parents and segregated as dull: translucent = 1: 1 in F2 seeds. Pollen of heterozygous plants semi-fertile, indicating that Du8(t) has pleiotrophic effect on pollen sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060268" RELATED [] synonym: "DU7" RELATED [] synonym: "DULL ENDOSPERM 7" RELATED [] synonym: "Dull endosperm-7" RELATED [] synonym: "Du7(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Du8" RELATED [] synonym: "Dull endosperm-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060269 name: GR:0060269 def: "Dull endosperm with low amylose content (4.6%). Also reduces amylose content when transferred to indica background" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060269" RELATED [] synonym: "DU2035" RELATED [] synonym: "DULL ENDOSPERM 2035" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endoaperm (2035)" RELATED [] synonym: "du2035*" RELATED [] synonym: "du9" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endosperm-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060331 name: GR:0060331 def: "Floury white endosperm. High lysine content (5.1% to 6.4% of total amino acids; original varieties had about 4%). Also had increased histidine content. Floury character of all high-lysine mutants selected was controlled by flo2 gene. Thus the high level of lysine and the flourly endosperm of `EM-317' might be controlled by the pleiotropic effect of a single recessive gene" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060331" RELATED [] synonym: "FLO2" RELATED [] synonym: "FLOURY ENDOSPERM 2" RELATED [] synonym: "flo3(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "flo2" RELATED [] synonym: "floury endosperm-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060488 name: GR:0060488 def: "The club mutant obtained from Sri Lanka has short statured with cigar shaped panicles and short, round grains. The short grain trait is controlled by gene, Kr1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060488" RELATED [] synonym: "KR1" RELATED [] synonym: "SHORT GRAIN" RELATED [] synonym: "Kr1" RELATED [] synonym: "Short grain" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060503 name: GR:0060503 def: "Long grain with low seed set, reduced spikelet number" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060503" RELATED [] synonym: "LK1" RELATED [] synonym: "LONG GRAIN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Nagayama 77402a (N179)' long grain" RELATED [] synonym: "lkna" RELATED [] synonym: "lk1" RELATED [] synonym: "long kernel-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060504 name: GR:0060504 def: "Long grain, low seed set, reduced number of panicles and spikelets" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060504" RELATED [] synonym: "LK2" RELATED [] synonym: "LONG GRAIN 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Nagayama 77402b (N182)' long grain" RELATED [] synonym: "Lknb" RELATED [] synonym: "Lk2" RELATED [] synonym: "Long kernel-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060505 name: GR:0060505 def: "Long grain (1.3-1.4 times normal), weight 1.4-1.5 times normal; little effect on width, thickness of grain. Lkf also pleiotropically increased culm and panicle length" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060505" RELATED [] synonym: "LKF" RELATED [] synonym: "LONG KERNEL FUSAYOSHI" RELATED [] synonym: "Lkf" RELATED [] synonym: "'Fusayoshi' long grain" RELATED [] synonym: "Lk3" RELATED [] synonym: "Long kernel-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060506 name: GR:0060506 def: "Grain length increased by more than 20% in homozygote for lki1 over that of normal homozygote" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060506" RELATED [] synonym: "LKI1" RELATED [] synonym: "LONG KERNEL IRAT 13" RELATED [] synonym: "IRAT 13' long grain-1" RELATED [] synonym: "lki1" RELATED [] synonym: "lk4" RELATED [] synonym: "long kernel-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060507 name: GR:0060507 def: "Long grain. One of duplicate genes controlling long grain mutation in IRAT13" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060507" RELATED [] synonym: "LKI2" RELATED [] synonym: "LONG GRAIN 2" RELATED [] synonym: "IRAT 13' long grain-2" RELATED [] synonym: "lki2" RELATED [] synonym: "lk5" RELATED [] synonym: "long kernel-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060525 name: GR:0060525 def: "Grain length reduced 70-80%, weight to 60-70% of normal with little effect on width, thickness. Due to the extreme imbalance between the shortening in glume and ovary, notch in grain is often found. Mi is an incomplete dominant small-grain gene" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060525" RELATED [] synonym: "MI" RELATED [] synonym: "MINUTE GRAIN" RELATED [] synonym: "Minute grain" RELATED [] synonym: "Mi" RELATED [] synonym: "Mi1" RELATED [] synonym: "Minute grain-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060892 name: GR:0060892 def: "Shrunken, wrinkled, white floury endosperm, stains blue-black with I2-KI like non-waxy rice. Endosperm cells filled with round compound starch granules and large number of small, round granules" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060892" RELATED [] synonym: "SHR2" RELATED [] synonym: "SHRUNKEN ENDOSPERM 2" RELATED [] synonym: "sh2" RELATED [] synonym: "shr2" RELATED [] synonym: "shrunken endosperm-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060947 name: GR:0060947 def: "Wrinkled, translucent, hard endosperm with high sugar content. In SEM, no starch granules present in endosperm cells. Narrow rectangular cells in central part of endosperm, squarish cells toward periphery" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060947" RELATED [] synonym: "SUG" RELATED [] synonym: "SUGARY ENDOSPERM" RELATED [] synonym: "su" RELATED [] synonym: "sug1" RELATED [] synonym: "sugary endosperm-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060266 name: GR:0060266 def: "Dull endosperm has low amylose content, stains well with I2-KI; shorter than normal grain. Dull mutant line 48486 was controlled by a pair of duplicate recessive genes, designated as du6 (du6a) and du7 (du6b)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060266" RELATED [] synonym: "DU6A" RELATED [] synonym: "DULL ENDOSPERM 6A" RELATED [] synonym: "du6a(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endosperm-6a" RELATED [] synonym: "du6" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endosperm-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060267 name: GR:0060267 def: "Dull endosperm has low amylose content, stains well with I2-KI; shorter than normal grain. Dull mutant line 48486 was controlled by a pair of duplicate recessive genes, designated as du6 (du6a) and du7 (du6b)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060267" RELATED [] synonym: "DU6B" RELATED [] synonym: "DULL ENDOSPERM 6B" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endosperm-6b" RELATED [] synonym: "du6b(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "du7" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endosperm-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060270 name: GR:0060270 def: "Dull endosperm with low amylose content (4.9%). Also reduces amylose content when transferred to indica background" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060270" RELATED [] synonym: "DU2120" RELATED [] synonym: "DULL ENDOSPERM 2120" RELATED [] synonym: "du2120*" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endoaperm (2120)" RELATED [] synonym: "du10" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endosperm-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060271 name: GR:0060271 def: "Dull endosperm with low amylose content (1.9%). Also reduces amylose content when transferred to indica background" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060271" RELATED [] synonym: "DUEM47" RELATED [] synonym: "DULL ENDOAPERM EM47" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endoaperm (EM47)" RELATED [] synonym: "duEM47*" RELATED [] synonym: "du11" RELATED [] synonym: "dull endosperm-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060330 name: GR:0060330 def: "Normal grain shape, floury white endosperm like waxy mutants. Grains strongly stain blue-black with I2-KI solution like nonwaxy rice. With SEM, round, loosely packed compound starch granules are similar to that of crumbly rice. Weak bonds among compound starch granules results in their easy release from endosperm cell" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060330" RELATED [] synonym: "FLO1" RELATED [] synonym: "FLOURY ENDOSPERM 1" RELATED [] synonym: "opaque" RELATED [] synonym: "o" RELATED [] synonym: "flo1" RELATED [] synonym: "floury endosperm-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060891 name: GR:0060891 def: "Shrunken, wrinkled, opaque white, brittle endosperm stains blue-black with I2-KI solution like nonwaxy type. In japonica background, endosperm is partly chalky, partly translucent, but is completely chalky in indica. Endosperm cells filled with round, compound starch granules and large number of small, round granules" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060891" RELATED [] synonym: "SHR1" RELATED [] synonym: "SHRUNKEN ENDOSPERM 1" RELATED [] synonym: "sh1" RELATED [] synonym: "shr1" RELATED [] synonym: "shrunken eudosperm-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060014 name: GR:0060014 def: "Frequently twisted leaves of dwarf plants roll in reverse direction (abaxial side is inside). Abaxial epidermis of leaf has adaxial characteristics. ADL genes are required for specifying abaxial cell identity in leaf. In adl1 and adl2, bulliform cells, characteristic of adaxial epidermis of rice leaves, were also present in abaxial epidermis. In normal leaf blades, mesophyll cells in abaxial side are interrupted in the central-marginal direction by sclerenchyma cells connecting vascular bundle and epidermis, but mesophyll cells occupy the space between small vascular bundles and abaxial epidermis in mutant. Leaf development is closely related to organization of shoot apical meristem (SAM). In mature adl mutant embryos, SAM was flat. In the vegetative phase, leaf primordia of adl mutants are initiated extremely distal to the SAM in the shoot apices of adl1 and adl2; compared to those of wild type" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060014" RELATED [] synonym: "ADL1" RELATED [] synonym: "ADAXIALIZED LEAF 1" RELATED [] synonym: "adl1" RELATED [] synonym: "adaxialized leaf-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060015 name: GR:0060015 def: "Frequently twisted leaves of dwarf plants roll in reverse direction (abaxial side is inside). Abaxial epidermis of leaf has adaxial characteristics (refer to adl1). For many traits, phenotypes of adl2 were more modified than those of adl1. The adl1 plants set almost normal flowers; adl2 plants died before reproductive stage. ADL genes are required for specifying abaxial cell identity in leaf. In mature adl mutant embryos, SAM was flat. In the vegetative phase, leaf primordia of adl mutants are initiated extremely distal to the SAM in the shoot apices of adl1 and adl2; compared to those of wild type" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060015" RELATED [] synonym: "ADL2" RELATED [] synonym: "ALDOLASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "adl2" RELATED [] synonym: "adaxialized leaf-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060058 name: GR:0060058 def: "Panicle architecture and floral organs abnormal. Abnormality first observed was the distichous phyllotaxy of primary branches instead of 2/5 spiral type of wild type. The smaller rachis meristem may cause the change in phyllotaxy. The apo1 mutants had a reduced (apo1.1, apo1.2) or comparable (apo1.3) number of primary branches. Also, most (apo1.1, apo1.2) or (apo1.3) rachis meristems were converted to spikelet meristems. Each primary branch was shorter because of precocious transformation of the apical branch meristems into spikelets, resulting in less than half the number of spikelets and secondary branches of wild type. Shortening of primary branches was more pronounced acropetally. In several apical branches, the branch meristem was converted to spikelet meristem immediately after initiation, resulting in branches with only one terminal spikelet that lack lateral organs. The phenotypes of rachis and branches also showed that the meristem identities of rachis and branches were precociously converted to those of the advanced stages, suggesting that APO1 regulates the temporal maturation of reproductive meristems. The apo1 mutants also had abnormal floral organization, mainly in the number of floral organs. In the apo1, lodicules increased to three or four at the expense of the stamens, conserving the total number of organs in lodicule and stamen whorls of about eight. In the stamen whorl, anther may form on lodicule. Thus, in apo1, the meristem at lodicule-differentiation stage is temporally extended to the stamen-differentiation stage. Carpels increased to two in apo1-3 or to more than 5 in apo1-1 and apo1-2, showing loss of determinacy of floral meristem. In apo1, one or two organs in which stigmatic papillae formed on glume-like tissue were produced inside the stamen whorl" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060058" RELATED [] synonym: "APO1" RELATED [] synonym: "ABERRANT PANICLE ORGANIZATION 1" RELATED [] synonym: "apo1" RELATED [] synonym: "aberrant panicle organization-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060003 name: GR:0060003 def: "Dominant allele Fl22 hastens heading caused by Fl21 (Ef1) carriers by a few days. Refer to Fl21" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060003" RELATED [] synonym: "ACEF1" RELATED [] synonym: "ACCELERATION OF HEADING EF 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Acceleration of heading (fl21)" RELATED [] synonym: "Acef1" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl22" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-22" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060048 name: GR:0060048 def: "Medium awn. One of triplicate genes controlling awning. The fully awned can be produced by the mutual effect of An1 and An2. An3, considered to be weakest in its action, has no remarkable effect upon awn character when An1 or An2 occur independently" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060048" RELATED [] synonym: "AN1" RELATED [] synonym: "AWN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "An1" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060049 name: GR:0060049 def: "Short awn. One of triplicate genes controlling awning. The full awn can be produced by the mutual effect of An1 and An2. An3, considered to be weakest in its action, has no remarkable effect upon awn character when An1 or An2 occur independently" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060049" RELATED [] synonym: "AN2" RELATED [] synonym: "AWN 2" RELATED [] synonym: "An2" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060050 name: GR:0060050 def: "Tipped awn. One of triplicate genes controlling awning. The full awn can be produced by the mutual effect of An1 and An2. An3, considered to be weakest in its action, has no remarkable effect upon awn character when An1 or An2 occur independently" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060050" RELATED [] synonym: "AN3" RELATED [] synonym: "AWN 3" RELATED [] synonym: "An5(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "An3" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060233 name: GR:0060233 def: "dl1 is a member of the YABBY gene family and is closely related to the CRABS CLAW (CRC) gene of Arabidopsis thaliana. It regulates leaf midrib formation by promoting cell proliferation in the central region of the rice leaf. It also regulates carpel specification. Severe loss-of-function in dl1 mutants causes complete homeotic transformation of carpels into stamens. It is expressed in the presumptive region (carpel anlagen), where carpel primordia initiates. dl1 interacts antagonistically with class B genes and controls floral meristem determinacy" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060233" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g11600" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0215200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE010148" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332058" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q76EJ0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XDY0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10Q01" RELATED [] synonym: "DL" RELATED [] synonym: "DROOPING LEAF" RELATED [] synonym: "lop" RELATED [] synonym: "dl" RELATED [] synonym: "drooping leaf" RELATED [] synonym: "dl1" RELATED [] synonym: "drooping leaf-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060532 name: GR:0060532 def: "Multiple pistils, two kernels within palea and lemma, increased number of stamen and carpel primordia. Refer to mp1. The mutant is similar to but non-allelic to mp1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060532" RELATED [] synonym: "MP2" RELATED [] synonym: "MULTIPLE PISTIL 2" RELATED [] synonym: "mp2" RELATED [] synonym: "multiple pistil-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060606 name: GR:0060606 def: "Grains and hulls stain dark violet with phenol solution; usually indica varieties show that reaction. Black hull color is due to the complementary genes, Ph, Bh1 and Bh2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060606" RELATED [] synonym: "PH" RELATED [] synonym: "PHENOL STAINING" RELATED [] synonym: "Bhc" RELATED [] synonym: "Po" RELATED [] synonym: "Ph" RELATED [] synonym: "Phenol staining" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060909 name: GR:0060909 def: "Finely striped, reddish brown spots over entire leaf surface appear after tillering stage" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060909" RELATED [] synonym: "SPL8" RELATED [] synonym: "SPOTTED LEAF 8" RELATED [] synonym: "spl8" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-8" RELATED [] synonym: "bl8" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd14" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060980 name: GR:0060980 def: "Young seedlings almost totally white, leaves emerging at or after transplanting are pale green with white midrib. Emerging panicles are also white" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060980" RELATED [] synonym: "V1" RELATED [] synonym: "VIRESCENT 1" RELATED [] synonym: "v1" RELATED [] synonym: "virescent-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060983 name: GR:0060983 def: "Young seedlings almost totally white, leaves emerging at or after transplanting are pale green with white midrib. Emerging panicles are also white. Similar to v1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060983" RELATED [] synonym: "V4" RELATED [] synonym: "VIRESCENT 4" RELATED [] synonym: "v4" RELATED [] synonym: "virescent-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060052 name: GR:0060052 def: "Common wild rice (O. rufipogon) accession P16 with awn" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060052" RELATED [] synonym: "AN5" RELATED [] synonym: "AWN 5" RELATED [] synonym: "an5" RELATED [] synonym: "awn-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060073 name: GR:0060073 def: "All plant parts extremely brittle from seedling stage to maturity" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060073" RELATED [] synonym: "BC6" RELATED [] synonym: "BRITTLE CULM 6" RELATED [] synonym: "Bc6" RELATED [] synonym: "Brittle culm-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060069 name: GR:0060069 def: "Culms and leaves break very easily. Recessive character is expressed at all stages of growth" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060069" RELATED [] synonym: "BC2" RELATED [] synonym: "BRITTLE CULM 2" RELATED [] synonym: "bc2" RELATED [] synonym: "brittle culm-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060072 name: GR:0060072 def: "When gently pulled, tillers break at the node and leaf blades break from leaf sheaths at the juncture. Other plant parts are not brittle, unlike other brittle culm mutants" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060072" RELATED [] synonym: "BC5" RELATED [] synonym: "BRITTLE CULM 5" RELATED [] synonym: "brittle node" RELATED [] synonym: "bn" RELATED [] synonym: "bc5" RELATED [] synonym: "brittle culm-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060208 name: GR:0060208 def: "Noticeable shortening of uppermost internodes results in imperfect panicle emergence. The shape and length of panicle is nearly normal" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060208" RELATED [] synonym: "D29" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF SHORT UPPERMOST INTERNODE" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf25" RELATED [] synonym: "short uppermost internode dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dK1" RELATED [] synonym: "d29" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-29" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060234 name: GR:0060234 def: "Common wild rice (O. rufipogon) accession P16 with drooping leaf" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060234" RELATED [] synonym: "Dl2" RELATED [] synonym: "Drooping leaf-2" RELATED [] synonym: "dl1(t)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060573 name: GR:0060573 def: "Spathe-like neck leaf or leaf sheath arises at base of panicle, sometimes encasing entire panicle. In some strains or segregates, additional bracts form at bases of panicle branches" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060573" RELATED [] synonym: "NL1" RELATED [] synonym: "NECK LEAF 1" RELATED [] synonym: "nl1" RELATED [] synonym: "neck leaf-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061048 name: GR:0061048 def: "Yellowish pale green zebra leaves, fine culm and inferior growth" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061048" RELATED [] synonym: "Z2" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "z2" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060035 name: GR:0060035 def: "High amylose content (29%), similar to ae1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060035" RELATED [] synonym: "AM" RELATED [] synonym: "HIGH AMYLOSE" RELATED [] synonym: "Am" RELATED [] synonym: "High amylose" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060051 name: GR:0060051 def: "Awnness is controlled by an incomplete dominant gene; recessive homozygotes result in awnless phenotype. As a pleiotropic effect of An4, panicle traits such as length of primary branches, number of secondary branches and number of spikelets per panicle are increased" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060051" RELATED [] synonym: "AN4" RELATED [] synonym: "AWN 4" RELATED [] synonym: "An6(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "An4" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060053 name: GR:0060053 def: "Awned indica cultivar Roti was crossed with awnless 'Club mutant' and awnless 'Dwarf mutant'. In Roti X Dwarf mutant, awned F1 and a 9-awned: 7 awnless segregating ratio in F2 indicate the interaction of two pairs of complementary genes, An6 (Ana) and An7 (Anb), which are carried by Roti and necessary for awn development. In the cross of Roti X Club mutant, Awnless F1 and a 9 awned: 247 awnless segregating ratio in F2 show that Club mutant carries two dominant inhibitors, An8 (IAna) and An9 (IAnb), which suppress the expression of An6 (Ana) and An7 (Anb)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060053" RELATED [] synonym: "ANA" RELATED [] synonym: "AWN DEVELOPMENT" RELATED [] synonym: "Ana*" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn development-a" RELATED [] synonym: "An6" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060054 name: GR:0060054 def: "Awned indica cultivar Roti was crossed with awnless 'Club mutant' and awnless 'Dwarf mutant'. In Roti X Dwarf mutant, awned F1 and a 9-awned: 7 awnless segregating ratio in F2 indicate the interaction of two pairs of complementary genes, An6 (Ana) and An7 (Anb), which are carried by Roti and necessary for awn development. In the cross of Roti X Club mutant, Awnless F1 and a 9 awned: 247 awnless segregating ratio in F2 show that Club mutant carries two dominant inhibitors, An8 (IAna) and An9 (IAnb), which suppress the expression of An6 (Ana) and An7 (Anb)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060054" RELATED [] synonym: "ANB" RELATED [] synonym: "AWN DEVELOPMENT" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn development-b" RELATED [] synonym: "Anb*" RELATED [] synonym: "An7" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060056 name: GR:0060056 def: "Overgrowth of internodes. Leaf blades extremely extended, narrow. No morphological indication of panicle formation evident. Seedlings look similar to seedlings with foolish seedling disease, caused by Gibberella fujikuroi, but phenotype is not due to overproduction of an endogenous gibberellic acid, but to accelerated elongation of internodes at seedling stage" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060056" RELATED [] synonym: "AO" RELATED [] synonym: "ACCERELATED INTERNODE OVERGROWTH" RELATED [] synonym: "ao" RELATED [] synonym: "accerelated overgrowth of internode" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060059 name: GR:0060059 def: "Length of apiculus hair (longer in japonica than in indica) serves to distinguish indica from japonica. Controlled by a major gene Aph/aph although other modifying genes that cause a continuum of variation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060059" RELATED [] synonym: "APH" RELATED [] synonym: "APICULUS HAIRS" RELATED [] synonym: "aph" RELATED [] synonym: "apiculus hairs" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060932 name: GR:0060932 def: "Fine white stripes on leaf blade, sheath, lemma and palea throughout growing period" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060932" RELATED [] synonym: "ST5" RELATED [] synonym: "STRIPE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "st5" RELATED [] synonym: "stripe-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061052 name: GR:0061052 def: "Cross bands of chlorophyll deficiency on all leaf blades and sheaths throughout growing period" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061052" RELATED [] synonym: "Z6" RELATED [] synonym: "ZEBRA 6" RELATED [] synonym: "z6" RELATED [] synonym: "zebra-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060065 name: GR:0060065 def: "Auricles absent, ligule rudimentary" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060065" RELATED [] synonym: "AUL" RELATED [] synonym: "AURICLELESS" RELATED [] synonym: "aul" RELATED [] synonym: "auricleless" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060002 name: GR:0060002 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060002" RELATED [] synonym: "Ac" RELATED [] synonym: "Maize transposable element" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060004 name: GR:0060004 def: "Encodes for the enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 1. It is a key enzyme in ethylene biosynthesis. Expression is induced within 12 hrs of partial submergence and low oxygen concentration (anaerobic condition)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060004" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g51740" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0727600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012828" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333976" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FBB6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FBB7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XLL2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EIR0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10DK7" RELATED [] synonym: "ACS1" RELATED [] synonym: "ACC SYNTHASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "S-adenosyl-L-methionine methylthioadenosine-lyase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "ACC synthase-1" RELATED [] synonym: "ACC1" RELATED [] synonym: "1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060005 name: GR:0060005 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060005" RELATED [] synonym: "ACS3" RELATED [] synonym: "ACC SYNTHASE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "ACC3" RELATED [] synonym: "ACC synthase-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060006 name: GR:0060006 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060006" RELATED [] synonym: "ACP1" RELATED [] synonym: "ACID PHOSPHATASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Acp1" RELATED [] synonym: "Acid phosphatase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060007 name: GR:0060007 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060007" RELATED [] synonym: "ACP2" RELATED [] synonym: "ACID PHOSPHATASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Acp2" RELATED [] synonym: "Acid phosphatase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060008 name: GR:0060008 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060008" RELATED [] synonym: "ACP3" RELATED [] synonym: "ACID PHOSPHATASE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Acp3" RELATED [] synonym: "Acid phosphatase-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060009 name: GR:0060009 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060009" RELATED [] synonym: "ACP4" RELATED [] synonym: "ACID PHOSPHATASE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Acp4" RELATED [] synonym: "Acid phosphatase-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060010 name: GR:0060010 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060010" RELATED [] synonym: "ACT1" RELATED [] synonym: "ACTIN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "act1" RELATED [] synonym: "Actin1" RELATED [] synonym: "Actin-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060011 name: GR:0060011 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060011" RELATED [] synonym: "ADH1" RELATED [] synonym: "ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Adh1/2" RELATED [] synonym: "Adh1" RELATED [] synonym: "Alcohol dehydrogenase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060012 name: GR:0060012 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060012" RELATED [] synonym: "ADH2" RELATED [] synonym: "ALCOHOL DEHYDROGENASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Adh2" RELATED [] synonym: "Alcohol dehydrogenase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060013 name: GR:0060013 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060013" RELATED [] synonym: "adh3" RELATED [] synonym: "alcohol dehydrogenase-3" RELATED [] synonym: "alcohol dehydrogenase-2(cDNA)" RELATED [] synonym: "adh2(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060031 name: GR:0060031 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060031" RELATED [] synonym: "ALD1" RELATED [] synonym: "ALDOLASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ald1" RELATED [] synonym: "Aldolase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060032 name: GR:0060032 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060032" RELATED [] synonym: "ALD2" RELATED [] synonym: "ALDOLASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "ald2" RELATED [] synonym: "Ald2" RELATED [] synonym: "Aldolase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060033 name: GR:0060033 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060033" RELATED [] synonym: "ALD3" RELATED [] synonym: "ALDOLASE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "ald1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ald3" RELATED [] synonym: "Aldolase-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060036 name: GR:0060036 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060036" RELATED [] synonym: "AMP1" RELATED [] synonym: "AMINOPEPTIDASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "LapF" RELATED [] synonym: "Lap1" RELATED [] synonym: "Amp1" RELATED [] synonym: "Aminopeptidase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060037 name: GR:0060037 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060037" RELATED [] synonym: "AMP2" RELATED [] synonym: "AMINOPEPTIDASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Lap2" RELATED [] synonym: "AlapA" RELATED [] synonym: "Amp_2" RELATED [] synonym: "Amp-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Amp2" RELATED [] synonym: "Aminopeptidase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060038 name: GR:0060038 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060038" RELATED [] synonym: "AMP3" RELATED [] synonym: "AMINOPEPTIDASE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Amp1" RELATED [] synonym: "Amp_3" RELATED [] synonym: "Amp-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Amp3" RELATED [] synonym: "Aminopeptidase-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060039 name: GR:0060039 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060039" RELATED [] synonym: "AMP4" RELATED [] synonym: "AMINOPEPTIDASE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Amp4" RELATED [] synonym: "Aminopeptidase-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060040 name: GR:0060040 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060040" RELATED [] synonym: "AMP5" RELATED [] synonym: "AMINOPEPTIDASE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "Amp5" RELATED [] synonym: "Aminopeptidase-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060041 name: GR:0060041 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060041" RELATED [] synonym: "AMP6" RELATED [] synonym: "AMINOPEPTIDASE 6" RELATED [] synonym: "Amp6(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Amp6" RELATED [] synonym: "Aminopeptidase-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060042 name: GR:0060042 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060042" RELATED [] synonym: "Amp7" RELATED [] synonym: "Aminopeptidase-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060043 name: GR:0060043 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060043" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy1A" RELATED [] synonym: "Amylase-1" RELATED [] synonym: "RAmy1A/C" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-amylase-1A" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy1A/C*" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy1" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy1A_C" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060044 name: GR:0060044 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060044" RELATED [] synonym: "AMY1B" RELATED [] synonym: "ALPHA-AMYLASE 1B" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-amylase-1B" RELATED [] synonym: "RAmy1B" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy2" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy1B" RELATED [] synonym: "Amylase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060045 name: GR:0060045 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060045" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g49970" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0713800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE023283" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342055" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0D9J1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YGY2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7E3X5" RELATED [] synonym: "AMY2A" RELATED [] synonym: "ALPHA-AMYLASE 2A" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-amylase-2A" RELATED [] synonym: "RAmy2A" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy4" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy2A" RELATED [] synonym: "Amylase-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060046 name: GR:0060046 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060046" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy3A" RELATED [] synonym: "Amylase-5" RELATED [] synonym: "RAmy3A/B/C" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-amylase-3A" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy3A/B/C*" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060047 name: GR:0060047 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060047" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy3D" RELATED [] synonym: "Amylase-8" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy3D/E*" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-amylase-3D" RELATED [] synonym: "RAmy3D/E" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy8" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy3D_E" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060055 name: GR:0060055 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060055" RELATED [] synonym: "ANT" RELATED [] synonym: "ADENOSINE NUCLEOTIDE TRANSLOCATOR" RELATED [] synonym: "ant" RELATED [] synonym: "adenine nucleotide translocator" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060060 name: GR:0060060 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060060" RELATED [] synonym: "ARF1" RELATED [] synonym: "ADP RIBOSYLATION FACTOR 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Arf1" RELATED [] synonym: "ADP ribosylation factor (ARF)-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060061 name: GR:0060061 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060061" RELATED [] synonym: "ARF2" RELATED [] synonym: "ADP RIBOSYLATION FACTOR 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Arf2" RELATED [] synonym: "ADP ribosylation factor (ARF)-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060063 name: GR:0060063 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060063" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPX" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase" RELATED [] synonym: "atp1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060064 name: GR:0060064 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060064" RELATED [] synonym: "ATUB" RELATED [] synonym: "ALPHA TUBULIN" RELATED [] synonym: "atub" RELATED [] synonym: "alpha tubulin" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060066 name: GR:0060066 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060066" RELATED [] synonym: "BAMY1" RELATED [] synonym: "BETA AMYLASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Beaded grain arrangement" RELATED [] synonym: "Ba*" RELATED [] synonym: "Bga1" RELATED [] synonym: "Beaded grain arrangement-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060067 name: GR:0060067 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060067" RELATED [] synonym: "Bga2" RELATED [] synonym: "Beaded grain arrangement-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Bb*" RELATED [] synonym: "Beaded grain arrangement" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060074 name: GR:0060074 def: "The tip of lemma bends as beak shape. Duplicate gene with bd2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060074" RELATED [] synonym: "BD1" RELATED [] synonym: "BEAKED LEMMA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "bd1" RELATED [] synonym: "beaked lemma-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060075 name: GR:0060075 def: "The tip of lemma bends as beak shape. Duplicate gene with bd1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060075" RELATED [] synonym: "BD2" RELATED [] synonym: "BEAKED LEMMA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "bd2" RELATED [] synonym: "beaked lemma-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060076 name: GR:0060076 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060076" RELATED [] synonym: "BAMY1" RELATED [] synonym: "BETA AMYLASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "BetaAmy1" RELATED [] synonym: "Beta amylase isozyme-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy10" RELATED [] synonym: "Amylase(Beta)-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060099 name: GR:0060099 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060099" RELATED [] synonym: "BPH" RELATED [] synonym: "BROWN PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph11" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060100 name: GR:0060100 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060100" RELATED [] synonym: "bph12" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance-12" RELATED [] synonym: "brown planthopper resistance-11" RELATED [] synonym: "bph" RELATED [] synonym: "bph11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060101 name: GR:0060101 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060101" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph13" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance-13" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance derived from Oryza eichingeri" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph11(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060106 name: GR:0060106 def: "Occurrence of the anthocyanin color depends on the complementary action of the genes Cp (C) and Ap (A); Cp is the basic gene for the production of chromogen, and Ap exerts its activation effect on Cp and turns the chromogen into anthocyanin. A third gene, Pa (P) is necessary for the distribution of color in apiculus. Cp is considered to be responsible for the production of the precursor substances such as flavon or catechin. Cp.1 is one of alleles in Cp locus. The order of dominancy of alleles for that locus is: Cp.1 (C-Bs)>Cp.2 (C-B)> Cp.3 (C-Bp)> Cp.4 (C-Bt)> Cp.5 (C-Br)>= Cp.6 (C-Bd)>=Cp.7 (C-Bk)>=Cp.8 (C-Bc)>=Cp.9 (C-Bm)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060106" RELATED [] synonym: "C" RELATED [] synonym: "CHROMOGEN FOR ANTHOCYANIN" RELATED [] synonym: "Chromogen for anthocyanin" RELATED [] synonym: "Cp" RELATED [] synonym: "Chromogen" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060107 name: GR:0060107 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060107" RELATED [] synonym: "CALA" RELATED [] synonym: "CALMODULIN A" RELATED [] synonym: "Calmodulin-a" RELATED [] synonym: "CALa*" RELATED [] synonym: "Cal1" RELATED [] synonym: "Calmodulin-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060108 name: GR:0060108 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060108" RELATED [] synonym: "CALB" RELATED [] synonym: "CALMODULIN B" RELATED [] synonym: "CALb*" RELATED [] synonym: "Calmodulin-b" RELATED [] synonym: "Cal2" RELATED [] synonym: "Calmodulin-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060109 name: GR:0060109 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060109" RELATED [] synonym: "Cat2" RELATED [] synonym: "Catalase-2" RELATED [] synonym: "CatA1*" RELATED [] synonym: "Catalase-Al (cDNA clone)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060111 name: GR:0060111 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060111" RELATED [] synonym: "CDC" RELATED [] synonym: "CDC2A PROTEIN" RELATED [] synonym: "cdc" RELATED [] synonym: "CDC2a protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060128 name: GR:0060128 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060128" RELATED [] synonym: "CHS" RELATED [] synonym: "CHALCONE SYNTHASE" RELATED [] synonym: "Oschs" RELATED [] synonym: "chs" RELATED [] synonym: "chas" RELATED [] synonym: "chalcone synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060133 name: GR:0060133 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060133" RELATED [] synonym: "CHT1" RELATED [] synonym: "CHITINASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsChia1" RELATED [] synonym: "Chi1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht1*" RELATED [] synonym: "Chi-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht1" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-1(class I)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060134 name: GR:0060134 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060134" RELATED [] synonym: "CHT2" RELATED [] synonym: "CHITINASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht2" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-2(class I)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060135 name: GR:0060135 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060135" RELATED [] synonym: "CHT3" RELATED [] synonym: "CHITINASE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht3" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-3(class I)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060136 name: GR:0060136 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060136" RELATED [] synonym: "CHT4" RELATED [] synonym: "CHITINASE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Chi4" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht4" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-4(novel type)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060137 name: GR:0060137 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060137" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht5" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-5" RELATED [] synonym: "C10728*" RELATED [] synonym: "Class III chitinase homologues (cDNA)-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060138 name: GR:0060138 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060138" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht12" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-12" RELATED [] synonym: "Rcht2*" RELATED [] synonym: "Class II chitinase homologues" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060144 name: GR:0060144 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060144" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-AK" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY AK" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-jp" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-ak" RELATED [] synonym: "'Akebono' cytoplasm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060167 name: GR:0060167 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060167" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS-54257" RELATED [] synonym: "CYTOPLASMIC MALE STERILITY 54257" RELATED [] synonym: "cms-54257" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytoplasmic mutant induced by somaclonal variation" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060173 name: GR:0060173 def: "Absence of leaf collar" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060173" RELATED [] synonym: "COL" RELATED [] synonym: "COLLARLESS" RELATED [] synonym: "col" RELATED [] synonym: "collarless" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060177 name: GR:0060177 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060177" RELATED [] synonym: "CTB" RELATED [] synonym: "COLD TOLERANCE AT THE BOOTING STAGE" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060178 name: GR:0060178 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060178" RELATED [] synonym: "CTS1" RELATED [] synonym: "COLD TOLERANCE AT SEEDLING STAGE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cts1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cts1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at seedling stage-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060180 name: GR:0060180 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060180" RELATED [] synonym: "CYC1" RELATED [] synonym: "CYCLOPHILIN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "cyc1" RELATED [] synonym: "cyclophilin-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060181 name: GR:0060181 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060181" RELATED [] synonym: "CYC2" RELATED [] synonym: "CYCLOPHILIN 2" RELATED [] synonym: "cyc2" RELATED [] synonym: "cyclophilin-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060195 name: GR:0060195 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060195" RELATED [] synonym: "D13" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-13" RELATED [] synonym: "short grained dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf12" RELATED [] synonym: "d13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060197 name: GR:0060197 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060197" RELATED [] synonym: "D17" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-17" RELATED [] synonym: "slender dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d17(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf14" RELATED [] synonym: "d17" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060199 name: GR:0060199 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060199" RELATED [] synonym: "D19" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-19" RELATED [] synonym: "kamikawa dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf16" RELATED [] synonym: "d19(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "d19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060202 name: GR:0060202 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060202" RELATED [] synonym: "D22" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-22" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf19" RELATED [] synonym: "jokei 6549 dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d22(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "d22" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060203 name: GR:0060203 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060203" RELATED [] synonym: "D23" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-23" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf20" RELATED [] synonym: "ah7 dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d23(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "d23" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060204 name: GR:0060204 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060204" RELATED [] synonym: "D24" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-24" RELATED [] synonym: "m-7 dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf21" RELATED [] synonym: "d24(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "d24" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060213 name: GR:0060213 def: "The semi-dwarf stature of d35 ( Tan-Ginbozu ) is caused by a defective early step of gibberellin biosynthesis. The gene encodes for ent-kaurene oxidase (KO)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060213" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g37300" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0569500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4341343" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A6N161" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6GZ42" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DBF4" RELATED [] synonym: "D35" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-35" RELATED [] synonym: "tanginbozu dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d35(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf30" RELATED [] synonym: "Tan-Ginbozu" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-kaurene oxidase" RELATED [] synonym: "KO" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKOL2" RELATED [] synonym: "KOL2" RELATED [] synonym: "d35" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060217 name: GR:0060217 def: "Dwarf; short, dark leave; small grains in upper branches, and grain shape is nearly normal" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060217" RELATED [] synonym: "D52" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF KYUSHU 2" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf Kyushu-2" RELATED [] synonym: "dK2" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf33" RELATED [] synonym: "d52" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-52" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060218 name: GR:0060218 def: "Dominant dwarf with many tillers and slender leaves. Only one source of the dominant dwarf gene existing in Japan" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060218" RELATED [] synonym: "D53" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF KYUSHU 3" RELATED [] synonym: "DK3" RELATED [] synonym: "Dwarf Kyushu-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Dwf34" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-53" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060220 name: GR:0060220 def: "Dwarf with large grains" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060220" RELATED [] synonym: "D55" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF KYUSHU 6" RELATED [] synonym: "dK6" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf36" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf Kyushu-6" RELATED [] synonym: "d55" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-55" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060221 name: GR:0060221 def: "Dwarf; broad and erect leaves; relatively small and round grains. Similar to dwf1 (d1) but plant type is not so erect as it is" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060221" RELATED [] synonym: "D56" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF KYUSHU 7" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf37" RELATED [] synonym: "dK7" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf Kyushu-7" RELATED [] synonym: "d56" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-56" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060222 name: GR:0060222 def: "Dwarf; dense panicle" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060222" RELATED [] synonym: "D57" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf38" RELATED [] synonym: "d(x)" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d57" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-57" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060224 name: GR:0060224 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060224" RELATED [] synonym: "D59" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-59" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf40" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf (DM107-4)" RELATED [] synonym: "d59(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "d59" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060227 name: GR:0060227 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060227" RELATED [] synonym: "DH" RELATED [] synonym: "DOMINANT DWARF" RELATED [] synonym: "Dwf43" RELATED [] synonym: "D-h(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "D-h" RELATED [] synonym: "Dominant dwarf" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060228 name: GR:0060228 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060228" RELATED [] synonym: "DA" RELATED [] synonym: "DOMINANT LETHAL" RELATED [] synonym: "Da" RELATED [] synonym: "D1" RELATED [] synonym: "Dominant lethal-a" RELATED [] synonym: "Dhl3" RELATED [] synonym: "Dominant hybrid lethal-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060229 name: GR:0060229 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060229" RELATED [] synonym: "DB" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARFBAMBOO SHOOT 1" RELATED [] synonym: "D2" RELATED [] synonym: "Dominant lethal-b" RELATED [] synonym: "Db" RELATED [] synonym: "Dhl4" RELATED [] synonym: "Dominant hybrid lethal-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060230 name: GR:0060230 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060230" RELATED [] synonym: "DEC" RELATED [] synonym: "DECUSSATE" RELATED [] synonym: "dec" RELATED [] synonym: "decussate" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060231 name: GR:0060231 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060231" RELATED [] synonym: "DIA1" RELATED [] synonym: "DIAPHORASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Dia1(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Dia1" RELATED [] synonym: "Diaphorase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060232 name: GR:0060232 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060232" RELATED [] synonym: "DIA2" RELATED [] synonym: "DIAPHORASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Dia2(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Dia2" RELATED [] synonym: "Diaphorase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060249 name: GR:0060249 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060249" RELATED [] synonym: "DS1" RELATED [] synonym: "DESYNAPSIS 1" RELATED [] synonym: "ds1" RELATED [] synonym: "desynapsis-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060250 name: GR:0060250 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060250" RELATED [] synonym: "DS2" RELATED [] synonym: "DESYNAPSIS 2" RELATED [] synonym: "ds2(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ds2" RELATED [] synonym: "desynapsis-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060251 name: GR:0060251 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060251" RELATED [] synonym: "DS3" RELATED [] synonym: "DESYNAPSIS 3" RELATED [] synonym: "ds3(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ds3" RELATED [] synonym: "desynapsis-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060252 name: GR:0060252 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060252" RELATED [] synonym: "DS4" RELATED [] synonym: "DESYNAPSIS 4" RELATED [] synonym: "ds4(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ds4" RELATED [] synonym: "desynapsis-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060253 name: GR:0060253 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060253" RELATED [] synonym: "DS5" RELATED [] synonym: "DESYNAPSIS 5" RELATED [] synonym: "ds5(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ds5" RELATED [] synonym: "desynapsis-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060254 name: GR:0060254 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060254" RELATED [] synonym: "DS6" RELATED [] synonym: "DESYNAPSIS 6" RELATED [] synonym: "ds6(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ds6" RELATED [] synonym: "desynapsis-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060255 name: GR:0060255 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060255" RELATED [] synonym: "DS7" RELATED [] synonym: "DESYNAPSIS 7" RELATED [] synonym: "ds7(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ds7" RELATED [] synonym: "desynapsis-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060256 name: GR:0060256 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060256" RELATED [] synonym: "DS8" RELATED [] synonym: "DESYNAPSIS 8" RELATED [] synonym: "ds8(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ds8" RELATED [] synonym: "desynapsis-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060257 name: GR:0060257 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060257" RELATED [] synonym: "DS9" RELATED [] synonym: "DESYNAPSIS 9" RELATED [] synonym: "ds9(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ds9" RELATED [] synonym: "desynapsis-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060258 name: GR:0060258 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060258" RELATED [] synonym: "DS10" RELATED [] synonym: "DESYNAPSIS 10" RELATED [] synonym: "ds10(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ds10" RELATED [] synonym: "desynapsis-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060259 name: GR:0060259 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060259" RELATED [] synonym: "DS11" RELATED [] synonym: "DESYNAPSIS 11" RELATED [] synonym: "ds11(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ds11" RELATED [] synonym: "desynapsis-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060260 name: GR:0060260 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060260" RELATED [] synonym: "DSE" RELATED [] synonym: "DIAMETER OF SEMINAL ROOT" RELATED [] synonym: "Dse" RELATED [] synonym: "Diameter of seminal root" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060273 name: GR:0060273 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060273" RELATED [] synonym: "DW2" RELATED [] synonym: "DEEP WATER TOLERANCE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "fh2" RELATED [] synonym: "dw2" RELATED [] synonym: "deep water tolerance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060274 name: GR:0060274 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060274" RELATED [] synonym: "DW3" RELATED [] synonym: "DEEP WATER TOLERANCE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "dw3" RELATED [] synonym: "deep water tolerance-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060276 name: GR:0060276 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060276" RELATED [] synonym: "E2" RELATED [] synonym: "HEADING DATE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl19" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060279 name: GR:0060279 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060279" RELATED [] synonym: "EF2" RELATED [] synonym: "LATE HEADING 2" RELATED [] synonym: "lf1" RELATED [] synonym: "late heading-2" RELATED [] synonym: "ef2(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "fl24" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering date-24" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060280 name: GR:0060280 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060280" RELATED [] synonym: "EF3" RELATED [] synonym: "LATE HEADING 3" RELATED [] synonym: "lf2" RELATED [] synonym: "ef3(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "late heading-3" RELATED [] synonym: "fl25" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering date-25" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060281 name: GR:0060281 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060281" RELATED [] synonym: "EF4" RELATED [] synonym: "LATE HEADING 4" RELATED [] synonym: "late heading-4" RELATED [] synonym: "ef4(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "fl26" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering date-26" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060285 name: GR:0060285 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060285" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl30" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-30" RELATED [] synonym: "Ef7(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Efcd" RELATED [] synonym: "Completely dominant earliness" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060286 name: GR:0060286 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060286" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl31" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-31" RELATED [] synonym: "SuEf7(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "SuEfcd" RELATED [] synonym: "Suppressor for dominant earliness" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060289 name: GR:0060289 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060289" RELATED [] synonym: "EL" RELATED [] synonym: "FLOATING HABIT" RELATED [] synonym: "El" RELATED [] synonym: "Floating habit (elongation ability)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060290 name: GR:0060290 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060290" RELATED [] synonym: "ELF2" RELATED [] synonym: "ELONGATION FACTOR 1 BETA CHAIN" RELATED [] synonym: "elf2" RELATED [] synonym: "elongation factor 1 beta chain-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060291 name: GR:0060291 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060291" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g28210" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0349800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE018626" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4338499" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Y3H0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DIY6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P46520" RELATED [] synonym: "EM" RELATED [] synonym: "ABA REGULATED GENE" RELATED [] synonym: "Em" RELATED [] synonym: "ABA-regulated gene" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060293 name: GR:0060293 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060293" RELATED [] synonym: "EML2" RELATED [] synonym: "EMBRYOLESS 2" RELATED [] synonym: "eml2" RELATED [] synonym: "embryoless-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060295 name: GR:0060295 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060295" RELATED [] synonym: "ENL1" RELATED [] synonym: "ENDOSPERMLESS 1" RELATED [] synonym: "enl1" RELATED [] synonym: "endospermless-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060296 name: GR:0060296 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060296" RELATED [] synonym: "ENP1" RELATED [] synonym: "ENDOPEPTIDASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Enp1" RELATED [] synonym: "Endopeptidase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060297 name: GR:0060297 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme, 5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase that catalyzes the reversible addition of the enolpyruvyl moiety of phosphoenolpyruvate to shikimate 3-phosphate in the shikimate pathway. The protein is localized in the plastid. This enzyme is known to be targeted by glyphosate herbicide" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060297" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g04280" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0133900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE020526" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4340026" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q93VK6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6VVA4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y8X9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5VNW0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:O80428" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6MZG3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84ZY1" RELATED [] synonym: "EPSPS1" RELATED [] synonym: "5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "EPSPS" RELATED [] synonym: "EPSP synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase-1" RELATED [] synonym: "3-phosphoshikimate 1-carboxyvinyltransferase" RELATED [] synonym: "EPSP" RELATED [] synonym: "5-Enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060298 name: GR:0060298 def: "Erect growth habit of tillers. Recessive to the spreading growth habit" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060298" RELATED [] synonym: "ER" RELATED [] synonym: "ERECT GROWTH HABIT" RELATED [] synonym: "o" RELATED [] synonym: "er" RELATED [] synonym: "erect growth habit" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060299 name: GR:0060299 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060299" RELATED [] synonym: "ESBA" RELATED [] synonym: "EXTRA SCHLENCHYMATOUS BAND IN STEM A" RELATED [] synonym: "Esba*" RELATED [] synonym: "Extra schlenchymatous band in stem" RELATED [] synonym: "Esb1" RELATED [] synonym: "Extra schlenchymatous band in stem-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060300 name: GR:0060300 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060300" RELATED [] synonym: "ESBB" RELATED [] synonym: "EXTRA SCHLENCHYMATOUS BAND IN STEM B" RELATED [] synonym: "Esbb*" RELATED [] synonym: "Extra schlenchymatous band in stem" RELATED [] synonym: "Esb2" RELATED [] synonym: "Extra schlenchymatous band in stem-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060305 name: GR:0060305 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060305" RELATED [] synonym: "EST1" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Est1" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060306 name: GR:0060306 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060306" RELATED [] synonym: "EST2" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Est_2" RELATED [] synonym: "Est2" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060307 name: GR:0060307 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060307" RELATED [] synonym: "EST3" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Est3" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060308 name: GR:0060308 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060308" RELATED [] synonym: "EST4" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Est4" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060309 name: GR:0060309 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060309" RELATED [] synonym: "EST5" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "Est5" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060310 name: GR:0060310 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060310" RELATED [] synonym: "EST6" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 6" RELATED [] synonym: "Est6" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060311 name: GR:0060311 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060311" RELATED [] synonym: "EST7" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 7" RELATED [] synonym: "Est7" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060312 name: GR:0060312 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060312" RELATED [] synonym: "EST8" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 8" RELATED [] synonym: "Est8" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060313 name: GR:0060313 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060313" RELATED [] synonym: "EST9" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTERASE 9" RELATED [] synonym: "Est8" RELATED [] synonym: "Estcl" RELATED [] synonym: "Est_9" RELATED [] synonym: "Est9" RELATED [] synonym: "Esterase-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061284 name: GR:0061284 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061284" RELATED [] synonym: "RILEY9D" RELATED [] synonym: "gypsy-type retrotransponson #9D" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061285 name: GR:0061285 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061285" RELATED [] synonym: "RILEY9E" RELATED [] synonym: "gypsy-type retrotransponson #9E" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060323 name: GR:0060323 def: "Many tillers with fine culms, normal height. Similar to fc1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060323" RELATED [] synonym: "FC2" RELATED [] synonym: "FINE CULM 2" RELATED [] synonym: "fc2" RELATED [] synonym: "fine culm-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060324 name: GR:0060324 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060324" RELATED [] synonym: "FDP1" RELATED [] synonym: "FRUCTOSE1,6-DIPHOSPHATASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Fdp1" RELATED [] synonym: "Fructose-1" RELATED [] synonym: "6-diphosphatase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060325 name: GR:0060325 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060325" RELATED [] synonym: "FES1" RELATED [] synonym: "FEMALE STERILE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "fes1" RELATED [] synonym: "female sterile-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060848 name: GR:0060848 def: "Semi-dwarf, about 20 cM shorter in height compared with wild type; panicle and upper internode elongation not affected; spikelet number per panicle increased; early heading" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060848" RELATED [] synonym: "SD7" RELATED [] synonym: "SEMIDWARF 7" RELATED [] synonym: "sd7(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-7(D65-31)" RELATED [] synonym: "sd7" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060849 name: GR:0060849 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060849" RELATED [] synonym: "SD8" RELATED [] synonym: "SEMIDWARF 8" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-8(AB-60e'-3)" RELATED [] synonym: "sd8(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "sd8" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060850 name: GR:0060850 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060850" RELATED [] synonym: "SD9" RELATED [] synonym: "SEMIDWARF 9" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-9(Gimbozu)" RELATED [] synonym: "sd9(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "sd9" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060851 name: GR:0060851 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060851" RELATED [] synonym: "SD10" RELATED [] synonym: "SEMIDWARF 10" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-10(Kinmaze)" RELATED [] synonym: "sd10(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "sd10" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060852 name: GR:0060852 def: "Semi-dwarf" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060852" RELATED [] synonym: "SDG" RELATED [] synonym: "SEMIDWARF" RELATED [] synonym: "sdg*" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf (BRGPC)" RELATED [] synonym: "sd11" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060853 name: GR:0060853 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060853" RELATED [] synonym: "sd12" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-12" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "sd*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060854 name: GR:0060854 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060854" RELATED [] synonym: "sd13" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-13" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "sd*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060855 name: GR:0060855 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060855" RELATED [] synonym: "SDH1" RELATED [] synonym: "SHIKIMATE DEHYDROGENASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Skd" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdh1" RELATED [] synonym: "Shikimate dehydrogenase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060856 name: GR:0060856 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060856" RELATED [] synonym: "SDRA" RELATED [] synonym: "SEED DORMANCY A" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdra" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdua" RELATED [] synonym: "Seed dormancy-a" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdr6" RELATED [] synonym: "Seed dormancy-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060857 name: GR:0060857 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060857" RELATED [] synonym: "SDRB" RELATED [] synonym: "SEED DORMANCY B" RELATED [] synonym: "Seed dormancy-b" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdub" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdrb" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdr7" RELATED [] synonym: "Seed dormancy-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060858 name: GR:0060858 def: "Pronounced seed dormancy; viable seeds are unable to germinate under environmental conditions favorable to germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060858" RELATED [] synonym: "SDR1" RELATED [] synonym: "SEED DORMANCY 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdr1" RELATED [] synonym: "Seed dormancy-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060859 name: GR:0060859 def: "Pronounced seed dormancy; viable seeds are unable to germinate under environmental conditions favorable to germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060859" RELATED [] synonym: "SDR2" RELATED [] synonym: "SEED DORMANCY 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdr2" RELATED [] synonym: "Seed dormancy-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060861 name: GR:0060861 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060861" RELATED [] synonym: "SE2" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY E 2" RELATED [] synonym: "photoperiod-sensitivity-2" RELATED [] synonym: "se2" RELATED [] synonym: "fl5" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering date-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060865 name: GR:0060865 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060865" RELATED [] synonym: "SE6" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOSENSITIVITY 6" RELATED [] synonym: "se6(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "photoperiod-sensitivity-6(W1623)" RELATED [] synonym: "fl9" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering date-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060866 name: GR:0060866 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060866" RELATED [] synonym: "SE7" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOSENSITIVITY 7" RELATED [] synonym: "se7(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "photoperiod-sensitivity-7(W593)" RELATED [] synonym: "fl10" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering date-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060868 name: GR:0060868 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060868" RELATED [] synonym: "SE9" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOSENSITIVITY 9" RELATED [] synonym: "Photoperiod-sensitivity-9" RELATED [] synonym: "Se9" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl12" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060869 name: GR:0060869 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060869" RELATED [] synonym: "SE10" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOSENSITIVITY 10" RELATED [] synonym: "photoperiod-sensitivity-10" RELATED [] synonym: "se10(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "fl13" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering date-13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060870 name: GR:0060870 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060870" RELATED [] synonym: "SE11" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOSENSITIVITY 11" RELATED [] synonym: "se11(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "photoperiod-sensitivity-11" RELATED [] synonym: "fl14" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering date-14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060871 name: GR:0060871 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060871" RELATED [] synonym: "SE12" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOSENSITIVITY 12" RELATED [] synonym: "Se12" RELATED [] synonym: "Photoperiod-sensitivity-12" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl15" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060872 name: GR:0060872 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060872" RELATED [] synonym: "SG" RELATED [] synonym: "PERMEABILITY OF TESTA TO WATER" RELATED [] synonym: "Sg" RELATED [] synonym: "Permeability of testa to water" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060873 name: GR:0060873 def: "In certain varieties including wild species, the grain shatters very easily even when carefully handled. Anatomically easiness of shattering is chiefly due to the development of a tissue called abscission layer, which lies between the caryopsis and the pedicel attached to the rachis. This tissue consists of one to three layers of lignified thin walled cells. In rice that shatter easily, these cells develop well and dry up early" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060873" RELATED [] synonym: "SH1" RELATED [] synonym: "SHATTERING 1" RELATED [] synonym: "sh1" RELATED [] synonym: "shattering-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060874 name: GR:0060874 def: "Very strong resistance to shattering. The abscission layer at the base of sterile glumes in the spikelet did not develop" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060874" RELATED [] synonym: "SH2" RELATED [] synonym: "SHATTERING 2" RELATED [] synonym: "sh2" RELATED [] synonym: "shattering-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060875 name: GR:0060875 def: "High rate of seed shattering. Gene from wild rice" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060875" RELATED [] synonym: "SH3" RELATED [] synonym: "SHATTERING 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Sh3" RELATED [] synonym: "Shattering-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060876 name: GR:0060876 def: "High rate of seed shattering. A clear abscission layer at the base of sterile glumes in the spikelet developed" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060876" RELATED [] synonym: "SH4" RELATED [] synonym: "SHATTERING" RELATED [] synonym: "sh3" RELATED [] synonym: "sh4" RELATED [] synonym: "shattering-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060877 name: GR:0060877 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060877" RELATED [] synonym: "Sh5" RELATED [] synonym: "Shattering-5" RELATED [] synonym: "Shattering" RELATED [] synonym: "Sh(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060878 name: GR:0060878 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060878" RELATED [] synonym: "Shd" RELATED [] synonym: "Shoot differentiation from seed callus" RELATED [] synonym: "Shd(t)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060893 name: GR:0060893 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060893" RELATED [] synonym: "SK1" RELATED [] synonym: "SCENTED KERNEL 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Fgr" RELATED [] synonym: "Sk1" RELATED [] synonym: "Scented kernel-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060894 name: GR:0060894 def: "sk1 also called as fgr is linked to one of the most important traits in rice, i.e. fragrance. This trait has undergone human selection during domestication. The fragrance of basmati and jasmine rice is associated with the presence of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline. sk1 encodes for betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BAD). Compared to the non-fragrant genotypes, the accumulation of 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline in fragrant rice genotypes is due to the loss of BAD activity. The allele in fragrant genotypes has a mutation introducing a stop codon upstream of key amino acid sequences conserved in other BADs. Another fragrance related gene called BAD1 is present on chromosome 4. The loss of function of SK1 does not affect the growth of fragrant rice genotypes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060894" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g32870" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0424500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE027913" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4345606" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B3VMC1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84LK3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B3VMC0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q06DE4" RELATED [] synonym: "SK2" RELATED [] synonym: "SCENTED KERNEL 2" RELATED [] synonym: "fgr" RELATED [] synonym: "scl" RELATED [] synonym: "fragrance" RELATED [] synonym: "BAD2" RELATED [] synonym: "betaine-aldehyde dehydrogenase 2" RELATED [] synonym: "BADH2" RELATED [] synonym: "sk2" RELATED [] synonym: "scented kernel-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060895 name: GR:0060895 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060895" RELATED [] synonym: "SL" RELATED [] synonym: "SEKIGUCHI LESION" RELATED [] synonym: "Sekiguchi lesion" RELATED [] synonym: "sl*" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd21" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-21" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060897 name: GR:0060897 def: "The slender mutant results in a constitutive gibberellin (GA) response phenoype, including slender shoots, basal internodes elongate, reduced root number and root length, increased cell length at the apical portion of the second leaf sheath. The SLR1 gene is an intermediate of the GA signal transduction pathway. SLR1 maps to OsGAI in rice and has significant homology with height-regulating genes, such as RHT-1Da in wheat, D8 in maize (GR:0200107), and GAI and RGA in Arabidopsis. The GAI gene family is likely to encode transcriptional factors belonging to the GRAS gene superfamily. DNA sequence analysis revealed that the slr1-1 mutation is a single basepair deletion of the nuclear localization signal domain, resulting in a frameshift mutation that abolishes protein production" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060897" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g49990" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0707600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012686" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333860" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q18ND8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZA9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZB4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2TN88" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XL69" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZA8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZA4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZA5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZB2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7G7J6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZB3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FB42" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZB0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZB8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZB1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZA6" RELATED [] synonym: "SLR" RELATED [] synonym: "SLENDER RICE" RELATED [] synonym: "slr" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGAI" RELATED [] synonym: "slr" RELATED [] synonym: "slender rice" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060898 name: GR:0060898 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060898" RELATED [] synonym: "SM" RELATED [] synonym: "STEM MAGGOT RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "Sm" RELATED [] synonym: "Stem maggot resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060899 name: GR:0060899 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060899" RELATED [] synonym: "SOD" RELATED [] synonym: "SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE" RELATED [] synonym: "sod" RELATED [] synonym: "superoxide dismutase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060901 name: GR:0060901 def: "Spreading growth habit of stub and tillers. Dominant over the erect growth habit" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060901" RELATED [] synonym: "SPK" RELATED [] synonym: "SPREADING STUB" RELATED [] synonym: "Spk(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Spk" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading stub" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060914 name: GR:0060914 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060914" RELATED [] synonym: "SPR2" RELATED [] synonym: "SPREADING PANICLE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Spr2a" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading panicle-2a" RELATED [] synonym: "Spr2" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading panicle-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060915 name: GR:0060915 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060915" RELATED [] synonym: "SPR3" RELATED [] synonym: "SPREADING PANICLE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Spr2b" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading panicle-2b" RELATED [] synonym: "Spr3" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading panicle-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060917 name: GR:0060917 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060917" RELATED [] synonym: "Spr5" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading panicle-5" RELATED [] synonym: "Spr4(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading panicle-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060918 name: GR:0060918 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060918" RELATED [] synonym: "SPRA" RELATED [] synonym: "SPREADING PANICLE A" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading panicle-a" RELATED [] synonym: "Spra*" RELATED [] synonym: "Spr6" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading panicle-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060919 name: GR:0060919 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060919" RELATED [] synonym: "SPRB" RELATED [] synonym: "SPREADING PANICLE B" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading panicle-b" RELATED [] synonym: "Sprb*" RELATED [] synonym: "Spr7" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading panicle-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060920 name: GR:0060920 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060920" RELATED [] synonym: "SRT1" RELATED [] synonym: "SHORT ROOT 1" RELATED [] synonym: "srt1" RELATED [] synonym: "short root-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060921 name: GR:0060921 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060921" RELATED [] synonym: "SRT2" RELATED [] synonym: "SHORT ROOT 2" RELATED [] synonym: "srt2" RELATED [] synonym: "short root-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060922 name: GR:0060922 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060922" RELATED [] synonym: "SRT3" RELATED [] synonym: "SHORT ROOT 3" RELATED [] synonym: "srt3" RELATED [] synonym: "short root-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060923 name: GR:0060923 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060923" RELATED [] synonym: "SRT4" RELATED [] synonym: "SHORT ROOT 4" RELATED [] synonym: "srt4" RELATED [] synonym: "short root-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060926 name: GR:0060926 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060926" RELATED [] synonym: "SSK" RELATED [] synonym: "SPIKELET SEMI-STERILE" RELATED [] synonym: "sk" RELATED [] synonym: "ssk" RELATED [] synonym: "malformed semisterile" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060937 name: GR:0060937 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060937" RELATED [] synonym: "STRN1" RELATED [] synonym: "S-TYPE SELF-INCOMPATIBILITY" RELATED [] synonym: "Strn-l(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Strn" RELATED [] synonym: "S-type thioredoxin homology" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060938 name: GR:0060938 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060938" RELATED [] synonym: "STVA" RELATED [] synonym: "STRIPE DISEASE RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "St1" RELATED [] synonym: "Stripe disease resistance-a" RELATED [] synonym: "Stva" RELATED [] synonym: "Stv1" RELATED [] synonym: "Stripe disease resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060939 name: GR:0060939 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060939" RELATED [] synonym: "STVB" RELATED [] synonym: "STRIPE DISEASE RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "St2" RELATED [] synonym: "Stvb" RELATED [] synonym: "Stripe disease resistance-b" RELATED [] synonym: "Stv2" RELATED [] synonym: "Stripe disease resistance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060941 name: GR:0060941 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060941" RELATED [] synonym: "SUG1" RELATED [] synonym: "SUPPRESSOR FOR LONG STERILE LEMMAS G1" RELATED [] synonym: "Su g1" RELATED [] synonym: "Suppressor for long sterile lemmas (g1)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060942 name: GR:0060942 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060942" RELATED [] synonym: "SUSE1" RELATED [] synonym: "SUPPRESSOR FOR PHOTOSENSITIVITY SE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Suppressor for photoperiod-sensitivity (Se1)" RELATED [] synonym: "Su Se1(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl4" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060943 name: GR:0060943 def: "Three genes (Sub1A, Sub1B and Sub1C) were identified at the Sub1 (Submergence 1) QTL region near the centromere of chromosome 9. Sub1 QTL is responsible for the phenotype of tolerance to submergence at rice seedling stage. Sub1 genes encode ethylene response factors. [liya check]The accumulation of Sub1A and Sub1C mRNA was strongly but transiently induced by submergence and reduced on de-submergence in seedling leaves of tolerant indica cultivar FR13A. Notably, Sub1A is absent from the Nipponbare genome. Stable transformation of japonica rice with ectopically expressed Sub1A-1 downregulated Sub1C and confers submergence tolerance" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060943" RELATED [] synonym: "SUB1" RELATED [] synonym: "SUBMERGENCE TOLERANCE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Sub1A" RELATED [] synonym: "Sub1B" RELATED [] synonym: "Sub1C" RELATED [] synonym: "Sub1" RELATED [] synonym: "Submergence tolerance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060944 name: GR:0060944 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060944" RELATED [] synonym: "SUD1" RELATED [] synonym: "SUCCINATE DEHYDROGENASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Sud1(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Sud1" RELATED [] synonym: "Succinate dehydrogenase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060945 name: GR:0060945 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060945" RELATED [] synonym: "SUD2" RELATED [] synonym: "SUCCINATE DEHYDROGENASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Sud2(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Sud2" RELATED [] synonym: "Succinate dehydrogenase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060946 name: GR:0060946 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060946" RELATED [] synonym: "SUD3" RELATED [] synonym: "SUCCINATE DEHYDROGENASE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Sud3(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Sud3" RELATED [] synonym: "Succinate dehydrogenase-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060949 name: GR:0060949 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060949" RELATED [] synonym: "SV" RELATED [] synonym: "SEED VIABILITY" RELATED [] synonym: "SV(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Seed viability" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060950 name: GR:0060950 def: "Relatively large tiller angle at seedling and tillering stages" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060950" RELATED [] synonym: "TA1" RELATED [] synonym: "TILLER AND LEAF ANGLES 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ta1" RELATED [] synonym: "Tiller and leaf angles" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060951 name: GR:0060951 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060951" RELATED [] synonym: "Tc1" RELATED [] synonym: "Tc1 Mariner-like element" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060952 name: GR:0060952 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060952" RELATED [] synonym: "TELSA1" RELATED [] synonym: "TELOMERES" RELATED [] synonym: "Telsa1" RELATED [] synonym: "Telomere" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060953 name: GR:0060953 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060953" RELATED [] synonym: "TELSM1" RELATED [] synonym: "TELOMERES 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Telsm1" RELATED [] synonym: "Telomere-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060954 name: GR:0060954 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060954" RELATED [] synonym: "TELSM3" RELATED [] synonym: "TELOMERES 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Telsm3" RELATED [] synonym: "Telomere-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060956 name: GR:0060956 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060956" RELATED [] synonym: "TMS2" RELATED [] synonym: "THERMOSENSITIVE MALE STERILITY 2" RELATED [] synonym: "thermosensitive male sterility-2" RELATED [] synonym: "tms2" RELATED [] synonym: "ms81" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-81" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060957 name: GR:0060957 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060957" RELATED [] synonym: "TMS3" RELATED [] synonym: "THERMOSENSITIVE MALE STERILITY 3" RELATED [] synonym: "thermosensitive male sterility-3" RELATED [] synonym: "tms3(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "ms82" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-82" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060958 name: GR:0060958 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060958" RELATED [] synonym: "TMS" RELATED [] synonym: "THERMOSENSITIVE MALE STERILITY" RELATED [] synonym: "tms(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "thermosensitive male sterility" RELATED [] synonym: "ms83" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-83" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060959 name: GR:0060959 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060959" RELATED [] synonym: "Tnr1" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposal element-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060960 name: GR:0060960 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060960" RELATED [] synonym: "ms87" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-87" RELATED [] synonym: "thermosensitive male sterility-7" RELATED [] synonym: "tms7" RELATED [] synonym: "tms6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060961 name: GR:0060961 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060961" RELATED [] synonym: "TOS1" RELATED [] synonym: "RETROTRANSPOSON 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Tos1" RELATED [] synonym: "Retrotransposon-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060962 name: GR:0060962 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060962" RELATED [] synonym: "Tos2" RELATED [] synonym: "Retrotransposon-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060963 name: GR:0060963 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060963" RELATED [] synonym: "TPI" RELATED [] synonym: "TRIOSEPHOSPHATE ISOMERASE" RELATED [] synonym: "tpi*" RELATED [] synonym: "triosephosphate isomerase (cloned gene)" RELATED [] synonym: "tpi2" RELATED [] synonym: "triosephosphate isomerase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060964 name: GR:0060964 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060964" RELATED [] synonym: "TPIL" RELATED [] synonym: "TRIOSEPHOSPHATE ISOMERASE1" RELATED [] synonym: "Tpi1(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Tpi1" RELATED [] synonym: "Triosephosphate isomerase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060966 name: GR:0060966 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060966" RELATED [] synonym: "TRYP" RELATED [] synonym: "TRYPSIN INHIBITOR" RELATED [] synonym: "TRYP*" RELATED [] synonym: "tin" RELATED [] synonym: "Tryp" RELATED [] synonym: "Trypsin-inhibitor" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060967 name: GR:0060967 def: "Twisted growing habit of stem. Complementary with ts2 (tsb)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060967" RELATED [] synonym: "TSA" RELATED [] synonym: "TWISTED STEM A" RELATED [] synonym: "tsa" RELATED [] synonym: "twisted stem-a" RELATED [] synonym: "ts1" RELATED [] synonym: "twisted stem-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060968 name: GR:0060968 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060968" RELATED [] synonym: "TSB" RELATED [] synonym: "TWISTED STEM B" RELATED [] synonym: "twisted stem-b" RELATED [] synonym: "tsb" RELATED [] synonym: "ts2" RELATED [] synonym: "twisted stem-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060970 name: GR:0060970 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060970" RELATED [] synonym: "TSV1" RELATED [] synonym: "RICE TUNGRO SPHERICAL VIRUS RESISTANCE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "RTSV" RELATED [] synonym: "tsv1" RELATED [] synonym: "rice tungro spherical virus resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060971 name: GR:0060971 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060971" RELATED [] synonym: "TSV2" RELATED [] synonym: "RICE TUNGRO SPHERICAL VIRUS RESISTANCE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "tsv2" RELATED [] synonym: "tsv2" RELATED [] synonym: "rice tungro spherical virus resistance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060972 name: GR:0060972 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060972" RELATED [] synonym: "Tto1" RELATED [] synonym: "Retrotransposon-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060973 name: GR:0060973 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060973" RELATED [] synonym: "TUVA" RELATED [] synonym: "TUNGRO RESISTANCE A" RELATED [] synonym: "Tungro resistance-a" RELATED [] synonym: "Tuva" RELATED [] synonym: "Tuv3" RELATED [] synonym: "Tungro resistance-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060974 name: GR:0060974 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060974" RELATED [] synonym: "TUVB" RELATED [] synonym: "TUNGRO RESISTANCE B" RELATED [] synonym: "Tuvb" RELATED [] synonym: "Tungro resistance-b" RELATED [] synonym: "Tuv4" RELATED [] synonym: "Tungro resistance-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060975 name: GR:0060975 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060975" RELATED [] synonym: "TW" RELATED [] synonym: "TWISTED LEAF" RELATED [] synonym: "tl" RELATED [] synonym: "tw" RELATED [] synonym: "twisted leaf" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060978 name: GR:0060978 def: "A singular panicle characterized by undulating and well-branching rachises, showing an open panicle. Incomplete dominance" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060978" RELATED [] synonym: "UR1" RELATED [] synonym: "UNDULATE RACHIS 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ur1" RELATED [] synonym: "Undulate rachis-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060979 name: GR:0060979 def: "A singular panicle characterized by undulating and well-branching rachises, showing an open panicle. Similar to Ur1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060979" RELATED [] synonym: "UR2" RELATED [] synonym: "UNDULATE RACHIS 2" RELATED [] synonym: "ur2" RELATED [] synonym: "undulate rachis-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060995 name: GR:0060995 def: "OsVp1 is the functional homoloue of the maize Vp1 involved in seed maturation including arrest of embryo growth or dormancy" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060995" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g68370" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0911700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE004695" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4324314" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9EVI3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P37398" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WY76" RELATED [] synonym: "VP1" RELATED [] synonym: "VIVIPAROUS 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsVp1" RELATED [] synonym: "Vp1" RELATED [] synonym: "Viviparous-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060996 name: GR:0060996 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060996" RELATED [] synonym: "W1" RELATED [] synonym: "DOMINANT F1 WEAKNESS" RELATED [] synonym: "W1*" RELATED [] synonym: "Dominant F1 weakness" RELATED [] synonym: "Hwg1" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid weakness-g1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060997 name: GR:0060997 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060997" RELATED [] synonym: "W2" RELATED [] synonym: "DOMINANT F1 WEAKNESS" RELATED [] synonym: "W2*" RELATED [] synonym: "Dominant F1 weakness" RELATED [] synonym: "Hwg2" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid weakness-g2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060998 name: GR:0060998 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060998" RELATED [] synonym: "WC" RELATED [] synonym: "WIDE COMPATIBILITY" RELATED [] synonym: "Wide compatibility" RELATED [] synonym: "Wc1" RELATED [] synonym: "Wide compatibility-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060999 name: GR:0060999 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060999" RELATED [] synonym: "WEF1" RELATED [] synonym: "WEAKENING EARLY HEADING OF EF 1" RELATED [] synonym: "wEf1" RELATED [] synonym: "weakening effect for Fl21.2" RELATED [] synonym: "fl23" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering date-23" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061004 name: GR:0061004 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061004" RELATED [] synonym: "WBPH1" RELATED [] synonym: "WHITEBACKED PLANTHOPPER" RELATED [] synonym: "Wbph1" RELATED [] synonym: "Wph1" RELATED [] synonym: "Whitebacked planthopper resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061005 name: GR:0061005 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061005" RELATED [] synonym: "WBPH2" RELATED [] synonym: "WHITEBACKED PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Wph2" RELATED [] synonym: "Whitebacked planthopper resistance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061006 name: GR:0061006 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061006" RELATED [] synonym: "WBPH3" RELATED [] synonym: "WHITEBACKED PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Wph3" RELATED [] synonym: "Whitebacked planthopper resistance-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061007 name: GR:0061007 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061007" RELATED [] synonym: "WBPH4" RELATED [] synonym: "WHITEBACKED PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "wph4" RELATED [] synonym: "whitebacked planthopper resistance-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061008 name: GR:0061008 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061008" RELATED [] synonym: "WBPH5" RELATED [] synonym: "WHITEBACKED PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "Wph5" RELATED [] synonym: "Whitebacked planthopper resistance-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061009 name: GR:0061009 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061009" RELATED [] synonym: "WPH6" RELATED [] synonym: "WHITEBACKED PLANTHOPPER RESISTANCE6" RELATED [] synonym: "Wph6(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Wph6" RELATED [] synonym: "Whitebacked planthopper resistance-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061010 name: GR:0061010 def: "The Waxy (Wx) gene encodes a granule-bound starch synthase (GBSS) that plays a key role in the amylose synthesis of rice. It is expressed in the seed endosperm and pollen grains, that carry starch grains. At sub-cellular level the protein is localized in the amyloplasts. This gene undergoes alternative splicing of its transcripts suggesting that the amylose content of rice endosperm is regulated at the level of Wx transcript processing, and more specifically, at the stage of intron I excision from the Wx pre-mRNA. The alternative splicing is affected by the change in temperature. It is a single copy gene in rice. The phenotype shows white and non-translucent endosperm which turns brown to the iodine staining" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061010" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g04200" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0133000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE020519" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4340018" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8XEJ8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y8X2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEJ5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEJ4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EHV0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B1B5Z3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A8QXE5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0EQH1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0EQG6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEJ2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B1B5Z0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEK3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B1B5Z1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEJ9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEI7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0EQG8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A8QXE7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0EQH3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEK0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0EQD4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEI8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEK7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0EQE7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEI6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A8QXG3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEK2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B1B5Z2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0EQD9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0EQD5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B3VDJ2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0EQE0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0EQH2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A8QXG5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0EQH5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEK9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B3VDJ3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEJ1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0EQF8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7G097" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEJ3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A5Y1Y3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9XHN9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DEV5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q508U7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEK5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEJ6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEJ0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEJ7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEI9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A5Y1Z9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A8QXF3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C585" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEK6" RELATED [] synonym: "WX1" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTINOUS ENDOSPERM" RELATED [] synonym: "UDP-glycogen synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "GBSS" RELATED [] synonym: "Granule-bound starch synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "Waxy" RELATED [] synonym: "chloroplast precursor" RELATED [] synonym: "glycogen [starch] synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "Granule-bound glycogen synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "UDPG-glycogen transglucosylase" RELATED [] synonym: "uridine diphosphoglucose-glycogen glucosyltransferase" RELATED [] synonym: "glycogen [starch] synthetase" RELATED [] synonym: "waxy" RELATED [] synonym: "Granule-bound glycogen [starch] synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "UDPG-glycogen synthetase" RELATED [] synonym: "wx" RELATED [] synonym: "glutinous endosperm" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061011 name: GR:0061011 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061011" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g53120" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FCK8" RELATED [] synonym: "XA1" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa1" RELATED [] synonym: "Xe" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa1" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa1" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061012 name: GR:0061012 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061012" RELATED [] synonym: "XA2" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa2" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa2" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa2" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061013 name: GR:0061013 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061013" RELATED [] synonym: "XA3" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa3" RELATED [] synonym: "Xaw" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa6" RELATED [] synonym: "xa9" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa3" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa4-b" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa3" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061014 name: GR:0061014 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061014" RELATED [] synonym: "XA4" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa4" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-4" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa4-a" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa4" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa4" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061015 name: GR:0061015 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061015" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g01710" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0107700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE017261" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337575" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DLD3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EAK7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XZI2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AWX2" RELATED [] synonym: "XA5" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "rXa5" RELATED [] synonym: "xa5" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-5" RELATED [] synonym: "xa5" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061016 name: GR:0061016 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061016" RELATED [] synonym: "X7" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 7" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-7" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa6" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa7" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa7" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061017 name: GR:0061017 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061017" RELATED [] synonym: "XA8" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 8" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-8" RELATED [] synonym: "xa8" RELATED [] synonym: "rXa7" RELATED [] synonym: "xa8" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061018 name: GR:0061018 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061018" RELATED [] synonym: "XA10" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 10" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-10" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa10" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa8" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa10" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061019 name: GR:0061019 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061019" RELATED [] synonym: "XA11" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 11" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa9" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa11" RELATED [] synonym: "Xapt" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-11" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa11" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061020 name: GR:0061020 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061020" RELATED [] synonym: "XA12" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 12" RELATED [] synonym: "Xakg" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa12" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-12" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa10" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa12" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061021 name: GR:0061021 def: "xa13 is a recessive R gene conferring resistance to bacterial blight disease which is caused by Xanthomonas oryza pv. oryzae (Xoo). Fine-mapping of xa13 reveals two condidate genes of xa13, one is a homologue of proline-rich extensin-like gene and the other is a homologue of nodulin MtN3. The expression level of xa13 is very low in leaves but quite high in panicles and anthers. Suppression of xa13 expression by RNAi enhance xa13-mediated resistance, it indicates the loss of function of xa13 allele is required for bacterial blight resistance" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061021" RELATED [] synonym: "XA13" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 13" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-13" RELATED [] synonym: "rXa11" RELATED [] synonym: "xa13" RELATED [] synonym: "xa13" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061022 name: GR:0061022 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061022" RELATED [] synonym: "XA14" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 14" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-14" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa14" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa12" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa14" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061023 name: GR:0061023 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061023" RELATED [] synonym: "XA15" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 15" RELATED [] synonym: "xanm" RELATED [] synonym: "rXa13" RELATED [] synonym: "xa15(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-15" RELATED [] synonym: "xa15" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061024 name: GR:0061024 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061024" RELATED [] synonym: "XA16" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 16" RELATED [] synonym: "rXa14" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-16" RELATED [] synonym: "xa16" RELATED [] synonym: "xa16" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061025 name: GR:0061025 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061025" RELATED [] synonym: "XA17" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 17" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-17" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa15" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa17" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa17" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-17" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061286 name: GR:0061286 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061286" RELATED [] synonym: "Rrt11" RELATED [] synonym: "Copia-like retrotransposon-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060326 name: GR:0060326 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060326" RELATED [] synonym: "FES2" RELATED [] synonym: "FEMALE STERILE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "fes2" RELATED [] synonym: "female sterile-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060327 name: GR:0060327 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060327" RELATED [] synonym: "FES3" RELATED [] synonym: "FEMALE STERILE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Fs" RELATED [] synonym: "Fes3" RELATED [] synonym: "Female sterile-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060328 name: GR:0060328 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060328" RELATED [] synonym: "FES4" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOPERIOD AND TEMPERATURE SENSITIVE FEMALE STERILITY" RELATED [] synonym: "photoperiod and temperature sensitive female sterility" RELATED [] synonym: "fes4" RELATED [] synonym: "female sterile-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060333 name: GR:0060333 def: "Expression of FON1 gene was detected in all of the meristems which are responsible for vegetative and reprodctive development of rice. Mutants analysis show that FON1 controls floral meristem size, floral organ number and other vegetative phenotypes. FON1 is a homologue of Arabidopsis CLV1 which encodes a LRR receptor-like kinase, it suggested CLV signaling pathway may be conserved in rice and required to maintain the floral meristem size" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060333" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g50340" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0717200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE023312" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342080" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5Z9N5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q40699" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8SB35" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YH11" RELATED [] synonym: "FON1" RELATED [] synonym: "FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER 1" RELATED [] synonym: "floral organ number-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060334 name: GR:0060334 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060334" RELATED [] synonym: "FON2" RELATED [] synonym: "FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER 2" RELATED [] synonym: "fon2" RELATED [] synonym: "floral organ number-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060335 name: GR:0060335 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060335" RELATED [] synonym: "FOR1" RELATED [] synonym: "FLOWER ORGANIZATION 1" RELATED [] synonym: "for1" RELATED [] synonym: "flower organization-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060338 name: GR:0060338 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060338" RELATED [] synonym: "FSC" RELATED [] synonym: "FUSCOID CELLS ATTACHED TO VASCULAR BUNDLES" RELATED [] synonym: "Fc" RELATED [] synonym: "Fsc" RELATED [] synonym: "Fuscoid cells attached to vascular bundles" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060339 name: GR:0060339 def: "Rice frizzy panicle (fzp) mutants don't form floret, but produce sequential rounds of branching and several rudimentary glumes are formed in each ectopic branch. The FZP gene was isolated by transposon tagging, it encodes an ERF transcription factor and is the rice ortholog of the maize BD1 (BRANCHED SILKLESS 1) gene. FZP expression is restricted to the time of rudimentary glumes differentiation in a half-ring domain at he base of which the rudimentary glume primordium emerged. The function of FZP is suggested to prevent the outgrowth of the axillary meristem within the rudimentary glume and maintain the transition from spikelet to floral meristem identity" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060339" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g47330" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0669500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE025983" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4344233" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8H3Q1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZD0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BN90" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YPS1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZD6" RELATED [] synonym: "FZP" RELATED [] synonym: "FRIZZY PANICLE" RELATED [] synonym: "OsBD1" RELATED [] synonym: "BD1" RELATED [] synonym: "BRANCHED SILKLESS 1 homolog" RELATED [] synonym: "fzp" RELATED [] synonym: "frizzy panicle" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060341 name: GR:0060341 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060341" RELATED [] synonym: "G2" RELATED [] synonym: "LONG STERILE LEMMAS 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Gl" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm" RELATED [] synonym: "Long sterile lemmas-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060342 name: GR:0060342 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060342" RELATED [] synonym: "G6PD1" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUCOSE-6-PHOSPHATE 1-DEHYDROGENASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "G6pd1(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "G6pd1" RELATED [] synonym: "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060343 name: GR:0060343 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060343" RELATED [] synonym: "GA1" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "ga1" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060344 name: GR:0060344 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060344" RELATED [] synonym: "GA2" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "ga2" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060345 name: GR:0060345 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060345" RELATED [] synonym: "GA3" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "ga3" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060346 name: GR:0060346 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060346" RELATED [] synonym: "GA4" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "gaA" RELATED [] synonym: "ga4" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060347 name: GR:0060347 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060347" RELATED [] synonym: "GA5" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "gaB" RELATED [] synonym: "ga5" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060348 name: GR:0060348 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060348" RELATED [] synonym: "GA6" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 6" RELATED [] synonym: "ga6" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060349 name: GR:0060349 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060349" RELATED [] synonym: "GA7" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 7" RELATED [] synonym: "ga7" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060350 name: GR:0060350 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060350" RELATED [] synonym: "GA8" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 8" RELATED [] synonym: "ga8" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060351 name: GR:0060351 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060351" RELATED [] synonym: "GA9" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 9" RELATED [] synonym: "ga9" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060352 name: GR:0060352 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060352" RELATED [] synonym: "GA10" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 10" RELATED [] synonym: "ga10" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060353 name: GR:0060353 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060353" RELATED [] synonym: "GA11" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 11" RELATED [] synonym: "ga11" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060354 name: GR:0060354 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060354" RELATED [] synonym: "GA12" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 12" RELATED [] synonym: "ga12" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060355 name: GR:0060355 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060355" RELATED [] synonym: "GA13" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 13" RELATED [] synonym: "ga13" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060356 name: GR:0060356 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060356" RELATED [] synonym: "GA14" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE 14" RELATED [] synonym: "ga14" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060357 name: GR:0060357 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060357" RELATED [] synonym: "GAX" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETOPHYTE GENE X" RELATED [] synonym: "gax(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-x" RELATED [] synonym: "ga-x" RELATED [] synonym: "ga15" RELATED [] synonym: "gametophyte gene-15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060358 name: GR:0060358 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060358" RELATED [] synonym: "GAL" RELATED [] synonym: "GAMETIC LETHAL" RELATED [] synonym: "It-m" RELATED [] synonym: "lt" RELATED [] synonym: "gal" RELATED [] synonym: "gametic lethal" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060359 name: GR:0060359 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060359" RELATED [] synonym: "GCW2" RELATED [] synonym: "GLYCIN-RICH CELL WALL STRUCTUAL PROTEIN 2" RELATED [] synonym: "gcw2" RELATED [] synonym: "glycin-rich cell wall structual protein-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060360 name: GR:0060360 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060360" RELATED [] synonym: "GCW4" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTAMATE DEHYDROGENASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "gcw4" RELATED [] synonym: "glycin-rich cell wall structual protein-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060361 name: GR:0060361 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060361" RELATED [] synonym: "GDH1" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTAMATE DEHYDROGENASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Gdh1" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutamate dehydrogenase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060369 name: GR:0060369 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060369" RELATED [] synonym: "GL2" RELATED [] synonym: "GLABROUS LEAF AND HULL 2" RELATED [] synonym: "gl2" RELATED [] synonym: "glabrous leaf and hull-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060370 name: GR:0060370 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060370" RELATED [] synonym: "GLB1" RELATED [] synonym: "LACK OF ALPHA-GLOBULIN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "glb1(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "glb1" RELATED [] synonym: "lack of alpha-globulin" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060371 name: GR:0060371 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060371" RELATED [] synonym: "GLC" RELATED [] synonym: "GEL CONSISTENCY" RELATED [] synonym: "glc" RELATED [] synonym: "gel consistency" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060375 name: GR:0060375 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060375" RELATED [] synonym: "GLE4" RELATED [] synonym: "GLOBULAR EMBRYO 4" RELATED [] synonym: "gle4" RELATED [] synonym: "globular embryo-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060376 name: GR:0060376 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060376" RELATED [] synonym: "GLH1" RELATED [] synonym: "GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh1" RELATED [] synonym: "Green leafhopper resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060377 name: GR:0060377 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060377" RELATED [] synonym: "GLH2" RELATED [] synonym: "GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh2" RELATED [] synonym: "Green leafhopper resistance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060378 name: GR:0060378 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060378" RELATED [] synonym: "GLH3" RELATED [] synonym: "GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh3" RELATED [] synonym: "Green leafhopper resistance-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060379 name: GR:0060379 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060379" RELATED [] synonym: "GLH4" RELATED [] synonym: "GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "glh4" RELATED [] synonym: "green leafhopper resistance-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060380 name: GR:0060380 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060380" RELATED [] synonym: "GLH5" RELATED [] synonym: "GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh5" RELATED [] synonym: "Green leafhopper resistance-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060381 name: GR:0060381 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060381" RELATED [] synonym: "GLH6" RELATED [] synonym: "GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 6" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh6" RELATED [] synonym: "Green leafhopper resistance-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060382 name: GR:0060382 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060382" RELATED [] synonym: "GLH7" RELATED [] synonym: "GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 7" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh7" RELATED [] synonym: "Green leafhopper resistance-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060383 name: GR:0060383 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060383" RELATED [] synonym: "glh8" RELATED [] synonym: "green leafhopper resistance-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060384 name: GR:0060384 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060384" RELATED [] synonym: "GLH9" RELATED [] synonym: "GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 9" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh9(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh9" RELATED [] synonym: "Green leafhopper resistance-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060385 name: GR:0060385 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060385" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh10" RELATED [] synonym: "Green leafhopper resistance-10" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh10(t)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060386 name: GR:0060386 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060386" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh11" RELATED [] synonym: "Green leafhopper resistance-11" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh11(t)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060387 name: GR:0060387 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060387" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh12" RELATED [] synonym: "Green leafhopper resistance-12" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh12(t)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060388 name: GR:0060388 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060388" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh13" RELATED [] synonym: "Green leafhopper resistance-13" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh13(t)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060389 name: GR:0060389 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060389" RELATED [] synonym: "GLH" RELATED [] synonym: "GREEN LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "Green leafhopper resistance" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Glh14" RELATED [] synonym: "Green leafhopper resistance-14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060390 name: GR:0060390 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060390" RELATED [] synonym: "LGLU1" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "glu1(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "lack of glutelin subunit-1" RELATED [] synonym: "glu8" RELATED [] synonym: "rice glutelin-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060391 name: GR:0060391 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060391" RELATED [] synonym: "LGLU2" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 2" RELATED [] synonym: "glu2(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "lack of glutelin subunit-2" RELATED [] synonym: "glu9" RELATED [] synonym: "rice glutelin-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060392 name: GR:0060392 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060392" RELATED [] synonym: "LGLU3" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 3" RELATED [] synonym: "lack of glutelin subunit-3" RELATED [] synonym: "glu3(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "glu10" RELATED [] synonym: "rice glutelin-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060393 name: GR:0060393 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060393" RELATED [] synonym: "GLU4" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 4" RELATED [] synonym: "lack of glutelin subunit(alpha-2)-4" RELATED [] synonym: "glu4(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "glu11" RELATED [] synonym: "rice glutelin-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060395 name: GR:0060395 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060395" RELATED [] synonym: "GLU2" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Gt1" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu2" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060396 name: GR:0060396 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060396" RELATED [] synonym: "GLU3" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Gt3" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu3" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060397 name: GR:0060397 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060397" RELATED [] synonym: "GLU4" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu4" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060398 name: GR:0060398 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060398" RELATED [] synonym: "GLU5" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 5" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu5" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060399 name: GR:0060399 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060399" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu6" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-6" RELATED [] synonym: "GluA4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060400 name: GR:0060400 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060400" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu7" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-7" RELATED [] synonym: "GluB2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060401 name: GR:0060401 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060401" RELATED [] synonym: "GLU1" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin subunit-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu1t*" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu1" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu12" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060402 name: GR:0060402 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060402" RELATED [] synonym: "GLU2" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin subunit-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu2t*" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu2" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu13" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060403 name: GR:0060403 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060403" RELATED [] synonym: "GLU3" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu3t*" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin subunit-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu3" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu14" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060404 name: GR:0060404 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060404" RELATED [] synonym: "GLU4" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu4" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin subunit-4" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu4t*" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu15" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060405 name: GR:0060405 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060405" RELATED [] synonym: "GLU5" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 5" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu5" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu5t*" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin subunit-5" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu16" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060406 name: GR:0060406 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060406" RELATED [] synonym: "GLU6" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 6" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin subunit-6" RELATED [] synonym: "E" RELATED [] synonym: "GluB" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu6t*" RELATED [] synonym: "C" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu6" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu17" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-17" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060407 name: GR:0060407 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060407" RELATED [] synonym: "GLU7" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 7" RELATED [] synonym: "GluA" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin subunit-7" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu7t*" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu7" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu18" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060408 name: GR:0060408 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060408" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUA1" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN SUBFAMILY A1 FROM WILD RICE SPECIES" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin