Item Created Submission successful.
Print and tag the item with a qr code:"; $rand = FLOOR(10000*RAND()); echo " "; echo ""; exec('cd;qrencode -o /data/www/Jaiswal-Lab/inventory/tmp-images/qr_code' . $rand . ".png '$qr_code'"); } else if($_GET['type'] == "note") { $database = "lab_inventory"; $user = "lab-inventory-user"; $password = "lab-inventory-user_pw"; $host = "floret.cgrb.oregonstate.local:3306"; $connection=mysql_connect($host,$user,$password); mysql_select_db($database); $name = $_POST['note_name']; $note = $_POST['note']; $id = $_POST['item_id']; if($id != null) { $query = "insert into notes (id,note,curator,date) values ($id,'$note','$name',$date)"; mysql_query($query); echo "Thank you for your note submission. Submission was successful, and future queries of this item will have your note attached."; } else { echo "Sorry, that is not a valid QR Code. Please rescan the item or double check the code you entered."; } } ?>