subfamily A-1 from wild rice species" RELATED [] synonym: "Glua1*" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu19" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060409 name: GR:0060409 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060409" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUA2" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN SUBFAMILY A2 FROM WILD RICE SPECIES" RELATED [] synonym: "Glua2*" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin subfamily A-2 from wild rice species" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu20" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-20" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060410 name: GR:0060410 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060410" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUA3" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN SUBFAMILY A3 FROM WILD RICE SPECIES" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin subfamily A-3 from wild rice species" RELATED [] synonym: "Glua3*" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu21" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-21" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060414 name: GR:0060414 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060414" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUP4" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN PRECURSOR 4" RELATED [] synonym: "esp8" RELATED [] synonym: "glup4" RELATED [] synonym: "glutelin precursor-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060415 name: GR:0060415 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060415" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUP5" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN PRECURSOR 5" RELATED [] synonym: "Glup5(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Glup5" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin precursor-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060416 name: GR:0060416 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060416" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUP6" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN PRECURSOR 6" RELATED [] synonym: "Glup6(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Glup6" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin precursor-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060417 name: GR:0060417 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060417" RELATED [] synonym: "GM1" RELATED [] synonym: "GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm1" RELATED [] synonym: "Gall midge resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060418 name: GR:0060418 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060418" RELATED [] synonym: "GM2" RELATED [] synonym: "GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm2" RELATED [] synonym: "Gall midge resistance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060419 name: GR:0060419 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060419" RELATED [] synonym: "GM3" RELATED [] synonym: "GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "gm3" RELATED [] synonym: "gall midge resistance-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060420 name: GR:0060420 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060420" RELATED [] synonym: "GM4" RELATED [] synonym: "GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm4(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm4" RELATED [] synonym: "Gall midge resistance-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060421 name: GR:0060421 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060421" RELATED [] synonym: "GM5" RELATED [] synonym: "GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm5" RELATED [] synonym: "Gall midge resistance-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060422 name: GR:0060422 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060422" RELATED [] synonym: "GM6" RELATED [] synonym: "GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 6" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm6(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm6" RELATED [] synonym: "Gall midge resistance-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060423 name: GR:0060423 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060423" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm12" RELATED [] synonym: "Gall midge resistance-12" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm6" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Gall midge resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060424 name: GR:0060424 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060424" RELATED [] synonym: "GM" RELATED [] synonym: "GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE " RELATED [] synonym: "gall midge resistance" RELATED [] synonym: "pd" RELATED [] synonym: "gm1" RELATED [] synonym: "gm13" RELATED [] synonym: "gall midge resistance-13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060425 name: GR:0060425 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060425" RELATED [] synonym: "gm14" RELATED [] synonym: "gall midge resistance-14" RELATED [] synonym: "gall midge resistance" RELATED [] synonym: "gm2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060426 name: GR:0060426 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060426" RELATED [] synonym: "gm15" RELATED [] synonym: "gall midge resistance-15" RELATED [] synonym: "gall midge resistance" RELATED [] synonym: "gm3*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060427 name: GR:0060427 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060427" RELATED [] synonym: "GOT1" RELATED [] synonym: "ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Aat1" RELATED [] synonym: "Got1" RELATED [] synonym: "Aspartate aminotransferase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060428 name: GR:0060428 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060428" RELATED [] synonym: "GOT2" RELATED [] synonym: "ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Aat2" RELATED [] synonym: "Got2" RELATED [] synonym: "Aspartate aminotransferase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060429 name: GR:0060429 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060429" RELATED [] synonym: "GOT3" RELATED [] synonym: "ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Aat3" RELATED [] synonym: "Got3" RELATED [] synonym: "Aspartate aminotransferase-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060430 name: GR:0060430 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060430" RELATED [] synonym: "GPD1" RELATED [] synonym: "GLYCERALDEHYDEPHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "gpd1" RELATED [] synonym: "gpd1" RELATED [] synonym: "glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060431 name: GR:0060431 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060431" RELATED [] synonym: "GPD2" RELATED [] synonym: "GLYCERALDEHYDEPHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "gpd2" RELATED [] synonym: "gpd2" RELATED [] synonym: "glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060432 name: GR:0060432 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060432" RELATED [] synonym: "GRH1" RELATED [] synonym: "GREEN RICE LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Grh1" RELATED [] synonym: "Grh1" RELATED [] synonym: "Green rice leafhopper resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060433 name: GR:0060433 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060433" RELATED [] synonym: "GRHA" RELATED [] synonym: "GREEN RICE LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE A" RELATED [] synonym: "Grha" RELATED [] synonym: "Grh2" RELATED [] synonym: "Green rice leafhopper resistance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060434 name: GR:0060434 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060434" RELATED [] synonym: "Grh3" RELATED [] synonym: "Green rice leafhopper resistance-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060435 name: GR:0060435 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060435" RELATED [] synonym: "GRHB" RELATED [] synonym: "GREEN RICE LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE B" RELATED [] synonym: "Grhb" RELATED [] synonym: "Grh4" RELATED [] synonym: "Green rice leafhopper resistance-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060436 name: GR:0060436 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060436" RELATED [] synonym: "GS" RELATED [] synonym: "GRASSY STUNT RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "Gs" RELATED [] synonym: "Gsv" RELATED [] synonym: "Grassy stunt resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060439 name: GR:0060439 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060439" RELATED [] synonym: "HBV" RELATED [] synonym: "HOJA BLANCA RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "Hbv" RELATED [] synonym: "Hoja blanca resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060440 name: GR:0060440 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060440" RELATED [] synonym: "HCA1" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID CHLOROSIS A1" RELATED [] synonym: "hca1" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid chlorosis" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060441 name: GR:0060441 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060441" RELATED [] synonym: "HCA2" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID CHLOROSIS A2" RELATED [] synonym: "hca2" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid chlorosis" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060445 name: GR:0060445 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060445" RELATED [] synonym: "HE" RELATED [] synonym: "HELMINTHOSPORIUM ORYZAE RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "He" RELATED [] synonym: "Helminthosporium oryzae resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060447 name: GR:0060447 def: "Thick and long hairs on leaves. Complementary with Hl2. The hairs are remarkably shortened while co-existing with gl1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060447" RELATED [] synonym: "HLA" RELATED [] synonym: "HAIRY LEAF A" RELATED [] synonym: "Hairy leaf-a" RELATED [] synonym: "Hla" RELATED [] synonym: "Hl1" RELATED [] synonym: "Hairy leaf-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060448 name: GR:0060448 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060448" RELATED [] synonym: "HLB" RELATED [] synonym: "HAIRY LEAF-B" RELATED [] synonym: "Hairy leaf-b" RELATED [] synonym: "Hlb" RELATED [] synonym: "Hl2" RELATED [] synonym: "Hairy leaf-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060449 name: GR:0060449 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060449" RELATED [] synonym: "HPG1" RELATED [] synonym: "HIGH PREPROGLUTELIN1" RELATED [] synonym: "hpg1" RELATED [] synonym: "high preproglutelin-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060450 name: GR:0060450 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060450" RELATED [] synonym: "HPR1" RELATED [] synonym: "HYDROXYPROLINE RESISTANCE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "hpr1" RELATED [] synonym: "hydroxyproline resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060451 name: GR:0060451 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060451" RELATED [] synonym: "HPR2" RELATED [] synonym: "HYDROXYPROLINE RESISTANCE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "hpr2(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "hpr2" RELATED [] synonym: "hydroxyproline resistance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060452 name: GR:0060452 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060452" RELATED [] synonym: "HPR3" RELATED [] synonym: "HYDROXYPROLINE RESISTANCE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "hpr3(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "hpr3" RELATED [] synonym: "hydroxyproline resistance-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060453 name: GR:0060453 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060453" RELATED [] synonym: "HSP2*" RELATED [] synonym: "HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN2" RELATED [] synonym: "hsp2" RELATED [] synonym: "heat shock protein-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060454 name: GR:0060454 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060454" RELATED [] synonym: "HSP4*" RELATED [] synonym: "HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN4" RELATED [] synonym: "hsp4" RELATED [] synonym: "heat shock protein-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060455 name: GR:0060455 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060455" RELATED [] synonym: "HWA1" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID WEAKNESS LETHAL A1" RELATED [] synonym: "L1a" RELATED [] synonym: "Hwa1" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid weakness (lethal)-a1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060456 name: GR:0060456 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060456" RELATED [] synonym: "HWA2" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID WEAKNESS LETHAL A2" RELATED [] synonym: "L1b" RELATED [] synonym: "Hwa2" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid weakness (lethal)-a2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060457 name: GR:0060457 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060457" RELATED [] synonym: "HWB1" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 WEAKNESS B1" RELATED [] synonym: "w'a" RELATED [] synonym: "hwb1" RELATED [] synonym: "f2 weakness-b1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060458 name: GR:0060458 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060458" RELATED [] synonym: "HWB2" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 WEAKNESS B2" RELATED [] synonym: "w'b" RELATED [] synonym: "hwb2" RELATED [] synonym: "f2 weakness-b2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060459 name: GR:0060459 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060459" RELATED [] synonym: "HWC1" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID WEAKNESS LETHAL C1" RELATED [] synonym: "L2a" RELATED [] synonym: "Hwc1" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid weakness (lethal)-c1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060460 name: GR:0060460 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060460" RELATED [] synonym: "HWC2" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID WEAKNESS LETHAL C2" RELATED [] synonym: "L2b" RELATED [] synonym: "Hwc2" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid weakness (lethal)-c2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060461 name: GR:0060461 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060461" RELATED [] synonym: "HWD1" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID WEAKNESS D1" RELATED [] synonym: "hwd1" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid weakness-d1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060462 name: GR:0060462 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060462" RELATED [] synonym: "HWD2" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID WEAKNESS D2" RELATED [] synonym: "hwd2" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid weakness-d2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060463 name: GR:0060463 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060463" RELATED [] synonym: "HWE1" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID WEAKNESS E1" RELATED [] synonym: "hwe1(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "hwe1" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid weakness-e1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060468 name: GR:0060468 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060468" RELATED [] synonym: "IC" RELATED [] synonym: "IRON DEFICIENCY CHLOROSIS" RELATED [] synonym: "Ic" RELATED [] synonym: "Iron deficiency chlorosis tolerance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060469 name: GR:0060469 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060469" RELATED [] synonym: "ICD1" RELATED [] synonym: "ISOCITRATE DEHYDROGENASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Icd1" RELATED [] synonym: "Isocitrate dehydrogenase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060470 name: GR:0060470 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060470" RELATED [] synonym: "IFR" RELATED [] synonym: "INDUCTION OF FERTILITY RESTORATION" RELATED [] synonym: "Induction of fertility restoration" RELATED [] synonym: "Ifr" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf16" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restore-16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060471 name: GR:0060471 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060471" RELATED [] synonym: "ILB" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR OF LEAF BLADE COLOR" RELATED [] synonym: "Ilb" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple leaf blade" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060472 name: GR:0060472 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060472" RELATED [] synonym: "IPI" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "Rmg56" RELATED [] synonym: "IPi(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "IPi" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060473 name: GR:0060473 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060473" RELATED [] synonym: "IPI3" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "Rmg57" RELATED [] synonym: "IPi3(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "IPi3" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060476 name: GR:0060476 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060476" RELATED [] synonym: "IPL3" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 3" RELATED [] synonym: "IPl3" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple leaf-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060478 name: GR:0060478 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060478" RELATED [] synonym: "IPL5" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE PERICARP 5" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple pericarp" RELATED [] synonym: "IPl5" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple pericarp-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060479 name: GR:0060479 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060479" RELATED [] synonym: "IPL6" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE LEAF 6" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple leaf (Pl.2(Pl-i))" RELATED [] synonym: "IPl6" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple leaf-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060480 name: GR:0060480 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060480" RELATED [] synonym: "IPS1" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE STIGMA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple stigma (Ps1)" RELATED [] synonym: "IPs1" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple stigma-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060481 name: GR:0060481 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060481" RELATED [] synonym: "IPS3" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE STIGMA 3" RELATED [] synonym: "IPs3*" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple stigma (Ps3)" RELATED [] synonym: "IPs2" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple stigma-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060482 name: GR:0060482 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060482" RELATED [] synonym: "IPSA" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE STIGMA A" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple stigma-a" RELATED [] synonym: "IPsa" RELATED [] synonym: "IPs1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ips3" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple stigma-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061161 name: GR:0061161 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061161" RELATED [] synonym: "An12" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-12" RELATED [] synonym: "An8(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061162 name: GR:0061162 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061162" RELATED [] synonym: "are1" RELATED [] synonym: "aberrant regionalization of embryo-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061163 name: GR:0061163 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061163" RELATED [] synonym: "bph16" RELATED [] synonym: "brown planthopper resistance-16" RELATED [] synonym: "brown planthopper resistance-12" RELATED [] synonym: "bph12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061164 name: GR:0061164 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061164" RELATED [] synonym: "fib" RELATED [] synonym: "fish bone" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061165 name: GR:0061165 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061165" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl32b" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-32b" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd3b" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-3b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061166 name: GR:0061166 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061166" RELATED [] synonym: "fl39" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering date-39" RELATED [] synonym: "lhd3" RELATED [] synonym: "late heading-3" RELATED [] synonym: "lh3(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061167 name: GR:0061167 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061167" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl40" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-40" RELATED [] synonym: "Early heading-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Eh1(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Ehd1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061168 name: GR:0061168 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061168" RELATED [] synonym: "gem" RELATED [] synonym: "gypsy embryo" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061169 name: GR:0061169 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061169" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu22" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-22" RELATED [] synonym: "GluB1" RELATED [] synonym: "Seed storage protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061170 name: GR:0061170 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061170" RELATED [] synonym: "glup7" RELATED [] synonym: "glutelin precursor-7" RELATED [] synonym: "glutelin precursor-6" RELATED [] synonym: "glup6*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061171 name: GR:0061171 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061171" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst51" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-51" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen semi-sterility-25" RELATED [] synonym: "S25(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061172 name: GR:0061172 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061172" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst52" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-52" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 sterility-26" RELATED [] synonym: "S26(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061173 name: GR:0061173 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061173" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst53" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-53" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen semi-sterility-27" RELATED [] synonym: "S27(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061174 name: GR:0061174 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061174" RELATED [] synonym: "hwf1" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid weakness-f1" RELATED [] synonym: "hwf1(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid weakness-f1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061175 name: GR:0061175 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061175" RELATED [] synonym: "lk6" RELATED [] synonym: "long kernel-6" RELATED [] synonym: "lk3(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "long kernel-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061176 name: GR:0061176 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061176" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd26" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-26" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-12" RELATED [] synonym: "spl12(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061177 name: GR:0061177 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061177" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron001" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-001" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061178 name: GR:0061178 def: "The gene controls early sporogenic development and encodes for a Leucine-rich repeat receptor-like protein kinase. Mutant plants display excessive number of both male and female sporocytes, disordered anther wall layers loss of tapetum layer, arrest of pollen mother cell development in Meiotic phase-I and complete male sterility. Gene expressed in cells surrounding the male and female sporocytes and some flower tissues, but not in the sporocyte cells. msp1 is a ortholog of the EMS1/EXS gene in Arabidopsis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061178" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g68870" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0917500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE004748" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4324355" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A0PIF8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PIG5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8A868" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PIF9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PIG2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8RZV7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PIF5" RELATED [] synonym: "MSP1" RELATED [] synonym: "MULTIPLE SPOROCYTE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "multiple sporocyte" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative leucin-rich repeat protein kinase" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative extra sporogenous cells" RELATED [] synonym: "Msp1" RELATED [] synonym: "multiple sporogeneous cells-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061179 name: GR:0061179 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061179" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g51690" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012837" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AR10" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P46609" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:O48860" RELATED [] synonym: "OSH1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice KNOX gene-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061180 name: GR:0061180 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061180" RELATED [] synonym: "OsH3" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice KNOX gene-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061181 name: GR:0061181 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061181" RELATED [] synonym: "OsH15" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice KNOX gene-15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061182 name: GR:0061182 def: "The gene PLA2, also named LHD2, encodes a RNA binding protein which regulate the time interval between leaf initiation (called plastochron) in rice. It is the rice orthologue of maize TERMINAL EAR1(TE1). Expression of PLA2 is mainly observed in shoot apical meristem,and floral meristems, floral organs thrughout the reproduvtive stages. The mutants show several phenotypes including shortened plastochron, dwarfism, the reduction of leaf size/tiller number, acceleration of leaf maturation and ectopic shoot formation at the reprductive phase. Microarray analysis suggests PLA2 may regulate plastochron and other phenotypes through KNOX signaling and cytokinin/auxin metabolism in the meristem" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061182" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g68000" RELATED [] synonym: "PLA2" RELATED [] synonym: "PLASTOCHRON2" RELATED [] synonym: "plt2" RELATED [] synonym: "pla2" RELATED [] synonym: "LHD2" RELATED [] synonym: "LEAFY HEAD2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061183 name: GR:0061183 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061183" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhz2" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhizomatous from O. longistaminata-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061184 name: GR:0061184 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061184" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhz3" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhizomatous from O. longistaminata-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061185 name: GR:0061185 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061185" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi24" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-24" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi24(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg59" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061186 name: GR:0061186 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061186" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi25" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-25" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi25(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg60" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061187 name: GR:0061187 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061187" RELATED [] synonym: "Rrt2" RELATED [] synonym: "Copia-like retrotransposon-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061188 name: GR:0061188 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061188" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa25" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-25" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-25" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa28" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa25*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061189 name: GR:0061189 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061189" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdb1" RELATED [] synonym: "Starch debranding enzyme-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Starch debranching (R-enzyme)" RELATED [] synonym: "Re" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061190 name: GR:0061190 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061190" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdb2" RELATED [] synonym: "Starch debranding enzyme-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Starch debranching-2" RELATED [] synonym: "ISA" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061191 name: GR:0061191 def: "The stay green gene is strongly expressed in senescing leaves. It is involved in activating translational or posttranslational regulation of chlorophyll degrading enzymes. The plant with mutant form displayed stay green phenotype. These plants had higher chlorophyll content in the leaves and had stable LCHI and LHCII during leaf senescence" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061191" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g36200" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0532000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030678" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347672" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q652K1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z3E5" RELATED [] synonym: "sgr" RELATED [] synonym: "stay green" RELATED [] synonym: "sgr(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSGR" RELATED [] synonym: "staying green during senescence" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061192 name: GR:0061192 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061192" RELATED [] synonym: "Tos8" RELATED [] synonym: "Retrotransposon-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061193 name: GR:0061193 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061193" RELATED [] synonym: "MS19" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 19" RELATED [] synonym: "ms19(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ms19" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061194 name: GR:0061194 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061194" RELATED [] synonym: "MS20" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 20" RELATED [] synonym: "ms20(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ms20" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-20" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061195 name: GR:0061195 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061195" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "MS21" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 21" RELATED [] synonym: "ms21(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ms21" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-21" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061196 name: GR:0061196 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061196" RELATED [] synonym: "MS22" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 22" RELATED [] synonym: "ms22(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ms22" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-22" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061197 name: GR:0061197 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061197" RELATED [] synonym: "MS23" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 23" RELATED [] synonym: "ms23(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ms23" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-23" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061198 name: GR:0061198 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061198" RELATED [] synonym: "MS24" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 24" RELATED [] synonym: "ms24(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ms24" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-24" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061199 name: GR:0061199 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061199" RELATED [] synonym: "MS25" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 25" RELATED [] synonym: "ms25(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ms25" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-25" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061200 name: GR:0061200 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061200" RELATED [] synonym: "MS26" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 26" RELATED [] synonym: "ms26(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ms26" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-26" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061201 name: GR:0061201 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061201" RELATED [] synonym: "MS27" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 27" RELATED [] synonym: "ms27(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ms27" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-27" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061202 name: GR:0061202 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061202" RELATED [] synonym: "MS28" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 28" RELATED [] synonym: "ms28(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ms28" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-28" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061203 name: GR:0061203 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061203" RELATED [] synonym: "MS29" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 29" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-30" RELATED [] synonym: "ms29" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-29" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061204 name: GR:0061204 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061204" RELATED [] synonym: "MS30" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 30" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-31" RELATED [] synonym: "ms30" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-30" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061205 name: GR:0061205 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061205" RELATED [] synonym: "MS31" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 31" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-32" RELATED [] synonym: "ms31" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-31" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061206 name: GR:0061206 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061206" RELATED [] synonym: "MS32" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 32" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-33" RELATED [] synonym: "ms32" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-32" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061207 name: GR:0061207 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061207" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "MS33" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 33" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-34" RELATED [] synonym: "ms33" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-33" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061208 name: GR:0061208 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061208" RELATED [] synonym: "MS34" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 34" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-35" RELATED [] synonym: "ms34" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-34" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061209 name: GR:0061209 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061209" RELATED [] synonym: "MS35" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 35" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-36" RELATED [] synonym: "ms35" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-35" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061210 name: GR:0061210 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061210" RELATED [] synonym: "MS36" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 36" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-37" RELATED [] synonym: "ms36" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-36" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061211 name: GR:0061211 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061211" RELATED [] synonym: "MS37" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 37" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-38" RELATED [] synonym: "ms37" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-37" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061212 name: GR:0061212 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061212" RELATED [] synonym: "MS38" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 38" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-39" RELATED [] synonym: "ms38" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-38" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061213 name: GR:0061213 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061213" RELATED [] synonym: "MS39" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 39" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-40" RELATED [] synonym: "ms39" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-39" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061214 name: GR:0061214 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061214" RELATED [] synonym: "MS40" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 40" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-41" RELATED [] synonym: "ms40" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-40" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061215 name: GR:0061215 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061215" RELATED [] synonym: "MS41" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 41" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-42" RELATED [] synonym: "ms41" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-41" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061216 name: GR:0061216 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061216" RELATED [] synonym: "MS42" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 42" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-43" RELATED [] synonym: "ms42" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-42" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061217 name: GR:0061217 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061217" RELATED [] synonym: "MS43" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 43" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-44" RELATED [] synonym: "ms43" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-43" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061218 name: GR:0061218 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061218" RELATED [] synonym: "MS44" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 44" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-45" RELATED [] synonym: "ms44" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-44" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061219 name: GR:0061219 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061219" RELATED [] synonym: "MS45" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 45" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-46" RELATED [] synonym: "ms45" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-45" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061220 name: GR:0061220 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061220" RELATED [] synonym: "MS47" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 47" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-48" RELATED [] synonym: "ms47" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-47" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061221 name: GR:0061221 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061221" RELATED [] synonym: "MS48" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 48" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-49" RELATED [] synonym: "ms48" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-48" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061222 name: GR:0061222 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061222" RELATED [] synonym: "MS49" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 49" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-50" RELATED [] synonym: "ms49" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-49" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061223 name: GR:0061223 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061223" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "MS50" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 50" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-51" RELATED [] synonym: "ms50" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-50" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061224 name: GR:0061224 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061224" RELATED [] synonym: "MS51" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 51" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-52" RELATED [] synonym: "ms51" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-51" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061225 name: GR:0061225 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061225" RELATED [] synonym: "MS52" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 52" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-53" RELATED [] synonym: "ms52" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-52" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061226 name: GR:0061226 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061226" RELATED [] synonym: "MS53" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 53" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-54" RELATED [] synonym: "ms53" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-53" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061227 name: GR:0061227 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061227" RELATED [] synonym: "MS54" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 54" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-55" RELATED [] synonym: "ms54" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-54" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061228 name: GR:0061228 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061228" RELATED [] synonym: "MS55" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 55" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-56" RELATED [] synonym: "ms55" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-55" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061229 name: GR:0061229 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061229" RELATED [] synonym: "MS56" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 56" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-57" RELATED [] synonym: "ms56" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-56" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061230 name: GR:0061230 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061230" RELATED [] synonym: "MS57" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 57" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-58" RELATED [] synonym: "ms57" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-57" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061231 name: GR:0061231 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061231" RELATED [] synonym: "MS58" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 58" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-59" RELATED [] synonym: "ms58" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-58" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061232 name: GR:0061232 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061232" RELATED [] synonym: "MS59" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 59" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-60" RELATED [] synonym: "ms59" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-59" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061233 name: GR:0061233 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061233" RELATED [] synonym: "MS60" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 60" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-61" RELATED [] synonym: "ms60" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-60" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061234 name: GR:0061234 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061234" RELATED [] synonym: "MS61" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 61" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-62" RELATED [] synonym: "ms61" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-61" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061235 name: GR:0061235 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061235" RELATED [] synonym: "MS62" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 62" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-63" RELATED [] synonym: "ms62" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-62" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061236 name: GR:0061236 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061236" RELATED [] synonym: "MS63" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 63" RELATED [] synonym: "oms" RELATED [] synonym: "open hull male sterile" RELATED [] synonym: "ms63" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-63" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061237 name: GR:0061237 def: "Pronounced seed dormancy; viable seeds are unable to germinate under environmental conditions favorable to germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061237" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdr5" RELATED [] synonym: "Seed dormancy-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061240 name: GR:0061240 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061240" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb2" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage" RELATED [] synonym: "pCT1*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061241 name: GR:0061241 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061241" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb3" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage" RELATED [] synonym: "pCT2*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061242 name: GR:0061242 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061242" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb4" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage-4" RELATED [] synonym: "pCT3*" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061243 name: GR:0061243 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061243" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht6" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-6" RELATED [] synonym: "Class III chitinase homologues (cDNA)-2" RELATED [] synonym: "C10501*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061244 name: GR:0061244 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061244" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht7" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-7" RELATED [] synonym: "C10501*" RELATED [] synonym: "Class III chitinase homologues (cDNA)-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061245 name: GR:0061245 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061245" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht8" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-8" RELATED [] synonym: "C10122*" RELATED [] synonym: "Class III chitinase homologues (cDNA)-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061246 name: GR:0061246 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061246" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht9" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-9" RELATED [] synonym: "Class III chitinase homologues (cDNA)-5" RELATED [] synonym: "C10701*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061247 name: GR:0061247 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061247" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht10" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-10" RELATED [] synonym: "Class III chitinase homologues (cDNA)-6" RELATED [] synonym: "C00481*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061248 name: GR:0061248 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061248" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht11" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-11" RELATED [] synonym: "Class III chitinase homologues (cDNA)-6" RELATED [] synonym: "C10150*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061249 name: GR:0061249 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061249" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron002" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-002" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061250 name: GR:0061250 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061250" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron003" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-003" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061251 name: GR:0061251 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061251" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron060" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-060" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061252 name: GR:0061252 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061252" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron112" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-112" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061253 name: GR:0061253 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061253" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron121" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-121" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061254 name: GR:0061254 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061254" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron501" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-501" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061255 name: GR:0061255 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061255" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron502" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-502" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061256 name: GR:0061256 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061256" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron503a" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-503a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061257 name: GR:0061257 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061257" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron503b" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-503b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061258 name: GR:0061258 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061258" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron504" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-504" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061259 name: GR:0061259 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061259" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron505" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-505" RELATED [] synonym: "" [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061260 name: GR:0061260 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061260" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron506" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-506" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061261 name: GR:0061261 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061261" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron509" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-509" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061262 name: GR:0061262 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061262" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron510" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-510" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061263 name: GR:0061263 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061263" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron514" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-514" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061264 name: GR:0061264 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061264" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron515" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-515" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061265 name: GR:0061265 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061265" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron516" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-516" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061266 name: GR:0061266 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061266" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron518" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-518" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061267 name: GR:0061267 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061267" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron519" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-519" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061268 name: GR:0061268 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061268" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron520" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-520" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061269 name: GR:0061269 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061269" RELATED [] synonym: "Micron524" RELATED [] synonym: "Microsatellite-targeting transposable element-524" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061270 name: GR:0061270 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061270" RELATED [] synonym: "MITEs" RELATED [] synonym: "Miniature inverted-repeat transposable element (stawaway family)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061271 name: GR:0061271 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061271" RELATED [] synonym: "p-SINE-1-r2" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposable Element (p-SINE1 family)-r2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061272 name: GR:0061272 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061272" RELATED [] synonym: "p-SINE-1-r3" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposable Element (p-SINE1 family)-r3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061273 name: GR:0061273 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061273" RELATED [] synonym: "p-SINE-1-r4" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposable Element (p-SINE1 family)-r4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061274 name: GR:0061274 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061274" RELATED [] synonym: "p-SINE-1-r5" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposable Element (p-SINE1 family)-r5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061275 name: GR:0061275 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061275" RELATED [] synonym: "p-SINE-1-r6" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposable Element (p-SINE1 family)-r6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061276 name: GR:0061276 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061276" RELATED [] synonym: "p-SINE-1-r7" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposable Element (p-SINE1 family)-r7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061277 name: GR:0061277 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061277" RELATED [] synonym: "RILEY2" RELATED [] synonym: "gypsy-type retrotransponson #2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061278 name: GR:0061278 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061278" RELATED [] synonym: "RILEY3" RELATED [] synonym: "gypsy-type retrotransponson #3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061279 name: GR:0061279 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061279" RELATED [] synonym: "RILEY7" RELATED [] synonym: "gypsy-type retrotransponson #7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061280 name: GR:0061280 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061280" RELATED [] synonym: "RILEY8" RELATED [] synonym: "gypsy-type retrotransponson #8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061281 name: GR:0061281 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061281" RELATED [] synonym: "RILEY9A" RELATED [] synonym: "gypsy-type retrotransponson #9A" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061282 name: GR:0061282 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061282" RELATED [] synonym: "RILEY9B" RELATED [] synonym: "gypsy-type retrotransponson #9B" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061283 name: GR:0061283 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061283" RELATED [] synonym: "RILEY9C" RELATED [] synonym: "gypsy-type retrotransponson #9C" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060483 name: GR:0060483 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060483" RELATED [] synonym: "IPSB" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR PURPLE STIGMA B" RELATED [] synonym: "IPsb" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple stigma-b" RELATED [] synonym: "IPs2" RELATED [] synonym: "Ips4" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for purple stigma-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060485 name: GR:0060485 def: "Inhibitor for spreading panicle gene Spr6 (Spra) or Spr7 (Sprb). Duplicate gene with ISpr2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060485" RELATED [] synonym: "ISPR1" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR SPREADING PANICLE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "ISpr1" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for spreading panicle-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060486 name: GR:0060486 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060486" RELATED [] synonym: "ISPR2" RELATED [] synonym: "INHIBITOR FOR SPREADING PANICLE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "ISpr2" RELATED [] synonym: "Inhibitor for spreading panicle-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060490 name: GR:0060490 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060490" RELATED [] synonym: "Dhl5" RELATED [] synonym: "Dominant hybrid lethal-5" RELATED [] synonym: "Lethal factor" RELATED [] synonym: "L*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060491 name: GR:0060491 def: "A prostrate habit forming a tangled mass.'Lazy'seedlings grow upright, and for a time appear essentially normal, but as the plants become older and new tillers are formed, the main culms and the tillers assume a prostrate or in some cases a nearly prostrate position. It seems that the'lazy'character is due to a defective effect on the synthesis of L-tryptophan, a precursor of auxin" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060491" RELATED [] synonym: "LA" RELATED [] synonym: "LAZY GROWTH HABIT" RELATED [] synonym: "la" RELATED [] synonym: "lazy growth habit" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060493 name: GR:0060493 def: "Very sparse setting of spikelets; various deformities and complete absence of spikelets are observed under low temperature conditions" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060493" RELATED [] synonym: "LAX" RELATED [] synonym: "LAX PANICLE" RELATED [] synonym: "lx" RELATED [] synonym: "lax" RELATED [] synonym: "lax panicle" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060494 name: GR:0060494 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060494" RELATED [] synonym: "LDH" RELATED [] synonym: "LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ldh1" RELATED [] synonym: "Lactate dehydrogenase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060495 name: GR:0060495 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060495" RELATED [] synonym: "LEC" RELATED [] synonym: "LECTIN" RELATED [] synonym: "Lec" RELATED [] synonym: "Lectin" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060497 name: GR:0060497 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060497" RELATED [] synonym: "Lgc1" RELATED [] synonym: "Low glutelin content" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060501 name: GR:0060501 def: "The differentiation of inflorescence rachis branches is blocked. The mutant is shorter in plant height, possess smaller and clumpy leaves, and always stays in the vegetative growth stage. Genetic analysis suggests that phenotype is controlled by a single recessive gene" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060501" RELATED [] synonym: "LHD" RELATED [] synonym: "LEAFY HEAD" RELATED [] synonym: "lhd" RELATED [] synonym: "leafy head" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060502 name: GR:0060502 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060502" RELATED [] synonym: "lhs" RELATED [] synonym: "leafy hull sterile" RELATED [] synonym: "lhs2" RELATED [] synonym: "op" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060508 name: GR:0060508 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060508" RELATED [] synonym: "LMX" RELATED [] synonym: "LONG LEMMA" RELATED [] synonym: "lmx" RELATED [] synonym: "long lemma" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060509 name: GR:0060509 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060509" RELATED [] synonym: "LOX3" RELATED [] synonym: "LIPOXYGENASE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Lox3" RELATED [] synonym: "Lipoxygenase-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060510 name: GR:0060510 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060510" RELATED [] synonym: "LP1" RELATED [] synonym: "LONG PALEA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "lp1" RELATED [] synonym: "long palea-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060511 name: GR:0060511 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060511" RELATED [] synonym: "LP2" RELATED [] synonym: "LONG PALEA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "lp2" RELATED [] synonym: "long palea-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060512 name: GR:0060512 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060512" RELATED [] synonym: "LR" RELATED [] synonym: "LEAF ROLLING UNDER DROUGHT STRESS" RELATED [] synonym: "lr" RELATED [] synonym: "leaf unrolling under drought stress" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060513 name: GR:0060513 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060513" RELATED [] synonym: "LRT1" RELATED [] synonym: "DEFICIENCY OF LATERAL ROOTS" RELATED [] synonym: "Deficiency of lateral roots" RELATED [] synonym: "Lrt1" RELATED [] synonym: "Lateral root-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060514 name: GR:0060514 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060514" RELATED [] synonym: "LRT2" RELATED [] synonym: "REDUCED GROWTH OF LATERAL ROOTS" RELATED [] synonym: "reduced growth of lateral roots" RELATED [] synonym: "lrt2" RELATED [] synonym: "lateral root-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060515 name: GR:0060515 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060515" RELATED [] synonym: "MAL1" RELATED [] synonym: "MALATE DEHYDROGENASE(NADP) 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Mal1" RELATED [] synonym: "Malate dehydrogenase (NADP)1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060516 name: GR:0060516 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060516" RELATED [] synonym: "MAL2" RELATED [] synonym: "MALATE DEHYDROGENASE(NADP) 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Mal2" RELATED [] synonym: "Malate dehydrogenase (NADP)2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060517 name: GR:0060517 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060517" RELATED [] synonym: "MAL3" RELATED [] synonym: "MALATE DEHYDROGENASE NADp-DEPENDENT 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Mal3(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Mal3" RELATED [] synonym: "Malate dehydrogenase (NADP)3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060518 name: GR:0060518 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060518" RELATED [] synonym: "MAL4" RELATED [] synonym: "MALATE DEHYDROGENASE NADp-DEPENDENT 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Mal4(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Mal4" RELATED [] synonym: "Malate dehydrogenase (NADP)4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060519 name: GR:0060519 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060519" RELATED [] synonym: "MAN" RELATED [] synonym: "MANNAN IN ENDOSPERM CELL WALL" RELATED [] synonym: "Man" RELATED [] synonym: "Mannan in endosperm cell wall" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060520 name: GR:0060520 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060520" RELATED [] synonym: "MDH1" RELATED [] synonym: "MALATE DEHYDROGENASE NAD-DEPENDENT 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Mdh1" RELATED [] synonym: "Malate dehydrogenase (NAD)-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060521 name: GR:0060521 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060521" RELATED [] synonym: "MDH2" RELATED [] synonym: "MALATE DEHYDROGENASE NAD-DEPENDENT 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Mdh2(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Mdh2" RELATED [] synonym: "Malate dehydrogenase (NAD)-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060522 name: GR:0060522 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060522" RELATED [] synonym: "MDH3" RELATED [] synonym: "MALATE DEHYDROGENASE NAD-DEPENDENT 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Mdh3" RELATED [] synonym: "Malate dehydrogenase (NAD)-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060523 name: GR:0060523 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060523" RELATED [] synonym: "Me1" RELATED [] synonym: "Malic enzyme-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060524 name: GR:0060524 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060524" RELATED [] synonym: "Me2" RELATED [] synonym: "Malic enzyme-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060527 name: GR:0060527 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060527" RELATED [] synonym: "MLS1" RELATED [] synonym: "MALFORMED LEMMA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "mls1" RELATED [] synonym: "malformed lemma-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060528 name: GR:0060528 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060528" RELATED [] synonym: "MLS2" RELATED [] synonym: "MALFORMED LEMMA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "mls2" RELATED [] synonym: "malformed lemma-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060529 name: GR:0060529 def: "Malformed lemma and palea. The percentage of malformed spikelets and seed fertility prominently increased under the lower temperature condition" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060529" RELATED [] synonym: "MLS3" RELATED [] synonym: "MALFORMED LEMMA 3" RELATED [] synonym: "mls3" RELATED [] synonym: "malformed spikelet-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060531 name: GR:0060531 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060531" RELATED [] synonym: "MP1" RELATED [] synonym: "MULTIPLE PISTIL 1" RELATED [] synonym: "mp1" RELATED [] synonym: "multiple pistil-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060533 name: GR:0060533 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060533" RELATED [] synonym: "MPI" RELATED [] synonym: "MODIFIER FOR BLAST RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg18" RELATED [] synonym: "Rb6" RELATED [] synonym: "MPiz" RELATED [] synonym: "Modifier for blast resistance (Piz)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060535 name: GR:0060535 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060535" RELATED [] synonym: "MR1" RELATED [] synonym: "MULTIPLE RADICLE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "mr1" RELATED [] synonym: "multiple radicle-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060536 name: GR:0060536 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060536" RELATED [] synonym: "MS1" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile" RELATED [] synonym: "ms1(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "ms64" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-64" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060537 name: GR:0060537 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060537" RELATED [] synonym: "MS2" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile" RELATED [] synonym: "ms2(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "ms65" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-65" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060538 name: GR:0060538 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060538" RELATED [] synonym: "ms1" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-1" RELATED [] synonym: "sf" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060539 name: GR:0060539 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060539" RELATED [] synonym: "ms2" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-2" RELATED [] synonym: "msd" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060540 name: GR:0060540 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060540" RELATED [] synonym: "MS3" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "ms1" RELATED [] synonym: "ms3" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060541 name: GR:0060541 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060541" RELATED [] synonym: "MS4" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "ms2" RELATED [] synonym: "ms4" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060542 name: GR:0060542 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060542" RELATED [] synonym: "MS5" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "ms3" RELATED [] synonym: "ms5" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060543 name: GR:0060543 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060543" RELATED [] synonym: "ms6" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-6" RELATED [] synonym: "ms4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060544 name: GR:0060544 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060544" RELATED [] synonym: "MS7" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 7" RELATED [] synonym: "ms7" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060545 name: GR:0060545 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060545" RELATED [] synonym: "MS8" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 8" RELATED [] synonym: "ms8" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060546 name: GR:0060546 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060546" RELATED [] synonym: "MS9" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 9" RELATED [] synonym: "ms9" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060547 name: GR:0060547 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060547" RELATED [] synonym: "MS10" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 10" RELATED [] synonym: "ms10" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060548 name: GR:0060548 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060548" RELATED [] synonym: "MS11" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 11" RELATED [] synonym: "ms11" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060549 name: GR:0060549 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060549" RELATED [] synonym: "MS12" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 12" RELATED [] synonym: "ms12" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060550 name: GR:0060550 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060550" RELATED [] synonym: "MS13" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 13" RELATED [] synonym: "ms13" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060551 name: GR:0060551 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060551" RELATED [] synonym: "MS14" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 14" RELATED [] synonym: "ms14" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060552 name: GR:0060552 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060552" RELATED [] synonym: "MS15" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 15" RELATED [] synonym: "ms15" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060553 name: GR:0060553 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060553" RELATED [] synonym: "MS16" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 16" RELATED [] synonym: "ms16" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060554 name: GR:0060554 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060554" RELATED [] synonym: "MS17" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 17" RELATED [] synonym: "ms17" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-17" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060555 name: GR:0060555 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060555" RELATED [] synonym: "MS18" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 18" RELATED [] synonym: "ms18(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "ms18" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060556 name: GR:0060556 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060556" RELATED [] synonym: "MS46" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE 46" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-47" RELATED [] synonym: "ms46" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-46" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060557 name: GR:0060557 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060557" RELATED [] synonym: "MS IR36" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE (IR36MS)" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile (IR36ms or Milyang 54ms)" RELATED [] synonym: "msIR36(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "ms66" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-66" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060558 name: GR:0060558 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060558" RELATED [] synonym: "MS M55" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE (MILYANG 55MS)" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile (Milyang 55ms)" RELATED [] synonym: "msm55(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "ms67" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-67" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060559 name: GR:0060559 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060559" RELATED [] synonym: "ms68" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-68" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile (Milyang 67ms)" RELATED [] synonym: "msm67(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "ms18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060560 name: GR:0060560 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060560" RELATED [] synonym: "MS M77" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE MILYANG 77MS" RELATED [] synonym: "msm77(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile (Milyang 77ms)" RELATED [] synonym: "ms69" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-69" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060561 name: GR:0060561 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060561" RELATED [] synonym: "MS-H" RELATED [] synonym: "MALE STERILE-H" RELATED [] synonym: "ms-h(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-h" RELATED [] synonym: "ms70" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-70" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060562 name: GR:0060562 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060562" RELATED [] synonym: "ms71" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-71" RELATED [] synonym: "rf1" RELATED [] synonym: "msa" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile (somaclonal mutant)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060563 name: GR:0060563 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060563" RELATED [] synonym: "Ms72" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-72" RELATED [] synonym: "msb" RELATED [] synonym: "rf2" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile (somaclonal mutant)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060571 name: GR:0060571 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060571" RELATED [] synonym: "ND" RELATED [] synonym: "EARLY NODAL DIFFERENTIATION" RELATED [] synonym: "Nd" RELATED [] synonym: "Early nodal differentiation" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060572 name: GR:0060572 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060572" RELATED [] synonym: "nia" RELATED [] synonym: "nitrate reductase-deficient" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060575 name: GR:0060575 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060575" RELATED [] synonym: "NP" RELATED [] synonym: "NUDE PANICLE" RELATED [] synonym: "np" RELATED [] synonym: "nude panicle" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060576 name: GR:0060576 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060576" RELATED [] synonym: "NR1" RELATED [] synonym: "NODAL ROOTING 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Nr1" RELATED [] synonym: "Nodal rooting-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060577 name: GR:0060577 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060577" RELATED [] synonym: "NR2" RELATED [] synonym: "NODAL ROOTING 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Nr2" RELATED [] synonym: "Nodal rooting-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060578 name: GR:0060578 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060578" RELATED [] synonym: "OC1" RELATED [] synonym: "ORYZACYSTATIN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Oc1" RELATED [] synonym: "Oryzacystatin-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060579 name: GR:0060579 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060579" RELATED [] synonym: "OC2" RELATED [] synonym: "ORYZACYSTATIN 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Oc2" RELATED [] synonym: "Oryzacystatin-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060580 name: GR:0060580 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060580" RELATED [] synonym: "OCP" RELATED [] synonym: "ORYZALN ALPHA CHAIN" RELATED [] synonym: "ocp" RELATED [] synonym: "oryzain alpha chain" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060582 name: GR:0060582 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060582" RELATED [] synonym: "NAC3" RELATED [] synonym: "ONNAC GENE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAC3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAC gene-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060583 name: GR:0060583 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060583" RELATED [] synonym: "NAC4" RELATED [] synonym: "ONNAC GENE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAC4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAC gene-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060584 name: GR:0060584 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060584" RELATED [] synonym: "NAC5" RELATED [] synonym: "ONNAC GENE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAC5" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAC gene-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060587 name: GR:0060587 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060587" RELATED [] synonym: "DIM" RELATED [] synonym: "RICE DIM PROTEIN" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDIM" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice DIM protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060588 name: GR:0060588 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060588" RELATED [] synonym: "FAD3" RELATED [] synonym: "OMEGA-3 FATTY ACID DESATURASE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsFAD3" RELATED [] synonym: "w-3 fatty acid desaturase-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060589 name: GR:0060589 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060589" RELATED [] synonym: "FADX" RELATED [] synonym: "OMEGA-3 FATTY ACID DESATURASE X" RELATED [] synonym: "OsFADX" RELATED [] synonym: "w-3 fatty acid desaturase-X" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060590 name: GR:0060590 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060590" RELATED [] synonym: "FADY" RELATED [] synonym: "OMEGA-3 FATTY ACID DESATURASE Y" RELATED [] synonym: "OsFADY" RELATED [] synonym: "w-3 fatty acid desaturase-Y" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060591 name: GR:0060591 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060591" RELATED [] synonym: "OVC" RELATED [] synonym: "OVICIDAL" RELATED [] synonym: "Ovc" RELATED [] synonym: "Ovicidal effect to whitebacked planthopper" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060593 name: GR:0060593 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060593" RELATED [] synonym: "Pal1" RELATED [] synonym: "Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase" RELATED [] synonym: "Pal_1" RELATED [] synonym: "PalI" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060594 name: GR:0060594 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060594" RELATED [] synonym: "PAP1" RELATED [] synonym: "PANICLE PHYTOMER 1" RELATED [] synonym: "pap1" RELATED [] synonym: "panicle phytomer-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060596 name: GR:0060596 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060596" RELATED [] synonym: "PB1" RELATED [] synonym: "PANICLE BLAST RESISTANCE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg58" RELATED [] synonym: "Pbst" RELATED [] synonym: "Pb1" RELATED [] synonym: "Panicle blast resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060597 name: GR:0060597 def: "Make coleoptile purple" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060597" RELATED [] synonym: "PC" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE COLEOPTILE" RELATED [] synonym: "Pc" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple coleoptile" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060598 name: GR:0060598 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060598" RELATED [] synonym: "PCS" RELATED [] synonym: "PENTACHLOROBENZYL ALCOHOL SUSCEPTIBILITY" RELATED [] synonym: "pcs" RELATED [] synonym: "pentachlorobenzyl alcohol susceptibility" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060599 name: GR:0060599 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060599" RELATED [] synonym: "PD" RELATED [] synonym: "PENDANT PANICLE" RELATED [] synonym: "Pd" RELATED [] synonym: "Pendant panicle" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060600 name: GR:0060600 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060600" RELATED [] synonym: "PGD1" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOSPHOGLUCONATE DEHYDROGENASE" RELATED [] synonym: "6Pgd1" RELATED [] synonym: "Pgd1" RELATED [] synonym: "Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060601 name: GR:0060601 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060601" RELATED [] synonym: "PGD2" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOSPHOGLUCONATE DEHYDROGENASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Pgd2" RELATED [] synonym: "Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060602 name: GR:0060602 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060602" RELATED [] synonym: "PGI1" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOSPHOGLUCOISOMERASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Pgia" RELATED [] synonym: "Pgi_1" RELATED [] synonym: "Pgi1" RELATED [] synonym: "Phosphoglucoisomerase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060603 name: GR:0060603 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060603" RELATED [] synonym: "PGI2" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOSPHOGLUCOISOMERASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Pgib" RELATED [] synonym: "Pgi_2" RELATED [] synonym: "Pgi2" RELATED [] synonym: "Phosphoglucoisomerase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060604 name: GR:0060604 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060604" RELATED [] synonym: "PGI3" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOSPHOGLUCOISOMERASE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Pgi3" RELATED [] synonym: "Phosphoglucoisomerase-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060607 name: GR:0060607 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060607" RELATED [] synonym: "PDC1" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRUVATE DECARBOXYLASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "pdc4" RELATED [] synonym: "pdc1" RELATED [] synonym: "pyruvate decarboxylase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060608 name: GR:0060608 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060608" RELATED [] synonym: "PDC2" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRUVATE DECARBOXYLASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "pdc2" RELATED [] synonym: "pyruvate decarboxylase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060609 name: GR:0060609 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060609" RELATED [] synonym: "PDC3" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRUVATE DECARBOXYLASE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "pdc3" RELATED [] synonym: "pyruvate decarboxylase-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060610 name: GR:0060610 def: "Show high tolerance to phosphorus deficiency condition at seedling and tillering stages" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060610" RELATED [] synonym: "Pho" RELATED [] synonym: "Phosphorus deficiency tolerance" RELATED [] synonym: "PHO" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060611 name: GR:0060611 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060611" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g51030" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0719800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333930" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10DU0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XLG5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EKU3" RELATED [] synonym: "PHYA" RELATED [] synonym: "PHYTOCHROME A" RELATED [] synonym: "PHYA*" RELATED [] synonym: "Phya" RELATED [] synonym: "Phytochrome-A" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060639 name: GR:0060639 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060639" RELATED [] synonym: "PI12" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 12" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi12(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg29" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi12" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060654 name: GR:0060654 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060654" RELATED [] synonym: "PI44" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 44" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg44" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi44(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi44" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-44" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060655 name: GR:0060655 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060655" RELATED [] synonym: "PI62" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 62" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg45" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Yashiro-mochi" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi62(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi62" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-62" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060656 name: GR:0060656 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060656" RELATED [] synonym: "PI67" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE 67" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi67(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Tsuyuake" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg46" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi67" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-67" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060657 name: GR:0060657 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060657" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi157" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-157" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi157*" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Moroberekan" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg47" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060658 name: GR:0060658 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060658" RELATED [] synonym: "PIB1" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE B1" RELATED [] synonym: "rMg48" RELATED [] synonym: "pib1*" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Lemont" RELATED [] synonym: "Pib1" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060659 name: GR:0060659 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060659" RELATED [] synonym: "PIB2" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE B2" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg49" RELATED [] synonym: "Pilm2" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Lemont" RELATED [] synonym: "Pib2" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-b2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060660 name: GR:0060660 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060660" RELATED [] synonym: "PIQ1" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Q1" RELATED [] synonym: "Pitq1*" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing" RELATED [] synonym: "Piq1*" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg50" RELATED [] synonym: "Pitq1" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060661 name: GR:0060661 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060661" RELATED [] synonym: "PIQ2" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Q2" RELATED [] synonym: "Piq2*" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg51" RELATED [] synonym: "Pitq2*" RELATED [] synonym: "Pitq2" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060662 name: GR:0060662 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060662" RELATED [] synonym: "PIQ3" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Q3" RELATED [] synonym: "Pitq3*" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg52" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing" RELATED [] synonym: "Piq3*" RELATED [] synonym: "Pitq3" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060663 name: GR:0060663 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060663" RELATED [] synonym: "PIQ4" RELATED [] synonym: "PYRICULARIA ORYZAE RESISTANCE Q4" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg53" RELATED [] synonym: "Pitq4*" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing" RELATED [] synonym: "Piq4*" RELATED [] synonym: "Pitq4" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060664 name: GR:0060664 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060664" RELATED [] synonym: "Pitq5" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq5" RELATED [] synonym: "Pitq5*" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg54" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060665 name: GR:0060665 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060665" RELATED [] synonym: "Pitq6" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-tq6" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg55" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance from Teqing" RELATED [] synonym: "Pitq6*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060667 name: GR:0060667 def: "Make junctura (leaf collar) purple" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060667" RELATED [] synonym: "PJ" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE JUNCTURA" RELATED [] synonym: "Pj" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple junctura" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060668 name: GR:0060668 def: "Make junctura (leaf collar) back purple" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060668" RELATED [] synonym: "PJB" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE JUNCTURA BACK" RELATED [] synonym: "Pjb" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple junctura back" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060669 name: GR:0060669 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060669" RELATED [] synonym: "PKC1" RELATED [] synonym: "PROTEIN KINASE C HOMOLOGY 1" RELATED [] synonym: "pkc1" RELATED [] synonym: "protein kinase C homology-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060670 name: GR:0060670 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060670" RELATED [] synonym: "PKC2" RELATED [] synonym: "PROTEIN KINASE C HOMOLOGY 2" RELATED [] synonym: "pkc2" RELATED [] synonym: "protein kinase C homology-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060673 name: GR:0060673 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060673" RELATED [] synonym: "Pla" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple leaf apex" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060675 name: GR:0060675 def: "Make ligule purple" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060675" RELATED [] synonym: "PLG" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE LIGULE" RELATED [] synonym: "Plg" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple ligule" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060676 name: GR:0060676 def: "Make leaf margin purple" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060676" RELATED [] synonym: "PLM" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE LEAF MARGIN" RELATED [] synonym: "Pla" RELATED [] synonym: "Plm" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple leaf margin" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060677 name: GR:0060677 def: "Make septum purple. One of complementary genes for pigment in septum, another one is the basic gene designated as Ap" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060677" RELATED [] synonym: "PM" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE SEPTUM" RELATED [] synonym: "Sp" RELATED [] synonym: "Pm" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple septum" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060678 name: GR:0060678 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060678" RELATED [] synonym: "PMS1" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVE GENIC MALE STERILITY 1" RELATED [] synonym: "pms1*" RELATED [] synonym: "Pms1" RELATED [] synonym: "photoperiod-sensitive male sterility-1" RELATED [] synonym: "pgms" RELATED [] synonym: "ms1-P" RELATED [] synonym: "ms73" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-73" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060679 name: GR:0060679 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060679" RELATED [] synonym: "PMS2" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVE GENIC MALE STERILITY 2" RELATED [] synonym: "photoperiod-sensitive male sterility-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Pms2" RELATED [] synonym: "ms2-P" RELATED [] synonym: "pgms" RELATED [] synonym: "pms2*" RELATED [] synonym: "ms74" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-74" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060681 name: GR:0060681 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060681" RELATED [] synonym: "ms76" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-76" RELATED [] synonym: "photoperiod-sensitive male sterility" RELATED [] synonym: "pms1(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060682 name: GR:0060682 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060682" RELATED [] synonym: "Ms77" RELATED [] synonym: "Male sterile-77" RELATED [] synonym: "Photoperiod-sensitive male sterility (Orion1783)" RELATED [] synonym: "Pms2(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060684 name: GR:0060684 def: "Make nodal ring purple" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060684" RELATED [] synonym: "PNR" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE NODAL RING" RELATED [] synonym: "Pnr" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple nodal ring" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060685 name: GR:0060685 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060685" RELATED [] synonym: "POX1" RELATED [] synonym: "PEROXIDASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Px" RELATED [] synonym: "Pe" RELATED [] synonym: "Pox1" RELATED [] synonym: "Peroxidase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060686 name: GR:0060686 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060686" RELATED [] synonym: "POX2" RELATED [] synonym: "PEROXIDASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Pox2" RELATED [] synonym: "Peroxidase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060687 name: GR:0060687 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060687" RELATED [] synonym: "POX3" RELATED [] synonym: "PEROXIDASE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Pox3" RELATED [] synonym: "Peroxidase-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060688 name: GR:0060688 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060688" RELATED [] synonym: "POX4" RELATED [] synonym: "PEROXIDASE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Pox4" RELATED [] synonym: "Peroxidase-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060689 name: GR:0060689 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060689" RELATED [] synonym: "POX5" RELATED [] synonym: "PEROXIDASE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "Pox5" RELATED [] synonym: "Peroxidase-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060690 name: GR:0060690 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060690" RELATED [] synonym: "POXCA" RELATED [] synonym: "PEROXIDASE CA" RELATED [] synonym: "PoxcA*" RELATED [] synonym: "Peroxidase-cA(cloned gene)" RELATED [] synonym: "Pox6" RELATED [] synonym: "Peroxidase-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060692 name: GR:0060692 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060692" RELATED [] synonym: "PRO1" RELATED [] synonym: "PROLAMIN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Pro1" RELATED [] synonym: "Prolamin-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060693 name: GR:0060693 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060693" RELATED [] synonym: "PRO2" RELATED [] synonym: "PROLAMIN 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Pro2" RELATED [] synonym: "Prolamin-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060694 name: GR:0060694 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060694" RELATED [] synonym: "PRO3" RELATED [] synonym: "PROLAMIN 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Pro3" RELATED [] synonym: "Prolamin-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060695 name: GR:0060695 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060695" RELATED [] synonym: "PRO4" RELATED [] synonym: "PROLAMIN 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Pro4" RELATED [] synonym: "Prolamin-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060696 name: GR:0060696 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060696" RELATED [] synonym: "PRO5" RELATED [] synonym: "PROLAMIN 5" RELATED [] synonym: "Pro5" RELATED [] synonym: "Prolamin-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060697 name: GR:0060697 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060697" RELATED [] synonym: "PROL" RELATED [] synonym: "PROLAMIN " RELATED [] synonym: "Prolamin" RELATED [] synonym: "Prol*" RELATED [] synonym: "Pro6" RELATED [] synonym: "Prolamin-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060700 name: GR:0060700 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060700" RELATED [] synonym: "PRS" RELATED [] synonym: "PROPANIL SUSCEPTIBILITY" RELATED [] synonym: "prs" RELATED [] synonym: "propanil susceptibility" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060701 name: GR:0060701 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060701" RELATED [] synonym: "PRT" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE ROOT" RELATED [] synonym: "Prt" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple root" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060702 name: GR:0060702 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060702" RELATED [] synonym: "PS" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVITY" RELATED [] synonym: "Photoperiod sensitivity" RELATED [] synonym: "PS*" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl17" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-17" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060705 name: GR:0060705 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060705" RELATED [] synonym: "PS3" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE STIGMA 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Ps2" RELATED [] synonym: "Ps3" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple stigma-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060706 name: GR:0060706 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060706" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst48" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-48" RELATED [] synonym: "Pst1(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen sterility-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ps1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060707 name: GR:0060707 def: "Make leaf sheath purple" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060707" RELATED [] synonym: "PSH" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE LEAF SHEATH" RELATED [] synonym: "Psh" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple leaf sheath" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060708 name: GR:0060708 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060708" RELATED [] synonym: "p-SINE-1-r1" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposable Element (p-SINE1 family)-r1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060709 name: GR:0060709 def: "Make pulvinus purple" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060709" RELATED [] synonym: "PU" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE PULVINUS" RELATED [] synonym: "Pu" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple pulvinus" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060710 name: GR:0060710 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060710" RELATED [] synonym: "PX" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE LEAF AXIL" RELATED [] synonym: "Px" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple leaf axil" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060711 name: GR:0060711 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060711" RELATED [] synonym: "R5MT" RELATED [] synonym: "RESISTANCE TO 5METHYLTRYPTOPHAN" RELATED [] synonym: "Resistance to 5 methyltryptophan" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060712 name: GR:0060712 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060712" RELATED [] synonym: "R5S1" RELATED [] synonym: "5S RIBOSOMAL DNA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "r5s" RELATED [] synonym: "R5s1" RELATED [] synonym: "5S ribosomal DNA-1(5S rRNA-1)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060713 name: GR:0060713 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060713" RELATED [] synonym: "R5S2" RELATED [] synonym: "5S RIBOSOMAL DNA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "R5s2" RELATED [] synonym: "5S ribosomal DNA-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060714 name: GR:0060714 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060714" RELATED [] synonym: "R5S3" RELATED [] synonym: "5S RIBOSOMAL DNA 3" RELATED [] synonym: "R5s3" RELATED [] synonym: "5S ribosomal DNA-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060715 name: GR:0060715 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060715" RELATED [] synonym: "R45S1" RELATED [] synonym: "45S RIBOSOMAL DNA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "rDNA1" RELATED [] synonym: "r45s" RELATED [] synonym: "R45s1" RELATED [] synonym: "45S ribosomal DNA-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060716 name: GR:0060716 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060716" RELATED [] synonym: "R45S2" RELATED [] synonym: "45S RIBOSOMAL DNA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "rDNA2" RELATED [] synonym: "R45s2" RELATED [] synonym: "45S ribosomal DNA-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060717 name: GR:0060717 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060717" RELATED [] synonym: "R45S3" RELATED [] synonym: "45S RIBOSOMAL DNA 3" RELATED [] synonym: "R45s3" RELATED [] synonym: "45S ribosomal DNA-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060718 name: GR:0060718 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060718" RELATED [] synonym: "R45S4" RELATED [] synonym: "45S RIBOSOMAL DNA 4" RELATED [] synonym: "R45s4" RELATED [] synonym: "45S ribosomal DNA-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060721 name: GR:0060721 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060721" RELATED [] synonym: "RAD" RELATED [] synonym: "REDUCED ADH ACTIVITY" RELATED [] synonym: "rad" RELATED [] synonym: "reduced ADH activity" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060723 name: GR:0060723 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060723" RELATED [] synonym: "RAL2" RELATED [] synonym: "RADICLELESS 2" RELATED [] synonym: "ral2" RELATED [] synonym: "radicleless-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060725 name: GR:0060725 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060725" RELATED [] synonym: "RCH10" RELATED [] synonym: "BASIC CHITINASE" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice basic chitinase (class I)" RELATED [] synonym: "RCH10*" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht13" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060732 name: GR:0060732 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060732" RELATED [] synonym: "RCP" RELATED [] synonym: "RECEPTOR GENE FOR PEROXIDASE" RELATED [] synonym: "Rcp" RELATED [] synonym: "Receptor gene for peroxidase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060737 name: GR:0060737 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060737" RELATED [] synonym: "REG1-2A" RELATED [] synonym: "REGULATOR GENE FOR PEROXIDASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Reg1-2A" RELATED [] synonym: "Regulator gene for peroxidase-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Reg1" RELATED [] synonym: "Regulator-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060738 name: GR:0060738 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060738" RELATED [] synonym: "REG2-4A" RELATED [] synonym: "REGULATOR GENE FOR PEROXIDASE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Reg2-4A" RELATED [] synonym: "Regulator gene for peroxidase-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Reg2" RELATED [] synonym: "Regulator-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060739 name: GR:0060739 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060739" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf7" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-7" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-ak" RELATED [] synonym: "Rfak" RELATED [] synonym: "Rfj" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060740 name: GR:0060740 def: "Restores pollen fertility. The fertility restoration is gametophytically determined or sporophytically determined" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060740" RELATED [] synonym: "RF1" RELATED [] synonym: "RESTORATION OF FERTILITY 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf1" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060741 name: GR:0060741 def: "Restores pollen fertility. Only effective for [cms-ld]. The fertility restoration is gametophytically determined" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060741" RELATED [] synonym: "RF2" RELATED [] synonym: "RESTORATION OF FERTILITY 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Rfx" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf2" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060742 name: GR:0060742 def: "Restores pollen fertility for wild abortive (WA) cytoplasm. Duplicate gene with Rf8 (Rf(u))" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060742" RELATED [] synonym: "RF3" RELATED [] synonym: "RESTORATION OF FERTILITY 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf2" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration for WA cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "R2" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf3" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060743 name: GR:0060743 def: "Restores pollen fertility for wild abortive (WA) cytoplasm. Duplicate gene with Rf6 (RfWA2)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060743" RELATED [] synonym: "RF4" RELATED [] synonym: "RESTORATION OF FERTILITY 4" RELATED [] synonym: "R1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf1" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration for WA cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "RfWA1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf4" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060744 name: GR:0060744 def: "Restores pollen fertility for wild abortive (WA) cytoplasm" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060744" RELATED [] synonym: "RF5" RELATED [] synonym: "RESTORATION OF FERTILITY 5" RELATED [] synonym: "Fertile revertant fromII-32A" RELATED [] synonym: "WA type CMS" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf5" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060745 name: GR:0060745 def: "Restores pollen fertility for wild abortive (WA) cytoplasm. Duplicate gene with Rf4 (RfWA1)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060745" RELATED [] synonym: "RF6" RELATED [] synonym: "RESTORATION OF FERTILITY 6" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf5" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration for WA and HL cytoplasms" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf6" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060746 name: GR:0060746 def: "Restores pollen fertility for wild abortive (WA) cytoplasm. Need allelic test with Rf1 and Rf6" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060746" RELATED [] synonym: "RFWA2" RELATED [] synonym: "SMALL GTP-BINDING PROTEIN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "RfWA2*" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf(u)" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration for WA cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf8" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060747 name: GR:0060747 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060747" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf9" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-9" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-a" RELATED [] synonym: "Rfa" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060748 name: GR:0060748 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060748" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf12" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-12" RELATED [] synonym: "Rfa" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060749 name: GR:0060749 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060749" RELATED [] synonym: "RFA1" RELATED [] synonym: "ELONGATION FACTOR 1A (EEFIA) 1" RELATED [] synonym: "refa1" RELATED [] synonym: "rice translocation elongation factor 1A (eEF1A)-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060750 name: GR:0060750 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060750" RELATED [] synonym: "RFA2" RELATED [] synonym: "ELONGATION FACTOR 1A (EEFIA) 2" RELATED [] synonym: "refa2" RELATED [] synonym: "rice translocation elongation factor 1A (eEF1A)-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060751 name: GR:0060751 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060751" RELATED [] synonym: "RFA3" RELATED [] synonym: "ELONGATION FACTOR 1A (EEFIA) 3" RELATED [] synonym: "refa3" RELATED [] synonym: "rice translocation elongation factor 1A (eEF1A)-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060752 name: GR:0060752 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060752" RELATED [] synonym: "RFA4" RELATED [] synonym: "ELONGATION FACTOR 1A (EEFIA) 4" RELATED [] synonym: "refa4" RELATED [] synonym: "rice translocation elongation factor 1A (eEF1A)-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060754 name: GR:0060754 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060754" RELATED [] synonym: "RHW" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID WEAKNESS RESTORATION" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhw" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid weakness restoration" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060755 name: GR:0060755 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060755" RELATED [] synonym: "RHZ" RELATED [] synonym: "RHIZOME GENE" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhizomatous from O. longistaminata" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhz(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhz1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhizomatous from O. longistaminata-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060756 name: GR:0060756 def: "Arrangement of panicle branches as a whorl around the basal node of the ear axis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060756" RELATED [] synonym: "RI" RELATED [] synonym: "VERTICILLATE RACHIS" RELATED [] synonym: "ri" RELATED [] synonym: "verticillate rachis" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060757 name: GR:0060757 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060757" RELATED [] synonym: "LIM15" RELATED [] synonym: "LIM 15" RELATED [] synonym: "RiLIM15" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice LIM15 (Meiosis specific gene)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060758 name: GR:0060758 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060758" RELATED [] synonym: "RILEY1" RELATED [] synonym: "gypsy-type retrotransponson #1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060759 name: GR:0060759 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060759" RELATED [] synonym: "RIV1" RELATED [] synonym: "RICE VIVIPARY 1" RELATED [] synonym: "riv1" RELATED [] synonym: "rice vivipary-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060760 name: GR:0060760 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060760" RELATED [] synonym: "RIV2" RELATED [] synonym: "RICE VIVIPARY 2" RELATED [] synonym: "riv2" RELATED [] synonym: "rice vivipary-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060764 name: GR:0060764 def: "Leaf blade margins are incurved, forming a half cylinder" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060764" RELATED [] synonym: "RL1" RELATED [] synonym: "ROLLED LEAF 1" RELATED [] synonym: "rolled leaf-1" RELATED [] synonym: "rl1" RELATED [] synonym: "cul8" RELATED [] synonym: "curl leaf-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060765 name: GR:0060765 def: "Leaf blade margins are incurved, forming a half cylinder" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060765" RELATED [] synonym: "RL2" RELATED [] synonym: "ROLLED LEAF 2" RELATED [] synonym: "rl2" RELATED [] synonym: "rolled leaf-2" RELATED [] synonym: "cul9" RELATED [] synonym: "curl leaf-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060766 name: GR:0060766 def: "Whole leaf blade is rolled up toward the inside and becomes clavate" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060766" RELATED [] synonym: "RL3" RELATED [] synonym: "ROLLED LEAF 3" RELATED [] synonym: "rolled leaf-3" RELATED [] synonym: "rl1" RELATED [] synonym: "rl3" RELATED [] synonym: "cul10" RELATED [] synonym: "curl leaf-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060768 name: GR:0060768 def: "Leaf blade margins are incurved, forming a half cylinder" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060768" RELATED [] synonym: "RL5" RELATED [] synonym: "ROLLED LEAF 5" RELATED [] synonym: "rolled leaf-5" RELATED [] synonym: "rl5" RELATED [] synonym: "rl3" RELATED [] synonym: "cul12" RELATED [] synonym: "curl leaf-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060769 name: GR:0060769 def: "Leaf blade margins are incurved, forming a half cylinder. Similar to cul8" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060769" RELATED [] synonym: "RL6" RELATED [] synonym: "ROLLED LEAF 6" RELATED [] synonym: "rolled leaf-6" RELATED [] synonym: "rl6(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "cul13" RELATED [] synonym: "curl leaf-13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060772 name: GR:0060772 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060772" RELATED [] synonym: "RMU1-IR36" RELATED [] synonym: "MUTATOR 1" RELATED [] synonym: "RMu1-IR36" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice mutator 1-IR36" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060773 name: GR:0060773 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060773" RELATED [] synonym: "RMU1-A23" RELATED [] synonym: "MUTATOR 1" RELATED [] synonym: "RMu1-A23" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice mutator 1-A23" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060774 name: GR:0060774 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060774" RELATED [] synonym: "RMU2-IR36" RELATED [] synonym: "MUTATOR 2" RELATED [] synonym: "RMu2-IR36" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice Mutator 2-IR36" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060775 name: GR:0060775 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060775" RELATED [] synonym: "RMU2-A1" RELATED [] synonym: "MUTATOR 2" RELATED [] synonym: "RMu2-A1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice mutator 2-A1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060776 name: GR:0060776 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060776" RELATED [] synonym: "RMu2-IEI" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice mutater-IEI" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060779 name: GR:0060779 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060779" RELATED [] synonym: "RMU1" RELATED [] synonym: "MUTATOR 1" RELATED [] synonym: "RMu1" RELATED [] synonym: "Mutator-like transposon" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060780 name: GR:0060780 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060780" RELATED [] synonym: "RPR1" RELATED [] synonym: "PROBENAZOL RESPONSIBLE GENE" RELATED [] synonym: "Rpr1-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rpr1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice pathogenesis-related protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060781 name: GR:0060781 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060781" RELATED [] synonym: "Rpr2" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice pathogenesis-related protein" RELATED [] synonym: "Rpr1-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060782 name: GR:0060782 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060782" RELATED [] synonym: "RP" RELATED [] synonym: "RETARDED PANICLE DEVELOPMENT" RELATED [] synonym: "rtp" RELATED [] synonym: "rp" RELATED [] synonym: "retarded panicle development" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060784 name: GR:0060784 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060784" RELATED [] synonym: "RT" RELATED [] synonym: "ROOT GROWTH INHIBITION" RELATED [] synonym: "rt" RELATED [] synonym: "root growth inhibition" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060785 name: GR:0060785 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060785" RELATED [] synonym: "SA" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY DUE TO ANTHER" RELATED [] synonym: "S A(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility due to anther indehiscence-A" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst9" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060786 name: GR:0060786 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060786" RELATED [] synonym: "SA1" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY A1" RELATED [] synonym: "A1" RELATED [] synonym: "Sporophytic F2 sterility A" RELATED [] synonym: "S A1" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst10" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060787 name: GR:0060787 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060787" RELATED [] synonym: "SA2" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY A2" RELATED [] synonym: "S A2" RELATED [] synonym: "A2" RELATED [] synonym: "Sporophytic F2 sterility" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst11" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060788 name: GR:0060788 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060788" RELATED [] synonym: "SB" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY DUE TO ANTHER" RELATED [] synonym: "S B(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility due to anther indehiscence-B" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst12" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060789 name: GR:0060789 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060789" RELATED [] synonym: "SB1" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY B1" RELATED [] synonym: "Sporophytic F2 sterility B" RELATED [] synonym: "B1" RELATED [] synonym: "S B1" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst13" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060790 name: GR:0060790 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060790" RELATED [] synonym: "SB2" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY B2" RELATED [] synonym: "Sporophytic F2 sterility B" RELATED [] synonym: "S B2" RELATED [] synonym: "B2" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst14" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060791 name: GR:0060791 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060791" RELATED [] synonym: "SC" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY DUE TO ANTHER" RELATED [] synonym: "S C(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility due to anther indehiscence-C" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst15" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060792 name: GR:0060792 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060792" RELATED [] synonym: "SA" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 POLLEN STERILITY A" RELATED [] synonym: "Sa*" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen sterility-a" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst16" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060793 name: GR:0060793 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060793" RELATED [] synonym: "SB" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 POLLEN STERILITY B" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen sterility-b" RELATED [] synonym: "Sb*" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst17" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-17" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060794 name: GR:0060794 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060794" RELATED [] synonym: "SC" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 POLLEN STERILITY C" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen sterility-c" RELATED [] synonym: "Sc*" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst18" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060795 name: GR:0060795 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060795" RELATED [] synonym: "SD" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 POLLEN STERILITY D" RELATED [] synonym: "Sd*" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen sterility-d" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst19" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060796 name: GR:0060796 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060796" RELATED [] synonym: "SE" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 POLLEN STERILITY E" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen sterility-e" RELATED [] synonym: "Se*" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst20" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-20" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060797 name: GR:0060797 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060797" RELATED [] synonym: "SF" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 POLLEN STERILITY F" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen sterility-f" RELATED [] synonym: "Sf*" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst21" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-21" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060798 name: GR:0060798 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060798" RELATED [] synonym: "SA1A" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY A1a" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-a1" RELATED [] synonym: "s1" RELATED [] synonym: "s a1" RELATED [] synonym: "x1" RELATED [] synonym: "hst1" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060799 name: GR:0060799 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060799" RELATED [] synonym: "hst2" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-2" RELATED [] synonym: "x2" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-a2" RELATED [] synonym: "s2" RELATED [] synonym: "s a2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060800 name: GR:0060800 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060800" RELATED [] synonym: "SC1" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY C1" RELATED [] synonym: "s c1" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-c1" RELATED [] synonym: "hst3" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060801 name: GR:0060801 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060801" RELATED [] synonym: "SC2" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY C2" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-c2" RELATED [] synonym: "s c2" RELATED [] synonym: "hst4" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060802 name: GR:0060802 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060802" RELATED [] synonym: "S D1" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY D1" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-d1" RELATED [] synonym: "s d1" RELATED [] synonym: "hst5" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060803 name: GR:0060803 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060803" RELATED [] synonym: "SD2" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY D2" RELATED [] synonym: "s d2" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-d2" RELATED [] synonym: "hst6" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060804 name: GR:0060804 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060804" RELATED [] synonym: "S E1" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY E1" RELATED [] synonym: "s e1" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-e1" RELATED [] synonym: "hst7" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060805 name: GR:0060805 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060805" RELATED [] synonym: "S E2" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY E2" RELATED [] synonym: "s e2" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-e2" RELATED [] synonym: "hst8" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060806 name: GR:0060806 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060806" RELATED [] synonym: "HSA2" RELATED [] synonym: "F2 STERILITY-2(T)" RELATED [] synonym: "f2 sterility in Japonica" RELATED [] synonym: "hsa2(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "hst50" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-50" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060808 name: GR:0060808 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060808" RELATED [] synonym: "S1" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst22" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-22" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060809 name: GR:0060809 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060809" RELATED [] synonym: "S2" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst23" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-23" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060810 name: GR:0060810 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060810" RELATED [] synonym: "S3" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst24" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-24" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060811 name: GR:0060811 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060811" RELATED [] synonym: "S4" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-4" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst25" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-25" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060812 name: GR:0060812 def: "S5, a major locus for indica–japonica hybrid sterility and wide compatibility, was cloned using a map-based cloning approach. The study show that S5 encodes an aspartic protease conditioning embryo-sac fertility. The indica (S5-i) and japonica (S5-j) alleles differ by two nucleotides. The wide compatibility gene (S5-n) has a large deletion in the N terminus of the predicted S5 protein, causing subcellular mislocalization of the protein, and thus is presumably nonfunctional" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060812" RELATED [] synonym: "S5" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 5" RELATED [] synonym: "S5-i" RELATED [] synonym: "S5-j" RELATED [] synonym: "S5-n" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-26" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst26" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060813 name: GR:0060813 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060813" RELATED [] synonym: "S6" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 6" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-6" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst27" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-27" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060814 name: GR:0060814 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060814" RELATED [] synonym: "S7" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 7" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-7" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst28" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-28" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060815 name: GR:0060815 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060815" RELATED [] synonym: "S8" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 8" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-8" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst29" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-29" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060816 name: GR:0060816 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060816" RELATED [] synonym: "S9" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 9" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-9" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst30" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-30" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060817 name: GR:0060817 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060817" RELATED [] synonym: "S10" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 10" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-10" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst31" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-31" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060818 name: GR:0060818 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060818" RELATED [] synonym: "S11" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 11" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-11" RELATED [] synonym: "S11(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst32" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-32" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060819 name: GR:0060819 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060819" RELATED [] synonym: "S12" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 12" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-12" RELATED [] synonym: "S12(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst33" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-33" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060820 name: GR:0060820 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060820" RELATED [] synonym: "S13" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 13" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-13" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst34" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-34" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060821 name: GR:0060821 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060821" RELATED [] synonym: "S14" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 14" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-14" RELATED [] synonym: "S14(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst35" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-35" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060822 name: GR:0060822 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060822" RELATED [] synonym: "S15" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 15" RELATED [] synonym: "S10" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-15" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst36" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-36" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060823 name: GR:0060823 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060823" RELATED [] synonym: "S16" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 16" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-16" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst37" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-37" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060824 name: GR:0060824 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060824" RELATED [] synonym: "S17" RELATED [] synonym: "HYBRID STERILITY 17" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-17" RELATED [] synonym: "S17(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst38" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-38" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060825 name: GR:0060825 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060825" RELATED [] synonym: "S18" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 POLLEN STERILITY 18" RELATED [] synonym: "S18*" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen sterility" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst39" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-39" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060826 name: GR:0060826 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060826" RELATED [] synonym: "S19" RELATED [] synonym: "F2 POLLEN SEMI-STERILITY 19" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-18" RELATED [] synonym: "S18(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst40" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-40" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060827 name: GR:0060827 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060827" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst41" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-41" RELATED [] synonym: "S19(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060828 name: GR:0060828 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060828" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst42" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-42" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen semi-sterility-19" RELATED [] synonym: "S19*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060829 name: GR:0060829 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060829" RELATED [] synonym: "S20" RELATED [] synonym: "F2 POLLEN SEMI-STERILITY 20" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen semi-sterility-20" RELATED [] synonym: "S20*" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst43" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-43" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060830 name: GR:0060830 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060830" RELATED [] synonym: "S21" RELATED [] synonym: "F2 POLLEN SEMI-STERILITY 21" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen semi-sterility-21" RELATED [] synonym: "S21*" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst44" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-44" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060831 name: GR:0060831 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060831" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst45" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-45" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen semi-sterility-22" RELATED [] synonym: "S22(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060832 name: GR:0060832 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060832" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst46" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-46" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen semi-sterility-23" RELATED [] synonym: "S23(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060833 name: GR:0060833 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060833" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst47" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-47" RELATED [] synonym: "F1 pollen sterility-24" RELATED [] synonym: "S24(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060834 name: GR:0060834 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060834" RELATED [] synonym: "SAL2" RELATED [] synonym: "SALT PROTEIN" RELATED [] synonym: "salt protein" RELATED [] synonym: "sal2*" RELATED [] synonym: "sal3" RELATED [] synonym: "salt tolerance-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060835 name: GR:0060835 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060835" RELATED [] synonym: "SALT" RELATED [] synonym: "SALT PROTEIN" RELATED [] synonym: "SalT1*" RELATED [] synonym: "Salt tolerance-1" RELATED [] synonym: "sal1" RELATED [] synonym: "Sal1" RELATED [] synonym: "Salt tolerance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060836 name: GR:0060836 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060836" RELATED [] synonym: "SALT2" RELATED [] synonym: "SALT TOLERANCE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "P" RELATED [] synonym: "SalT2*" RELATED [] synonym: "Salt tolerance-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Sal2" RELATED [] synonym: "Salt tolerance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060837 name: GR:0060837 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060837" RELATED [] synonym: "Sb" RELATED [] synonym: "Stem borer resistance" RELATED [] synonym: "TRP1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060843 name: GR:0060843 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060843" RELATED [] synonym: "SD2" RELATED [] synonym: "SEMIDWARF 2" RELATED [] synonym: "sd2" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060844 name: GR:0060844 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060844" RELATED [] synonym: "SD3" RELATED [] synonym: "SEMIDWARF 3" RELATED [] synonym: "sd3" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060845 name: GR:0060845 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060845" RELATED [] synonym: "SD4" RELATED [] synonym: "SEMIDWARF 4" RELATED [] synonym: "sd4" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060846 name: GR:0060846 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060846" RELATED [] synonym: "SD5" RELATED [] synonym: "SEMIDWARF 5" RELATED [] synonym: "sd5" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060847 name: GR:0060847 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060847" RELATED [] synonym: "SD6" RELATED [] synonym: "SEMIDWARF 6" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-6(R34)" RELATED [] synonym: "sd6(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "sd6" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061027 name: GR:0061027 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061027" RELATED [] synonym: "XA19" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 19" RELATED [] synonym: "rXa17" RELATED [] synonym: "xa19" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-19" RELATED [] synonym: "xa19" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061028 name: GR:0061028 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061028" RELATED [] synonym: "XA20" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 20" RELATED [] synonym: "rXa18" RELATED [] synonym: "xa20" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-20" RELATED [] synonym: "xa20" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-20" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061029 name: GR:0061029 def: "The rice Xa21 gene, which confers resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae race 6. It encodes for a protein carrying both a leucine-rich repeat motif and a serine-threonine kinase-like domain. It is suggested to play a role in cell surface recognition of a pathogen ligand and subsequent activation of an intracellular defense response. For full Xa21-mediated disease resistance the rice Xa21 binding protein (XB3, GR:0101175), a ubiquitin ligase is required" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061029" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g35500" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0559200" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2R2K5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:O24435" RELATED [] synonym: "XA21" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 21" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa19" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-21" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa21*" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa21" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-21" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061030 name: GR:0061030 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061030" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa22" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-22" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa22*" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa20" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-22" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa(t)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061031 name: GR:0061031 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061031" RELATED [] synonym: "XA23" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 23" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa21" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-23" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa23(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa23" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-23" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061032 name: GR:0061032 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061032" RELATED [] synonym: "XAA" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE A" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa23" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-a" RELATED [] synonym: "Xaa*" RELATED [] synonym: "Xaa" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061033 name: GR:0061033 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061033" RELATED [] synonym: "XA24" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE 24" RELATED [] synonym: "xa24(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "rXa22" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-24" RELATED [] synonym: "xa24" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-24" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061034 name: GR:0061034 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061034" RELATED [] synonym: "XAH" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE H" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-h" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa24" RELATED [] synonym: "Xah*" RELATED [] synonym: "Xah" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-h" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061035 name: GR:0061035 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061035" RELATED [] synonym: "XA" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa26" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061036 name: GR:0061036 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061036" RELATED [] synonym: "XAK" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHOMONAS CAMPESTRIS PV. ORYZAE RESISTANCE K" RELATED [] synonym: "xak*" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-k" RELATED [] synonym: "rXa27" RELATED [] synonym: "xak" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-k" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061037 name: GR:0061037 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061037" RELATED [] synonym: "XcrMal1" RELATED [] synonym: "NADP-malic enzyme" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061038 name: GR:0061038 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061038" RELATED [] synonym: "XDH1" RELATED [] synonym: "XANTHINE DEHYDROGENASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Xdh1(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Xdh1" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthine dehydrogenase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061039 name: GR:0061039 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061039" RELATED [] synonym: "XGRPEPC" RELATED [] synonym: "PHOSPHOENOLPYRUVATE CARBOXYLASE" RELATED [] synonym: "XgrPepc" RELATED [] synonym: "Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061040 name: GR:0061040 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061040" RELATED [] synonym: "YDV" RELATED [] synonym: "YELLOW DWARF DISEASE RESISTANCE" RELATED [] synonym: "Ydv" RELATED [] synonym: "Yellow dwarf disease resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061046 name: GR:0061046 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061046" RELATED [] synonym: "YSL" RELATED [] synonym: "YELLOW LEAF SPOT" RELATED [] synonym: "yellow leaf spot" RELATED [] synonym: "ysl" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd23" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-23" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061060 name: GR:0061060 def: "The gene encodes for enzyme phenylalanine ammonia lyase, which participates in the Phenylpropanoid pathway" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061060" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g35290" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0427400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE019115" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4338861" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q75HQ7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y4W6" RELATED [] synonym: "ZB8" RELATED [] synonym: "PHENYLALANINE AMMONIA-LYASE" RELATED [] synonym: "Phenylalanine ammonia lyase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061061 name: GR:0061061 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061061" RELATED [] synonym: "ZLH1" RELATED [] synonym: "ZIGZAG LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Zlh1" RELATED [] synonym: "Zigzag leafhopper resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061062 name: GR:0061062 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061062" RELATED [] synonym: "ZLH2" RELATED [] synonym: "ZIGZAG LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Zlh2" RELATED [] synonym: "Zigzag leafhopper resistance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061063 name: GR:0061063 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061063" RELATED [] synonym: "ZLH3" RELATED [] synonym: "ZIGZAG LEAFHOPPER RESISTANCE 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Zlh3" RELATED [] synonym: "Zigzag leafhopper resistance-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061070 name: GR:0061070 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061070" RELATED [] synonym: "acl" RELATED [] synonym: "amylopectin chain length" RELATED [] synonym: "acl(t)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061071 name: GR:0061071 def: "Having high regeneration ability in anther culture" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061071" RELATED [] synonym: "Gra1" RELATED [] synonym: "Green plant regeneration in anther culture-1" RELATED [] synonym: "qAGR-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061072 name: GR:0061072 def: "Having high regeneration ability in anther culture" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061072" RELATED [] synonym: "Gra2" RELATED [] synonym: "Green plant regeneration in anther culture-2" RELATED [] synonym: "qAGR-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061073 name: GR:0061073 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061073" RELATED [] synonym: "Aox1" RELATED [] synonym: "Alternative oxidase-1" RELATED [] synonym: "AOX1a*" RELATED [] synonym: "alternative oxidase-1a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061074 name: GR:0061074 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061074" RELATED [] synonym: "Aox2" RELATED [] synonym: "Alternative oxidase-2" RELATED [] synonym: "alternative oxidase-1b" RELATED [] synonym: "AOX1b*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061075 name: GR:0061075 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061075" RELATED [] synonym: "Aox3" RELATED [] synonym: "Alternative oxidase-3" RELATED [] synonym: "AOX1c*" RELATED [] synonym: "alternative oxidase-1c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061076 name: GR:0061076 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061076" RELATED [] synonym: "Apm" RELATED [] synonym: "Apomixis derived from Paspalum simplex" RELATED [] synonym: "APO" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061078 name: GR:0061078 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061078" RELATED [] synonym: "chs5" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorosis caused by low temperature-5" RELATED [] synonym: "tsc1" RELATED [] synonym: "thermo-sensitive seedling color" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061079 name: GR:0061079 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061079" RELATED [] synonym: "coi" RELATED [] synonym: "amylose content insensitive to cool temperature" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061081 name: GR:0061081 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061081" RELATED [] synonym: "Cul14" RELATED [] synonym: "Curl leaf-14" RELATED [] synonym: "Rl(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Rolled leaf" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061083 name: GR:0061083 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061083" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl35" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-35" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-9" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061084 name: GR:0061084 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061084" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl37" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-37" RELATED [] synonym: "Late heading-1 from Oryza glumaepatula" RELATED [] synonym: "Lh1(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Lhd1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061085 name: GR:0061085 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061085" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl38" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-38" RELATED [] synonym: "Late heading-2 from Oryza glumaepatula" RELATED [] synonym: "Lh2(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Lhd2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061086 name: GR:0061086 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061086" RELATED [] synonym: "gel" RELATED [] synonym: "gelatinization-behavior" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061087 name: GR:0061087 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061087" RELATED [] synonym: "GM7" RELATED [] synonym: "GALL MIDGE RESISTANCE 7" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm7" RELATED [] synonym: "Gall midge resistance-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061088 name: GR:0061088 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061088" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm8" RELATED [] synonym: "Gall midge resistance-8" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm8(t)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061089 name: GR:0061089 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061089" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm9" RELATED [] synonym: "Gall midge resistance-9" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm9(t)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061090 name: GR:0061090 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061090" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm10" RELATED [] synonym: "Gall midge resistance-10" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm10(t)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061091 name: GR:0061091 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061091" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm11" RELATED [] synonym: "Gall midge resistance-11" RELATED [] synonym: "Gm11(t)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061092 name: GR:0061092 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061092" RELATED [] synonym: "S" RELATED [] synonym: "F2 STERILITY" RELATED [] synonym: "hsa1(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "f2 sterility in Japonica" RELATED [] synonym: "s(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "hst49" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid sterility-49" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061093 name: GR:0061093 def: "Cause a highly significant increase of the cooked-kernel elongation ratio; related with grain quality" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061093" RELATED [] synonym: "Kne" RELATED [] synonym: "Kernel elongation" RELATED [] synonym: "Cooked-kernel elongation" RELATED [] synonym: "KNE*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061094 name: GR:0061094 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061094" RELATED [] synonym: "Lrd22" RELATED [] synonym: "Lesion resembling disease-22" RELATED [] synonym: "Probenazol inducible gene" RELATED [] synonym: "Pbz1*" RELATED [] synonym: "RPR1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061095 name: GR:0061095 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061095" RELATED [] synonym: "ms75" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-75" RELATED [] synonym: "pms*" RELATED [] synonym: "pgms" RELATED [] synonym: "photoperiod-sensitive male sterility" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061096 name: GR:0061096 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061096" RELATED [] synonym: "Ms78" RELATED [] synonym: "Male sterile-78" RELATED [] synonym: "Photoperiod-sensitive male sterility (Kaybonneret)" RELATED [] synonym: "Pms3(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061097 name: GR:0061097 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061097" RELATED [] synonym: "ms79" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-79" RELATED [] synonym: "photoperiod-sensitive male sterility (Cypress 1819)" RELATED [] synonym: "pms4(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061098 name: GR:0061098 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061098" RELATED [] synonym: "ms84" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-84" RELATED [] synonym: "tms4(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "thermosensitive male sterility-4" RELATED [] synonym: "tgms-vn1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061099 name: GR:0061099 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061099" RELATED [] synonym: "ms85" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-85" RELATED [] synonym: "tms5*" RELATED [] synonym: "thermosensitive male sterility-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061100 name: GR:0061100 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061100" RELATED [] synonym: "ms86" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-86" RELATED [] synonym: "tms5" RELATED [] synonym: "thermosensitive male sterility-6" RELATED [] synonym: "tms6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061101 name: GR:0061101 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061101" RELATED [] synonym: "ms88" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-88" RELATED [] synonym: "tms7" RELATED [] synonym: "tms8" RELATED [] synonym: "thermosensitive male sterility-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061102 name: GR:0061102 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061102" RELATED [] synonym: "ms89" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-89" RELATED [] synonym: "reverse thermosensitive male sterility" RELATED [] synonym: "rtms1*" RELATED [] synonym: "tms9(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061103 name: GR:0061103 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061103" RELATED [] synonym: "ms90" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-90" RELATED [] synonym: "tgms*" RELATED [] synonym: "thermosensitive male sterility" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061104 name: GR:0061104 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061104" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g43070" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0509500, xref: RAP:Os04g0509600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE015860" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336365" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XQ12" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:O04400" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XVF3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q947N1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01HF3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q56UT5" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAMT1:1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ammonium transporter-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061105 name: GR:0061105 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061105" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g40710" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0620500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE007851" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330007" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6K9G3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X7B5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q947N0" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAMT1:2" RELATED [] synonym: "Ammonium transporter-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061106 name: GR:0061106 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061106" RELATED [] synonym: "OsC1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice C1 anthocyanin regulatory gene" RELATED [] synonym: "Cp" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061107 name: GR:0061107 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061107" RELATED [] synonym: "OsHXK1" RELATED [] synonym: "Hexose kinase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061108 name: GR:0061108 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061108" RELATED [] synonym: "Oskn2" RELATED [] synonym: "Class 1 KNOX gene" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061109 name: GR:0061109 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061109" RELATED [] synonym: "Oskn3" RELATED [] synonym: "Class 1 KNOX gene" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061110 name: GR:0061110 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061110" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRS2" RELATED [] synonym: "Rough sheath-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061111 name: GR:0061111 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061111" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSSI" RELATED [] synonym: "Starch synthase-I" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061112 name: GR:0061112 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061112" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSSIIa" RELATED [] synonym: "Starch synthase-IIa" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061113 name: GR:0061113 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061113" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSSIIb" RELATED [] synonym: "Starch synthase-IIb" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061114 name: GR:0061114 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061114" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSSIII" RELATED [] synonym: "Starch synthase-III" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061115 name: GR:0061115 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061115" RELATED [] synonym: "Pgm1" RELATED [] synonym: "Phsphoglucomutase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061116 name: GR:0061116 def: "Leaves differentiates nearly twice faster than wild type in vegetative phase. Panicle development was severely disturbed. In plt1.1 (pla1-1) allele, the primordia of primary rachis changes into shoots, showing heterochrony mutation such that the vegetative phase and reproductive phase expressed simultaneously. In the weak allele plt1.2 (pla1-2), only the basal one or two primordia developed as vegetative shoots and remaining primordia developed to produce a truncated panicle. The shoot apical meristem of plt1 was larger than that of the wild type, although the shape was not modified" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061116" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os10g26340" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os10g0403000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE032822" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4348574" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Z9I7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7Y1V5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z725" RELATED [] synonym: "pla1" RELATED [] synonym: "plastochron 1" RELATED [] synonym: "plastochron1" RELATED [] synonym: "plt1" RELATED [] synonym: "plastochron-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061117 name: GR:0061117 def: "Make leaf midrib purple" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061117" RELATED [] synonym: "PMR" RELATED [] synonym: "PURPLE MIDRIB" RELATED [] synonym: "Plm" RELATED [] synonym: "Pmr" RELATED [] synonym: "Purple midrib" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061118 name: GR:0061118 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061118" RELATED [] synonym: "MPOX1" RELATED [] synonym: "MODIFIER FOR PEROXIDASE POX 1" RELATED [] synonym: "MPx1" RELATED [] synonym: "Modifier for peroxidase (Pox1)" RELATED [] synonym: "MPox1" RELATED [] synonym: "Pox7" RELATED [] synonym: "Peroxidase-7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061119 name: GR:0061119 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061119" RELATED [] synonym: "psy" RELATED [] synonym: "plant phytoene synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061120 name: GR:0061120 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061120" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf10" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-10" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-b" RELATED [] synonym: "Rfb" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061121 name: GR:0061121 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061121" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf11" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-11" RELATED [] synonym: "Rfc" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061122 name: GR:0061122 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061122" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf13" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-13" RELATED [] synonym: "Rfb" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061123 name: GR:0061123 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061123" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf14" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-14" RELATED [] synonym: "Rfc" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061124 name: GR:0061124 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061124" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf15" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-15" RELATED [] synonym: "Rfd" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061125 name: GR:0061125 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061125" RELATED [] synonym: "RLB-4C" RELATED [] synonym: "REGULATOR GENE FOR PEROXIDASE 4C" RELATED [] synonym: "Regulator gene for peroxydase (leaf blade)" RELATED [] synonym: "Reg3" RELATED [] synonym: "Regulator-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061126 name: GR:0061126 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061126" RELATED [] synonym: "RLS-4C" RELATED [] synonym: "REGULATOR GENE FOR PEROXIDASE 4C" RELATED [] synonym: "Regulator gene for peroxydase (leaf blade)" RELATED [] synonym: "Reg4" RELATED [] synonym: "Regulator-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061127 name: GR:0061127 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061127" RELATED [] synonym: "Sc1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-1" RELATED [] synonym: "RRs1" RELATED [] synonym: "Sclerotia disease resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061128 name: GR:0061128 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061128" RELATED [] synonym: "Sc2" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Sclerotia disease resistance-2" RELATED [] synonym: "RRs2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061129 name: GR:0061129 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061129" RELATED [] synonym: "OsScS1" RELATED [] synonym: "Sucrose synthase-1" RELATED [] synonym: "RSs1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061130 name: GR:0061130 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061130" RELATED [] synonym: "OsScS2" RELATED [] synonym: "Sucrose synthase-2" RELATED [] synonym: "RSs2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061131 name: GR:0061131 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061131" RELATED [] synonym: "OsScS3" RELATED [] synonym: "Sucrose synthase-3" RELATED [] synonym: "RSs3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061132 name: GR:0061132 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061132" RELATED [] synonym: "Xai" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae resistance-i" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa25" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-25" RELATED [] synonym: "Xai*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061133 name: GR:0061133 def: "This gene confers resistance to rice yellow mottle virus" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061133" RELATED [] synonym: "RYMV" RELATED [] synonym: "Yellow mottle virus resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061134 name: GR:0061134 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061134" RELATED [] synonym: "Sal6" RELATED [] synonym: "Salt tolerance-6" RELATED [] synonym: "Plasma membrane H+-ATPase gene (Salt tolerance)" RELATED [] synonym: "OSA3*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061135 name: GR:0061135 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061135" RELATED [] synonym: "sbe2" RELATED [] synonym: "starch branching enzyme-2(Q enzyme 2)" RELATED [] synonym: "QEII" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061136 name: GR:0061136 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061136" RELATED [] synonym: "Sd14" RELATED [] synonym: "Semidwarf-14" RELATED [] synonym: "Dominant semidwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "Sd(t)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061137 name: GR:0061137 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061137" RELATED [] synonym: "sd15" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-15" RELATED [] synonym: "sd-t" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061138 name: GR:0061138 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061138" RELATED [] synonym: "sd16" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-16" RELATED [] synonym: "sd-n" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061139 name: GR:0061139 def: "Pronounced seed dormancy; viable seeds are unable to germinate under environmental conditions favorable to germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061139" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdr3" RELATED [] synonym: "Seed dormancy-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061140 name: GR:0061140 def: "Pronounced seed dormancy; viable seeds are unable to germinate under environmental conditions favorable to germination" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061140" RELATED [] synonym: "Sdr4" RELATED [] synonym: "Seed dormancy-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061141 name: GR:0061141 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061141" RELATED [] synonym: "SH" RELATED [] synonym: "SHATTERING" RELATED [] synonym: "Seed shattering" RELATED [] synonym: "Sh(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Sh6" RELATED [] synonym: "Shattering-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061142 name: GR:0061142 def: "The homeotic mutation spw1 transforms stamens and lodicules into carpels and palea-like organs, respectively. It does not affect vegetative development. It is a homolg of rice APETALA3, OsMADS16" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061142" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g49840" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0712700" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342047" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9A8D3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q944S9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9A8D2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9A8D5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B2H3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0D9J9" RELATED [] synonym: "SPW1" RELATED [] synonym: "SUPERWOMAN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "spw1" RELATED [] synonym: "superwoman-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061144 name: GR:0061144 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061144" RELATED [] synonym: "Tnr8" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposal element-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061145 name: GR:0061145 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061145" RELATED [] synonym: "Tnr3" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposal element-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061146 name: GR:0061146 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061146" RELATED [] synonym: "Tnr4" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposal element-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061147 name: GR:0061147 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061147" RELATED [] synonym: "Tnr5" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposal element-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061148 name: GR:0061148 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061148" RELATED [] synonym: "Tnr11" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposal element-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061149 name: GR:0061149 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061149" RELATED [] synonym: "Tnr12" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposal element-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061150 name: GR:0061150 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061150" RELATED [] synonym: "Tnr13" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposal element-13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061151 name: GR:0061151 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061151" RELATED [] synonym: "Tos3" RELATED [] synonym: "Retrotransposon-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061152 name: GR:0061152 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061152" RELATED [] synonym: "Tos4" RELATED [] synonym: "Retrotransposon-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061153 name: GR:0061153 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061153" RELATED [] synonym: "Tos5" RELATED [] synonym: "Retrotransposon-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061154 name: GR:0061154 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061154" RELATED [] synonym: "Tos10" RELATED [] synonym: "Retrotransposon-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061155 name: GR:0061155 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061155" RELATED [] synonym: "Tos17" RELATED [] synonym: "Retrotransposon-17" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061156 name: GR:0061156 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061156" RELATED [] synonym: "Tos19" RELATED [] synonym: "Retrotransposon-19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061157 name: GR:0061157 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061157" RELATED [] synonym: "Tto2" RELATED [] synonym: "Retrotransposon-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061158 name: GR:0061158 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061158" RELATED [] synonym: "Wph7" RELATED [] synonym: "Whitebacked planthopper resistance-7" RELATED [] synonym: "Wph(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Whitebacked planthopper resistance" RELATED [] synonym: "WBPH" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061159 name: GR:0061159 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061159" RELATED [] synonym: "An10" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-10" RELATED [] synonym: "An5(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061160 name: GR:0061160 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061160" RELATED [] synonym: "An11" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-11" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-7" RELATED [] synonym: "An7(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060888 name: GR:0060888 def: "Panicle is enclosed by sheaths of flag leaf and second leaf because of shortening of first and second internodes. Similar to Shp1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060888" RELATED [] synonym: "SHP4" RELATED [] synonym: "SHEATHED PANICLE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Gb" RELATED [] synonym: "Shp4" RELATED [] synonym: "Sheathed panicle-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060889 name: GR:0060889 def: "Panicle is enclosed by sheaths of flag leaf and second leaf because of shortening of first and second internodes. Similar to Shp1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060889" RELATED [] synonym: "SHP5" RELATED [] synonym: "SHEATHED PANICLE 5" RELATED [] synonym: "shp5" RELATED [] synonym: "sheathed panicle-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061337 name: GR:0061337 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061337" RELATED [] synonym: "Aox4" RELATED [] synonym: "Alternative oxydase-4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIMI*" RELATED [] synonym: "Alternative oxidase (AOX) homolog (salt and dehydration tolerance)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061338 name: GR:0061338 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061338" RELATED [] synonym: "Cal3" RELATED [] synonym: "Calmodulin-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Calmodulin isoform" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCaM61*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061339 name: GR:0061339 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061339" RELATED [] synonym: "hsp3" RELATED [] synonym: "heat-shock protein-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Class-1 small heat shock protein-A" RELATED [] synonym: "Oshsp16.9A*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061341 name: GR:0061341 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061341" RELATED [] synonym: "hsp5" RELATED [] synonym: "heat-shock protein-5" RELATED [] synonym: "Oshsp16.9C*" RELATED [] synonym: "Class-1 small heat shock protein-C" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061342 name: GR:0061342 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061342" RELATED [] synonym: "Lrd27" RELATED [] synonym: "Lesion resembling disease-27" RELATED [] synonym: "Spotted leaf-12" RELATED [] synonym: "Spl12*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061343 name: GR:0061343 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061343" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd28" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-28" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-13" RELATED [] synonym: "spl13*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061344 name: GR:0061344 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061344" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd29" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-29" RELATED [] synonym: "spl4*" RELATED [] synonym: "spotted leaf-14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061345 name: GR:0061345 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061345" RELATED [] synonym: "Lrd30" RELATED [] synonym: "Lesion resembling disease-30" RELATED [] synonym: "Spotted leaf-15" RELATED [] synonym: "Spl5*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061346 name: GR:0061346 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061346" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd31" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion resembling disease-31" RELATED [] synonym: "lesion mimic mutant" RELATED [] synonym: "lrd*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061347 name: GR:0061347 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061347" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg61" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-61" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-24" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi24(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061348 name: GR:0061348 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061348" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg62" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-62" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-25" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi25(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061349 name: GR:0061349 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061349" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg63" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-63" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi26(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-26" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061350 name: GR:0061350 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061350" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg64" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-64" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi27(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-27" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061351 name: GR:0061351 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061351" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg65" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-65" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-28" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi28(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061352 name: GR:0061352 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061352" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg66" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-66" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi29(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-29" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061353 name: GR:0061353 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061353" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg67" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-67" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi30(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-30" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061354 name: GR:0061354 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061354" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg68" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-68" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-31" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi31(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061355 name: GR:0061355 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061355" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg69" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-69" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-32" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi32(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061356 name: GR:0061356 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061356" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg70" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-70" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-33" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi33*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061357 name: GR:0061357 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061357" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa29" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-29" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-25" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa25(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061358 name: GR:0061358 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061358" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa30" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-30" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-26" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa26(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061359 name: GR:0061359 def: "Rymv1 locus, controlling the high recessive resistance to rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV), was mapped to a 160-kb interval containing a gene from the elF(iso)4G family. Transformation of a resistant line with a elF(iso)4G cDNA, isolated from a susceptile variety, resulted in the loss of resistance in stable transgenic plants. Analysis of Rymv1 allelic variability from susceptible and resistant varieties show amino acid change in the MIF4G domain of elf(iso)4G translation initiation factor confers high resistance to RYMV, this suggests that this domain may be involved in the interaction with the virus" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061359" RELATED [] synonym: "RYMV1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice Yellow Mottle Virus 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice Yellow Mottle Virus" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061360 name: GR:0061360 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061360" RELATED [] synonym: "Shd2" RELATED [] synonym: "Shoot differentiation from seed callus-2" RELATED [] synonym: "qRg4a*" RELATED [] synonym: "Shoot regeneration from seed callus-4a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061361 name: GR:0061361 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061361" RELATED [] synonym: "Shd3" RELATED [] synonym: "Shoot differentiation from seed callus-3" RELATED [] synonym: "qRg4b*" RELATED [] synonym: "Shoot regeneration from seed callus-4b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061362 name: GR:0061362 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061362" RELATED [] synonym: "Shd4" RELATED [] synonym: "Shoot differentiation from seed callus-4" RELATED [] synonym: "qRg4c*" RELATED [] synonym: "Shoot regeneration from seed callus-4c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061363 name: GR:0061363 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061363" RELATED [] synonym: "Shd5" RELATED [] synonym: "Shoot differentiation from seed callus-5" RELATED [] synonym: "qRg1*" RELATED [] synonym: "Shoot regeneration from seed callus-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061364 name: GR:0061364 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061364" RELATED [] synonym: "UVB1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ultraviolet-B tolerance-1" RELATED [] synonym: "qUVB1*" RELATED [] synonym: "Ultraviolet-B resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061365 name: GR:0061365 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061365" RELATED [] synonym: "UVB2" RELATED [] synonym: "Ultraviolet-B tolerance-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Ultraviolet-B resistance-3" RELATED [] synonym: "qUVB3*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061366 name: GR:0061366 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061366" RELATED [] synonym: "UVB3" RELATED [] synonym: "Ultraviolet-B tolerance-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Ultraviolet-B resistance-10" RELATED [] synonym: "qUVB10*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061367 name: GR:0061367 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061367" RELATED [] synonym: "rml1" RELATED [] synonym: "GT1-like transcription factor-1B" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061368 name: GR:0061368 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061368" RELATED [] synonym: "CentO" RELATED [] synonym: "Centromere-specific satellite repeat" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061369 name: GR:0061369 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061369" RELATED [] synonym: "COP1" RELATED [] synonym: "Constitutively photomorphogenic gene" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061370 name: GR:0061370 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061370" RELATED [] synonym: "Dasheng" RELATED [] synonym: "Nonautonomous long terminal repeat (LTR) element" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061371 name: GR:0061371 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061371" RELATED [] synonym: "Ds" RELATED [] synonym: "Maize transposal element (Dissociator)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061372 name: GR:0061372 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061372" RELATED [] synonym: "EF-1beta 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Translation elongation factor-1 beta" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061373 name: GR:0061373 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061373" RELATED [] synonym: "Fba" RELATED [] synonym: "Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061374 name: GR:0061374 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061374" RELATED [] synonym: "Hsa-1Og" RELATED [] synonym: "Cyst nematode (Heterodera sacchari) resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061375 name: GR:0061375 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061375" RELATED [] synonym: "Kiddo" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposal element (MITE family)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061376 name: GR:0061376 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061376" RELATED [] synonym: "lpa1" RELATED [] synonym: "low phytic acid content" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061377 name: GR:0061377 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061377" RELATED [] synonym: "Ltp1" RELATED [] synonym: "Lipid transfer protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061378 name: GR:0061378 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061378" RELATED [] synonym: "MIPS" RELATED [] synonym: "Myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061379 name: GR:0061379 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061379" RELATED [] synonym: "OsEBP-89" RELATED [] synonym: "EREBP transcription factor" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061380 name: GR:0061380 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061380" RELATED [] synonym: "OsEDR1" RELATED [] synonym: "Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) kinase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061381 name: GR:0061381 def: "Involved in the final stage of bioactive GA synthesis from GA53/GA12 to GA1/GA4" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061381" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g08540" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0178100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE017754" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337968" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q94IE3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AYM7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6AT12" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FI00" RELATED [] synonym: "GA3ox1" RELATED [] synonym: "Gibberellin(GA)-3 beta-hydroxylase-1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGA3OX1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061382 name: GR:0061382 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061382" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGA3OX2" RELATED [] synonym: "Gibberellin(GA)-3 beta-hydroxylase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061383 name: GR:0061383 def: "The deduced protein sequence suggests that the enzyme family GA20ox catalyzes the conversion of GA53 to GA20, thus taking part in the Gibberellic acid biosynthesis pathway. There is no phenotype associated with it, however this bears a very strong homology with the well known rice green revolution gene semidwarf-1 (sd1)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061383" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g63970" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0856700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE013761, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE013758" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4334841" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3APX7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P93771" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XP93" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10AC7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XP95" RELATED [] synonym: "ga20ox1" RELATED [] synonym: "Gibberellin C-20 oxidase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGA20OX1" RELATED [] synonym: "GA20 oxidase-1" RELATED [] synonym: "GA 20-oxidase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "GA20 oxidase" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0059G06.22" RELATED [] synonym: "Os20ox" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061384 name: GR:0061384 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061384" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGAI" RELATED [] synonym: "Giberellin-insensitive gene homolog" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061385 name: GR:0061385 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061385" RELATED [] synonym: "Osm" RELATED [] synonym: "Osmotic adjustment" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061386 name: GR:0061386 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061386" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMADS2" RELATED [] synonym: "GLOBOSA(GLO)-like MADS-box gene-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061387 name: GR:0061387 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061387" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMADS4" RELATED [] synonym: "GLOBOSA(GLO)-like MADS-box gene-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061388 name: GR:0061388 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061388" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRac1" RELATED [] synonym: "GTPase Rac homolog" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061389 name: GR:0061389 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061389" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn1a" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-1 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] synonym: "" [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061390 name: GR:0061390 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061390" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn1b" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-1 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice from 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061391 name: GR:0061391 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061391" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn2a" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-2 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061392 name: GR:0061392 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061392" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn2b" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-2 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061393 name: GR:0061393 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061393" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn3" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-3 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061394 name: GR:0061394 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061394" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn5" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-5 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061395 name: GR:0061395 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061395" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn6" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-6 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061396 name: GR:0061396 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061396" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn7" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-7 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061397 name: GR:0061397 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061397" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn8" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-8 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061398 name: GR:0061398 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061398" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn9a" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-9 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061399 name: GR:0061399 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061399" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn9b" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-9 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061400 name: GR:0061400 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061400" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn10" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-10 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061401 name: GR:0061401 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061401" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn11" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-11 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061402 name: GR:0061402 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061402" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpn12" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-ATPase subunit-12 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061403 name: GR:0061403 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061403" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpt1a" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase subunit-1 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061404 name: GR:0061404 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061404" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpt1b" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase subunit-1 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061405 name: GR:0061405 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061405" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpt2a" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase subunit-2 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061406 name: GR:0061406 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061406" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpt2b" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase subunit-2 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061407 name: GR:0061407 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061407" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpt4a" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase subunit-4 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061408 name: GR:0061408 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061408" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpt4b" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase subunit-4 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061409 name: GR:0061409 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061409" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpt5a" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase subunit-5 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061410 name: GR:0061410 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061410" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpt5b" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase subunit-5 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061411 name: GR:0061411 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061411" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRpt6" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase subunit-6 in the 19S regulatory particle of rice 26S proteasome" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061412 name: GR:0061412 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061412" RELATED [] synonym: "rcs1" RELATED [] synonym: "rice cysteine synthase (sulfer, nitrogen and light response)-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061413 name: GR:0061413 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061413" RELATED [] synonym: "rcs2" RELATED [] synonym: "rice cysteine synthase (sulfer, nitrogen and light response)-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061414 name: GR:0061414 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061414" RELATED [] synonym: "rcs3" RELATED [] synonym: "rice cysteine synthase (sulfer, nitrogen and light response)-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061415 name: GR:0061415 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061415" RELATED [] synonym: "rcs4" RELATED [] synonym: "rice cysteine synthase (sulfer, nitrogen and light response)-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061416 name: GR:0061416 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061416" RELATED [] synonym: "Roc1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice outermost cell-specific gene-1" RELATED [] synonym: "GLABRA2(Gl2)-type homeobox" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061417 name: GR:0061417 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061417" RELATED [] synonym: "Roc2" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice outermost cell-specific gene-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Gl2-type homeobox" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061418 name: GR:0061418 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061418" RELATED [] synonym: "Roc3" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice outermost cell-specific gene-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Gl2-type homeobox" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061419 name: GR:0061419 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061419" RELATED [] synonym: "Roc4" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice outermost cell-specific gene-4" RELATED [] synonym: "Gl2-type homeobox" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061420 name: GR:0061420 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061420" RELATED [] synonym: "Roc5" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice outermost cell-specific gene-5" RELATED [] synonym: "Gl2-type homeobox" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061421 name: GR:0061421 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061421" RELATED [] synonym: "Roc6" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice outermost cell-specific gene-6" RELATED [] synonym: "Gl2-type homeobox" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061422 name: GR:0061422 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061422" RELATED [] synonym: "Roc7" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice outermost cell-specific gene-7" RELATED [] synonym: "Gl2-type homeobox" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061423 name: GR:0061423 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061423" RELATED [] synonym: "Roc8" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice outermost cell-specific gene-8" RELATED [] synonym: "Gl2-type homeobox" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061424 name: GR:0061424 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061424" RELATED [] synonym: "Roc9" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice outermost cell-specific gene-9" RELATED [] synonym: "Gl2-type homeobox" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061425 name: GR:0061425 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061425" RELATED [] synonym: "sps1" RELATED [] synonym: "sucrose phosphate synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061287 name: GR:0061287 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061287" RELATED [] synonym: "Rrt22A" RELATED [] synonym: "Copia-like retrotransposon-22A" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061288 name: GR:0061288 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061288" RELATED [] synonym: "Rrt22B" RELATED [] synonym: "Copia-like retrotransposon-22B" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061289 name: GR:0061289 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061289" RELATED [] synonym: "Rrt22C" RELATED [] synonym: "Copia-like retrotransposon-22C" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061290 name: GR:0061290 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061290" RELATED [] synonym: "Sub2" RELATED [] synonym: "Submergence tolerance-2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGAPPH" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061291 name: GR:0061291 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061291" RELATED [] synonym: "Wc2" RELATED [] synonym: "Wide compatibility-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061292 name: GR:0061292 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061292" RELATED [] synonym: "Wc3" RELATED [] synonym: "Wide compatibility-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061293 name: GR:0061293 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061293" RELATED [] synonym: "Wc4" RELATED [] synonym: "Wide compatibility-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061294 name: GR:0061294 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061294" RELATED [] synonym: "Wc5" RELATED [] synonym: "Wide compatibility-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060110 name: GR:0060110 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060110" RELATED [] synonym: "CAT1" RELATED [] synonym: "CATALASE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cat_1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cat1" RELATED [] synonym: "Catalase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061080 name: GR:0061080 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061080" RELATED [] synonym: "crtI" RELATED [] synonym: "bacterial phytoene desaturase involved in Beta-carotene" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061295 name: GR:0061295 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061295" RELATED [] synonym: "ADS" RELATED [] synonym: "ADAXIAL SNOWY LEAF" RELATED [] synonym: "ads" RELATED [] synonym: "adaxial snowy leaf" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061333 name: GR:0061333 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061333" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy1C" RELATED [] synonym: "Amylase-3" RELATED [] synonym: "RAmy1A/C" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-amylase-1A" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy1A/C*" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061334 name: GR:0061334 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061334" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g28420" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0457800, xref: RAP:Os09g0457500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347265" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4347263" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0J183" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z214" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P27937" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P27939" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z215" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0J182" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy3B" RELATED [] synonym: "Amylase-6" RELATED [] synonym: "RAmy3A/B/C" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-amylase-3A" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy3A/B/C*" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061335 name: GR:0061335 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061335" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy3C" RELATED [] synonym: "Amylase-7" RELATED [] synonym: "RAmy3A/B/C" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-amylase-3A" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy3A/B/C*" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061336 name: GR:0061336 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061336" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy3E" RELATED [] synonym: "Amylase-9" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy3D/E*" RELATED [] synonym: "RAmy3D/E" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-amylase-3D" RELATED [] synonym: "Amy9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061296 name: GR:0061296 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061296" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph17" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance-17" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph13(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061297 name: GR:0061297 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061297" RELATED [] synonym: "Cht14" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase-14" RELATED [] synonym: "OsChia:175*" RELATED [] synonym: "Chitinase (novel class 1) introduced from Oryza officinalis" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061298 name: GR:0061298 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061298" RELATED [] synonym: "codA" RELATED [] synonym: "choline oxidase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061299 name: GR:0061299 def: "It encodes for the Subunit 6b of cytochrome c oxidase, which is the terminal member of the mitochondrial inner membrane electron transport chain" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061299" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g27290" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0390400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333018" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9SXV0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AQM5" RELATED [] synonym: "cox6b" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6b" RELATED [] synonym: "cox6b-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6b-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061300 name: GR:0061300 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061300" RELATED [] synonym: "cry1Ab" RELATED [] synonym: "crystal insectcydal protein of Bacillus thuringensis" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061302 name: GR:0061302 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061302" RELATED [] synonym: "eg3" RELATED [] synonym: "extra glume-3" RELATED [] synonym: "double lemmas" RELATED [] synonym: "db(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060394 name: GR:0060394 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060394" RELATED [] synonym: "GT2" RELATED [] synonym: "GLUTELIN 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Srp" RELATED [] synonym: "Gt2" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061303 name: GR:0061303 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061303" RELATED [] synonym: "Grh5" RELATED [] synonym: "Green rice leafhopper resistance-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061306 name: GR:0061306 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061306" RELATED [] synonym: "hhg" RELATED [] synonym: "hyper-hardening glutinous rice" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061319 name: GR:0061319 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061319" RELATED [] synonym: "Hst54" RELATED [] synonym: "Hybrid sterility-54" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen semi-sterility" RELATED [] synonym: "S28(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061307 name: GR:0061307 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061307" RELATED [] synonym: "hwe2" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid weakness-e2" RELATED [] synonym: "hybrid breakdown-l" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061308 name: GR:0061308 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061308" RELATED [] synonym: "lcy" RELATED [] synonym: "lycopene beta-cyclase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061327 name: GR:0061327 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061327" RELATED [] synonym: "lk7" RELATED [] synonym: "long kernel-7" RELATED [] synonym: "slender kernel from Oryza glumaepatula-1" RELATED [] synonym: "slk1(t)* (sk1)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061328 name: GR:0061328 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061328" RELATED [] synonym: "Lk8" RELATED [] synonym: "Long kernel-8" RELATED [] synonym: "Slender kernel from Oryza glumaepatula-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Slk2(t)* (Sk2)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060955 name: GR:0060955 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060955" RELATED [] synonym: "TMS1" RELATED [] synonym: "THERMOSENSITIVE MALE STERILITY 1" RELATED [] synonym: "thermosensitive male sterility-1" RELATED [] synonym: "tms1 (TGMS)" RELATED [] synonym: "ms80" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-80" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061309 name: GR:0061309 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061309" RELATED [] synonym: "nk" RELATED [] synonym: "notched kernel" RELATED [] synonym: "nk2(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "notched kernel" [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061310 name: GR:0061310 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061310" RELATED [] synonym: "OsARF" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin response factor" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061304 name: GR:0061304 def: "Semidwarf, resistant to lodging especially at high fertilizer level, high yielding. Elongation of lower internodes less than that of upper internodes from inhibition of cell division during elongation. Defective in biosynthetic enzyme GA20ox-2 that catalyzed the conversion of GA53 to GA20" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061304" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g66100" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0883800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE004511" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325003" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2Z294" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6F2D9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6F2D7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JH50" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C5H5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B5UA56" RELATED [] synonym: "SD1" RELATED [] synonym: "SEMIDWARF 1" RELATED [] synonym: "GA20 oxidase" RELATED [] synonym: "B1065E10.29" RELATED [] synonym: "C20OX2" RELATED [] synonym: "GA C20oxidase2" RELATED [] synonym: "Gibberellin-20 oxidase" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative gibberelin 20-oxidase" RELATED [] synonym: "green revolution gene" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGA20ox-2" RELATED [] synonym: "dee-geo-woo-gen dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "sd-1" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061305 name: GR:0061305 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061305" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGAMYB" RELATED [] synonym: "Gibberellin myb gene" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061311 name: GR:0061311 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061311" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "OsH6" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice KNOX gene-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061312 name: GR:0061312 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061312" RELATED [] synonym: "OsH10" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice KNOX gene-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061313 name: GR:0061313 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061313" RELATED [] synonym: "OsH43" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice KNOX gene-43" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061314 name: GR:0061314 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061314" RELATED [] synonym: "OsH71" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice KNOX gene-71" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061317 name: GR:0061317 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061317" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMST5" RELATED [] synonym: "Monosaccharide transporter-5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061315 name: GR:0061315 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061315" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSUT1" RELATED [] synonym: "Sucrose transporter-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061316 name: GR:0061316 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061316" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSUT2" RELATED [] synonym: "Sucrose transporter-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061318 name: GR:0061318 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061318" RELATED [] synonym: "ovl" RELATED [] synonym: "ovuleless" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061320 name: GR:0061320 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061320" RELATED [] synonym: "Rcn7" RELATED [] synonym: "Reduced culm number-7" RELATED [] synonym: "Low tillers" RELATED [] synonym: "Ltn(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061321 name: GR:0061321 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061321" RELATED [] synonym: "Rsb1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Rsb1*" RELATED [] synonym: "Sheath blight resistance-3" RELATED [] synonym: "RRS3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061322 name: GR:0061322 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061322" RELATED [] synonym: "Sal4" RELATED [] synonym: "Salt torerance-4" RELATED [] synonym: "Plasma membrane H+-ATPase gene-1" RELATED [] synonym: "OSA1*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061323 name: GR:0061323 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061323" RELATED [] synonym: "Sal5" RELATED [] synonym: "Salt tolerance-5" RELATED [] synonym: "Plasma membrane H+-ATPase gene-2" RELATED [] synonym: "OSA2*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061324 name: GR:0061324 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061324" RELATED [] synonym: "Sh7" RELATED [] synonym: "Shattering-7" RELATED [] synonym: "Sh5-glum*" RELATED [] synonym: "Shattering from Oryza glumaepatula" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061325 name: GR:0061325 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061325" RELATED [] synonym: "Sh8" RELATED [] synonym: "Shattering-8" RELATED [] synonym: "Sh6-mer*" RELATED [] synonym: "Shattering from Oryza meridonalis" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061326 name: GR:0061326 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061326" RELATED [] synonym: "sh9" RELATED [] synonym: "shattering-9" RELATED [] synonym: "iSh3(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "inhibitor for Sh3-gla (shattering-3)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061331 name: GR:0061331 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061331" RELATED [] synonym: "Tnt1" RELATED [] synonym: "Retrotransposon" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061329 name: GR:0061329 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061329" RELATED [] synonym: "TrsA" RELATED [] synonym: "A genome-specific DNA sequences and telomeres" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061330 name: GR:0061330 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061330" RELATED [] synonym: "Tto3" RELATED [] synonym: "Retrotransposon-3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061332 name: GR:0061332 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061332" RELATED [] synonym: "UGP" RELATED [] synonym: "UDP-glucose-pyrophosphorylase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060272 name: GR:0060272 def: "Floating habit of deep-water rice. These types have the inherent capacity to keep pace with the rising water level through the elongation of internodes, leaf sheaths and leaf blades. Nodal tillering, nodal roots and kneeing or spreading habit are other typical characteristics of this group of varieties" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060272" RELATED [] synonym: "DW1" RELATED [] synonym: "DEEP WATER TOLERANCE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "fh1" RELATED [] synonym: "dw1" RELATED [] synonym: "deep water tolerance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060219 name: GR:0060219 def: "A small grain dwarf type with short and stout stems, short, sinuate but broad leaves with dark green color, erect and compact panicles and small, round floral glumes. Internodes are thick and sometimes the second internode does not elongate. Similar to dwf1 (d1)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060219" RELATED [] synonym: "D54" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF KYUSHU 5" RELATED [] synonym: "dK5" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf Kyushu-5" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf35" RELATED [] synonym: "d54" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-54" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060223 name: GR:0060223 def: "Dwarf; short and fine culms; possessing haploid-like features; small spikelets and grains; sensitive to temperature, complete sterility when grown in the paddy field, but shows nearly normal features and set some seeds while grown in the greenhouse" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060223" RELATED [] synonym: "D58" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF SMALL GRAINED" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf39" RELATED [] synonym: "small grained dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "d58" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-58" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060225 name: GR:0060225 def: "Dwarf, culm length reduced by around 30%; other traits other than culm not influenced. Promising materials for semidwarf breeding. The dwf41 could not manifest itself until a gametic-lethal gene of `Koshihikari', gal, mutated to its non-gametic-lethal allele, Gal. Non-allelic to sd1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060225" RELATED [] synonym: "D60" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF HOKURIKU 100" RELATED [] synonym: "sd(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf41" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf (Hokuriku 100)" RELATED [] synonym: "d60" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-60" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060226 name: GR:0060226 def: "The dwarf mutant d61 developed not only dm-type (characterized by reduced elongation specifically in the second internode counted from the top) but also dn-type (normal type). This mutant phenotype is caused by loss of function of a rice BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1, OsBRI1 gene. OsBRI1 is similar to Arabidopsis BRI gene (At4g39400), which encodes a putative BR receptor. Functions of OsBRI1 involve in (1) internode elongation by inducing the formation of the intercalary meristem and the longitudinal elongation of internode cells, (2)bending of the lamina joint, and (3)skotomorphogenesis. Several alleles were identified, the weakest allele, d61-7, showed semidwarfism and erect leaves which results in producing biomass more effectively than wildtype at high planting density" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060226" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g52050" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0718300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4324691" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9EZ61" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q942F3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5JL97" RELATED [] synonym: "D61" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF 61" RELATED [] synonym: "dm-type dwarf" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-61" RELATED [] synonym: "d61*" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf42" RELATED [] synonym: "BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "d61" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-61" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060368 name: GR:0060368 def: "Absence of trichomes on leaves and glumes, one of the most important characteristics in the practical breeding of rice, because of freedom from dust in harvesting. Rice leaves have two kind of trichomes which consist of micro and macro hairs. Micro hairs are located along the stomata cells or beside motor cells, and macro hairs are located on silica cells over a thin vascular bundle" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060368" RELATED [] synonym: "GL1" RELATED [] synonym: "GLABROUS LEAF AND HULL 1" RELATED [] synonym: "gl1" RELATED [] synonym: "glabrous leaf and hull-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060900 name: GR:0060900 def: "Short panicle; absence of primary branches in the lower part of the ear axis. As a result, all of the four components of the number of spikelets per panicle were decreased, including the number of primary branches per panicle, the number of secondary branches per primary branch, the number of spikelets per primary branch and the number of spikelets per secondary branch" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060900" RELATED [] synonym: "SP" RELATED [] synonym: "SHORT PANICLE" RELATED [] synonym: "sp" RELATED [] synonym: "short panicle" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060913 name: GR:0060913 def: "Spreading habit of primary branches extending obliquely outward" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060913" RELATED [] synonym: "SPR1" RELATED [] synonym: "SPREADING PANICLE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "spreading panicle-1" RELATED [] synonym: "spr1" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading panicle-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060916 name: GR:0060916 def: "Spreading habit of primary branches extending obliquely outward. Similar to spr1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060916" RELATED [] synonym: "SPR4" RELATED [] synonym: "SPREADING PANICLE 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading panicle-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Spr3(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "Spr4" RELATED [] synonym: "Spreading panicle-4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060924 name: GR:0060924 def: "Dwarf, dm-type (characterized by reduced elongation specifically in the second internode counted from the top). No significant differences in other agronomic traits. Incomplete dominance" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060924" RELATED [] synonym: "SSI1" RELATED [] synonym: "SHORT SECOND INTERNODE 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Dm1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ssi1" RELATED [] synonym: "Short second internode-1(dm-type)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0060925 name: GR:0060925 def: "Dwarf, dm-type (characterized by reduced elongation specifically in the second internode counted from the top). No significant differences in agronomic traits. Similar to Ssi1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0060925" RELATED [] synonym: "SSI2" RELATED [] synonym: "SHORT SECOND INTERNODE 2" RELATED [] synonym: "ssi2" RELATED [] synonym: "short second internode-2(dm-type)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061438 name: GR:0061438 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061438" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb9" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage-9" RELATED [] synonym: "qRCT6a*" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061439 name: GR:0061439 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061439" RELATED [] synonym: "cul15" RELATED [] synonym: "curl leaf-15" RELATED [] synonym: "narrow and rolled leaves at specific leaf position" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061440 name: GR:0061440 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061440" RELATED [] synonym: "Dwf45" RELATED [] synonym: "Dwarf-45" RELATED [] synonym: "Twisted dwarf 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Td1*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061441 name: GR:0061441 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061441" RELATED [] synonym: "dwf46" RELATED [] synonym: "dwarf-46" RELATED [] synonym: "small grain dwarf" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061442 name: GR:0061442 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061442" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl42" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-42" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd8(t)*" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061443 name: GR:0061443 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061443" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl43" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-43" RELATED [] synonym: "ef5*" RELATED [] synonym: "Late heading" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061444 name: GR:0061444 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061444" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl44" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-44" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-7" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd7*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061445 name: GR:0061445 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061445" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl45" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-45" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd10*" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061446 name: GR:0061446 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061446" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl46" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-46" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd11*" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061447 name: GR:0061447 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061447" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl47" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-47" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd12*" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061448 name: GR:0061448 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061448" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl48" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-48" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-13" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd13*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061449 name: GR:0061449 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061449" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl49" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-49" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-14" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd14*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061450 name: GR:0061450 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061450" RELATED [] synonym: "Fl50" RELATED [] synonym: "Flowering date-50" RELATED [] synonym: "Hd15*" RELATED [] synonym: "Heading date-15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061451 name: GR:0061451 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061451" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu23" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice glutelin-23" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutelin subunit-6" RELATED [] synonym: "Glu6*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061452 name: GR:0061452 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061452" RELATED [] synonym: "glup8" RELATED [] synonym: "glutelin precursor-8" RELATED [] synonym: "glup7*" RELATED [] synonym: "glutelin precursor-7" [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061453 name: GR:0061453 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061453" RELATED [] synonym: "Kr3" RELATED [] synonym: "Short grain-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Short grain mutant-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Sg1*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061454 name: GR:0061454 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061454" RELATED [] synonym: "Lrd33" RELATED [] synonym: "Lesion resembling disease-33" RELATED [] synonym: "OcACT1*" RELATED [] synonym: "Lesion mimic mutant (homologous with acyltransferase)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061455 name: GR:0061455 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061455" RELATED [] synonym: "ms91" RELATED [] synonym: "male sterile-91" RELATED [] synonym: "thermosenstfive male sterility" RELATED [] synonym: "tgms*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061456 name: GR:0061456 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061456" RELATED [] synonym: "Rf17" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration-17" RELATED [] synonym: "Pollen fertility restoration for CW cytoplasm" RELATED [] synonym: "Rfcw*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061457 name: GR:0061457 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061457" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg71" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance 71" RELATED [] synonym: "Pi34" RELATED [] synonym: "Partial leaf blast resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061458 name: GR:0061458 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061458" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg72" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance 72" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe gresia" RELATED [] synonym: "Pitp(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061459 name: GR:0061459 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061459" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg73" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-73" RELATED [] synonym: "qBRS5*" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance (field resistance)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061460 name: GR:0061460 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061460" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg74" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-74" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance (field resistance)" RELATED [] synonym: "qBRS6*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061461 name: GR:0061461 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061461" RELATED [] synonym: "RMg75" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance-75" RELATED [] synonym: "Magnaporthe grisea resistance (field resistance)" RELATED [] synonym: "qBRS11*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061462 name: GR:0061462 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061462" RELATED [] synonym: "RRS4" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-4" RELATED [] synonym: "qSB3*" RELATED [] synonym: "Sheath blight resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061463 name: GR:0061463 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061463" RELATED [] synonym: "RRS5" RELATED [] synonym: "Rhizoctonia solani (sheath blight) resistance-5" RELATED [] synonym: "qSB12*" RELATED [] synonym: "Sheath blight resistance" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061464 name: GR:0061464 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061464" RELATED [] synonym: "RXa31" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campesris pv. Oryzae resistance-31" RELATED [] synonym: "Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzae resistance-27" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa27(t)*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061465 name: GR:0061465 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061465" RELATED [] synonym: "sd17" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf-17" RELATED [] synonym: "semidwarf gene derived from an annual wild rice" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061466 name: GR:0061466 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061466" RELATED [] synonym: "Sh10" RELATED [] synonym: "Shattering-4" RELATED [] synonym: "qSHAT11*" RELATED [] synonym: "Shattering from Oryza glaberrima" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061467 name: GR:0061467 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061467" RELATED [] synonym: "Sh11" RELATED [] synonym: "Shattering-5" RELATED [] synonym: "qSHFS3*" RELATED [] synonym: "Shattering from a wild rice" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061468 name: GR:0061468 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061468" RELATED [] synonym: "Shd6" RELATED [] synonym: "Shoot differentiation from seed callus-6" RELATED [] synonym: "Shdb(t)" RELATED [] synonym: "High shoot regeneration" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061469 name: GR:0061469 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061469" RELATED [] synonym: "slk1" RELATED [] synonym: "slender kernel-1" RELATED [] synonym: "slender kernel-1" RELATED [] synonym: "sk1*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061470 name: GR:0061470 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061470" RELATED [] synonym: "Slk2" RELATED [] synonym: "Slender kernel-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Sk2*" RELATED [] synonym: "Slender kernel-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061471 name: GR:0061471 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061471" RELATED [] synonym: "Apxa" RELATED [] synonym: "Ascorbate peroxidase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061472 name: GR:0061472 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061472" RELATED [] synonym: "bar" RELATED [] synonym: "glufosinate-resistant rice" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061473 name: GR:0061473 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061473" RELATED [] synonym: "Fk1" RELATED [] synonym: "Fructokinase-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061474 name: GR:0061474 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061474" RELATED [] synonym: "Fk2" RELATED [] synonym: "Fructokinase-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061475 name: GR:0061475 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061475" RELATED [] synonym: "Gdh2" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutamate dehydrogenase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061476 name: GR:0061476 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061476" RELATED [] synonym: "go1" RELATED [] synonym: "goliath" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061477 name: GR:0061477 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061477" RELATED [] synonym: "Grh6" RELATED [] synonym: "Green rice leafhopper resistance-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061478 name: GR:0061478 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061478" RELATED [] synonym: "lsi" RELATED [] synonym: "low silica uptake" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061479 name: GR:0061479 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061479" RELATED [] synonym: "lsy1" RELATED [] synonym: "leaf lateral symmetry-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061480 name: GR:0061480 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061480" RELATED [] synonym: "mPing" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposable element (Mite)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061481 name: GR:0061481 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061481" RELATED [] synonym: "nDart" RELATED [] synonym: "Nonautonomous Ds-related active rice transposon" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061482 name: GR:0061482 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061482" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH1" RELATED [] synonym: "Transcription factor" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061483 name: GR:0061483 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061483" RELATED [] synonym: "OsHAP3D" RELATED [] synonym: "LEC1-type 3 subunit protein-D" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061484 name: GR:0061484 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061484" RELATED [] synonym: "OsHAP3E" RELATED [] synonym: "LEC1-type 3 subunit protein-E" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061485 name: GR:0061485 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061485" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNac6" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNac gene-6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061486 name: GR:0061486 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061486" RELATED [] synonym: "OsPSK" RELATED [] synonym: "Cell growth factor (Phytosulfokine)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061487 name: GR:0061487 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061487" RELATED [] synonym: "Ping" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposable element (Mite)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061488 name: GR:0061488 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061488" RELATED [] synonym: "Pong" RELATED [] synonym: "Transposable element (Mite)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061489 name: GR:0061489 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061489" RELATED [] synonym: "sp2" RELATED [] synonym: "short panicle-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061490 name: GR:0061490 def: "The resistant allele was introduced from Oryza rufipogan" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061490" RELATED [] synonym: "Sr1" RELATED [] synonym: "Stem rot resistance-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061491 name: GR:0061491 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061491" RELATED [] synonym: "Sr2" RELATED [] synonym: "Stem rot resistance-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061492 name: GR:0061492 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061492" RELATED [] synonym: "yl" RELATED [] synonym: "yellowish-green leaf" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061493 name: GR:0061493 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061493" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGSTZ1" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutathione S-transferase (GSTZ)-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061494 name: GR:0061494 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061494" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGSTZ2" RELATED [] synonym: "Glutathione S-transferase (GSTZ)-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061495 name: GR:0061495 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061495" RELATED [] synonym: "Pho2" RELATED [] synonym: "Phosphorus deficiency root elongation" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061437 name: GR:0061437 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061437" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb8" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage-8" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage" RELATED [] synonym: "qRCT3*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061436 name: GR:0061436 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061436" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb7" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage-7" RELATED [] synonym: "Low-temperature-sensitive sterility-3" RELATED [] synonym: "Ste3*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061435 name: GR:0061435 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061435" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb6" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage-6" RELATED [] synonym: "Ste2*" RELATED [] synonym: "Low-temperature-sensitive sterility-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061434 name: GR:0061434 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061434" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb5" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage-5" RELATED [] synonym: "Low-temperature-sensitive sterility-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ste1*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061433 name: GR:0061433 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061433" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb13" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage-13" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage" RELATED [] synonym: "qCT5*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061432 name: GR:0061432 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061432" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb12" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage-12" RELATED [] synonym: "qCT4*" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061431 name: GR:0061431 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061431" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb11" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage-11" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage" RELATED [] synonym: "qRCT7*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061430 name: GR:0061430 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061430" RELATED [] synonym: "Ctb10" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage-10" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold tolerance at booting stage" RELATED [] synonym: "qRCT6b*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061429 name: GR:0061429 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061429" RELATED [] synonym: "Bph18" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance-18" RELATED [] synonym: "Brown planthopper resistance (QTL)" RELATED [] synonym: "Qbph11*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061428 name: GR:0061428 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061428" RELATED [] synonym: "An15" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-15" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-10" RELATED [] synonym: "An10*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061427 name: GR:0061427 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061427" RELATED [] synonym: "An14" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-14" RELATED [] synonym: "An9*" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061426 name: GR:0061426 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061426" RELATED [] synonym: "An13" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-13" RELATED [] synonym: "Awn-6" RELATED [] synonym: "An6*" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061496 name: GR:0061496 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061496" RELATED [] synonym: "Pho3" RELATED [] synonym: "Phosphorus deficiency root elongation" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0061497 name: GR:0061497 def: "under curation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0061497" RELATED [] synonym: "Sv2" RELATED [] synonym: "Seed viability (longevity)-2" RELATED [] synonym: "qLG9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100111 name: GR:0100111 def: "Shikimate kinase (SK; EC catalyzes the phosphorylation of shikimate to yield shikimate 3-phosphate. The enzyme plays a role in the biosynthesis of the three aromatic amino acids and that of various secondary metabolites in land plants as part of the shikimate pathway. The expression of the gene is upregulated at the heading stage of panicle development. The protein is translocated to the plastid where it is processed to the mature form" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100111" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g51410" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330732" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2X9M5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DXJ9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F302" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5NTH4" RELATED [] synonym: "Sk1" RELATED [] synonym: "Shikimate kinase-1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSK1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100112 name: GR:0100112 def: "Shikimate kinase (SK; EC catalyzes the phosphorylation of shikimate to yield shikimate 3-phosphate. The enzyme plays a role in the biosynthesis of the three aromatic amino acids and that of various secondary metabolites in land plants as part of the shikimate pathway. Gene expression was found to be induced in rice calli after treatment with the elicitor N-acetylchitoheptaose. It was also expressed in the heading stage of the plant development" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100112" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g12150" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0225800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4340547" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5NTH3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DDG0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B486" RELATED [] synonym: "Sk2" RELATED [] synonym: "Shikimate kinase-2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSK2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100113 name: GR:0100113 def: "Shikimate kinase (SK; EC catalyzes the phosphorylation of shikimate to yield shikimate 3-phosphate. The enzyme plays a role in the biosynthesis of the three aromatic amino acids and that of various secondary metabolites in land plants as part of the shikimate pathway. Gene expression was found to be up-regulated in the heading stage of the plant development" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100113" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g54800" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0640600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337165" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0J9N6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7X7H9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01HY3" RELATED [] synonym: "Sk3" RELATED [] synonym: "Shikimate kinase-3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSK3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100114 name: GR:0100114 def: "This is a homolog of Arabidopsis gene GIGANTEA (GI) At1g22770. Similar to the Arabidopsis gene, its expression is circadian clock-controlled. Unlike the Arabidopsis GI, the rice Gi acts as a suppressor of flowering under log-day photoperiodic conditions" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100114" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g08700" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0182600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325329" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A0PI35" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6V6D3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6V6D0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6V6D2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PI33" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6V6C4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6V6C5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6V6C7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6V6C6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PI46" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JQ44" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6N180" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PI39" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9AWL7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6V6C3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B6V6C8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PI40" RELATED [] synonym: "Gi" RELATED [] synonym: "Gigantea" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGI" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100115 name: GR:0100115 def: "The Xip gene previously identified as a chitinase gene belonging to glycosyl hydrolase family 10 and 11 (GH10 and GH11), is a homolog of wheat Xip1. The recent studies with direct enzymatic assays revealed that the gene Xip belongs to the glycosyl hydrolase family 18 (GH18) group. It inhibits the xylanases belonging to glycosyl hydrolase family 10 and 11 (GH10 and GH11). The protein encoded by the gene has endo-1,4-beta-D-xylanase inhibitor activity. It does not exhibit chitinolytic activity, even though its amino acid sequence exhibited highest similarity to sequences classified as class III chitinases" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100115" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g47580" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0701800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE035359, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE035360" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4351194" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2QZ60" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2ZGZ5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7GCM7" RELATED [] synonym: "Xip" RELATED [] synonym: "Xylanase inhibitor" RELATED [] synonym: "RIXI" RELATED [] synonym: "4-beta-D-xylanase inhibitor" RELATED [] synonym: "Xip" RELATED [] synonym: "C10701" RELATED [] synonym: "endo-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100116 name: GR:0100116 def: "Rcn3 (Fdr1) was isolated from a cDNA screen using the EST clone (genbank accession D24998). The gene belongs to the Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein family. It bears strong similarity to Antirrhinum CEN (CENTRORADIALIS) as compared to Arabidopsis TFL1. Both CEN and TFL1 are known Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding proteins and play a role in delaying phase transition of shoot apical meristem from vegetative to reproductive phase" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100116" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g05590" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0152000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE035756" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4351520" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9XGS4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2QXL9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2ZI43" RELATED [] synonym: "Rcn3" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative TFL1/CEN ortholog" RELATED [] synonym: "Fdr1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100117 name: GR:0100117 def: "The over expression of 35S::Rcn1 in rice resulted in severe phenotypes with substantial delays to never heading plants. A few plants with moderate phenotypes displayed 13-50 day delay in heading. The delay in days to heading is related to suppression of processes involved in transition of shoot apical meristem from vegentative to reproductive stage. Transgenic rice plants with moderate phenotypes displayed increased number of leaves when evlaluated in short-day and long-day conditions and altered inflorescence (panicle) morphology. An increased number of primary and secondary branches in the transgenic plant inflorescence, resulted in increased number of florets by three times. Rcn2 gene was isolated from a cDNA screen using the EST clone (genbank accession D24998). The ectopic expression of Rcn1 (35S::Rcn1) in Arabidopsis transgenic line exhibited a phenotype of late-flowering, highly branched inflorescence and flowers with shoot like sharacteristics, similar to that reported for 35S::TFL1. The gene belongs to the Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein family. It bears strong similarity to Antirrhinum CEN (CENTRORADIALIS) as compared to Arabidopsis TFL1. Both CEN and TFL1 are known Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding proteins and play a role in delaying phase transition of shoot apical meristem from vegetative to reproductive phase" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100117" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g05470" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0152500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE033520" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4349798" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9XGS5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q53Q71" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BJ53" RELATED [] synonym: "Rcn1" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative TFL1/CEN ortholog" RELATED [] synonym: "Fdr2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100118 name: GR:0100118 def: "The over expression of 35S::Rcn2 in rice resulted in severe phenotypes with substantial delays to never heading plants. A few plants with moderate phenotypes displayed 13-50 day delay in heading. The delay in days to heading is related to suppression of processes involved in transition of shoot apical meristem from vegentative to reproductive stage. Transgenic rice plants with moderate phenotypes displayed increased number of leaves when evlaluated in short-day and long-day conditions and altered inflorescence (panicle) morphology. An increased number of primary and secondary branches in the transgenic plant inflorescence, resulted in increased number of florets by three times. Rcn2 gene was isolated from a cDNA screen using the EST clone (genbank accession D24998). The ectopic expression of Rcn2 in Arabidopsis transgenic line 35S::Rcn2;TFL1-6, showed a phenotype of late-flowering, highly branched inflorescence and flowers with shoot like sharacteristics, similar to that reported for 35S::TFL1. The gene belongs to the Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein family. It bears strong similarity to Antirrhinum CEN (CENTRORADIALIS) as compared to Arabidopsis TFL1. Both CEN and TFL1 are known Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding proteins and play a role in delaying phase transition of shoot apical meristem from vegetative to reproductive phase" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100118" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g32950" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0531600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE007280" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6ESF8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X5N4" RELATED [] synonym: "Rcn2" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative TFL1/CEN ortholog" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100119 name: GR:0100119 def: "The gene plays an essential role in establishment of homologous chromosome pairing and cytokinesis in male and female meiocytes. The encoded protein contains putative coiled-coil motifs in the middle, two basic regions at both termini, and a potential nuclear localization signal at the C terminus. In the mutant, tagged by the endogenous retrotransposon Tos17, during prophase I all the chromosomes became entangled to form a compact sphere adhered to a nucleolus, and homologous pairing failed to occur. This resulted in complete sterility of male and female gametes. At anaphase I and telophase I, chromosome nondisjunction and degenerated spindle formation resulted in multiple uneven spore production. It is expressed in the early stages of flower development" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100119" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g01590" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0106300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4331321" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10SZ9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10T00" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q75RY2" RELATED [] synonym: "PAIR1" RELATED [] synonym: "HOMOLOGOUS PAIRING ABERRATION IN RICE MEIOSIS 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Coiled-coil protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0009C08.13" RELATED [] synonym: "Pair1" RELATED [] synonym: "Homologous pairing aberration in rice meiosis 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020001 name: GR:0020001 def: "Ethylene responsive class IV transcription factor" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020001" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g26420" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0434500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030062" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347142" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q4LDF4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6MZ99" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S4Y0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69PH3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q1ZZM5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z1K6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5MFV3" RELATED [] synonym: "bierf1" RELATED [] synonym: "BTH-induced ERF transcriptional factor 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsBIERF1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020002 name: GR:0020002 def: "CLASS II ethylene responsive transcriptional factor" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020002" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g58420" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0797600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE003937" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4327621" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5MFV2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7F4G5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WVZ6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9LRF3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6MZG2" RELATED [] synonym: "bierf2" RELATED [] synonym: "BTH-induced ERF transcriptional factor 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsBIERF1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020003 name: GR:0020003 def: "Ethylene responsive class I transcription factor. bierf3 has increased expression when subjected to chemical activators of plant disease resistance responses; being induced by both benzothiadiazole and Salicyclic acid; it is also induced by cold and wounding" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020003" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g43790" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0654700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE008060" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330189" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5MFV1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q949D4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X7X6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6H7H6" RELATED [] synonym: "bierf3" RELATED [] synonym: "BTH-induced ERF transcriptional factor 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsBIERF3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100120 name: GR:0100120 def: "The gene is essential for homologous chromosome synapsis at meiosis I. It encodes a HORMA-domain protein and is an ortholog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae HOP1 (YIL072W) and Arabidopsis ASYNAPTIC 1 (ASY1, At1g67370). The PAIR2 protein associates with axial elements at leptotene and zygotene stages of Meiosis and is removed from the AEs of arm regions when homologous chromosomes have synapsed. It promotes homologous chromosome synapsis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100120" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g32930" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0506800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347514" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0J0K5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q76CY8" RELATED [] synonym: "Pair2" RELATED [] synonym: "Homologous pairing aberration in rice meiosis 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsASY1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020004 name: GR:0020004 def: "Ethylene responsive class IV transcription factor" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020004" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g08500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE009915" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4331848" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8APP3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10QU2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5MFV0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q94HF6" RELATED [] synonym: "bierf4" RELATED [] synonym: "BTH-induced ERF transcriptional factor 4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsBIERF4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020005 name: GR:0020005 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020005" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g08320" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0178500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE000608" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4323871" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5VRD1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ADJ7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JQ72" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa1" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Oryza sativa indoleacetic acid 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative Nt-iaa4.1 deduced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA1" RELATED [] synonym: "P0406H10.6-1" RELATED [] synonym: "P0509B06.9-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020006 name: GR:0020006 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020006" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g09450" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa2" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OSIAA2" RELATED [] synonym: "P0710E05.9" RELATED [] synonym: "P0710E05.9 protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020007 name: GR:0020007 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020007" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g13030" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0231000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE000978" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325890" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5NB25" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AB09" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JPB9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6N0G5" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa3" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OSIAA3" RELATED [] synonym: "P0431F01.14" RELATED [] synonym: "P0485D09.3" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative aux/IAA protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020008 name: GR:0020008 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020008" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g18360" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0286900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE001390" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2WNM0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2ZRY8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EVA0" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa4" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein P0511C01.24" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA4" RELATED [] synonym: "P0511C01.24" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020009 name: GR:0020009 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020009" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g48450" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa5" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 5" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1117_G01.11" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1117_G01.11 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020010 name: GR:0020010 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020010" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g53880" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0741900" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4326541" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0JJF6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WUX4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8LQ74" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa6" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 6" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA6" RELATED [] synonym: "P0439E07.5" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative phytochrome-associated protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020011 name: GR:0020011 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020011" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g13520" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0228900" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4328796" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0E2L7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6H543" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AEJ1" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa7" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 7" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0035N08.7" RELATED [] synonym: "P0620H05.33" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative aux/IAA protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020012 name: GR:0020012 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020012" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g49160" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0723400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330571" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DY02" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6Z5M0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AHP0" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa8" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 8" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA8" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein P0685G12.16-2" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 8" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020013 name: GR:0020013 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020013" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g56120" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0805100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE009036" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4331061" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DWN7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6K846" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XAP4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XAR0" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa9" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 9" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1548_F12.17" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA9" RELATED [] synonym: "Proliferating cell nuclear antigen" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020015 name: GR:0020015 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020015" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g43400" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0633500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012200" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333511" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q75GK0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DQ61" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10GD2" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa11" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 11" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA11" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 11" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0010N03.17" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA11" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin-responsive protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020017 name: GR:0020017 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020017" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g43410" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0633800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012208, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012204" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333512" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q75GK1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10GD1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XJV6" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa12" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 12" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA12" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 12" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0010N03.16" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA12" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin-induced protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020016 name: GR:0020016 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020016" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g53150" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0742900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012920" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4334069" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B7E463" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XLV9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10D34" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa13" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 13" RELATED [] synonym: "Aux/IAA protein" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA13" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 13" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020018 name: GR:0020018 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020018" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g58350" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0797800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE013292" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4334431" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10C19" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XMX9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3ANM9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7Y1H8" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa14" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 14" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA14" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid-induced protein 14" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0094F01.9" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA14" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin-induced protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020019 name: GR:0020019 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020019" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g08570" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0178600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337971" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DKA9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AYM9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6AT10" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa15" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 15" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA15" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0029B02.19" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 15" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0029B02.19" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020021 name: GR:0020021 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020021" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g14180" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0230700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE018143" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A6MZN2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y226" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q75GB1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7ETK8" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa17" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 17" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA17" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 17" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA17" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative GH1 protein or auxin regulated protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0042F15.4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020022 name: GR:0020022 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020022" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g44810" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0523300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339365" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8B019" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DGM3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5W670" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa18" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 18" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA18" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA18" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 18" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0075A10.11" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0075A10.11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020023 name: GR:0020023 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020023" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g48590" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0559400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339588" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AWU6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6AT33" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DG09" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa19" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA19" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA19" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 19" RELATED [] synonym: "ypothetical protein OSJNBa0001A14.14" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA19" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0001A14.14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020024 name: GR:0020024 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020024" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g07040" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0166500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4340245" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Y9R6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y9R5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DE94" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5VRR0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3B8R3" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa20" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 20" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA20" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 20" RELATED [] synonym: "Proliferating cell nuclear antigen-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA20" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0015I14.39" RELATED [] synonym: "P0680A03.13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020025 name: GR:0020025 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020025" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g22870" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0335500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE021756" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4340939" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5Z749" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DCF5" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa21" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 21" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA21" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 21" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0012F14.28" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA21" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin-regulated protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020027 name: GR:0020027 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020027" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g39590" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0597000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE022495" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4341432" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DB73" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7E5P1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YEN6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69VE0" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa23" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 23" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA23" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 23" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA23" RELATED [] synonym: "P0417D05.17-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative iaa4.1 deduced protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020028 name: GR:0020028 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020028" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g08460" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0182400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342573" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3BH79" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0D858" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B7V3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZL57" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa28" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 24" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA24" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 24" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1506_G02.9" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA24" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin-induced protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020030 name: GR:0020030 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020030" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g35870" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0527700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030648" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347643" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0J069" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q652A1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BDW9" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa26" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 26" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA26" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative Auxin-induced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1439_F07.27" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA26" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 26" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa26" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020026 name: GR:0020026 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020026" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g24850" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0355300" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YCS1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69TU6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FT64" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa22" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 22" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020029 name: GR:0020029 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020029" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g01780" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0109400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE021843, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE026238" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4344471" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YQI2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C128" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0J8J0" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa25" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 25" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA25" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 25" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA25" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020020 name: GR:0020020 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020020" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g09480" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FMV1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C127" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AYW0" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa16" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 16" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA16" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 16" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020031 name: GR:0020031 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020031" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g11410" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0221000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE033942, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE033943" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4350099" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0ITS7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9GA07" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C129" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2R8Q1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BJR0" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa27" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 27" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA27" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 27" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA27" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020032 name: GR:0020032 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020032" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g11420" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0221200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE033944" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C130" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2R8Q0" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa28" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 28" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin-responsive protein IAA28" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 28" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA28" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020033 name: GR:0020033 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020033" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g11430" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0221300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE033935" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4350100" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C131" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2ZCQ2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0ITS6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2R8P9" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa29" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 29" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin-responsive protein IAA29" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 29" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA29" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020034 name: GR:0020034 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020034" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g40890" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0601300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE037224" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4352721" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2QMK1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6N0C9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2ZMF1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9GE44" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C132" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6N157" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa30" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 30" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA30" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 30" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA30" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020035 name: GR:0020035 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020035" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g40900" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0601400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE037225" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4352722" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2ZMF2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C133" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2QMK0" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa31" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 31" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein IAA31" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-induced protein 31" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA31" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020014 name: GR:0020014 def: "Early auxin responsive gene. Aux/IAA genes encode short-lived transcriptional factors that act to repress the expression of early auxin response genes when auxin concentrations are low" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020014" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g57250" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0817600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4331149" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B7EWI8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XB18" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DWF2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EH15" RELATED [] synonym: "iaa10" RELATED [] synonym: "indoleacetic acid 10" RELATED [] synonym: "Indoleacetic acid-inducible protein homologue" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIAA10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020036 name: GR:0020036 def: "rugt-5 mediates glycosylation. it is thopiught that the [i]in vivo[/i] substrate of [i]rugt-5[/i]is likely to be apigenin or kaempferol" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020036" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g41430" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0597800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE002606" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325960" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2WS65" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5ZAF2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2ZV23" RELATED [] synonym: "rugt-5" RELATED [] synonym: "rice uridine diphosphate dependent glycosyltransferase" RELATED [] synonym: "Glucosyltransferase IS5a salicylate-induced-like" RELATED [] synonym: "P0025A05.8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020037 name: GR:0020037 def: "Belongs to the class of early auxin responsive genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020037" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g57610" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0785400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE003885" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4327043" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8LQM5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JIP7" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.1" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.1" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin-responsive GH3" RELATED [] synonym: "B1070A12.14 OsGH3.1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGH3.1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020038 name: GR:0020038 def: "Belongs to the class of early auxin responsive genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020038" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g55940" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0764800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE003737" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4326893" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0JJ19" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WVE3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C0M2" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.2" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGH3.2" RELATED [] synonym: "putative auxin-responsive GH3.2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020039 name: GR:0020039 def: "Belongs to the class of early auxin responsive genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020039" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g12160" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4324650" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5NAZ7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JPI4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9EU49" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.3" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGH3.3" RELATED [] synonym: "P0483F08.33-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative Nt-gh3 deduced protein gh3.3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020040 name: GR:0020040 def: "Belongs to the class of early auxin responsive genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020040" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g42150" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0500900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE019571" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339234" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Y678" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DGZ2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q60EJ6" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.4" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGH3.4" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin-responsive protein GH3.4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020041 name: GR:0020041 def: "Belongs to the class of early auxin responsive genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020041" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g50890" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0586200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE020206" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339756" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DFJ9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6I581" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y806" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.5" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.5" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGH3.5" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive GH3-like protein 5" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0009C07.16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020042 name: GR:0020042 def: "Belongs to the class of early auxin responsive genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020042" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g05180" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0143800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE017533" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337780" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DKT9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AXX0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q60EY1" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.6" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.6" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGH3.6" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OJ1607_F09.5" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1607_F09.5" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive GH3-like protein 6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020043 name: GR:0020043 def: "Belongs to the class of early auxin responsive genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020043" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g30440" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0499500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4341111" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q654M1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DC05" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B2U6" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.7" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin-responsive GH3.7" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGH3.7" RELATED [] synonym: "P0012H03.1-2" RELATED [] synonym: "P0596H06.21-2" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020044 name: GR:0020044 def: "Belongs to the class of early auxin responsive genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020044" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g40290" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0592600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE025464" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4343785" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B1N696" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FY76" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BLS0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0D4Z6" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.8" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive GH3.8" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGH3.8" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative Nt-gh3 deduced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1710_H11.110" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive GH3-like protein 8" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020045 name: GR:0020045 def: "Belongs to the class of early auxin responsive genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020045" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g38890" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0576500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4343704" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6ZLA3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0D574" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.9" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive GH3.9" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGH3.9" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative Nt-gh3 deduced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive GH3-like protein 9" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1065_B06.9" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020046 name: GR:0020046 def: "Belongs to the class of early auxin responsive genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020046" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g38860" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0576100, xref: RAP:Os07g0576232" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4343703" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0D575" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZLA7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YMY6" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.10" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive gene GH3.10" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGH3.10" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative indole-3-acetic acid-amido synthetase GH3.10" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative Nt-gh3 deduced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1065_B06.4" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020047 name: GR:0020047 def: "Belongs to the class of early auxin responsive genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020047" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g47490" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0671500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE025998" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4344247" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0D3R0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FUT6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B5U4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C0M3" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.11" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive gene GH3.11" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGH3.11" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive GH3-like protein 11" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020048 name: GR:0020048 def: "Belongs to the class of early auxin responsive genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020048" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g08340" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0186500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE033766" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2ZC88" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q53P49" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2R9L4" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.12" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive gene GH3.12" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGH3.12" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020049 name: GR:0020049 def: "Belongs to the class of early auxin responsive genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020049" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g32520" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0528700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE034684" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4350632" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2R3B4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3CBV7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2ZEW6" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.13" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive gene GH3.13" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGH3.13" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-regulated protein GH3 homolog F3H9.21" RELATED [] synonym: "gh3.13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100121 name: GR:0100121 def: "Cytochrome b, mitochondrially encoded subunit of the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase (bc1 complex) complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100121" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00480" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3950681" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:6450178" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F912" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCN3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C523" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C524" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F965" RELATED [] synonym: "cob" RELATED [] synonym: "Apocytochrome b" RELATED [] synonym: "Cyt-b" RELATED [] synonym: "cytB" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome b" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome-b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100122 name: GR:0100122 def: "Alpha subunit of the F1 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase enzyme complex. It is required for ATP synthesis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100122" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00580" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBSE038224" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450183" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950678" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C521" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C522" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C520" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9ETG1" RELATED [] synonym: "atp1" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F1 alpha subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase F1 alpha subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "F0-F1 ATPase alpha subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "F1-ATPase alpha subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F0-F1 subunit 1" RELATED [] synonym: "atpA" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100123 name: GR:0100123 def: "Mitochondrially encoded subunit 6 of the F0 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100123" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00370" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450195" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950762" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q37807" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F976" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:O21786" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q36986" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q35294" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S1Q3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCP2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A0PJ36" RELATED [] synonym: "atp6" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F0 subunit 6" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase A chain" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100124 name: GR:0100124 def: "Mitochondrially encoded subunit 9 of the F0 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100124" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00430" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450130" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950695" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F971" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F919" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C519" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C518" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F8W6" RELATED [] synonym: "atp9" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F0 subunit 9" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase protein 9" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase F0 subunit 9" RELATED [] synonym: "F0 ATP synthase protein 9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100125 name: GR:0100125 def: "It is required for cytochrome c maturation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100125" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00620" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3950692" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F954" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F901" RELATED [] synonym: "ccmB" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c biogenesis B" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100126 name: GR:0100126 def: "It is required for cytochrome c maturation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100126" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00200" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3950748" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q32751" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F993" RELATED [] synonym: "ccmC" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c biogenesis C" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100127 name: GR:0100127 def: "It is required for cytochrome c maturation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100127" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00520" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450169" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950691" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F961" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F908" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCM9" RELATED [] synonym: "ccmFC" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c biogenesis Fc" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100128 name: GR:0100128 def: "It is required for cytochrome c maturation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100128" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00510" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450192" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950740" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F962" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCN0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F909" RELATED [] synonym: "ccmFN" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c biogenesis Fn" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100129 name: GR:0100129 def: "It encodes for the subunit I of cytochrome c oxidase enzyme, which is the terminal member of the mitochondrial inner membrane electron transport chain; one of three mitochondrially-encoded subunits" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100129" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00550" RELATED [] synonym: "cox1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide I" RELATED [] synonym: "cytochrome c oxidase subunit I" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100130 name: GR:0100130 def: "Subunit II of cytochrome c oxidase, which is the terminal member of the mitochondrial inner membrane electron transport chain; one of three mitochondrially-encoded subunits" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100130" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00330" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3950718" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:6450161" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F926" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCP6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F979" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P04373" RELATED [] synonym: "cox2" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide II" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100131 name: GR:0100131 def: "It encodes for the Subunit III of cytochrome c oxidase, which is the terminal member of the mitochondrial inner membrane electron transport chain; one of three mitochondrially-encoded subunits" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100131" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00110" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450138" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950764" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8HCR6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F8Y5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P14852" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F9A2" RELATED [] synonym: "cox3" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide III" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100132 name: GR:0100132 def: "Mitochondrial mRNA maturase" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100132" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00490" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3950675" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:6450171" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2QPM2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F964" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCN2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1XJ11" RELATED [] synonym: "mat-r" RELATED [] synonym: "Maturase-related protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100133 name: GR:0100133 def: "It encodes for the Subunit Vb of cytochrome c oxidase, which is the terminal member of the mitochondrial inner membrane electron transport chain" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100133" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g42650" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0612200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE002738" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325317" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P92683" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ABZ3" RELATED [] synonym: "cox5b" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5b" RELATED [] synonym: "coxVb" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c oxidase subunit Vb" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100134 name: GR:0100134 def: "It encodes for the Subunit Vc of cytochrome c oxidase, which is the terminal member of the mitochondrial inner membrane electron transport chain" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100134" RELATED [] synonym: "cox5c" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 5c" RELATED [] synonym: "coxVc" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c oxidase subunit Vc" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100135 name: GR:0100135 def: "It encodes for the Subunit 15 of cytochrome c oxidase, which is the terminal member of the mitochondrial inner membrane electron transport chain" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100135" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g38720" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0496000" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4345926" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z5C5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YWL5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BUF9" RELATED [] synonym: "cox15" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100136 name: GR:0100136 def: "It encodes for the subunit 1 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase respiratory complex I" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100136" RELATED [] synonym: "nad1" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100137 name: GR:0100137 def: "It encodes for the subunit 2 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase respiratory complex I" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100137" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00640" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450140" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950765" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8HCM1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F9A4" RELATED [] synonym: "nad2" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100138 name: GR:0100138 def: "It encodes for the subunit 3 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase respiratory complex I" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100138" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00280" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3950689" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:6450168" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F984" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q37035" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7GHI8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCQ0" RELATED [] synonym: "nad3" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100139 name: GR:0100139 def: "It encodes for the subunit 4 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase respiratory complex I" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100139" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00320" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450121" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950734" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F980" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCP7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q35300" RELATED [] synonym: "nad4" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit IV" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100140 name: GR:0100140 def: "It encodes for the subunit 4L of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase respiratory complex I" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100140" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00460" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450148" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950693" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q94RD3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F967" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCN5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F914" RELATED [] synonym: "nad4L" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100141 name: GR:0100141 def: "It encodes for the subunit 5 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase respiratory complex I" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100141" RELATED [] synonym: "nad5" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100142 name: GR:0100142 def: "It encodes for the subunit 6 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase respiratory complex I" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100142" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00190" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450132" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8HCQ7" RELATED [] synonym: "nad6" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100143 name: GR:0100143 def: "It encodes for the subunit 7 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase respiratory complex I" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100143" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00230" RELATED [] synonym: "nad7" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100144 name: GR:0100144 def: "It encodes for the subunit 9 of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase respiratory complex I" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100144" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00590" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450154" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950743" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F951" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7JAI4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5N998" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q35322" RELATED [] synonym: "nad9" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 9" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 27 kDa subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "CI-27KD" RELATED [] synonym: "Complex I-27KD" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100145 name: GR:0100145 def: "It is a pseudogene for ribosomal protein L16 protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100145" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00270" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3950722" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4352371" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F932" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F985" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P46801" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl16 pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "Pseudo ribosomal protein L16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100146 name: GR:0100146 def: "It is a pseudogene for ribosomal protein S11" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100146" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00410" RELATED [] synonym: "rps11 pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "Pseudo ribosomal protein S11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100147 name: GR:0100147 def: "It encodes for the pseudo ribosomal protein S14" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100147" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00560" RELATED [] synonym: "rps14 pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "Pseudo ribosomal protein S14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100148 name: GR:0100148 def: "Encodes a mitochondrial ribosomal protein L2, a constituent of the large subunit of the ribosomal complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100148" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00440" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3950683" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:6450181" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P92812" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C8K6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F969" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl2" RELATED [] synonym: "Ribosomal protein L2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100149 name: GR:0100149 def: "Encodes a mitochondrial ribosomal protein L5, a constituent of the large subunit of the ribosomal complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100149" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00570" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450142" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950714" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8HCM6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9TGM0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F957" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl5" RELATED [] synonym: "Ribosomal protein L5" RELATED [] synonym: "60S ribosomal protein L5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100150 name: GR:0100150 def: "Encodes a mitochondrial ribosomal protein S1, a constituent of the small subunit of the ribosomal complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100150" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3950690" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:6450128" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F963" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F910" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCN1" RELATED [] synonym: "rps1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ribosomal protein S1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100151 name: GR:0100151 def: "Encodes a mitochondrial ribosomal protein S12, a constituent of the small subunit of the ribosomal complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100151" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00290" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450201" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950682" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7JAI8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F983" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P28520" RELATED [] synonym: "rps12" RELATED [] synonym: "Ribosomal protein S12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100152 name: GR:0100152 def: "Encodes a mitochondrial ribosomal protein S13, a constituent of the small subunit of the ribosomal complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100152" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00390" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3950763" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:6450193" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F922" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCP0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F974" RELATED [] synonym: "rps13" RELATED [] synonym: "Ribosomal protein S13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100153 name: GR:0100153 def: "Encodes a mitochondrial ribosomal protein S19, a constituent of the small subunit of the ribosomal complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100153" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00450" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3950746" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:6450135" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F968" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F8W2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P92813" RELATED [] synonym: "rps19" RELATED [] synonym: "Ribosomal protein S19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100154 name: GR:0100154 def: "Encodes a mitochondrial ribosomal protein S2, a constituent of the small subunit of the ribosomal complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100154" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00310" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450166" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950685" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q35316" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F981" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCP8" RELATED [] synonym: "rps2" RELATED [] synonym: "Ribosomal protein S2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100155 name: GR:0100155 def: "Encodes a mitochondrial ribosomal protein S3, a constituent of the small subunit of the ribosomal complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100155" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00260" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450196" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950684" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7JAJ0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P46773" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F986" RELATED [] synonym: "rps3" RELATED [] synonym: "Ribosomal protein S3" RELATED [] synonym: "Mitochondrial ribosomal protein S3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100156 name: GR:0100156 def: "Encodes a mitochondrial ribosomal protein S4, a constituent of the small subunit of the ribosomal complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100156" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450179" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950742" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8HCN9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F973" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F8W8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:O63697" RELATED [] synonym: "rps4" RELATED [] synonym: "Ribosomal protein S4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100157 name: GR:0100157 def: "Encodes a mitochondrial ribosomal protein S7, a constituent of the small subunit of the ribosomal complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100157" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osm1g00140" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 6450151" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3950721" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F998" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8HCR2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2F947" RELATED [] synonym: "rps7" RELATED [] synonym: "Ribosomal protein S7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100158 name: GR:0100158 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for cysteine anticodon GCA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100158" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Cys-2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnC(GCA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Cysteine (GCA)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnC" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Cys" RELATED [] synonym: "cysteine tRNA" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Cysteine" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Cys (GCA)" [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100159 name: GR:0100159 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for aspartic acid anticodon GUC" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100159" RELATED [] synonym: "trnD(GUC)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Aspartate (GUC)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asp (GUC)" RELATED [] synonym: "aspartyl-tRNA" RELATED [] synonym: "aspartic acid-tRNA" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asp" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Aspartic acid" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100160 name: GR:0100160 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for glutamic acid anticodon UUC" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100160" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Glu-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnE(UUC)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Glutamate (UUC)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Glu (UUC)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnE" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Glutamate" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Glutamatic acid" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Glu" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100161 name: GR:0100161 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for phenylalanine anticodon GAA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100161" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Phe-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnF(GAA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Phenylalanine (GAA)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnPhe (GAA)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnPhenylalanine" RELATED [] synonym: "trnPhe" RELATED [] synonym: "trnP" RELATED [] synonym: "trnPhenylalanine (GAA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Phenylalanine" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100162 name: GR:0100162 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for initiator methionine anticodon GAA. This tRNA is N-formylated" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100162" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Met-5" RELATED [] synonym: "trnfM(CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-fMethnione (CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-fMet (CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-fMet" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-fMethnione" RELATED [] synonym: "trnfM" RELATED [] synonym: "trnfMet" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100163 name: GR:0100163 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for histidine anticodon GUG" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100163" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-His-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnH(GUG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Histidine (GUG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-His (GUG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-His" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Histidine" RELATED [] synonym: "trnH" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100164 name: GR:0100164 def: "It is a pseudogene for mitochondrial tRNA-Isoleucine" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100164" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Isoleucine pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI pseudo" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile pseudo" RELATED [] synonym: "trnIle pseudogene" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100165 name: GR:0100165 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for isoleucine anticodon CAU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100165" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI(CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Isoleucine (CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile (CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile" RELATED [] synonym: "trnIle" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Isoleucine" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100166 name: GR:0100166 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for lysine anticodon UUU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100166" RELATED [] synonym: "trnK(UUU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Lysine (UUU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Lys (UUU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Lys" RELATED [] synonym: "trnK" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Lysine" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100167 name: GR:0100167 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for methionine anticodon CAU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100167" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Met-2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnM(CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Methionine (CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Met (CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Methionine" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Met" RELATED [] synonym: "trnM" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100168 name: GR:0100168 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for methionine anticodon CCG" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100168" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Met-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnM(CCG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Methionine (CCG)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnM" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Met (CCG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Methionine" RELATED [] synonym: "trnMet" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100169 name: GR:0100169 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for asparagine anticodon GUU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100169" RELATED [] synonym: "trnN(GUU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asparagine (GUU)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnN" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asn (GUU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asparagine" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asn" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100170 name: GR:0100170 def: "It is a pseudogene for mitochondrial tRNA-Proline" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100170" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Pro-2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnP(CCA) pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Proline (CCA) pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "trnP(CCA) pseudo" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Pro (CCA) pseudo" RELATED [] synonym: "trnP pseudo" RELATED [] synonym: "trnPro pseudo" RELATED [] synonym: "trnPro" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100173 name: GR:0100173 def: "It is a pseudogene for mitochondrial tRNA-Arginine anticodon UCU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100173" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Arg-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnR(UCU) pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Arginine(UCU) pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "trnR(UCU) pseudo" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Arginine" RELATED [] synonym: "trnArg(UCU) pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "trnR" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100177 name: GR:0100177 def: "It is a pseudogene for mitochondrial tRNA-Valine" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100177" RELATED [] synonym: "trnV pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Val pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "trnV pseudo" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Valine pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "trnV" RELATED [] synonym: "trnVal" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100171 name: GR:0100171 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for proline anticodon UGG" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100171" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Pro-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnP(UGG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Proline (UGG)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnP" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Pro (UGG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Proline (UGG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Pro" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Proline" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100172 name: GR:0100172 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for valine anticodon UUG" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100172" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Gln-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnQ(UUG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Glutamine (UUG)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnQ" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Gln (UUG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Glutamine" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Gln" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100174 name: GR:0100174 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for serine anticodon GCU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100174" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Ser-2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnS(GCU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Serine (GCU)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnS" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser (GCU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Serine" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100175 name: GR:0100175 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for serine anticodon GGA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100175" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Ser-3" RELATED [] synonym: "trnS(GGA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Serine (GGA)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnS" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser (GGA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser" RELATED [] synonym: "trnSer" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Serine" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100176 name: GR:0100176 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for serine anticodon UGA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100176" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Ser-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnS(UGA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Serine (UGA)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnS" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser (UGA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Serine" RELATED [] synonym: "trnSer" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100178 name: GR:0100178 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for tryptophan anticodon CCA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100178" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Trp-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnW(CCA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Tryptophan (CCA)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnW" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Trp (CCA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Trp" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Tryptophan" RELATED [] synonym: "trnTrp" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100179 name: GR:0100179 def: "Encodes for mitochondrial tRNA for tyrosine anticodon GUA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100179" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11706.pre-tRNA-Tyr-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnY(GUA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Tyrosine (GUA)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnY" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Tyr (GUA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Tyr" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Tyrosine" RELATED [] synonym: "trnTyr" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100180 name: GR:0100180 def: "It encodes for mitochondrial 18S ribosomal RNA, which is a component of the 30S small subunit of mitochondrial ribosome" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100180" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn18" RELATED [] synonym: "18S ribosomal RNA" RELATED [] synonym: "18S rRNA" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100181 name: GR:0100181 def: "It encodes for mitochondrial 26S ribosomal RNA, which is a component of the large subunit of mitochondrial ribosome" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100181" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn26" RELATED [] synonym: "26S ribosomal RNA" RELATED [] synonym: "26S rRNA" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100182 name: GR:0100182 def: "It encodes for mitochondrial 5S ribosomal RNA, which is a component of the large subunit of mitochondrial ribosome" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100182" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn5" RELATED [] synonym: "5S ribosomal RNA" RELATED [] synonym: "5S rRNA" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020050 name: GR:0020050 def: "Soluble gibberellin receptor" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020050" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g33730" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0407500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4338764" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DI89" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6L545" RELATED [] synonym: "gid1" RELATED [] synonym: "Gibberellin-insensitive dwarf protein 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OJ1657_H11.10" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGID1" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1657_H11.10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100183 name: GR:0100183 def: "Flavoprotein subunit of succinate dehydrogenase, which couples the oxidation of succinate to the transfer of electrons to ubiquinone" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100183" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g04240" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0134800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE023615" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342350" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0D8R4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B729" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZDY8" RELATED [] synonym: "sdhA" RELATED [] synonym: "Succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) flavoprotein subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "Succinate dehydrogenase subunit 1" RELATED [] synonym: "succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein alpha subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "sdh1" RELATED [] synonym: "Succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) flavoprotein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100184 name: GR:0100184 def: "Iron-sulfur protein subunit of succinate dehydrogenase, which couples the oxidation of succinate to the transfer of electrons to ubiquinone" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100184" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g20440" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0370366" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE029688, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE029689" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4346890" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6H4G3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BY60" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9G383" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z0I9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6H4G2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z0I8" RELATED [] synonym: "sdhB" RELATED [] synonym: "Succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) iron-sulfur protein subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "succinate dehydrogenase iron-protein subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "Succinate dehydrogenase subunit B" RELATED [] synonym: "Succinate dehydrogenase subunit 2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100185 name: GR:0100185 def: "Core protein 2, a nuclear encoded subunit of the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase (bc1 complex) complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100185" RELATED [] synonym: "qcr2" RELATED [] synonym: "Ubiquinol-cytochrome C reductase complex core protein 2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100186 name: GR:0100186 def: "Cytochrome c1 is a nuclear encoded subunit of the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase (bc1 complex) complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100186" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g70960" RELATED [] synonym: "cytc1" RELATED [] synonym: "ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase cytochrome c1 subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "Ubiquinol-cytochrome C1" RELATED [] synonym: "cyt-c1" RELATED [] synonym: "cytc1" RELATED [] synonym: "cytochrome c1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100187 name: GR:0100187 def: "A nuclear encoded subunit 6 of the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase (bc1 complex) complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100187" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g06340" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0162200" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2RA72" RELATED [] synonym: "qcr6" RELATED [] synonym: "ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase subunit 6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100188 name: GR:0100188 def: "A nuclear encoded subunit 7 of the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase (bc1 complex) complex" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100188" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g59220" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0806900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE013368" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4334506" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q84M34" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XN55" RELATED [] synonym: "qcr7" RELATED [] synonym: "ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase subunit 7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100189 name: GR:0100189 def: "Beta subunit of the F1 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase enzyme complex required for ATP synthesis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100189" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g47980" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0553000" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339546" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4324151" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5N7P9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JKB4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FLI4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5N7P8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9EYN3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01859" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6MZS7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DG48" RELATED [] synonym: "atpB1" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F1 beta subunit 1" RELATED [] synonym: "F0-F1 ATPase beta subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "F1-ATPase beta subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F0-F1 beta subunit" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100190 name: GR:0100190 def: "Beta subunit of the F1 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase enzyme complex required for ATP synthesis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100190" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g49190" RELATED [] synonym: "atpB2" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F1 beta subunit 2" RELATED [] synonym: "F0-F1 ATPase beta subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "F1-ATPase beta subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F0-F1 beta subunit" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100191 name: GR:0100191 def: "Gamma subunit of the F1 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase enzyme complex required for ATP synthesis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100191" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os10g17280" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os10g0320400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE031562" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4348305" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8BG64" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7G3Y4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q710Q5" RELATED [] synonym: "atpG" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F1 gamma subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase gamma subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "F0-F1 ATPase gamma subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "F1-ATPase gamma subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F0-F1 gamma subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase F1 gamma subunit" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020051 name: GR:0020051 def: "Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase 2 degrades the bioactive phytohormone cytokinin" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020051" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g10110" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE000738" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4327334" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4327333" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0JPW3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ADR5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q94IV9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q4ADV8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JPW2" RELATED [] synonym: "ckx2" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCKX2" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase" RELATED [] synonym: "Gn1a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020052 name: GR:0020052 def: "Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase enzymes (CKX) are reponsible for the majority of cytokinin catabolism" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020052" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os10g34230" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os10g0483500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE035774" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4348932" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3CF07" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2ZI62" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8LNV6" RELATED [] synonym: "ckx3" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative cytokinin oxidase 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0012L23.33" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCKX3" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative cytokinin oxidase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020053 name: GR:0020053 def: "Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase enzymes (CKX) are reponsible for the majority of cytokinin catabolism" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020053" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g71310" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0940000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE004930" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4326515" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2WYX2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3A1E2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5JLP4" RELATED [] synonym: "ckx4" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative cytokinin dehydrogenase 4" RELATED [] synonym: "B1150F11.25" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCKX4" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative cytokinin dehydrogenase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020054 name: GR:0020054 def: "Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase enzymes (CKX) are reponsible for the majority of cytokinin catabolism" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020054" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g56810" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0775400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4327887" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5ZAY9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WVL5" RELATED [] synonym: "ckx5" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative cytokinin oxidase 5" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCKX5" RELATED [] synonym: "P0413G02.1" RELATED [] synonym: "P0490D09.33" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative cytokinin oxidase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100192 name: GR:0100192 def: "Delta subunit of the F1 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase enzyme complex required for ATP synthesis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100192" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g43850" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0646500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4341660" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YFM0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YFL3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q67W57" RELATED [] synonym: "Q67W57" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F1 delta subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase delta subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase F1 delta subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "F0-F1 ATPase delta subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "F1-ATPase delta subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F0-F1 delta subunit" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100193 name: GR:0100193 def: "Delta prime subunit of the F1 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase enzyme complex required for ATP synthesis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100193" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g31300" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0495200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE024838" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4343288" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A6MZK3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8GTK7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YLI3" RELATED [] synonym: "Q8GTK7" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F1 delta prime subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase delta prime subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase F1 delta prime subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "F0-F1 ATPase delta prime subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "F1-ATPase delta prime subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F0-F1 delta' subunit" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100194 name: GR:0100194 def: "Epsilon subunit of the F1 sector of mitochondrial F1F0 ATP synthase enzyme complex required for ATP synthesis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100194" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g15170" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6YW12" RELATED [] synonym: "Q6YW12" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F1 epsilon subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase epsilon subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATPase F1 epsilon subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "F0-F1 ATPase epsilon subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "F1-ATPase epsilon subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase F0-F1 epsilon subunit" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020057 name: GR:0020057 def: "A member of the cytokinin-responsive type-A response regulator family" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020057" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g58350" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0830200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE009233" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4331245" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q4GZK8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6K9T0" RELATED [] synonym: "rr3" RELATED [] synonym: "Type A response regulator 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRR3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020063 name: GR:0020063 def: "A member of the cytokinin-responsive type-A response regulator family" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020063" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g04500" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0139400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE035682" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4351462" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2QXY3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BLZ4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0IQ78" RELATED [] synonym: "rr9" RELATED [] synonym: "rr9Type A response regulator 9" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRR9" RELATED [] synonym: "putative RR10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020061 name: GR:0020061 def: "A member of the cytokinin-responsive type-A response regulator family" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020061" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g26720" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0449700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE024620" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8H5N4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BJC5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q4GZK4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0PVB3" RELATED [] synonym: "rr7" RELATED [] synonym: "Type A response regulator 7" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRR7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020062 name: GR:0020062 def: "A member of the cytokinin-responsive type-A response regulator family" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020062" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g28950" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2HWG1" RELATED [] synonym: "rr8" RELATED [] synonym: "Type A response regulator 8" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRR8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020060 name: GR:0020060 def: "A member of the cytokinin-responsive type-A response regulator family" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020060" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g57720" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0673300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE017038" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337372" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q259A7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q4GZK5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XYV5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XQA6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q4JF20" RELATED [] synonym: "rr6" RELATED [] synonym: "Type A response regulator 6" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRR6" RELATED [] synonym: "Type A response regulator 6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020059 name: GR:0020059 def: "A member of the cytokinin-responsive type-A response regulator family" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020059" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g44280" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0524300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE015941" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336439" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2HWH1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01HR3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XKF6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q4GZK6" RELATED [] synonym: "rr5" RELATED [] synonym: "Type A response regulator 5" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRR5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020058 name: GR:0020058 def: "A member of the cytokinin-responsive type-A response regulator family" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020058" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g72330" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0952500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE005016" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325747" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q942A1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q4GZK7" RELATED [] synonym: "rr4" RELATED [] synonym: "Type A response regulator 4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRR4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020056 name: GR:0020056 def: "A member of the cytokinin-responsive type-A response regulator family" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020056" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g35180" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0557800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE007427" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329677" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6YVX7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q4GZK9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X633" RELATED [] synonym: "rr2" RELATED [] synonym: "Type A response regulator 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Osrr2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020055 name: GR:0020055 def: "A member of the cytokinin-responsive type-A response regulator family" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020055" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g36070" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0442300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE015313" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335937" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q4GZL0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XRI1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2HWG4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FFD1" RELATED [] synonym: "rr1" RELATED [] synonym: "Type A response regulator 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRR1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020064 name: GR:0020064 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme ent-copalyl diphosphate synthases which converts trans-geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP) into ent-copalyl diphosphate (ent-CDP). Gibberellin mutants are associated with dwarfism. It has a paralog CPS2 (GR:0020065), which also encodes for the enzyme ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase. According to Sakamoto et al. (2004), CPS2 (OsCYC2) is involved in phytoalexin biosynthesis and CPS1 is involved in Gibberellic Acid (GA) biosynthesis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020064" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g17780" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0278700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE006488" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329013" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9F503" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ET36" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AFL6" RELATED [] synonym: "CPS1" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative kaurene synthase A" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCPS1" RELATED [] synonym: "P0444A09.11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020066 name: GR:0020066 def: "Even though the gene name suggests ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase, the gene encodes for the enzyme syn-copalyl diphosphate synthase which convert trans-geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP) into syn-copalyl diphosphate (syn-CDP). Gibberellin mutants are associated with dwarfism" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020066" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g09900" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0178300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE014334" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335090" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0JF02" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6E7D7" RELATED [] synonym: "CPS4" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative kaurene synthase A" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCPSL3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCPS4" RELATED [] synonym: "cpsl3" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase like 3" RELATED [] synonym: "syn-copalyl diphosphate synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCYC1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020065 name: GR:0020065 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme ent-copalyl diphosphate synthases which convertS trans-geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP) into ent-copalyl diphosphate (ent-CDP). Gibberellin mutants are associated with dwarfism. It has a paralog CPS1 (GR:0020064), which also encodes for the enzyme ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase. According to Sakamoto et al. (2004), CPS2 (OsCYC2) is involved in phytoalexin biosynthesis and CPS1 is involved in Gibberellic Acid (GA) biosynthesis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020065" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g36210" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0571100" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329727" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z5I0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5MQ85" RELATED [] synonym: "CPS2" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative kaurene synthase A" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCPSL1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCPS2" RELATED [] synonym: "P0689H05.16" RELATED [] synonym: "cpsl1" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase like 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCYC2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020067 name: GR:0020067 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme ent-kaurene synthase. It catalyzes the conversion of ent-copalyl diphosphate (ent-CDP) into ent-kaurene. Gibberellin mutants are associated with dwarfism. KEGG Number 00904 (Diterpenoid biosynthesis - Reference pathway)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020067" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g52230" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0611800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336960" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q69DS9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69DT0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A5Y173" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A5Y189" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JA82" RELATED [] synonym: "KS1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKS1" RELATED [] synonym: "KSL1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKSL1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020068 name: GR:0020068 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme ent-kaurene synthase. It catalyzes the conversion of ent-copalyl diphosphate (ent-CDP) into ent-kaurene. Gibberellin mutants are associated with dwarfism. KEGG Number 00904 (Diterpenoid biosynthesis - Reference pathway)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020068" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g52240" RELATED [] synonym: "KS2" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKS2" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase like-2" RELATED [] synonym: "KSL2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKSL2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020069 name: GR:0020069 def: "It is a pseudogene" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020069" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g52210" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0611700" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336959" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0JA83" RELATED [] synonym: "KS3" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKS3" RELATED [] synonym: "kaurene synthase like-3" RELATED [] synonym: "LOC_Os04g52210" RELATED [] synonym: "KSL3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKSL3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020070 name: GR:0020070 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme syn-pimara-7,15-diene synthase. It catalyzes the conversion of ent-copalyl diphosphate (ent-CDP) into 9-beta-H-Primara-7,15-diene, an intermediate in the Momilactone A and B type of diterpene phytoalexin metabolism. Gibberellin mutants are associated with dwarfism" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020070" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g10060" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0179700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE014331" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335094" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q66QH3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JEZ8" RELATED [] synonym: "KS4" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase like-4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDTS2" RELATED [] synonym: "syn-pimara-7 15-diene synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "KSL4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKSL4" RELATED [] synonym: "syn Pimaradiene synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020071 name: GR:0020071 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme ent-isokaurene synthase in O. sativa subsp. indica and ent-pimaradiene synthase (ent-pimara-8(14),15-diene synthase) in the O. sativa subsp. japonica. Depending on the subspecies specific allele, it catalyzes the conversion of ent-copalyl diphosphate into ent-isokaurene (in indica) or ent-pimaradiene (in japonica). Gibberellin mutants are associated with dwarfism" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020071" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g36220" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0571300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329728" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z5J6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A4KAG7" RELATED [] synonym: "KS5" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase 5" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKS5" RELATED [] synonym: "KSL5" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKSL5" RELATED [] synonym: "KSL5i" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKSL5i" RELATED [] synonym: "KSL5j" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKSL5j" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-isokaurene synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-pimara-8(14) 15-diene synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020072 name: GR:0020072 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme ent-isokaurene synthase. It catalyzes the conversion of ent-copalyl diphosphate (ent-CDP) into ent-isokaurene. It is the same reaction carried out by the O. sativa subsp. indica allele of the gene KS5 (GR:0020071). Gibberellin mutants are associated with dwarfism" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020072" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g36264" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0571800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329729" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A4KAG8" RELATED [] synonym: "KS6" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase 6" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKS6" RELATED [] synonym: "KSL6" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKSL6" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-isokaurene synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020073 name: GR:0020073 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme ent-cassa-12,15-diene synthase that converts ent-copalyl diphosphate (ent-CDP) into ent-Cassa-12,15-diene, an intermediate in the Phytocassanes A-E type of diterpene phytoalexin metabolism. Gibberellin mutants are associated with dwarfism" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020073" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g36140" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0570400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329724" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0E088" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q00G37" RELATED [] synonym: "KS7" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase 7" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKS7" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDTC1" RELATED [] synonym: "DTC1" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-cassa-12 15-diene synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "KSL7" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKSL7" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-Cassadiene" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-Cassadiene synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020074 name: GR:0020074 def: "Membrane associated Cyt P450 monooxygenase involved in the oxidation of ent-kaurenoic acid" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020074" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g02019" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0110000" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339885" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AGM0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5VRM7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FR53" RELATED [] synonym: "kao" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0004I20.18" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKAO" RELATED [] synonym: "P0514G12.42" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative cytochrome P450 DWARF3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020076 name: GR:0020076 def: "Involved in the final stage of bioactive GA synthesis from GA53/GA12 to GA1/GA4" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020076" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g08220" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0177400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE000598" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4323864" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9FU53" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WLB3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JQ78" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q94IE4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q94ID4" RELATED [] synonym: "ga3ox2" RELATED [] synonym: "GA 3-oxidase 2" RELATED [] synonym: "D18" RELATED [] synonym: "GA 3beta-hydroxylase" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGA3ox2" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative 3b-hydroxylase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020077 name: GR:0020077 def: "Inactivates bioactive GA1/GA4 and their precursers GA20/GA9" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020077" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g06670" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0158600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337874" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2I822" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5W726" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9AVA5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2I823" RELATED [] synonym: "ga2ox-1" RELATED [] synonym: "Gibberellin 2-oxidase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0017J22.4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGA2ox-1" RELATED [] synonym: "ga2ox" RELATED [] synonym: "ga2ox 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100250 name: GR:0100250 def: "It encodes the16S ribosomal RNA 1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100250" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn16S1" RELATED [] synonym: "16S ribosomal RNA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn16S" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100251 name: GR:0100251 def: "It encodes the16S ribosomal RNA 2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100251" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn16S2" RELATED [] synonym: "16S ribosomal RNA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn16S" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100252 name: GR:0100252 def: "It encodes the23S ribosomal RNA 1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100252" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn23S1" RELATED [] synonym: "23S ribosomal RNA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn23S" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100253 name: GR:0100253 def: "It encodes the23S ribosomal RNA 2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100253" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn23S2" RELATED [] synonym: "23S ribosomal RNA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn23S" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100254 name: GR:0100254 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S11" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100254" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00670" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131435" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126926" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C464" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C462" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C463" RELATED [] synonym: "rps11" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100255 name: GR:0100255 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S12 a" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100255" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:rps12" RELATED [] synonym: "rps12a" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S12 a" RELATED [] synonym: "rps12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100256 name: GR:0100256 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S12 b" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100256" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01040" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131385" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131499" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P12149" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C461" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C460" RELATED [] synonym: "rps12b" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S12 b" RELATED [] synonym: "rps12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100257 name: GR:0100257 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S14" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100257" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00320" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131436" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126883" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C465" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C467" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C466" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BHZ1" RELATED [] synonym: "rps14" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100258 name: GR:0100258 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S15 b" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100258" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00980" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131438" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131437" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126878" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126906" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C470" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C469" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C468" RELATED [] synonym: "rps15b" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S15 b" RELATED [] synonym: "rps15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100259 name: GR:0100259 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S15 a" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100259" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00870" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131438" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131437" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126878" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126906" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C470" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C469" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C468" RELATED [] synonym: "rps15a" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S15 a" RELATED [] synonym: "rps15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100260 name: GR:0100260 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S16" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100260" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00130" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131439" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8S6G9" RELATED [] synonym: "rps16" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100261 name: GR:0100261 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S18" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100261" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00570" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131440" RELATED [] synonym: "rps18" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100262 name: GR:0100262 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S19" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100262" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01130" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126902" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131441" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126866" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8BI35" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C479" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P12153" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C478" RELATED [] synonym: "rps19" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100263 name: GR:0100263 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100263" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00270" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131442" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126925" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7G7F3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C481" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C480" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C482" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5N985" RELATED [] synonym: "rps2" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100264 name: GR:0100264 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S3" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100264" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00730" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126900" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131443" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C484" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B5K8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C485" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C483" RELATED [] synonym: "rps3" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100265 name: GR:0100265 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S4" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100265" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00360" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126886" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131457" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C488" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C486" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C487" RELATED [] synonym: "rps4" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100266 name: GR:0100266 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S7 a" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100266" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00820" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131444" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131445" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126905" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126914" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6YTM6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C490" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C491" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S6H6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C489" RELATED [] synonym: "rps7a" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S7 a" RELATED [] synonym: "rps7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100267 name: GR:0100267 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S7 b" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100267" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01050" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131444" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131445" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126905" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126914" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6YTM6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C490" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C491" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S6H6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C489" RELATED [] synonym: "rps7b" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S7 b" RELATED [] synonym: "rps7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100268 name: GR:0100268 def: "It encodes the30S ribosomal protein S8" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100268" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00700" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126929" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131446" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8LIE0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C492" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C493" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5N990" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69NK4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C494" RELATED [] synonym: "rps8" RELATED [] synonym: "30S ribosomal protein S8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100269 name: GR:0100269 def: "It encodes the4.5S ribosomal RNA 1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100269" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn4.5S1" RELATED [] synonym: "4.5S ribosomal RNA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn4.5S" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100270 name: GR:0100270 def: "It encodes the4.5S ribosomal RNA 2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100270" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn4.5S2" RELATED [] synonym: "4.5S ribosomal RNA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn4.5S" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100271 name: GR:0100271 def: "It encodes the50S ribosomal protein L14" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100271" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00710" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325871" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131422" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4338305" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126930" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6AUK3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69NK5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C440" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C439" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JIM5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8LID9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C438" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7F4T2" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl14" RELATED [] synonym: "50S ribosomal protein L14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100272 name: GR:0100272 def: "It encodes the50S ribosomal protein L16" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100272" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00720" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131423" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl16" RELATED [] synonym: "50S ribosomal protein L16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100273 name: GR:0100273 def: "It encodes the50S ribosomal protein L2 a" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100273" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00770" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131424" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126865" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126903" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131421" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C495" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AQY5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C496" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XR20" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6YTM4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AL44" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C497" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl2a" RELATED [] synonym: "50S ribosomal protein L2 a" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100274 name: GR:0100274 def: "It encodes the50S ribosomal protein L2 b" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100274" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01100" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131424" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126865" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126903" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131421" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C495" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AQY5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C496" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XR20" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6YTM4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AL44" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C497" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl2b" RELATED [] synonym: "50S ribosomal protein L2 b" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100275 name: GR:0100275 def: "It encodes the50S ribosomal protein L20" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100275" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00580" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131425" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C447" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P12139" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl20" RELATED [] synonym: "50S ribosomal protein L20" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100276 name: GR:0100276 def: "It encodes the50S ribosomal protein L22" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100276" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00740" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126901" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131426" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9G372" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C444" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C445" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AC56" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B5K9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C446" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl22" RELATED [] synonym: "50S ribosomal protein L22" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100277 name: GR:0100277 def: "It encodes the50S ribosomal protein L23 a" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100277" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00780" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126915" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131428" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126904" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131427" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C450" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C449" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ABV8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S6H3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C451" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl23a" RELATED [] synonym: "50S ribosomal protein L23 a" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl23" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100278 name: GR:0100278 def: "It encodes the50S ribosomal protein L23 b" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100278" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01090" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126915" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131428" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126904" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131427" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C450" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C449" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ABV8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S6H3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C451" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl23b" RELATED [] synonym: "50S ribosomal protein L23 b" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl23" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100279 name: GR:0100279 def: "It encodes the50S ribosomal protein L32" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100279" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00890" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131486" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C452" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q710P3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C454" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl32" RELATED [] synonym: "50S ribosomal protein L32" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100280 name: GR:0100280 def: "It encodes the50S ribosomal protein L33" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100280" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00560" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131429" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126892" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C456" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C455" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C457" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl33" RELATED [] synonym: "50S ribosomal protein L33" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100281 name: GR:0100281 def: "It encodes the50S ribosomal protein L36" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100281" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00680" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131430" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C459" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P62727" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C458" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69X73" RELATED [] synonym: "rpl36" RELATED [] synonym: "50S ribosomal protein L36" RELATED [] synonym: "secX" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100282 name: GR:0100282 def: "It encodes the5S ribosomal RNA 2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100282" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn5S2" RELATED [] synonym: "5S ribosomal RNA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn5S" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100283 name: GR:0100283 def: "It encodes the5S ribosomal RNA 1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100283" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn5S1" RELATED [] synonym: "5S ribosomal RNA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "rrn5S" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100284 name: GR:0100284 def: "It encodes the acetyl-CoA carboxylase beta subunit protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100284" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00440" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126871" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131466" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C2Y3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C2Y4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C2Y2" RELATED [] synonym: "accD" RELATED [] synonym: "acetyl-CoA carboxylase beta subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "Orf106" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100285 name: GR:0100285 def: "It encodes the ATP synthase CF0 A chain protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100285" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00280" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126880" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4349180" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131393" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C2Y6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C2Y5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C2Y7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7G7F2" RELATED [] synonym: "atpI" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase CF0 A chain" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100286 name: GR:0100286 def: "It encodes the ATP synthase CF0 B chain protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100286" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131391" RELATED [] synonym: "atpF" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase CF0 B chain" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100287 name: GR:0100287 def: "It encodes the ATP synthase CF0 C chain protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100287" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00290" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126881" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131392" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C300" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C301" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C2Z9" RELATED [] synonym: "atpH" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase CF0 C chain" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100288 name: GR:0100288 def: "It encodes the ATP synthase CF1 alpha chain protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100288" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00310" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126882" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131390" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C2Z5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q1G1M7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C2Z6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C2Z4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S6Z1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7DNB0" RELATED [] synonym: "atpA" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase CF1 alpha chain" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100289 name: GR:0100289 def: "It encodes the ATP synthase CF1 beta chain protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100289" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00410" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0120750" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131462" RELATED [] synonym: "atpB" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase CF1 beta chain" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100290 name: GR:0100290 def: "It encodes the ATP synthase CF1 epsilon chain protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100290" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131461" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126870" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C2Z1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C2Z3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C2Z2" RELATED [] synonym: "atpE" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP synthase CF1 epsilon chain" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100291 name: GR:0100291 def: "It encodes the ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100291" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00590" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131474" RELATED [] synonym: "clpP" RELATED [] synonym: "ATP-dependent Clp protease proteolytic subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "orf216" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100292 name: GR:0100292 def: "It encodes the cytochrome b559 alpha chain protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100292" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00520" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131413" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126890" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C369" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7F2L7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C370" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C368" RELATED [] synonym: "psbE" RELATED [] synonym: "cytochrome b559 alpha chain" RELATED [] synonym: "PSII cytochrome b559" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100293 name: GR:0100293 def: "It encodes the cytochrome b559 beta chain protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100293" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00510" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131414" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126889" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z1V5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C401" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C400" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5N982" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZF34" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C399" RELATED [] synonym: "psbF" RELATED [] synonym: "cytochrome b559 beta chain" RELATED [] synonym: "PSII cytochrome b559" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100294 name: GR:0100294 def: "It encodes the cytochrome b6 protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100294" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00640" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131403" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C316" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P12123" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C315" RELATED [] synonym: "petB" RELATED [] synonym: "cytochrome b6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100295 name: GR:0100295 def: "It encodes the cytochrome b6/f complex subunit IV protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100295" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00650" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131404" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126897" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C319" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C318" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5N9A0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C317" RELATED [] synonym: "petD" RELATED [] synonym: "cytochrome b6/f complex subunit IV" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100296 name: GR:0100296 def: "It encodes the cytochrome b6/f complex subunit V protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100296" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00540" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126891" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131405" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C390" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69X69" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C391" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C392" RELATED [] synonym: "petE" RELATED [] synonym: "cytochrome b6/f complex subunit V" RELATED [] synonym: "petG" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100297 name: GR:0100297 def: "It encodes the cytochrome b6/f complex subunit VI protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100297" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00530" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131472" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6ZF35" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C394" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P12180" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C393" RELATED [] synonym: "petL" RELATED [] synonym: "cytochrome b6/f complex subunit VI" RELATED [] synonym: "Orf31" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100298 name: GR:0100298 def: "It encodes the cytochrome b6/f complex subunit VIII protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100298" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00230" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131455" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C395" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C396" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7G7B8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P61042" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf6" RELATED [] synonym: "cytochrome b6/f complex subunit VIII" RELATED [] synonym: "orf29" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100299 name: GR:0100299 def: "It encodes the cytochrome c biogenesis protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100299" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00900" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131487" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C375" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:C5MRI9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:C5MRI8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C377" RELATED [] synonym: "ccsA" RELATED [] synonym: "cytochrome c biogenesis protein" RELATED [] synonym: "Orf321" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100300 name: GR:0100300 def: "It encodes the cytochrome f protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100300" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00480" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4324991" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131402" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126888" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C388" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2LIM6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C387" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7G3F1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C389" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7F2L6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JH62" RELATED [] synonym: "petA" RELATED [] synonym: "cytochrome f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100301 name: GR:0100301 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF91" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100301" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00200" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131453" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C306" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q32759" RELATED [] synonym: "orf91" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf70" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100302 name: GR:0100302 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF70" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100302" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00210" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131454" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5N989" RELATED [] synonym: "orf70" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100303 name: GR:0100303 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF82" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100303" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00750" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131498" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131476" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8S6H2" RELATED [] synonym: "orf82" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100304 name: GR:0100304 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF72" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100304" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.t00074" RELATED [] synonym: "orf72" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100305 name: GR:0100305 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF85" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100305" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00830" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131493" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131481" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q32766" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C472" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C471" RELATED [] synonym: "orf85" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100306 name: GR:0100306 def: "It encodes the unknown protein YCF9" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100306" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00990" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131490" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131484" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z7B4" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf9" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] synonym: "orf63" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100307 name: GR:0100307 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF23" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100307" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01000" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131491" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131483" RELATED [] synonym: "orf23" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100308 name: GR:0100308 def: "It encodes the unknown protein YCF68" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100308" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01010" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131492" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131482" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C304" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C305" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S6H7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P12173" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf68" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] synonym: "Orf133" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100309 name: GR:0100309 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF249" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100309" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01070" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131479" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131495" RELATED [] synonym: "orf249" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100310 name: GR:0100310 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF28" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100310" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01080" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131478" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131496" RELATED [] synonym: "orf28" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100311 name: GR:0100311 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF137" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100311" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01110" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131497" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131477" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z0R5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6Z512" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q36996" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C308" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C309" RELATED [] synonym: "orf137" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf72" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100312 name: GR:0100312 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF100" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100312" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00160" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131451" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2F6K7" RELATED [] synonym: "orf100" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100313 name: GR:0100313 def: "It encodes the unknown protein YCF9" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100313" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00190" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131452" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P12194" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C430" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C429" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5N979" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf9" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] synonym: "orf62" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100314 name: GR:0100314 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF133" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100314" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00430" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131465" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5N977" RELATED [] synonym: "orf133" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100315 name: GR:0100315 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF85" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100315" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.t00038" RELATED [] synonym: "orf85" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100316 name: GR:0100316 def: "It encodes the unknown protein CEMA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100316" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00470" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131470" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C303" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P12212" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C302" RELATED [] synonym: "cemA" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] synonym: "orf230" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100317 name: GR:0100317 def: "It encodes the unknown protein YCF72" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100317" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00760" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131497" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131477" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z0R5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6Z512" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q36996" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C308" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C309" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf72" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] synonym: "orf137" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100318 name: GR:0100318 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF28" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100318" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00790" RELATED [] synonym: "orf28" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100319 name: GR:0100319 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF249" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100319" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131479" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131495" RELATED [] synonym: "orf249" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100320 name: GR:0100320 def: "It encodes the unknown protein YCF68" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100320" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00840" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131492" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131482" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C304" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C305" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S6H7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P12173" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf68" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100321 name: GR:0100321 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF23" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100321" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00850" RELATED [] synonym: "orf23" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100322 name: GR:0100322 def: "It encodes the unknown protein YCF9" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100322" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00860" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131490" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131484" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z7B4" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf9" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] synonym: "orf63" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100323 name: GR:0100323 def: "It encodes the unknown protein YCF70" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100323" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.t00080" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf70" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] synonym: "orf56" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100324 name: GR:0100324 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF85" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100324" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01020" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131493" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131481" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q32766" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C472" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C471" RELATED [] synonym: "orf85" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100325 name: GR:0100325 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF72" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100325" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01030" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131480" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131494" RELATED [] synonym: "orf72" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100326 name: GR:0100326 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF82" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100326" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01120" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131498" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131476" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8S6H2" RELATED [] synonym: "orf82" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100327 name: GR:0100327 def: "It encodes the Maturase protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100327" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00120" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126879" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131450" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C381" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C383" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9MV45" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C382" RELATED [] synonym: "matK" RELATED [] synonym: "Maturase" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100328 name: GR:0100328 def: "It encodes the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100328" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00960" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131395" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C345" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P12124" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C344" RELATED [] synonym: "ndhA" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1" RELATED [] synonym: "ndh1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100329 name: GR:0100329 def: "It encodes the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 1 protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100329" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00810" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131396" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131397" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z514" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P12125" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C347" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C346" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6YTM5" RELATED [] synonym: "ndhB1" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 1" RELATED [] synonym: "ndh2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100330 name: GR:0100330 def: "It encodes the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 2 protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100330" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g01060" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131396" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131397" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z514" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P12125" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C347" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C346" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6YTM5" RELATED [] synonym: "ndhB2" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 2" RELATED [] synonym: "ndh2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100331 name: GR:0100331 def: "It encodes the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3 protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100331" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00390" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126869" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131460" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C322" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C320" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C321" RELATED [] synonym: "ndhC" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 3" RELATED [] synonym: "ndh3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100332 name: GR:0100332 def: "It encodes the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4 protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100332" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00910" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131398" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126909" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C325" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C323" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C324" RELATED [] synonym: "ndhD" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4" RELATED [] synonym: "ndh4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100333 name: GR:0100333 def: "It encodes the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100333" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00930" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126911" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131399" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C333" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C334" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C332" RELATED [] synonym: "ndhE" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4L" RELATED [] synonym: "ndh4L" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100334 name: GR:0100334 def: "It encodes the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100334" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00880" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131400" RELATED [] synonym: "ndhF" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5" RELATED [] synonym: "ndh5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100335 name: GR:0100335 def: "It encodes the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6 protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100335" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00940" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131401" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126912" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C331" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C330" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69Q76" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C329" RELATED [] synonym: "ndhG" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 6" RELATED [] synonym: "ndh6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100336 name: GR:0100336 def: "It encodes the NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7 protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100336" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00970" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131489" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131485" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126874" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126877" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C337" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C335" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:C5MRJ8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:C5MRJ2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C336" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:C5MRJ4" RELATED [] synonym: "ndhH" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit 7" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH-plastoquinone oxidoreductase 49 kDa subunit" RELATED [] synonym: "orf393" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100337 name: GR:0100337 def: "It encodes the NADH dehydrogenase subunit I protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100337" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00950" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131488" RELATED [] synonym: "ndhI" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit I" RELATED [] synonym: "frxB" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100338 name: GR:0100338 def: "It encodes the NADH dehydrogenase subunit J protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100338" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00370" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131458" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126867" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C338" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C340" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7G800" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C339" RELATED [] synonym: "ndhJ" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit J" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100339 name: GR:0100339 def: "It encodes the NADH dehydrogenase subunit K protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100339" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00380" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131459" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126868" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q339H1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S7T2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C341" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C343" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C342" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A5GXL8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7G224" RELATED [] synonym: "ndhK" RELATED [] synonym: "NADH dehydrogenase subunit K" RELATED [] synonym: "psbG" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100340 name: GR:0100340 def: "It encodes the unknown protein ORF42" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100340" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.t00033" RELATED [] synonym: "orf42" RELATED [] synonym: "Orf42" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100341 name: GR:0100341 def: "It encodes the photosystem I assembly protein Ycf3" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100341" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00350" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131456" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf3" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem I assembly protein Ycf3" RELATED [] synonym: "orf170" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100342 name: GR:0100342 def: "It encodes the photosystem I assembly protein Ycf4" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100342" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00460" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0792400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4324122" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131468" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126872" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0JIL9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C515" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7F4S9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5JJR8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C514" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C513" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf4" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem I assembly protein Ycf4" RELATED [] synonym: "orf185" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100343 name: GR:0100343 def: "It encodes the photosystem I P700 apoprotein A1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100343" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00340" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131406" RELATED [] synonym: "psaA" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem I P700 apoprotein A1" RELATED [] synonym: "psaA1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100344 name: GR:0100344 def: "It encodes the photosystem I P700 apoprotein A2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100344" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00330" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131407" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126884" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C356" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C358" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q109C9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C357" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q1G1M8" RELATED [] synonym: "psaB" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem I P700 apoprotein A2" RELATED [] synonym: "psaA2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100345 name: GR:0100345 def: "It encodes the photosystem I subunit IX protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100345" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00550" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131473" RELATED [] synonym: "psaJ" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem I subunit IX" RELATED [] synonym: "Orf44" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100346 name: GR:0100346 def: "It encodes the photosystem I subunit VII protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100346" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00920" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131408" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126910" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C361" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C359" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C360" RELATED [] synonym: "psaC" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem I subunit VII" RELATED [] synonym: "frxA" RELATED [] synonym: "PSI 9kDa protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100347 name: GR:0100347 def: "It encodes the photosystem I subunit VIII protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100347" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00450" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131467" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P12186" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7G688" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C371" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C372" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69VC1" RELATED [] synonym: "psaI" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem I subunit VIII" RELATED [] synonym: "Orf36" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100348 name: GR:0100348 def: "It encodes the photosystem II 44 kDa protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100348" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00180" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131411" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126920" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C367" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C366" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C365" RELATED [] synonym: "psbC" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem II 44 kDa protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100349 name: GR:0100349 def: "It encodes the photosystem II 47 kDa protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100349" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131410" RELATED [] synonym: "psbB" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem II 47 kDa protein" RELATED [] synonym: "CP-47" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100350 name: GR:0100350 def: "It encodes the photosystem II M protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100350" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00220" RELATED [] synonym: "psbM" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem II M protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100351 name: GR:0100351 def: "It encodes the photosystem II phosphoprotein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100351" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00620" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0238700" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131415" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C420" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C422" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6Z506" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C421" RELATED [] synonym: "psbH" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem II phosphoprotein" RELATED [] synonym: "PSII 10kDa phosphoprotein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100352 name: GR:0100352 def: "It encodes the Photosystem II protein D1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100352" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00110" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0455300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335232" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4335241" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126916" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131409" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: C5MRL2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C434" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:C5MRL4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:C5MRM9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JEM7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XRS8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C432" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9AV32" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C433" RELATED [] synonym: "psbA" RELATED [] synonym: "Photosystem II protein D1" RELATED [] synonym: "D1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100353 name: GR:0100353 def: "It encodes the photosystem II protein D2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100353" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00170" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131412" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126919" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q339H5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C437" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7F4T1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C436" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XM78" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C435" RELATED [] synonym: "psbD" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem II protein D2" RELATED [] synonym: "D2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100354 name: GR:0100354 def: "It encodes the photosystem II protein I" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100354" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00150" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131416" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126918" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C406" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C407" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C405" RELATED [] synonym: "psbI" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem II protein I" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100355 name: GR:0100355 def: "It encodes the photosystem II protein J" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100355" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00490" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0881600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4324851" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131471" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q69VC2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JH63" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C414" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P12189" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C415" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2LIN7" RELATED [] synonym: "psbJ" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem II protein J" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100356 name: GR:0100356 def: "It encodes the photosystem II protein K" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100356" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00140" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131417" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126917" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C408" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6Z1U2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C410" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C409" RELATED [] synonym: "psbK" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem II protein K" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100357 name: GR:0100357 def: "It encodes the photosystem II protein L" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100357" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131418" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z1V4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q71U33" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C416" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C417" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P60137" RELATED [] synonym: "psbL" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem II protein L" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100358 name: GR:0100358 def: "It encodes the photosystem II protein N" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100358" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00630" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131420" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P68853" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C418" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C419" RELATED [] synonym: "psbN" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem II protein N" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100359 name: GR:0100359 def: "It encodes the photosystem II protein T" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100359" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00610" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131475" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C428" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6K454" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C427" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P69674" RELATED [] synonym: "psbT" RELATED [] synonym: "photosystem II protein T" RELATED [] synonym: "Orf35" RELATED [] synonym: "ycf8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100360 name: GR:0100360 def: "It encodes the ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large chain protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100360" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00420" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0791033, xref: RAP:Os11g0532750" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131463" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C511" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C510" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q32753" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C512" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5K3B1" RELATED [] synonym: "rbcL" RELATED [] synonym: "ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large chain" RELATED [] synonym: "rbcA" RELATED [] synonym: "RUBISCO large chain" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100361 name: GR:0100361 def: "It encodes the RNA polymerase alpha chain protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100361" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00660" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126898" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131431" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C500" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C499" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2LIP8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C498" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2LIP7" RELATED [] synonym: "rpoA" RELATED [] synonym: "RNA polymerase alpha chain" RELATED [] synonym: "PEP" RELATED [] synonym: "Plastid-encoded RNA polymerase alpha subunitRNA polymerase alpha subunit" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100362 name: GR:0100362 def: "It encodes the RNA polymerase beta chain protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100362" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00240" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126922" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131432" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C502" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C503" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q04936" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C501" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AW44" RELATED [] synonym: "rpoB" RELATED [] synonym: "RNA polymerase beta chain" RELATED [] synonym: "RNA polymerase beta subunit" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100363 name: GR:0100363 def: "It encodes the RNA polymerase beta' chain protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100363" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00250" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131433" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126923" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9AYL4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C504" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S1Q5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C506" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C505" RELATED [] synonym: "rpoC1" RELATED [] synonym: "RNA polymerase beta' chain" RELATED [] synonym: "RNA polymerase beta' subunit-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100364 name: GR:0100364 def: "It encodes the RNA polymerase beta'' chain protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100364" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00260" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0240100" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4126924" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:3131434" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P0C509" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C507" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AP84" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C508" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BGE3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7G7Z5" RELATED [] synonym: "rpoC2" RELATED [] synonym: "RNA polymerase beta'' chain" RELATED [] synonym: "RNA polymerase beta' subunit-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100365 name: GR:0100365 def: "It encodes the translation initiation factor 1 protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100365" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Osp1g00690" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 3131394" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4126928" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5N991" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C378" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C380" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P0C379" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6AUK2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BJL3" RELATED [] synonym: "infA" RELATED [] synonym: "translation initiation factor 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100366 name: GR:0100366 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Alanine anticodon UGC" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100366" RELATED [] synonym: "trnA(UGC)1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ala (UGC) 1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ala" RELATED [] synonym: "trnA" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ala (UGC)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100367 name: GR:0100367 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Alanine anticodon UGC" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100367" RELATED [] synonym: "trnA(UGC)2" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ala (UGC) 2" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ala" RELATED [] synonym: "trnA" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ala (UGC)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100368 name: GR:0100368 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Arginine anticodon ACG" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100368" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Arg-2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnR(ACG)1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Arg (ACG) 1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ala" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Arg (ACG)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnA" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100369 name: GR:0100369 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Arginine anticodon ACG" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100369" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Arg-3" RELATED [] synonym: "trnR(ACG)2" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Arg (ACG) 2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnR" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Arg (ACG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Arg" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100370 name: GR:0100370 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Arginine anticodon UCU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100370" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Arg-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnR(UCU)3" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Arg (UCU) 3" RELATED [] synonym: "trnR" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Arg" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Arg (UCU)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100371 name: GR:0100371 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Asparagine anticodon GUU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100371" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Asn-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnN(GUU)1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asn (GUU) 1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asn (GUU)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnN" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asn" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100372 name: GR:0100372 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Asparagine anticodon GUU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100372" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Asn-2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnN(GUU)2" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asn (GUU) 2" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asn (GUU)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnN" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asn" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100373 name: GR:0100373 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Aspartic acid anticodon GUC" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100373" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Asp-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnD(GUC)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asp (GUC)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asp" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Asp (GUC)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnD" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100374 name: GR:0100374 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Cysteine anticodon GCA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100374" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Cys-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnC(GCA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Cys (GCA)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnC" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Cys" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Cys (GCA)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100375 name: GR:0100375 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for formylated Methionine anticodon CAU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100375" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Met-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnfM(CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-fMet (CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-fMet (CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnfM" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-fMet" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100376 name: GR:0100376 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Glutamine anticodon UCC" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100376" RELATED [] synonym: "trnQ(UUG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Gln (UUG)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnQ" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Gln" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Gln (UUG)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100377 name: GR:0100377 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Glutamic acid anticodon UCC" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100377" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Glu-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnE(UCC)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Glu (UCC)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnE" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Glu" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Glu (UCC)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100378 name: GR:0100378 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Glycine anticodon GCC" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100378" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Gly-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnG(GCC)1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Gly (GCC) 1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnG" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Gly" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Gly (GCC)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100379 name: GR:0100379 def: "It is a pseudogene for transfer RNA for Glycine anticodon GCC" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100379" RELATED [] synonym: "trnG(GCC)2 pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Gly (GCC) 2 pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Gly (GCC) pseudo" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100380 name: GR:0100380 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Glycine anticodon UCC" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100380" RELATED [] synonym: "trnG(UCC)3" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Gly (UCC) 3" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Gly (UCC)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnG" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Gly" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100381 name: GR:0100381 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Histidine anticodon GUG" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100381" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-His-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnH(GUG)2" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-His (GUG) 2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnH" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-His" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-His (GUG)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100382 name: GR:0100382 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Histidine anticodon GUG" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100382" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-His-2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnH(GUG)3" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-His (GUG) 3" RELATED [] synonym: "trnH" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-His" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-His (GUG)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100383 name: GR:0100383 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Isoleucine anticodon CAU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100383" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI(CAU)1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile (CAU) 1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile (CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100384 name: GR:0100384 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Isoleucine anticodon CAU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100384" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Met-3" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI(CAU)2" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile (CAU) 2" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile (CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100385 name: GR:0100385 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Isoleucine anticodon CAU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100385" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI(CAU)3" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile (CAU) 3" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile (CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100386 name: GR:0100386 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Isoleucine anticodon GAU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100386" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI(GAU)4" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile (GAU) 4" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile (GAU)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100387 name: GR:0100387 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Isoleucine anticodon GAU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100387" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI(GAU)5" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile (GAU) 5" RELATED [] synonym: "trnI" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ile (GAU)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100388 name: GR:0100388 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Leucine anticodon CAA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100388" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Leu-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnL(CAA)1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Leu (CAA) 1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnL" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Leu" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Leu (CAA)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100389 name: GR:0100389 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Leucine anticodon CAA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100389" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Leu-3" RELATED [] synonym: "trnL(CAA)2" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Leu (CAA) 2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnL" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Leu" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Leu (CAA)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100390 name: GR:0100390 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Leucine anticodon UAA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100390" RELATED [] synonym: "trnL(UAA)3" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Leu (UAA) 3" RELATED [] synonym: "trnL" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Leu" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Leu (UAA)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100391 name: GR:0100391 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Leucine anticodon UAG" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100391" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Leu-2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnL(UAG)4" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Leu (UAG) 4" RELATED [] synonym: "trnL" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Leu" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Leu (UAG)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100392 name: GR:0100392 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Lysine anticodon UUU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100392" RELATED [] synonym: "trnK(UUU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Lys (UUU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Lys" RELATED [] synonym: "trnK" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Lys (UUU)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100393 name: GR:0100393 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Methionine anticodon CAU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100393" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Met-2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnM(CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Met (CAU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Met" RELATED [] synonym: "trnM" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Met (CAU)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100394 name: GR:0100394 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Phenylalanine anticodon GAA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100394" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Phe-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnF(GAA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Phe (GAA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Phe (GAA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Phe" RELATED [] synonym: "trnF" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100395 name: GR:0100395 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Proline anticodon UGG" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100395" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Pro-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnP(UGG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Pro (UGG)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Pro" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Pro (UGG)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnP" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100396 name: GR:0100396 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Serine anticodon GCU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100396" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Ser-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnS(GCU)1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser (GCU) 1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser" RELATED [] synonym: "trnS" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser (GCU)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100397 name: GR:0100397 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Serine anticodon GGA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100397" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Ser-3" RELATED [] synonym: "trnS(GGA)2" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser (GGA) 2" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser" RELATED [] synonym: "trnS" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser (GGA)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100398 name: GR:0100398 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Serine anticodon UGA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100398" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Ser-2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnS(UGA)3" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser (UGA) 3" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Ser (UGA)" RELATED [] synonym: "trnS" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100399 name: GR:0100399 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Threonine anticodon GGU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100399" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Thr-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnT(GGU)1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Thr (GGU) 1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnT" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Thr" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Thr (GGU)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100400 name: GR:0100400 def: "It is a pseudogene for transfer RNA for Threonine anticodon GGU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100400" RELATED [] synonym: "trnT(GGU)2 pseudo" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Thr (GGU) 2 pseudogene" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Thr (GGU) pseudo" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100401 name: GR:0100401 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Threonine anticodon UGU" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100401" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Thr-2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnT(UGU)3" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Thr (UGU) 3" RELATED [] synonym: "trnT" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Thr (UGU)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Thr" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100402 name: GR:0100402 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Tryptophan anticodon CCA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100402" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Trp-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnW(CCA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Trp (CCA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Trp" RELATED [] synonym: "trnW" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Trp (CCA)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100403 name: GR:0100403 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Tyrosine anticodon GUA" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100403" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Tyr-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnY(GUA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Tyr (GUA)" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Tyr" RELATED [] synonym: "trnY" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Tyr (GUA)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100404 name: GR:0100404 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Valine anticodon GAC" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100404" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Val-1" RELATED [] synonym: "trnV(GAC)1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Val (GAC) 1" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Val" RELATED [] synonym: "trnV" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Val (GAC)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100405 name: GR:0100405 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Valine anticodon GAC" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100405" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:11562.pre-tRNA-Val-2" RELATED [] synonym: "trnV(GAC)2" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Val (GAC) 2" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Val" RELATED [] synonym: "trnV" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Val (GAC)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100406 name: GR:0100406 def: "It encodes the transfer RNA for Valine anticodon UAC" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100406" RELATED [] synonym: "trnV(UAC)3" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Val (UAC) 3" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Val" RELATED [] synonym: "trnV" RELATED [] synonym: "tRNA-Val (UAC)" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100506 name: GR:0100506 def: "It is a single copy gene in O. sativa. Lacks endoribonuclease activity (RNAse) due to replacement of histidine amio acid residues from the active site by lysine and tyrosine. mRNA expressed preferentially in stem/culm at three and eight leaf stage (booting stage). Very low amount of expression detected in leaves at three and eight leaf stages. No expression in roots" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100506" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g36680" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0537700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030720" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347708" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8RYA7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69JX7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z3I6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6N1A4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6N150" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q940D3" RELATED [] synonym: "rrp" RELATED [] synonym: "RNAse related protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRRP" RELATED [] synonym: "RNase S-like protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020078 name: GR:0020078 def: "Inactivates bioactive GA1/GA4 and their precursers GA20/GA9" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020078" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:Loc_Os01g22920" RELATED [] synonym: "ga2ox 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Gibberellin 2-oxidase 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGA2ox-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020079 name: GR:0020079 def: "Inactivates bioactive GA1/GA4 and their precursers GA20/GA9" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020079" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g55240" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0757200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE003669" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325145" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2WV78" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S0S6" RELATED [] synonym: "ga2ox 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Gibberellin 2-oxidase 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGA2ox-3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGA2ox3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020080 name: GR:0020080 def: "Inactivates bioactive GA1/GA4 and their precursers GA20/GA9" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020080" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g43880" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE019671" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FGS1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y6H5" RELATED [] synonym: "ga2ox 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Gibberellin 2-oxidase 4" RELATED [] synonym: "P0022D06.9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020081 name: GR:0020081 def: "The deduced protein sequence suggests that the enzyme family GA20ox catalyzes the conversion of GA53 to GA20, thus taking part in the Gibberellic acid biosynthesis pathway" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020081" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g07420" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0169700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE036627" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342506" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2ZKN2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69LD8" RELATED [] synonym: "ga20ox3" RELATED [] synonym: "gibberellin C-20 oxidase 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative gibberellin 20-dioxygenase" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0050F10.19" RELATED [] synonym: "Gibberellin-20 oxidase 3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020082 name: GR:0020082 def: "The deduced protein sequence suggests that the enzyme family GA20ox catalyzes the conversion of GA53 to GA20, thus taking part in the Gibberellic acid biosynthesis pathway" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020082" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g34854" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0422050" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6L4Y3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FIP9" RELATED [] synonym: "ga20ox4" RELATED [] synonym: "gibberellin C-20 oxidase 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative gibberellin 20-dioxygenase" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0092E21.11" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative gibberellin 20-dioxygenase 4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100601 name: GR:0100601 def: "DMC1 protein is essential for catalyzing homologous renaturation and strand exchange events during homologous recombination mediated DNA repair. The catalytic reaction is coupled to ATP hydrolysis that determines the rates of the reaction system. It is expressed at the time of pollen (male) meiosis only. In RNAi experiments the pollen meiosis did not show any aberration from premeiotic interphase to middle zygotene stages. However meiotic process was affected from late zyogotene and pachytene stages onwards. Non-viable pollens were observed in RNAi lines leading to male sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100601" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g04980" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0143800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4351482" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q949I5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P93678" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3CEV8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q94IB0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8L809" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8W2E6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7GBF8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8L810" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BM09" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2QXT3" RELATED [] synonym: "Dmc1" RELATED [] synonym: "Disrupted meiotic cDNA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDmc1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDmc1A" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDmc1B" RELATED [] synonym: "Dmc1A" RELATED [] synonym: "Dmc1B" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0010807 name: GR:0010807 def: "It is a Ca2+-permeable channel that determines sensitivity to the elicitor and plays a role as a key regulator of elicitor-induced defense responses, activation of MAPK cascade and hypersensitive cell death" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0010807" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g48680" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0678500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325272" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9EYL2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8A7K5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5QM84" RELATED [] synonym: "Tpc1" RELATED [] synonym: "Two-pore channel 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCC1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsTPC1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020083 name: GR:0020083 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020083" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g06230" RELATED [] synonym: "saur1" RELATED [] synonym: "Small auxin-up RNA 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR1" RELATED [] synonym: "P0011G08.14" RELATED [] synonym: "P0030H07.41" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020084 name: GR:0020084 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020084" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g56240" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0768333" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2ZY77" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5ZAQ7" RELATED [] synonym: "saur2" RELATED [] synonym: "Small auxin-up RNA 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR2" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein B1143G03.17" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020085 name: GR:0020085 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020085" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g70050" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0924966" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE004804" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2WYJ5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5JKG8" RELATED [] synonym: "SAUR3" RELATED [] synonym: "Small auxin-up RNA 3" RELATED [] synonym: "osSAUR3" RELATED [] synonym: "B1033B05.21" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein B1033B05.21" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020086 name: GR:0020086 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020086" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g05050" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0143300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE005585" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4328276" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0E406" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6YXW4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X0T6" RELATED [] synonym: "saur4" RELATED [] synonym: "Small auxin-up RNA 4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR4" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0064G16.5" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0064G16.5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020087 name: GR:0020087 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020087" RELATED [] synonym: "saur5" RELATED [] synonym: "Small auxin-up RNA 5" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020088 name: GR:0020088 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020088" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g07110" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE005765" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2X1B8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6H4V6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3A3I7" RELATED [] synonym: "saur6" RELATED [] synonym: "Small auxin-up RNA 6" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR6" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin responsive protein-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0085K21.42" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020089 name: GR:0020089 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020089" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g20320" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0306200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE028655" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YXH0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6K2Z2" RELATED [] synonym: "saur7" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 7" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020090 name: GR:0020090 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020090" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g24700" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0445100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE006815" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329252" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6EUB0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X4C2" RELATED [] synonym: "saur8" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 8" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR8" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin-induced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1116_C12.13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020091 name: GR:0020091 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020091" RELATED [] synonym: "SAUR9" RELATED [] synonym: "Small auxin-Up RNA 9" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020092 name: GR:0020092 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020092" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g30810" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0512000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE007142" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329459" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2X5A7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6K613" RELATED [] synonym: "saur10" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 10" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR10" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OJ1789_D08.2" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1789_D08.2" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0001A11.30" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020093 name: GR:0020093 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020093" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g42990" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0643800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330132" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6H664" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X7Q7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3A9I5" RELATED [] synonym: "saur11" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 11" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR11" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-responsive protein-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1282_H11.12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020094 name: GR:0020094 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020094" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g25990" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0458000" RELATED [] synonym: "saur12" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 12" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR12" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OJ1767_D02.23" RELATED [] synonym: "HypotheticalproteinOJ1079_F11.8" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1079_F11.8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020095 name: GR:0020095 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020095" RELATED [] synonym: "saur13" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 13" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020096 name: GR:0020096 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020096" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g45800" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0660233" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012363" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2XKA4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q75GP5" RELATED [] synonym: "saur14" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 14" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR14" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin responsive protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0065L20.18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020097 name: GR:0020097 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020097" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g45830" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0660300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012364" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q75GP8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XKA5" RELATED [] synonym: "saur15" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 15" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR15" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin responsive protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0065L20.15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020098 name: GR:0020098 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020098" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g45850" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0660400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012365" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q75GQ0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XKA6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3AL27" RELATED [] synonym: "saur16" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 16" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR16" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin responsive protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0065L20.13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020099 name: GR:0020099 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020099" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g45860" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0660500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012366" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2XKA7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q75GQ1" RELATED [] synonym: "saur17" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 17" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR17" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin responsive protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0065L20.12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020100 name: GR:0020100 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020100" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g43740" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0517900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE015908" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FG61" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7F8Q6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7X7G3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XVJ9" RELATED [] synonym: "saur18" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 18" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR18" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0073E02.12 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0061C13.1 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBB0061C13.1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020101 name: GR:0020101 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020101" RELATED [] synonym: "saur19" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 19" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020102 name: GR:0020102 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020102" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g51890" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0608300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE016509" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336929" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2XXB4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XPF1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01JE1" RELATED [] synonym: "saur20" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 20" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR20" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0060N03.10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020103 name: GR:0020103 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020103" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g52670" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0617050" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE016604" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q25AE5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FCJ1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XTN9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AUI5" RELATED [] synonym: "saur21" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 21" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR21" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0093O08.8 protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020104 name: GR:0020104 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020104" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g56680" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0662200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE016944" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337294" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3AYB1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XM23" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XYL1" RELATED [] synonym: "saur22" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 22" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR22" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0084K01.8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020105 name: GR:0020105 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020105" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g56690" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0662400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE016945" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337295" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XM22" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XYL2" RELATED [] synonym: "saur23" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 23" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR23" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0084K01.9 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0084K01.9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020106 name: GR:0020106 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020106" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g04590" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0137400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE020555" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Y911" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3B872" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5VPH5" RELATED [] synonym: "saur24" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 24" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR24" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin-induced protein TGSAUR22" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0041F13.5" RELATED [] synonym: "P0548D03.35" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020107 name: GR:0020107 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020107" RELATED [] synonym: "saur25" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 25" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR25" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020108 name: GR:0020108 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020108" RELATED [] synonym: "saur26" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 26" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR26" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020109 name: GR:0020109 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020109" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g48850" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0701900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE023202" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4341972" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YGQ1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5Z8X4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0D9S2" RELATED [] synonym: "saur27" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 27" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR27" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-induced protein-like" RELATED [] synonym: "P0596H10.21" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020110 name: GR:0020110 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020110" RELATED [] synonym: "saur28" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 28" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR28" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0000111 name: GR:0000111 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0000111" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g50040" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0714300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE023288" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342060" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8B2H9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5Z7T1" RELATED [] synonym: "saur29" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 29" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR29" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-induced protein-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1136_F03.27" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020112 name: GR:0020112 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020112" RELATED [] synonym: "saur30" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 30" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR30" [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020113 name: GR:0020113 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020113" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g02520" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0118500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE026307" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4344531" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YQQ0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZJ50" RELATED [] synonym: "saur31" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 31" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR31" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OJ1005_B05.16" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1005_B05.16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020114 name: GR:0020114 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020114" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g02530" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0118800" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6ZJ49" RELATED [] synonym: "SAUR32" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 32" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR32" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OJ1005_B05.18" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1005_B05.18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020115 name: GR:0020115 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020115" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g35110" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0452500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE028071" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4345736" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YVU1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZKQ7" RELATED [] synonym: "saur33" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 33" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR33" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-induced protein-related-like protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1117_F10.20" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020116 name: GR:0020116 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020116" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g42198" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0535033, xref: RAP:Os08g0534300" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6YZG3" RELATED [] synonym: "saur34" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 34" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR34" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein P0702C09.14" RELATED [] synonym: "HypotheticalproteinOSJNBa0033D24.8" RELATED [] synonym: "HypotheticalproteinP0702C09.24" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0033D24.8" RELATED [] synonym: "P0702C09.24" RELATED [] synonym: "P0702C09.14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020117 name: GR:0020117 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020117" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g42277" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0535033, xref: RAP:Os08g0534300" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6YZG3" RELATED [] synonym: "saur35" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 35" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR35" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein P0702C09.14" RELATED [] synonym: "HypotheticalproteinOSJNBa0033D24.8" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypotheticalprotein P0702C09.24" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0033D24.8" RELATED [] synonym: "P0702C09.24" RELATED [] synonym: "P0702C09.14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020118 name: GR:0020118 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020118" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g43700" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0550700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE028788" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4346256" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z3I0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YXV9" RELATED [] synonym: "saur36" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 36" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR36" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin induced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1479_B11.28" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0011H15.4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020119 name: GR:0020119 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020119" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g26590" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0437100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030073" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q69LK3" RELATED [] synonym: "saur37" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 37" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR37" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-induced protein-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1328_D07.12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020120 name: GR:0020120 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020120" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g26610" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0437400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030075" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347154" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q69LJ9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z1M0" RELATED [] synonym: "saur38" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 38" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR38" RELATED [] synonym: "Auxin-induced protein-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1328_D07.16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020121 name: GR:0020121 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020121" RELATED [] synonym: "saur39" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 39" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR39" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020122 name: GR:0020122 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020122" RELATED [] synonym: "saur40" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 40" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR40" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020123 name: GR:0020123 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020123" RELATED [] synonym: "saur41" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 41" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR41" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020127 name: GR:0020127 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020127" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g37400" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0546100" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347758" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q651Q9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z3P5" RELATED [] synonym: "saur45" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 45" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR45" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin induced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0038K02.7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020134 name: GR:0020134 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020134" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g37470" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0546800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030784" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347763" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Z3Q3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q651Q5" RELATED [] synonym: "saur52" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 52" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR52" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0038K02.14" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin induced protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020136 name: GR:0020136 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020136" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:Loc_Os09g37490" RELATED [] synonym: "saur54" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 54" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR54" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin induced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0038K02.16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020124 name: GR:0020124 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020124" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g37400" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0546100" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347758" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q651Q9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z3P5" RELATED [] synonym: "SAUR42" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 42" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR42" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin induced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0038K02.4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020128 name: GR:0020128 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020128" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g37410" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0546233" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030778" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Z3P7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q651Q8" RELATED [] synonym: "saur46" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 46" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR46" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin induced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0038K02.8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020125 name: GR:0020125 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020125" RELATED [] synonym: "saur43" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 43" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR43" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020126 name: GR:0020126 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020126" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g37400" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0546100" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347758" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q651Q9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z3P5" RELATED [] synonym: "saur44" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 44" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR44" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin induced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0038K02.6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020133 name: GR:0020133 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020133" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g37490" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0547000" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347765" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8BE39" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q651Q3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9G4V9" RELATED [] synonym: "saur51" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 51" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR51" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin induced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0038K02.13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020131 name: GR:0020131 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020131" RELATED [] synonym: "saur49" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 49" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR49" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020135 name: GR:0020135 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020135" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_OS09g37480" RELATED [] synonym: "saur53" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 53" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR53" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin induced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0038K02.15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020129 name: GR:0020129 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020129" RELATED [] synonym: "saur47" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 47" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR47" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020130 name: GR:0020130 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020130" RELATED [] synonym: "saur48" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 48" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR48" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020132 name: GR:0020132 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020132" RELATED [] synonym: "saur48" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 48" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR48" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020137 name: GR:0020137 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020137" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g37500" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0547100" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347766" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Z3Q6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q651Q2" RELATED [] synonym: "saur55" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 55" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR55" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative auxin induced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0038K02.19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020138 name: GR:0020138 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020138" RELATED [] synonym: "saur56" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 55" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR56" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020139 name: GR:0020139 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020139" RELATED [] synonym: "saur57" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 57" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSAUR57" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020140 name: GR:0020140 def: "Members of the Small Auxin-Up RNA (SAUR)family are specifically induced within minutes of auxin application. Additionally SAURs can be upregulated upon the application of the translational inhibitor cycloheximide; this suggests that the transcription of SAURs is regulated by short lived repressors. SAUR genes were initially identified in Soybean, and since then have been identified in Arabidopsis (over 70 members), Mung bean, Pea, Tobacco and maize. SAUR proteins are able to bind to calmodulin in vitro, suggesting that they may act as a link between Calcium/Calmodulin second messengers and auxin signalling" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020140" RELATED [] synonym: "saur58" RELATED [] synonym: "Small Auxin-Up RNA 58" RELATED [] synonym: "osSAUR58" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100602 name: GR:0100602 def: "The encode protein contain a cysteine-rich domain highly conserved among GAST family proteins in their C-terminal regions. Gibberellin A(3) (GA(3)) activates mRNA expression in the wild-type Nipponbare and GA(3) synthesis-deficient mutant (d18, GR:0060198). Expression increased in logarithmic phase cultured cells and reduced rapidly when cell proliferation was temporarily halted. In plants the GASR1 expression was limitedly but strongly expressed in florets the root apical meristem (RAM) and shoot apical meristem (SAM). It is localized in the apoplasm of a epidermal plant cell and may be involved in cell proliferation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100602" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g55290" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0760800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE013044" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4334189" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q94HA1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XM78" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6MZB9" RELATED [] synonym: "GASR1" RELATED [] synonym: "GA-stimulated transcript-related gene 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGASR1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100603 name: GR:0100603 def: "The encode protein contain a cysteine-rich domain highly conserved among GAST family proteins in their C-terminal regions. Gibberellin A(3) (GA(3)) activates mRNA expression in the wild-type Nipponbare and GA(3) synthesis-deficient mutant (d18, GR:0060198). Expression increased in logarithmic phase cultured cells and reduced rapidly when cell proliferation was temporarily halted. In plants the GASR2 expressed in florets, inflorescence rachis, root apical meristem (RAM) and shoot apical meristem (SAM). It is localized in the apoplasm of a epidermal plant cell and may be involved in cell proliferation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100603" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g39110" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0465300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336089" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7X885" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01JD3" RELATED [] synonym: "GASR2" RELATED [] synonym: "GA-stimulated transcript-related gene 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGASR2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080001 name: GR:0080001 def: "The gene ORC2 encodes for the subunit 2 of the origin recognition complex (ORC) that governs the initiation site of DNA replication and formation of the prereplication complex. It is a homolog of ORC2 from maize (AAL10453), Arabidopsis (AAM65731) and human (Q13416). It is expressed abundantly in abundant in roots, seedling and inflorescence meristem. Its expression is not correlated with cell proliferation. Compared to metazoan homologs, the plant homologs including rice ORC2, lack putative Cdks sites for phosphoryaltion in their N-terminal region" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080001" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:Loc_Os03g08640" RELATED [] synonym: "ORC2" RELATED [] synonym: "Origin recognition complex subunit 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsORC2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100701 name: GR:0100701 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus. Lower amounts were detected in 3 week old seedlings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100701" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR156a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR156a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 156a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100702 name: GR:0100702 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus. Lower amounts were detected in 3 week old seeldings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100702" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR156b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR156b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 156b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100703 name: GR:0100703 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus. Lower amounts were detected in 3 week old seeldings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100703" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR156c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR156c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 156c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100704 name: GR:0100704 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus. Lower amounts were detected in 3 week old seeldings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100704" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR156d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR156d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 156d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100705 name: GR:0100705 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus. Lower amounts were detected in 3 week old seeldings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100705" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR156e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR156e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 156e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100706 name: GR:0100706 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus. Lower amounts were detected in 3 week old seeldings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100706" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR156f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR156f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 156f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100707 name: GR:0100707 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus. Lower amounts were detected in 3 week old seeldings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100707" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR156f-1" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR156f-1" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 156f-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100708 name: GR:0100708 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus. Lower amounts were detected in 3 week old seeldings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100708" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR156g" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR156g" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 156g" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100709 name: GR:0100709 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus. Lower amounts were detected in 3 week old seeldings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100709" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR156h" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR156h" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 156h" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100710 name: GR:0100710 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus. Lower amounts were detected in 3 week old seeldings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100710" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR156i" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR156i" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 156i" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100711 name: GR:0100711 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus. Lower amounts were detected in 3 week old seeldings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100711" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR156j" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 156j" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100712 name: GR:0100712 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus. Lower amounts were detected in 3 week old seeldings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100712" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR156k" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR156k" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 156k" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100713 name: GR:0100713 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus. Lower amounts were detected in 3 week old seeldings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100713" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR156l" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR156l" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 156l" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100714 name: GR:0100714 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100714" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR159a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR159a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 159a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100715 name: GR:0100715 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100715" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR159b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR159b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 159b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100716 name: GR:0100716 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100716" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR159c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR159c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 159c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100717 name: GR:0100717 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100717" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR159d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR159d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 159d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100718 name: GR:0100718 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100718" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR159e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR159e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 159e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100719 name: GR:0100719 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100719" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR159f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR159f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 159f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100720 name: GR:0100720 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100720" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR160a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR160a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 160a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100721 name: GR:0100721 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100721" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR160b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR160b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 160b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100722 name: GR:0100722 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100722" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR160c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR160c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 160c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100723 name: GR:0100723 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100723" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR160d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR160d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 160d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100724 name: GR:0100724 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100724" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR160e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR160e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 160e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100725 name: GR:0100725 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100725" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR160f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR160f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 160f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100726 name: GR:0100726 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100726" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR162a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR162a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 162a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100727 name: GR:0100727 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100727" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR162b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR162b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 162b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100728 name: GR:0100728 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100728" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR164a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR164a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 164a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100729 name: GR:0100729 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100729" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR164b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR164b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 164b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100730 name: GR:0100730 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100730" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR164c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR164c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 164c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100731 name: GR:0100731 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100731" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR164d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR164d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 164d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100732 name: GR:0100732 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100732" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR164e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR164e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 164e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100733 name: GR:0100733 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100733" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR164f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR164f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 164f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100734 name: GR:0100734 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100734" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR166a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100735 name: GR:0100735 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100735" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR166b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100736 name: GR:0100736 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100736" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR166c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100737 name: GR:0100737 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100737" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR166d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100738 name: GR:0100738 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100738" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR166e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100739 name: GR:0100739 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100739" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR166f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100740 name: GR:0100740 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100740" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR166g" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166g" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166g" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100741 name: GR:0100741 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100741" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR166h" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166h" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166h" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100742 name: GR:0100742 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100742" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR166i" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166i" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166i" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100743 name: GR:0100743 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100743" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166j" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166j" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100744 name: GR:0100744 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100744" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR166k" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166k" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166k" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100745 name: GR:0100745 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100745" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR166l" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166l" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166l" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100746 name: GR:0100746 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100746" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR166m" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166m" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166m" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100747 name: GR:0100747 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100747" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR166n" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR166n" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 166n" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100748 name: GR:0100748 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100748" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR167a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR167a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 167a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100749 name: GR:0100749 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100749" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR167b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR167b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 167b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100750 name: GR:0100750 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100750" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR167c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR167c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 167c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100751 name: GR:0100751 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100751" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR167d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR167d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 167d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100752 name: GR:0100752 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100752" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR167e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR167e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 167e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100753 name: GR:0100753 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100753" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR167f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR167f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 167f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100754 name: GR:0100754 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100754" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR167g" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR167g" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 167g" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100755 name: GR:0100755 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100755" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR167h" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR167h" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 167h" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100756 name: GR:0100756 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100756" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR167i" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR167i" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 167i" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100757 name: GR:0100757 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100757" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR167j" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR167j" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 167j" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100758 name: GR:0100758 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100758" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR168a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR168a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 168a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100759 name: GR:0100759 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100759" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR168b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR168b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 168b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100760 name: GR:0100760 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100760" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100761 name: GR:0100761 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100761" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100762 name: GR:0100762 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100762" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100763 name: GR:0100763 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100763" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100764 name: GR:0100764 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100764" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100765 name: GR:0100765 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100765" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100766 name: GR:0100766 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100766" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169g" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169g" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169g" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100767 name: GR:0100767 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100767" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169h" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169h" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169h" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100768 name: GR:0100768 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100768" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169i" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169i" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169i" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100769 name: GR:0100769 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100769" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169j" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169j" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169j" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100770 name: GR:0100770 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100770" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169k" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169k" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169k" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100771 name: GR:0100771 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100771" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169l" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169l" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169l" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100772 name: GR:0100772 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100772" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169m" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169m" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169m" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100773 name: GR:0100773 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100773" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169n" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169n" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169n" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100774 name: GR:0100774 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100774" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169o" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169o" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169o" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100775 name: GR:0100775 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100775" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR169p" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169p" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169p" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100776 name: GR:0100776 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100776" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR169q" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 169q" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100777 name: GR:0100777 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100777" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR171a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR171a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 171a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100778 name: GR:0100778 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100778" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR171b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR171b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 171b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100779 name: GR:0100779 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100779" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR171c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR171c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 171c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100780 name: GR:0100780 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100780" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR171d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR171d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 171d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100781 name: GR:0100781 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100781" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR171e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR171e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 171e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100782 name: GR:0100782 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100782" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR171f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR171f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 171f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100783 name: GR:0100783 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100783" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR171g" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR171g" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 171g" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100784 name: GR:0100784 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100784" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR171h" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR171h" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 171h" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100785 name: GR:0100785 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100785" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR171i" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR171i" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 171i" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100786 name: GR:0100786 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100786" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR172a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR172a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 172a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100787 name: GR:0100787 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100787" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR172b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR172b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 172b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100788 name: GR:0100788 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100788" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR172c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR172c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 172c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100789 name: GR:0100789 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100789" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR172d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR172d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 172d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100790 name: GR:0100790 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100790" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR319a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR319a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 319a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100791 name: GR:0100791 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100791" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR319b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR319b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 319b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100792 name: GR:0100792 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100792" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR390" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR390" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 390" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100793 name: GR:0100793 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100793" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR393" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR393" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 393" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100794 name: GR:0100794 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100794" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR393b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR393b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 393b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100795 name: GR:0100795 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100795" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR394" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR394" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 394" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100796 name: GR:0100796 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100796" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100797 name: GR:0100797 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100797" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100798 name: GR:0100798 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100798" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100799 name: GR:0100799 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100799" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100800 name: GR:0100800 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100800" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100801 name: GR:0100801 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100801" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100802 name: GR:0100802 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100802" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395g" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395g" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395g" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100803 name: GR:0100803 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100803" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395h" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395h" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395h" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100804 name: GR:0100804 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100804" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395i" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395i" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395i" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100805 name: GR:0100805 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100805" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395j" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395j" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395j" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100806 name: GR:0100806 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100806" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395k" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395k" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395k" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100807 name: GR:0100807 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100807" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395l" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395l" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395l" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100808 name: GR:0100808 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100808" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395m" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395m" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395m" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100809 name: GR:0100809 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100809" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395n" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395n" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395n" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100810 name: GR:0100810 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100810" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395o" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395o" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395o" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100811 name: GR:0100811 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100811" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395p" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395p" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395p" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100812 name: GR:0100812 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100812" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395q" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395q" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395q" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100813 name: GR:0100813 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100813" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395r" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395r" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395r" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100814 name: GR:0100814 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100814" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395s" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395s" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395s" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100815 name: GR:0100815 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100815" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395t" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395t" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395t" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100816 name: GR:0100816 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100816" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395u" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395u" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395u" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100817 name: GR:0100817 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100817" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395v" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395v" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395v" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100818 name: GR:0100818 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100818" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR395w" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR395w" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 395w" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100819 name: GR:0100819 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100819" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR396a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR396a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 396a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100820 name: GR:0100820 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100820" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR396b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR396b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 396b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100821 name: GR:0100821 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100821" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR396c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR396c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 396c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100822 name: GR:0100822 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100822" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR396d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR396d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 396d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100823 name: GR:0100823 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100823" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR396e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 396e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100824 name: GR:0100824 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated callus" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100824" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR397a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR397a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 397a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100825 name: GR:0100825 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated callus" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100825" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR397b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR397b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 397b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100826 name: GR:0100826 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in very low amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100826" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR398a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR398a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 398a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100827 name: GR:0100827 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in very low amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100827" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR398b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR398b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 398b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100828 name: GR:0100828 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100828" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR399a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR399a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 399a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100829 name: GR:0100829 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100829" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR399b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR399b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 399b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100830 name: GR:0100830 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100830" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR399c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR399c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 399c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100831 name: GR:0100831 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100831" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR399d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR399d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 399d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100832 name: GR:0100832 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100832" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR399e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR399e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 399e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100833 name: GR:0100833 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100833" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR399f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR399f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 399f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100834 name: GR:0100834 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100834" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR399g" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR399g" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 399g" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100835 name: GR:0100835 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100835" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR399h" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR399h" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 399h" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100836 name: GR:0100836 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100836" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR399i" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR399i" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 399i" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100837 name: GR:0100837 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100837" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR399j" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR399j" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 399j" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100838 name: GR:0100838 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100838" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR399k" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR399k" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 399k" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100839 name: GR:0100839 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100839" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR408" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR408" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 408" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100840 name: GR:0100840 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100840" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR413" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR413" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 413" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100841 name: GR:0100841 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100841" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR414" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR414" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 414" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100842 name: GR:0100842 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100842" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR415" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR415" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 415" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100843 name: GR:0100843 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100843" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR416" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR416" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 416" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100844 name: GR:0100844 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100844" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR417" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR417" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 417" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100845 name: GR:0100845 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100845" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR418" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR418" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 418" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100846 name: GR:0100846 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100846" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR419" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR419" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 419" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100847 name: GR:0100847 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100847" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR420" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR420" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 420" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100848 name: GR:0100848 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100848" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR426" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR426" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 426" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100849 name: GR:0100849 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100849" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR435" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR435" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 435" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100850 name: GR:0100850 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100850" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR436" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 436" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100851 name: GR:0100851 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100851" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR437" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR437" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 437" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100852 name: GR:0100852 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100852" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR438" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR438" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 438" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100853 name: GR:0100853 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100853" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR439a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR439a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 439a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100854 name: GR:0100854 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100854" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR439b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR439b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 439b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100855 name: GR:0100855 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100855" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR439c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR439c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 439c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100856 name: GR:0100856 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100856" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR439d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR439d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 439d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100857 name: GR:0100857 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100857" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR439e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR439e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 439e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100858 name: GR:0100858 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100858" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR439f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR439f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 439f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100859 name: GR:0100859 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100859" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR439g" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR439g" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 439g" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100860 name: GR:0100860 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100860" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR439h" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR439h" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 439h" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100861 name: GR:0100861 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100861" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR439i" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR439i" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 439i" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100862 name: GR:0100862 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100862" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR439j" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR439j" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 439j" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100863 name: GR:0100863 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100863" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR440" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR440" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 440" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100864 name: GR:0100864 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100864" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR441a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR441a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 441a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100865 name: GR:0100865 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100865" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR441b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR441b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 441b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100866 name: GR:0100866 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100866" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR441c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR441c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 441c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100867 name: GR:0100867 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100867" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR442" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR442" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 442" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100868 name: GR:0100868 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100868" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR443" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR443" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 443" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100869 name: GR:0100869 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100869" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR444" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 444" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100870 name: GR:0100870 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100870" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR445a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR445a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 445a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100871 name: GR:0100871 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100871" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR445b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 445b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100872 name: GR:0100872 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100872" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR445c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 445c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100873 name: GR:0100873 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100873" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR445d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR445d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 445d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100874 name: GR:0100874 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100874" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR445e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 445e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100875 name: GR:0100875 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100875" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR445f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 445f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100876 name: GR:0100876 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100876" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR445g" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 445g" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100877 name: GR:0100877 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100877" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR445h" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 445h" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100878 name: GR:0100878 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100878" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR445i" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 445i" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100879 name: GR:0100879 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100879" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR446" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR446" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 446" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100880 name: GR:0100880 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected in higher amounts in undifferentiated and differentiated callus and in young panicle" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100880" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR528" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR528" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 528" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100881 name: GR:0100881 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100881" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR529" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR529" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 529" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100882 name: GR:0100882 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100882" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR529b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 529b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100883 name: GR:0100883 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100883" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR530" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR530" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 530" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100884 name: GR:0100884 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100884" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR531" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR531" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 531" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100885 name: GR:0100885 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100885" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR531-1" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR531-1" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 531-1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100886 name: GR:0100886 def: "not available" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100886" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR535" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR535" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 535" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080002 name: GR:0080002 def: "OsFCA is a rice homologue of Arabidopsis FCA (At4g16280). Expression of OsFCA mRNA is steady in the leaves and up-regulated in differentiating calli and young spikelet of primary branch-differentiating stage, but decrease dramatically in young spikelet of the pistil and stamen-differentiating stage. Overexpression of OsFCA in Arabidopsis fca mutant partially rescues the late flowering phenotype. Alternative splicing of OsFCA generats four different sizes of transcripts, OsFCA shared several conserved domains with Arabidopsis FCA-gamma which encodes the only FCA protein functioning in the flowering promotion" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080002" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:Loc_Os09g03610" RELATED [] synonym: "FCA" RELATED [] synonym: "flowering time control protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OsFCA" RELATED [] synonym: "OsFCA-1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsFCA-gamma" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080003 name: GR:0080003 def: "FY is a rice homolog of Arabidopsis FY (At5g13480). The predicted OsFY protein shares a conserved 7 WD-repeat and at lease two Pro-Pro-Leu-Pro motifs with Arabidopsis FY. Direct binding between OsFY and OsFCA-gamma was demonstrated by yeast two-hybrid system, it suggested that OsFY may also function in rice flowering-time control" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080003" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:Loc_Os01g72220" RELATED [] synonym: "FY" RELATED [] synonym: "FY" RELATED [] synonym: "OsFY" RELATED [] synonym: "putative FY protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020141 name: GR:0020141 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020141" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g70310" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh1" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 1" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH001" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH1" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh001" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020142 name: GR:0020142 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020142" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g32100" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0523700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE034657" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4350609" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2R3F6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BKT0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0ISG5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh2" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 2" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH002" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020143 name: GR:0020143 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020143" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g04310" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE009555" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4331538" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8H8E4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AMG0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10S44" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh3" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 3" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH003" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020144 name: GR:0020144 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020144" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os10g39750" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os10g0544200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE032948" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4349271" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9FWE1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q336V8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BI31" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh4" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 4" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH004" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080004 name: GR:0080004 def: "OsWRKY71 is a transcription factor, expression pattern and binding assay suggest that OsWRKY71 acts as a repressor of the Gibberellin signaling pathway, and might function in defense response based on overexpression studies" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080004" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g08440" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0181300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE005873" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4328512" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6QHD1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3A3T5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6IEL0" RELATED [] synonym: "WRKY71" RELATED [] synonym: "Transcription factor WRKY71" RELATED [] synonym: "OsWRKY71" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020145 name: GR:0020145 def: "Also identified as a member of the bHLH family by computational analyses. [liya check]Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020145" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g02820" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0120500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE005400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4328113" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6YUS3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AGK6" RELATED [] synonym: "tdr" RELATED [] synonym: "Tapetum degeneration retardation" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 5" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH005" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH5" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020146 name: GR:0020146 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020146" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g23550" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0301500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBSE038801" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335417" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XMC8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JEB7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84LF9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01ME2" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh6" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 6" RELATED [] synonym: "RERJ1" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 6" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH006" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020147 name: GR:0020147 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020147" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g23440" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0300600" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XKP5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh7" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 7" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 7" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH007" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH7" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBB0013O03.11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020148 name: GR:0020148 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020148" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g13460" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0235700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE014129" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4327781" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5NB91" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5IWM1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JP90" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XQC5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh8" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 8" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 8" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH008" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020149 name: GR:0020149 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020149" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os10g42430" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os10g0575000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE033164" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4349484" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9AYK0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6QJB9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q336P5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh9" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 9" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 9" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH009" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH9" RELATED [] synonym: "MYC transcription factor" RELATED [] synonym: "putative" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020150 name: GR:0020150 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020150" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g50940" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh10" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 10" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 10" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH010" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020151 name: GR:0020151 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020151" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g43070" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0543700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE028729" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FYD8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YXP5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZBI4" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh11" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 11" RELATED [] synonym: "Phaseolin G-box binding protein PG1-like" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 11" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH011" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH11" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1521_G02.36" RELATED [] synonym: "P0623F08.11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020152 name: GR:0020152 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020152" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g39480" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0576100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE002446" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4323849" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q657A1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9EXP1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JLS3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AAP5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh12" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 12" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 12" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH012" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020153 name: GR:0020153 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020153" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g15210" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE014402" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4350228" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q53L62" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ARJ3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FWJ3" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh14" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 14" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 14" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH014" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020154 name: GR:0020154 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020154" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g47040" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0557200" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336634" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q01IN4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ASW3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7F427" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JB43" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh15" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 15" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 15" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH015" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH15" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0065O17.4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020155 name: GR:0020155 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020155" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g47059" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0557500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336635" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q948Y2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XPS6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3AWB5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JB42" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ASW4" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh16" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 16" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 16" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH016" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020156 name: GR:0020156 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020156" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g51580" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0725800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012823" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333965" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FBA6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XLK7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q75GI1" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh18" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 18" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 18" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH018" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH18" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative symbiotic ammonium transport protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0013A09.16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020157 name: GR:0020157 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types ihn animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020157" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g12760" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0229100" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8LSP3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XE69" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3AFQ8" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh19" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 19" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 19" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH019" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH19" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1203D03.3" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative bHLH transcription factor" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020158 name: GR:0020158 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020158" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g46860" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0671800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012438" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333691" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q84R60" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10FD6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AP39" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh20" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 20" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 20" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH020" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH20" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBB0113I20.8" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative ammonium transporter" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020159 name: GR:0020159 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020159" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g43620" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0632600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE037447" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2QLR0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2ZN22" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3CJQ8" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh21" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 21" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 21" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH021" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH21" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020160 name: GR:0020160 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020160" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g46790" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10FE3" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh22" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 22" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative ammonium transporter" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBB0113I20.1" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 22" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH0022" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH22" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020161 name: GR:0020161 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020161" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os10g01530" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os10g0104300" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9AYI8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BFJ2" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh23" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 23" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 23" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH0023" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH23" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020162 name: GR:0020162 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020162" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g39330" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0575200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE002440, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE002441" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AAS9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S0C6" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh24" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 24" RELATED [] synonym: "B1112D09.4 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 24" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH0024" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH24" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020163 name: GR:0020163 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020163" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g09990" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh25" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 25" RELATED [] synonym: "P0498B01.36" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 25" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH0025" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH25" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020164 name: GR:0020164 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020164" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g09930" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE000727" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2WLN8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5SMX2" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh26" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 26" RELATED [] synonym: "P0498B01.25" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 26" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH0026" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH26" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020165 name: GR:0020165 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020165" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g09900" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0195700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE000726" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh27" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 27" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 27" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH0027" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH27" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020166 name: GR:0020166 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020166" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g11070" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0199800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE034499" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4338056" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8BKJ9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DK30" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh28" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 28" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 28" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH0028" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH28" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020167 name: GR:0020167 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020167" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g12820" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0221100" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6YW41" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AE90" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh29" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 29" RELATED [] synonym: "B1131G07.17" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 29" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH0029" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH29" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020168 name: GR:0020168 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020168" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g37410" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0570950" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE022359" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4341351" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5Z610" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DBE6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B3U2" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh30" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 30" RELATED [] synonym: "P0610D01.7" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 30" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH0030" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH30" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020169 name: GR:0020169 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020169" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g38210" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0490000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE028309" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4345899" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8BC11" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZBQ2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9G1I8" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh31" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 31" RELATED [] synonym: "P0605H02.26" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 31" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH0031" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH31" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020170 name: GR:0020170 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020170" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g29930" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0475400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347359" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8BCR2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EJ81" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69JI7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh32" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 32" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0026C08.39-1" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 32" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH0032" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH32" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020171 name: GR:0020171 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020171" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g65080" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0871200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE004426" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4324940" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q943I6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WXE9" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh33" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 33" RELATED [] synonym: "P0039A07.22" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative zinc finger protein" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 33" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH033" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH33" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020172 name: GR:0020172 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020172" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g49480" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0726700" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330593" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AHQ6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F2H5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6Z339" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh34" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 34" RELATED [] synonym: "BHLH protein-like" RELATED [] synonym: "B1121A12.20" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 34" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH034" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH34" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020173 name: GR:0020173 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020173" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g06640" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0159800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE000473" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4324065" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8ADE1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7F7Z2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EZ72" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh35" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 35" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 35" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH035" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH35" RELATED [] synonym: "ESTs C26093" RELATED [] synonym: "C11622" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020174 name: GR:0020174 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020174" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g07120" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0163900" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337905" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q75IR0" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh36" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 36" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 36" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH036" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH36" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBb0099P06.13" RELATED [] synonym: "HypotheticalproteinOSJNBa0027N19.3" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0027N19.3" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0099P06.13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020175 name: GR:0020175 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020175" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g11910" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh37" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 37" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 37" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH037" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH37" RELATED [] synonym: "P0665D10.15 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "P0665D10.15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020176 name: GR:0020176 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020176" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g33590" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0432800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE027956" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4345648" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8BB09" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZA99" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh38" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 38" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 38" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH038" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH38" RELATED [] synonym: "DNA-binding protein-like" RELATED [] synonym: "P0431A03.9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020177 name: GR:0020177 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020177" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g24490" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE029898" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347032" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6ESL3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z162" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh39" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 39" RELATED [] synonym: "DNA binding protein-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1294_G06.8" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 39" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH039" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH39" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020178 name: GR:0020178 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020178" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g15440" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0260600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332318" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10NS6" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh40" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 40" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 40" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH040" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH40" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020179 name: GR:0020179 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020179" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g59670" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0811400" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XZF8" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh41" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 41" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative DNA binding protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0033J23.9" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 41" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH041" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH41" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020180 name: GR:0020180 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020180" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g37290" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0477900" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4345836" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6ZJC8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BU46" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BBS1" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh42" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 42" RELATED [] synonym: "BHLH protein family-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1666_A04.16" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 42" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH042" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH42" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020181 name: GR:0020181 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020181" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g28900" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0463900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030242" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Z247" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BZN9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69MD0" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh43" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 43" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0019B14.23" RELATED [] synonym: "BHLH-like protein" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 43" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH043" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH43" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020182 name: GR:0020182 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020182" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g08930" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0188400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE009951" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4331887" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8H7N8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10QP6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F5L1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XDD4" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh44" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 44" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1217B09.8" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 44" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH044" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH44" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020183 name: GR:0020183 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020183" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os10g23050" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os10g0376900" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4348490" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XF89" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z6N0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z6N1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S7J7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh45" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 45" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 43" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH043" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH43" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020184 name: GR:0020184 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020184" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g29360" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0468700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030270" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6K4B1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z276" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh46" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 46" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1595_D08.4" RELATED [] synonym: "P0676H02.22" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 46" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH046" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH46" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080005 name: GR:0080005 def: "OsFOR1 gene was cloned from immature panicles of rice, the protein contains a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain. The exression level of OsFOR1 is increased as the panicles matured, mostly detected in young spikelet primordia and all of the young floral organs (lodicule, stamen and carpel). Antisense OsFOR1 plants show servere phenotypes by producing extra numbers of floral organs in spikelets. OsFOR1 is similar to those polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins (PGIP) from other plant species based on structure and number of LRRs. Recombinant OsFOR1 protein shows PGIP activity against the Aspergillus niger polygalacturonase" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080005" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g38130" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0568700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE025297" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4343645" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8GT95" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0D5C7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YMS8" RELATED [] synonym: "FOR1" RELATED [] synonym: "floral organ regulator 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsFOR1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020185 name: GR:0020185 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020185" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g37730" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0483900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE028274, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE028265" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4345867" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8BBT9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6YTU1" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh47" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 47" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 47" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH047" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH47" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1111_H02.23" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative basic-helix-loop-helix (BHLH)transcription factor" RELATED [] synonym: "P0419H09.4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020186 name: GR:0020186 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020186" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g52190" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE008723" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330791" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3ABJ9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6Z7U5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X9U0" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh48" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 48" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 48" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH048" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH48" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein P0471A11.43" RELATED [] synonym: "P0471A11.43" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020187 name: GR:0020187 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020187" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g50090" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8ATJ0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XLY9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FC81" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh50" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 50" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0086O06.20" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0086O06.20 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH050" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH50" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 50" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020188 name: GR:0020188 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020188" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g46560" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0691500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE008275" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330381" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2X8H8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZGS3" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh49" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 49" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 49" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH049" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH49" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factor" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1148_D05.9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020189 name: GR:0020189 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020189" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g50900" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0586300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE020207" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Y807" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh51" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 51" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 51" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH051" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH51" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative peroxisomal Ca-dependent solute carrier" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0009C07.13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020190 name: GR:0020190 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020190" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g03000" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0122100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE009444" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FAI9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ALX7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8H8H9" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh52" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 52" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 52" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH052" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH52" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OJ1126B12.2" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1126B12.2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080006 name: GR:0080006 def: "RTS is a rice anther-specific gene. Northern blot analysis and in situ hybridization show RTS is predominantly expressed in the tapetum during meiosis and disappears before anthesis. Several nucleotide motifs found in RTS promoter region are also conserved in other anther-specific promoters. Antisense RNA approach and transgenic studies suggest that RTS gene is required for male fertility in rice and its promoter is also fully functional in other dicotyledonous species" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080006" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g70440" RELATED [] synonym: "RTS" RELATED [] synonym: "rice tapetum-specific" RELATED [] synonym: "RTS2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020191 name: GR:0020191 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020191" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g15760" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0257500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE006381" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6ETQ5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X346" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F4S6" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh53" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 53" RELATED [] synonym: "P0613F08.25" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 53" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH053" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH53" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020192 name: GR:0020192 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020192" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g33450" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0526100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE022141" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q653A4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YDL7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh54" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 54" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 54" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH054" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH54" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0043B22.14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080007 name: GR:0080007 def: "Rice Undeveloped Tapetum1 (UDT1) is predominantly expressed in the developing panicles, especially abundant in anthers. T-DNA or retrotransposon Tos17 insertions in the Udt1 gene caused male sterility. The anthers phenotype of knockout mutants were normal during the early premeiosis stage, but their tapeta failed to differentiate and became vacuolated during the meiotic stage. Furthermore, meiocytes did not develop to microspores, and middle layer degeneration was inhibited, therefore, the anther locules didn't contain any pollen grains. UDT is localized in the nucleus, and its sequence homology with other basic helix-loop-helix proteins suggests that UDT1 is a bHLH transcription factor" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080007" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g36460" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE025175" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q84ZC1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q58GE3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FXT3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B781" RELATED [] synonym: "UDT1" RELATED [] synonym: "undeveloped Tapetum1" RELATED [] synonym: "Udt1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020193 name: GR:0020193 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020193" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g51820" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0597000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE020279" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FLY3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5KQG3" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh55" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 55" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 55" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH055" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH55" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBb0086G17.12" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0086G17.12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080008 name: GR:0080008 def: "MONOCULM 1 (MOC1) controls tillering ability in rice. It encodes a putative GRAS family nuclear protein and shares 44% identity to the tomato LATERAL SUPPRESSOR (LS) gene. MOC1 is expressed mainly in axillary meristem and functions to initiate axillary buds and to promote axillary tiller buds outgrowth" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080008" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g40780" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE022584" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8B4K4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84MM9" RELATED [] synonym: "MOC1" RELATED [] synonym: "Monoculm 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080009 name: GR:0080009 def: "Lsi1 encodes a silicon transporter in rice. The sequence is similar to aquaporins and belongs to a Nod26-like major intrinsic protein (MIP) subfamily. It is consititutively expressed in the roots. Suppression of Lsi1 expression resulted in reduced silicon uptake and susceptible to pets and diseases. The grain yield is also greatly reduced in the Lsi1 mutant" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080009" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g51110" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0745100" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330713" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z2T3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3ABB6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EGY5" RELATED [] synonym: "Lsi1" RELATED [] synonym: "Low silicon rice 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020194 name: GR:0020194 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020194" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g72370" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0952800, xref: RAP:Os01g0952900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE005019, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE005020, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE005010" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325750" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2WZ60" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8A978" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A9JX09" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JFZ0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q941Z7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh56" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 56" RELATED [] synonym: "P0431G06.12" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 56" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH056" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH56" RELATED [] synonym: "BHLH transcription factor-like" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020195 name: GR:0020195 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020195" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g35870" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0543000" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4343509" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8B796" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XXQ5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh57" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 57" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 57" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH057" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH57" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020196 name: GR:0020196 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020196" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g38140" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4338978" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DHN7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q60EM5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh58" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 58" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 58" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH058" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH58" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1651_D06.8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0800010 name: GR:0800010 def: "AID1 is a single MYB domain DNA-binding protein, it is closely related to the telomere-binding proteins of human, mouse and Arabidopsis. The aid1 mutation shows partial to complete spikelet sterility, fewer tillers and late flowering" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0800010" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g08290" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0181300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4340310" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B7F8T8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6T804" RELATED [] synonym: "AID1" RELATED [] synonym: "Anther Indehiscence1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAID1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020197 name: GR:0020197 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020197" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g02480" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0116600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE005358" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4328080" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2X043" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZGM4" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh59" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 59" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 59" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH059" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH59" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1442_E05.19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020198 name: GR:0020198 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020198" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g04390" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0138500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE026430" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4344627" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6ZKI8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84PA6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YR23" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BPH0" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh60" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 60" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 60" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH060" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH60" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1119_D01.9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020199 name: GR:0020199 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020199" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g38870" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0601700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE034981" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4350864" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2R1K8" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh61" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 61" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 61" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH061" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH61" RELATED [] synonym: "Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain containing protein" RELATED [] synonym: "expressed" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080011 name: GR:0080011 def: "Osnop gene is only expressed in late stage of pollen development. The sequence contains a C2-GRAM domain, it may cross-link both calcium and phosphoinositide signaling pathway. The Osnop mutant shows pollen-less phenotype at the flowering stage" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080011" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g40570" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0607900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE022562" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4341488" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q69V64" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q66VB0" RELATED [] synonym: "nop" RELATED [] synonym: "no pollen" RELATED [] synonym: "Osnop" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020200 name: GR:0020200 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020200" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g43530" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0628500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE025697" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4343984" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8B4W8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69V10" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6XNP2" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh62" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 62" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 62" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH062" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH62" RELATED [] synonym: "Amelogenin-like protein" RELATED [] synonym: "P0011H09.105" RELATED [] synonym: "P0506F02.119" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080012 name: GR:0080012 def: "OsTB1 is a ortholog of maize TEOSINTE BRANCHED 1(TB1), it encodes a putative transcription factor with a basic helix-loop-helix type of DNA-binding motif. It is expressed in the axillary bud, the basal part of the shoot apical meristem, vascular tissue of pith and lamina joint. Overexpression of OsTB1 gene reduces lateral branching in rice" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080012" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g49880" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0706500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012680" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333856" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3ALW7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9ATR4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q941M8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7Y1X7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8LN68" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XL63" RELATED [] synonym: "TB1" RELATED [] synonym: "TEOSINTE BRANCHED 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsTB1" RELATED [] synonym: "Fine culm 1" RELATED [] synonym: "fc1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020201 name: GR:0020201 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020201" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g26210" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0379300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332972" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10KL8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8W397" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AQJ0" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh63" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 63" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 63" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH063" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH63" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative amelogenin" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0013O08.3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020202 name: GR:0020202 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020202" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g23823" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0433600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE006789" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329217" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4329215" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0E1J6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q67U21" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AGP0" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh64" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 64" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 64" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH064" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH64" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0065F08.2" RELATED [] synonym: "Basic helix-loop-helix-like protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020203 name: GR:0020203 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020203" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g41570" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0493100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE015737" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336261" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q25AC0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7X7U7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XV27" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh65" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 65" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 65" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH065" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH65" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ990528_30.12" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ990528_30.12 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0091E11.4 protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080013 name: GR:0080013 def: "OsPNH1 is a rice homologue of Arabidopsis PNH/ZLL gene. It is strong expressed in developing leaf primordia, especially in the pro-vascular region and mid-vein region of leaf founder cells in the peripheral SAM domain. The antisense OsPNH1 plants developed malformed leaves with an altered vascular arrangement and abnormal internal structure" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080013" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g39640" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0597400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4341434" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q69VD5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FU05" RELATED [] synonym: "PNH1" RELATED [] synonym: "PINHEAD1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsPNH1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080014 name: GR:0080014 def: "OsYAB1 encodes a protein carrying zinc-finger motif and YABBY domain. It is similar to Arabidopsis YAB2 and YAB5. RNA gel blot analysis showed OsYAB1 is expressed in young panicle, especially in the stamen and carpel primordia. Overexpression of OsYAB1 produced additional stamens and carpels compared with those of the wild types" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080014" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g06620" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0160100" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342449" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XIM7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EH95" RELATED [] synonym: "YAB1" RELATED [] synonym: "YABBY1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsYAB1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020204 name: GR:0020204 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020204" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g55220" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0759700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE013035" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4334181" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q94HA7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XM71" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh66" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 66" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative ethylene-responsive protein" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 66" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH066" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH66" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020205 name: GR:0020205 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020205" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g42180" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0501200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE019573, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE019575" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339235" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AZQ5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q60EJ4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AZT5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh67" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 67" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0017K09.4" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0017K09.4" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 67" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH067" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH67" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020206 name: GR:0020206 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020206" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g53990" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0631600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE016719" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337107" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q25A16" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0J9U0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5JQW2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XXX7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh68" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 68" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0015D13.17" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0015D13.17 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 68" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH068" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH68" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020207 name: GR:0020207 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020207" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g57580" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh68" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 68" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 68" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH068" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH68" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020208 name: GR:0020208 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020208" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g08160" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0179400" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3BQ81" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh70" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 70" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 70" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH070" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH70" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020209 name: GR:0020209 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020209" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g01600" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0105700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE000042" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4326301" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8ACT1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q657Z3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JRE3" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh71" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 71" RELATED [] synonym: "P0005A05.10" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative ethylene-responsive protein" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 71" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH071" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH71" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020210 name: GR:0020210 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020210" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g17680" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0276900" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329008" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AFL3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F501" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6K7V4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0E228" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh72" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 72" RELATED [] synonym: "Ethylene-responsive family protein-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0055M07.9" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 72" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH072" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH72" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020211 name: GR:0020211 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020211" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g14010" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0228400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4338155" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AZE0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DJT8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q75IG3" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh73" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 73" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 73" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH073" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH73" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein P0499F10.3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020212 name: GR:0020212 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020212" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g13000" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0230200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE000976" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325885" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5NB28" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JPC2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AB08" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9EUI1" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh74" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 74" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 74" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH074" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH74" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein P0485D09.22" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein P0431F01.5" RELATED [] synonym: "P0431F01.5" RELATED [] synonym: "P0485D09.22" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020213 name: GR:0020213 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020213" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g47810" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0565900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE016238" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336685" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q01KG1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AT31" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XQJ2" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh75" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 75" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 75" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH075" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH75" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0017B10.16 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0017B10.16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080015 name: GR:0080015 def: "OsMADS1 encodes a rice MADS-box protein, it is preferentially expressed in flowers. Ectopic expression of wild-type OsMADS1 in rice results in early flowering and overgrowth of glumes that resemble lemma and palea. Transgenic plants expressing OsMADS1 containing missense mutations in the MADS box exhibited leafy lemma/palea, open hull, reduced stamen numbers and an increase in the number of carpels. The knockdown of OsMADS1 interfered the differentiation of specific cell types in the lemma and palea and displayed the overdeveloped lemma and palea. Leafy hull sterile 1 (lhs1) and naked seed rice (nsr) are homeotic mutations of OsMADS1. OsMADS1 acts as a repressor to control and specify development of lemma and palea. OsMADS1 may interact with the K-box of OsMADS6, OsMADS14 and OsMADS15" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080015" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g11614" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0215400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE010149" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332059" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10PZ9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A5Y1R3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EGS6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A5Y1S9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XDY1" RELATED [] synonym: "MADS1" RELATED [] synonym: "MADS1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMADS1" RELATED [] synonym: "lhs1" RELATED [] synonym: "nsr" RELATED [] synonym: "naked seed rice" RELATED [] synonym: "leafy hull sterile 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020214 name: GR:0020214 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020214" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g45010" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0671300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330277" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2X866" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DYS4" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh76" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 76" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 76" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH076" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH76" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020215 name: GR:0020215 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020215" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g28890" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0471900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE024712" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4343202" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8L4Y9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0D6J9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B5Y5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh77" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 77" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 77" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH077" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH77" RELATED [] synonym: "BHLH transcription factor-like protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1103_E04.27" RELATED [] synonym: "P0675B10.17" RELATED [] synonym: "P0675B10.17 protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020216 name: GR:0020216 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020216" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g17130" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh78" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 78" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 78" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH078" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH78" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020217 name: GR:0020217 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020217" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g47660" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0705500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE008356" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330462" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z2G7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AH97" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh79" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 79" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 79" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH079" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH79" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative bHLH transcription factor" RELATED [] synonym: "P0680A05.9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020218 name: GR:0020218 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020218" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g42470" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE028668" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4346166" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z1F9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BV95" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YXI4" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh80" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 80" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 80" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH080" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH80" RELATED [] synonym: "BHLH transcription factor-like protein" RELATED [] synonym: "P0665C04.20" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0033D24.39" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020219 name: GR:0020219 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020219" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g33580" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0510500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347540" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0J0G7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh81" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 81" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 81" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH081" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH81" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020220 name: GR:0020220 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020220" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g33580" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0510500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347540" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0J0G7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh82" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 82" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 82" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH082" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH82" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020221 name: GR:0020221 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020221" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g01256" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0103000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE017222" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337537" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q75M33" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AWJ5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh83" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 83" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 83" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH083" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH83" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein P0668H12.5" RELATED [] synonym: "P0668H12.5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020222 name: GR:0020222 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020222" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g51910" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0728900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE011971" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333984" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2XJ66" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84LH4" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh84" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 84" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 84" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH084" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH84" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBB0011H13.2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020223 name: GR:0020223 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020223" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g29830" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0474100" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347355" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9G448" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BCQ2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69JJ6" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh85" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 85" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 85" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH085" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH85" RELATED [] synonym: "TA1 protein-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0026C08.22" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020224 name: GR:0020224 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020224" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g16400" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0275600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4340749" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8B0K5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FSQ6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5VR96" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7ERJ2" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh86" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 86" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 86" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH086" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH86" RELATED [] synonym: "P0038C05.31-" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative TA1 protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020225 name: GR:0020225 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020225" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g38080" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0487700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE028296" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4345892" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YWG5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZCV8" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh87" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 87" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 87" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH087" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH87" RELATED [] synonym: "P0028A08.20" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020226 name: GR:0020226 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020226" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g12940" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0232000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE010252" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332155" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10PJ8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AJM3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F6M5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10PJ6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8GZV6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DTQ9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AJM4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10PJ7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh88" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 88" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 88" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH088" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH88" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1017C11.10" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OJ1017C11.10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020227 name: GR:0020227 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020227" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g58830" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0802900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE013331" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4334471" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3ANR4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XN14" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84T08" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh89" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 89" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 89" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH089" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH89" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0087C10.10" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0087C10.10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020228 name: GR:0020228 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020228" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g68700" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0915600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE004724" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4324327" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8A855" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5N802" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q70KS8" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh90" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 90" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 90" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH090" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH90" RELATED [] synonym: "P0004D12.24" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020229 name: GR:0020229 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020229" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g41320" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0524800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE028578" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4346087" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8B8V2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84QW1" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh91" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 91" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 91" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH091" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH91" RELATED [] synonym: "BHLH transcription factor(GBOF-1)-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1191_A10.7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020230 name: GR:0020230 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020230" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g32510" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0501600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030471" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347486" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0J0S0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z2S8" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh92" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 92" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 92" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH092" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH92" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020231 name: GR:0020231 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020231" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g28280" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0350700" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335553" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XKR7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JDZ1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01KV4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7F1G5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FEL1" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh93" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 93" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 93" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH093" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH93" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0038P21.14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020232 name: GR:0020232 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020232" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g09590" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE024019" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3BHG5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YJ33" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh94" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 94" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 94" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH094" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH94" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020233 name: GR:0020233 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020233" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g41060" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0613500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4341525" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FU49" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69WX7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B4L6" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh95" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 95" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 95" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH095" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH95" RELATED [] synonym: "P0417G12.19" RELATED [] synonym: "P0429G06.36" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020234 name: GR:0020234 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020234" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g09370" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0193400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE020964" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4340382" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B5AEK3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YA83" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69Y51" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69Y52" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84UY9" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh96" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 96" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative bHLH transcription factor PTF1" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 96" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH096" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH96" RELATED [] synonym: "P0698A06.26-2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020235 name: GR:0020235 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020235" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g35660" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE007459" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329698" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z7E7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0E0B2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X666" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh97" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 97" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 97" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH097" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH97" RELATED [] synonym: "P0020C11.18" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative bHLH transcription factor PTF1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020236 name: GR:0020236 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020236" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_OS03g58330" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh98" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 98" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 98" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH098" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH98" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0094F01.11" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0094F01.11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020237 name: GR:0020237 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020237" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g08440" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0182200" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342572" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0D859" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh99" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 99" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 99" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH099" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH99" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020238 name: GR:0020238 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020238" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g25040" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0417400" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6EPZ6" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh100" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 100" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 100" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH100" RELATED [] synonym: "BHLH transcription factor PTF1-like protein" RELATED [] synonym: "P0014G10.34" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020239 name: GR:0020239 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020239" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g52770" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0618600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE016618" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337015" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7FA23" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q25AQ5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AUF9" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh101" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 101" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 101" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH101" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0058K23.6 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0058K23.6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020240 name: GR:0020240 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020240" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g41650" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0610200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE037286" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4352761" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2ZML0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2QMB8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0IM00" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BMY3" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh102" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 102" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 102" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH102" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020241 name: GR:0020241 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020241" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g43810" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333534" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10G90" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DQ39" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6AUE8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10G91" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh103" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 103" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 103" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH103" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBb0029I19.4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020242 name: GR:0020242 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020242" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g05010" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0143200" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8GRJ1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B765" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FVG4" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh104" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 104" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 104" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH104" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1343_B12.3" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1351_C05.28" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020243 name: GR:0020243 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020243" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g18290" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0286100" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4327916" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9EVK4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5NAE0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JNI9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ACM6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7ESW7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh105" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 105" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 105" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH105" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative BP-5 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "P0498A12.33" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020244 name: GR:0020244 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020244" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g04770" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0139300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337754" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FMC9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AXV7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6AT88" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh106" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 106" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 106" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH106" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0069I13.11" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0069I13.11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020245 name: GR:0020245 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020245" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g56140" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q948F6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XAR2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3ACF9" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh107" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 107" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 107" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH107" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative SPATULA" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0049O12.18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020246 name: GR:0020246 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020246" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g06900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE020793" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh108" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 108" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 108" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH108" RELATED [] synonym: "Basic helix-loop-helix protein SPATULA-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0015I14.14" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020247 name: GR:0020247 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020247" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g67480" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0900800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE004623" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325038" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7F1Y1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8A7R5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5N8U8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9EVE0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9EVE1" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh109" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 109" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 109" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH109" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020248 name: GR:0020248 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020248" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g39140" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0603600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE007722" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329910" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DZR0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AF19" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F0Y4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6K8J6" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh110" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 110" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 110" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH110" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OJ1669_F01.28" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1669_F01.28" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020249 name: GR:0020249 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020249" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g41229" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0489600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE015689" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336235" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AVU6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XT55" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JC65" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh111" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 111" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 111" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH111" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0084K20.3 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0084K20.3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020250 name: GR:0020250 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020250" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g39630" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0506700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE028433" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4345984" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YWU4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6Z3R6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8S490" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh112" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 112" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 112" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH112" RELATED [] synonym: "Transcription factor RAU1" RELATED [] synonym: "RAU1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020251 name: GR:0020251 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020251" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os10g40740" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os10g0556600, xref: RAP:Os10g0556200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE033031, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE033030" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4349351" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3C778" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q94LR2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BI66" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q94LR3" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh113" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 113" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 113" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH113" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative DNA-binding protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020252 name: GR:0020252 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020252" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g55250" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0795800" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6K8Y4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F408" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XAJ4" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh114" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 114" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 114" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH114" RELATED [] synonym: "Basic helix-loop-helix (BHLH)-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1695_H09.18" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1004_E04.3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020253 name: GR:0020253 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020253" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g08500" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh115" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 115" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 115" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH115" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020254 name: GR:0020254 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020254" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g40730" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2QML8" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh116" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 116" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 116" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH116" RELATED [] synonym: "Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain containing protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020255 name: GR:0020255 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020255" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g38610" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh117" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 117" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 117" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH117" RELATED [] synonym: "BHLH transcription-like" RELATED [] synonym: "P0002B05.13" RELATED [] synonym: "P0697C12.40" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020256 name: GR:0020256 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020256" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g51140" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh118" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 118" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 118" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH118" RELATED [] synonym: "BHLH transcription factor-like" RELATED [] synonym: "P0692C11.28" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020257 name: GR:0020257 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020257" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g46370" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0541400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE019860" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AW73" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5TKP7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh119" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 119" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 119" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH119" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OJ1362_G11.11" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1362_G11.11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020258 name: GR:0020258 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020258" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g28210" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0455300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030196" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347252" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q67TR8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z200" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh120" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 120" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 120" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH120" RELATED [] synonym: "Basic helix-loop-helix (BHLH)-like protein" RELATED [] synonym: "B1342C04.6" RELATED [] synonym: "P0025H07.25" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020259 name: GR:0020259 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020259" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g36740" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0471401" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE028176" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z9R3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YW50" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh121" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 121" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 121" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH121" RELATED [] synonym: "BHLH protein family-like" RELATED [] synonym: "P0461F06.33" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100887 name: GR:0100887 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100887" RELATED [] synonym: "P100-B10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P100-B10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100888 name: GR:0100888 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100888" RELATED [] synonym: "P100-D3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P100-D3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100889 name: GR:0100889 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100889" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P100-E1" RELATED [] synonym: "P100-E1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P100-E1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100890 name: GR:0100890 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100890" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P100-F11" RELATED [] synonym: "P100-F11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P100-F11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100891 name: GR:0100891 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100891" RELATED [] synonym: "P100-H11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P100-H11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100892 name: GR:0100892 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100892" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P101-A9" RELATED [] synonym: "P101-A9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P101-A9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100893 name: GR:0100893 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100893" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P101-B12" RELATED [] synonym: "P101-B12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P101-B12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100894 name: GR:0100894 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100894" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P101-B7" RELATED [] synonym: "P101-B7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P101-B7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100895 name: GR:0100895 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100895" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P101-C11" RELATED [] synonym: "P101-C11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P101-C11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100896 name: GR:0100896 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100896" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P101-G7" RELATED [] synonym: "P101-G7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P101-G7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100897 name: GR:0100897 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100897" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P101-H2" RELATED [] synonym: "P101-H2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P101-H2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100898 name: GR:0100898 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100898" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P1-02" RELATED [] synonym: "P1-02" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P1-02" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100899 name: GR:0100899 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100899" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P102-A5" RELATED [] synonym: "P102-A5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P102-A5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100900 name: GR:0100900 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100900" RELATED [] synonym: "P102-C12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P102-C12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100901 name: GR:0100901 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100901" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P102-D7" RELATED [] synonym: "P102-D7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P102-D7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100902 name: GR:0100902 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100902" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P102-E6" RELATED [] synonym: "P102-E6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P102-E6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100903 name: GR:0100903 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100903" RELATED [] synonym: "P102-F10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P102-F10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100904 name: GR:0100904 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100904" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P102-F11" RELATED [] synonym: "P102-F11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P102-F11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100905 name: GR:0100905 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100905" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P102-F3" RELATED [] synonym: "P102-F3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P102-F3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100906 name: GR:0100906 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100906" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P102-G9" RELATED [] synonym: "P102-G9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P102-G9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100907 name: GR:0100907 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100907" RELATED [] synonym: "P103-B2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P103-B2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100908 name: GR:0100908 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100908" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P103-F8" RELATED [] synonym: "P103-F8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P103-F8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100909 name: GR:0100909 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100909" RELATED [] synonym: "P103-G3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P103-G3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100910 name: GR:0100910 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100910" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P103-H2" RELATED [] synonym: "P103-H2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P103-H2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100911 name: GR:0100911 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100911" RELATED [] synonym: "P104-A10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P104-A10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100912 name: GR:0100912 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100912" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P104-A3" RELATED [] synonym: "P104-A3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P104-A3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100913 name: GR:0100913 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100913" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P104-C7" RELATED [] synonym: "P104-C7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P104-C7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100914 name: GR:0100914 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100914" RELATED [] synonym: "P104-C8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P104-C8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100915 name: GR:0100915 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100915" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P104-E2" RELATED [] synonym: "P104-E2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P104-E2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100916 name: GR:0100916 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100916" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P104-F1" RELATED [] synonym: "P104-F1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P104-F1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100917 name: GR:0100917 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100917" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P104-F8" RELATED [] synonym: "P104-F8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P104-F8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100918 name: GR:0100918 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100918" RELATED [] synonym: "P104-G7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P104-G7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100919 name: GR:0100919 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100919" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P105-D8" RELATED [] synonym: "P105-D8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P105-D8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100920 name: GR:0100920 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100920" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P105-E10" RELATED [] synonym: "P105-E10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P105-E10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100921 name: GR:0100921 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100921" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P105-G11" RELATED [] synonym: "P105-G11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P105-G11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100922 name: GR:0100922 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100922" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P105-H8" RELATED [] synonym: "P105-H8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P105-H8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100923 name: GR:0100923 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100923" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P106-B5" RELATED [] synonym: "P106-B5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P106-B5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100924 name: GR:0100924 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100924" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P106-E12" RELATED [] synonym: "P106-E12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P106-E12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100925 name: GR:0100925 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100925" RELATED [] synonym: "P106-F8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P106-F8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100926 name: GR:0100926 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100926" RELATED [] synonym: "P106-G11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P106-G11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100927 name: GR:0100927 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100927" RELATED [] synonym: "P107-A9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P107-A9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100928 name: GR:0100928 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100928" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P107-B10" RELATED [] synonym: "P107-B10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P107-B10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100929 name: GR:0100929 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100929" RELATED [] synonym: "P107-E1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P107-E1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100930 name: GR:0100930 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100930" RELATED [] synonym: "P107-E2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P107-E2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100931 name: GR:0100931 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100931" RELATED [] synonym: "P107-F1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P107-F1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100932 name: GR:0100932 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100932" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P107-F10" RELATED [] synonym: "P107-F10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P107-F10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100933 name: GR:0100933 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100933" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P107-G2" RELATED [] synonym: "P107-G2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P107-G2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100934 name: GR:0100934 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100934" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P107-H11" RELATED [] synonym: "P107-H11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P107-H11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100935 name: GR:0100935 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100935" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P107-H12" RELATED [] synonym: "P107-H12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P107-H12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100936 name: GR:0100936 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100936" RELATED [] synonym: "P107-H3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P107-H3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100937 name: GR:0100937 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100937" RELATED [] synonym: "P108-A5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P108-A5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100938 name: GR:0100938 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100938" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P108-A7" RELATED [] synonym: "P108-A7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P108-A7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100939 name: GR:0100939 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100939" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P108-B2" RELATED [] synonym: "P108-B2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P108-B2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100940 name: GR:0100940 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100940" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P108-B7" RELATED [] synonym: "P108-B7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P108-B7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100941 name: GR:0100941 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100941" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P108-D1" RELATED [] synonym: "P108-D1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P108-D1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100942 name: GR:0100942 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100942" RELATED [] synonym: "P108-D3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P108-D3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100943 name: GR:0100943 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100943" RELATED [] synonym: "P108-F10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P108-F10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100944 name: GR:0100944 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100944" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P108-F5" RELATED [] synonym: "P108-F5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P108-F5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100945 name: GR:0100945 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100945" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P108-G3" RELATED [] synonym: "P108-G3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P108-G3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100946 name: GR:0100946 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100946" RELATED [] synonym: "P108-H10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P108-H10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100947 name: GR:0100947 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100947" RELATED [] synonym: "P108-H5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P108-H5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100948 name: GR:0100948 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100948" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P109-A11" RELATED [] synonym: "P109-A11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P109-A11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100949 name: GR:0100949 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100949" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P109-C6" RELATED [] synonym: "P109-C6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P109-C6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100950 name: GR:0100950 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100950" RELATED [] synonym: "P109-D12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P109-D12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100951 name: GR:0100951 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100951" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P109-E3" RELATED [] synonym: "P109-E3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P109-E3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100952 name: GR:0100952 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100952" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P109-F3" RELATED [] synonym: "P109-F3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P109-F3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100953 name: GR:0100953 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100953" RELATED [] synonym: "P15-A5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P15-A5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100954 name: GR:0100954 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100954" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P15-D7" RELATED [] synonym: "P15-D7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P15-D7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100955 name: GR:0100955 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100955" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P15-E7" RELATED [] synonym: "P15-E7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P15-E7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100956 name: GR:0100956 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100956" RELATED [] synonym: "P15-F8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P15-F8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100957 name: GR:0100957 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100957" RELATED [] synonym: "P16-C3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P16-C3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100958 name: GR:0100958 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100958" RELATED [] synonym: "P16-G8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P16-G8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100959 name: GR:0100959 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100959" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P17-F4" RELATED [] synonym: "P17-F4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P17-F4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100960 name: GR:0100960 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100960" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P18-F10" RELATED [] synonym: "P18-F10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P18-F10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100961 name: GR:0100961 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100961" RELATED [] synonym: "P1-B06" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P1-B06" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100962 name: GR:0100962 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100962" RELATED [] synonym: "P1-C04" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P1-C04" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100963 name: GR:0100963 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100963" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P20-G5" RELATED [] synonym: "P20-G5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P20-G5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100964 name: GR:0100964 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100964" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P26-B8" RELATED [] synonym: "P26-B8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P26-B8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100965 name: GR:0100965 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100965" RELATED [] synonym: "P28-E3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P28-E3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100966 name: GR:0100966 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100966" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P29-A12" RELATED [] synonym: "P29-A12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P29-A12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100967 name: GR:0100967 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100967" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P30-A8" RELATED [] synonym: "P30-A8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P30-A8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100968 name: GR:0100968 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100968" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P30-G4" RELATED [] synonym: "P30-G4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P30-G4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100969 name: GR:0100969 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100969" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P30-G6" RELATED [] synonym: "P30-G6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P30-G6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100970 name: GR:0100970 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100970" RELATED [] synonym: "P31-G9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P31-G9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100971 name: GR:0100971 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100971" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P33-A2" RELATED [] synonym: "P33-A2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P33-A2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100972 name: GR:0100972 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100972" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P33-D12" RELATED [] synonym: "P33-D12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P33-D12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100973 name: GR:0100973 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100973" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P33-G4" RELATED [] synonym: "P33-G4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P33-G4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100974 name: GR:0100974 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100974" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P33-H10" RELATED [] synonym: "P33-H10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P33-H10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100975 name: GR:0100975 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100975" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P34-A10" RELATED [] synonym: "P34-A10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P34-A10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100976 name: GR:0100976 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100976" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P35-D10" RELATED [] synonym: "P35-D10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P35-D10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100977 name: GR:0100977 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100977" RELATED [] synonym: "P38-B7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P38-B7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100978 name: GR:0100978 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100978" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P40-D12" RELATED [] synonym: "P40-D12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P40-D12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100979 name: GR:0100979 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100979" RELATED [] synonym: "P40-H12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P40-H12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100980 name: GR:0100980 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100980" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P46-C11" RELATED [] synonym: "P46-C11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P46-C11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100981 name: GR:0100981 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100981" RELATED [] synonym: "P49-E4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P49-E4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100982 name: GR:0100982 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100982" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P4-D6" RELATED [] synonym: "P4-D6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P4-D6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100983 name: GR:0100983 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100983" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P4-G9" RELATED [] synonym: "P4-G9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P4-G9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100984 name: GR:0100984 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100984" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P50-B5" RELATED [] synonym: "P50-B5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P50-B5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100985 name: GR:0100985 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100985" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P52-C8" RELATED [] synonym: "P52-C8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P52-C8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100986 name: GR:0100986 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100986" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P56-B2" RELATED [] synonym: "P56-B2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P56-B2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100987 name: GR:0100987 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100987" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P56-D5" RELATED [] synonym: "P56-D5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P56-D5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100988 name: GR:0100988 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100988" RELATED [] synonym: "P56-E5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P56-E5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100989 name: GR:0100989 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100989" RELATED [] synonym: "P56-H4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P56-H4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100990 name: GR:0100990 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100990" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P5-B6" RELATED [] synonym: "P5-B6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P5-B6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100991 name: GR:0100991 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100991" RELATED [] synonym: "P5-C5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P5-C5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100992 name: GR:0100992 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100992" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P5-D6" RELATED [] synonym: "P5-D6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P5-D6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100993 name: GR:0100993 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100993" RELATED [] synonym: "P60-F7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P60-F7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100994 name: GR:0100994 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100994" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P61-A1" RELATED [] synonym: "P61-A1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P61-A1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100995 name: GR:0100995 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100995" RELATED [] synonym: "P63-A8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P63-A8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100996 name: GR:0100996 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100996" RELATED [] synonym: "P63-E1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P63-E1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100997 name: GR:0100997 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100997" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P63-G7" RELATED [] synonym: "P63-G7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P63-G7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100998 name: GR:0100998 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100998" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P65-B8" RELATED [] synonym: "P65-B8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P65-B8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0100999 name: GR:0100999 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0100999" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P66-B12" RELATED [] synonym: "P66-B12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P66-B12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101000 name: GR:0101000 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101000" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P67-B5" RELATED [] synonym: "P67-B5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P67-B5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101001 name: GR:0101001 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101001" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P68-H2" RELATED [] synonym: "P68-H2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P68-H2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101002 name: GR:0101002 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101002" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P6-A9" RELATED [] synonym: "P6-A9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P6-A9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101003 name: GR:0101003 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101003" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P70-D1" RELATED [] synonym: "P70-D1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P70-D1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101004 name: GR:0101004 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101004" RELATED [] synonym: "P71-G7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P71-G7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101005 name: GR:0101005 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101005" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P71-H12" RELATED [] synonym: "P71-H12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P71-H12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101006 name: GR:0101006 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101006" RELATED [] synonym: "P72-A8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P72-A8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101007 name: GR:0101007 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101007" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P72-E1" RELATED [] synonym: "P72-E1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P72-E1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101008 name: GR:0101008 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101008" RELATED [] synonym: "P72-E12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P72-E12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101009 name: GR:0101009 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101009" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P72-F7" RELATED [] synonym: "P72-F7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P72-F7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101010 name: GR:0101010 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101010" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P72-G12" RELATED [] synonym: "P72-G12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P72-G12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101011 name: GR:0101011 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101011" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P72-H3" RELATED [] synonym: "P72-H3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P72-H3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101012 name: GR:0101012 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101012" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P72-H5" RELATED [] synonym: "P72-H5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P72-H5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101013 name: GR:0101013 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101013" RELATED [] synonym: "P75-C1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P75-C1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101014 name: GR:0101014 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101014" RELATED [] synonym: "P75-D3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P75-D3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101015 name: GR:0101015 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101015" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P76-B12" RELATED [] synonym: "P76-B12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P76-B12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101016 name: GR:0101016 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101016" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P76-D11" RELATED [] synonym: "P76-D11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P76-D11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101017 name: GR:0101017 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101017" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P76-G8" RELATED [] synonym: "P76-G8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P76-G8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101018 name: GR:0101018 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101018" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P76-H3" RELATED [] synonym: "P76-H3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P76-H3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101019 name: GR:0101019 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101019" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P77-B10" RELATED [] synonym: "P77-B10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P77-B10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101020 name: GR:0101020 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101020" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P77-C11" RELATED [] synonym: "P77-C11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P77-C11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101021 name: GR:0101021 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101021" RELATED [] synonym: "P77-C12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P77-C12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101022 name: GR:0101022 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101022" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P77-D6" RELATED [] synonym: "P77-D6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P77-D6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101023 name: GR:0101023 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101023" RELATED [] synonym: "P77-F8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P77-F8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101024 name: GR:0101024 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101024" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P77-G8" RELATED [] synonym: "P77-G8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P77-G8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101025 name: GR:0101025 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101025" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P77-H6" RELATED [] synonym: "P77-H6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P77-H6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101026 name: GR:0101026 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101026" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P78-C6" RELATED [] synonym: "P78-C6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P78-C6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101027 name: GR:0101027 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101027" RELATED [] synonym: "P78-E8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P78-E8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101028 name: GR:0101028 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101028" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P79-B1" RELATED [] synonym: "P79-B1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P79-B1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101029 name: GR:0101029 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101029" RELATED [] synonym: "P79-D15" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P79-D15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101030 name: GR:0101030 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101030" RELATED [] synonym: "P79-E1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P79-E1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101031 name: GR:0101031 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101031" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P79-E11" RELATED [] synonym: "P79-E11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P79-E11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101032 name: GR:0101032 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101032" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P79-E7" RELATED [] synonym: "P79-E7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P79-E7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101033 name: GR:0101033 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101033" RELATED [] synonym: "P79-H4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P79-H4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101034 name: GR:0101034 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101034" RELATED [] synonym: "P7-A4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P7-A4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101035 name: GR:0101035 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101035" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P7-E5" RELATED [] synonym: "P7-E5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P7-E5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101036 name: GR:0101036 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101036" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P80-B3" RELATED [] synonym: "P80-B3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P80-B3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101037 name: GR:0101037 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101037" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P81-B3" RELATED [] synonym: "P81-B3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P81-B3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101038 name: GR:0101038 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101038" RELATED [] synonym: "P81-B6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P81-B6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101039 name: GR:0101039 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101039" RELATED [] synonym: "P81-C7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P81-C7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101040 name: GR:0101040 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101040" RELATED [] synonym: "P81-F4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P81-F4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101041 name: GR:0101041 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101041" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P81-G1" RELATED [] synonym: "P81-G1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P81-G1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101042 name: GR:0101042 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101042" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P81-G4" RELATED [] synonym: "P81-G4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P81-G4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101043 name: GR:0101043 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101043" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P81-H7" RELATED [] synonym: "P81-H7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P81-H7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101044 name: GR:0101044 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101044" RELATED [] synonym: "P82-E5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P82-E5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101045 name: GR:0101045 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101045" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P82-F7" RELATED [] synonym: "P82-F7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P82-F7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101046 name: GR:0101046 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101046" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P83-A5" RELATED [] synonym: "P83-A5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P83-A5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101047 name: GR:0101047 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101047" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P83-B2" RELATED [] synonym: "P83-B2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P83-B2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101048 name: GR:0101048 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101048" RELATED [] synonym: "P83-C9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P83-C9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101049 name: GR:0101049 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101049" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P83-D4" RELATED [] synonym: "P83-D4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P83-D4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101050 name: GR:0101050 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101050" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P83-D5" RELATED [] synonym: "P83-D5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P83-D5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101051 name: GR:0101051 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101051" RELATED [] synonym: "P83-G5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P83-G5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101052 name: GR:0101052 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101052" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P83-H10" RELATED [] synonym: "P83-H10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P83-H10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101053 name: GR:0101053 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101053" RELATED [] synonym: "P83-H4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P83-H4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101054 name: GR:0101054 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101054" RELATED [] synonym: "P84-C2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P84-C2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101055 name: GR:0101055 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101055" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P84-D12" RELATED [] synonym: "P84-D12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P84-D12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101056 name: GR:0101056 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101056" RELATED [] synonym: "P84-F11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P84-F11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101057 name: GR:0101057 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101057" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P84-H3" RELATED [] synonym: "P84-H3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P84-H3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101058 name: GR:0101058 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101058" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P84-H4" RELATED [] synonym: "P84-H4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P84-H4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101059 name: GR:0101059 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101059" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P84-H5" RELATED [] synonym: "P84-H5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P84-H5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101060 name: GR:0101060 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101060" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P84-H6" RELATED [] synonym: "P84-H6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P84-H6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101061 name: GR:0101061 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101061" RELATED [] synonym: "P85-B1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P85-B1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101062 name: GR:0101062 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101062" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P85-B12" RELATED [] synonym: "P85-B12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P85-B12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101063 name: GR:0101063 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101063" RELATED [] synonym: "P85-B2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P85-B2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101064 name: GR:0101064 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101064" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P85-B9" RELATED [] synonym: "P85-B9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P85-B9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101065 name: GR:0101065 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101065" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P85-C7" RELATED [] synonym: "P85-C7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P85-C7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101066 name: GR:0101066 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101066" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P85-D8" RELATED [] synonym: "P85-D8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P85-D8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101067 name: GR:0101067 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101067" RELATED [] synonym: "P85-F2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P85-F2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101068 name: GR:0101068 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101068" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P85-F8" RELATED [] synonym: "P85-F8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P85-F8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101069 name: GR:0101069 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101069" RELATED [] synonym: "P86-A3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P86-A3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101070 name: GR:0101070 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101070" RELATED [] synonym: "P86-D6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P86-D6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101071 name: GR:0101071 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101071" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P86-E3" RELATED [] synonym: "P86-E3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P86-E3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101072 name: GR:0101072 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101072" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P86-E8" RELATED [] synonym: "P86-E8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P86-E8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101073 name: GR:0101073 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101073" RELATED [] synonym: "P86-F9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P86-F9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101074 name: GR:0101074 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101074" RELATED [] synonym: "P86-G10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P86-G10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101075 name: GR:0101075 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101075" RELATED [] synonym: "P86-H10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P86-H10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101076 name: GR:0101076 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101076" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P87-A3" RELATED [] synonym: "P87-A3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P87-A3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101077 name: GR:0101077 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101077" RELATED [] synonym: "P87-B1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P87-B1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101078 name: GR:0101078 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101078" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P87-C2" RELATED [] synonym: "P87-C2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P87-C2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101079 name: GR:0101079 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101079" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P87-C5" RELATED [] synonym: "P87-C5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P87-C5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101080 name: GR:0101080 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101080" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P87-G9" RELATED [] synonym: "P87-G9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P87-G9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101081 name: GR:0101081 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101081" RELATED [] synonym: "P87-H6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P87-H6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101082 name: GR:0101082 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101082" RELATED [] synonym: "P88-A11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P88-A11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101083 name: GR:0101083 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101083" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P88-A6" RELATED [] synonym: "P88-A6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P88-A6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101084 name: GR:0101084 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101084" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P88-B4" RELATED [] synonym: "P88-B4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P88-B4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101085 name: GR:0101085 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101085" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P88-C3" RELATED [] synonym: "P88-C3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P88-C3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101086 name: GR:0101086 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101086" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P88-F10" RELATED [] synonym: "P88-F10" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P88-F10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101087 name: GR:0101087 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101087" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P88-F11" RELATED [] synonym: "P88-F11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P88-F11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101088 name: GR:0101088 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101088" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P88-H6" RELATED [] synonym: "P88-H6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P88-H6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101089 name: GR:0101089 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101089" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P89-B12" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-B12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-B12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101090 name: GR:0101090 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101090" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-B2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-B2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101091 name: GR:0101091 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101091" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P89-C3" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-C3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-C3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101092 name: GR:0101092 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101092" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P89-D4" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-D4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-D4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101093 name: GR:0101093 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101093" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-E12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-E12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101094 name: GR:0101094 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101094" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P89-E2" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-E2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-E2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101095 name: GR:0101095 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101095" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-E6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-E6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101096 name: GR:0101096 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101096" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P89-F12" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-F12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-F12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101097 name: GR:0101097 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101097" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P89-F6" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-F6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-F6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101098 name: GR:0101098 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101098" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P89-G12" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-G12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-G12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101099 name: GR:0101099 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101099" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P89-G8" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-G8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-G8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101100 name: GR:0101100 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101100" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P89-H1" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-H1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-H1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101101 name: GR:0101101 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101101" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P89-H4" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-H4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-H4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101102 name: GR:0101102 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101102" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P89-H6" RELATED [] synonym: "P89-H6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P89-H6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101103 name: GR:0101103 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101103" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P8-C12" RELATED [] synonym: "P8-C12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P8-C12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101104 name: GR:0101104 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101104" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P8-E2" RELATED [] synonym: "P8-E2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P8-E2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101105 name: GR:0101105 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101105" RELATED [] synonym: "P8-F8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P8-F8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101106 name: GR:0101106 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101106" RELATED [] synonym: "P8-G3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P8-G3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101107 name: GR:0101107 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101107" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P90-A12" RELATED [] synonym: "P90-A12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P90-A12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101108 name: GR:0101108 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101108" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P90-A5" RELATED [] synonym: "P90-A5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P90-A5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101109 name: GR:0101109 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101109" RELATED [] synonym: "P90-B6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P90-B6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101110 name: GR:0101110 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101110" RELATED [] synonym: "P90-B8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P90-B8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101111 name: GR:0101111 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101111" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P90-B9" RELATED [] synonym: "P90-B9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P90-B9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101112 name: GR:0101112 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101112" RELATED [] synonym: "P91-A1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P91-A1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101113 name: GR:0101113 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101113" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P91-A11" RELATED [] synonym: "P91-A11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P91-A11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101114 name: GR:0101114 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101114" RELATED [] synonym: "P91-A5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P91-A5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101115 name: GR:0101115 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101115" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P91-C7" RELATED [] synonym: "P91-C7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P91-C7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101116 name: GR:0101116 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101116" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P91-D8" RELATED [] synonym: "P91-D8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P91-D8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101117 name: GR:0101117 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101117" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P91-D9" RELATED [] synonym: "P91-D9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P91-D9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101118 name: GR:0101118 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101118" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P91-E11" RELATED [] synonym: "P91-E11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P91-E11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101119 name: GR:0101119 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101119" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P91-E4" RELATED [] synonym: "P91-E4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P91-E4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101120 name: GR:0101120 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101120" RELATED [] synonym: "P91-F12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P91-F12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101121 name: GR:0101121 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101121" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P91-H7" RELATED [] synonym: "P91-H7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P91-H7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101122 name: GR:0101122 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101122" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P92-A3" RELATED [] synonym: "P92-A3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P92-A3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101123 name: GR:0101123 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101123" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P92-A9" RELATED [] synonym: "P92-A9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P92-A9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101124 name: GR:0101124 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101124" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P92-C3" RELATED [] synonym: "P92-C3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P92-C3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101125 name: GR:0101125 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101125" RELATED [] synonym: "P93-A5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P93-A5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101126 name: GR:0101126 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101126" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P93-C6" RELATED [] synonym: "P93-C6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P93-C6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101127 name: GR:0101127 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101127" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P93-D6" RELATED [] synonym: "P93-D6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P93-D6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101128 name: GR:0101128 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101128" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P93-G6" RELATED [] synonym: "P93-G6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P93-G6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101129 name: GR:0101129 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101129" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P93-H6" RELATED [] synonym: "P93-H6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P93-H6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101130 name: GR:0101130 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101130" RELATED [] synonym: "P94-A5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P94-A5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101131 name: GR:0101131 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101131" RELATED [] synonym: "P94-D12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P94-D12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101132 name: GR:0101132 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101132" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P94-E8" RELATED [] synonym: "P94-E8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P94-E8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101133 name: GR:0101133 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101133" RELATED [] synonym: "P94-G1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P94-G1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101134 name: GR:0101134 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101134" RELATED [] synonym: "P95-D12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P95-D12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101135 name: GR:0101135 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101135" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P95-D5" RELATED [] synonym: "P95-D5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P95-D5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101136 name: GR:0101136 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101136" RELATED [] synonym: "P95-E5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P95-E5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101137 name: GR:0101137 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101137" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P96-A3" RELATED [] synonym: "P96-A3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P96-A3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101138 name: GR:0101138 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101138" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P96-B3" RELATED [] synonym: "P96-B3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P96-B3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101139 name: GR:0101139 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101139" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P96-B9" RELATED [] synonym: "P96-B9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P96-B9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101140 name: GR:0101140 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101140" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P96-C4" RELATED [] synonym: "P96-C4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P96-C4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101141 name: GR:0101141 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101141" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P96-C9" RELATED [] synonym: "P96-C9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P96-C9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101142 name: GR:0101142 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101142" RELATED [] synonym: "P96-E12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P96-E12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101143 name: GR:0101143 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101143" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P96-F7" RELATED [] synonym: "P96-F7" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P96-F7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101144 name: GR:0101144 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101144" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P96-H6" RELATED [] synonym: "P96-H6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P96-H6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101145 name: GR:0101145 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101145" RELATED [] synonym: "P97-A1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P97-A1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101146 name: GR:0101146 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101146" RELATED [] synonym: "P97-B2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P97-B2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101147 name: GR:0101147 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101147" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P97-B5" RELATED [] synonym: "P97-B5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P97-B5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101148 name: GR:0101148 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101148" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P97-D1" RELATED [] synonym: "P97-D1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P97-D1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101149 name: GR:0101149 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101149" RELATED [] synonym: "P97-E3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P97-E3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101150 name: GR:0101150 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101150" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P97-E9" RELATED [] synonym: "P97-E9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P97-E9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101151 name: GR:0101151 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101151" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P97-F12" RELATED [] synonym: "P97-F12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P97-F12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101152 name: GR:0101152 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101152" RELATED [] synonym: "P97-F4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P97-F4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101153 name: GR:0101153 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101153" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P98-A8" RELATED [] synonym: "P98-A8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P98-A8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101154 name: GR:0101154 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101154" RELATED [] synonym: "P98-A9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P98-A9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101155 name: GR:0101155 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101155" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P98-B9" RELATED [] synonym: "P98-B9" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P98-B9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101156 name: GR:0101156 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101156" RELATED [] synonym: "P98-D2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P98-D2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101157 name: GR:0101157 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101157" RELATED [] synonym: "P98-G12" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P98-G12" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101158 name: GR:0101158 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101158" RELATED [] synonym: "P98-G5" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P98-G5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101159 name: GR:0101159 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101159" RELATED [] synonym: "P98-G6" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P98-G6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101160 name: GR:0101160 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101160" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P99-A2" RELATED [] synonym: "P99-A2" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P99-A2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101161 name: GR:0101161 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101161" RELATED [] synonym: "P99-B3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P99-B3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101162 name: GR:0101162 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101162" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P99-B4" RELATED [] synonym: "P99-B4" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P99-B4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101163 name: GR:0101163 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101163" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P99-C8" RELATED [] synonym: "P99-C8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P99-C8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101164 name: GR:0101164 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101164" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P99-D11" RELATED [] synonym: "P99-D11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P99-D11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101165 name: GR:0101165 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101165" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P99-F3" RELATED [] synonym: "P99-F3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P99-F3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101166 name: GR:0101166 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101166" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P99-G11" RELATED [] synonym: "P99-G11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P99-G11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101167 name: GR:0101167 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101167" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P99-H3" RELATED [] synonym: "P99-H3" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P99-H3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101168 name: GR:0101168 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101168" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P99-H8" RELATED [] synonym: "P99-H8" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P99-H8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101169 name: GR:0101169 def: "It belongs to the long ~24 nt size class of the siRNAs. Such siRNAs are associated with the transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) involving DNA methylation and histone (H3k9) methylation" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101169" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P9-F11" RELATED [] synonym: "P9-F11" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P9-F11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101170 name: GR:0101170 def: "It belongs to the short ~21 nt size class of the siRNAs. These are also designated as trans acting siRNAs (tasiRNAs) and are associated with the post transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS) by directing the cleavage of target mRNAs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101170" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:P9-G1" RELATED [] synonym: "P9-G1" RELATED [] synonym: "small interfering RNA P9-G1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101171 name: GR:0101171 def: "Autophagy pathway is a highly regulated process for bulk degradation of proteins and organelles. It has been shown to be essential for differentiation, development and cellular maintenance. ATG8 is an essential protein in the autophagic pathway and undergoes post-translational modification including the C-terminal cleavage. The protein is covalently conjugated to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and localizes to autophagosome membranes, which promotes the formation of autophagosome and their delivery to the vacuole for subsequent degradation. Mutation analysis revealed that the conserved Gly117 residue of ATG8 was essential for its characteristic C-terminal cleavage. Protein encoded by another gene Autophagy 4 (Atg4, GR:0101172) interacts with the ATG8 and is involved in its post-translational modification. It is an ortholog of Arabidopsis thaliana gene APG8A/ATG8A (AT4G21980)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101171" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g32800" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0512200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE024931" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4343365" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A6N007" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2XPP5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7E4C9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69RC4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q710Q4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6N1U2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6N1T1" RELATED [] synonym: "Atg8" RELATED [] synonym: "Autophagy 8" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAtg8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101172 name: GR:0101172 def: "Autophagy pathway is a highly regulated process for bulk degradation of proteins and organelles. Autophagy is shown to be essential for differentiation, development and cellular maintenance. ATG4 protein interacts with the ATG8 protein encoded by Atg8 gene (GR:0101172) and is involved in its post-translational modification. ATG4 is a cysteine protease. It is an ortholog of Arabidopsis thaliana gene APG4B/ATG4B (AT3G59950)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101172" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g58560" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0682000" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337435" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FDC5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XPW8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2XPP4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ARI6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EFR3" RELATED [] synonym: "Atg4" RELATED [] synonym: "Autophagy 4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAtg4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080017 name: GR:0080017 def: "Rice BR-deficient dwarf1 (brd1) mutants showed defects in the elongation of the stem and leaves due to the failure in the organization and polar elongation of cells in these organs. These mutants were deficient in the activity of BR C-6 oxidase. OsDWARF was cloned and identified as a homolog of the tomato C-6 oxidase gene, CYP85A1/DWARF. Dwarf catalyze the C-6 oxidation step in BR biosynthesis. Introduction of OsDWARF into brd1 rescued the abnormal phenotype of the mutants. OsDWARF was expressed abundantly in the leaf sheath, and the expression was negatively regulated by brassinolide treatment" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080017" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g40540" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0602300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333399" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10H45" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8GSQ1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6MZU1" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDWARF" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080016 name: GR:0080016 def: "OsDWARF4 is a homolog of A.taliana DWARF4, which encodes a cytochrome P450, CYP90B1. CTY90B1/DWARF4 catalyzes C-22 hydroxylation, the rate-limitinng step of brassinosteroid biosynthesis. OsDWARF4 is most abundant in leaf blades and roots, its expression is feedback regulated by brassinolide. osdwarf4-1 mutants show slightly dwarfism, and more erect leaves. osdwarf4-1/d11-4 double mutants exhibit severe dwarfing and malformed leaves with tortuous leaf blades as shown in BR-deficient brd1 mutant (GR:0080017). The erect leaf phenotype of osdwarf4-1 is associated with the enhanced grain yields under dense planting conditions, most of the increase in biomass and yield is directly attributable to an increase in panicle number in the mutants" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080016" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g12660" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0227700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE010230" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332134" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AJL3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5CCK3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8H848" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF4" RELATED [] synonym: "DWARF4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDWARF4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020260 name: GR:0020260 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020260" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g10820" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0210600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE021083" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q69TX2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YAK2" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh122" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 122" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 122" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH122" RELATED [] synonym: "P0021C04.13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020261 name: GR:0020261 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020261" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g61480" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0831000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE004153" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4327431" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0JI15" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZG8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XAQ6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZG1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZG4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WWM6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A1KZG6" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh123" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 123" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 123" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH123" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020262 name: GR:0020262 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020262" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g01700" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0108500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE026229" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3BNX2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YQH4" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh124" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 124, OsbHLH124" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 124" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH124" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020263 name: GR:0020263 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020263" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g02110" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0111500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE000093" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4326144" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9ASJ3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JRA9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ACW0" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh125" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 125" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 125" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH125" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein P0439B06.24" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020264 name: GR:0020264 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020264" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g48060" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0710300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE008385" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330488" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2X8T9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZFY4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DY80" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh126" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 126" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 126" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH126" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1038_A06.9" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1311_H06.19" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020265 name: GR:0020265 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020265" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g30090" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0496400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE022005" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q651K2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YD84" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh127" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 127" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 127" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH127" RELATED [] synonym: "B1089G05.30" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020266 name: GR:0020266 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020266" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g13000" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh128" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 120, OsbHLH128" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 128" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH128" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020267 name: GR:0020267 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020267" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g10770" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE010069" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AQF7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10Q90" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F624" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh129" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 129" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 129" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH129" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020268 name: GR:0020268 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020268" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g39850" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0589000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE037151" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2ZM74" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2QMV9" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh130" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 130" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 130" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH130" RELATED [] synonym: "Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain containing protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020269 name: GR:0020269 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020269" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g42100" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0617800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012107" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333457" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2XJK8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6AV35" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh131" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 131" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 131" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH131" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0063J18.7" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative transcription factor" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020270 name: GR:0020270 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020270" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g41640" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0634700" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2R0R9" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh132" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 132" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 132" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH132" RELATED [] synonym: "Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain containing protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020271 name: GR:0020271 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020271" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g32400" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0508500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE036719" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2ZKY0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2QQ32" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh133" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 133" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 133" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH133" RELATED [] synonym: "Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain containing protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020272 name: GR:0020272 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020272" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_OS03g55550" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh134" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 134" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 134" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH134" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative transcription factor" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0002J24.23" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020273 name: GR:0020273 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020273" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g40590" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0597800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE037209" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2QMN2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BMU4" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh135" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 135" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 135" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH135" RELATED [] synonym: "Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain containing protein" RELATED [] synonym: "expressed" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020274 name: GR:0020274 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020274" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g40710" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0599000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE037213" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2QMM0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BMU7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh136" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 136" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 136" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH136" RELATED [] synonym: "Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain containing protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080018 name: GR:0080018 def: "OsBLE3 is a brassinolide-enhanced gene. It was mainly expressed in roots and leaf sheaths with levels of expression directly dependent on the dose of BL. In situ hybridization detected OsBLE3 mRNA in shoot apical meristem, root primordia and vascular tissue. Its expression was enhanced by co-treatment with Brassinolide and low concentration of IAA. The growth of some anti-sense plants showed semi-dwarfism, shorter root length and less branching" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080018" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:Loc_Os05g15630" RELATED [] synonym: "BLE3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsBLE3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020275 name: GR:0020275 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020275" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g40630" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2QMM8" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh137" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 137" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 137" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH137" RELATED [] synonym: "Helix-loop-helix DNA-binding domain containing protein" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080019 name: GR:0080019 def: "OsMDP1 encodes a rice MADS-box transcription factor. It is transcribed mainly in mature leaf, coleoptile, root-elongation zone, culm internde and lamina joint. The expression is stimulated by darkness and suppressed by brassinolide treatment. OsMDP1 deficiency resulted in shortened primary roots, elongated coleoptiles and enhanced lamina joint inclinations" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080019" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g08754" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0186600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE009936" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4331872" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3AEX0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3AEW9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10QR7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8APQ4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5K4R0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10QR6" RELATED [] synonym: "MDP1" RELATED [] synonym: "MADS-domain-containing protein 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMDP1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMADS47" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080020 name: GR:0080020 def: "OsCKI1 encodes a rice casein kinase 1 protein. It was constitutively expressed in seed, seedling, root, stem, leaf, leaf sheath and panicle, also upregulated by treatments with BR and ABA. Enzymatic assay showed OsCKI1 was capable of phosphorylating casein. Deficiency of OsCKI1 affected root development. OsCKI1-GFP revealed that the localization of OsCKI1 to the nucleus" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080020" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:Loc_Os02g40860" RELATED [] synonym: "CKI" RELATED [] synonym: "casein kinase I" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCKI1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080021 name: GR:0080021 def: "OsMADS22, a member of the STMADS11-like family of MADS-box genes, is expressed during embryogenesis and flower development, especially localized in the L1 layer of embryos and developing stamen primordia. Ectopic expression of OsMADS22 resulted in aberrant floral morphogenesis, such as disorganized palea, an elongated glume, and a two-floret spikelet" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080021" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g52340" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0761000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE008736" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330805" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2X9V3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DXD1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9XJ66" RELATED [] synonym: "MADS22" RELATED [] synonym: "MADS22" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMADS22" RELATED [] synonym: "STMADS11-like" RELATED [] synonym: "RMD1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101173 name: GR:0101173 def: "The gene encodes for vacuolar invertase enzyme. The enzymatic assay involving recombinant Vin1 suggest that it lacks fructan biosynthesis enzyme (FBE) activity and possessed a high fructan exohydrolase activity. Neither the gene expression nor the accumulation of fructan was observed in rice plant's peduncle. Gene expression was observed in the panicle, flag leaf, and anther. It is expressed maximally spanning from 3 days before, until 3 days after (50% flowering stage) the heading stage in a panicle" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101173" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g45290" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0535600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336515" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9LKJ0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01IH0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JBF1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q56UM4" RELATED [] synonym: "Vin1" RELATED [] synonym: "Vacuolar invertase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsVin1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101174 name: GR:0101174 def: "The gene encodes for vacuolar invertase enzyme. The enzymatic assay involving recombinant Vin2 suggest that it lacks fructan biosynthesis enzyme (FBE) activity and possessed a high fructan exohydrolase activity. Compared to Vin1 (GR:0101173) expression of Vin2 was observed in rice plant's peduncle despite the nonaccumulation of fructan in peduncle. Gene expression was also observed in the panicle, flag leaf, and anther. However, it was upregulated under water deficit/drought like conditions. It is expressed maximally starting from heading till 3 days after (50% flowering stage) the heading stage in a panicle" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101174" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g01590" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0106100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE005266" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4328018" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q56UM3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9LKI9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3A285" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ETD3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WZV2" RELATED [] synonym: "Vin2" RELATED [] synonym: "Vacuolar invertase 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsVin2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101175 name: GR:0101175 def: "It encodes for a ubiquitin ligase that binds and stabilizes the Xa21 (GR:0061029) protein. This interaction is required to confer full xa21-mediated resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae race 6" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101175" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g02130" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0112000" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337598" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AWZ6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q65XV2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8LLW2" RELATED [] synonym: "Xb3" RELATED [] synonym: "Xa21-binding protein 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Ubiquitin ligase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101176 name: GR:0101176 def: "It encodes for a plastid localized sigma factor that specifically bind the –35 and –10 promoter motifs of plastid encoded RNA polymerase (PEP) holoenzymes. The Sig5 transcript was strongly expressed in the leaf tip and base but was not detected in the stem or root" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101176" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g50930" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0586600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE020210" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339759" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q84JN3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FIR8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y810" RELATED [] synonym: "Sig5" RELATED [] synonym: "Plastid sigma factor 5" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSig5" RELATED [] synonym: "plastid RNA polymerase sigma factor" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101177 name: GR:0101177 def: "It encodes for a sigma factor that may bind the –35 and –10 promoter motifs of plastid encoded RNA polymerase (PEP) holoenzymes. The Sig6 transcript was strongly expressed in the leaf tip, leaf base and stem, but was not detected in the root. The plastid localization of Sig6 was not confirmed by the GFP assays" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101177" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g14450" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0242800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4345044" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q84LK8" RELATED [] synonym: "Sig6" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative plastid sigma factor 6" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSig6" RELATED [] synonym: "plastid RNA polymerase sigma factor" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101178 name: GR:0101178 def: "It encodes for a plastid localized sigma factor that specifically binds the –35 and –10 promoter motifs of plastid encoded RNA polymerase (PEP) holoenzymes. The putative plastid localization is based on sequence similarity to the maize orthologs Sig1A (GR:0206703) and Sig1B (GR:0206704) and Arbidopsis SigA. The rice Sig1 was highly expressed in the green shoot (7-10 day old) tissue grown under light conditions, compared to the roots and the dark grown etiolated shoot of the same age. This suggests that the transcription of Sig1 is light-dependent and may play a role in the expression of plastid genes during chloroplast biogenesis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101178" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g06630" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0163400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE026599" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4344738" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7EY08" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0J7T6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BPX7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7EY07" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:O48655" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YRJ0" RELATED [] synonym: "Sig1" RELATED [] synonym: "Sigma factor 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSig1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSigA" RELATED [] synonym: "SigA" RELATED [] synonym: "Plastid RNA polymerase sigma factor" RELATED [] synonym: "RsigA" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101179 name: GR:0101179 def: "It encodes for a plastid localized sigma factor that specifically binds the –35 and –10 promoter motifs of plastid encoded RNA polymerase (PEP) holoenzymes. The putative plastid localization is based on the homology to maize Sig2A (GR:0206705) gene" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101179" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g26160" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0448400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4350441" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q53KH7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q53JE7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AUZ3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q53KH8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XXT0" RELATED [] synonym: "Sig2A" RELATED [] synonym: "Sigma factor 2A" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSig2A" RELATED [] synonym: "Plastid RNA polymerase sigma factor" RELATED [] synonym: "Plastid sigma factor 2A" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101180 name: GR:0101180 def: "It encodes for a plastid localized sigma factor that specifically binds the –35 and –10 promoter motifs of plastid encoded RNA polymerase (PEP) holoenzymes. The putative plastid and mitochondrial localization is based on the homology to maize Sig2B (GR:0206706) gene" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101180" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g16430" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0271100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE010531" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332388" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3AGH1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84Q84" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10NF3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XF08" RELATED [] synonym: "Sig2B" RELATED [] synonym: "Sigma factor 2B" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSig2B" RELATED [] synonym: "Plastid RNA polymerase sigma factor" RELATED [] synonym: "Plastid sigma factor 2B" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1261C08.7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101181 name: GR:0101181 def: "The gene encodes for raffinose synthase that catalyses the sucrose into raffinose. The enzyme was specific for galactinol and p-nitrophenyl-alpha-D: -galactoside as galactosyl donors, and sucrose, lactose, 4-beta-galactobiose, N-acetyl-D: -lactosamine, trehalose and lacto-N-biose were recognized as galactosyl acceptors" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101181" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g07530" RELATED [] synonym: "Raffinose synthase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Rfs1" RELATED [] synonym: "Raffinose synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "seed imbibition protein 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Sip1" RELATED [] synonym: "galactinol-sucrose galactosyltransferase" RELATED [] synonym: "1-alpha-D-galactosyl-myo-inositol:sucrose 6-alpha-D-galactosyltransferase" RELATED [] synonym: "alkaline alpha galactosidase I" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101182 name: GR:0101182 def: "The gene is induced by low (cold) temperature during seedling emergence. It is a homolog of Arabidopsis RCI2B (At3g05890) and barley low-temperature-inducible (BLT101) genes. It encodes for a hydrophobic protein involved in maintaining the integrity of the plasma membrane during cold, dehydration and salt stress conditions. In the cold tolerant rice variety CT6748-8-CA-17, its transcript expression was induced as early as 2h after the exposure to cold temperature (10C). The transcript amount gradually increased upto 24h after induction. A similar induction pattern was observed under 100uM ABA stress except that it declines after 12h of induction. A gradual increase in transcript levels 24h after its induction were observed under high salt (250mM NaCl) and water deficit (dehydration/drought) conditions. In the cold intolerant variety INIAP12 the expression was delayed by atleast 12 and 4 hrs for cold and ABA stresses respectively" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101182" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g44180" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE025738" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4344028" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8H5T6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YP22" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0D4B9" RELATED [] synonym: "Lti6A" RELATED [] synonym: "Low temperature induced 6A" RELATED [] synonym: "OsLti6A" RELATED [] synonym: "Hydrophobic protein LTI6A" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101183 name: GR:0101183 def: "The gene is induced by low (cold) temperature during seedling emergence. It is a homolog of Arabidopsis RCI2A (At3g05880) and barley low-temperature-inducible (BLT101) genes. It encodes for a hydrophobic protein involved in maintaining the integrity of the plasma membrane during cold, dehydration and salt stress conditions" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101183" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g04700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE017495" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337750" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DKW8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y075" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9SXZ4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FGY1" RELATED [] synonym: "Lti6B" RELATED [] synonym: "Low temperature induced 6B" RELATED [] synonym: "OsLti6BA" RELATED [] synonym: "Hydrophobic protein LTI6B" RELATED [] synonym: "Low temperature-induced protein 6B" RELATED [] synonym: "drought-induced hydrophobic" RELATED [] synonym: "DRR2" RELATED [] synonym: "early drought induced protein" RELATED [] synonym: "R1G1B" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080022 name: GR:0080022 def: "Wax-deficient anther1 (Wda1), a rice homolog of Arabidopsis CER1, is strongly expressed in the epidermal cells of rice anthers. Wda1 mutant shows defects in the biosynthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids in both layers of anthers. Scanning electron microscopy analysis shows that epicuticular waxx crystals were absent in the outer layer of the anther and that microspore development was severely retarded and finally disrupted as a result of defective pollen exine formation in the mature anthers. Biochemical analysis of the wda1 mutant anthers showed that the levels of very-long-chain alkanes, alkens, fatty acids, and primary alchols are severely reduced" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080022" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os10g33250" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os10g0471100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE032436" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4348869" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XDI3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BHF1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q109K0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9XH51" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9FWK6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q109K1" RELATED [] synonym: "WDA1" RELATED [] synonym: "Wax-deficient anther1" RELATED [] synonym: "Wda1" RELATED [] synonym: "wda1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101184 name: GR:0101184 def: "Secretory carrier membrane proteins (SCAMPs) are ubiquitous components of recycling vesicles that shuttle between the plasma membrane, early endosomes, and the trans-Golgi complex. They play a role in clathrin mediated endocytosis process by involving the recruitment of clathrin coats to the plasma membrane and the trans-Golgi network" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101184" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g37740" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0564600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE025266" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4343617" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YMP7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8H5X5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7E5U7" RELATED [] synonym: "Scamp1" RELATED [] synonym: "Secretory carrier membrane protein 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1112_E08.16" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080024 name: GR:0080024 def: "The gid2 mutants showed a severe dwarf phenotype with wide leaf blades and dark green leaves, which features typical of GA-related mutants such as d1 and d18. gid2 mutant is sterile, and there is no GA-dependent induction of alpha-amylase in gid2 endosperm at the transcriptional level. GID2 gene is expressed preferentially in unopened flowers, shoot apices, and elongation stem, which is correlated with the locations where GA is actively produced. It also expressed at lower levels in the leaf blades, leaf sheaths, roots and rachis. The deduced amino acid sequence of GID2 contains an F-box domain, which is a part of an E3 ubiquitin-ligase complex, this motif is well conserved with Arabidopsis SLY1, it suggests GID2 as a positive regulator of GA signaling. In vitro pull-down assay showed that GID2 specifically interacted with the phosphorylated SLR1 (Slender rice 1), and triggered the ubiguitin-mediated degradation of SLR1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080024" RELATED [] synonym: "GID2" RELATED [] synonym: "GA-insensitive dwarf 2" RELATED [] synonym: "gid2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101185 name: GR:0101185 def: "The gene encodes for an enzyme ABA 8'-hydroxylase that catalyses the oxidation of plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) to phaseic acid (PA), thsu playing a role in the ABA catabolism.Its mRNA expression increased within 1h after submergence with a simultaneous decrease in ABA levels in submerged rice shoots, that is controlled partly by ethylene-induced expression of ABA8ox1 and partly by ethylene-independent suppression of genes involved in the biosynthesis of ABA e.g. Zeaxanthin epoxidase (ZEP) and Epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED). The protein is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101185" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g47470" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0703600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE008343" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330448" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q05JG2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q09J79" RELATED [] synonym: "ABA8ox1" RELATED [] synonym: "ABA 8'-hydroxylase1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsABA8ox1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080023 name: GR:0080023 def: "Rice SPINDLY (OsSPY) is a homolog of Arabidopsis SPY (At3g11540) which encodes an O-linked N. acetylglucosamine transferase. The OsSPY knockdown mutants showed elongation of lower internodes, which is similar to Arabidopsis spy mutants, this suggested the OsSPY functions as a negative regulator in GA signaling in rice. OsSPY antisense and RNAi plants showed increased lamina joint bending, which is a brassinosteroid-related phenotype. These results suggest OsSPY may play roles in GA signalling and in the brassinosteroid pathway. OsSPY knockdown plants at the reproductive stage showed the typical GA-overdose spindly phenotype, and rarely developed fertile flowers" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080023" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:Loc_Os08g44510" RELATED [] synonym: "SPY" RELATED [] synonym: "Spindly" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSPY" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101186 name: GR:0101186 def: "The Tos17 insertion line ND7980 was observed for a strong viviparous mutant with wilty phenotype, displayed deficent abscisic acid level and almost no further increase in its levels upon drought. The gene encodes for enzyme, Zeaxanthin epoxidase that catalyzes the conversion of zeaxanthin to antheraxanthin and violaxanthin and is part of the Abscisic acid and xanthophyll biosynthesis pathways. It is a homolog of Arabidopsis gene ABA1 (AT5G67030)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101186" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g37619" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0448900" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335984" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9AVE7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JCU7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XU08" RELATED [] synonym: "Zep1" RELATED [] synonym: "Zeaxanthin epoxidase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAba1" RELATED [] synonym: "Aba2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAba2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsZep1" RELATED [] synonym: "Zep" RELATED [] synonym: "OsZep" RELATED [] synonym: "Aba1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020276 name: GR:0020276 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020276" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g27390" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0391700" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333025" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AQM7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q75KP4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F8T9" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh138" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 138" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 138" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH138" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0065F09.5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020277 name: GR:0020277 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020277" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g21090" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0315600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE006691" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329144" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6Z861" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X405" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh139" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 139" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 139" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH139" RELATED [] synonym: "P0572D06.2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020278 name: GR:0020278 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020278" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g39432" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0591300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE011939, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE011940" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333358" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2XJ24" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q75H21" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10HE8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XJ23" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh140" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 140" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 140" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH140" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0027H16.21" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0027H16.21" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020279 name: GR:0020279 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020279" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g51070" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0599300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE016448" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336865" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7X8R0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ATL6" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh141" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 141" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 141" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH141" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0083N12.3" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0093F12.24" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020280 name: GR:0020280 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020280" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g18870" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh142" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 142" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 142" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH142" RELATED [] synonym: "P0706B05.43" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020281 name: GR:0020281 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020281" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g31300" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0487900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030397" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347431" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0J0Q4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z2K2" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh143" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 143" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 143" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH143" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020282 name: GR:0020282 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020282" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g35010" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0429450, xref: RAP:Os04g0429400, xref: RAP:Os12g0166700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE021981, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE015207" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335859" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q01LG2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JD63" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh144" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 144" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 144" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH144" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020283 name: GR:0020283 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020283" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g35000" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0429300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE015205" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335858" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0JD64" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01LG3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7F069" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ATS9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3ATY2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XT88" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh145" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 145" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 145" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH145" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0042L16.11" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020284 name: GR:0020284 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020284" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g34320" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0547500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE007363" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AJC8" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh146" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 146" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 146" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH146" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0051E21.18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020285 name: GR:0020285 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020285" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g34370" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE007364" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2X5W7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh147" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 147" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 147" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH147" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0051E21.28" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0051E21.28" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020286 name: GR:0020286 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020286" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g53020" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0741100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012910" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4334060" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q75KV9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AJT6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FBQ9" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh148" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 148" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 148" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH148" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative helix-loop-helix DNA-binding protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OJ1365_D05.18" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080025 name: GR:0080025 def: "OsMADS18 is a rice MADS box transcription factor belonging to the AP1/SQUA clade of MADS box genes. The transcripts of OsMADS18 can be detected in roots, leaves, inflorescence, and developing kernels, the in-situ hybridization further showed that OsMAS18 is present at high levels in the leaf, root and flower meristems. Overexpression of OsMADS18 in rice induced early flowering but showed dwarfism due to lower rate of internode elongation and a reduction in the length of the leaf sheath. Overexpression of OsMADS18 in Arabidopsis caused a phenotype closely similar to the ap1 mutant, but it is not caused by down-regulated of AP1 expression. OsMADS18 interacts with the other other MADS box factors like SEP proteins that forms dimers with AP1 in Arabidopsis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080025" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g41370" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0605200" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4343851" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0D4T4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B8B3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YNI2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FYB4" RELATED [] synonym: "MADS18" RELATED [] synonym: "MADS box gene 18" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMADS18" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMADS2" RELATED [] synonym: "FDRMADS7" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMADS28" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020287 name: GR:0020287 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020287" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g64560" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0865600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4324795" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9EUU4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5N9E6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JHG5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WXA5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh149" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 149" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 149" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH149" RELATED [] synonym: "P0505D12.13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020288 name: GR:0020288 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020288" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g06330" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0160400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE035823" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4351565" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0IPY1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2QXE3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2ZIB1" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh150" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 150" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 150" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH150" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020289 name: GR:0020289 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020289" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g06010" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0158500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4349836" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0IUG3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2RAA8" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh151" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 151, OsbHLH151" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 151" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH151" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020290 name: GR:0020290 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020290" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g56950" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0782500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4334324" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10CH5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AKW2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10CH6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9AY62" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh152" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 152" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 152" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH152" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020291 name: GR:0020291 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020291" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g07540" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0171700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE009842" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4331778" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10R47" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XD15" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh153" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 153" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 153" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH153" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020292 name: GR:0020292 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020292" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g54900" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0641700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE016786" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2XY47" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9FSQ9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7X742" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh154" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 154" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 154" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH154" RELATED [] synonym: "H0423H10.9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020293 name: GR:0020293 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020293" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g50900" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0724800" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5Z988" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh155" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 155" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 155" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH155" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein P0548E04.5" RELATED [] synonym: "P0535F09.38" RELATED [] synonym: "P0548E04.5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020294 name: GR:0020294 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020294" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g31290" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh156" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 156" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 156" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH156" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0072D21.7 protein" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBA0072D21.7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020295 name: GR:0020295 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020295" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g08220" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0178700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE005856" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4328495" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6ETM0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3A3R9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X1K9" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh157" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 157" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 157" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH157" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein P0544B02.8" RELATED [] synonym: "P0544B02.8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020296 name: GR:0020296 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020296" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g44320" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0653200" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4341704" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YFQ8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q67WQ5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh158" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 158" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 158" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH158" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0085J13.15" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0085J13.15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020297 name: GR:0020297 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020297" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g06520" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0157400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE017638" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Y0L7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh159" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 159" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 159" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH159" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020298 name: GR:0020298 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020298" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g02054" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0111800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4349582" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0IV57" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BNW1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3C7W7" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh160" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 160" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 160" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH160" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020299 name: GR:0020299 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020299" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g02020" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE033231" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2ZAQ3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3CEA5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh161" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 161" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 161" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH161" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080026 name: GR:0080026 def: "OsGEN-L is a member of the RAD2/XPG nuclease family (class 4) sharing two conserved domains, the N-terminal and internal I-regions. RNAi-mediated silencing of OsGEN-L causes male sterility in rice as a result of defective microspore development. The OsGEN-L promoter was specifically active in anthers. Biochemical analysis of recombinant OsGEN-L protein indicated that it possessed flap endonuclease activity and single-stranded and double-stranded DNA-binding activity. Plant homologs of OSGEN-L were identified in tomato, soybean, sugarcane, medicago and brassica" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080026" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g35000" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0521900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030618" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Z386" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7E8Q8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q64MA3" RELATED [] synonym: "RAD" RELATED [] synonym: "RAD" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRAD" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGEN-L" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGEN-like" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020300 name: GR:0020300 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020300" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g27090" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0337200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE018574" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4338459" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5WMQ1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y3C3" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh162" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 162" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 162" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH162" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OSJNBa0053E01.1" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0053E01.1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020301 name: GR:0020301 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020301" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g47960" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE026032" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8B5V7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BND7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8LII5" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh163" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 163" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 163" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH163" RELATED [] synonym: "Hypothetical protein OJ1167_G06.116" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020302 name: GR:0020302 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020302" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g36460" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE025175" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q84ZC1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q58GE3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FXT3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B781" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh164" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 164" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 164" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH164" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080027 name: GR:0080027 def: "The HTD1 gene encodes an ortholog of Arabidopsis MAX3 (At2g44940) and confirmed to be OsCCD7 by complementation test. The htd1 mutant exhibits bushy and dwarf phenotype and found to be independent of the effects of the plant hormone IAA, ABA and GA. High tillering of the htd1 mutants is caused by the release of the axillary buds but not the number of axillary buds. The dwarf phenotype of the htd1 mutant could be rescued by removing axillary buds. The phenotypic rescue of Arabidopsis max3 mutants by wild-type rice HTD1 gene indicates that HDT1 is the ortholog of MAX3 in rice, which suggests the HTD1 may have the same biochemical function as MAX3 in synthesis of the carotenoid-derived signal controlling shoot branching. Expression of HTD1 is induced by auxin" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080027" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g46470" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0550600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE016127" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336591" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q01JC8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XU29" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XW71" RELATED [] synonym: "HTD1" RELATED [] synonym: "High-Tillering Dwarf1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCCD7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020303 name: GR:0020303 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020303" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g21970" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0338400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE011035, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE011034" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332778" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AP16" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10LR1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AP17" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh166" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 166" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 166" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH166" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0020304 name: GR:0020304 def: "Basic/helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors are known to play a role in the specification of tissue types in animals. The bHLH domain is approximately 60aa in size and consists of a basic region and a helix-loop-helix region. The helix-loop-helix region contains two amphipathic alpha helices" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0020304" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g34330" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0519100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030602" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4347601" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3C0Q2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69IU0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z369" RELATED [] synonym: "bhlh166" RELATED [] synonym: "basic/helix-loop-helix 166" RELATED [] synonym: "basic helix loop helix 166" RELATED [] synonym: "OsbHLH166" RELATED [] synonym: "Putative MYC-related DNA binding protein" RELATED [] synonym: "P0498F03.15" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080028 name: GR:0080028 def: "OsPIN1, previously name REH1, is a putative auxin efflux carrier and a member of PIN1 family, which is involved in auxin-dependent adventitious root emergence and tillering in rice. OsPIN1 is expressed in the vascular tissues and root primordial in a manner similar to AtPIN1 (At1g73590). Adventitious root emergence and development were significantly inhibited in the OsPIN1 RNAi mutants, which is similar to the phenotype of NPA (an auxin-transporter inhibitor)-treated plants. Overexpression or suppression of the OsPIN1 resulted in the changes of tiller numbers and shoot/root ratio. The decrease of adventitious root numbers in OsPIN1 RNAi plants was caused by the arrest of the primordia emergence" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080028" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g50960" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0743400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330700" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5SMQ9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DXM9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AIF2" RELATED [] synonym: "REH1" RELATED [] synonym: "rice EIR1-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OsPIN1" RELATED [] synonym: "PIN-FORMED" RELATED [] synonym: "PIN1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080029 name: GR:0080029 def: "OsDOS encodes a nuclear-localized CCCH-type zinc finger protein, which is involved in delaying leaf senescence in rice" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080029" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g09620" RELATED [] synonym: "DOS" RELATED [] synonym: "delay of the onset of senescence" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDOS" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101187 name: GR:0101187 def: "pss1 is a recessive nuclear gene. Its phenotype includes pollen semi-sterility and anther indehiscence that is unaffected by growth duration. The female gamete is normal" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101187" RELATED [] synonym: "pss1" RELATED [] synonym: "pollen semi-sterile 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101188 name: GR:0101188 def: "Pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase (PPDK; EC catalyzes the interconversion of pyruvate, ATP, and Pi (inorganic Phosphate) with phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), AMP, and PPi. This enzyme plays an important role in the photosynthesis of C4 and crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants, where it catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to PEP. Although PPDK is also present in C3 plants such as rice, it is not thought to participate directly in photosynthesis. Nevertheless, the PPDK found in C3 plants is highly homologous to the C4 enzyme with regard to its structure and biochemical characteristics. The mutant form results in white-core opaque phenotype. The gene flo4, cosegregates with insertional mutations in the OsPPDKB rice gene. flo4 is an important modulator of carbon flow for starch and lipid biosynthesis during grain filling. There are two promoters for this gene. One gives a long form of the transcript (3.4kb) that encodes for the PPDK protein targeted to the plastid. Another promoter found in the second intron of the larger 3.4kb transcript region of the gene, gives a shorter form of the transcript (3.0kb) and the translated PPDK protein is targeted to cytoplasm, because the translational start site of the smaller 3.0kb form is present downsteram of the plastid targeting peptide found in the long form. The plastid form is expressed in the leaf blade and sheath, wheras the cytosolic form was detected in root, leaf blade, leaf sheath and developing grains and was not expressed in carpels. The cytosolic form was induced after pollination and gradually increased during fruit (grain) development" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101188" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g33570" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0405000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE018994" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4338750" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6AVA8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EEB8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AYC2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FPJ4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AYC1" RELATED [] synonym: "flo4" RELATED [] synonym: "floury endosperm 4" RELATED [] synonym: "PPDKB" RELATED [] synonym: "OsPPDKB" RELATED [] synonym: "pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase" RELATED [] synonym: "pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase B" RELATED [] synonym: "cytosolic pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase" RELATED [] synonym: "cyOsPPDKB" RELATED [] synonym: "orthophosphate dikinase" RELATED [] synonym: "Pyruvate phosphate dikinase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080030 name: GR:0080030 def: "The rice Coleoptile Phototropism1 (CPT1) gene encodes a ortholog of Arabidopsis NPH3 (At5g64330), it is required for phototropism of coleoptiles and lateral translocation of auxin" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080030" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g35970" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0568200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE007489" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329720" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0E093" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5KS50" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X694" RELATED [] synonym: "CPT1" RELATED [] synonym: "Coleoptile phototropism1" RELATED [] synonym: "NPH3-like" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101189 name: GR:0101189 def: "Pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase (PPDK; EC catalyzes the interconversion of pyruvate, ATP, and Pi (inorganic Phosphate) with phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP), AMP, and PPi. This enzyme plays an important role in the photosynthesis of C4 and crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants, where it catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to PEP. Although PPDK is also present in C3 plants such as rice, it is not thought to participate directly in photosynthesis. Nevertheless, the PPDK found in C3 plants is highly homologous to the C4 enzyme with regard to its structure and biochemical characteristics. The gene is expressed in roots, 12hrs after submergence. It is also expressed in roots, if treated with 20uM ABA and and 15% PEG. Induced expression after ABA and PEG treatments suggest a similar induction must appear under water deficit or drought like conditions. The gene was also expressed in roots of the plants grown in anaerobic conditions with high nitrogen content. The protein is localized in the cytosol" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101189" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g31750" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0432100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE011660, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE011664" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333181" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: O82032" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XI98" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XIA2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q75KR1" RELATED [] synonym: "PpdkA" RELATED [] synonym: "Pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase A" RELATED [] synonym: "OsPPDKA" RELATED [] synonym: "orthophosphate dikinase" RELATED [] synonym: "Pyruvate phosphate dikinase" RELATED [] synonym: "OSJNBa0036E17.10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080031 name: GR:0080031 def: "Rice SPK encodes a calmodulin-like domain protein kinase. It is only expressed in the endosperm of immature seeds. Antisense SPK plants lacked the ability to accumulate storage products such as starch, but produced watery seed with a large amount of Suc, as a result of inhibition of Suc degradation. In vitro phosphorylation indicated that SPK phosphorylated specifically a Ser residue in Suc synthase that has been shown to be important for its activity in the degradation of Suc. The watery seed of SPK-deficient mutants contained a decreased amount of proteins and an altered protein composition, in particular, the storage proteins. Lacking of the seed storage substance in spk mutants show no correlation between sucrose concentration in phloem sap and demand for carbon source in the sink organs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080031" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os10g38420" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8S6Z7" RELATED [] synonym: "SPK" RELATED [] synonym: "seed-specific protein kinase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080032 name: GR:0080032 def: "Rice alpha-globulin gene was cloned and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence showed that the gene contains a single exon and and the 5'-flanking region is similar to wheat HMW glutenin and barley Hrd genes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080032" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g41970" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0499100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE019560" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339221" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P29835" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DH05" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y665" RELATED [] synonym: "Glb" RELATED [] synonym: "gene encoding alpha-globulin" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080033 name: GR:0080033 def: "Rice SodCc1 encodes a cytosolic copper/zinc-superoxide dismutase, the transcripts were detected in leaves, roots, seeds and calli. The function of SodCc1 is suggested to involve in defense against oxidative stress" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080033" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g22810" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0351500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE011111" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332846" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DRV6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XGP6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10LG5" RELATED [] synonym: "SODCC1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytosolic Cu/Zn-siperoxide dismutase" RELATED [] synonym: "rice Cu/Zn-SOD" RELATED [] synonym: "sodA" RELATED [] synonym: "SODCC.1" RELATED [] synonym: "RSODA" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101190 name: GR:0101190 def: "It is a single dominant gene that controls the trait of high chlorophyll (Chl) content and contributes to increased photosynthetic rate, biomass and grain yield" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101190" RELATED [] synonym: "Gc" RELATED [] synonym: "Chlorophyll content" RELATED [] synonym: "Green color" RELATED [] synonym: "Green colour" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101191 name: GR:0101191 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in 3 week old seedlings, young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR806 was misnamed miR561 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101191" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR806a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR806a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 806a" RELATED [] synonym: "miR561" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101192 name: GR:0101192 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in 3 week old seedlings, young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR806 was misnamed miR561 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101192" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR806b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR806b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 806b" RELATED [] synonym: "miR561" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101193 name: GR:0101193 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in 3 week old seedlings, young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR806 was misnamed miR561 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101193" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR806c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR806c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 806c" RELATED [] synonym: "miR561" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101194 name: GR:0101194 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in 3 week old seedlings, young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR806 was misnamed miR561 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101194" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR806d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR806d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 806d" RELATED [] synonym: "miR561" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101195 name: GR:0101195 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in 3 week old seedlings, young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR806 was misnamed miR561 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101195" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR806e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR806e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 806e" RELATED [] synonym: "miR561" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101196 name: GR:0101196 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in 3 week old seedlings, young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR806 was misnamed miR561 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101196" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR806f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR806f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 806f" RELATED [] synonym: "miR561" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101197 name: GR:0101197 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in 3 week old seedlings, young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR806 was misnamed miR561 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101197" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR806g" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR806g" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 806g" RELATED [] synonym: "miR561" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101198 name: GR:0101198 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in 3 week old seedlings, young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR806 was misnamed miR561 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101198" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR806h" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR806h" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 806h" RELATED [] synonym: "miR561" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101199 name: GR:0101199 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR807 was misnamed miR562 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101199" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR807a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR807a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 807a" RELATED [] synonym: "miR562" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101200 name: GR:0101200 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR807 was misnamed miR562 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101200" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR807b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR807b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 807b" RELATED [] synonym: "miR562" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101201 name: GR:0101201 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR807 was misnamed miR562 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101201" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR807c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR807c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 807c" RELATED [] synonym: "miR562" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101202 name: GR:0101202 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR808 was misnamed miR564 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101202" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR808" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR808" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 808" RELATED [] synonym: "miR564" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101203 name: GR:0101203 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR809 was misnamed miR565 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101203" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR809a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR809a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 809a" RELATED [] synonym: "miR565" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101204 name: GR:0101204 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR809 was misnamed miR565 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101204" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR809b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR809b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 809b" RELATED [] synonym: "miR565" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101205 name: GR:0101205 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR809 was misnamed miR565 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101205" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR809c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR809c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 809c" RELATED [] synonym: "miR565" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101206 name: GR:0101206 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR809 was misnamed miR565 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101206" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR809d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR809d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 809d" RELATED [] synonym: "miR565" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101207 name: GR:0101207 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR809 was misnamed miR565 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101207" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR809e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR809e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 809e" RELATED [] synonym: "miR565" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101208 name: GR:0101208 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR809 was misnamed miR565 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101208" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR809f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR809f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 809f" RELATED [] synonym: "miR565" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101209 name: GR:0101209 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR809 was misnamed miR565 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101209" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR809g" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR809g" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 809g" RELATED [] synonym: "miR565" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101210 name: GR:0101210 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR809 was misnamed miR565 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101210" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR809h" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR809h" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 809h" RELATED [] synonym: "miR565" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101211 name: GR:0101211 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR810 was misnamed miR566 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101211" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR810" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 810" RELATED [] synonym: "miR566" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101212 name: GR:0101212 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in differentiated callus. miR811 was misnamed miR567 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101212" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR811a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR811a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 811a" RELATED [] synonym: "miR567" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101213 name: GR:0101213 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in differentiated callus. miR811 was misnamed miR567 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101213" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR811b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR811b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 811b" RELATED [] synonym: "miR567" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101214 name: GR:0101214 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in differentiated callus. miR811 was misnamed miR567 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101214" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR811c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR811c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 811c" RELATED [] synonym: "miR567" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101215 name: GR:0101215 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR812 was misnamed miR569 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101215" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR812a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR812a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 812a" RELATED [] synonym: "miR569" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101216 name: GR:0101216 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR812 was misnamed miR569 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101216" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR812b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR812b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 812b" RELATED [] synonym: "miR569" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101217 name: GR:0101217 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR812 was misnamed miR569 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101217" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR812c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR812c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 812c" RELATED [] synonym: "miR569" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101218 name: GR:0101218 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR812 was misnamed miR569 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101218" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR812d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR812d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 812d" RELATED [] synonym: "miR569" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101219 name: GR:0101219 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR812 was misnamed miR569 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101219" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR812e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR812e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 812e" RELATED [] synonym: "miR569" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101220 name: GR:0101220 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles. miR813 was misnamed miR570 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101220" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR813" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR813" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 813" RELATED [] synonym: "miR570" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101221 name: GR:0101221 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously. miR814 was misnamed miR573 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101221" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR814a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR814a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 814a" RELATED [] synonym: "miR573" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101222 name: GR:0101222 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously. miR814 was misnamed miR573 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101222" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR814b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR814b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 814b" RELATED [] synonym: "miR573" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101223 name: GR:0101223 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously. miR814 was misnamed miR573 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101223" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR814c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR814c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 814c" RELATED [] synonym: "miR573" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101224 name: GR:0101224 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles. miR815 was misnamed miR574 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101224" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR815a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR815a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 815a" RELATED [] synonym: "miR574" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101225 name: GR:0101225 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles. miR815 was misnamed miR574 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101225" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR815b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR815b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 815b" RELATED [] synonym: "miR574" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101226 name: GR:0101226 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles. miR815 was misnamed miR574 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101226" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR815c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR815c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 815c" RELATED [] synonym: "miR574" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101227 name: GR:0101227 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles and undifferentiated callus. miR816 was misnamed miR576 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101227" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR816" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR816" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 816" RELATED [] synonym: "miR576" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101228 name: GR:0101228 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR817 was misnamed miR578 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101228" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR817" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR817" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 817" RELATED [] synonym: "miR578" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101229 name: GR:0101229 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles. miR818 was misnamed miR580 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101229" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR818a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR818a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 818a" RELATED [] synonym: "miR580" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101230 name: GR:0101230 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles. miR818 was misnamed miR580 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101230" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR818b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR818b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 818b" RELATED [] synonym: "miR580" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101231 name: GR:0101231 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles. miR818 was misnamed miR580 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101231" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR818c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR818c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 818c" RELATED [] synonym: "miR580" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101232 name: GR:0101232 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles. miR818 was misnamed miR580 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101232" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR818d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR818d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 818d" RELATED [] synonym: "miR580" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101233 name: GR:0101233 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected ubiquitously, though more in young panicles. miR818 was misnamed miR580 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101233" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR818e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR818e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 818e" RELATED [] synonym: "miR580" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101234 name: GR:0101234 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR819 was misnamed miR581 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101234" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR819a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR819a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 819a" RELATED [] synonym: "miR581" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101235 name: GR:0101235 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR819 was misnamed miR581 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101235" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR819b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR819b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 819b" RELATED [] synonym: "miR581" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101236 name: GR:0101236 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR819 was misnamed miR581 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101236" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR819c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR819c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 819c" RELATED [] synonym: "miR581" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101237 name: GR:0101237 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR819 was misnamed miR581 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101237" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR819d" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR819d" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 819d" RELATED [] synonym: "miR581" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101238 name: GR:0101238 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR819 was misnamed miR581 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101238" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR819e" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR819e" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 819e" RELATED [] synonym: "miR581" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101239 name: GR:0101239 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR819 was misnamed miR581 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101239" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR819f" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR819f" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 819f" RELATED [] synonym: "miR581" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101240 name: GR:0101240 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR819 was misnamed miR581 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101240" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR819g" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR819g" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 819g" RELATED [] synonym: "miR581" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101241 name: GR:0101241 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR819 was misnamed miR581 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101241" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR819h" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR819h" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 819h" RELATED [] synonym: "miR581" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101242 name: GR:0101242 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR819 was misnamed miR581 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101242" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR819i" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR819i" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 819i" RELATED [] synonym: "miR581" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101243 name: GR:0101243 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR819 was misnamed miR581 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101243" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR819j" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR819j" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 819j" RELATED [] synonym: "miR581" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101244 name: GR:0101244 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR819 was misnamed miR581 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101244" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR819k" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR819k" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 819k" RELATED [] synonym: "miR581" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101245 name: GR:0101245 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR820 was misnamed miR583 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101245" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR820a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR820a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 820a" RELATED [] synonym: "miR583" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101246 name: GR:0101246 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR820 was misnamed miR583 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101246" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR820b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR820b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 820b" RELATED [] synonym: "miR583" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101247 name: GR:0101247 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR820 was misnamed miR583 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101247" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR820c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR820c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 820c" RELATED [] synonym: "miR583" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101248 name: GR:0101248 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR821 was misnamed miR584 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101248" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR821a" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR821a" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 821a" RELATED [] synonym: "miR584" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101249 name: GR:0101249 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR821 was misnamed miR584 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101249" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR821b" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR821b" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 821b" RELATED [] synonym: "miR584" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101250 name: GR:0101250 def: "Expressed transcripts were detected primarily in young panicles. miR821 was misnamed miR584 by Luo et al" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101250" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:osa-MIR821c" RELATED [] synonym: "osa-MIR821c" RELATED [] synonym: "micro RNA 821c" RELATED [] synonym: "miR584" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101251 name: GR:0101251 def: "The Dicer-like protein is required for the generation and maturation of the miRNA (micro RNA) and siRNA (small interfereing RNA) type of ncRNA (non-coding RNA) molecules. These ncRNAs are involved in developmental regulation, genome maintenance and defense responses in the plants. Dicer protein belongs to the RNase III family of proteins. It cleaves the miRNA and siRNA precursors into the double-stranded duplexes. The duplexes are then unwound and the one strand is subsequently assembled into the miRISC or siRISC respectively. RICS is the RNA-induced silencing complex. The regenerated transgenic plants with DCL1 RNAi constructs display developmental abnormalities. The Strong loss of DCL1 function resulted in severe dwarfism, dark green color, rolled leaves and twisted shoots. Also observed were abnormal to complete arrest of root development. In plants with weak loss of fucntion, the narrow and outward folded leaf rolling, fewer adventitious roots, dark green color of leaves, dwarfism and ectopically developed chloroplasts were found in the adventitious roots. The miRNA accumulation in the leaves was either greatly reduced or absent. The DCL1 is a homolog of Arabidopsis DCL1 (AT1G01040) gene" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101251" RELATED [] synonym: "Dcl1" RELATED [] synonym: "Dicer like 1" RELATED [] synonym: "osDCL1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101252 name: GR:0101252 def: "It is a Dicer-like protein which are required for the generation and maturation of the miRNA (micro RNA) and siRNA (small interfereing RNA) type of ncRNA (non-coding RNA) molecules. However, the transgenic plants with Dcl4 RNAi constructs did not show any effect on the accumulation of miRNAs or the siRNAs, thus suggesting that it is not essential in their production" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101252" RELATED [] synonym: "Dcl4" RELATED [] synonym: "Dicer like 4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDCL4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101253 name: GR:0101253 def: "It encodes for the enzyme cytokinin nucleoside 5'-monophosphate phosphoribohydrolase that converts the cytokinin nucleotide such as iPRMP and tZRMP to the free-base form and ribose 5'-monophosphate. The active cytokinin species are free-base forms isopentenyladenosine (iP) and trans-Zeatin (tZ, cytokinin). The gene in involved in cytokinin biosynthesis and meristem maintenance in the shoot apical meristem (SAM). gene is expressed in SAM, inflorescence and flower meristems. The mutant plants show reduced number of active meristematic cells in SAM, arrest of inflorescence lateral meristem leading to few inflorescence brances and small size of panicle, , floral meristem flattens and its differentiation is arrested just before the pistil primordium formation. The flowers lack pistil (the female part), therefore the gene was named "lonely guy"" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101253" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g40630" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0588900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE002538" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4324445" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2WRZ6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5ZC82" RELATED [] synonym: "Log" RELATED [] synonym: "Lonely Guy" RELATED [] synonym: "cytokinin nucleoside 5'-monophosphate phosphoribohydrolase" RELATED [] synonym: "cytokinin nucleotide phosphoribohydrolase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080034 name: GR:0080034 def: "OsCIN1 is a first cell wall invertase identified in rice. It has two conserved motifs representing a beta-fructosidase and a catalytic domain, and a putative signal peptide required for extracellualr localization, and a basic pI that may be important for ionic binding with the cell wall component. OsCIN1 transcript is present in root, sink-leaves, source-leaves and panicles. In developing rice caryopses, the OsCIN1 was detectable only in the very early stage of development, 1 to 4 days after flowering (DAF) and mainly in the maternal tissues, i.e. vascular parenchyma of the dorsal vein, integument and its surrounding cells. OsCIN1 may play a role in the sucrose metabolism in the early grain filling stage of caryopsis development, in which rapid proliferation of endosperm cell occurs" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080034" RELATED [] synonym: "CIN1" RELATED [] synonym: "Cell wall invertase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCIN1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101254 name: GR:0101254 def: "The gene codes for the enzyme methylthioadenosine nucleosidase (EC It hydrolyses Methylthioadenosine into adenine and methylthioribose which is processed by the methionine (Met) cycle to produce a new molecule of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet). AdoMet is the most important precursor substrate for ethylene, polyamine and phytosiderophore biosynthesis. The enzyme also metabolized S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) with a rate of 16% to that of its normal activity of metabolizing AdoMet. The expression was not regulated by either ethylene or Methylthioadenosine. Its transcript expression and enzyme's specific activity increased with the plant's treatment to submergence. It was highly expressed in the stem intercalary meristem. Enzyme's steady state kinetics suggest that its activity was sufficiently high to prevent Met and AdoMet depletion during long-term ethylene biosynthesis. It is a single copy gene" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101254" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g02220" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0112200" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339898" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9LHZ0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8W162" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6MZS5" RELATED [] synonym: "Mtn" RELATED [] synonym: "methylthioadenosine nucleosidase" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMTN" RELATED [] synonym: "MTA nucleosidase" RELATED [] synonym: "MeSAdo nucleosidase" RELATED [] synonym: "methylthioadenosine methylthioribohydrolase" RELATED [] synonym: "Methylthioadenosine/S-adenosyl homocysteine nucleosidase" RELATED [] synonym: "5'-methylthioadenosine nucleosidase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101255 name: GR:0101255 def: "The gene encodes for the alpha-Galactosidases enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of alpha-1,6-linked galactosyl residues from galacto-oligosaccharides and polymeric galacto-(gluco)mannans. It is a multi-gene family member" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101255" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os10g35110" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os10g0493600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4348988" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8BHM9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9G6F0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9FXT4" RELATED [] synonym: "Gal1" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-galactosidase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "GalI" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-galactosidase I" RELATED [] synonym: "alpha-galactosidase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101256 name: GR:0101256 def: "The gene encodes for the alpha-Galactosidases enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of alpha-1,6-linked galactosyl residues from galacto-oligosaccharides and polymeric galacto-(gluco)mannans. It is a multi-gene family member" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101256" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g26900" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4343131" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0D6R0" RELATED [] synonym: "Gal2" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-galactosidase 2" RELATED [] synonym: "GalII" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-galactosidase II" RELATED [] synonym: "alpha-galactosidase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101257 name: GR:0101257 def: "The gene encodes for the alpha-Galactosidases enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of alpha-1,6-linked galactosyl residues from galacto-oligosaccharides and polymeric galacto-(gluco)mannans. It is a multi-gene family member" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101257" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g48160" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0679300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4344290" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XIV4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B656" RELATED [] synonym: "Gal3" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-galactosidase 3" RELATED [] synonym: "GalIII" RELATED [] synonym: "Alpha-galactosidase III" RELATED [] synonym: "alpha-galactosidase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101258 name: GR:0101258 def: "It is a single copy gene and is a homolg of Arabidopsis thaliana gene APG2 (ALBINO AND PALE GREEN 2; AT2G01110). A Tos17 mutant line (ND5664) revealed a pale green shoot and leaves, significant reduction in total chlorophyll, chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b contents, increased water loss from detached leaves and a basal level of abscisic acid (ABA) accumulation, compared to rapid accumulation of ABA after 30 min of drought treatment in wild type plants. The transcripts were highly expressed in the leaf and shoot at the seedling stage in the wild type plants. It was not expressed in mutant plants" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101258" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g31680" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0501700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE001999" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4324478" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9AVE6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8A8L7" RELATED [] synonym: "TatC" RELATED [] synonym: "Sec-independent protein translocase subunit C" RELATED [] synonym: "OsTatC" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101259 name: GR:0101259 def: "It is a homolog of Maize gene ramosa1 (ra1, GR:0200439) and Arabidopsis thaliana gene FLO10/FON1/SUP (SUPERMAN, AT3G23130). It encodes for a transcription factor. The maize homolog controls inflorescence architechture and its expression in boundary domain near meristem base, imposes short branch identity. The Arabidopsis homolog is a flower-specific gene that controlls the boundary of the stamen and carpel whorls" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101259" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g08600" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0168100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE014116" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335056" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A3AQZ2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XNZ8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XQB3" RELATED [] synonym: "ra1" RELATED [] synonym: "ramosa 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsRa1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080035 name: GR:0080035 def: "Rice SCARECROW gene, OsSCR, was expressed in the root tip endodermal cell layer and down-regulated in the daughter cortex cell after asymmetric division,just as with Arabidopsis SCR (At3g54220). In leaf primordia, expression of OsSCR was observed in stomatal cell files before formation of guard mother cells and then localized in GMCs when the first asymmetric division occurred to generate the GMCs. OsSCR was also expressed in the initiation area of ligule formation, and its down-regulation occurred in the inner L2 cells generated by asymmetric division. These evidence suggested that OsSCR plays a role in asymmetric cell divisions in rice" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080035" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g02870" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0122000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE035568, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE033303" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4351362" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2ZHL0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2QYF3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7FA13" RELATED [] synonym: "SCR" RELATED [] synonym: "SCARECROW" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSCR" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080036 name: GR:0080036 def: "Rice SUPERNUMERARY BRACT (SNB) gene controls the transition from spikelet meristem to floral meristem. SNB transcript is detected in early panicle development. The snb mutants produced multiple rudimentary bracts in an alternative phyllotaxy and interfered with subsequent floral architecture. [liya check]SNB encodes a putative transcription factor carrying AP2 domains, and is localized to the nucleus" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080036" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g13170" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0235800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE024238" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342787" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8H443" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FWB1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B8J2" RELATED [] synonym: "SNB" RELATED [] synonym: "SUPERNUMERARY BRACT" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101260 name: GR:0101260 def: "It belongs to a 14-3-3 protein family. These proteins are known to function as regulators in a variety of biological processes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101260" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g37490" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0480800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE028248" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4345850" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A6N053" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84J55" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YWB4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0J4Z1" RELATED [] synonym: "GF14a" RELATED [] synonym: "G-box factor 14-3-3 a" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGF14a" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101261 name: GR:0101261 def: "It belongs to a 14-3-3 protein family. These proteins are known to function as regulators in a variety of biological processes. The transcripts were abundant in 10 days old seedling roots and adult plant roots, low in stem and leaf of adult plant and extremely low amounts were detected in developing seeds and glumes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101261" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g38870" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0462500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE015458" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336066" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0JCM0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XUA6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6N0F1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XTE8" RELATED [] synonym: "GF14b" RELATED [] synonym: "G-box factor 14-3-3 b" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGF14b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101262 name: GR:0101262 def: "It belongs to a 14-3-3 protein family. These proteins are known to function as regulators in a variety of biological processes. The transcripts were abundant and constitutively expressed in developing seeds and glumes, 10 days old seedling shoot and roots, adult plant roots, stem and leaves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101262" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g33370" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0430500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE027945" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4345634" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0J5J5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YVG3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ZKC0" RELATED [] synonym: "GF14c" RELATED [] synonym: "G-box factor 14-3-3 c" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGF14c" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101263 name: GR:0101263 def: "It belongs to a 14-3-3 protein family. These proteins are known to function as regulators in a variety of biological processes. The transcripts were abundant and constitutively expressed in developing seeds and glumes, 10 days old seedling shoot and roots, adult plant roots, stem and leaves. Strongest expression was observed in adult plant stem and leaves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101263" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g34450" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0546900" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4350697" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A6N0I0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2R2W2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3CC66" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0IS85" RELATED [] synonym: "GF14d" RELATED [] synonym: "G-box factor 14-3-3 d" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGF14d" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101264 name: GR:0101264 def: "It belongs to a 14-3-3 protein family. These proteins are known to function as regulators in a variety of biological processes. The transcripts were abundant and constitutively expressed in developing seeds and glumes, 10 days old seedling shoot and roots, adult plant roots, stem and leaves. Strongest expression was observed in vegetative parts" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101264" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g36974" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0580300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329775" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0E040" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6N0W8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X6G8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6EUP4" RELATED [] synonym: "GF14e" RELATED [] synonym: "G-box factor 14-3-3 e" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGF14e" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101265 name: GR:0101265 def: "It belongs to a 14-3-3 protein family. These proteins are known to function as regulators in a variety of biological processes. The transcripts were abundant and constitutively expressed in developing seeds and glumes, 10 days old seedling shoot and roots, adult plant roots, stem and leaves. Relatively lower expression was observed in developing seed" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101265" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g50290" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0710800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012711" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333880" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2XL95" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q06967" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10E23" RELATED [] synonym: "GF14f" RELATED [] synonym: "G-box factor 14-3-3 f" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGF14f" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101266 name: GR:0101266 def: "It belongs to a 14-3-3 protein family. These proteins are known to function as regulators in a variety of biological processes. The transcripts were abundant and constitutively expressed in developing seeds and glumes, 10 days old seedling shoot and roots, adult plant roots, stem and leaves. Strongest expression was observed in adult plant stem and leaves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101266" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g11110" RELATED [] synonym: "GF14g" RELATED [] synonym: "G-box factor 14-3-3 g" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGF14g" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101267 name: GR:0101267 def: "It belongs to a 14-3-3 protein family. These proteins are known to function as regulators in a variety of biological processes" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101267" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g39540" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q2R1D5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3CDB8" RELATED [] synonym: "GF14h" RELATED [] synonym: "G-box factor 14-3-3 h" RELATED [] synonym: "OsGF14h" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101268 name: GR:0101268 def: "Du1L has about 73% identity with the Du1 (Dull 1; GR:0060261) gene located on chromosome-10. As reported by Zeng et al. (2007) its level of expression is about 10% of Du1" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101268" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g15860" RELATED [] synonym: "Du1L" RELATED [] synonym: "Dull 1 like" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101269 name: GR:0101269 def: "The gene encodes for a Ring finger protein and was localized to nuclear and plasma membranes. Transgenic lines over-expressing the COIN show tolerance to cold temperature, salt (NaCl) and drought like conditions and increase in cellular proline content. The gene expression is induced by cold temperature, salt (NaCl), ABA and drought (PEG 6000) treatments" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101269" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g01420" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0104100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE000032" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4326292" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8ACS7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q658D5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JRF2" RELATED [] synonym: "COIN" RELATED [] synonym: "Cold inducible" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCOIN" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101270 name: GR:0101270 def: "It encodes for the DNA-binding protein that specifically binds DNA with two or more duplex repeats TTTAGGG recognized as telomeric repeat sequence. It bears high homology to Myb-like DNA binding motif present at the C-terminus. It is expressed ubiquitously. The protein is involved in negative regulation of telomere length and positive regulation of telomere stability. The phenotypes include telomere dysfunction, structural defects in vegetative and reproductive organs and formation of bridged chromosomes in pollen mother cells during anaphase" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101270" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g57270" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE009142" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4331151" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6K9S4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3ACQ0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6K9S3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XB20" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9LL45" RELATED [] synonym: "TBP1" RELATED [] synonym: "Telomere Binding Protein 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsTBP1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080037 name: GR:0080037 def: "Lsi2 (low silicon 2) gene encodes a rice silicon efflux transporter. It is constitutively expressed in the root, the protein is localized on the plasma membrane in both the exodermis and the endodermis of the proximal side of the same cell, in contrast to Lsi1 (silicon influx transporter), which is localized on the distal side. [liya check]lsi2 mutant showed reduced growth and grain discoloration due to the low accumulation of siicon in the shoot and hull in the mutant. [liya check]Lsi2 is capable of transportng silicon out of the cells, together with Lsi1, rice silicon transporter reveal a unique mechanism of nutrient transport in plants" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080037" RELATED [] synonym: "Lsi2" RELATED [] synonym: "low silicon 2" RELATED [] synonym: "SIET1" RELATED [] synonym: "silicon efflux transporter" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101271 name: GR:0101271 def: "The gene encodes for a plasma membrane localized efflux transporter of boron and is a homolog of Arabidopsis BOR1 gene (AT2G47160). The mRNA levels were expressed 10 times more in roots relative to the shoots (leaf). Accumulation increases in boron deficient growth medium. The slower growth and increased sensitivity to boron deficiency was observed for mutant forms of the gene (tos17 insertion lines). The transporter is also involved in efficient loading of boron in the xylem sap. It shows transient localization of the protein in root stele followed by exodermis and back to stele when the plants were treated with normal supply of boron on day 0, followed by boron deficient growth medium for 3 days and 6 days" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101271" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g37840" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0566000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE036986" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4352546" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7X9F3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BMJ4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2QNH0" RELATED [] synonym: "BOR1" RELATED [] synonym: "Boron transporter 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsBOR1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101272 name: GR:0101272 def: "The gene encodes for a membrane localized boron transporter" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101272" RELATED [] synonym: "BOR2" RELATED [] synonym: "Boron transporter 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsBOR2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101273 name: GR:0101273 def: "The gene encodes for a membrane localized boron transporter" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101273" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g08020" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0175600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4326216" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4326215" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0JQ90" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9ETE6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ADI6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JQ89" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EKR9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q1ZYR7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5VRW6" RELATED [] synonym: "BOR3" RELATED [] synonym: "Boron transporter 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsBOR3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101274 name: GR:0101274 def: "The gene encodes for a membrane localized boron transporter" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101274" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g08430" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8AYM2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q1ZYR6" RELATED [] synonym: "BOR4" RELATED [] synonym: "Boron transporter 4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsBOR4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101275 name: GR:0101275 def: "The gene encodes for a plasma membrane localized zinc (Zn) transporter. Highly expressed in meristem and phloem cells of roots and shoots under zinc deficient growth medium. The over expression of ZIP4 under constitutive 35S promoter showed higher expression in shoots and less in roots relative to vector controls. However, the Zn2+ concentration was 10x more in roots, 5x lower in shoots and 4x lower in seeds compared to controls" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101275" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g10630" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0207500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4344937" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6ZJ91" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YSC7" RELATED [] synonym: "ZIP4" RELATED [] synonym: "Zinc-regulated transporter 4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsZIP4" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101276 name: GR:0101276 def: "The gene encodes for a membrane localized zinc ion (Zn2+) transporter" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101276" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g07210" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0164800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE017684" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4337908" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Y0R2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6L8F9" RELATED [] synonym: "ZIP6" RELATED [] synonym: "Zinc-regulated transporter 6" RELATED [] synonym: "OsZIP6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101277 name: GR:0101277 def: "The gene encodes for a membrane localized zinc ion (Zn2+) transporter" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101277" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g39560" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0472700" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE019381" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339082" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Y5N5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7Y247" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6L8G0" RELATED [] synonym: "ZIP5" RELATED [] synonym: "Zinc-regulated transporter 5" RELATED [] synonym: "OsZIP5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101278 name: GR:0101278 def: "The gene is expressed and has homology to Zinc regulated transporter" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101278" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g10840" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0197300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4338047" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q688L4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AYX8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FIK5" RELATED [] synonym: "ZIP7" RELATED [] synonym: "Zinc-regulated transporter 7" RELATED [] synonym: "OsZIP7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101279 name: GR:0101279 def: "The gene encodes for a membrane localized zinc ion (Zn2+) transporter. The mRNA expression was detected in roots of Zn containing as well as in Zn deficient growth media. The expression was several fold higher in shoots with a gradual increase from 0-96hr under Zn deficient conditions. The protein was localized in leaf sheath epidermis and vascular bundles" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101279" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g52310" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0613000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE016548, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE016554" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336971" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2XXF9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XXF3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XLD4" RELATED [] synonym: "ZIP3" RELATED [] synonym: "Zinc-regulated transporter 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsZIP3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101280 name: GR:0101280 def: "It encodes for the integral membrane iron (Fe2+) ion transporter. It is highly expressed in the roots of the plants grown under iron deficient growth medium. Also expressed in roots of the plants grown in manganese, copper and zinc deficient growth media" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101280" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g46470" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0667500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012408" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333669" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8SBD0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XJ41" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XKF1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q75HB1" RELATED [] synonym: "IRT1" RELATED [] synonym: "Iron-regulated transporter 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIRT1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101281 name: GR:0101281 def: "The gene encodes for a membrane localized zinc ion (Zn2+) transporter. The mRNA expression was detected in vascular bundles of the leaf. It was also expressed in higher amounts in root compared to shoot when plants were grown under Zn deficient conditions. Its expression was not detected in plants grown in normal conditions containing Zn" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101281" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g74110" RELATED [] synonym: "ZIP1" RELATED [] synonym: "Zinc-regulated transporter 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsZIP1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101282 name: GR:0101282 def: "The gene encodes for a membrane localized zinc ion (Zn2+) transporter" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101282" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g29850" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0411800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE011532" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333098" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2XHX3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q852F6" RELATED [] synonym: "ZIP2" RELATED [] synonym: "Zinc-regulated transporter 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsZIP2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101283 name: GR:0101283 def: "The gene encodes for a membrane localized zinc ion (Zn2+) transporter" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101283" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g12890" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0232800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE024231" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342782" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8H385" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XJ42" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YJN8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XJ47" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BI11" RELATED [] synonym: "ZIP8" RELATED [] synonym: "Zinc-regulated transporter 8" RELATED [] synonym: "OsZIP8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101284 name: GR:0101284 def: "The gene encodes for a membrane localized zinc ion (Zn2+) transporter" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101284" RELATED [] synonym: "ZIP9" RELATED [] synonym: "Zinc-regulated transporter 9" RELATED [] synonym: "OsZIP9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101285 name: GR:0101285 def: "The gene encodes for a membrane localized zinc ion (Zn2+) transporter" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101285" RELATED [] synonym: "ZIP10" RELATED [] synonym: "Zinc-regulated transporter 10" RELATED [] synonym: "OsZIP10" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080038 name: GR:0080038 def: "TAC1 (Tiller Angle Control 1) was mapped to a 35-kb region on chromosome 9 using a large F2 population from crosses between an indica rice, IR24 (spread-out plant architecture) and an japonica introgressed line, IL55 (compact plant architecture with erect tillers). TAC1 gene harbors three introns in its coding region and a fourth 1.5-kb intron in the 3-untranslated region. A mutation in the 3'-splicing site of the 1.5-kb intron from "AGGA" to "GGGA" decreases the level of tac1, resulting in a compact plant architecture with a tiller angle close to zero. tac1 mutation "GGGA" was present in 88 compact japonica rice accessions and TAC1 with "AGGA" was present in 21 wild rice accession and 43 indica rice accessions with the spread-out form. Change in the tiller angle is driven by growth orientation of the tiller base" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080038" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g35980.2" RELATED [] synonym: "TAC1" RELATED [] synonym: "Tiller Angle Control 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101287 name: GR:0101287 def: "The gene encodes for one of the isoforms of the enzyme 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase (DAHPS). It is one of the key enzymes from the shikimate pathway. The protein is localized in the plastid. It competes with the puruvate kinase found in the plastid. Substrate availability to DAHPS enzyme is promoted by downregulation of the pyruvate kinase. Its isozyme is DAHPS1 (GR:0101286)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101287" RELATED [] synonym: "DAHPS2" RELATED [] synonym: "3-deoxy-D-arabino heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase 2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101286 name: GR:0101286 def: "The gene encodes for one of the isoforms of the enzyme 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase (DAHPS). It is one of the key enzymes from the shikimate pathway. The protein is localized in the plastid. It competes with the puruvate kinase found in the plastid. Substrate availability to DAHPS enzyme is promoted by downregulation of the pyruvate kinase. Its isozyme is DAHPS1 (GR:0101287)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101286" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g27230" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0389700" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333014" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10KC0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q75LR2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DRF3" RELATED [] synonym: "DAHPS1" RELATED [] synonym: "3-deoxy-D-arabino heptulosonate-7-phosphate synthase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDAHPS1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101288 name: GR:0101288 def: "The gene encodes for a key enzyme Chorismate synthase. It participates in the shikimate/chorismate biosynthesis pathway" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101288" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g14990" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0254800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332286" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10NY1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6MZS6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AKA5" RELATED [] synonym: "CS1" RELATED [] synonym: "Chorismate synthase 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080039 name: GR:0080039 def: "OsABI5 is a bZIP transcription factor, it's expressed in the panicle, specifically in mature pollen, of Oryza sativa L. Expression of the OsABI5 was induced by ABA and high salinity, and down-regulated by drought and cold in seedlings. The OsABI5 protein was localized in the nucleus, its N-terminus is necessary for trans-activation activity. It binds to a G-box element of ABRE and trans-activate reporter gene expression. Complementation analysis showed the expression of OsABI5 could rescue ABA-insensitity of abi5-1 during seed germination and result in hypersensitivity to ABA. Over-expression of OsABI5 conferred high sensitivity to salt stress, repression of OsABI5 promoted stress tolerance and resulted in low fertility by affecting pollen maturation. OsABI5 is a homolog of Arabidopsis AtABI5 (At2g36270)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080039" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g64000" RELATED [] synonym: "ABI5" RELATED [] synonym: "ABA Insensitive 5" RELATED [] synonym: "OsABI5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101289 name: GR:0101289 def: "The gene encodes for enzyme phenylalanine ammonia lyase, which participates in the Phenylpropanoid pathway" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101289" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g41680" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0627100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE007890" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330040" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B7EFQ4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DZE0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X7F7" RELATED [] synonym: "PAL5" RELATED [] synonym: "phenylalanine ammonia lyase 5" RELATED [] synonym: "phenylalanine ammonia-lyase 5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101290 name: GR:0101290 def: "The gene encodes for a short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR) enzyme and is localized in plastid. It is essential for regulating degradation of Light Harvesting Complex II (LHCII) and thylakoid during senescence. However, the mutant forms of the gene avoids degradation of LHCII, thylakoids and chlorophyll, thus resulting in stay green type of phenotype" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101290" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g12710" RELATED [] synonym: "NYC1" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-Yellow Coloring 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-Yellow Coloring1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101291 name: GR:0101291 def: "Gene encodes for an enzyme Pheide a Oxygenase. It converts the last green compound in chlorophyll degradation pathway, i.e. the 'pheide a' (pheophorbide a, chlorophyllide a) into red chlorophyll catabolite (protochlorophyllide)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101291" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g05310" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0146400" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4331611" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FB20" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XCH9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10RT5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DV66" RELATED [] synonym: "PaO" RELATED [] synonym: "Pheide a Oxygenase" RELATED [] synonym: "OsPaO" RELATED [] synonym: "NADPH-protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase" RELATED [] synonym: "Protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase" RELATED [] synonym: "Protochlorophyllide reductase" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorophyll a oxygenase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101292 name: GR:0101292 def: "Gene encodes for the enzyme chlorophyllase which catalyzes the first step of chlorophyll degradation by dephytylation of chlorophyll a to chlorophyllide. IT is a homolog of Arabidopsis CLH2 (AT5G43860) gene. The protein lacks any predicted plastid targeting signal peptide with a significant score, however based on the homology to Arabidopsis CHL2, it is predicted to be localized to plastid" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101292" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os10g28370" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os10g0419600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4348648" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XEJ4" RELATED [] synonym: "CHL" RELATED [] synonym: "Chlorophyllase" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCHL" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101293 name: GR:0101293 def: "The gene has similarity to rice gene NYC-1 (Non-Yellow Coloring 1; GR:0101290). The protein has chlorophyll b reductase enzyme activity in-vitro, which the first step in the conversion of chlorophyll b to chlorophyll a in-vivo. No chlorophyll b reductase enzyme activity was discovered for NYC1 in-vitro. Both NOL1 and NYC1 belong to short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases (SDR) family" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101293" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g45194" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6AT49" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FA35" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84ST2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ANJ6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10FV1" RELATED [] synonym: "NOL1" RELATED [] synonym: "Non-Yellow Coloring 1 like" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNOL" RELATED [] synonym: "NOL" RELATED [] synonym: "NYC1-like" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorophyll b reductase" RELATED [] synonym: "Chl b reductase" RELATED [] synonym: "chlorophyll(ide) b reductase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101294 name: GR:0101294 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier protein) reductase, which is the second most similar protein to rice NYC1 (GR:0101290). This enzyme is involved in type II fatty acid biosynthesis. According to Interpro (IPR011284), the enzyme is a tetramer which forms a typical Rossman fold" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101294" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g30760" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0376300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335609" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XMI8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AT02" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3AT06" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JDU3" RELATED [] synonym: "OACPR1" RELATED [] synonym: "3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier protein) reductase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "3-oxoacyl" RELATED [] synonym: "3-ketoacyl-acyl carrier protein reductase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080040 name: GR:0080040 def: "A cDNA for rice DSH1 was isolated from phloem-specific cDNA library. The DSH1 gene is a homolog of yeast SUR2 (UniProtKB:P38992) because it complements the molecular function of yeast sur2 null mutant. GUS assay showed expression of rice DSH1 in vascular bundles and apical meristem, in particular in the stigmas of flowers. RNAi results showed the severe reduction of fertility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080040" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g12250" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os06g0226950" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE021202" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YAX1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q67WK8" RELATED [] synonym: "DSH1" RELATED [] synonym: "Dihydrosphingosine C4 hydroxylase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101295 name: GR:0101295 def: "Gene encodes for the enzyme 1-Deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase. It catalyzes the first step in the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway by converting pyruvate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) into 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (DXP). The paralogs are DXS2 (GR:0101296) and DXS3 (GR:0101297). Its expression in seedlings was upregulated 2 folds in the light-illuminated conditions, compared to the non-illuminated etiolated seedlings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101295" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g33840" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0408900" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4338768" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: O22567" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AY88" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DI85" RELATED [] synonym: "DXS1" RELATED [] synonym: "1-Deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDXS1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101296 name: GR:0101296 def: "Gene encodes for the enzyme 1-Deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase. It catalyzes the first step in the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway by converting pyruvate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) into 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (DXP). The paralogs are DXS1 (GR:0101295) and DXS3 (GR:0101297). Its expression in seedlings was upregulated 2 folds in the UV light-illuminated conditions, compared to the non-illuminated etiolated seedlings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101296" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os06g05100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE020599" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4340090" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DEN6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5VSB9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5VSB8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FRF6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B2C8" RELATED [] synonym: "DXS2" RELATED [] synonym: "1-Deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDXS2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101297 name: GR:0101297 def: "Gene encodes for the enzyme 1-Deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase. It catalyzes the first step in the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway by converting pyruvate and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) into 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (DXP). The paralogs are DXS1 (GR:0101295) and DXS2 (GR:0101296). Its expression in seedlings was upregulated 9 folds in the UV light-illuminated conditions, compared to the non-illuminated etiolated seedlings" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101297" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g09190" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0190000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE023977" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342614" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6YU51" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8B7Y6" RELATED [] synonym: "DXS3" RELATED [] synonym: "1-Deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDXS3" RELATED [] synonym: "DXP-synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101298 name: GR:0101298 def: "Gene encodes for the enzyme 1-Deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase. It catalyzes the second step in the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway by converting 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate + NADP into 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate + NADPH. It is a homolog of Arabidopsis gene DXR (AT5G62790)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101298" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g01710" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0106900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE000052" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4326153" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q8W250" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WJR2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JRD4" RELATED [] synonym: "DXR1" RELATED [] synonym: "1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "DXR" RELATED [] synonym: "1-deoxy-D-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase" RELATED [] synonym: "1-deoxyxylulose-5-phosphate reductoisomerase" RELATED [] synonym: "DXP-reductoisomerase" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDXR" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101299 name: GR:0101299 def: "Gene encodes for the enzyme 4-Diphosphocytidyl-2C-methyl-D-erythritol synthase. It catalyzes the third step in the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway by converting 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) + CTP into 4-(cytidine 5'-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol (CDP-ME) + PP. It is a homolog of Arabidopsis gene ISPD (AT2G02500)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101299" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g66360" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS1" RELATED [] synonym: "4-Diphosphocytidyl-2C-methyl-D-erythritol synthase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "CMS" RELATED [] synonym: "4-Diphosphocytidyl-2C-methyl-D-erythritol synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCMS" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101300 name: GR:0101300 def: "Gene encodes for the enzyme 4-(cytidine 5'-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase. It catalyzes the reversible fourth step (phosphorylation) in the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway by converting 4-(cytidine 5'-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol (CDP-ME) + ATP into 2-phospho-4-(cytidine 5'-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol (CDP-ME2P) + ADP" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101300" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g58790" RELATED [] synonym: "CMK1" RELATED [] synonym: "4-diphosphocytidyl-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "CDP-ME kinase" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCMK" RELATED [] synonym: "CMK" RELATED [] synonym: "4-diphosphocytidyl-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101301 name: GR:0101301 def: "Gene encodes for the enzyme 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase. It catalyzes the reversible fifth step in the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway by converting 2-phospho-4-(cytidine 5'-diphospho)-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol (CDP-ME2P) into 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate (MECDP) + CMP. Its homolog is Arabidopsis gene ISPF (AT1G63970)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101301" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g45660" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0680600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE008209" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330320" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6EPN6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3AA47" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DYN3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X8B7" RELATED [] synonym: "MCS1" RELATED [] synonym: "2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate synthase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2" RELATED [] synonym: "4-cyclodiphosphate synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMCS" RELATED [] synonym: "MECDP-synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101302 name: GR:0101302 def: "Gene encodes for the enzyme 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate synthase. It catalyzes the sixth reversible step (phosphorylation) in the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway by converting 2-C-methyl-D-erythritol 2,4-cyclodiphosphate (MECDP) + protein-dithiol into 1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-(E)-butenyl 4-diphosphate (HMBDP) + H(2)O. It is a homolog of Arabidopsis gene GcpE (AT5G60600)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101302" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g39160" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0603800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE007724" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329911" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6K8J4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AF20" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84PA7" RELATED [] synonym: "HDS1" RELATED [] synonym: "4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate synthase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsHDS" RELATED [] synonym: "4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-en-1-yl diphosphate synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "HDS" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101303 name: GR:0101303 def: "Gene encodes for the enzyme 4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase. It catalyzes the reversible seventh step in the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway by converting 1-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-(E)-butenyl 4-diphosphate (HMBDP) + NAD(P) + H(2)O into Isopentenyl diphosphate (IPPD) and dimethyallyl diphosphate (MAPP). The enzyme acts in the reverse direction producing a 5:1 mixture of IPPD and MAPP. It is a homolog of Arabidopsis gene CLB6/ISPH (AT4G34350)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101303" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g52170" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0731900" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4334003" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6AVG6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AR23" RELATED [] synonym: "HDR1" RELATED [] synonym: "4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsHDR" RELATED [] synonym: "HDR" RELATED [] synonym: "4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enyl diphosphate reductase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101305 name: GR:0101305 def: "Gene encodes for the enzyme isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase. It catalyzes the final reversible step (isomerization) in the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway by interconverting the isomers Isopentenyl diphosphate (IPPD) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (MAPP). It has a rice paralog IPI2 (GR:0101305) and is a homolog of Arabidopsis gene IPP1 (AT5G16440) and IPIAT1 (AT3G02780). Although this reaction of the pathway occurs in plastid/chloroplast, this protein does not seem to have a known plastid signal peptide" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101305" RELATED [] synonym: "IPI2" RELATED [] synonym: "isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase 2" RELATED [] synonym: "isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase II" RELATED [] synonym: "IPIII" RELATED [] synonym: "Isopentenylpyrophosphate isomerase" RELATED [] synonym: "Isopentenylpyrophosphate Delta-isomerase" RELATED [] synonym: "Methylbutenylpyrophosphate isomerase" RELATED [] synonym: "IPP isomerase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101304 name: GR:0101304 def: "Gene encodes for the enzyme isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase. It catalyzes the final reversible step (isomerization) in the methylerythritol 4-phosphate (MEP) pathway by interconverting the isomers Isopentenyl diphosphate (IPPD) and dimethylallyl diphosphate (MAPP). It has a rice paralog IPI2 (GR:0101305) and is a homolog of Arabidopsis gene IPP1 (AT5G16440) and IPIAT1 (AT3G02780)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101304" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g34180" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0413400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE019037" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4338791" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2Y4N6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6AUB0" RELATED [] synonym: "IPI1" RELATED [] synonym: "isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase I" RELATED [] synonym: "IPII" RELATED [] synonym: "Isopentenylpyrophosphate isomerase" RELATED [] synonym: "Isopentenylpyrophosphate Delta-isomerase" RELATED [] synonym: "Methylbutenylpyrophosphate isomerase" RELATED [] synonym: "IPP isomerase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080041 name: GR:0080041 def: "OsMADS13 is highly expressed in developing ovules, its amino acid sequence shows significant homology with ZAG2, a maize MADS-box gene, which is also expressed mainly in ovule. OsMADS13 is mapped to chromosome 12, which is syntenic to two maize regions where ZAG2 and its paralogous gene ZMM1 have been mapped. OsMADS13 is the ortholog of Arabidopsis STK gene, Petunia FBP7 and FBP11, all belong to D-lineage genes. Mutation of OsMADS13 is female sterile, the ovules are converted into carpelloid structures, the flower is inderterminate, these results suggested the OsMADS13 has a function in floral meristem determinacy" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080041" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g10540" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0207000" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4351753" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0IPG1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2QW53" RELATED [] synonym: "MADS13" RELATED [] synonym: "MADS13" RELATED [] synonym: "OcMADS13" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101306 name: GR:0101306 def: "According to Sakamoto et al. (2004), this gene has a premature stop codon in the third exon. Therefore it is considered as a pseudogene" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101306" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g15050" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0319800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4346705" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q69M33" RELATED [] synonym: "CPS3" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-copalyl diphosphate synthase 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCPS3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101307 name: GR:0101307 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme stemar-13-ene synthase that catalyzes the conversion of syn-copalyl diphosphate (syn-CDP) into stemar-13-ene an intermediate in the Oryzalexin S type of diterpene phytoalexin metabolism" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101307" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os11g28530" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os11g0474800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE034435" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4350502" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6BDZ9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3CB75" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q1AHB2" RELATED [] synonym: "KS8" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase 8" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKS8" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDTC2" RELATED [] synonym: "DTC2" RELATED [] synonym: "stemar-13-ene synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "KSL8" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKSL8" RELATED [] synonym: "syn-Stemarene synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101308 name: GR:0101308 def: "Sakamoto et al. (2004) reported this pseudogene" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101308" RELATED [] synonym: "KS9" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase 9" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKS9" RELATED [] synonym: "KSL9" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKSL9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101309 name: GR:0101309 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme ent-sandaracopimaradiene synthase that catalyzes the conversion of ent-copalyl diphosphate (ent-CDP) into ent-Sandaraco-primaradiene, an intermediate in the Oryzalexin A-F type of diterpene phytoalexin metabolism" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101309" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os12g30824" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os12g0491800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE036606" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4352248" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8BPP9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q2QQJ5" RELATED [] synonym: "KS10" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase 10" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKS10" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-sandaracopimaradiene synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "KSL10" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKSL10" RELATED [] synonym: "ent-pimaradiene synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101310 name: GR:0101310 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme geranylgeranyl-diphosphate synthase. It catalyzes the first step of the diterpene phytoalexin pathay by conversting trans,trans-farnesyl diphosphate + isopentenyl diphosphate into diphosphate + geranylgeranyl diphosphate" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101310" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g39270" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0580900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE025378" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4343721" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XI92" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YN12" RELATED [] synonym: "GGPR1" RELATED [] synonym: "geranylgeranyl-diphosphate synthase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "GGPR" RELATED [] synonym: "farnesyltranstransferase" RELATED [] synonym: "geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthetase" RELATED [] synonym: "geranylgeranyl-PP synthetase" RELATED [] synonym: "farnesyltransferase" RELATED [] synonym: "geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "trans" RELATED [] synonym: "trans-farnesyl-diphosphate:isopentenyl-diphosphate" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101311 name: GR:0101311 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme geranylgeranyl-diphosphate synthase. It catalyzes the first step of the diterpene phytoalexin pathway by converting trans,trans-farnesyl diphosphate + isopentenyl diphosphate into diphosphate + geranylgeranyl diphosphate" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101311" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g14630" RELATED [] synonym: "GGPR2" RELATED [] synonym: "geranylgeranyl-diphosphate synthase 2" RELATED [] synonym: "GGPR" RELATED [] synonym: "farnesyltranstransferase" RELATED [] synonym: "geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthetase" RELATED [] synonym: "geranylgeranyl-PP synthetase" RELATED [] synonym: "farnesyltransferase" RELATED [] synonym: "geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "trans" RELATED [] synonym: "trans-farnesyl-diphosphate:isopentenyl-diphosphate" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101312 name: GR:0101312 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme geranylgeranyl-diphosphate synthase. It catalyzes the first step of the diterpene phytoalexin pathway by converting trans,trans-farnesyl diphosphate + isopentenyl diphosphate into diphosphate + geranylgeranyl diphosphate" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101312" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g44780" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0668100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE008136" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4330260" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2X847" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6ET88" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3A9Y5" RELATED [] synonym: "GGPR3" RELATED [] synonym: "geranylgeranyl-diphosphate synthase 3" RELATED [] synonym: "GGPR" RELATED [] synonym: "farnesyltranstransferase" RELATED [] synonym: "geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthetase" RELATED [] synonym: "geranylgeranyl-PP synthetase" RELATED [] synonym: "farnesyltransferase" RELATED [] synonym: "geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "trans" RELATED [] synonym: "trans-farnesyl-diphosphate:isopentenyl-diphosphate" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080042 name: GR:0080042 def: "Rice AGO gene MEIOSIS ARRESTED AT LEPTOTENE1 (MEL1) was identified from the analysis of seed-sterile mutants. In the mel1 mutant, chromosome condensation was arrested at early meiotic stages and irregularly sized, multinucleated, and vacuolated pollen mother cells (PMCs) frequently appeared in developing anthers. In addition, histone H3 lysine-9 dimethylation of pericentromeres was rarely reduced and modification of the nucleolar-organizing region was altered in mel1 mutant PMCs. The mutation also affected female germ cell development. These results indicate that the germ cell–specific rice MEL1 gene regulates the cell division of premeiotic germ cells, the proper modification of meiotic chromosomes, and the faithful progression of meiosis, probably via small RNA–mediated gene silencing, but not the initiation and establishment of germ cells themselves" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080042" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g58600" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q851R2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ALC8" RELATED [] synonym: "MEL1" RELATED [] synonym: "MEL1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMEL1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMEAL1" RELATED [] synonym: "MEAL1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101313 name: GR:0101313 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme Momilactone A synthase. It catalyzes the intermediary step of the Momilactone A diterpene phytoalexin biosynthesis pathway by converting 3-beta-H-primara-7,15-diene-19,6-beta-olide + NAD into diphosphate + Momilactone A + NADH. The transcript expression was induced in the leaves and in suspension culture cells after exposure to UV light and chitin oligosaccharide elicitor" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101313" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g10010" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0179200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBSE037661" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335093" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7FAE1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01M90" RELATED [] synonym: "MAS1" RELATED [] synonym: "Momilactone A synthase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Momilactone A synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMAS1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsMAS" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101315 name: GR:0101315 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase. It catalyzes the intermediary step of the Momilactone A diterpene phytoalexin biosynthesis pathway by converting 3-beta-H-primara-7,15-diene into 3-beta-H-primara-7,15-diene-19,6-beta-olide. The transcript expression was induced in the leaves and in suspension culture cells after exposure to UV light and chitin oligosaccharide elicitor" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101315" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g10160" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0180400" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE014329" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335096" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q01MJ5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XQW5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7X7X4" RELATED [] synonym: "CYP99A2" RELATED [] synonym: "cytochrome P450 monooxygenase" RELATED [] synonym: "Cyt P450" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome P450" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101314 name: GR:0101314 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase. It catalyzes the intermediary step of the Momilactone A diterpene phytoalexin biosynthesis pathway by converting 3-beta-H-primara-7,15-diene into 3-beta-H-primara-7,15-diene-19,6-beta-olide. The transcript expression was induced in the leaves and in suspension culture cells after exposure to UV light and chitin oligosaccharide elicitor" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101314" RELATED [] synonym: "CYP99A3" RELATED [] synonym: "cytochrome P450 monooxygenase" RELATED [] synonym: "Cyt P450" RELATED [] synonym: "Cytochrome P450" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101316 name: GR:0101316 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme syn-stemod-13(17)-ene synthase that catalyzes the conversion of syn-copalyl diphosphate into syn-stemod-13(17)-ene an intermediate in the diterpene phytoalexin metabolism. It is a class I diterpene synthase and is a member of the kaurene synthase family. The same enzymatic reaction also produces about 3% of the stemar-13-ene a byproduct of the reaction catalyzed by the rice gene KS8 (GR:0101307) with which KS11 bears a very high homology. The KS11 reaction products include 92% exo-stemodene and 5% endo-stemodene. Authors Morrone et al (2006) report that this is a novel gene and the assembled rice genome lacks the sequenced region where it may map" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101316" RELATED [] synonym: "KS11" RELATED [] synonym: "Ent-kaurene synthase 11" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKS11" RELATED [] synonym: "OsKSL11" RELATED [] synonym: "KSL11" RELATED [] synonym: "syn-stemod-13(17)-ene synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "stemod-13(17)-ene synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "exo-stemodene synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "stemodene synthase" RELATED [] synonym: "syn-stemodene synthase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101317 name: GR:0101317 def: "This gene encodes for the small subunit of enzyme ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP). The enzyme regulates starch biosynthesis and catalyzes the reaction ATP + alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate = diphosphate + ADP-glucose. The APS1 peptide is localized to the leaf and endosperm plastid/chloroplast/amyloplast in leaf and early development of endosperm. It forms spatiotemporal heterotetramer ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase enzyme complex together with large subunits. The APS1 dimer interacts with APL1 (GR:0101319) dimers to form the heterotetramer enzyme complex in developing endosperm cell amyloplasts" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101317" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os09g12660" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0298200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE029373" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4346656" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q9ARH9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BE16" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q69T99" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A7IZE4" RELATED [] synonym: "APS1" RELATED [] synonym: "ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase small subunit 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAPS1" RELATED [] synonym: "AGPase small subunit 1" RELATED [] synonym: "AGPS1" RELATED [] synonym: "Adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase" RELATED [] synonym: "adenosine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101318 name: GR:0101318 def: "This gene encodes for the small subunit of enzyme ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP). The enzyme regulates starch biosynthesis and catalyzes the reaction ATP + alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate = diphosphate + ADP-glucose. This gene loci gives rise to two different transcript (mRNA) isoforms, namely the APS2a (GenBank: AK103906) and APS2b (GenBank: AK103906). These transcripts are a result of tissue specific alternative splicing of the native transcript. The APS2a peptide is localized to the leaf and endosperm plastid/chloroplast and the APS2b peptide is localized in the cytosol of developing endosperm cells, where they form spatiotemporal heterotetramer ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase enzyme complex together with large subunits. The APS2a dimer interacts with APL1 (GR:0101319) dimers to form the heterotetramer enzyme complex in leaf plastids. Whereas the APS2b dimer interacts with APSL2 (GR:0101320) dimers to form the heterotetramer enzyme complex in developing and maturing endosperm cell cytosol" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101318" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os08g25734" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os08g0345800" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE027539" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4345339" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8XEE9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEE2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEE1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XED7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2YU91" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EVB8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEE8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEE6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XED8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XED9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEF2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A7IZE5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P15280" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BS75" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEE5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEF0" RELATED [] synonym: "APS2" RELATED [] synonym: "ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase small subunit 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAPS2" RELATED [] synonym: "AGPase small subunit 2" RELATED [] synonym: "AGPS2" RELATED [] synonym: "Adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase" RELATED [] synonym: "adenosine diphosphoglucose pyrophosphorylase" RELATED [] synonym: "APS2a" RELATED [] synonym: "APS2b" RELATED [] synonym: "AGPS2a" RELATED [] synonym: "APGS2b" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101319 name: GR:0101319 def: "This gene encodes for the large subunit of enzyme ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP). The enzyme regulates starch biosynthesis and catalyzes the reaction ATP + alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate = diphosphate + ADP-glucose. The mutant (Tos17 insertion) line showed that the subunit is required for AGPase activity in leaf tissues and reduces the starch content in the leaf sheath only. The APL1 peptide is localized to the leaf chloroplast. It forms spatiotemporal heterotetramer ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase enzyme complex together with small subunits. The APL1 dimer interacts with APS2a form of the APS2 (GR:0101319) dimers to form the heterotetramer enzyme complex in leaf chloroplast" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101319" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g52460" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0735000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012880" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4334020" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B9FBN6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6AVT2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AR31" RELATED [] synonym: "APL1" RELATED [] synonym: "ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase large subunit 1" RELATED [] synonym: "AGPL1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAPL1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAGPL1" RELATED [] synonym: "AGPase large subunit 1" RELATED [] synonym: "Adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101320 name: GR:0101320 def: "This gene encodes for the large subunit of enzyme ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP). The enzyme regulates starch biosynthesis and catalyzes the reaction ATP + alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate = diphosphate + ADP-glucose. The APL2 peptide is localized to the endosperm cell cytosol. It forms spatiotemporal heterotetramer ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase enzyme complex together with small subunits. The APL2 dimer interacts with APS2b form of the APS2 (GR:0101318) dimers to form the heterotetramer enzyme complex in developing endosperm cell cytosol" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101320" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g44220" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0633100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE002875" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4326594" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: B8XEC4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEC0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XED5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEC7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEC2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEC9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9ARI0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:P93430" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5VNT5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XED2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEC3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEC1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7G065" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XED0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9SAQ4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XED1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8XEC5" RELATED [] synonym: "APL2" RELATED [] synonym: "ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase large subunit 2" RELATED [] synonym: "AGPL2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAPL2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAGPL2" RELATED [] synonym: "AGPase large subunit 2" RELATED [] synonym: "Adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101321 name: GR:0101321 def: "This gene encodes for the large subunit of enzyme ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP). The enzyme regulates starch biosynthesis and catalyzes the reaction ATP + alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate = diphosphate + ADP-glucose. The APL3 peptide is localized to the endosperm cell amyloplast. It forms spatiotemporal heterotetramer ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase enzyme complex together with small subunits. The APL3 dimer interacts with APS1 (GR:0101317) dimers to form the heterotetramer enzyme complex in developing endosperm cell amyloplast" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101321" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g50380" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0580000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE020162" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4339718" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: O23809" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q688T8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y7W1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DFN5" RELATED [] synonym: "APL3" RELATED [] synonym: "ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase large subunit 3" RELATED [] synonym: "AGPL3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAPL3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAGPL3" RELATED [] synonym: "AGPase large subunit 3" RELATED [] synonym: "Adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101322 name: GR:0101322 def: "This gene encodes for the large subunit of enzyme ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP). The enzyme regulates starch biosynthesis and catalyzes the reaction ATP + alpha-D-glucose 1-phosphate = diphosphate + ADP-glucose" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101322" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g13980" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0243200, xref: RAP:Os07g0243150" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE024280, xref: BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE024279" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4342819" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0D7I3" RELATED [] synonym: "APL4" RELATED [] synonym: "ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase large subunit 4" RELATED [] synonym: "AGPL4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAPL4" RELATED [] synonym: "OsAGPL4" RELATED [] synonym: "AGPase large subunit 4" RELATED [] synonym: "Adenosine diphosphate glucose pyrophosphorylase" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101323 name: GR:0101323 def: "Rice ATX1 gene bears homology to the Arabidopsis and yeast ATX1 genes. The orthologs from Arabidopsis (AT1G66240) and yeast (YNL259C) are known to play a role in copper homeostasis and oxygen radical metabolism or tolerance to oxidative stress. The yeast ATX1 is part of the pathway associated with iron uptake at the cell surface" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101323" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g32814" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0530100" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE007257" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4329543" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q5QL92" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X5L0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6H759" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9SE04" RELATED [] synonym: "ATX1" RELATED [] synonym: "Anti-oxidant 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsATX1" RELATED [] synonym: "Copper Chaperone" RELATED [] synonym: "CCH" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101324 name: GR:0101324 def: "It encodes for the integral membrane iron (Fe2+) ion transporter. It is highly expressed in the roots of the plants grown under iron deficient growth medium. Also expressed in roots of the plants grown in manganese, copper and zinc deficient growth media. Upregulated in iron-deficient growth medium. Protein is localized to the plasma membrane" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101324" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g46454" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4333667" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10FH8" RELATED [] synonym: "IRT2" RELATED [] synonym: "Iron-regulated transporter 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OcIRT2" RELATED [] synonym: "GR:0080051" RELATED [] synonym: "IRT2" RELATED [] synonym: "Iron regulated transporter-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIRT2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101325 name: GR:0101325 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme Ferric chelate reductase. It is expressed in leaves of Zn-, Mn-, and Cu-deficient rice plants and is a an ortholog of Arabidopsis Ferric-chelate reducatase gene (FRO2)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101325" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g36720" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0444800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335953" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q7XUW2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9FFD8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6L8G3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AUC6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JCX7" RELATED [] synonym: "FRO1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ferric-Chelate Reductase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsFRO1" RELATED [] synonym: "GR:0080052" RELATED [] synonym: "FRO1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ferric-Chelate Reductase 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101326 name: GR:0101326 def: "The gene encodes for the enzyme ferric chelate reductase. It is expressed only in leaves of Fe-deficient rice plants" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101326" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g48930" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0578600" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4336754" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6L8G2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XQ77" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01KI2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ATA6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JAT2" RELATED [] synonym: "FRO2" RELATED [] synonym: "Ferric-Chelate Reductase 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsFRO2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101327 name: GR:0101327 def: "The enzyme S-adenosyl-L-methionine synthetase encoded by the gene SAMS1, catalyzes the biosynthesis of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (ATP + L-methionine = S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM)). It is known that SAM is a common precursor for biosynthesis of enthylene and polyamine and is necessary for the production of phenylpropanoid. The SAMS1 transcripts are highly expressed in green and etiolated stem and root. A very low amount of transcripts are expressed in green and etiolated leaves. Compared to SAMS2 (GR:0101328), the expression of SAMS1 transcripts show no change under salt stress (0.3M and 0.5M NaCl for 24hrs)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101327" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os05g04510" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0135700" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4325163" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4337733" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A6N1K2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q1H9C0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q1H9D0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q1H9D3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6N0P7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0DKY4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q1H9C8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WNR2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y053" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q1H9B9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7EKA4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9LGU6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q1H9C4" RELATED [] synonym: "SAMS1" RELATED [] synonym: "S-adenosyl-L-methionine synthetase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "pOS-SAMS1" RELATED [] synonym: "pRSAM1" RELATED [] synonym: "RSAM1" RELATED [] synonym: "AdoMet synthetase 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0101328 name: GR:0101328 def: "The enzyme S-adenosyl-L-methionine synthetase encoded by the gene SAMS2, catalyzes the biosynthesis of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (ATP + L-methionine = S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM)). It is known that SAM is a common precursor for biosynthesis of enthylene and polyamine and is necessary for the production of phenylpropanoid. The SAMS2 transcripts are universally expressed in plant except the green leaves. Compared to SAMS1 (GR:0101327), the SAMS2 transcripts are upregulated under salt stress (0.3M and 0.5M NaCl for 24hrs)" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0101328" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os01g22010" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0323600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE001588" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: P93438" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WP83" RELATED [] synonym: "SAMS2" RELATED [] synonym: "S-adenosyl-L-methionine synthetase 2" RELATED [] synonym: "pOS-SAMS2" RELATED [] synonym: "AdoMet synthetase 2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080043 name: GR:0080043 def: "Rice transcription factor IDEF1 specifically binds the iron deficiency-responsive cis-acting element IDE1. IDEF1 belongs to an uncharacterized branch of the plant-specific transcription factor family ABI3/VP1 and exhibits the sequence recognition property of efficiently binding to the GATGC sequence of IDE1. IDEF1 are constitutively present in rice roots and leaves. IDEF1-GFP fusion localized to the nucleus. Transgenic studies show IDEF1 transactivates IDE1-mediated expression only in iron-deficient roots; Induced IDEF1 exhibit substantial tolerance to iron deficiency in both hydroponic culture and calcareous soil. [liya check]Overexpression of IDEF1 enhances expression of the ion deficiency-induced transcription factor gene OsIRO2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080043" RELATED [] synonym: "IDEF1" RELATED [] synonym: "Transcription factor IDEF1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080044 name: GR:0080044 def: "OsIRO2 is a putative basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor gene, it was strongly expressed in both roots and shoots during iron (Fe) deficiency stress. The expression of OsIRO2 was induced exclusively by iron deficiency, and not by deficiencies in other metals. Barley HvIRO2, a homologue of OsIRO2, was also induced by iron deficiency. IRO2 is highly conserved among graminaceous plants, such as wheat, sorghum and maize. OsIRO2 bound preferentially to the sequence CACGTGG, which was found upstream of several genes involved in iron acquisition, and occurs more frequently in iron deficiency-inducible genes than those of non-inducible genes. OsIRO2 is essential for iron uptake under iron-deficient conditions and affects the expression of genes involved in MAs biosynthesis, OsNAS1, OsNAS2, OsNAAT1, OsDMAS1 and OsYSL15" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080044" RELATED [] synonym: "IRO2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIRO2" RELATED [] synonym: "iron-related transcription factor 2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080051 name: GR:0080051 def: "OsIRT1 and OsIRT2 are rice iron transporters involved in Fe3+-phytosiderophore and Fe2+ uptake. OsIRT2 is a homologous gene to OsIRT1. Both genes are expressed in root and induced by low Fe conditions, the proteins are targeted to plasma membrane" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080051" RELATED [] synonym: "IRT2" RELATED [] synonym: "Iron regulated transporter-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OsIRT2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080052 name: GR:0080052 def: "OsFRO1 is a homologue to Arabidopsis Fe3+-chelate reducatase gene (FRO2). OsFOR1 is expressed in leaves of Zn-, Mn-, and Cu-deficient rice plants" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080052" RELATED [] synonym: "FRO1" RELATED [] synonym: "Ferric-Chelate Reductase 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsFRO1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080050 name: GR:0080050 def: "OsYSL2 is a rice metal-nicotianamine transporter, its expression was induced in the leaves by the iron deficiency. OsYSL2:GFP was localized in the plasma membrane.OsYSL2:GUS activity was detected in companion cells in iron deficient roots. In the leaves and leaf sheaths of iron-sufficient rice, GUS staining was observed in phloem cells of the vascular bundles, suggesting OsYSL2 is involved in the pholem transport of iron. Analysis showed OsYSL2 transported iron(III)-nicotianamine (NA) and manganese(II)-NA, but did not transport iron(III)-phyosiderophore. Expression in developing seed suggests the translocation of iron and manganese into the grain" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080050" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g43370" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0649900" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q6H3Z6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F1D9" RELATED [] synonym: "YSL2" RELATED [] synonym: "yellow stripe 1-like" RELATED [] synonym: "OsYSL2" RELATED [] synonym: "YS1-like metal-nicotianamine transporter" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080045 name: GR:0080045 def: "IDEF2 is a novel NAC transcription factor in rice, it recognizes the iron deficiency-responsive element 2 (IDE2), predominantly CA(A/C)G(T/C)(T/C/A)(T/C/A) motif. IDEF2 transcripts are constitutively present in rice roots and leaves. IDEF2:GFP shows expression localized to the nucleus. RNAi and CRES-T analysis showed repression of IDEF2 caused aberrant iron homeostasis in rice and also down-regulated other iron-deficiency related genes, such as OsYSL2. IDEF2 bound to OsYSL2 promoter region containing the binding core site, suggesting the direct regulation of OsYSL2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080045" RELATED [] synonym: "IDEF2" RELATED [] synonym: "IDE-binding factor 2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080046 name: GR:0080046 def: "OsNAAT1 gene encodes functional NAAT (nicotianamine aminotransferase), which catalyses the key step from nicotianamine to the 3''-keto form in muginetic acid family phytosiderophores (MAs) biosynthetic pathway. Northern blot and RT-PCR showed OsNAAT1 was strongly up-regulated by Fe deficiency in roots and shoots. OsNAAT1 Promoter-GUS revealed that OsNAAT1 was expressed in companion and pericycle cells adjacent to the protoxylem of Fe-deficient roots. OsNAAT1 contains an Fe deficiency-responsive element 1 (IDE1) like sequence at 290-273 basese upstream from the putative translation start site" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080046" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g20360" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE006635" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2X3V3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6K2Y8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F575" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A9CM06" RELATED [] synonym: "NAAT1" RELATED [] synonym: "nicotianamine aminotransferase" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAAT1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080047 name: GR:0080047 def: "OsNAS1 is expressed in cells involved in long-distance transport of Fe. Transcript of OsNAS1 was detected in Fe-sufficient roots but not in leaves, and levels increased markedly in both root and leaves in response to Fe deficiency. Promoter-GUS analysis showed that OsNAS1 was expressed in Fe-sufficient roots in companion cells and pericycle cells adjacent to the proxylem. With Fe deficiency, OsNAS1 and OsNAS2 expression extended to all root cells along with an increase in phytosiderophore secretion, and vascular bundles of green leaves and in call cells of leaves showing severe chlorosis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080047" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g19427" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0307300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE010819" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332608" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DSH9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XFU4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10MI8" RELATED [] synonym: "NAS1" RELATED [] synonym: "NA synthase gene 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAS1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080048 name: GR:0080048 def: "OsNAS2 is expressed in cells involved in long-distance transport of Fe. Transcript of OsNAS2 was detected in Fe-sufficient roots but not in leaves, and levels increased markedly in both root and leaves in response to Fe deficiency. Promoter-GUS analysis showed that OsNAS2 was expressed in Fe-sufficient roots in companion cells and pericycle cells adjacent to the proxylem. With Fe deficiency, OsNAS1 and OsNAS2 expression extended to all root cells along with an increase in phytosiderophore secretion, and vascular bundles of green leaves and in call cells of leaves showing severe chlorosis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080048" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g19420" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0307200" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332607" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2XFU5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10MI9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AMH0" RELATED [] synonym: "NAS2" RELATED [] synonym: "NA synthase gene 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAS2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080049 name: GR:0080049 def: "OsNAS3 gene is expressed in cells involved in long-distance transport of Fe. The OsNAS3 transcript was present in leaves but was very low in roots of Fe-sufficient plants. With Fe-deficiency, OsNAS3 expression was induced in roots but was suppressed in leaves. Irrespective of Fe status, OsNAS3 expression was restricted to the pericycle and companion cells of the roots and in companion cells of leaves. ABA responsive element (ABRE)-like motif was found in OsNAS3 promoter, it would be expressed in response to ABA in guard cell" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080049" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g48980" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0689600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE026121" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4344361" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YQ58" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0D3F2" RELATED [] synonym: "NAS3" RELATED [] synonym: "NA synthase gene 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAS3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080053 name: GR:0080053 def: "Rice deoxymugineic acid synthase gene, OsDMAS1, is involved in DMA biosynthesis. The enzyme activity was highest at pH 8-9.consistent with the hypothesis that DMA is synthesized in subcellular vesicles. Northern blot showed OsDMAS is up-regulated under iron-deficient conditions in root and shoot. Promoter-GUS in iron-sufficient roots showed its expression restricted to cells participating in long distance transport, and highly up-regulated in the entire root and vascular bundles in shoots tissues" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080053" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g13390" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0237100" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332187" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10PE7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0PCF5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8H011" RELATED [] synonym: "DMAS1" RELATED [] synonym: "Deoxymugineic acid synthase1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDMAS1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080060 name: GR:0080060 def: "A newly identified QTL, qSW5 (QTL for seed width on chromosome 5) which involved in the determination of grain width in rice, was cloned. Through fine mapping, complementation testing and association analysis, the results showed a deletion in qSW5 causes a significant increase in sink size owing to an increase in cell number in the outer glume (lemma) of the rice flower; the size of the rice glume is one of the determinants of rice endosperm size or grain size. As the Nipponbare allele of qSW5 is recessive, it might have acquired a defect but was selected by ancient human during domestication. [liya check]NIL (qSW5) in Nipponbare background showed more than 10% reduced grain yield, possibly as a result of reduced grain width due to Kasalath qSW5 introgression" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080060" RELATED [] synonym: "qSW5" RELATED [] synonym: "QTL for seed width on chromosome 5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080061 name: GR:0080061 def: "Prostrate growth of wild rice from Yuanjiang County in China is controlled by a semi-dominant gene, PROG1 (PROSTRATE GROWTH 1) on chromosome 7, that encodes a single Cys(2)-His(2) zinc-finger protein. prog1 variants identified in O. sativa disrupt the prog1 function and inactivate prog1 expression, leading to erect growth, greater grain number and higher grain yield in cultivated rice. Sequence comparison shows that 182 varieties of cultivated rice, including 87 indica and 95 japonica cultivars from 17 countries, carry identical mutations in the prog1 coding region that may have become fixed during rice domestication" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080061" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os7g05900" RELATED [] synonym: "PROG1" RELATED [] synonym: "PROSTRATE GROWTH 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080062 name: GR:0080062 def: "Rice GIF1 (GRAIN INCOMPLETE FILLING 1) gene that encodes a cell-wall invertase is required for carbon partitioning during early grain-filling. The cultivated GIF1 gene shows a restricted expression pattern during grain-filling compared to the wild rice allele, probably a result of accumulated mutations in the gene's regulatory sequence through domestication. Fine mapping with introgression lines revealed that the wild rice GIF1 is responsible for grain weight reduction. Ectopic expression of the cultivated GIF1 gene with the 35S or rice Waxy promoter resulted in smaller grains, whereas overexpression of GIF1 driven by its native promoter increased grain production" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080062" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g33740" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0413500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE015103" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335790" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q56UM9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01IS7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ATN8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JDC5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B5KNJ4" RELATED [] synonym: "GIF1" RELATED [] synonym: "GRAIN INCOMPLETE FILLING 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCIN2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080063 name: GR:0080063 def: "A locus for indica-japonica hybrid male sterility, Sa, is identified. Sa comprises two adjacent genes, SaM and SaF, encoding a small ubiquitin-like modifier E3 ligase-like protein and an F-box protein, respectively. Most indica cultivars contain a haplotype SaM(+)SaF(+), whereas all japonica cultivars have SaM(-)SaF(-) that diverged by nucleotide variations in wild rice. Male semi-sterility in this heterozygous complex locus is caused by abortion of pollen carrying SaM(-). This allele-specific gamete elimination results from a selective interaction of SaF(+) with SaM(-), a truncated protein, but not with SaM(+) because of the presence of an inhibitory domain, although SaM(+) is required for this male sterility. Lack of any one of the three alleles in recombinant plants does not produce male sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080063" RELATED [] synonym: "SaM" RELATED [] synonym: "SaM" RELATED [] synonym: "SaM+" RELATED [] synonym: "SaM-" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080064 name: GR:0080064 def: "A locus for indica-japonica hybrid male sterility, Sa, is identified. Sa comprises two adjacent genes, SaM and SaF, encoding a small ubiquitin-like modifier E3 ligase-like protein and an F-box protein, respectively. Most indica cultivars contain a haplotype SaM(+)SaF(+), whereas all japonica cultivars have SaM(-)SaF(-) that diverged by nucleotide variations in wild rice. Male semi-sterility in this heterozygous complex locus is caused by abortion of pollen carrying SaM(-). This allele-specific gamete elimination results from a selective interaction of SaF(+) with SaM(-), a truncated protein, but not with SaM(+) because of the presence of an inhibitory domain, although SaM(+) is required for this male sterility. Lack of any one of the three alleles in recombinant plants does not produce male sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080064" RELATED [] synonym: "SaF" RELATED [] synonym: "SaF" RELATED [] synonym: "SaF+" RELATED [] synonym: "SaF-" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0090001 name: GR:0090001 def: "Its an homologue of Arabidopsis thaliana ATxxxxx" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0090001" RELATED [] synonym: "SOC1" RELATED [] synonym: "SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CO 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSOC1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080045 name: GR:0080045 def: "IDEF2 is a novel NAC transcription factor in rice, it recognizes the iron deficiency-responsive element 2 (IDE2), predominantly CA(A/C)G(T/C)(T/C/A)(T/C/A) motif. IDEF2 transcripts are constitutively present in rice roots and leaves. IDEF2:GFP shows expression localized to the nucleus. RNAi and CRES-T analysis showed repression of IDEF2 caused aberrant iron homeostasis in rice and also down-regulated other iron-deficiency related genes, such as OsYSL2. IDEF2 bound to OsYSL2 promoter region containing the binding core site, suggesting the direct regulation of OsYSL2" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080045" RELATED [] synonym: "IDEF2" RELATED [] synonym: "IDE-binding factor 2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080046 name: GR:0080046 def: "OsNAAT1 gene encodes functional NAAT (nicotianamine aminotransferase), which catalyses the key step from nicotianamine to the 3''-keto form in muginetic acid family phytosiderophores (MAs) biosynthetic pathway. Northern blot and RT-PCR showed OsNAAT1 was strongly up-regulated by Fe deficiency in roots and shoots. OsNAAT1 Promoter-GUS revealed that OsNAAT1 was expressed in companion and pericycle cells adjacent to the protoxylem of Fe-deficient roots. OsNAAT1 contains an Fe deficiency-responsive element 1 (IDE1) like sequence at 290-273 basese upstream from the putative translation start site" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080046" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os02g20360" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE006635" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2X3V3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q6K2Y8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F575" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A9CM06" RELATED [] synonym: "NAAT1" RELATED [] synonym: "nicotianamine aminotransferase" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAAT1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080047 name: GR:0080047 def: "OsNAS1 is expressed in cells involved in long-distance transport of Fe. Transcript of OsNAS1 was detected in Fe-sufficient roots but not in leaves, and levels increased markedly in both root and leaves in response to Fe deficiency. Promoter-GUS analysis showed that OsNAS1 was expressed in Fe-sufficient roots in companion cells and pericycle cells adjacent to the proxylem. With Fe deficiency, OsNAS1 and OsNAS2 expression extended to all root cells along with an increase in phytosiderophore secretion, and vascular bundles of green leaves and in call cells of leaves showing severe chlorosis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080047" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g19427" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0307300" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE010819" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332608" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q0DSH9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XFU4" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10MI8" RELATED [] synonym: "NAS1" RELATED [] synonym: "NA synthase gene 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAS1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080048 name: GR:0080048 def: "OsNAS2 is expressed in cells involved in long-distance transport of Fe. Transcript of OsNAS2 was detected in Fe-sufficient roots but not in leaves, and levels increased markedly in both root and leaves in response to Fe deficiency. Promoter-GUS analysis showed that OsNAS2 was expressed in Fe-sufficient roots in companion cells and pericycle cells adjacent to the proxylem. With Fe deficiency, OsNAS1 and OsNAS2 expression extended to all root cells along with an increase in phytosiderophore secretion, and vascular bundles of green leaves and in call cells of leaves showing severe chlorosis" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080048" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g19420" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0307200" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332607" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2XFU5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10MI9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8AMH0" RELATED [] synonym: "NAS2" RELATED [] synonym: "NA synthase gene 2" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAS2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080049 name: GR:0080049 def: "OsNAS3 gene is expressed in cells involved in long-distance transport of Fe. The OsNAS3 transcript was present in leaves but was very low in roots of Fe-sufficient plants. With Fe-deficiency, OsNAS3 expression was induced in roots but was suppressed in leaves. Irrespective of Fe status, OsNAS3 expression was restricted to the pericycle and companion cells of the roots and in companion cells of leaves. ABA responsive element (ABRE)-like motif was found in OsNAS3 promoter, it would be expressed in response to ABA in guard cell" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080049" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os07g48980" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os07g0689600" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE026121" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4344361" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: A2YQ58" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0D3F2" RELATED [] synonym: "NAS3" RELATED [] synonym: "NA synthase gene 3" RELATED [] synonym: "OsNAS3" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080053 name: GR:0080053 def: "Rice deoxymugineic acid synthase gene, OsDMAS1, is involved in DMA biosynthesis. The enzyme activity was highest at pH 8-9.consistent with the hypothesis that DMA is synthesized in subcellular vesicles. Northern blot showed OsDMAS is up-regulated under iron-deficient conditions in root and shoot. Promoter-GUS in iron-sufficient roots showed its expression restricted to cells participating in long distance transport, and highly up-regulated in the entire root and vascular bundles in shoots tissues" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080053" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os03g13390" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0237100" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4332187" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q10PE7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0PCF5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8H011" RELATED [] synonym: "DMAS1" RELATED [] synonym: "Deoxymugineic acid synthase1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsDMAS1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080060 name: GR:0080060 def: "A newly identified QTL, qSW5 (QTL for seed width on chromosome 5) which involved in the determination of grain width in rice, was cloned. Through fine mapping, complementation testing and association analysis, the results showed a deletion in qSW5 causes a significant increase in sink size owing to an increase in cell number in the outer glume (lemma) of the rice flower; the size of the rice glume is one of the determinants of rice endosperm size or grain size. As the Nipponbare allele of qSW5 is recessive, it might have acquired a defect but was selected by ancient human during domestication.NIL (qSW5) in Nipponbare background showed more than 10% reduced grain yield, possibly as a result of reduced grain width due to Kasalath qSW5 introgression" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080060" RELATED [] synonym: "qSW5" RELATED [] synonym: "QTL for seed width on chromosome 5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080061 name: GR:0080061 def: "Prostrate growth of wild rice from Yuanjiang County in China is controlled by a semi-dominant gene, PROG1 (PROSTRATE GROWTH 1) on chromosome 7, that encodes a single Cys(2)-His(2) zinc-finger protein. prog1 variants identified in O. sativa disrupt the prog1 function and inactivate prog1 expression, leading to erect growth, greater grain number and higher grain yield in cultivated rice. Sequence comparison shows that 182 varieties of cultivated rice, including 87 indica and 95 japonica cultivars from 17 countries, carry identical mutations in the prog1 coding region that may have become fixed during rice domestication" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080061" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os7g05900" RELATED [] synonym: "PROG1" RELATED [] synonym: "PROSTRATE GROWTH 1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080062 name: GR:0080062 def: "Rice GIF1 (GRAIN INCOMPLETE FILLING 1) gene that encodes a cell-wall invertase is required for carbon partitioning during early grain-filling. The cultivated GIF1 gene shows a restricted expression pattern during grain-filling compared to the wild rice allele, probably a result of accumulated mutations in the gene's regulatory sequence through domestication. Fine mapping with introgression lines revealed that the wild rice GIF1 is responsible for grain weight reduction. Ectopic expression of the cultivated GIF1 gene with the 35S or rice Waxy promoter resulted in smaller grains, whereas overexpression of GIF1 driven by its native promoter increased grain production" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080062" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl:LOC_Os04g33740" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0413500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE015103" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez: 4335790" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot: Q56UM9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q01IS7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8ATN8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JDC5" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B5KNJ4" RELATED [] synonym: "GIF1" RELATED [] synonym: "GRAIN INCOMPLETE FILLING 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsCIN2" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080063 name: GR:0080063 def: "A locus for indica-japonica hybrid male sterility, Sa, is identified. Sa comprises two adjacent genes, SaM and SaF, encoding a small ubiquitin-like modifier E3 ligase-like protein and an F-box protein, respectively. Most indica cultivars contain a haplotype SaM(+)SaF(+), whereas all japonica cultivars have SaM(-)SaF(-) that diverged by nucleotide variations in wild rice. Male semi-sterility in this heterozygous complex locus is caused by abortion of pollen carrying SaM(-). This allele-specific gamete elimination results from a selective interaction of SaF(+) with SaM(-), a truncated protein, but not with SaM(+) because of the presence of an inhibitory domain, although SaM(+) is required for this male sterility. Lack of any one of the three alleles in recombinant plants does not produce male sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080063" RELATED [] synonym: "SaM" RELATED [] synonym: "SaM+" RELATED [] synonym: "SaM-" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0080064 name: GR:0080064 def: "A locus for indica-japonica hybrid male sterility, Sa, is identified. Sa comprises two adjacent genes, SaM and SaF, encoding a small ubiquitin-like modifier E3 ligase-like protein and an F-box protein, respectively. Most indica cultivars contain a haplotype SaM(+)SaF(+), whereas all japonica cultivars have SaM(-)SaF(-) that diverged by nucleotide variations in wild rice. Male semi-sterility in this heterozygous complex locus is caused by abortion of pollen carrying SaM(-). This allele-specific gamete elimination results from a selective interaction of SaF(+) with SaM(-), a truncated protein, but not with SaM(+) because of the presence of an inhibitory domain, although SaM(+) is required for this male sterility. Lack of any one of the three alleles in recombinant plants does not produce male sterility" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0080064" RELATED [] synonym: "SaF" RELATED [] synonym: "SaF+" RELATED [] synonym: "SaF-" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0090001 name: GR:0090001 def: "Its a homologue of Arabidopsis thaliana AT2G45660" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0090001" RELATED [] synonym: "SOC1" RELATED [] synonym: "SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CO 1" RELATED [] synonym: "OsSOC1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0144124 name: GR:0144124 def: "uncharacterized protein PA4923, putative, expressed" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0144124" RELATED [] synonym: "MSU:LOC_Os01g51210" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl_gene_ID:LOC_Os01g51210" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os01g0708500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4327684" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2WUA7" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8LR50" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0135411 name: GR:0135411 def: "uncharacterized protein PA4923, putative" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0135411" RELATED [] synonym: "MSU:LOC_Os02g41770" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl_gene_ID:LOC_Os02g41770" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os02g0628000" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE007893" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9F166" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2X7G1" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0130391 name: GR:0130391 def: "possible lysine decarboxylase domain containing protein, expressed" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0130391" RELATED [] synonym: "MSU:LOC_Os03g01880" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl_gene_ID:LOC_Os03g01880" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0109300" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4331344" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10SW3" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q8H7U8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0135960 name: GR:0135960 def: "possible lysine decarboxylase domain containing protein" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0135960" RELATED [] synonym: "MSU:LOC_Os03g49050" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl_gene_ID:LOC_Os03g49050" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0697200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE012615" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4333807" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q10EN9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q851C7" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0146015 name: GR:0146015 def: "uncharacterized protein PA4923, putative, expressed" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0146015" RELATED [] synonym: "MSU:LOC_Os03g64070" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl_gene_ID:LOC_Os03g64070" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os03g0857900" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE013770" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4334848" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q84M85" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A6N019" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2XPA2" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A3BII6" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:012600 name: GR:012600 def: "possible lysine decarboxylase domain containing protein, expressed" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:012600" RELATED [] synonym: "MSU:LOC_Os04g43840" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl_gene_ID:LOC_Os04g43840" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os04g0518800" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4336417" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XKL1" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q0JBP5" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0127906 name: GR:0127906 def: "possible lysine decarboxylase domain containing protein, expressed" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0127906" RELATED [] synonym: "MSU:LOC_Os05g46360" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl_gene_ID:LOC_Os05g46360" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0541200" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE019859" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4339472" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q5TKP8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Y708" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0167127 name: GR:0167127 def: "unknown" [] synonym: "GR:0167127" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os05g0591600" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0115095 name: GR:0115095 def: "uncharacterized protein PA4923, putative, expressed" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0115095" RELATED [] synonym: "MSU:LOC_Os09g37540" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl_gene_ID:LOC_Os09g37540" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os09g0547500" RELATED [] synonym: "BGI_indica:BGIOSIBCE030790" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:n/a" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:A2Z3Q9" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B7E7M8" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q651P9" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene [Term] id: GR:0146546 name: GR:0146546 def: "possible lysine decarboxylase domain containing protein, expressed" [] synonym: "Gramene:GR:0146546" RELATED [] synonym: "MSU:LOC_Os10g33900" RELATED [] synonym: "Rice_Ensembl_gene_ID:LOC_Os10g33900" RELATED [] synonym: "RAP:Os10g0479500" RELATED [] synonym: "Entrez:4348914" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B9G6A0" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:B8BHH6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q9FWG6" RELATED [] synonym: "Uniprot:Q7XDB8" RELATED [] is_a: GR:X111111 ! Oryza sativa gene